Gas heater from the cylinder consumption. Which gas heater is better for giving, reviews of the owners. Stove with a small gas cylinder

How good it is to spend an evening at the dacha. Sit on your own veranda or terrace, look at the fire and the stars. To create an atmosphere of comfort on a cool autumn evening, gas appliances suitable for heating and lighting outdoor areas will help you.

We will show you how to choose a gas heater for a summer residence, what characteristics of the device you need to know to make a competent purchase. We have described in detail the principle of operation, analyzed their advantages and disadvantages. To help future buyers, the leading manufacturers in the segment are listed.

A gas heater is a device that emits, in addition to heat waves directed at a specific object or object, also light waves. A long-wave device heats everything that falls within its radius of action. It does not waste thermal energy for heating the air mass, which creates reasonable prerequisites for its use in the open air.

An indisputable plus of gas heaters is the autonomy of work. It is mobile, does not require connection to centralized supply networks. It can be used for forcing seedlings in a cool period, to maintain a comfortable temperature in winter glazed gardens.

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In the process of building a country house, one of the main tasks facing the owners is to make living as comfortable as possible. And it is the arrangement of heating that plays a significant role here, because this is the main component of comfort and coziness. Consider why a gas heater for summer cottages is increasingly being chosen as a heating device, its advantages and features of use in a residential building.

If you do not live in the country permanently, but only occasionally go there to relax for a few days, then natural gas heaters for the home will be the best solution to the issue of heating. They have an affordable price, are very mobile and are able to heat quite large rooms.

The device of a gas heater involves the use of natural gas as a power source. As a result of combustion, it releases heat, which, together with infrared radiation, is transferred to surrounding objects. In turn, they give the received heat to the air.

Advantages of using household gas heaters for summer cottages:

  • high efficiency, which reaches 80%;
  • only natural gas or liquefied propane is required to power the equipment, which can be called almost the most affordable option available today;
  • such heaters are environmentally friendly;
  • due to its light weight and dimensions, the device can be easily transported;
  • equipment is extremely easy to install and manage;
  • the service life is quite large: from 15 to 30 years;
  • high level of safety: the case does not heat up above 60 ° C, which eliminates the risk of burns or fire;
  • this method of heating is very economical, since the gas cylinder can be filled at any gas station, and fuel consumption occurs gradually.

Useful advice! Another situation when buying a gas heater from a cylinder for a summer residence would be the best solution is the presence of problems with voltage drops in the mains. In this case, such a device can be both the main and additional heat sources.

All these qualities make gas heaters for the home almost indispensable. Indeed, on the one hand, you get rid of the need to install an expensive and complex heating system, and on the other hand, you provide yourself with a reliable and compact source of heat.

Among the shortcomings of this type of equipment, only two significant points can be noted:

  1. In order to release heat into the environment, gas devices require oxygen. As a result, in the room where such a device is installed, oxygen burning will occur quite quickly.
  2. No matter how hard you try, bottled gas heaters for summer cottages will never be absolutely safe in terms of the likelihood of fire. One way or another, we are talking about the use of an explosive substance that can lead to a fire. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of operation.

Useful advice! It is strongly not recommended to independently repair gas heaters for summer cottages. It is important to remember that gas is explosive, and any mistake you make can lead to serious consequences, such as a gas leak. Therefore, it is better to entrust it to a professional.

These shortcomings, although significant, have little effect on the popularity of this type of device. After all, if you provide additional oxygen access to the room where the heater is installed, as well as follow the operating rules specified by the manufacturer, then you will get a convenient and functional device that will last for quite a long time.

Which gas heater is better for giving: reviews of various types of devices

In order to decide which type of heater is most suitable for use in your country house, you need to figure out what they are. All models are divided into three types: infrared, catalytic and gas convectors. Consider how they differ from each other, and which type is preferable for use in the country.

Infrared gas heater with ceramic emitter for heating

The operation of this device is based on the following principle: inside the housing made of metal, there is a burner, as well as devices regulating its operation. This is necessary to create the most secure design that will stop working in the event of a malfunction or, for example, a rollover. At the same time, the price of a gas heater for a home is largely determined by the quality of this particular element.

The main operating part of the device is the burner. It is in it that the combustion of gas occurs and the further transfer of the resulting heat through infrared emitters. Thanks to this type of transfer, heat is not dissipated in the air, but is transferred directly to objects located nearby.

The shape, as well as the materials from which the emitter is made, can be very diverse, but ceramics are most often used. Many owners of country houses decide to buy a gas ceramic heater, thanks to an affordable price and a large selection of models.

If we talk about heating a country house, then infrared heaters can be called an almost ideal option. In operation, they are as simple as possible, and at the same time they are able to heat the room with high quality. There are only two types of infrared gas heaters: domestic and outdoor.

Models for outdoor use have a greater range of impact, and are often used on verandas, summer playgrounds, in the yard. You can not use them indoors, but on the street with their help you can keep warm even in winter. Household infrared heaters, on the contrary, are designed for heating a small area (up to 40 m²) and are practically useless on the street.

Catalytic gas heater for summer cottages: reviews and features

The second type of gas heaters is catalytic. They got their name from the process that underlies this type of device: catalysis. Oxidation occurs directly on the solid surface of the device, without forming a flame as such.

As for efficiency, catalytic heaters have no more than infrared heaters. However, they are significantly superior to their competitors in terms of safety and environmental friendliness.

It is generally accepted that by itself it cannot cover and heat an area of ​​​​more than 30 m². However, manufacturers skillfully combine it with fans, which allows to increase the area of ​​its impact up to 50 m². The only thing to keep in mind is that such models are not suitable for use in small spaces.

Gas convectors for heating

Gas convectors are another type of heaters that are used to heat country houses. Depending on the design, they are divided into two types: with an open or closed combustion chamber. In this case, the first type can only be used outdoors, where air circulation occurs constantly.

The second type provides for the presence of a special pipe for the removal of combustion products, and can be used indoors without problems. As a rule, the maximum area that it can heat does not exceed 40 m². The advantages of this type of device include low cost, as well as a high level of security.

Which is better to buy a gas heater for a summer residence?

It is difficult to answer unambiguously which device is most suitable for heating a country house. Here it is necessary to take into account many factors that in one way or another influence. For example, think ahead about how long you plan to use the appliance. If you come for a short time, then a ceramic gas heater for a summer residence is better suited. If you are planning long visits, a gas convector is more suitable.

It is worth paying attention to the power of the purchased equipment. Here it is important to listen to the manufacturer's recommendations so as not to make an unnecessary purchase. The difficulty lies in the fact that there are a huge number of devices on sale with very different power indicators, as well as purpose. As a rule, the marking indicates the recommended operating conditions, as well as the area recommended for heating.

It is a mistake to believe that by buying the most powerful heater you are guaranteed to provide yourself with comfortable conditions. Too high a temperature for heating surrounding objects and air is just as bad as insufficient. Therefore, try to choose the right models. In addition, you are unlikely to want to spend an excessive amount of gas to produce heat that you do not need.

Models that are equipped with a power regulator are excellent. This allows you to significantly save the cost of purchasing gas.

An important parameter and the appearance of the device. Depending on where exactly it is planned to be installed, as well as whether there is a need to move it, you can choose a floor or ceiling model.

Useful advice! Ceiling models are good for rooms with high ceilings. So the area of ​​​​radiation will be higher, and the amount of warm space in the room will increase.

Gas heater for giving with a cylinder: prices for different types of devices

Depending on what type of device you want to purchase, this will entail different costs. For example, a new generation ceramic gas heater can be very expensive, while simpler models are considered the most economical way to heat a house. Consider the price range for each type of heater.

The prices of gas heaters for summer cottages with a cylinder start at 2,000 rubles and reach up to 30,000 rubles per unit. At the same time, various factors influence the cost: power, material of manufacture, principle of operation, brand, etc.

For example, the prices of gas ceramic heaters on bottled gas are quite acceptable. A simple model with a minimum number of additional functions can be purchased for 2-3 thousand rubles. While powerful devices will cost 5-6 thousand rubles.

Useful advice! Don't skimp on product quality. Buy products from trusted manufacturers, and with the appropriate documentation and certificates.

As you can see, the prices of gas heaters for summer cottages can be very different. In order to purchase a quality convector, catalytic or ceramic gas heater for summer cottages, reviews serve as the best guideline.

Gas heater for garage

Another common use of gas heaters is garage heating. Due to the lack of a full-fledged heating system, it is impossible to stay in the garage for a long time during the cold season. You can use a gas heater for heating a garage (as well as for a greenhouse, or for giving). It is not difficult to buy such a device inexpensively, and its use does not require additional communications.

The peculiarities of using gas heaters in the garage include the fact that stationary devices in this case will be of little relevance. Placing the device under the ceiling is most likely not going to work, so it is better to give preference to a small portable version that can be easily rearranged to where it is needed.

Propane garage

If you believe the reviews, gas ceramic heaters are ideal when it comes to use in the garage. They are small and light, but at the same time they can easily heat a fairly large area.

When choosing a gas heater for a summer house or garage, first of all, be guided by the conditions in which it will be operated. Check out reviews and testimonials from real customers. After that, you can easily find a suitable model that will serve for more than one year.

Paying attention to one selection parameter, do not forget about the others. So, at first glance, an expensive device can pay off in the first few months of regular use. While a simple and cheap heater can consume much more fuel.

In any case, make the most of the information provided by the manufacturer about a particular device, as well as customer reviews that they leave on forums and websites. Take your time to select the right gas heater for your summer house, and you will certainly not be disappointed with your purchase.

For those who have already moved from urban high-rise buildings to a cozy home of their own, the issue of heating in winter is quite acute. As you know, the cheapest fuel at the moment is gas. So in this article we will consider what types of gas heaters are, their advantages and disadvantages.

So, for starters, it’s worth understanding what gas heaters are and how they work.

All models have common component parts, namely:

  • frame;
  • heat exchanger;
  • heater;
  • burner.

These elements are in all gas heaters - from budget to the most modern.

More expensive models add convenience features such as a thermostat or automatic shutdown.

There is one more common point for all models - they work on gas, natural or liquefied. With the help of the device, the fuel is converted into heat. You can connect such a heater to both main gas and bottled gas.


All gas heaters are divided into portable and stationary.

The former are usually used temporarily, that is, from case to case. They are small in size and weight, most often placed on the floor. Their productivity, of course, is less.

Such gas heaters are usually chosen for utility rooms or for summer cottages, as well as in the absence of main gas supply. Such a unit will not withstand full and constant heating of a residential building.

The second (stationary) gas heaters are devices powered by mains or bottled gas. These devices are installed only in a permanent place and will completely cope with the winter heating of the house. Such heaters are large, powerful and require additional equipment as a chimney.

Still gas heaters are divided according to the principle of operation. There are three main categories:

  • infrared;
  • convection;
  • catalytic.
  1. The principle of operation of infrared heaters. Burners with emitters made of metal or ceramics are located inside the body. When heated, they begin to radiate heat - infrared waves. Those, in turn, do not heat the air, but objects located at a certain distance from the heat source. Such devices, depending on the power, are able to heat large rooms and even open spaces.
  2. The principle of operation of convection heaters. Here is the simplest device. Roughly speaking, these are ordinary burners that burn gas. The resulting heat passes into special finned radiators. Thanks to convection and according to the laws of physics, heated air rises, and cold air takes its place, gradually warming up. If the correct power is selected for the room, heat is felt after a couple of hours.
  3. The principle of operation of catalytic models. These are perhaps the most fireproof gas furnaces. There is no combustion process involved. Heat is released as a result of a chemical reaction - gas oxidation. The fuel enters the catalytic panel, where it is oxidized, generating heat. The heating itself takes place by infrared, convection or mixed type.

Pros and cons of different types of gas heaters

A large selection of different models often just leads to a stupor. Which heater is best? Unfortunately, there is no single answer, each of the types is somehow bad, but something good. To choose the right unit for your needs, you need to familiarize yourself with their pros and cons.

We will not study, as there are more modern and safer models. Instead, consider a new generation ceramic gas heater. Below are tables with positive and negative characteristics of each type.


These devices are very efficient. As mentioned above, heating can occur in three ways. Some models are additionally equipped with fans for even heat distribution.


Possibility of heating open and closed space. Such models are great for cafes, playgrounds or pool areas.Burns oxygen. That is, ventilation is necessary in any case.
Large coverage area - outdoor models can heat objects up to 6 meters away.Low fire protection. Even with the maximum protection measures applied by the manufacturers, the device can cause a fire.
Mobility. Lightweight and compact models.
High efficiency.
In most cases, the operation of the device is completely autonomous.


What you need to know when choosing

And yet, how to choose a gas heater? First you need to know exactly the purpose of the heater.

So, for open areas (platforms and other things), a unit in the form of a high lantern is recommended. It will heat a circular area, such as a terrace, playground or pool area.

When choosing a gas heater for a summer residence, you should pay attention to floor models.

For residential premises, a device with a catalytic principle of operation is more suitable. This is the safest option for others.

If possible, you should pay attention to stationary gas heaters. These are perfect for a year-round home.

Infrared or catalytic - which is better?

With such a large selection of models and approximately the same combination of pros and cons, the question often arises: which gas heater is better - infrared or catalytic?

Here the answer will be unequivocal: if the area of ​​the heated room is less than 20 sq.m, it is worth taking a closer look at models that work on the catalytic principle.

With a larger area will be preferable.

The best gas heaters

To help you a little with the choice, we present an overview of the best gas heaters in different categories.

Main characteristics:

  • floor;
  • heats up to 60 cu. m;
  • power 4.2 kW;
  • closed;
  • weight 7.4 kg;
  • electric ignition;
  • gas control;
  • three burner modes.

Powered by a gas cylinder, which is installed in a metal case. The delivery set includes a hose, reducer and clamps.

Also, the device has a CO2 sensor, there is protection against tipping over. Easy to move thanks to wheels.

The only negative is that it is necessary to periodically ventilate the room.

The average price of the model is 4,800 rubles.

Main characteristics:

  • wall;
  • heats up to 30 sq. m;
  • power 3 kW;
  • weight 28.5 kg;
  • thermostat;
  • temperature control;
  • mechanical control.

First of all, the unique design of the device catches the eye: the body is black, the front panel is made of heat-resistant, shock-resistant glass. Very similar to a fireplace.

This stationary heater can work both on the main, and on bottled gas.

Heats up quickly and looks great.

The price of the model is on average 25,000 rubles.

Main characteristics:

  • street;
  • heating diameter - 9 m;
  • power 8 kW;
  • weight 12.5 kg;
  • height 2.2 m;
  • wheels for moving;
  • shutdown when tilted more than 45 degrees;
  • mechanical ignition.

This model is great for gazebos, verandas and other outdoor recreation areas or cafes. Thanks to its stylish appearance, it will not only fit in, but also decorate any place.

The device used the new Enders-Eco-Plus technology. It is she who provides heating at 12 kW with a real power of 8 kW.

The average cost of such a model is about 24,000 rubles.


There are many worthy models for various purposes, and listing everything is quite difficult. We have selected the most popular ratings and presented you with their leaders. We hope that our article will help you make the right choice.

Warmth for your home!

In our previous article, we told you about , its characteristics and design. Like all boilers for heating, it only works in tandem with a stationary heating system. Today we will tell you about gas heaters for the home, which do not need any pipes, no coolant, nothing at all, except for a propane tank. There are several types of such units. These include infrared, catalytic and convection gas heaters for summer cottages. The reviews of people who used them to heat their homes boil down to one thing: convenient, but somewhat dangerous, gas still, you should be extremely careful and be sure to ventilate the room.

What are good gas heaters for summer cottages

Gas heaters work equally well on natural gas and propane.

Let's start with the fact that gas heaters can work regardless of the presence of any communications and networks. So, no plumbing with sewerage or electricity is required. Even a central supply of natural gas is not needed. All you need is a bottle of liquefied gas. At the same time, a gas heater for a summer residence, according to reviews, may well work on the gas that comes centrally through the gas pipeline, that is, from natural gas.

Based on this, it turns out that a gas heater for a home can be used anywhere, even in the remote taiga, even in a high-rise apartment, even in a tent on the top of Everest. By the way, at the same time, one should not forget that in the mountains at high altitude the pressure is not the same as on the plain, so special cylinders must be used. A gas heater for an apartment is a very mobile device. They are different depending on the heating method, despite the fact that all use the same type of fuel - natural or liquefied gas.

According to the principle of operation, two groups of devices are distinguished:

  • those that heat objects;
  • those that warm the air.

Gas heaters for the apartment, which heat objects, work on the principle of the UFO electric infrared heaters already known to everyone. If the object is in the range of radiation, then it heats up, and if not, it remains cold until the heat reaches it in indirect ways, which we will talk about a little later. In the case of air heating, everything is quite simple and clear.

In different situations, one or another gas heater is used. The need for heating can occur both indoors and outdoors. Based on this, we can distinguish the following classification of gas heaters for summer cottages with a cylinder:

  • for enclosed spaces;
  • for open spaces (hangars, agricultural buildings);
  • for the street.

Below we consider the main types of gas heaters for summer cottages with a cylinder individually, their characteristics, as well as their scope.

The principle of operation of the infrared heater

One of the modifications of the infrared gas heater.

An infrared gas heater for the home does not heat the air, it only affects objects. For greater efficiency, it is better to place the heater higher so that the range of infrared radiation is wider. Infrared heater design:

  • metal case;
  • heat exchanger;
  • divider;
  • control unit (automatic);
  • reducer.

The dimensions of the heater can be different: from mini-models for tents, to more solid devices for heating garages and large rooms.

A gas infrared heater for a summer residence should be located at some distance from the cylinder, since the principle of its operation implies the presence of a flame from combustion.

Visually, this is imperceptible, but it is still present, although there are alternative options. A ceramic plate acts as a heat exchanger. To connect a gas heater for a summer residence, it is enough to fix the hose from the cylinder on the nozzle of the device.

Principle of operation:

  • gas from the cylinder enters the reducer;
  • the reducer reduces the gas pressure to the working one and supplies it to the heater nozzle;
  • at the inlet, the gas is mixed with air and fed through the divider into the ceramic panel;
  • in the ceramic panel, the gas is completely burned due to the uniform distribution of fuel, while the combustion products (ash, cinder) are absent, the efficiency increases;
  • the flame heats the ceramics, and that, in turn, actively emits infrared radiation;
  • rays fall on objects and heat them;
  • objects give off some of their heat to the air.

Thus, the overall temperature in the room also rises, but only very slowly, since the heating of the air is not carried out from the flame itself, but in several intermediary stages. In addition to the traditional combustion of fuel in a ceramic heat exchanger, flameless (catalytic) combustion is used in such gas heaters for the home. We will explain its essence below, but in addition to differences in the technological process, there is also a difference in the temperature of the heat exchanger.

During normal combustion with the presence of a flame, ceramic elements are heated to a temperature of 800-1000 degrees. These so-called high-temperature devices, in which the heat exchanger emits light in addition to heat. During catalytic combustion, the temperature of the ceramic heat exchanger does not exceed 600 degrees, while there is no light. In addition to the heating function, the infrared gas heater can serve as a cooking stove.

Such devices can be used both indoors (always well ventilated) and outdoors. There are special gas outdoor heaters for summer cottages. In the street, infrared devices work no worse than indoors, and heat losses are reduced only to the cooling of heated objects. The unit itself has a similar efficiency, regardless of the situation.

The principle of operation of the catalytic heater

The catalytic heater on the back has a niche for the cylinder, although it can stand separately.

A catalytic gas heater from a cylinder for a home is the difference with infrared in that:

  • it heats the air, not objects;
  • it has no open flame.

Catalytic combustion is flameless combustion, in which the gas undergoes deep oxidation to CO2 and H2O due to the action of catalysts on it. Two metals can act as a catalyst: platinum or palladium, as well as several metal oxides, such as:

  • chromium oxide;
  • iron oxide;
  • copper oxide.

In catalytic gas heaters for heating a private house, the heat exchanger is made of fiberglass, and then a catalyst, often platinum, is applied to it. When the gas interacts with the platinum coating, a chemical reaction begins with abundant heat release, while there is no smoke and products of combustion of the fuel. Catalytic combustion occurs with a minimum amount of oxygen, unlike infrared gas room heaters. Catalytic gas heaters can be equipped with additional electric heaters and fans. In this case, the device becomes volatile.

The principle of operation of the convector

Convectors need a chimney through which smoke will exit and air will enter the combustion chamber.

Convector heaters for the home have been used not so long ago. These units cannot boast of mobility and are stationary equipment. The fact is that heating a house with a convector-type gas heater is possible only if there is a convector, like a catalytic heater, heats the air, but at the same time it has an open flame, like in a gas boiler for heating. Oxygen necessary for combustion enters through the coaxial chimney, and smoke is removed to the street. It turns out that the device does not burn the air in the room at all.

Air is heated not directly from the flame, but through a metal heat exchanger. The combustion chamber in the convector is sealed, by analogy with . Principle of operation:

  • gas is supplied to the combustion chamber;
  • oxygen enters the furnace through the coaxial chimney;
  • gas is ignited from the button on the case;
  • the flame heats the heat exchanger, and it gives off heat to the air.

There are holes in the body through which circulation (convection) is carried out. A fan is installed at the bottom of the heater. It turns on with a button on the case and contributes to more active air convection. The convector heater can work both on natural gas, and on propane-butane.

The device is equipped with a control unit and a thermostat, thanks to which you can set the desired temperature in the room. The intensity of work is regulated by a combination valve that controls the pressure and gas supply to the combustion chamber. If there are problems with the device or any negative consequences of its operation occur, the automation is activated and the heater turns off.

There is also such a type of heater as a gas gun. This, in fact, is also a convector, only of a more powerful action. It is powered by electricity, it does not have a chimney and cannot be used for heating residential premises.

In heat guns, there is an opening source of flame, the heat from which is blown out by a powerful fan. They burn oxygen very strongly, therefore they can only be used in open spaces. By the way, such guns are used when mounting stretch ceilings.

Which gas heater is best for summer cottages? When choosing a gas heater for your home, you must initially decide which heating method is preferable for you: heating air or objects. In the first case, the temperature will gradually increase throughout the room, and in the second case, instantaneous heating of objects that are exposed to infrared radiation is assumed. In addition, there are portable and stationary types of gas heaters for the home, and the price is different. A portable infrared gas heater will be the cheapest. The cost of catalytic units is higher due to the high cost of catalyst components. The convector gas heater is the most expensive and needs a fixed installation and a chimney. Only infrared heaters are suitable for outdoor use.

If you wondered how to choose a gas heater for a summer residence, the video below will clarify the situation on the heating appliance market a little:

Today, gas is the most economical type of fuel. Compared to diesel or, the cost of gas heating is an order of magnitude less. That is why the demand for this type is high. Let's figure out which is better to buy a gas heater for a summer residence? Reviews, expert opinions and information about the most popular models are in this material.

Read in the article

For and against gas

Types of heaters and their main characteristics

Gas heaters for giving with a cylinder are divided into types depending on the design features and purpose. Consider models suitable for use in the garden.

Gas convector device

In the metal casing is heated by the combustion of fuel. The casing gives off heat to the air streams passing through the air intake grille.

The gases released as a result of combustion are discharged through the exhaust pipe to the street.

Convectors are equipped with automatic temperature control. react to the heat in the room and turn on or off the fuel supply to the combustion chamber. A constantly working igniter is installed in the chamber. The sensitivity of the sensors allows you to adjust the temperature with a spread of only two degrees. Thanks to this system, a stable thermal regime is maintained in the room.

In powerful devices, fans are additionally installed, which accelerate the movement of air. Thus, uniform heating of the room around the entire perimeter is achieved.

Note! This control system is much more sensitive than a steam heating system. The steam boiler has sensors that respond to the temperature of the coolant, and not the air in the room.

Heat gun on gas fuel

- a powerful device that allows you to quickly heat up the air in a large room and on the site in the yard.

Such devices in the country are used for the following purposes:

  • for fast heating of a large area. For example, in the country with a cannon, you can quickly warm up before receiving guests;
  • for emergency drying and walls after the spring flood, the rapid formation of the mortar during repair and construction work;
  • for warming open space within the site. Such a unit is useful if you urgently need to save a flowering garden from the last frost.

Note! The gas-fueled gun is capable of maintaining a stable temperature for a long time even with strong wind and rain.

Most modern models have thermal sensors and. Such a heater can be left unattended for a while.

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How to heat a country house if the installation of autonomous heating is not rational? The problem will be solved by mobile heaters for summer cottages. And which one is better to choose, we will try to tell in this material.

Catalytic gas heater for summer cottages: an environmentally friendly solution

The principle of operation of a catalytic heater is to use a catalyst deposited on a metal heating plate. The role of the coating is played by glass fiber or a special three-component composition that enters into an exothermic interaction during the oxidation process. This process is flameless.

The efficiency of the device is quite high - it can heat a room up to twenty-five square meters. At the same time, the absence of combustion products makes the device environmentally friendly and completely harmless to human health. For more efficient operation, some models are equipped with a fan.

In the shops of tourist equipment it is possible to buy this type for use in field conditions.

Infrared gas heaters from a cylinder and the principles of their operation

The operation of this device is similar to exposure to solar energy without ultraviolet radiation. Waves in the infrared range do not interact with the air mass, but with objects and living objects, heating their surface. In turn, heated objects give off heat to the air. Portable ones are equipped with a reflector and a reducer, a heating element.

Useful advice! The power of the infrared device is calculated based on the formula 1 kW x 10 m2. In case of insufficient thermal insulation of the building, the power should be increased by about one and a half times.

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In this article we will talk about the most popular way to heat a room. How this type of heater works and which manufacturers and models are worthy of your attention, read in a special material.

Which one is better to buy for giving a gas heater: reviews and prices

Before you go to the store for the device, you should study the range of devices and reviews. Which is better to buy a gas heater for a summer residence will be prompted by consumers who have actually tested different types of devices. Consider the most popular models according to Yandex Market and customer reviews.

Gas heaters on bottled gas: prices for popular models

Model Image Characteristics
  • Mechanical control
  • Max power 2.5 kW
  • S heating 24 m2
  • Floor installation
  • Gas consumption 0.1-0.3 kg/h
  • Price: 1150 rubles.

Oleg Ivanovich, 56 years old, Saratov:“Honestly, I didn’t expect much success from such a kid, but I was wrong. Neoclima UK-02 heats up perfectly. Warms up a country house with one room of 20 square meters in half an hour. Now we go to the dacha on weekends, even in cold weather.”

Stanislav, 36 years old, Tver:“I do car repairs in my garage. I put HYUNDAI H-HG2-23-UI685 and I'm not overjoyed. Warm, economical, comfortable. I put a 20-liter gas cylinder, I fill it three times a month.

Model Image Characteristics
Infrared ceramic heater Ballu BIGH-3
  • Mechanical control
  • Ceramic heating element
  • Floor installation
  • Max power 3 kW
  • Gas consumption 200gr per hour
  • Can be used for cooking
  • Price 1 820 rub.

Vladimir, 38 years old, Moscow:“When I loaded the Ballu BIGH-3 into the car, my friends laughed. We went for a week to fish in the winter in Karelia, in remote places. I put it in a hunting lodge and then the men appreciated the beauty of the device. In the evening they warmed the room in just five minutes, plus you can cook on it. For the money, this is just an invaluable device.”

Model Image Characteristics
Gas convector Timberk TGH 4200 X0
  • Mechanical control
  • Ceramic heating element
  • Max power 4.5 kW
  • S rooms 45 m²
  • Floor installation
  • Price 2 370 rubles.

Olga Valentinovna, 62 years old, Smolensk:“We rarely go to the dacha, and in the winter in recent years we have not gone, because while you melt the stove, you will freeze through. My son bought a Timberk TGH 4200 X0 as a Christmas present. We celebrated Christmas at the cottage. The whole house warmed up very quickly, the grandchildren ran around it in light blouses. Very good product, I recommend it to everyone!”

Model Image Characteristics
Heat gun gas PROFTEPLO KG-38
  • Max power 38 kW
  • Productivity 850 m 3 / h
  • Supply voltage 230 V
  • Fuel consumption from 1.8 to 2.6 kg/h
  • Piezo element ignition system
  • Thermostat
  • Price 7 830 rubles.

Victor, 43 years old, Kaluga:“I work at a construction site and it turns out that I am like a shoemaker without boots. The whole season is at work from morning to evening, and there is no time for our own construction. I bought a PROFTEPLO KG-38 cannon and decided to build it in late autumn. It came in handy for me to install the foundation in the first frosts. Now I have already installed the walls, I fill the floors and again I use drying with the help of this device. I think the gun will come in handy more than once.

Violetta, 32 years old, Kandalaksha:“My husband bought a Gorenje GH6211 GOR for his dacha, but we sometimes use it at home. Recently, the heating network broke through in a thirty-degree frost, there was no heating. They brought the convector, turned it on - it's warm in the apartment, you don't need to monitor it, it works automatically. Very happy with the purchase."

Model Image Characteristics
Furnace gas infrared catalytic Bartolini Pullover K
  • Heating element catalytic
  • No power required
  • Floor installation
  • Max power 2.9 kW
  • S rooms 35 m²
  • Piezo ignition
  • Price 10 690 rubles.

Gennady Vladimirovich, 51 years old, Vologda:“A very worthy Bartolini Pullover K with good efficiency. Heats up the room quickly, consumes gas economically. Lightweight, compact, fits in the trunk. I have not noticed any shortcomings yet, I am satisfied with the purchase.

Cost reduction in most cases due to the use of low-quality materials

  • Listen to the opinions of users and experts.

It doesn't matter if you are going to buy a gas ceramic heater or a convector for a summer residence, read the reviews about the device. In most cases, it is in practical use that the manufacturer's shortcomings are found.

  • Study the technical characteristics and efficiency of the device.

Gas is one of the cheapest types of fuel, but its cost is growing every year. It is important to choose an economical but efficient heater, the maintenance and refueling of which will be within your power. All technical characteristics are indicated in the technical data sheet of the product.


For quite a long time, gas will be the most economical and easily accessible type of fuel. You can fill a gas cylinder not only at a specialized station, but also at a gas station.

Reviews and reviews will help you buy a device suitable for your construction. Which is better to buy gas heaters for summer cottages will be prompted by users who have actually tested a particular device.

Below we offer you the opinion of an expert on this issue. Good luck with your choice!