How to make a stand for a drill with your own hands? Do-it-yourself universal stand for a drill Do-it-yourself homemade stand for a drill

Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

For home craftsmen who actively use hand tools, additional accessories only help simplify the work process. We will tell you how to make a drill stand with your own hands using the provided drawings. This stand diversifies the working capabilities of this toolkit. Its creation will not take a lot of time and money, but the result will be noticeable immediately.

DIY drill stand

Advantages and nuances of the rack

By placing the drill on such a structure (can be of the same type or with the ability to rotate), you can easily turn an ordinary drill into a functional drilling machine. And this, in turn, will allow you to perform many new technological actions, for example, creating.

A DIY drill stand has many advantages. But despite this, it is worth learning about its features in advance in order to operate with it competently in the future.

The advantages include.

  1. Creating such a design will cost several times less than buying a ready-made model for drilling in a store.
  2. To construct a drilling machine, you can use ordinary materials that you have on hand. Components can be parts of broken or unnecessary equipment. There is always plenty of this stuff in the garage or workshop.
  3. Schemes and practical videos are easy to find on the Internet, so the basis for creating a machine will always be available to you.
  4. If you have a great desire, you can always supplement the design or create drawings according to your own characteristics. Perhaps such a model will be more convenient to use and will have more functionality.

A simple stand made in China is inexpensive but also impractical.

But, like any other do-it-yourself design, such a stand has some nuances that should not be missed:

  • Not all parts can be made independently. Some require creation on a lathe. In addition, you will need a welding machine and other specialized equipment. Of course, this increases the budget for creating this device;
  • Backlash occurs due to the fact that the equipment parts cannot be adjusted to the highest possible quality at home. The presence of play reduces the accuracy and quality of processing performed on the rack;
  • poor functionality. For example, you will not be able to make a hole at an angle on such a homemade drill stand.

Low functionality is not an obstacle to performing many useful operations

Main parts of the drill stand

Before you start manufacturing, it’s worth understanding what basic elements make up the entire structure. This is the only way you will get the maximum result with, for example.

Diagram of a stand for a home-made drill

If the creation of such equipment is necessary only to do only drilling, then the structure can be made from the most affordable material - wooden blocks. But to create a mobile drill stand that will become more functional and versatile, you will have to use steel elements. For example, for subsequent operations during . Such equipment has the following design.

  1. Bearing frame. All parts of the future drilling machine are attached to it.
  2. Rack. It is a guide for hand tools. It is on this stand that the drill will be mounted and moved vertically complete with the carriage (the movement is regulated by the handle and other parts).
  3. Pen. The part with the help of which the drill moves (feeds).
  4. Additional elements (nodes). They give the rack more functionality.

Homemade stand option

Installation of a self-made stand for hand tools is quite simple. In order for the functionality to increase, it is necessary to equip the structure with additional components. In this way, you will create a versatile tool that can handle a variety of tasks in your workshop.

Necessary materials

If you want the drill rack you created yourself to be as correct and of the highest quality as possible, then you should carefully follow the provided manufacturing diagram. Below are instructions for making a simple drill stand out of wood. You'll need:

  • wooden boards 20 mm;
  • small box;
  • furniture guides;
  • a rod that is threaded (to organize a movable area of ​​the structure);
  • screws or self-tapping screws (about 20 short and about 30 long);
  • wood glue;
  • saw;
  • clamp;
  • screwdrivers;
  • drill;
  • sandpaper for final sanding of the structure.

Wood model drawing

Of course, there can be many options for its construction. You must focus on your own abilities and needs.


The supporting frame is one of the main elements of the entire structure. It is constructed from a sheet of metal (10 mm) or wood (more than 20 mm). The power and massiveness of this element should be calculated directly from the power of the drill model used. The parameters also depend on what exactly you will do with this equipment and what operations you want to perform. Traditional parameters are:

  • 50 x 50 cm – machine for vertical drilling;
  • 100 x 50 cm - equipment for performing various technological operations.

The metal frame must have corners

In fact, the bed has a simple design, regardless of the material used. You can even make it from scrap materials. A stand is installed on top of the frame. In order for it to be reliable and stable, a special support is needed. The fastening must be as strong and reliable as possible. To do this, use screw connections.


The stand on which the tool guides will be placed can also be made of wood or metal. It is necessary to make not only guides for the drill (with their help the drill can move vertically), but also a clamp necessary for securely fixing the tool and ensuring a safe working process.

Assembly occurs according to the following scheme.

  1. It is necessary to fix the support on the frame, which serves as a stand for the entire structure.
  2. Next, you should fix the stand of the future machine on the base. To do this, use screw connections. The stand is then connected to the base.
  3. The guides are mounted on the rack. To fix them, you can use telescopic furniture devices.
  4. Then you should install the carriage, which should be placed on the movable part of the guides. This is where the mount for fixing the drilling tool will be located.

The stand can be made of metal profile

When choosing guides for a homemade drilling structure, make sure that there is no transverse play in them.

The carriage, which can be made of wood or metal, has dimensions that directly depend on the parameters of the tool itself, which will be used to work on the machine. This design unit, which is installed on a drilling machine, can have several variations.

  1. The drill can be secured using clamps. In this scheme, such clamps must be threaded into the holes that must first be made in this carriage. Reliability of fastening is ensured by tightly tightening each clamp.
  2. The tool can be secured with a special block. It is the bracket on which the drill is mounted. Such an element can be made from a slab (wooden). It is placed near the carriage and attached to it. The angle should be 90 0, which is achieved thanks to metal corners. Before fastening, a hole is made with a smaller drill diameter of 0.5 mm. Then a slot is created through which you can insert the tool into the seating hole.

The hole in the block, which is intended to accommodate the drill, is created as follows.

  1. Mark a circle on the surface of the block you are using. Its diameter should be similar to the diameter of the drill used.
  2. Inside the circle it is necessary to drill holes with a small diameter, which are placed in a line. In this case, you should be extremely careful and stick to the basting line.
  3. Using a hacksaw or other suitable tool, cut the walls that were formed after drilling the holes.
  4. The resulting edges in the resulting hole for hand drilling tools should be processed so that they become smooth and safe. To do this, they should be processed with a file. You can also use a semicircular file.

Stand and carriage made of wood on furniture rails

Creating a mechanism for moving the drill vertically

If you have a homemade stand in your project, then you need to ensure that the tool moves in a vertical plane. Thanks to this, the drilling process will be complete and efficient. This structural unit consists of:

  • handles that bring the carriage with the drill placed on it to the part that is being processed;
  • spring, which is required to ensure that the carriage with the tool returns to its original position.

The creation of such a mechanism can be done in two ways.

Option 1. The spring is connected directly to the handle of the structure.

Option 2. Springs are placed at the bottom of the carriage. For this purpose, special grooves are provided in advance.

The first option can be done using the algorithm below.

  1. Two metal plates should be fixed to the structure’s post. Fixation occurs using screw connections. An axle is mounted between the plates. It is on this that the handle of the device will be placed.
  2. On the other side of the rack there is a similar structure with plates and an axis. It is on it that one of the ends of the spring is fixed. The second end is attached to the handle.
  3. The longitudinal groove that is made in the handle should accommodate a pin. Thanks to it, the handle is combined with the carriage of the structure.

Drill mounting options

By collecting available materials and spending some time creating, you can build a useful device for your workshop. After all, a stand for a drill, designed with your own hands, as in the photo, is a completely doable task for everyone. With it, your hand tool will acquire many useful functions that will be useful to you.

The drill stand allows you to expand the range of action of the tool. It won't be difficult to do it yourself. A drill placed on a stand, including a rotary one, becomes an effective multifunctional machine that can be used for a variety of technical work. This article and video will help you figure out how to make a stand for a drill with your own hands.

Pros and cons of creating a drill stand for a drill with your own hands

In building homemade drill stand, the following positive aspects can be highlighted:

  • You can freely find drawings and videos detailing the stages of making a homemade stand for a drill with your own hands;
  • a machine made by yourself will cost less than a purchased factory model;
  • it is always possible to make a drilling machine of a certain design that will have the necessary functionality and characteristics, and will also be more convenient to use than existing models;
  • You can assemble a stand for a drilling device from components available at hand, for example, using elements of old broken equipment.

The homemade device also has a number of disadvantages, from which the following can be distinguished:

  • the elements of the drilling device are not adjusted as precisely as possible, as a result of which backlash may occur, which reduces the processing accuracy;
  • for the manufacture of certain parts you may need: a welding machine, a lathe and other equipment that increases the cost of manufacturing the rack;
  • a homemade stand has limited functionality and is unsuitable for working at an inclined angle.

Making a drill stand with your own hands

The drill stand can be made from various materials, which are sure to be found in the household. To understand in more detail the steps of making a drill holder with your own hands, you can watch the video at the end of the article.

Assembling the main rack parts

The functionality of the machine largely depends on the power of the drilling mechanism. Diagram 1 shows a possible option for assembling a stand for a drill.

Scheme 1. Option for a homemade holder.

If you need a device that only performs standard drilling operations, then the structure can be assembled from wooden elements. If the assembled device must perform a variety of functions and be mobile, then its design must contain steel parts. The stand for the drill includes the following elements:

  • supporting frame for fastening the main elements;
  • a stand on which a drilling device with a carriage is mounted and moves along a vertical axis;
  • a handle that is responsible for moving the drill and the tool attached to it along the vertical axis;
  • special units that expand the functionality of the machine.

Using drawing 1, you can assemble one of the options for a homemade drill stand.

Drawing 1. Option for making a homemade holder.

This DIY drill stand is easy to install. Installation of additional components will allow the product to be used for various technological operations.

Assembly of the bed

To make the frame, you will need a wooden board with a thickness of 20 mm or a metal sheet with a thickness of 10 mm. The total weight of the frame depends on the power of the drill that will be used in the design. The size of the bed is selected depending on the type of work that will be performed on this equipment. The following general recommendations exist:

  • the product for various technical operations must have a size of 1000x500 mm;
  • the machine used in vertical drilling should have a size of 500x500 mm.

The bed consists of a fairly simple structure. Using a special support, the stand is secured in a vertical position. The structure is secured using screws.

Assembling the stand

Also suitable for assembling the base metal or wood. The rack contains guide elements for a manual drilling device and a clamp for fixing them. The stages of making a rack can be studied in the video at the end of the article. In general, you should follow a certain sequence:

  1. The support is fixed to the device frame.
  2. The stand is fixed to the base using screws and connected to the support.
  3. The guides, in the form of telescopic furniture devices, are fixed to the rack.
  4. The carriage and fastenings for holding the drill are installed on the movable section of the guides.

Guides for the machine should not have lateral play. The carriage is assembled from wood or metal, and its length depends on the dimensions of the drill. There are two options for attaching a structural unit with a movable stand for drilling:

  1. The drill is fixed with clamps. In this case, clamps are inserted into the drilled holes in the carriage. Tightening the clamps clamps the drill and securely fixes it to the surface of the carriage.
  2. The drill is fixed with a block. The block is a wooden bracket attached to the surface of the carriage at an angle of 90 degrees using metal squares. A hole is drilled in the block to secure the drill. The diameter of the tool should be 0.5 mm larger than the hole size. A slot is made that allows the tool to be installed in the hole.

A hole in the surface of the block is drilled in accordance with the following steps:

  1. In accordance with the diameter of the drill, a circle is drawn on the block.
  2. Small holes are drilled in the circle, not touching its edges.
  3. The holes are connected using lines cut with a hacksaw.
  4. The edges of the hole are smoothed using a rounded needle file or file.

Assembling the driving mechanism for a vertical drill

For a homemade machine, you need to assemble a device that ensures the movement of the tool along vertical axis. The production of such a mechanism consists of two stages:

  1. Installation of a handle that will ensure the supply of the drill to the part for processing.
  2. Installing a spring that will move the carriage to its original position.

The spring can be placed in the lower grooves of the carriage or connected to the handle of the device.

Installation of the spring attached to the handle is carried out in several stages:

  1. Two metal plates are secured with screws to the stand.
  2. The plates and axle are installed on the other side of the rack surface.
  3. The end of the spring is attached to the axle, the other end is fixed to the handle.
  4. A pin connecting the handle and the carriage is installed in the longitudinal groove.

When the spring is located at the bottom of the device, the handle is secured by two springs and moves using an axis. The springs, in this case, are placed in the grooves of the guide elements and are limited in movement using metal corners.

A machine with springs located at the bottom works as follows: the carriage with a drill, while drilling, lowers and presses on the springs. After the end of the action, the springs unclench and return the drill on the carriage to its original state.

Collection of additional components for a homemade machine

Installation of additional mechanisms will allow the machine to perform drilling at an angle and some simple turning and milling type operations.

For milling work, you will need to create a mechanism that moves the part along a horizontal axis. In this case, a movable table with a horizontal tabletop is used, which has a vice that secures the part. The movement of such a table can be ensured by a handle and a screw gear mechanism.

The machine can be used for drilling at an angle if you install a rotary plate with holes arranged in an arc on it. An axis fixed to the stand will rotate the plate. The carriage with the drill must be attached to this plate. Holes located in the plate at an angle of 30, 45 and 60 degrees fix the position of the head. The mechanism is assembled in the following order:

  1. Holes are drilled in the center of the surfaces of the rotating plate and the stand, which will allow the axle to pass through.
  2. Using a protractor, holes are measured and drilled on the surface of the rotating plate at the required angles of inclination.
  3. Using bolts and axial holes, the plate and the stand are connected.
  4. To secure the rotating plate, three holes are drilled on the rack for attaching pins that will give it direction.

To work on such a machine, a plate with a drill, at a certain angle, is fixed with pins. Such a machine can also be used for turning operations, placing a drill with a plate along the horizontal axis.

The machine, made by hand, has high versatility at work. But it is not suitable for working with large-sized parts, since it cannot be equipped with a large cutting mechanism.

Many craftsmen specializing in construction and repair work use drill stands. This device allows you to get something like a machine, which makes the drilling process simpler and more convenient. Moreover, processing of workpieces will take less time. All these benefits are easy to appreciate. So, all you need to do is make a stand for the drill with your own hands.

Design Features

Racks designed for fixing the drill are stationary devices. If you wish, you can here install a hammer drill, screwdriver and any other instrument. If we are talking about a device created with your own hands, then it will be possible to attach units of almost any size to it. Thanks to the use of racks, you can make really precise holes, as well as accurately process products made from various materials, including plastic and wood.

If we talk about factory products, the kit usually includes a yew with a release mechanism, which ensures quick fixation. Moreover, this makes working on the machine truly safe. Standard devices are lightweight and small in size, which means they can be safely used at home.

Most racks are collapsible, and some models, if necessary, can be modified with your own hands, which will allow change fit dimensions, as well as drilling depth. However, it should be remembered that such a device is not capable of completely replacing a drilling machine. This is only possible if a truly powerful electric motor is installed.

Some people prefer to buy ready-made equipment. They know firsthand that in such racks there can be backlashes, due to which the accuracy of the work is significantly reduced. Such a defect can be eliminated with your own hands. To do this, just carefully tighten the nuts or use gaskets.

Pros and cons of a homemade product

Many craftsmen decide to make a stand with their own hands, because it has there are many advantages:

Naturally, at the machines There may be some disadvantages:

  • during the assembly process, loose installation will lead to play, which will make processing inaccurate;
  • due to the use of a tripod, it will not be possible to drill the workpiece at an angle;
  • Some models may require expensive parts to assemble.

Making a device yourself

If you decide to make a device for fixing a drill yourself, remember that this is a labor-intensive task that will take a lot of time. However, in any case, this is more profitable than buying a ready-made device.

It is important to decide on the type of product. So, you can make a stand or something like a drilling machine. These varieties have their own design features, which should be taken into account.

Making a Drill Stand

To make a simple stand for a small instrument, MDF or chipboard is suitable. Such a base must be rectangular. Here it is important to prepare several holes to fix the product to the work surface.

The guide is usually an aluminum pipe. If desired, you can take a steel product or an aluminum profile. A guide 0.5 m high is carefully fixed to the surface. To do this, it is worth welding a sheet of metal. To make the whole structure simpler, it is recommended to use a pair of guides.

To ensure that the drill can move freely in the required direction, it is important to use limiting clamps. For the same purpose, other clamps, under which non-slip material is placed, are fixed on a chipboard platform. Many craftsmen additionally install springs. Thanks to them, after making a hole, the drill rises automatically.

Prepared stand mounted on guides. It is important to make sure that the connection is really strong. The drill itself is fixed using clamps and a gasket. The last element provides vibration damping.

It is important to attach a handle to the platform, which is responsible for moving the drill. It is also worth taking care of the presence of a console. It is this that will make the fixation truly reliable. This will indeed be the case if the shape and dimensions of the stand coincide with the identical parameters of a drill or other tool.

When all the elements are ready, you can begin assembling the rack. The parts are fixed tightly and carefully to avoid possible backlash. You can additionally place clamps on the surface, as well as a protractor and several rulers.

Not all craftsmen decide to create with their own hands similar to a drilling machine for permanent installation of a drill or other tool. It's actually not difficult. It is enough to first prepare the stand according to the description indicated earlier, after which it remains to make a few changes to the design.

Many experts say that using a drill mounted on a drilling machine is not very convenient due to the size of the tool. It is for this reason that the unit can be disassembled and only its main internal elements can be installed.

When all actions are completed, the machine is considered ready. It turns out simple, compact and lightweight, which makes it really convenient to use. By the way, it is not necessary to disassemble the drill for these purposes. You can install a working motor that was previously installed on any old household appliance, after which all you have to do is purchase an additional cartridge.

Many craftsmen who are forced to frequently work with a drill use special stands. Such equipment simplifies the drilling process and makes the processing of parts as accurate as possible. Moreover, if you wish, you can make an entire drilling machine with your own hands, which will take an important place in any workshop.

A drill stand is a stationary device for holding drilling tools. Designed to make work easier and increase the accuracy and quality of results. For industrial scale there are many factory-made models; for home use, homemade tripods are acceptable. Can be used for hammer drills and screwdrivers.

Before you start working, you need to familiarize yourself with the drawings of drill racks with your own hands and choose the optimal model for yourself. There are many options for execution, but they are all united by common principles.


A do-it-yourself drill stand must be massive. This ensures the stability of the structure and its strength. You can use a sheet of wood or metal as a support. The size of the metal frame is suitable from 50 * 50 * 1.5 cm. Plywood, chipboard, or MDF will need more volume - 60 * 60 * 3 cm. If the device is planned to be used not only for drilling, but also for turning and milling work, then you will need a plate 100*60*30. For a multifunctional machine, it is better to use stainless steel with low susceptibility to heat.

The stand is attached strictly vertically to the stand, which ensures accurate operation of the tool and prevents drill breakage and defects in the workpiece. The height of the part will need to be at least 60 cm. It can be made of the same material as the stand. Some craftsmen use an unnecessary photo enlarger, a broken microscope, pipes, metal profiles or a car steering axle as a tripod.

The travel mechanism is used to move the tool vertically. It can be made like a jack, on springs or on hinges. A design in which, instead of moving the drill, the workpiece itself is lifted is acceptable.

The bracket is made taking into account the shape of the tool. The design can be modified, the only condition is that it firmly holds the drill, preventing tilt or arbitrary movement under the influence of vibration.

Additional equipment increases the functionality of the source code. There is a way to introduce the ability to drill at an angle. It is easy to increase the comfort for the master with built-in measuring instruments and reliable vice-mounts.

Homemade examples

Thoughtful design taking into account your needs will increase the efficiency of use. For rare and simple jobs, ready-made simple solutions are suitable. Any of them can be modified at your discretion or used as a basis for your own developments. The main thing is to ensure the stability of the product fastenings.

Stand with spring mechanism

A simple example to implement at home. The functionality is limited, but the design is reliable and functional. Does not require specific tools, soldering or other manipulations with metal for assembly.

For production you will need:

  • wooden slabs;
  • metal corners;
  • bar;
  • spring;
  • clamp;
  • screws;
  • wing bolt.

You should cut out a support for the drill feed mechanism. The resulting part measuring 50*12.5*1.5 cm will become the basis for securing the remaining components. Do-it-yourself manufacturing may turn out to be unreasonably time-consuming, so their role in such a model will be played by 2 furniture profiles 3.5 * 3.0 * 1.5 cm. They are attached to the edges of the future tripod. It is more convenient to try on and adjust movable parts before assembling the device, so the resulting workpiece is put aside.

The slider on which the holder for a vertical drill will be attached is a wooden rectangle measuring 19*10*1.5 cm. If necessary, the dimensions are adjusted so that movement along the guides is comfortable, without jerking or getting stuck.

A bracket is attached to the slider. It can be assembled from boards in the shape of a hollow parallelepiped. The lower side of the figure is equipped with a round opening for fixing the tool. The end is sharpened to fit the body. Alternative fastening with a clamp and screws is acceptable. You can prevent scratches on the device and seal the connectors using a rubber gasket.

The stop for the spring is cut out of wood, the size is adjusted experimentally. Many craftsmen prefer collapsible designs, so in this design it is recommended to fasten the workpiece to a tripod with a wing bolt. The spring is attached by its sides to the stop and bracket.

The stand is secured to the frame using a perpendicularly installed wooden plank or metal corners. A slider is placed in the grooves of the profiles, the stop is screwed with a bolt from below. The design is tested, the final adjustment of parts, sealing of fasteners and tightening of screws and clamps are carried out.

Screw jack model

Such a homemade product will require welding manipulations. Movement along the guides is carried out by rotating the handle. This reduces the speed of operation, but fixing the height is more reliable than the example above.


The bracket is made according to the dimensions of the case or replaced with a special vice. The future holder is welded to a round bushing. The nut is fixed using the same method on the opposite side of the part.

Threaded pin and pipe are installed on the base so that the distance between them does not interfere with the free movement of the sleeve, and the nut slides smoothly along the thread. The guide should be firmly fixed, and grooves should be prepared for the pin to ensure its rotation around its axis.

A handle is soldered to one of the edges of the disk plane. The center of the workpiece is connected to the end of the pin. After the test and final fitting of the parts, the points of contact with the tool are covered with rubber or thick non-slip fabric.

If you often do repair work, you can make a drill stand yourself. Drawings of these devices will be presented in the article. Perhaps they can help you. This device allows you to get a kind of machine, which facilitates the drilling process and makes it more convenient. It is easier to process workpieces in this way; manipulations will not take much time. You can understand the advantages of such a machine yourself by performing a stand.

Area of ​​use of the machine

If you decide to make a stand for a drill with your own hands, you should first study the instructions. However, it is important to understand whether you need such equipment. In general, a drilling machine is used to create individual items that can be difficult to purchase in a store. Some craftsmen like to create everything with their own hands, even if some products are easy to find on sale.

Craftsmen quite often face the need to drill the most accurate holes in workpieces. It can be quite difficult to perform such work by weight or on your knees. For this purpose, a holder is used, which allows you to fix the tool with the equipment. It will all depend on you - which drill to use. The choice will be influenced by the nature of the actions performed.

Radio amateurs, for example, make electronic circuit boards using drills from 0.3 mm. If there is a deviation from the right angle, the drill will simply burst. Only a miniature drilling machine can solve this problem, but it is quite expensive. There is only one way out - a universal stand for a drill. You can do it with your own hands. Using available materials for the machine, you can make blind and through holes, cut threads and drill a perpendicular hole in a thin workpiece.

Design features of the drilling machine

If you decide to make a tabletop drilling machine with your own hands, you should definitely consider diagrams of such devices. From them you can understand what elements are included in the unit. The tool is usually mounted on vertical, secure stands and can be moved freely up and down. The stand is installed vertically and mounted on a massive plate in the lower part, which is called the frame.

In order to ensure safe operation of the tool, it is better to supplement the design with a protective screen and a lock against accidental activation. When creating a stand yourself, you must take care of safety measures; they include the need to prevent it from falling into the hands of children. It is important to equip the equipment with soft pads that will dampen vibration and are located in the places where the tool is attached. It is important to exclude poor assembly, because then a slight tremor will occur, which will contribute to a disruption of the centering and a shift in the center of gravity.

Before making a machine from a drill with your own hands, you should definitely consider the drawings in order to borrow one of them or make it yourself. Fastening of wood structures is carried out with self-tapping screws. Corners are used for this. The tool attachment point can be made collapsible, equipped with removable clamps, or the tool can be firmly built in. One of the important parts of the device is the movable skid unit. The drill and drill will move along it during operation. When making a homemade stand for a drill, furniture pieces are often used for the runners.

Design Features

The above-mentioned stand is used to secure the drill, which can be converted into a stationary attachment. If you wish, you can modify other tools such as a screwdriver and hammer drill in this way. If you make the device yourself, you can attach units of almost any size to it.

The stands allow you to make precise holes and process products made from different materials, such as wood or plastic. If we are talking about a factory design, then the kit usually includes a release mechanism, which is necessary for quick fixation. This makes working on the machine safe.

Standard devices are small in size and weight, which indicates that they can be used in everyday life. Typically, racks are collapsible, and some models can be modified with your own hands. Such manipulations involve changing the landing dimensions and drilling depth. But such devices do not replace a drilling machine. This will only be possible if a powerful electric motor is installed.

You can, of course, purchase ready-made equipment, but such racks usually face problems with backlash, due to which the accuracy of the work leaves much to be desired. You can eliminate such a defect yourself; to do this, tighten the nuts or use gaskets.

Reviews of homemade products

If you decide to make a rack for the drawings you should first consider. One of them can be prepared independently. However, you should first read the reviews of home craftsmen and specialists. Such devices, in their opinion, are good because they are affordable. Equipment can be created from scrap materials. Moreover, it can combine several functions.

But such machines also have their drawbacks. For example, during the assembly process you may encounter problems with the formation of backlashes that make processing inaccurate. Consumers emphasize that due to the use of a tripod, it is not possible to drill the workpiece at an angle. Some models may require expensive parts to assemble, which sometimes forces home craftsmen to abandon this idea.

Manufacturing instructions

Having decided to make a stand for a drill with your own hands, you need to prepare a drawing. Perhaps one of those presented in the article will suit you. The task is quite labor-intensive and will take a lot of time. But this approach is more profitable compared to purchasing a new device. To create a simple stand, you can use chipboard or MDF. These materials will form the basis of a rectangular surface, in which several holes will need to be made to attach the product to the desktop.

Aluminum pipes will act as guides. You can take an aluminum profile or steel products. A guide, the height of which is 0.5 m, is fixed on the surface. To do this, a sheet of metal should be welded. To make the whole structure simpler, you should use a pair of guides.

The drill must move in the required direction. For this, clamps are used that will act as limiters. When making a rack for the drawings, you should first consider it. Perhaps they will help you understand how to avoid mistakes. Material is placed under the clamps, and then everything is fixed on a chipboard platform.

Many craftsmen install springs, which are an addition to the machine. This allows you to make holes with automatic lifting of the drill. The prepared stand must be fixed on the guides. It is important to make sure that the connection is strong. The tool is fixed with clamps; in addition, it is necessary to use a gasket. This will reduce vibrations.

Work methodology

A handle is attached to the platform, which will be responsible for moving the tool. It is also important to take care of the console. It will make the fastening reliable. This will be so if the shape and dimensions of the stand are equal to the parameters of the drill or other tool used.

When all the elements are ready, you can begin assembling the rack. The part is fixed carefully to avoid backlash. Clamps and a protractor are additionally installed on the surface. You can supplement the design with several rulers.

Making a drilling machine

You can create something similar to install a drill or other tool that will be permanently located in the structure. These manipulations are not difficult. It will be necessary to prepare the stand using the technology described above.

Then some changes are made to the design. Using a drill on a drilling machine is not always convenient, due to the size of the tool. For this reason, the unit is first disassembled, only after its internal elements are installed.

Having examined the drawings, you can make a homemade stand for a drill with your own hands, and in the end you will get a motor and a starting device for this. The motor is mounted on a stand, which will eliminate vibration and displacement during operation of the equipment. For this purpose, gaskets are used, all clamps are tightened tightly. As a result, the size of the stand will decrease slightly.

Working on the launcher

The starting device must be placed in an insulated box. Then the wires are extended. This solution will allow the box with the trigger to be mounted on the base rather than on the stand. The cartridge is put on the shaft and carefully fixed. When all actions are completed, the machine can be considered ready. Among its main characteristics, compactness, lightness and simplicity should be highlighted, which makes its use convenient. We make a stand for a drill with our own hands using a technology that does not necessarily involve disassembling the tool. Sometimes the working engine is borrowed from old household appliances, after which all that remains is to purchase a cartridge.


Those craftsmen who often use a drill in their work use special stands. This process simplifies drilling and makes machining of workpieces as precise as possible. If you wish, you can make a drilling machine yourself, after which it will take one of the important places in any workshop.