Which system is better for windows? Beware, deception: masterful deceptions of window companies. Little things are big problems

Windows, installation of plastic windows.

Work experience – since 2006.

— “We ordered the repair of plastic windows, because the rooms were cool and it seemed to us that it was because of the windows. The foreman arrived - Kashirsky Andrey, a pleasant young man, outlined a work plan (replacement of the seal and window adjustment), drew up a contract, calculated the cost (it turned out to be as we expected), and agreed on a time frame. By the way, all diagnostics were performed free of charge. The master arrived on time, did all the work professionally, the results exceeded our expectations, the rooms became really warm. When a small defect appeared a day later, the technician promptly arrived and fixed it. We are very pleased with the work of the master. We will recommend him to our friends and acquaintances.»

“It was necessary to take measurements and then install ready-made plastic windows. Everything is fine. I didn’t control, didn’t stand and didn’t watch, because with a small child, the guys did everything well. Opens, It doesn’t seem to be blowing, it hasn’t approached yet, but it’s good, it’s immediately warmer in the apartment, the sound insulation has become better, that is, the difference is immediately noticeable. With another window, if there are questions, we’ll probably deal with them. He fulfilled everything, and I still have the contract in my hands. I think that I can give the master five plus, the only thing is that I would like to live until the evening and see it, but nothing is blowing, it has become warm, despite the fact that the windows were opened when the renovation was being done, and still the room is already warm, which means nothing is blowing anywhere, everything is fine. Andrey said that if any questions suddenly arise, there is a twelve-month guarantee on the work. So everything seems to be fine, visually everything is fine. We have a small child, maybe in the future we will use the services of tutors from your company.»

Works with a partner.

Experience since 2006, started with window assembly in production, then installation, then service and repair. Repeatedly attended advanced training courses at the Schuco company. Higher education. 06/30/2017. Specialty "Management" Secondary technical 03/21/2005. Specialty "Auto mechanic"

Departure: Moscow, Moscow region, Belomorskaya.

Replacing the seal: 150-200 rubles. / linear meters ( German seal)

Replacement of accessories: from RUB 3,000. / piece

Adjustment of sashes: 400 rub.

Installation of mosquito nets: from 300 rub. / conv.

Minimum order: from 1000 rub. / conv.

On-site consultation: from 1000 rub. / conv.

Probably, no other type of activity has received as much attention in relation to the transfer to the payment of UTII as is paid to the production and installation of plastic windows. This type of activity seems to be specifically designed to teach the long-suffering accountant the intricacies of applying this special tax regime.


On the other hand, the use of UTII in relation to plastic windows is a fertile topic for numerous clarifications from the Russian Ministry of Finance, which, as is known, bring welcome certainty, but not always in the interests of the taxpayer. Regarding certainty, we note the following.

Today, the situation with understanding the use of UTII is much more stable than, say, in 2005, when the practice and views of the Ministry of Finance on many issues were just taking shape. Now we can talk about a certain established approach, which we will try to reveal, and also point out those points that the taxpayer can still use to ease the tax burden and simplify accounting.

In reality, the installation of plastic windows may include several components:

Production of standard configuration window frames intended for an indefinite number of people;

Production of window frames according to the orders of a specific consumer;

Resale of window frames from third parties - manufacturers;

The actual installation of window frames in a newly built house or as a replacement of old frames. The combination of these types of activities and the procedure for their registration affects taxation.

Here you can evaluate the use of UTII on two grounds provided for in Art. 346.26 Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

Providing household services to the population;



This type of activity is not subject to transfer to UTII payment under any circumstances. The absence in this activity of such an element as installing windows clearly does not allow us to talk about the provision of any services, including in the sense of Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the key point of such entrepreneurial activity is the production of windows. Therefore, the activity cannot be qualified as retail trade under subsection. 7 paragraph 2 art. 346.26 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Without going into the history of the issue, we note that from January 1, 2006, a clause was added to the definition of retail trade (Article 347.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), according to which the sale of products of one’s own production (manufacturing) does not apply to retail trade. Taxation of this type of activity is carried out in accordance with the general regime or the simplified tax system.

Let us also note that such business is typical for manufacturers working under supply contracts with construction companies (customers, contractors). That is, their main consumers are legal entities and the interests of potential UTII payers are almost not affected.


In this option, we can talk exclusively about the possibility of applying UTII for the type of activity “retail trade”.

Retail trade is understood as business activity related to the trade of goods (including for cash, as well as using payment cards) on the basis of retail purchase and sale contracts, with the exception of products of own production (Article 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Accordingly, it is fundamental for the application of UTII in retail trade to be the sale of window frames not produced in-house. The Ministry of Finance also agrees with this interpretation (see letter dated July 11, 2006 N 03-11-04/3/341).

“If an organization sells plastic windows to the public without installation, then this business activity relates to retail trade” (see letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 11, 2006 N 03-11-04/3/341).

With regard to the situation considered by the Ministry of Finance, we also note that for the application of UTII for retail trade, it is not important with whom retail purchase and sale agreements are concluded: with the population or with legal entities. However, in accordance with Art. 492 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a characteristic feature of a retail purchase and sale agreement is the transfer of goods intended for personal, household, family or other use not related to business activities.

In addition, legal entities extremely rarely buy window frames at retail, and the bulk of organizational buyers are construction companies that carry out large orders of window frames for houses under construction.

Consequently, relations with them are formalized, as a rule, by a supply agreement and there is no need to talk about UTII. Therefore, the most typical real-life example of UTII for the retail trade of plastic windows is the “resale” of windows to the public without installation.

Let us recall here that, according to Art. 346.29 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when carrying out retail trade through stores and pavilions with a sales floor area of ​​no more than 150 sq.m., for each trade facility, a physical indicator of the basic profitability “sales floor area in square meters” is used.

When trading through objects of a non-stationary trading network and a stationary trading network that do not have a trading floor, the physical indicator of basic profitability “trading place” is used.


Acceptance LLC sells window frames and door frames purchased from third parties. For sales purposes, Accept LLC has a small showroom with an area of ​​100 sq.m., where samples are displayed. Sales are carried out at retail, the buyer makes a choice directly on the sales floor.

If the relevant local law is adopted, the activities of Accept LLC in the sale of window frames and door frames are transferred to the payment of UTII with the physical indicator “sales area”.


In this case, we can talk about the use of UTII in relation to the entire cycle from manufacturing to window installation, subject to a number of conditions. Such activities qualify as the provision of household services to the population in accordance with Art. 346.26 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Let us immediately make a reservation that the service should be provided specifically to the population, i.e. to individuals. The same activities in relation to legal entities do not apply to household services.

The definition of activities related to the provision of household services to the population, given in Art. 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, refers the taxpayer to the All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population OK 002-93 (OKUN), approved by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated June 28, 1993 N 163 (hereinafter referred to as the Classifier).

Under code 016108, as part of household services, the Classifier provides services for the replacement and repair of window frames.

Difficulties arise with such a component of the process as window manufacturing. The Ministry of Finance in letters dated August 15, 2005 N 03-11-05/33 and dated November 28, 2006 N 03-11-04/3/510 clearly states that the manufacture of window frames is not a household service.

The main argument is that, turning to the Classifier, we really do not find there any indication of the manufacture of a window frame or its components. At the same time, as part of a number of other household services, production is indicated directly. For example, code 013400 includes “Repair and manufacture of metal products”, code 014000 - “Manufacture and repair of furniture”.

“The production of window frames does not apply to household services. In this regard, business activities for the production of plastic windows should be taxed under the general taxation regime or under the simplified taxation system” (see letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 15, 2005 N 03-11- 05/33).

Considering that the Classifier does not provide for the production of windows, one cannot help but feel the illogicality of this approach. The fact is that in most cases, the manufacture of windows is an integral part of the process of providing installation services. This type of activity is the most common, and services from manufacturing (manufacturing order) to window installation are in the highest demand.

It is quite obvious that the window frame installed by individuals is an exclusive product. And even if there are some standard window configurations, the manufacturer is simply not able to provide the range that will attract as many customers as making a custom frame. The Ministry of Finance is very artificially trying to divide one organic service into two components. Therefore, the logic of the regulatory body is not indisputable.

The norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on household contracts (Chapter 37, paragraph 2) also support the combination of manufacturing and installation. If the taxpayer works under a household contract, which is the most correct form of such a relationship, manufacturing should be considered as performing work from the contractor’s material.

Under a work contract, one party (contractor) undertakes to perform certain work on the instructions of the other party (customer) and deliver its result to the customer, and the customer undertakes to accept the result of the work and pay for it (Clause 1, Article 702 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, according to Art. 773 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the contractor’s materials are paid by the customer upon conclusion of the contract in whole or in part. The final payment is made upon receipt by the customer of the work performed by the contractor. That is, if the cost of production is included in the price of the contract for the provision of services, from the point of view of UTII, the entire cycle should be considered as a single activity for the provision of household services.

The taxpayer, as a rule, is interested in specific recommendations. Therefore, let us summarize what has been said as follows.

When manufacturing windows with subsequent installation for individuals, especially according to individual customer measurements, we recommend formalizing the relationship by concluding a household contract, including the cost of production in the price of the service.

The contract should be drawn up in such a way as to provide the regulatory authorities with as few reasons as possible for separating the manufacturing activity from the general process of services for the production and installation of plastic windows. Wording containing elements of the purchase and sale of a finished window should be avoided. Ownership of the window should be unobtrusively transferred to the customer as part of the entire service, the purpose of which is not the production of the window, but the creation of a certain result of the installation work. How to achieve the result of the service is decided by the performer.

The same should be done with the price. It would be good if you can initially calculate the cost of the finished window and by default include this cost in the price of the service, without indicating the amount as a component of the contract price. In this case, you can separately indicate in the contract the cost of the material, which corresponds to the plot of the household contract, avoiding specifying the cost of a “finished window without installation,” which also includes the cost of work on its production. The less “isolated” the manufacturing process is, the fewer reasons for tax authorities to make claims.

Let us give an example that, in the event of a dispute, will most likely provide the taxpayer with the strongest position in court.


LLC "Windows of the Capital" manufactures and sells plastic windows according to specific customer measurements with subsequent installation. A contract is drawn up with the customer, which states that the customer will compensate for the cost of the material for the work at the time of signing the contract.

The subject of the agreement is the performance by LLC "Windows of the Capital" of work on the installation of plastic windows, performed by the forces and from the materials of the LLC.

The contract price is formed as the cost of the contractor’s materials and the cost of contract work.

LLC "Windows of the Capital" applies and pays UTII in relation to all activities for the sale and installation of plastic windows as "household services provided to the population." Physical indicator of basic profitability "number of employees".


The presence of such an element as installation allows us to talk about services.

If such services are provided to the population, there are household services in accordance with the Classifier, therefore, UTII for household services is applicable.

Let us recall that the provision of such a service to a legal entity does not imply the possibility of applying UTII for household services based on the definition of household services for the purposes of Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Article 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Taxation in the latter case must be carried out in accordance with the general regime or the simplified tax system.

In the interpretation of household services offered by the Classifier, the Russian Ministry of Finance saw another reason for refusing to apply UTII (letter dated July 12, 2006 N 03-11-04/3/344). The classifier classifies only services for repair and replacement of window frames as “household”. The Ministry of Finance concludes that only those window installation services are transferred to UTII when the installation is carried out to replace existing windows. That is, the activity of installing windows on houses built by individuals is not subject to transfer to UTII!

In addition, from the “repair” of window frames provided for by the Classifier, the Ministry of Finance excludes warranty repairs of previously supplied products, since the latter is not directly named in the Classifier.

If the presence of warranty repairs can still be tracked using documents, then it is almost impossible to establish (refute) the fact that before installing new windows in a house, even a newly built one, the individual did not have other window frames installed.

Therefore, this explanation, in the author’s opinion, will not have practical application. Its meaning, however, does not become clearer from this. However, a conscientious taxpayer should apparently keep separate records of activities for the provision of services:

1) services for installing windows in newly built houses of citizens;

2) services for installing windows in houses in which window frames need to be replaced, for example due to wear and tear.

For the first type of activity, UTII will be applied. The second type of activity, according to the Ministry of Finance, cannot be characterized at all as the provision of services to the population in the sense of Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and its taxation should be carried out in accordance with the general regime or the simplified tax system.


When providing household services for the installation of window and door units from various materials, individual entrepreneurs have the right to apply UTII in 2017.


In accordance with paragraphs. 1 item 2 art. 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities can be applied by decisions of representative bodies of municipal districts, city districts, legislative (representative) government bodies of federal cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol, in particular in relation to business activities for the provision of household services.

At the same time, household services are paid services that are provided to individuals and the codes of which, in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities and the All-Russian Classifier of Products by Type of Economic Activities, are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (Article 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The list of activity codes and service codes related to household services for the purpose of applying the taxation system in the form of UTII from 01/01/2017 was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2016 No. 2496-r (hereinafter referred to as the List). (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 6, 2016 No. 03-11-06/3/72654).

This List includes OKPD2 43.32.10 “Carpentry and carpentry work”, which includes, among others, work on installing door and window blocks and frames, windows, window sashes, slatted sashes, garage doors, etc. from any materials.

Based on the conditions of the issue under consideration, in 2016 the entrepreneur provided services to the population for the installation of window and door units from various materials, using UTII. Taking into account the above, in 2017, services provided by an entrepreneur are classified as OKPD2 43.32.10 and are included in the List of activity codes and service codes related to household services for the purpose of applying the taxation system in the form of UTII.

Thus, in relation to business activities for the provision of household services for the installation of window and door blocks from various materials, individual entrepreneurs have the right in 2017 to continue to apply UTII subject to the restrictions established by paragraph 2.1 and paragraph 2.2 of Article 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and subject to the provision of this type services to individuals (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 13, 2017 No. 03-11-11/947).

An individual entrepreneur is engaged in the installation of plastic windows for individuals. persons. What tax regime should an entrepreneur apply?

Question: An individual entrepreneur is engaged in the installation of plastic windows. Those. takes dimensions from the customer, orders the window and installs it. Please tell me what taxation regime an entrepreneur should (can) apply? Interested in the possibility of simplified taxation system 6% or UTII? For now, only individuals are customers, so payments are made in cash. Is an entrepreneur required to have a cash register (online cash register) or is a strict reporting form sufficient?

Answer: In relation to the activities of selling and installing plastic windows, individual entrepreneurs have the right to apply both the simplified tax system and the UTII.

The options and conditions for applying UTII in relation to this type of activity are described in detail below in the recommendation.

If an individual entrepreneur applies UTII in relation to the sale and installation of plastic windows as in relation to retail trade, then he has the right not to use the cash register (online cash register) (until 07/01/2018), but to issue sales receipts for the windows sold.

If an individual entrepreneur applies UTII in relation to the installation of plastic windows as in relation to household services, then he has the right not to use the CCP (online cash register) (until 07/01/2018), but to issue BSO for the services sold, which are produced in a printing house or printed with a special device. After 07/01/2018, the BSO will need to be printed using an online cash register in fiscal mode.

If the individual entrepreneur applies the simplified tax system in relation to the sale and installation of plastic windows, then the individual entrepreneur will have the right to use the proceeds from the sale of the windows themselves to run cash register receipts on the online cash register, and the individual entrepreneur has the right to use the proceeds from the sale of services for installing windows (until 07/01/2018 d.) issue BSOs that are manufactured in a printing house or printed with a special device. After 07/01/2018, the BSO will need to be printed using an online cash register in fiscal mode.


Is it possible to pay UTII from the sale and installation of plastic windows?

Yes, you can.

As a rule, activities for the sale and installation of plastic windows are carried out according to the following scheme. In the retail space where the window samples are located, the seller accepts a preliminary order from the buyer. Based on this order, a surveyor goes to the buyer, who determines the individual parameters of the order and its cost. These parameters are transmitted to the manufacturer, who fulfills the order, after which the finished windows are delivered and installed at the buyer’s premises.

Operations that fall under UTII in this scheme include:
- sale of windows manufactured by the manufacturer;
- installation of windows in the buyer's premises.

When selling windows, UTII can be paid as for activities in the field of retail trade (subclause and clause 2 of Article 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). But only on condition that the seller complies with all restrictions established for this type of business. If windows are sold at retail by their manufacturer or if sales are carried out according to samples or catalogs outside a stationary retail chain, UTII cannot be used (Article 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

When installing windows, UTII can be paid as for activities providing household services to the population (subclause 1, clause 2, article 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). According to OKPD, such services are classified as work on the installation of door and window units from any materials (code This group is included in the list of household services approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2016 No. 2496-r.

How to pay UTII if the same organization (the same entrepreneur) is engaged in both the sale and installation of finished windows? In this case, everything depends on the content of the contract with the buyer (customer).

If the cost of delivery and installation is included in the total cost of the order, then UTII can only be paid for one type of activity - retail trade. With this option, window installation is not recognized as an independent activity and is considered as a related service related to the sale of goods.

If the contract separately specifies the price of windows and separately the cost of their delivery and installation, then UTII will have to be paid for two types of activities. Both from retail trade and consumer services.

Similar clarifications are contained in letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 24, 2013 No. 03-11-06/3/14365, dated December 7, 2012 No. 03-11-11/365 and dated August 30, 2012 No. 03-11- 11/264.

Sometimes organizations that sell and install plastic windows provide additional services to consumers. Namely, they accept orders for the production of windows according to individual parameters and involve third parties in the execution of these orders. This type of business does not fall under UTII. Neither as the provision of household services, nor as retail trade. In such situations, we are talking about activities within the framework of a contract. And on income from this activity, taxes must be paid either according to the general or simplified taxation system. The legality of this approach is confirmed by arbitration practice (see, for example, the ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 2015 No. 310-KG15-8892, the resolution of the Arbitration Court of the Central District dated May 25, 2015 No. F10-1399/2012).

In what cases can strict reporting forms be used for cash payments?

Until July 1, 2018, instead of cash registers, when providing paid services to the public, an organization can use strict reporting forms, which are produced in a printing house or printed with a special device. After this date, the BSO must be printed using fiscal mode. This means that all data on payments to the population for services will be sent to the tax office. It will be impossible to use regular BSOs.

This procedure follows from paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ, paragraph 8 of Article 7 of the Law of July 3, 2016 No. 290-FZ.

In what cases should CCT be used?

The plastic window market is a scam market. No, of course, there are conscientious and reliable companies, and there are quite a lot of them. But compared to the number of fly-by-night companies that appear every year closer to summer, they are in the minority. This means that it is necessary to exercise special vigilance and caution when working with window manufacturers and installers.

Watch the following videos to prove that we are not making this up.

These are the first three videos on YouTube for the query “plastic window scams”:

  • Fraudsters left a pensioner from Kuibyshev without money and the promised plastic windows
  • The scammer left gullible citizens without money and without windows
Often victims of scammers
It's the retirees who become

On the first page of the Yandex news feed for the same request, you can find information indicating that in the last three months alone, glazing scams have been uncovered in the following Russian cities:

  • Nizhny Novgorod
  • Astrakhan
  • Rybinsk
  • Ryazan
  • Volgograd.

Please note again that we are only talking about cases that have been resolved to date.

Typical scheme of scammers:

  • Start working by mentioning brands that inspire trust among customers. For example, say that the company produces translucent structures with a Rehau profile.
  • Inform as many people as possible about incredibly large discounts in order to increase the flow of orders.
  • Over time, develop a client base sufficient to receive the desired amount of money (some scammers limit themselves to a dozen clients, others recruit large corporate orders, the amount of which amounts to hundreds of thousands of rubles).
  • Receive prepayment or full payment under the contract from a large group of clients.
  • Disappear.

In 2013, it became known that a company operating in Vladivostok under the well-known brand “Windows of Growth” had collapsed. The management disappeared without a trace, along with the advance payment received from clients for the installation of plastic windows. As it turned out during the investigation, the Moscow company had nothing to do with the company that borrowed its name. The scheme of the scammers was standard: first, an advance payment was collected from clients, then the employees fed them “breakfast”, promising that the installation would be completed soon, after which the company disappeared.

How to recognize an unscrupulous company

In fact, everything is not that difficult. Here are the main signs:

Recognize scammers completely
real - if you behave
  • The organizational and legal form is individual entrepreneur as the cheapest option.
  • Work on the market for less than a year.
  • Lack of a website and any information about the company on the Internet, including reviews.
  • Offering suspiciously low prices, too large discounts.
  • The desire to receive 100% prepayment under the glazing contract.
  • Advertising on free websites, in newspapers in the “private advertisements” section.
  • Lack of contact information, the manager insists on visiting the house.
  • The company has an office, but it does not inspire confidence.
  • The competence of the employees leaves much to be desired; they cannot answer specific questions.
  • Lack of product quality certificates.
  • Excessive guarantee.

But some are more subtle...

The bulk of scammers are fly-by-night companies, but there are also companies that have been working on the market for quite a long time, deceiving clients over and over again, which the latter do not even suspect.

What profile are your windows made from?

If you think that the manager’s answer to this question will tell you everything about the quality of the window, you are very deeply mistaken.

In order to produce a high-quality plastic window, you need expensive modern equipment, special stands for setting up fittings and checking welds, and, of course, qualified craftsmen. Only a large manufacturer can afford this. The build quality is very difficult to determine by eye, so you should just ask the seller who the manufacturer is.

Little things are big problems

The quality of the fittings determines the convenience and service life of the window. The undisputed leaders in this segment are German manufacturers - Roto, Siegenia-Aubi, Maco. But even if a company offers reliable accessories, this does not mean that it does not save money.

In the vast majority of cases, cheap and low-quality windows do not have the following installed:

Opening limiter (comb)- allows you to fix the open sash in both the rotary and folding positions. In cheap models, even this is not installed, not to mention multi-stage micro-slit ventilation systems, valves and other devices.

Erroneous action blocker- allows you to fix the sash so that the window does not hang on the lower hinge if the handle of the open sash is switched to tilt mode. It not only provides convenience and guarantees long service life, but is also responsible for the safety of health and life (one day a heavy sash may fall out of the opening).

Striker- is responsible for the tightness of the vestibule; their number in one window cannot be less than four, otherwise there will be blowing from the window, and ice formation is also possible.

Aluminum handles. Quality handles are made from aluminum and then coated with plastic. Cheap windows use plastic handles, which break down very quickly.

And there are also slopes

Which normally should be made from sandwich panels, and not from cheaper plastic ones. Fungus and mold do not form on such panels, and most importantly, they have improved thermal insulation.

The joints of the slopes should be sealed not with silicone sealant, which can come off in a month, but with liquid plastic, which, moreover, perfectly matches the color of the panel.

But that's not all

How do you feel about your nervous system? Some window companies, even offering high-quality windows, do not care at all about how much worry their customers will have to endure due to their fault.

Common problems include:

Are you paying
window company
for rudeness?
  • Missing deadlines without informing the client about it. Very often this situation arises: there is an agreement that a surveyor or installation team should arrive at a certain time. The client takes time off from work, waits, and the company simply forgets about the order, or the specialist appears with a long delay. And it’s good if the delay is only an hour or two. What if it’s six or eight?
  • Rudeness of employees. Why is this also a hoax? Why not? If you contact any company and pay money, you have every reason to expect polite and attentive treatment, competent answers to all your questions. When they talk to you as if you are also guilty... the lie is obvious.
  • Incorrect calculations. There are often cases when the customer is told one price when concluding a contract, but after installation it turns out that it is 20-30% higher. The fact is that many companies do not immediately include delivery and installation in the price. Despite the fact that the customer, without being notified of additional costs, has the right to defend his interests, few people want to waste time and effort going through the courts.

Need I say that when dealing with a normal company, such things will never happen?

How to find a guaranteed reliable company for installing plastic windows?

Well, for example, use the review database on the Okna Media portal: this is the only Russian resource that contains the most complete information about the window market.

Another win-win option is to contact a company that has been around for a long time, has thousands of reviews from customers and occupies high positions in ratings. However, the choice is always yours.

Should I order windows from dealers? Why not? The main thing is to make sure that the company really is an official representative and has permission to use the trademark. This is confirmed by the presence of an appropriate certificate certified by the signature of the general director and the company’s seal, as well as certificates of conformity for products. As a rule, a list of official dealers is always presented on the company’s website; you can always clarify this information by calling the hotline.

What if there are no representatives of large companies in your city?

Then you must act in accordance with the following rules:

The best option is to use
recommendations from friends
and good friends
  • Order windows from those companies that your friends recommend (it is advisable that the windows have been with them for 3-4 years, since some shortcomings in the installation and the design itself only appear after a certain time).
  • If you don’t have such acquaintances, you need to contact a company that has been working on the market for more than two years. Or better yet, even longer.
  • Don’t be shy to ask for a full package of documents: a certificate of registration with the tax authorities, product certificates, contracts with the manufacturing plant. Particular attention should be paid to the last point: if the manager is not ready to provide contracts, there is a high probability that the windows are literally produced “in the basement,” which means their quality is guaranteed to be low.
  • Find out who exactly will carry out the installation work and find out the qualifications of the craftsmen.
  • Do not sign an agreement without thoroughly familiarizing yourself with the deadlines for its execution: they should not be the subject of a verbal agreement.

And most importantly. If you do encounter scammers, contact law enforcement as soon as possible. The chance of getting your money back is slim, but the sooner the police start looking for the criminals, the more likely it is that the case will be resolved successfully.

Let the experts evaluate the quality

Our manager is at your home. For consultation, accurate measurements and concluding an agreement at home, we suggest using the “Mobile Office” service.