What to lay tiles or laminate in the kitchen. Tiles or laminate - which do you prefer? What material is best for the floor in the kitchen

Currently, the construction market presents a huge variety of materials for finishing the floor. Carpets and carpeting, linoleum and laminate, OSB-boards, vinyl flooring, parquet, tiles. This article will compare the two types of materials that are most popular when choosing options for finishing the floor in the kitchen, their positive and negative sides, versatility of use, service life.

So, which is better for the kitchen - laminate or tile?


A tile is a material that can quickly, easily and for many years transform the room in which it was used.

If we consider the advantages of this finishing material, then there will be quite a lot of them. Let's consider the main ones.

Advantages of tiles

  • It is absolutely harmless, does not cause allergies (during the firing of tiles, any harmful elements and substances contained in the raw materials for its production die).
  • Easily withstands the effects of water and moisture (due to the density of the tile itself, as well as the adhesive base on which it is laid, you can safely carry out daily wet cleaning of the floor in the tile).
  • It will last more than one year, and with proper care - more than a dozen years.
  • It is durable and not subject to abrasion (you can safely install furniture, a refrigerator and other necessary equipment, the tile will “endure” everything).
  • Able to withstand heat and exposure to high temperatures, so she is not afraid of not only hot pots, but, God forbid, a fire.

It is thanks to the above properties that tiles are very often used for flooring in apartments, offices, cafes and restaurants, shopping centers and exhibition halls.

However, it is necessary to say about the weaknesses of the tile, because they are also available. Below are the most common tile flaws.


To know which is better - laminate in the kitchen or tile, it is important to know the cons of each material. Among the disadvantages of tiles can be noted:

  • Fragility and lack of elasticity (when laying tiles, it is important to be very careful when cutting them to prevent chips and cracks).
  • Careful preparation of the base for the tiles, as well as the performance of the main laying work by professionals.
  • Cold coming from the tiled floor.
  • Significant financial costs for the purchase and installation of tiles. The larger the tile in size, the more famous its manufacturer, the better and more expensive it will be. A separate cost item will be the wages of builders who will lay the tiles on the floor, because this process is quite laborious and, without special skills, it is better not to risk it and trust the professionals.

Despite the fact that buying a tile and paying for its laying is not a cheap pleasure, it is not recommended to purchase very budget tile options, because many problems can arise during its laying due to low quality and size mismatch.


Laminate is one of the most popular floor coverings.

If we talk about its advantages, then there are also many of them. Let's consider the main ones.

Benefits of laminate

  • Affordability, especially when compared with floor tiles.
  • Appearance. A variety of structures, patterns, shades makes laminate an extremely attractive material used for flooring.
  • If the base of the floor is fairly even, then you can not involve professional builders. Each person can carry out the styling on their own, using a pencil, tape measure and hacksaw.
  • Reliability and long service life. Due to the peculiarities of the coating of the top layer, the laminate is able to withstand severe impacts (furniture installed on it, falling objects, exposure to high temperatures).
  • Ease of maintenance. It does not require any special care procedures. It is enough just to carry out a wet cleaning of the floor, the main thing is not to overdo it.

One of the best is considered to be a 34 class kitchen tile laminate. This is a special floor covering of the highest quality and excellent performance.

Disadvantages of laminate

Among the most significant disadvantages of the laminate are the following:

  • Deformation of sheets during prolonged contact with water. Laminate does not like damp rooms or an excess of moisture. With prolonged exposure to water on sheets of laminate, its edges may swell and begin to fall apart, which will lead to the unsuitability of the material for further use.
  • The top layer of a laminate sheet in high-traffic areas can wear out quite quickly, which will also lead to its fairly quick replacement.

So what to choose for finishing the floor in the kitchen?

Laminate in the kitchen or tile - which is better? There is no single answer to this question. It is important to understand that any floor covering in the kitchen will be subject to constant mechanical stress and sooner or later the time will come to replace it, respectively, knowing the pros and cons of each material, you can make a choice in favor of one or another floor covering. What is better - laminate in the kitchen or tiles?

After carefully analyzing the pros and cons of each material, you can try to make a comparison between them:

  • tile is significantly more expensive than laminate, but it can last much longer. At this point, everyone will make the right choice for himself, taking into account his financial capabilities;
  • a warmer laminate definitely outperforms cold tiles, even if a floor heating system has been installed underneath. A definite plus in favor of the laminate;
  • the ability to withstand any humidity in the room makes the tile a leader in this item;
  • and of course, do not forget that the tile can easily withstand grease, hot drops, any floor cleaners and cleaning powders.

In the kitchen (corridor) laminate, tiles are the most ideal materials for the floor. As a worthy option for those who could not make a difficult choice, there may be a proposal to combine two types of finishes in one room. That is, you can in the kitchen. For example, directly that part of the floor where the dining table is installed can be in a laminate, but in places in close proximity to the cooking process, you can lay tiles that will withstand any load on it with dignity.

If the choice is stopped at finishing the floor with tiles, then in this case it can be proposed to partially cover the floor with carpet or a walkway so that it is warmer.

Some consumers note another inconvenience that can occur if there is a tile on the floor - a slippery floor. Especially often a child can slip and fall on such a surface. As an advice, you can suggest buying a tile, the surface of which will not be smooth. On such a tile it will not be so slippery, but in terms of design there will be no difference. It is worth noting that in large rooms, tiles ranging in size from 40 × 40 cm and more will look very beautiful and impressive on the floor.

What to choose - laminate in the kitchen or tiles? After comparing all of the above, we can say that it is best to choose tiles as the flooring for the kitchen.

If we are talking about such a floor covering as a laminate, then almost its only advantages will be:

  • more spectacular floor appearance;
  • the speed of laying the floor in time and the minimum amount of waste generated during installation.


The most common materials for the floor in the kitchen are tiles and laminate (see the photo in the article). As a conclusion in this article, we can say that tiles are the undisputed leader. It is universal, copes well with any loads and external influences.

In the case when, nevertheless, aesthetics take precedence over the practical side and the owner of the apartment wants to make the floor in the kitchen using a laminate, it is possible to suggest combining tiles and laminate as recommendations. The floors in the kitchen, laid in this way, are the optimal ratio of appearance / quality of the coating, and the owner of the apartment will not have to regret the funds spent a few months earlier. It is better to entrust the laying of flooring to professional builders who will be able to correctly calculate the need for material, purchase it and perform high-quality work on laying materials on the floor. After all, it is not in vain that at the present time the sayings remain the most popular: “Measure seven times, and cut one” and “The miser pays twice.”

Haven't heard this saying? To paraphrase it a little, we can say that the floor is the hallmark of any home.

But often, when choosing a particular floor covering, many developers have a number of questions:

  • What are the types of modern flooring?
  • How to choose it correctly?
  • What type of flooring is best suited for which rooms?
  • What features does this or that material have?
  • What to pay attention to when installing?

You can find out the answers to all these questions from our material. After all, what kind of flooring you choose depends on how stylish and modern your home will look!

Fantastic Four

The modern market offers a lot of options for flooring materials, from simple to elite, but four types of materials are most widely used:

  • Laminate;
  • Porcelain stoneware;
  • Ceramic tile;
  • Wood.

But before we consider each of them in detail, it is necessary to remember that it is necessary to lay any floor covering on a carefully prepared and leveled base.

Company expert TarkettNikolay Yakubchik:

Installation of the flooring must be carried out after completion of all other finishing work, namely:

  • Construction and alignment of walls and ceilings;
  • Glazing completions;
  • Wiring and connections of engineering communications.

Only after the heating, sewerage, cold water supply and ventilation systems in glazed rooms without drafts with a temperature of at least 15 ° C and a relative humidity of not more than 60% have been checked, you can start laying the floor covering - this directly affects the quality and durability your gender.


We can say that the laminate is rightfully considered one of the most popular types of flooring. After all, this material does not deteriorate from moisture and direct sunlight, it is easy to install and does not require any special expensive maintenance.

High-quality laminate does not differ in appearance or touch from natural wood; it is available with various patterns, textures and in different shades.

In order to choose this material correctly, you need to know that, according to the quality of the outer coating, the laminate is divided into several classes, indicating its wear resistance.

Company technical director HolzplastVyacheslav Skachkov:

Today on the market you can find a laminate of 31, 32, 33 and 34 classes. 31 and 32 are suitable for most living rooms. Classes 33 and 34 are used in places with high traffic and where the flooring is constantly under heavy load - shopping centers, cinemas, hospitals, hotels, bars and cafes.

The choice of laminate class primarily depends on where and how you are going to use it. For example, in rooms where there are always people, it is better to put a laminate of a higher class, and for bedrooms, pantries and dressing rooms, laminate of class 31 is enough.

With proper care, class 31 laminate in an ordinary apartment can last up to 12 years, 32 - up to 15, 33 - up to 20, and the most durable class 34 laminate does not require replacement for 25 years.

Vyacheslav Skachkov:

To choose the right laminate, you need to take into account the nuances regarding its thickness. It can be 5, 8, 10 or 12 millimeters. On the one hand, the thicker the laminate, the stronger it is.

Thicker laminate is preferable for rooms where the quality of the base coat leaves much to be desired. However, it is much more beneficial to provide a quality base coat and use a thinner laminate. In addition, it is important to consider that in the presence of underfloor heating, a thinner laminate heats up instantly: this means that you do not have to wait and increase the heating power.

You also need to know that for rooms with different purposes, a laminate with different characteristics is required. In some rooms, moisture resistance is important, in others - strength, somewhere a laminate of light shades will be more appropriate, and somewhere dark.

Vyacheslav Skachkov:

- Laying technology allows you to combine several types of laminate in one room, but when implementing such a design solution, you need to remember that the thickness of vinyl laminate from different manufacturers can vary by several millimeters.

And in order to avoid an annoying mismatch in size, it is better to buy a laminate from one manufacturer.

So, which laminate should you choose? To do this, you should follow simple rules, namely, any dwelling can be conditionally divided into functional zones:

  • Hallway;
  • Working premises - kitchen, bathroom;
  • Living room;
  • Living rooms - bedroom, children's room.

The entrance hall and the corridor are areas with high traffic, besides, because of the dust and dirt that we bring on our shoes, we have to wash the floor here quite often.

Therefore, for the corridor, you should choose a moisture-resistant laminate with a high wear resistance class - 33 or even 34.

Kitchen. Since this is where cooking takes place and you often have to clean up, it is better to give preference to a moisture-resistant laminate.

For reliability, you can process the joints with special mastic. In order for the floor in the kitchen to be comfortable, not slippery, and no prints or stains can be seen on it, it is better to choose a laminate with a textured surface. As for the class of laminate, class 33 will be optimal for the kitchen, since in this room the load on the floor is quite large.

Bathroom. It is better to use a waterproof laminate here. it is not afraid of long-term exposure to moisture, does not warp and does not lose its appearance.

Waterproof laminate is made on the basis of PVC boards that do not absorb water - this is the main difference between waterproof laminate and moisture resistant, which is made from pressed wood fibers. Some manufacturers produce laminate with a sealing rubber strip along the longitudinal side of the panel - this allows you to achieve absolute water tightness.

Living spaces. In the living room, bedroom and nursery, not only the design and class of the laminate are important, but also other characteristics, such as sound absorption.

To reduce the likelihood of echoes when walking and the appearance of an unpleasant creak, it is imperative to provide an additional soundproofing layer. And since the living rooms are used sparingly, laminate grades 31 and 32 are suitable for them.

Ceramic tile

Perhaps there is no person who would not be familiar with such material as ceramic tiles. But have you ever wondered what it is made of? Indeed, the final properties of any material largely depend on the type of feedstock.

Deputy Director for Purchasing of the Ceramic Plant "Falcon" Ekaterina Sokolova:

– To put it simply, ceramic tiles are fired clay covered with glaze. The main raw material is clay, despite the fact that the color of the shard of ceramic tiles does not matter, the main thing is the chemical composition and properties of clay.

Thinners, sand and other additives are added to the clay mass. After that, the tile is covered with glaze, various mastics, and pigments, then fired at a temperature of more than 1100 degrees.

Until recently, the use of ceramic tiles was limited to the bathroom. But such qualities as environmental friendliness, heat resistance, ease of installation and aesthetic properties allow the use of ceramic tiles in almost all rooms.

Ekaterina Sokolova:

Every material has its purpose. Ceramic tiles are very versatile. It is recommended to use it in almost any room, especially with high humidity or traffic.

  • The corridor;
  • Kitchen;
  • Bathroom.

Ceramic tile is a fairly durable coating, designed to both protect the surface and give it aesthetic qualities. And, given the fact that it should remain unchanged for many years, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations when choosing:

  • Decide on the place where you plan to lay ceramic tiles.

As a rule, these are hygienic areas: bathroom, toilet, kitchen, bath - or areas designed to combine decorative moments with practicality: an entrance hall, a balcony, etc.

  • Critically approach the analysis of the installation site. Consider all the positive and negative features of this zone.

The use of ceramic tiles is practically unlimited. The main thing is a qualitatively leveled surface.

  • Consider what qualities of ceramic tiles will best suit your interior.

For example, dark colors not only hide the volume, but also hide all kinds of pollution.

  • Do not forget about the rooms located next to the surface on which you plan to lay the ceramics.

Remember that the combination of materials is important for the ease of perception of the entire surface as a whole.

Another important fact for the use of ceramic tiles as a floor covering is its excellent combination with underfloor heating.

Ekaterina Sokolova:

– It should be remembered that for our climate, the perfect solution is the use of underfloor heating. And here the main thing is to choose high-quality materials, since replacement elements underfloor heating is very difficult.

Caring for ceramic tiles is extremely simple - a simple cleaning is enough. There are also special tools to give it shine.

Porcelain stoneware

In recent years, ceramic granite has become more and more widespread. Why is this material unique?

Head of the company's sales department Kafelnet Natalya Aleinikova: .

– For the production of ceramic granite, almost the same components are used as for the production of ordinary ceramic tiles. The differences are only in the production technology - a higher temperature during firing and the power of a powerful press, under the influence of which the pores practically disappear. Thanks to these technologies, ceramic granite is superior in properties to both tiles and even natural stone.

It should be noted that porcelain stoneware may differ in tone - this is a color characteristic. Tiles of one series may be lighter or darker than another series.

At the stage of production, before packaging, tiles of uniform tone are grouped together.

Sorting also takes place by caliber.

The caliber is the actual size of the tile, which differs from the nominal. Within one caliber there is a tolerance of ±0.5 mm.

When laying calibrated porcelain stoneware, it is necessary to maintain small distances between the tiles (usually 2-4 mm, depending on the size of the tile), which are then rubbed with any color of the consumer's choice.

Natalya Aleinikova:

- The advantages of porcelain stoneware include its strength and low water absorption, resistance to temperature extremes, wear resistance, because. the internal structure practically corresponds to natural granite. Porcelain stoneware has low electrical conductivity and high fire resistance properties.

And these properties directly affect in which rooms it is best to use this flooring. Like ceramic tiles porcelain stoneware has wear resistance, which is divided into 5 classes:

  • 1-2 degree - most often used in the bathroom and toilet.
  • Class 3 can be used in residential areas - kitchens, halls, corridors.
  • Class 4 can be used in public areas with good traffic. For example, cafes, shops.
  • Floor covering of the 5th class of wear resistance is used in rooms with any traffic.

Natalya Aleinikova:

- When choosing ceramic granite, one should remember such a feature of this material as the lack of flexibility - in comparison, for example, with linoleum, and the need to prepare the floor - leveling.

Porcelain stoneware is laid on a cement tile adhesive, which must be evenly applied to the surface. If the adhesive is not applied correctly during further use, a piece of tile may break off if a heavy object falls on it. .

Also very often ceramic granite is laid on a warm floor. Since porcelain stoneware conducts and retains heat well, and after heating it will give it away for a long time.

The disadvantage in this case is that if the warm floor fails, it will have to be changed along with porcelain stoneware.

And when caring for ceramic granite, you should not use abrasive products that can damage the pattern or glaze on the tile.

Solid wood flooring

Such material as wood has been faithfully serving a person for more than one hundred years. Durability, environmental friendliness, and most importantly - a unique feeling of warmth, which gives the texture and color of natural wood, make it a welcome guest in any interior.

The advantages of natural wood include high strength with a small volumetric mass, low heat and sound conductivity, ease of processing, low coefficient of linear and volumetric thermal expansion.

And in order to choose a wooden flooring that is best suited for your home, you need to know the following features of this material.

Art director of the company Finex Alexandra Alekseeva:

– Massive floors are floor coverings consisting entirely of a single layer of valuable wood species.

It is believed that this is the most expensive type of flooring. As a rule, massive floors require a professional approach not only to laying (the most reliable and classic way of laying massive floors is on plywood, using 2-component glue and self-tapping screws), but also in operation and maintenance. In rooms with massive floors, it is recommended to install humidifiers, and it is necessary to take care of such a coating with specialized tools.

- Parquet or engineered floors are a more technological type of coating, consisting of several layers. The top layer is valuable wood, and the thickness of this layer can vary from 1 mm, while the middle and lower layers consist of various materials: plywood, larch.

Parquet floors are more resistant to changes in temperature and humidity in the premises. They can be laid directly on the screed or on the substrate.

Massive floors allow repeated grinding during repair. It is believed that with proper care, massive floors can last more than 100 years. And when choosing this material, the following points must be considered:

  • Moisture content of wood, which is indicated by the manufacturer. When inspecting, you should make sure that there are no cracks on the ends of the boards on the surface and in the thickness of the planks, because. their presence indicates a violation of the drying technology.
  • When choosing parquet floors, it is important to pay attention to the geometry of the board, with what quality the chamfers, grooves, and, if available, locks are made.

It is also important to remember that, in fact, as wooden coverings in residential premises, you can use any type of wood. But for wet rooms, baths, pools, etc. you need to use a massive floor made of exotic moisture-resistant wood species - teak, ipe, etc.

Alexandra Alekseeva:

– Massive boards are made of large-format boards – 20-22 mm thick, solid non-glued wood of valuable species, including exotic ones, and differs from ordinary piece parquet, first of all, in its size.

Massive strips have a thickness of at least 20 mm, a width of at least 100 mm and a length of 500 mm or more. Planks are supplied both in their natural form and treated with varnish, wax or oil.

Features of this coverage include:

  • Oil-wax. An environmentally friendly coating that penetrates the wood structure, preserving its texture.

Easily updated.

  • Wax. Similar to old waxed floors.

Very whimsical in care and requires frequent rubbing.

  • Closed cell varnish is the most common coating for us.

A classic glossy lacquer that is applied in several layers, in the factory or on site. Update - only scraping the entire area and a new application of several layers of varnish.

  • Lacquer with open pores. It retains the texture of wood, that is, outwardly it looks like oil-wax, but at the same time retains the properties of varnish.

Update - scraping and applying new layers. But at home, it is almost impossible to repeat the color and texture that was made at the factory.

Alexandra Alekseeva:

– The solid board is supplied in a wide range of standard sizes. The choice depends on the interior design and configuration of the room in which it is planned to lay plank floors.

Using only long boards visually reduces the size of the room. Conversely, the more short planks and, therefore, the more transverse joints, the more spacious the room seems.

The width of the slats also affects the visual perception. Wide boards emphasize respectability and solidity, narrow material gives the room a chamber, private character. In recent years, a massive parquet board with non-fixed lengths, which is an analogue of an old floorboard, has become increasingly popular.

In this case, the consumer receives a set of strips of different lengths. It looks the most natural and never boring, unlike standard parquet, where all boards have the same length.

And in order for the wooden coating to last for many years, it is necessary to properly care for it. And here there are secrets.

Alexandra Alekseeva:

– Wooden floors can be vacuumed and swept, you can do wet cleaning with a well-wrung cloth. It is also recommended to use special care products, which depend on the type of coating.

Users can find out all the information on choosing a floor covering from our forum. A detailed and visual story of our forum member about laying a laminate with his own hands can be found . A heated discussion about which cover to choose instead of the old one is being conducted on our forum. Cork floors are discussed in our forum. BUT in this video clearly shows how to make your floor shine.

Recently, a special laminate has appeared on the market of finishing materials, recommended for the kitchen. It has many advantages, both over a simpler "brother" and other coatings. Withstands any load, looks great, is water-repellent. This is not a complete list of the advantages that customer reviews speak of.

You no longer need to think about the question of which laminate should be chosen for the kitchen, where a lot of thermal and mechanical influences await it, with which it must cope perfectly.

Note that this coating perfectly copies expensive materials, while not inferior to them in practicality and strength. Its price is much cheaper than similar materials, as well as some other canvases.

It also has a number of important advantages:

  • "Impenetrability" with a large amount of water (up to six hours);
  • Easy maintenance, as the product does not accumulate fats, dust and other contaminants;
  • Safety. The dishes, hitting the floor, will not break;
  • The presence of color under ultraviolet radiation;
  • Resistance to abrasion, shock, cracks, scratches and other mechanical damage;
  • Wide selection of textures and colors.

People leaving negative reviews on the forums most likely installed this trim incorrectly or purchased a cheap version of it.

Laminate has virtually no flaws. Only artificiality can be attributed to them, since in any case it is only a copy of the original materials.

How to choose a laminate for the kitchen so that it fits into the interior

This type of finish fits perfectly into any kitchen design, thanks to the presence of all kinds of variations. It can imitate metal, glass, soil, brick, plastic, leather, wood. The latter variety is used most often. "Wooden" floor under the massive board is the most popular today. It is better to choose the color, “breed” of wood and texture on your own, focusing on the interior of the kitchen.

To choose a color palette, remember what shades prevail in the kitchen. If cold, then the coating needs to be bought in just such tones. However, neutral shades "under the tree" will harmoniously fit into any room.

It is not advisable to choose light and dark canvases in the kitchen, as it is difficult to care for them. Light colors will reveal all the defects of the room, and the slightest pollution will be visible on a dark surface.

If you are interested in practicality, give preference to traditional colors - gray and brown.

Waterproof laminate for the kitchen: reviews, composition, benefits

There is a regular laminate, which is suitable for the living room and bedroom. For the kitchen, you need to choose a waterproof laminate, which is superior to the previous one in terms of strength, wear resistance and many other parameters. It is better to purchase a reliable plastic-based coating. However, you will have to overpay for water resistance and reliability. But "it's worth it," according to customer reviews.

The waterproof fabric has the following features:

  • The highest wear resistance class (32, 33, 34);
  • Increased density;
  • Locks treated with water repellents;
  • The presence of additional water-repellent means;
  • Treatment with antifungal and antibacterial agents.

Laying laminate in the kitchen (video)

What is better to put in the kitchen: laminate or tile

How is laminate flooring superior to other floor coverings? It has enough advantages, especially over tiles.

It is almost silent and warm, which tiles cannot boast of. There are no dents on it, and the tile, as you know, can even crack under the influence of mechanical damage.

Although, given the user reviews on the forums, you can choose any coating, but from a quality brand that guarantees the durability of its product. In the kitchen, you can put any floor cloth, and even a combination of different types of finishes.

Laminate or tile in the kitchen: reviews of "experienced" owners

“We bought laminate flooring six years ago, at that time it was average in price. Wash floors frequently with a damp cloth. Let me clarify that we live with a child. For all the time no defects were found. The floor is warm, it looks cozy, on a light background the dust is not striking. I don't see any cons." Oleg

“When they were doing repairs, I stopped my attention on the laminate. I liked its reliability, durability, easy installation, resistance to bacteria and stains, easy care. Thanks to the substrate, we also received thermal insulation and sound insulation. Marina

“We have been looking for a coating that perfectly imitates natural stone for a long time. The catalog also presented types of laminate for ceramic tiles and exotic wood. Were satisfied with the quality of the product. We advise you not to chase after financial savings, and to purchase a canvas of the highest class. Belikov family

Combined floor in the interior of the kitchen: tiles and laminate

A good solution, especially for a spacious kitchen, would be a combination of laminate and tiles. The latter should be placed in the working area, near the sink, refrigerator and stove. Cover the rest of the floor with laminate. Thus, you will get a zoned room. It looks beautiful and is the most practical option for the kitchen.

It is easy to pick up a similar texture and pattern, given the current possibilities in the field of decoration. Close the transitions between the coatings with a connecting profile.

This is the best combination that allows you to save money and bring modern touches to the style.

Tile or laminate: reviews (video)

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There are a lot of materials for finishing the floor today. Depending on the purpose of the premises, the budget and taste of the customer, natural wood and stone, artificial tiles and linoleum of many varieties are used. Each of these materials has a set of characteristics, more positive than negative, that must be considered when choosing a floor covering. Therefore, the question “what is better, tile or laminate in the kitchen” is quite reasonable.

There are several popular floor coverings in the kitchen, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Let's consider these types of floor finishing materials from the point of view of their use when facing the floor of a kitchen, profile or combined with a dining room. Let's compare their advantages and disadvantages in order to make the right choice in favor of a certain type of flooring when applied to a specific situation.

In this group of materials, 3 subgroups can be distinguished, suitable for finishing the kitchen floor:

Hard tiles (in descending order of strength):

  • natural stone (granite, marble, limestone);
  • porcelain stoneware (gres);
  • metlakh tiles (Mettlach);
  • clinker;
  • ceramic floor tiles made of kaolin (tile).

PVC tiles (polyvinyl chloride):

  • single layer (homogeneous);
  • multilayer (heterogeneous).
  • Laminated flooring.

Floor tiles are thicker and stronger than wall tiles

Natural stone

Floor tiles made of natural stone have many advantages, which naturally affects its price and narrows the circle of consumers. This cladding is hard, wear-resistant, easy to maintain on a daily basis and durable. Natural stone has a high density, which determines its high moisture and frost resistance. The natural material is also resistant to high temperatures and chemicals. These advantages allow you to confidently use natural stone tiles for finishing floors in kitchens and dining rooms, including heated floors.

Modern stone mining and processing technologies make it possible to create floor tiles from many natural minerals

But this cladding also has disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • complexity of cutting and processing;
  • limited artistic performance;
  • dropped dishes are doomed to be broken;
  • radioactivity (for granite up to 30 μR / hour at a rate of 60 μR / hour).

The amount of radioactivity corresponds to the norm of SNiP, but is not tolerated by people in the same way, so the final decision on the choice of material better leave to the customer.

Porcelain stoneware

Gres floor tiles are produced by hot pressing a dry mixture of certain components, which also includes natural stone chips. As a result, the mixture is sintered into a dense material, which is not inferior in physical characteristics to tiles made of natural material. Accordingly, the characteristics of porcelain stoneware differ little from the properties of granite or marble, but there are still differences:

  • relatively wide range of colors;
  • more affordable price;
  • 2-3 times less radiation level.

Finishing the kitchen floor with gres tiles will last for many years, and if a “warm” floor system is installed under it, such a lining can be considered almost flawless.


Metlakh tiles are small-format ceramics, which are produced by pressing a dry powder mixture of natural components with simultaneous high-temperature firing (sintering).

The broom is water- and frost-resistant, does not react to the effects of chemical reagents, is environmentally friendly, has high strength and wear resistance, almost as good as porcelain stoneware in these characteristics, and is suitable for laying on a floor heating system.

Metlakh tiles perfectly resist abrasion

The variety of colors of this material, unlike natural stone and gres, will satisfy every taste, which is the best suited for decorating kitchens and dining rooms.

The small format of this ceramic results in a high density of tile joints, which increases the coefficient of friction of the cladding and makes walking on the surface of even a wet kitchen floor safer.


Clinker tiles have all the necessary qualities for use as a kitchen or dining room floor cladding. It is durable, wear-resistant, environmentally friendly and aesthetic.

Clinker tiles are made by single firing and have a high density

Unlike porcelain stoneware, clinker has a uniform porous structure, which facilitates the processing of the material and makes the surface coated with it non-slip. But at the same time, if oil is shed on the clinker, then it is impossible to completely remove it from the pores of the material. Therefore, for finishing the floors of kitchens and dining rooms, it is better to use clinker ceramics with a glazed but embossed surface in order to neutralize the slipperiness of the glaze.

The porosity of the clinker makes it difficult to transfer heat, so laying this tile on top of a floor heating system is impractical.

Floor tiles with kaolin base

Due to the wide range of prices, variety of varieties and artistic performance, this ceramics is the most common in flooring. Knowing all the requirements for kitchen flooring, and being guided by the marking of characteristics on tiles and packaging, you can choose a cladding that meets all the operating conditions of the room. However, the porosity of the clay base of the tile prevents heat transfer, so such ceramics are not rational for laying on a heated floor system.

PVC tiles

PVC floor trim is made from polyvinyl chloride. In fact, this is the same linoleum coating, but consisting of individual elements of a small format. PVC cladding is characterized by high strength and sound insulation characteristics, is resistant to wear and is relatively durable. The material is easy to work with and is offered in a wide range of prices. The tile made of it is elastic, water-resistant, non-slippery, it is distinguished by the simplicity of everyday maintenance and spot repairs. In addition, this flooring is available in a variety of colors, including those that mimic natural materials.

This material also has disadvantages:

  • durability is limited to 10 years;
  • relative environmental friendliness (produced from synthetic and chemical raw materials);
  • lack of resistance to solvents such as dichloroethane and acetone.

According to the structure of the material, PVC tiles are produced in one- and two-layer, the thickness of the lining varies from 0.5 to 3.5 mm.

Single layer PVC coating

Homogeneous PVC tiles have the same structure and color throughout the entire thickness, so even in places of abrasion, the color of the finish remains unchanged. Homogeneous PVC tiles have common characteristics for the family, but the artistic performance is not very diverse. The color of the material is monophonic, or the lining is decorated with simple ornaments, and therefore the popularity of this type of PVC tile is low.

Multilayer PVC tiles

This type of PVC cladding is made from high strength vinyl, polyvinyl chloride and plasticizer additives. A heterogeneous tile consists of the following layers (from bottom to top):

  • main (foamed polyvinyl chloride - soundproofing, heat-conducting, rigid);
  • art;
  • protective (laminated).

Self-adhesive PVC materials have an additional adhesive layer for fastening to the base.

Unlike homogeneous PVC cladding, multi-layer tiles are available in many colors and with a variety of patterns, allowing you to fit this finishing material into any interior.

Based on the listed properties, the use of PVC flooring in the kitchen is quite justified, especially with a limited repair budget.

PVC tiles have good sound insulation due to the multi-layer structure

Laminate (HDF board) is the common name for a four-layer floor covering produced on the basis of high-density fiberboard (Fibreboard).

Laminate structure (layers from bottom to top):

  • stabilizing - prevents the deformation of the board;
  • carrier - the main layer that carries the moisture-resistant, heat and sound insulating properties of the material;
  • decorative - paper layer with a pattern;
  • protective and decorative - an acrylic resin coating that protects against abrasive and impact influences, imitating natural wood with a surface texture.

High-quality laminate flooring can be laid in the kitchen, because the coating is easy to clean

Strength of HDF board

According to the strength characteristics, the laminate is divided into 4 classes:

  • 31 (AC 3) - for home use;
  • 32 (AC 4) - for commercial use with low load and for home - with increased;
  • 33 (AC 5-AC 6) - for commercial applications with a large load;
  • 34 - for industrial and sports use.

For kitchen floor cladding, it is better to use class 32 and higher slabs.

Laminate is a worthy alternative to wooden floors

When laying a laminated coating to provide sound insulation and vapor protection, a substrate of one of the four manufactured varieties is laid under the plates.

When placing heavy kitchen appliances (refrigerator, stove) on a surface lined with laminate, it is necessary to install stands on the floor, which will distribute the weight of the units from their legs over a large area and prevent the destruction of the laminate locks.

Moisture resistance of laminate

Laminate is a wood-based material protected from above and below by a durable shell. However, from the sides (locks), the laminate is vulnerable to moisture, especially to water in the open. Except for brief contact with water during cleaning, HDF must be kept dry and any spilled liquid must be cleaned up without delay.

Moisture-resistant types of laminate are produced, suitable for finishing floors in rooms with high humidity (kitchen, bathroom, toilet), on the packaging of which there is a marking in the form of the phrases Aqua-Protect or Aqua Resist. However, even these types of HDF are not designed for long-term contact with open water, especially hot water. To extend the time of the coating's resistance to water, laminate locks are treated with a special sealant when installed in the kitchen.


After reviewing the characteristics of laminated boards and tiles, we can conclude that these coatings have more advantages than disadvantages, and the use of any of them for finishing floors in the kitchen will be justified. If you strive for the ideal, then if there is sufficient space, it is advisable to consider the combined use of these materials, that is, the division of the floor into zones.

The cooking area, as it is used more aggressively, should be finished with hard tiles made of natural or artificial materials. And the part of the kitchen that functions as a dining room will be more comfortable if you use materials that are similar in texture and properties to wood - PVC or HDF tiles - to finish its floors.

With high-quality performance of laying and pairing of these types of cladding, the kitchen floor will make a worthy contribution to the interior of the room.


Many people decide to make repairs on their own, and when choosing a floor covering, they have a question, which is better - tile or laminate. There can be no unequivocal answer to this question; both laminate and tile have their advantages and disadvantages. It will help in choosing and taking into account the individual characteristics of the premises.

Both tiles and laminate have their advantages and disadvantages, and their choice for use in flooring depends only on taking into account the individual characteristics of the room.

Replacing the floor covering is a rather laborious task in itself, but sometimes it is even more difficult to decide on the material (laminate or tile) that will be used for this.

If you have some building skills, then you can easily cope with the process of installing laminate and tiles yourself, otherwise it is better to resort to the services of a finishing specialist.

Ceramic tile

Very often, a material such as ceramic tiles is chosen as a floor covering. The advantage of this material is the presence of a wide range of colors. It can be used not only in the kitchen, but also in the hallway, bathroom, living room and any other room.

Ceramic tiles have high wear resistance, so they are often used in offices, warehouses and shops, where there is always a large flow of visitors. The tile perfectly protects the floor surface from moisture, tolerates temperature changes well, and is resistant to aggressive substances and fumes. Another feature that ceramic tiles have is that they do not accumulate harmful substances and are made from environmentally friendly raw materials.

Ceramic tiles are ideal for flooring in toilets, bathrooms or outdoor terraces. It has been used for more than one century and time has shown that with proper operation, the service life of tiles is 50-70 years.

The tile practically does not conduct electricity and does not burn. In terms of its qualities, this material is close to natural stone, so it is recommended to use tiles in rooms where there is high humidity and frequent temperature changes.

One of the disadvantages of this flooring is that it is cold. Installing a "warm floor" will help solve the problem. It is far from always possible to provide full-fledged heating of the room due to the "warm floor", so it is better not to use tiles in the children's room or install additional heating there.

Another disadvantage is the high price of the material, as well as the complexity of its installation. For the installation of tiles, you will have to invite specialists, since, without special skills, it will be very difficult to lay it correctly yourself. The tile has a lot of weight and therefore the base on which it will be laid must be very strong and reliable. When wet, the tile becomes slippery, which leads to cases of injury.

But do not forget that ceramic tile is a very durable material, so all your expenses will not be in vain.

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Characteristics of PVC tiles

The material is an analogue of the well-known linoleum. This tile is designed for laying on the floor in the kitchen or hallway. Its advantages are sufficient strength, low weight, high soundproofing qualities, it does not slip and does not swell, it is presented in a wide range of colors.

In order to create an original and unique pattern, you can use tiles of various colors. Another advantage of PVC tiles is its low price.

The disadvantage of the material is that it is less durable compared to ceramic tiles, and it is made from artificial components.

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Advantages and disadvantages of laminate

One of the popular modern coatings is laminate. The main advantages of laminate are ease of installation, relatively low price, durability and beautiful appearance.

Due to the fact that the laminate is based on a fibreboard, it has a sufficiently high strength and rigidity. The top layer allows you to imitate various materials very high quality and it will be very difficult for an inexperienced person to distinguish it from natural stone or parquet.

The printed picture is not an outer layer, acrylic or melamine resin is applied on top of it, and expensive brands are additionally coated with corundum, which provides them with high strength. This coating makes the laminate resistant to sunlight, chemical elements and mechanical wear.

This material is easy to clean by wiping it with a damp cloth. It is resistant to mechanical stress from women's heels, furniture legs, cigarette butts. It is great for covering the floor in the children's room.

If we talk about the shortcomings of the laminate, then these are weak edges. This is especially noticeable if the installation technology of this material is violated. It is not necessary to hope that the boards fit snugly against each other, it is necessary to carry out their processing with a special moisture-resistant coating.

In order to carry out the laying of the laminate, it is necessary to carry out high-quality preparation of the base, and these are always additional funds. This material is connected using locks, which, after improper installation, can loosen over time, and then the laminate begins to creak.

To clean the specified coating, it is necessary to use special tools, only in this case it will serve for a long time. The service life, in comparison with tiles, is small - only 15-20 years. It is recommended to install this flooring in rooms such as a bedroom, nursery or hallway, but it is not recommended to lay it in a bathroom or toilet.

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Features of choosing flooring for the kitchen

Laminate tiles are almost in no way inferior - both of these coatings can be used in the kitchen, everything will depend only on your budget and wishes. If you are low on funds, then it is better to opt for laminate, as it is cheaper, but at the same time less durable. The tile is not afraid of dampness, for example, during flooding, while the laminate in this case may be damaged.

Walking barefoot on tiles is not very pleasant, and if in winter this can be corrected by using a “warm floor”, then in summer you will not turn it on. Temperature fluctuations are frequent in the kitchen, grease can get on the floor, humidity is almost always high, so using tiles as flooring is the most preferred option. It is easy to clean, has a long service life and goes well with the tiles that are often used on kitchen walls.

If we talk about laminate, then it is easier and cheaper to install, has a fairly high strength and is durable. When choosing a material for flooring in the kitchen, consider not only your preferences, but also the characteristics of the material and its cost, as well as your financial capabilities.

Recently, a combined version (laminate and tile) has often been used, when tiles are laid in the working area of ​​the kitchen, and laminate is laid in the eating and relaxing area. Difficulties may arise during the joining of these coatings. The correct joint ensures the evenness of the floor, an imperceptible transition, and the durability of the coating.

There are many ways to join laminate and tile, but the main thing is that the joint provides a combination of colors, meets the design decision and the taste of the owner. To make a quality transition, transition platforms are often used, which are also called moldings or floor sills.

Moldings can be different: rubber, cork wood, plastic, metal. Cork moldings are considered the best option, since they are easy to mount, they serve as a shock absorber during laminate spillage, so the floor always remains flat.

Cork molding allows you to hide the joint well. Metal sills are more durable, but they are more difficult to install and cannot be made invisible. Wood moldings are the most expensive and will need to be upgraded over time. The cheapest are plastic sills - they are convenient to use if you need to hide curved joints, but they are short-lived.

In order to get started, it is necessary that the floors are even, and the laminate and tiles are on the same level. If there is a drop, you need to select the appropriate molding. Be sure to leave a gap of 5 mm, since the materials have different expansion rates. To prevent moisture from penetrating under the laminate, a cork barrier is installed.