What can be cooked from sockeye salmon in the oven. Delicious sockeye fish: how to cook it in different ways. How is sockeye salmon prepared

In addition to sockeye salmon, any red fish can be baked under a cheese-protein coat. This means pink salmon, chum salmon, trout, salmon. I wrote this in ascending order of price, and the cost of sockeye salmon is somewhere in the middle of this list.

In the ingredients, she indicated ready-made “for fish” as spices, because different options are suitable, as well as just fresh or dry parsley, ground hot or allspice, lemon juice and zest, etc. My spice bag says white pepper, saffron, suneli hops and ginger.

In order to cook sockeye salmon with cheese in the oven, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

If you bought an unfinished fillet, then additionally prepare the fish yourself. To do this, cut off the skin from the pieces of sockeye salmon and remove the backbone with bones. Sprinkle the sockeye fillet with spices for a few minutes. You need to be careful with salt, because the cheese will add salinity anyway.

Place the pieces of sockeye salmon in a preheated oven on a baking sheet greased with butter or vegetable oil. Bake for 7-10 minutes at 180-200 degrees.

While the fish is in the oven, prepare the filling, that is, the “fur coat”. Beat egg whites until light foam.

Add grated hard or semi-hard cheese and mix.

Remove the baking sheet with pieces of sockeye salmon from the oven, quickly cover them with a protein-cheese mass and return back for another 7-10 minutes.

Juicy and very tasty sockeye salmon cooked in the oven is ready.

Serve sockeye salmon with potato, rice or vegetable side dishes.

Bon appetit!

Sockeye salmon is unusually tasty and healthy in its composition and calorie content. It is part of the salmon family, being a valuable commercial fish and a delicacy for most of the inhabitants of the planet. Representatives of the salmon family are often referred to by the common name "red fish", but only sockeye salmon can rightfully carry it. Indeed, during the spawning period, it also acquires a bright red color on the outside, and at its end it again becomes silver, like other members of the family.

The rich color of the sockeye salmon meat is due to its diet, which includes small-sized, but very fatty in composition, kalyanid crustaceans belonging to the subclass of copepods. They themselves have a scarlet color, which they generously share with sockeye salmon. By the way, the meat of this fish is much redder than that of other salmon. So this is a truly red representative of the fauna of the seas and oceans, which lives in the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bOkhotsk and other water bodies.

Compared, for example, with chum salmon, this is a rather small individual, weighing from one and a half to over seven kilograms and up to eighty centimeters in length. But this in no way detracts from its merits. And they are, and very significant!

Composition and calories

Sockeye salmon is a kind of gourmet among salmon fish, feeding on the above-mentioned species of crustaceans. It is this diet that makes fish meat exceptional not only in color, but also in taste. It has a rich, rich taste, with notes unusual for red fish, giving exclusivity to sockeye salmon dishes.

From such meat you can cook not only gourmet dishes, but also exotic ones. It is impossible not to mention the unique composition, rich in proteins and fats. In the presence of fatty acids, and all kinds of vitamins from A to C, and minerals. Sockeye salmon meat contains a large amount of potassium and phosphorus, and a significant part of the periodic table, presented:

  • sulfur and chlorine;
  • sodium and magnesium;
  • iron and calcium;
  • zinc and copper;
  • manganese and chromium;
  • selenium and fluorine;
  • molybdenum and nickel.

Isn't it an impressive list? However, despite the high content of proteins and fats, the calorie content of fish is low. One hundred grams of the product accounts for only one hundred and fifty-seven kilocalories. This makes sockeye salmon even more valuable, suggesting the use of healthy and low-calorie fish in dietary nutrition for the purpose of losing weight (note to all those in need!).

Benefit for health

The beneficial properties of sockeye salmon, when regularly eaten along with other equally healthy foods, help to normalize metabolic processes in the body, including:

  • normalize blood sugar;
  • reduce cholesterol;
  • enrich the body with valuable substances;
  • optimize chemical reactions at the cellular and tissue level;
  • strengthen the muscular and skeletal systems.

Among the beneficial qualities of fish is an antioxidant effect that helps the body:

  • keep hair, nails, skin, mucous membranes in a normal, healthy state;
  • regulate digestive processes;
  • improve the functionality of the CNS.

What is the most valuable in sockeye salmon? It can be assumed that caviar, like other salmon fish. But no. The cardinal difference of the unique representative of the family lies in the special value and usefulness of its bright red meat.

Therefore, caviar is quite rare for sale, which affected the relative safety of fish in natural conditions, but still reduced its abundance. The benefits of sockeye salmon dishes are huge for everyone - children and adolescents, pregnant women and the elderly. Such a fish must be present in the diet of everyone.

Note to housewives

How to cook this unique fish tasty and quickly, keeping its qualities intact? Basically, it is prepared similarly to other salmon, but there are dishes for which only sockeye salmon is used. Connoisseurs say that the taste of these dishes cannot be compared with chum salmon dishes. So, sockeye salmon can be:

  1. Smoke, resulting in a delicious salmon.
  2. Salt, subsequently adding to various dishes, such as salads or cold appetizers, or simply as a delicacy on the festive table.
  3. Bake in the oven, or in foil on coals in natural conditions.
  4. Steam cooking for diet food.
  5. Fry in a pan, cut into steaks.

Cooking methods

The most popular recipe is pan-fried fish. It is a classic in the preparation of fish dishes, distinguished by its simplicity and speed, with a small amount of ingredients. You will need one fish, one hundred grams of flour, a little salt, three tablespoons of vegetable oil. Step technology:

  1. The fish is washed and cut into pieces, three centimeters thick, salted and rolled in flour.
  2. The frying pan is heated strongly, adding oil and laying out pieces of sockeye salmon.
  3. Fry them on both sides, for five minutes each, resulting in a golden crust.
  4. Before serving, the finished dish must be sprinkled with lemon juice to enrich and reveal the taste of the fish.

An equally successful oven bake recipe commonly used by nutritionists. It is also fast and does not require many related products. It will take one and a half kilograms of fresh or fresh-frozen fish fillets. How to prepare:

  1. If defrosting is required, it is done slowly.
  2. The fillet is washed, cut into medium pieces, carefully removing the bones.
  3. Salt and pepper, pouring lemon juice.
  4. The form is greased with oil (preferably olive oil) and fillets are placed in it.
  5. Roasting time seven minutes, temperature 220 degrees.
  6. Rub the cheese, mixing it with three beaten egg whites.
  7. A layer of the mixture is placed on the sockeye salmon, and again the form is sent to the oven for ten minutes.
  8. Be sure to drizzle with lemon juice!

With the advent of multicookers among kitchen appliances, cooking fish has become just lightning fast. This recipe has more ingredients, but its taste is much more diverse. What they do:

  1. Cut a kilo of fillet into small pieces.
  2. Fold in a slow cooker, after lubricating the form (preferably butter).
  3. Add spices (preferably a mixture of Provence herbs).
  4. Put onions and tomatoes, cut into rings, on the fish.
  5. Top with cream and grated cheese.
  6. Turn on the fish mode for five minutes.

The slow cooker can be replaced with a regular sleeve and get no less amazing results. True, the cooking time increases to half an hour, but in the absence of modern kitchen appliances, this is an excellent option for cooking juicy fish with vegetables.

You can cook sockeye salmon stewed in sour cream, which will help soften the bitterness characteristic of salmon meat. This recipe also includes vegetables. The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. The fillet is washed, cut into portions into small pieces. Coarsely rub the carrots, finely chop the onion.
  2. Heat up the pan and fry the onion until translucent.
  3. Carrots are added, fried, stewed for fifteen minutes, and then with tomato paste for another minute.
  4. Sockeye salmon is added to the vegetables and fried at maximum heat for three minutes until the fish is completely fried.
  5. Put the rest of the ingredients in the form of sour cream, salt, pepper, bay leaf.
  6. When the filling boils, the fire is reduced and, having covered the fish with a lid, they stew for another quarter of an hour.
  7. It is advisable to infuse the dish after turning it off for at least twenty minutes and add greens as a decoration for the dish.

If you are lucky enough to catch sockeye salmon on your own, for example in Kamchatka, then you can bake it on coals, right on the shore, and eat it outdoors in nature, pre-marinated in spices and lemon juice. It will be no less delicious and exotic than in the coolest restaurant in the world.

The price of this wonderful fish is high, and it is harvested much less compared to chum salmon. Based on these conditions, it is much more difficult to acquire tasty sockeye salmon than other red fish. But if you are lucky enough to buy or catch it, then the taste, smell and pleasant sensations from the process of its preparation and absorption will remain in your memory for a long time, along with the health benefits.

Feb 19, 2018 Olga

They call it a red fish, but it is the sockeye salmon that can rightfully be called that: when this fish goes to spawn, it becomes bright red on the outside, and its head becomes green, although the rest of the time it has a silver color that is usual for salmon.

Sockeye salmon: composition, calorie content

The meat of the sockeye salmon is also bright, rich red: it feeds on special, small, but rather fatty crustaceans from the subclass of copepods - kalyanids. These crustaceans are also bright red, and their pigments color the tissues of the sockeye salmon - this distinguishes it markedly from other salmon, in which the meat is usually pink.

Thanks to such gourmet nutrition, the taste of sockeye salmon is different, more saturated and rich, which seems to some people not quite familiar, so not only delicacies, but also all kinds of exotic dishes are prepared from its meat.

Sockeye salmon is found in the Pacific Ocean, so they catch it in the eastern seas of Russia - for example, in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bOkhotsk, although the Americans are more fortunate: sockeye salmon swims in abundance off their coasts. Unlike chum salmon and chinook, the champions in size among salmon, sockeye salmon is a medium-sized fish: about 80 cm long, and weighs from 1.5 to 7.7 kg - at most.

Salmon is very rich in protein and healthy fats, in which there are a lot of fatty acids, as well as vitamins,,,,,, group B; minerals are potassium and phosphorus in large quantities, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, selenium, fluorine, molybdenum, nickel. Despite the high content of protein and fat, sockeye salmon is not rich in calories - only 157 kcal per 100 g, so it, like other salmon, can be used in weight loss diets.

The benefits of sockeye salmon

If you use sockeye salmon regularly in combination with other healthy products, you can normalize metabolic processes - in particular, blood sugar levels; restore the balance of cholesterol and provide your body with many vital substances. It is enough just to add it to your diet so that chemical reactions in cells and tissues are optimized, and muscles and bones become stronger - this is ensured by the high content of phosphorus and fluorine in sockeye salmon. Therefore, sockeye salmon dishes are very useful for teenagers, children, pregnant women and the elderly.

fresh, quality sockeye salmon has antioxidant properties, and helps the body maintain normal hair, nails, skin and mucous membranes, improve digestion and the functioning of the nervous system. Sockeye caviar is sold very rarely, but this fish differs from other salmon in this: it is not caviar that is considered the most valuable in it - like, for example, chum salmon, but bright red flesh. It must be said that this saved the sockeye salmon from extermination only for the sake of caviar, although its reserves in nature were still significantly reduced.

How to cook sockeye salmon deliciously

There are not many recipes with sockeye salmon, but it can be prepared in the same way as other salmon. However, there are dishes in which this particular fish “appears”: connoisseurs and just those who have tried sockeye salmon at least once assure that they are delicious, and their taste is never forgotten - they say that chum salmon meat in this sense is much inferior to sockeye salmon meat.

Sockeye salmon is prepared in different ways - it is especially tasty in smoked form, and balyki from it are excellent. Salt sockeye should be moderately salted: its tender meat, saturated with healthy fats, becomes a delicacy product, with which any dish turns out to be festive. Salted sockeye salmon is added to salads and cold appetizers, but it is good and fresh, hot - baked or steamed.

Sockeye salmon cooks very quickly in the oven. It is necessary to take 1.5 kg of fillet, fresh or freshly frozen - in the latter case, it is necessary to defrost slowly. The washed fillet is cut into medium pieces, the bones are removed, evenly salted, sprinkled with pepper, poured over with lemon juice and laid out in a mold greased with oil - preferably olive. Bake for 7 minutes in the oven at 220°C, during which time 3 egg whites are beaten and mixed with grated cheese (200 g). The form with the fish is pulled out, the resulting mixture is spread on it in an even layer, and again set to bake for 10 minutes. Serve sprinkled with lemon juice.

The fastest way to cook a dish of sockeye salmon is in a slow cooker if such a device is in the kitchen. A kilogram of fillet is cut into medium-sized pieces, placed in a mold greased with butter, sprinkled with your favorite seasonings - “Provencal herbs” are well suited, spread on top with thin rings of onions and tomatoes and grease with a mixture of cream and grated cheese (50 g each). Cook with the valve closed in the "Fish" mode for 5 minutes.

If there is neither a slow cooker nor a double boiler, you can bake sockeye salmon in your sleeve - the taste will be similar. It is necessary to prepare a vegetable mixture: cut carrots into circles, onion into half rings; you can add potatoes - it is cut into cubes. Everything is sprinkled with salt, herbs, spices, mixed, put in a sleeve along with washed and chopped fish fillets, the ends of the sleeve are tightly closed and baked in the oven for 30 minutes.

Where to catch sockeye salmon. Sockeye salmon on coals

Prices for sockeye salmon are about 1.5 times higher than for chum salmon, and it is mined much less. About 20% of the total world catch of this fish is caught annually in Russia - from 15 to 30 thousand tons, but this is not so much, so it is more difficult to buy a good sockeye salmon than other salmon.

Abroad, for example, in the USA and Japan, sockeye salmon is grown specifically for amateur athletes. We have sports fishing is also allowed in some regions. So, tourists from the central regions of the country and even from Europe go to Kamchatka every year. To do this, you can buy a special fishing tour, and catch sockeye salmon legally; True, the fish grown for sport fishing is not too large: it usually weighs less than a kilogram, but this does not in the least reduce the pleasure of the fishing process and the catch. Salmon, as a rule, spawn in rivers, but sockeye salmon is different here too: most often it spawns in clean lakes, where there is natural spring water.

Therefore, if you yourself are lucky enough to catch sockeye salmon weighing about 0.6-0.7 kg, you can bake it right away, right in nature, on coals - it will be tastier than any exotic fish restaurant dish. You only need lemon, onion and spices - fresh sockeye salmon will be good without salt. Gut the fish, rinse, cut into steaks about 1.5 cm thick and marinate: put in a prepared container, mix with onion, chopped lemon (1/3) and spices, and leave for 20 minutes. Onion, cut into rings, you need to knead a little in advance so that it starts up the juice. Coals must be prepared correctly so that the heat from them is uniform; then put the steaks on the grill and fry for 80-10 minutes on each side, pouring lemon juice over them. The fish will be ready when it turns golden: do not move away from it, otherwise it can quickly turn into coals. Sockeye salmon baked on coals looks very beautiful on fresh green lettuce leaves.

Sockeye salmon is surprisingly tasty and healthy, but you should not use it during an exacerbation of gastritis, as well as with peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcers.

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Bake a kilogram of sockeye salmon in a sleeve or foil in the oven for 45 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, in a slow cooker - 55 minutes in the "Baking" mode.
Bake a layer of sockeye salmon steaks with sauce in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees, in a slow cooker for half an hour on the "Baking" mode.

How easy it is to bake sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon - 1 fish weighing 1 kilogram
Carrots - 2 pieces
Onion - 2 heads
Provencal herbs (can be replaced with Italian ones) - 3 tablespoons
Black pepper - 1 teaspoon
Salt - 1 tablespoon (heaped to taste)

Food preparation
1. Clean the fish from scales and gut the gut.
2. Wash the sockeye salmon with running water inside and out.
3. Cut off the fins and head of the sockeye salmon.
4. Cut the sockeye salmon into portioned pieces 2 cm thick.
5. Peel and finely chop the onion.
6. Peel the carrots and cut into slices 0.2-0.3 cm thick.
7. Put carrots and onions in a bowl, sprinkle with Provence herbs, ground pepper and salt, mix.
8. Put the sockeye salmon into the mixture and mix.

Baking sockeye salmon in a sleeve in the oven
1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees for 5 minutes.
2. Put the sockeye salmon together with onions and carrots in a sleeve or foil, and achieve maximum tightness.
3. Put the sockeye salmon in the sleeve on the middle level of the oven and bake for 45 minutes.

Baking sockeye salmon in a slow cooker
1. Put the sockeye salmon in a multicooker container, greased with vegetable oil (2 tablespoons).
2. Set the multicooker to the "Baking" mode.
3. Turn on the slow cooker and bake the sockeye salmon for 55 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.

How to bake salmon steaks

Sockeye salmon - 1 fish weighing 1 kilogram (or 800 grams of defrosted steaks)
Lemon - 2 pieces
Rosemary - 1 teaspoon
Dill - 1 bunch
Salt - 1 tablespoon
Black ground pepper - 1 teaspoon
Sour cream - 150 grams
Hard cheese - 200 grams
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

Preparing sockeye salmon for baking
1. Peel the fish, gut, wash and cut into 2 cm thick steaks.
2. Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil.
3. Put the fish on a dish in 1 layer, salt and pepper and sprinkle generously with lemon juice.
4. Wash the dill, dry it and finely chop it, sprinkle the sockeye salmon with herbs.
5. Cover the sockeye salmon with an even layer of sour cream.
6. Rub cheese on top with an even layer.

How to bake sockeye salmon in the oven
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
2. Put the form with sockeye salmon on the middle level of the oven and bake for 20 minutes.

How to bake sockeye salmon in a slow cooker
It is necessary to cook in 2 visits, or reduce the amount of food by half
1. Lubricate the multicooker with vegetable oil.
2. Put the sockeye salmon in a slow cooker, sprinkle with salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice.
3. Sprinkle sockeye salmon with dill, cover with sour cream and cheese.
4. Set the multicooker to the "Baking" mode, bake the sockeye salmon for 30 minutes.

Sockeye salmon belongs to the representatives of the salmon family, resembles chum salmon in shape and size, but has more pleasant organoleptic qualities and is considered more useful. Sockeye salmon meat has a rich color and, according to gourmets, crab notes can be traced in its taste. The best way to prepare this delicacy fish is roasting. Sockeye salmon in the oven can be cooked whole, cut into steaks or cut into fillets. Each option is good in its own way.

Cooking features

Sockeye salmon has few bones and is easily cut. Her meat is not fatty, but not dry either. This fish is good, no matter how you cook it. Most often, it is baked, as the result is not only very tasty and healthy, but also mouth-watering, festive-looking dishes. It is difficult to spoil sockeye salmon when baking in the oven, but some inexperienced cooks manage to dry it out, interrupt its taste with spices. This fish is not so cheap to start cooking it without being prepared. Knowing a few important points will allow you to get a good result even for a hostess who does not have culinary experience.

  • For baking, whole sockeye salmon weighing up to 2.5 kilograms is used, if its head and tail protrude beyond the baking sheet, they are cut off. Whole baked sockeye salmon is considered a banquet dish, more often it is baked in the form of steaks or fillets.
  • Sockeye salmon can be purchased already cut into portions (steaks, fillets), but economical housewives try to buy whole carcasses and cut them on their own. It is cheaper, and there is always the possibility of finding caviar inside. The process of cleaning and gutting sockeye salmon is simple, there are few bones in it, so even a novice cook can handle it without any problems. You just need to be careful when ripping open the abdomen so as not to damage the gallbladder and, if you're lucky, the caviar.
  • Fresh and chilled sockeye salmon is considered the most delicious, but in most regions of our country it is sold freshly frozen. When buying, it is recommended to evaluate not only the expiration date, but also the condition of the fish. If it is covered with a thick layer of ice, lying unevenly, with sharp ends, this indicates a violation of the rules for its storage. The fact that the fish has been defrosted can be told by snow or water in the package. If there are suspicions that the sockeye salmon was defrosted and re-frozen, it is advisable to refuse the purchase.
  • Sockeye salmon should be defrosted in natural conditions, without exposing it to a sharp temperature drop. Trying to speed up the process with a microwave or warm water will break the structure of the fish, causing it to become loose and dry.
  • If you are afraid of overdrying sockeye salmon when cooking it in the oven, bake it in foil or a cooking sleeve.
  • Many spices are not used in the preparation of sockeye salmon, so as not to interrupt its natural taste and aroma. You can add a little lemon or lemon juice, black or white pepper, a little greenery, 1-2 bay leaves. You can also use complex seasonings for fish. Often sockeye salmon is baked, smeared with sour cream or mayonnaise, poured with melted butter, which makes it even more juicy and tender.
  • The cooking time of sockeye salmon depends on the size of the pieces or carcass, the temperature in the oven. Usually it ranges from 20 to 40 minutes.

The technology for baking sockeye salmon according to different recipes may vary. In order to avoid mistakes and get the expected result, it is advisable not to deviate from the instructions that accompany a particular recipe.

Sockeye salmon, baked whole, with onions and carrots

  • sockeye salmon - 2 fish 1.5-1.8 kg each;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 0.25 kg;
  • carrots - 0.25 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 40 ml;
  • fresh dill - 20 g;
  • salt, spices for fish - to taste;

Cooking method:

  • Wash the fish. Remove the entrails, fins, heads, tails. Rinse again and dry with a towel.
  • Rub the carcasses inside and out with salt and spices, sprinkle with juice squeezed from half a lemon.
  • Cut the remaining half of the fruit into slices, put in the abdomen of the fish, and place the dill sprigs there.
  • Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil, put the sockeye salmon carcasses in it.
  • Scrape the carrots, wash, dry with a napkin and grate coarsely.
  • Free the onion from the husk, cut it into medium-sized cubes.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the chopped vegetables into it and fry them for 5 minutes.
  • Lubricate the fish with mayonnaise, put the fried vegetables on top.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, send the form with fish carcasses into it. Bake for 40-45 minutes. To prevent the vegetables from burning, 25 minutes after placing the dish in the oven, cover it with foil.

When serving sockeye salmon baked according to this recipe, it does not hurt to decorate it with lemon or tomato slices.

Salmon fillet baked in foil


  • salmon fillet - 1 kg;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • lemon -1 pc.;
  • dried dill - 5 g;
  • dried garlic (optional - 5 g);
  • salt, a mixture of peppers - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Sprinkle salmon fillet with salt and pepper.
  • Melt the butter, mix two-thirds of it with the juice squeezed from half a lemon.
  • Lubricate the foil with the remaining oil, put pieces of sockeye salmon skin side down on it.
  • Pour the sockeye salmon with a mixture of oil and lemon juice, sprinkle with dried dill and garlic.
  • Cut the rest of the lemon into thin slices, spread on the fish fillet.
  • Wrap the fish in foil and place on a baking sheet.
  • Send a baking sheet with sockeye salmon in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Cut the finished fillet into portions, serve with a side dish of boiled rice or mashed potatoes. Fresh, baked or stewed vegetables are also suitable as a side dish.

Sockeye salmon steaks in foil in the oven

  • sockeye salmon steaks - 1-1.5 kg;
  • onions - 100-150 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • laurel leaves - 2-3 pieces;
  • salt - to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil - how much will it take.

Cooking method:

  • Cut sockeye salmon into steaks, wash, dry them with a kitchen towel.
  • Laurel leaves break, grind with a pepper mill or coffee grinder.
  • Rub the steaks with salt.
  • Lubricate pieces of foil folded in half with vegetable oil, spread sockeye salmon steaks over them.
  • Onion, peeled, cut into rings or half rings.
  • Wash the lemon, cut into thin circles or halves of the rings.
  • Sprinkle the steaks with chopped laurel, place lemon slices on top, and sprinkle with onions. Wrap the fish in foil and place on a baking sheet.
  • Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200-220 degrees, bake the steaks for 25 minutes.

You can serve steaks in foil, unfolding it and forming boats out of it, or laying it out on a plate. If you serve fish in foil, you do not need a side dish for it, it can be served on a plate along with a side dish.

Sockeye salmon baked with mushrooms and shrimps

  • sockeye salmon - 2-2.5 kg;
  • boiled-frozen shrimp - 0.8 kg;
  • fresh champignons - 0.8 kg;
  • juniper berries - 10-15 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the sockeye salmon meat from the skin and bones, cut into small pieces, put in a bowl.
  • Cut the previously washed and dried mushrooms into small cubes.
  • Dip shrimp for 2-3 minutes in boiling salted water, catch with a slotted spoon, cool, peel. If they are large, cut them, small seafood can be left whole.
  • Stir in the fish fillets, mushrooms, shrimp and juniper berries, as well as the finely chopped garlic.
  • Salt, you can pepper a little. Stir again.
  • Place in a bag or sleeve for baking, send to an oven preheated to 200 degrees and cook for 30-35 minutes.

Sockeye salmon with shrimp and mushrooms can also be baked in portion molds, also put in a culinary sleeve, and then served directly to the table.

Sockeye salmon with cheese and egg whites

  • sockeye salmon steaks - 1 kg;
  • egg whites - 2 pcs.;
  • hard or semi-hard cheese - 50 g;
  • spices for fish, salt - to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil - how much will it take.

Cooking method:

  • Carefully remove the skin from the sockeye salmon steaks, separate the fillet from the bones.
  • Sprinkle the fillet pieces with salt and spices, fold in pairs so that they look like a whole steak.
  • Grease a mold or several molds suitable for cooking food in the oven with vegetable oil. Carefully move the fish "steaks" into the mold.
  • Place the mold in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  • Crack the eggs, separating the whites. Whip the whites with a whisk.
  • Grind the cheese on a grater, you can even coarsely, mix with the protein mass.
  • After 10 minutes of baking sockeye salmon, remove the form from the oven. Cover the fish pieces with the resulting cheese-protein mixture.
  • Return the fish dish to the oven and continue cooking for another 10-15 minutes.

Sockeye salmon under a cheese-protein cap looks appetizing and unusual, it turns out delicious. Such an appetizer can become the main decoration of the festive table.

Sockeye is a tasty and healthy fish. Often it is prepared by baking in the oven. There are many recipes for this dish, so almost every gourmet will be able to choose the option that best suits his gastronomic preferences.