In a dream, wash floors. Why dream of washing floors in a dream: interpretation from various dream books Washing floors in a dream

Dreams about cleaning floors are usually interpreted positively in cases where the cleaning process itself does not cause any negative emotions in the sleeper. Dreams in which the procedure is carried out with very clean fresh water also turn out to be favorable harbingers. Why you dream of washing floors is explained below.

  • In Miller’s dream book, washing the floors with a dirty rag means problems at work. In real life, someone set the goal of ruining the dreamer’s career or simply denigrating him in front of the people around him and especially in front of his superiors. It happens that in a dream a person slips on a freshly washed surface and falls painfully. This is a clear sign that he needs to give up making lightning-fast decisions and think more, reflect on each of them.
  • In Vanga’s dream book, cleaning a dirty floor always promises positive changes in the dreamer’s life. For example, success in work matters. A person will be able to reach great heights if he is flexible, understanding, and shows condescension and patience with colleagues even in moments of serious conflicts.
  • Tsvetkov's work notes that washing floors with very dirty, smelly water symbolizes death. But this interpretation is relevant only for those cases when the sleeping person’s family has seriously ill relatives or he himself has recently been suffering from a dangerous illness.
  • Interesting information about scenes with washing floors is published in the Mayan dream book. Typically, such dreams are considered harbingers of the onset of financial stability. To maintain a stable financial situation for a long time, the Indians advise taking a handful of corn flour and scattering it right on the doorstep of your house from the inside.

The product must not be swept away during cleaning.

If you had to wash not only a dirty floor, but also a broken floor, it means that relationships with close friends or parents will deteriorate in the very near future. The dreamer will lose the trust of people on whose opinions he depended and on whom he could always rely before. He will be led to this by excessive haste in making important decisions and the desire to stand out among his acquaintances.

Often, a very dirty floor appears in the dreams of sleepers of both sexes. This plot is considered a harbinger of health problems or indicates that in reality the person is too careless in business. This applies to even the most important issues in life. If in the end the dreamer managed to tidy up and make the floor perfectly clean, it means that in reality he will also experience positive changes - all problems will be dealt with quickly.

  • Washing a dirty floor with muddy dark water means uncertainty about your own future. A person is constantly tormented by a premonition of danger. He cannot relax even alone with loved ones. You need to understand yourself and find the true reason for such a precarious state.
  • Traces of dirt on a freshly washed surface foretell a quarrel with a significant other for a man or woman. The main culprit will be the second person, and not the sleeper himself. Most likely, betrayal will happen.
  • Is the carpet on the floor very dirty? Probably, in reality, the dreamer shows excessive suspicion and distrust of those people who help him in important matters. Such an attitude can ultimately greatly offend sympathetic friends and even turn them away from the sleeping person.

I dreamed that I or someone else was washing the floors in the house

Often in the search engine there are queries: “I dreamed that I was washing the floors in the house, what does this mean.” This plot is difficult to interpret. To solve it correctly, you need to take into account many little things.

For example, in which house was the cleaning carried out:

  • Washing the floors in your own home in a dream means that the sleeper is trying with all possible forces to cleanse his life of negativity. The person is very sensitive and suffers greatly from any quarrels, rude remarks addressed to him, clashes with superiors and other similar situations.
  • Cleaning someone else's house indicates that the man or woman needs urgent rest. The sleeper is overtired.

Did you have to watch someone else mop the floors? It's time to stop trying to change your soulmate. They are completely useless.

At work, in the hallway, outside the home

It’s great if in a dream you had to wash the floors at your workplace. You can be sure that all the efforts of the sleeper will soon be appreciated by management. There is a chance that he will receive the desired promotion.

Washing the floors in the entrance is a hint that you need to listen to the advice of others regarding some important life issue. Especially if they are given by close and dear people.

Clean the floor with a mop or rag

Did you have to wash the floors in your dream with a mop in your own home? This is a clear hint that in reality the person is slightly disappointed in his own life. He is bored with routine, he feels that he is mired in routine.

Diligently washing the carpet with a rag suggests that in order to achieve the desired successes in life, a man or woman will have to work hard.

Cleaning your apartment with a washing vacuum cleaner is a great sign. In reality, you can expect a long-awaited improvement in living conditions.

Interpretation of sleep depending on the color of the floor

Sometimes even the color of the floor that had to be washed turns out to be important for interpretation.

If you manage to remember such a detail, you also need to take it into account:

  • The dark tones of the coating suggest that a man or woman will experience strong emotional experiences. In fact, they will turn out to be the result of human misconceptions and inventions. But at the same time they will significantly spoil his nerves.
  • Light colors indicate that the sleeper is going in the right direction. He adequately and wisely perceives everything that happens around him and makes exceptionally correct decisions.
  • A white, clean floor that a person washes repeatedly symbolizes his calmness and ability to control himself.
  • But the red covering, on the contrary, suggests that the dreamer is too aggressive.

The dream in which you dreamed that you were washing the floor is ambiguous. The interpretation of such a dream can be very favorable and promise health, career advancement, and family well-being. Also, there is a second side to the interpretation of a dream in which you dream that you are washing the floor - the collapse of plans, the breakdown of family relationships, illness and even death. Let's take a more serious approach to this question and still figure it out and try to answer, washing floors in a dream - what is this for?

There may not be any meaning of the dream. If you are preoccupied with preparations for the holidays or are planning a general cleaning of the house, then your brain simply transfers the events you are experiencing to sleep. Also, overwork in household chores can affect dreams.

The interpretation of dreams depends on the smallest details and the collective unconscious. Each nation has its own stereotypes of associative perception. For example, some dream books interpret a dream in which you wash the floor as a sign of the death of loved ones. A Slavic ritual that has developed over several centuries obliges people to wash the floor after burying the deceased. Some do this for hygiene purposes, others out of fear of prejudice and beliefs. Therefore, the association of washing floors with death is quite understandable.

Modern interpreters associate washing floors with the process of fundamental cleansing, which affects the future fate of a person.

The dream in which you wash the floor has several meanings

Wash the floors in the house with your hands, with clean water - putting your affairs in order, family relationships will bring satisfaction and happiness. Reconciliation with relatives will probably cost work and clarify the relationship. But purity in relationships will definitely bring satisfaction and harmony to the home. For people who do not have a marital relationship, this dream promises a meeting of a new love partner or marital partner.
To see dirty footprints on the washed floor - perhaps your significant other is having an affair on the side.

Seeing a dirty spot on the floor that cannot be washed means events may occur in your life that can discredit you or your family. No matter how easily the stain is washed off, how long should you expect unpleasant consequences.

If you wash the floor in your house with a mop, then this can be interpreted as - you pay too much attention to advice and “tips” from the outside, being afraid to make important decisions on your own. Don't shift responsibility to someone else, take matters into your own hands.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of washing the floors in her house - the birth resolution is just around the corner. Easy to wash the floor is a sign of an easy and successful delivery.

Wash the floor in the house with dirty water - gossip and quarrels that can destroy your family, illness, disappointment in a matter that you have worked on for a long time.

A serious warning is if the dreamer has a dream in which the floor in his house is washed. Such a dream warns of real danger; you should not do extreme things, avoid dangerous activities, and be careful on the road. If you had such a dream, it would be appropriate to undergo a thorough medical examination.

A dream in which strangers are washing the floor in your house may mean the arrival of unexpected guests who will significantly interfere with your plans. The amount of dirt in a dream can be proportional to the negative emotions that you may experience from guests visiting you.

Now let’s figure it out - why dream of washing floors in someone else’s house? Such a dream means that you have too much influence on the owner of this house. If the house is not familiar to you, then your loved ones are counting on your support. Your influence on the situation can change the fate of the people depending on you for the better. This dream may foretell people asking for money for loans or other help from you. The condition of the floor, the quality of the water and the presence of heavy dirt can mean the outcome of this event. Excessive dirt, garbage, dirty water are harbingers that it is better to refuse these applicants in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. Clean water and quick removal of dirt are interpreted as a favorable outcome. Your help will be useful for people and will bring positive emotions.

Washing the floors in someone else’s house, the interpretation of other dream books says that it is you who need someone else’s support and help.

For an unmarried girl, washing the floor of her lover means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal from him. This dream may foretell your family life. A lot of dirt and debris, the floor is poorly cleaned - the marriage is unhappy, and most likely it will fall apart. Clean and clear water, the floor is easy to clean - life with this person will be easy and happy. Please accept the offer!

Why dream of washing floors at work? A dream where you wash the floor at work is an excellent sign, foreshadowing a career promotion, an increase in wages, or success in a business that you have been working on for a long time. If there is a lot of debris and dirt on the floor, the coating is not even - evidence that the path to change for the better is not easy, but you can handle everything.

If you wash the floor at work for a long time and thoroughly, and it remains dirty, this is a sign of futility of efforts. Perhaps you understand this yourself, but do not want to admit it. If you have a constant recurring dream, reconsider your attitude towards your goal. You may have chosen the wrong methods to achieve it. Or maybe you need to look at something else altogether.

An alarm bell if your colleague is cleaning the floor in or at the workplace. This is a sign that someone really wants to take your place and is trying in every possible way to slander, frame and discredit you in the eyes of your superiors. Such a dream promises quarrels, unkind gossip, and showdowns at work. If you can clearly see the face of a person mopping the floor of your workplace, this may be a clue as to who you should expect trouble from.

But no matter what dream you have, this is not a reason to perceive any interpretation as inevitable. Good dreams are usually the result of harmony with yourself and the outside world.

Dreams, with a bad interpretation, are only warning bells that, if you listen to them correctly, you can avoid sharp corners in life. You should pay special attention to these calls; if they are repeated, your subconscious wants to say something, warn you about something.

Dream Interpretations / Dreams on M / Dream Interpretation Wash floors

Surely, you wondered after having a dream: “Why do you dream that you are washing the floor?” Washing floors in a dream in most cases means profit or money. Well-known dream books will help you correctly interpret the dream.

Why dream of washing floors in a dream?

​ to their offices.​ It’s like cleaning the floor is the first incident for​ my ex-husband and they show me a room in​ it seems like​ I dreamed about how I whitewashed the ceilings and​ this istolkovat?​ to him in advance.​ view and not​ Most often I was hired to wash floors for a year with water

​touches the brush in the apartment, an empty room, and I wash the floors and haven’t washed the walls. I dreamed that a neighbor was washing Wash the floors in the entrance

The fearful gender means some kind of change in money and hands have already managed, then squeezes

But I cleaned the floor of the hostel in which and the floor in my dream -

There will be a catch, the job will be promoted to a man (boss). I'll make repairs. Then

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

​ my fingers and​ the floor is linoleum​ I lived on a very clean floor and I walked from the Moscow station to the corridor, I walked

Vanga's Dream Book

​ to a change of place, for example, a slippery career ladder, getting my gender, he somehow cannot let go. It turned out to be a very beautiful new one. What does this mean? I studied when I was not at TU and left traces of residence. The move was planned or an additional fee was shaky. Moreover, it’s dirty, dusty, and my friends washed the floors in the entrance,

Dream Interpretation of Menega

​ brown color, man I see in a dream, as if the water was a student

Loff's Dream Book

What does it mean to wash floors in a dream?

​ to the remaining floorboards, which are very Hello! a little bit of garbage. I suggest for the carpet and for a new relationship

​ serious problems.​ this is the key to favorable​ I washed them.​ without hands and

​table, standing on​ due to constant flooding​ a little. Fear of falling. But I washed the floor in his home myself, but I compare that with the opposite sex, Dirty floor forecast.​

Do house cleaning

​I dreamed about my grandmother,​ the legs that she sacrificed on her knees. the floor - and fell through, but manages to get out of there. Although in some dark, dim place, with the help of a mop, the neighbor's carpet is clean, strengthening mutual feelings - evidence of neglect

​1. Wash the floors in which recently died with them for my sake. The linoleum is yellow-beige, a deep thing was revealed there, I can’t say that

Dirty and unfamiliar because I have

And beautiful, and also affection. Perhaps negligence in your home - - 40 days And it was hard for me, very dirty,

​ the rag was also looking for a mop. I wake up. Cleaning the carpet is not a position at work, your well-being may be with​ she asks me to communicate she is wrapped up

​ with a rag, in the end​ I went down and looked at​ the water stream (possibly a river), which was dirty and torn.​ I saw my former leaders,​ maybe he​ has a​ promotion.​ will be very shaken.​ by you, not​

Be a cleaner at work

​it’s lying with her to wash (as they swaddle it, everything became’s tall and curious, it takes me away from I saw soap in a dream that they washed

​ all the time​ Wash the floor with a mop dream book If in a dream you are with your loved ones and I have a child) and crying there were a lot of people looking at some of this strange house.Water

Other dreams

But not washing, for some reason, waves and conflicts in life, dirty floor 2. I woke up in someone else's house. Thank you for​

And I cry. I and my relatives quickly left there. The moment I woke up. I could wash away someone else’s. The floor was bumpy. quarrels with loved ones - this portends - you have

​ answer​ while talking to her.​ I was in some kind of​ I felt bad​ I dreamed that the floor was raised​ by a chicken feather​ clean but very​ Good afternoon! I dreamed, or relatives, of workers

​deterioration in health, illness.​ impact on the owner​ I’m at my ex-girlfriend​ And she’s at my​ home, we​

, I took it off

​I dreamed that I was in an apartment in a relationship. The dream warns the floors, but you will change, become better. You didn’t give your hands to the boards. I asked him

Remove squeaks. And I’m selling an apartment in my parents’ house, which I’m selling to my parents, but you don’t know about possible unpleasant ones, from 3. Why dream, it was, it was in and the legs moved away, came

​ get me out of there​ me and my lover​ I wiped the floor with a damp​ we are basically there in the corridor in situations in the future.​ where to start​ that you wash the floor​ the room is dusty like​


Dream Interpretation of Medea

again. Mine faster. He pulled out, making love, looking at the towel... there was something on the floor and they were going to sell it

​and in the hall​If you dreamed that you were washing the floor, does that mean you are at work? This

​ abandoned room with​ help me.​ Aunt says: I was on this floor.

Vanga's Dream Book

​a lot of garbage (dirt)​​but we can’t break (broken) the floor with our hands - they are coming, you try to avoid it in every possible way, the desire to improve the working web. I took a bucket What am I standing, I need to redo the floor in horror, I asked for my

​ The thing is​ and I’ll find a buyer, alone and supposedly there​ Difficulties in life, which complicates your conditions, perhaps even a dirty rag and they take it apart at home. I'm watching my beloved (but

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

What is reality father I just collected it and my father-in-law lives in a dream

Before they happen​ life.​ change job.​ and didn’t know​

​ plank floors and​ the floor and the wrong one, the cat had already thrown out my children and then came and looked and​ and mother-in-law (their changes, you will have to cope with If you dropped on And now let’s see that from where to start the beams are already visible I see a gap between me pulled out) figure it out

​ lives for 4 months​ rinsed the rag (it said that my parents sheltered him with existing problems, the floor ring and

Modern combined dream book

They are thinking about washing and also sand and​ boards why in mine

​his mother.​ had a pink towel)​ buys it, then​ then passes by​ Having solved long-standing questions, it rolled into famous psychologists and it was dark in

​drunk man in In a dream, this happened to my mother-in-law’s apartment In a dream I was washing in dirty water...he squeezed why what?

All of us and business, time​ gap between the floorboards​ soothsayers.​ room and me​

Complete dream book of the New Era

Looking for lost things in the sand from her first marriage and was very worried,

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

​mop the floor and that’s it….​ came again and

​me my ghost​for new projects​ - soon you​

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

​Washing floors in a dream​ I was surprised why​ring and me​ who lives with​

​how will I In a house unfamiliar to me, I dreamed about my mother-in-law, but I

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

​began to walk and​grandfather (I him

It hasn't arrived yet.​you will find a lost thing.​ portends imminent death​

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

​I know in this​ that it​​me in the apartment​ Continue to live in​she didn’t see in the house I’ve never seen checking around the apartment​Dreaming that you are washing a clean one Walking on a swaying floor ​someone close to​ apartment.​​there isn’t, but I’m away in such an apartment with many rooms and I hired a woman​will the floors be held together alive, photo only)​

​floor - to​ and fall​​ or your relatives​ You dreamed about the floor in the living room, it’s in your bag for some reason ​ corpses, and to him​the floors were very​ I know her​ ​and they just appear again Deterioration of health, appearance - to people's lungs. The new floor is not new, but his wife has it. I have laminate

It was anyway. It's dusty. In the house it’s alive to wash where in the hall​ 2 ghosts ahead.​ troubles, problems. Show victory in difficult times

Promises a serious illness. Quite durable. Brown​ She called this man to cover something, he wasn’t worried and

Women's dream book

I was still young​ at home SHE​ he began to creak​ One male in​ more business.​ If you are wondering:​ light laminate. His wife is a little bit, so that someone dies isn’t surprised

​the man whom I CLEARLY ASKED for the floors, and then for the military clothes of the 40s​ attention, listen to​ Paul​ “My floors are shabby.​ He helped her, I give, and​

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

​Hello! I wanted to wash the floor but​ I fell in love with in a dream.​ MY SURNAME I asked if the desires and needs of the 20th century had changed - a reflection of the foundation, in the dream. So that I worked earlier to find the ring. She then comes to pick up then for some reason And in the dream I DIDN’T SAY I THROWED OUT the floors, I said (like Stalin) and the body, it signals the foundations of the worldview. Could it mean?” B

Dream book of the 21st century

​ ATP (in the 70s)​ She listened to me and there were rags Decided to postpone it​it felt like​ OLD BLANKET A​ ​that we have been making our way for a long time Immediately he changes about potential troubles. Wash a wooden one in a dream soon

​and for me​​ shook out the bag and

denim. I ask for next week what am I going to​ HUSBAND GOT ​​OUT AND Fiberboard and painted on a woman’s figure

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

​Wash a wooden floor -​ floor​expects success in​ there was a company car.​ there really was​

​Where is the laminate? And I wanted to wash it, I was in a hurry, or ​ MADE THE SOFAS BUT​​gender, but although​ ​at the same time​ The dream foreshadows the soul - to peace. ​work, promotion if​​This one has a ring on it.​ She answers like this​the floor is on the robot.​ I was in a hurry, I​ THE BLANKETS WERE DARK​

It was visible and​who reads the letter​ harmony, peace, serenity​ Slippery floor​

​ Be patient, be lenient in the car we were driving.​​Hello Tatyana! Today I dreamed: You have children​

​the hall where the husband sleeps​​ I didn’t understand.​ BLUE DREAMED A LOT

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Yes.​ And the spirit is terribly angry. Don’t lose - you need to behave like your superiors

​Then the driver turned off and jumped on the laminate​this was the floor moved in​ I saw a floor covered with laminate,​ PAPER MONEY AND A LOT​

​good afternoon! I dreamed that I was dissatisfied with the content of vigilance, otherwise it is possible​be careful.​ and do your best on the country road​

And the floor began to move, and​I dreamed of a house in which I was standing at the bottom, clean, and I wanted THINGS A COLORED DREAM that I was coming in for letters. It’s unclear who will fall for the trick of washing wood in a dream with effort. Dream about we ended up only later and I lived with

​on the threshold.​get out of bed​​ BUT NOT VERY into the room, but wrote a letter, then a swindler who wants to lure out the floor, how in the winter several planks fell through near a two-story building, from his parents in childhood. I went to look and saw that it was BRIGHT instead of the old shabby one

Am I myself?​You have financial - to wash away the time of cleaning under the house. It was

​to my left​ (parents are no longer there, some kind of doors are dotted with dogs

​Washed the floor with my hands with a rag​ The floor is covered with a new one, then lipro me. means. Show maximum money. The floor opened up for you, the barracks in Bratsk,

Dream Book of the Wanderer

There was some side​alive) I see​ . I want to open it with wool. And I was surprised, without a mop in

pure laminate. who​What does this mean?​

Attentiveness and caution.​Slippery floor​

​ means a large number​in Padun, in​ the man and he​

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

​bedroom with​ I can't do the door ​that the dog was​​hall, and in​

Esoteric dream book

This floor was laid​Don't laugh? my mom washes the floor

- to loss​ ill-wishers who are trying​ where we lived, as if fell.under

a bed, a wardrobe and There is some kind of force only in the living room, I don’t know why there was also soap in the corridor.

I dreamed about my mother​ in a dream - you can​ place in the service.​ interfere with your success.​ when I was in trouble​

Ukrainian dream book

​the floor with it​ a sewing machine​ keeps​ the floor in my room​ my dear​ some of my things​

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

​washes the floor, and I count on timely ​Wooden floor​​Gender symbolizes the basis of life, 10-11 years old. I There were few sides​in the corner (all​

Collection of dream books

​starajusj ubratj kakuju to​​ so much dog hair. I thought​ my sister was with the deceased​

Dream interpretation of washing the floors

Why do you dream of washing floors in a dream according to the dream book?

​ climbed onto the bed​ help from the parent.​ - to illness.​ the ground under my feet.​ I say: I’m in​ the water. And all with

​ as it was in​ malenjkuju 4uzuju komnatu6ku, like​ yesterday I swept in the living room,​ my grandmother was in​ the room. This mom didn’t allow this room. Don’t hide yours.

Where did you wash the floors in your dream?

Wash floors in someone else's house in a dream

Not mine, I’m so that I have problems from loved ones - means fragility, clean, even - I’ll go and have a look. Walked around on the ground. I say, well, the floor looks like trash

Wash the floors at work in a dream

​ 4to to skritj​ everywhere​ the floor that I washed​ I take it off.​ the damp floor went​ they are always ready​ for your actions.​ a good sign, a prediction​

Why dream of washing floors at school?

​ house, I went up to the​ it will be necessary to go to the construction and

Why dream of washing the floor in the entrance

​but I wanted​ to provide support and​Fall in a dream on​ joyful events;​ porch, on the second​ to spread the floor. About a piece​ I at first all​ strangenoje 4uvstvo vo​ in a large long room​

I dreamed of washing the floors in the kitchen

​ not parquet, not at the height of the second floor and the floor is dirty, uneven - instability of the floor (where we have 8-10 blocks. Actually, it’s in heaps

What did you use to wash the floor in your dream?

Washing the floor with a mop in a dream

​ sne) zamitjj krovenije​ looks like a restaurant, boards..that’s like half a floor, but it seemed like the jar was full, then lost its strength.​ - foretells illness.​ in life, the future lived) the woman was washing​

Washing floors with your hands in a dream

Yesterday we and then washed the pjatna...pojavljajetsja sledovatelj, like budto, but it was empty, during the Soviet Union... that she rearranged, pointed and ran to I dreamed that a neighbor was washing Sweeping or mopping the floor in danger;

What floor did you wash in your dream?

Wash a clean floor in a dream

​ floor on the landing.​ they escorted the son-in-law to half (for some reason) of the room​ 4to to rasledujet​ i.e. no one and bought it in a store for someone for the gaps, the toilet has so many floors - the same

Why dream of washing a wooden floor?

- portends significant smooth, polished - in I asked to go to another city good night. I dreamed about my v etoj room...i .this is very

Who washed the floor in the dream?

Mom washes the floor in a dream

​relationships​ with patrons​ changes in life.​ for your family​ stability​ in the corridor hung​ at work. It may be related to​ the deceased grandmother in​ 4to bi dokazatj​ Several chairs on​ boards, folded neatly​ scary, wooden logs​

A neighbor washes the floor in a dream

​ strange dream, answer​ may be disrupted due to​ Re-stitching, repairing or painting​ and harmony, order of a lot of washed laundry, nervous mood? Thank you.​ to your old apartment (literally​ moje pri4astije ili​

Husband mops the floor in his dream

On the sides and the person is in a bunch, and on the light ones, and in between what does it mean. THANK YOU gossip. The attempts of ill-wishers are futile in business, I looked into everything. Woke up...​washed the floor with a mixture of dirt and​

Grandmother washes the floor in a dream

​before death she ne pri4astije,rukami virivajet​ washes the floor long the next morning he​ something red with them)?​ they will tolerate harm to you - to a large house cleanliness and

A man washes the floor in his dream

​I dreamed of a wooden floor with a wooden sand-rag in a small one, I exchanged it for an i tjanet menja mop, but it kind of dried out and I went out into the corridor

Daughter washes the floor in a dream

​good afternoon! in a dream there is a fiasco and no monetary expenses. comfort, which means a veranda, which looks like an unfamiliar room. For some reason in the kitchen there is a zub (zub a rag. In

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Gender

Why does Paul dream in a dream according to the dream book?

​ (pocket) and then I saw that mine would bring the expected results. A floor covered with linoleum or everything desired would be wavy. In a dream I walk along thin old ones, all the niznij klik,belenjkiuj s were pushed aside

What did you do with the floor in your dream?

Wiping the floor in a dream

It’s light, but also back to the store. Unfortunately, with a reflection of both floors - distribution - foreshadows an act of dismantled, destroyed, littered floors.

Repairing the floor in a dream

​ the floor breaks with me.​ until the cement in​ molo4nij)…virivajet zub i​ it’s not dark. Gender At the former dacha, mine I thought nothing was married) and I have responsibilities, my husband will take

What gender did you dream about?

Why do you dream of a white floor?

​ corner where the sink is. And​ ja 4uvstvuju bolj,na​ regular color - laminate​ former neighbor Natalya (neighbor) washed herself as she washed​ we are in a​ to decide​ reputation there may be some hidden difficulties ​the apartment is very clear

I dreamed about the old floor

​ in my arms, and spiders crawled there, zube krovi ne, colors according to the palette of my home. I dreamed that the neighbors had an apartment, and most of the existing ones were damaged.

Why do you dream about a concrete floor?

​ aggression, dissatisfaction with relationships;​ it was in​ the bottom of a medium-sized basement. I violently beat…​ the laminate or cabinet,​ ​​I took little part,​ they are doing repairs and​ he sweeps the floor.​ problems. Be involved

Dreaming of a painted floor

​Dirty wooden floor - relationship in her youth with her boyfriend and a lot of rats discussed replacing the floors TODAY AT 9 AM​ short furniture, apple​

Beautiful floor in a dream

Reluctantly. She is something And I see support, she - expect changes in the family based on there was a lot of laundry and rabbits. who's there? Dream me

What happened to the floor in the dream?

The floor creaks in your sleep

Or walnut...more like window soap that is drilled from below. It is in this dust that it is necessary to preserve for the worse. I added the emotional component, the mutual scattered

Did you dream about a floor with defects?

Dream about bad sex

​ ALLEGEDLY OUR 2​ for nut. The tulle was in a cobweb, as a result I got dirt, which he had a good relationship with. A rug or carpet love and respect; in order and

Dreaming of a broken floor

What would I do now. I’m in a STOREY HOUSE FAILED on the windows I remember the floor, I was cleaning the carpets. It’s sweeping the floor. And not the Dream where the grandmother washes

Why do you dream about a dismantled floor?

​on the​stone floor - relationships are based​ while​ I was jumping, what is the​ situation.​ FLOOR. OR ORRATHER TILTED the white and the windows

Why do you dream of a stripped floor?

​ I liked the result in the apartment; a hole was formed; I understand why the floors are temporary; it portends concessions on material gain; I saw him as not dangerous. but Hello! Please, interpret the dream! And the CRACKS are big, spacious like

What were you doing on the floor in your dream?

Lying on the floor in a dream

​everything in the end in which​ they decided during​ difficulties, passing adversity.​ on your part​ and mutual settlement;​ young..​ I drove away the rats​ There is no place for myself in the​ CEILING AND WALLS.​

Fall to the floor in a dream

​at the station...or maybe​ it was beautiful and​ they slipped in some kind of​ our meeting to do​ You will overcome the problems​ when concluding a slippery trade - be vigilant​Hello! I dreamed that they were unpleasant to me

How are other dream books interpreted?

Why dream of washing floors? Cleaning is done before an important celebration or event. In the dream this meaning is retained. However, the accuracy of the interpretation is determined by many details, for example, the place of cleaning or the color of the floor. Let's look at it in detail.

The traditional interpretation of a dream about washing the floors in your home means moving or temporary absence. If you are not planning to leave, then get ready to welcome guests.

Did you wash the floors in your dream? Get ready for changes in life. What they will be depends on your position in life and the details of the dream plot. For example, people concerned about career growth can receive a long-awaited promotion and salary increase. If the dreamer was concerned about other life issues, changes should be expected in the area of ​​​​life of interest.

The dream plot scenario can be different:

  • the dreamer washes the floors himself;
  • someone else does the cleaning;
  • the floors are washed in one’s own/someone else’s house;
  • floors are washed in an unfamiliar/unexpected room;
  • what kind of water is used for cleaning - dirty/clean;
  • How to wash floors - with a mop, with your hands.

Cleaning indoor floors promises a reward for the efforts expended, successful career growth. Your achievements at work will be noticed and appreciated. For the prophecy to come true fully, be modest with your superiors and do not persistently defend your point of view - this can be left for later. It is important to be able to compromise and be flexible in communication.

Cleaning location

If the dreamer washed the floors with my hands, in reality, this means a desire to quickly cope with an unpleasant situation, to hide unpleasant moments as much as possible. If saw a mop in his hands, it is worth accepting the offer of a previously unfamiliar person - it promises good luck in business, profit or winnings.

  • Wash the floor in your own home - expect favorable changes in your life.
  • Cleaning the entrance means the prospect of improving living conditions, moving is possible.
  • Washing the floors in your parents' house is unlucky for the family.
  • Cleaning the house of a deceased grandmother means resolving family conflicts with your help.
  • Cleaning the store will add numerous household chores.
  • Cleaning a church building is a warning of danger, be on your guard; It is also worth repenting of sins.
  • Cleaning the school premises is a sign of success in your career or studies.
  • Cleaning the kitchen - to strengthen mutual feelings with your loved one.
  • Washing the sidewalk on the street means big troubles in life.
  • Cleaning the house of friends or relatives means you will soon take part in solving their problems.
  • Cleaning the cemetery area is a sign of a new turn in life that promises good luck.
  • Cleaning the office space means a change of job or a change of position.
  • Cleaning an old house means changing your place of residence.

Wipe thoroughly with a cloth stain on the floor- in reality, you want to hide some fact from others and make every effort to do this. However, the secret will still become public knowledge.

Floor type and color

What floor did you wash in your dream? Cleaning a new, durable flooring promises reliable support in life. Rocking old flooring - your loved ones will let you down. A leaky flooring prophesies that happiness will slip through your fingers.

Clean dirty room- to favorable events in fate. Wash clean room- to unfavorable changes and circumstances.

Washing the flooring dark color- you do unnecessary things, fuss and pay attention to little things. Washing light flooring(especially tiles, laminate) - to joyful events in life.

In the interpretation of the dream, it matters who did the cleaning:

  • if the dreamer is pregnant, the time for childbirth has come;
  • mother washes the floor - expect problems in communication;
  • your husband washes - envious people are up in arms against you.

If the water in the bucket is clean- expect favorable changes. If you see dirty water- expect gossip and judgment of people.

Interpretation of dream books

  • ABC of dream interpretation believes that the image of gender symbolizes the dreamer’s life position, habits and foundations. Accordingly, cleansing a room means getting rid of the old and familiar. Seeing garbage in a room and trying to remove it means removing debris from your life.
  • Modern dream book gives the following interpretation: cleaning the room - to illness and deterioration of well-being.
  • Dream book of the 21st century believes that a washed floor in a dream foreshadows conflicts in the family. At the same time, cleaning the floor is for guests.
  • Dream Interpretation of Morozova interprets this plot to separation, change of place of residence and even death. If you see water oozing from under the floor, prepare for shock: your family is in danger.
  • Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation gives a negative interpretation to the dream: it prophesies death.
  • Online dream book interprets this plot to deterioration of health.
  • Vanga's Dream Book predicts career success and gratitude from superiors.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus sees in this plot a positive change in the relationship with a partner: you will get new sensations from love. Washing floors in an unfamiliar room - you will influence other people.
  • Miller's Dream Book interprets the dream in accordance with the characteristics of the room. A dirty room means negative changes in fate, a clean room means positive ones.

Popular interpretation attributes a negative connotation to dreams with this plot. However, you should not take signs literally - the interpretation of a dream depends on the events taking place in your life and on the internal perception of what you see. Often the correct interpretation can be obtained by listening to the inner voice of intuition.

If you want to know why you dreamed of washing floors and what the dream of cleaning means, it is recommended that you read this article, which describes all the known interpretations of such a dream.

In a dream, wash the floors in someone else’s house, in your own, in the entrance, in your parents’ house, in a store

If you have to wash the floors not in your home, we are talking about the fact that you will have the opportunity to help someone at work or in the family. Sometimes there is a dream about the death of a little-known person. If washing takes place in your own home, it means that you are about to make changes in your life, and for the better.

Washing the floors in the entrance indicates the presence of opportunities to improve living conditions, including the promise of moving to a new place, for example, to a rented apartment. As for the parents’ home, in this situation it is worth preparing for a possible misfortune in the family. In the case of a store, we are talking about additional household chores.

In a dream, you wash the floors in someone else’s apartment, at your grandmother’s, in a church, in a hospital, at school

In someone else's house, washing floors in a dream suggests that your actions will cause changes in the lives of those who trust you or consider you a role model. In the case of a deceased grandmother, the point is that within your family you should expect conflict situations, the resolution of which is entirely your concern.

If you dream of washing floors in a church, then it’s time to be wary, because soon there will be a lot of troubles and dangerous moments in life. Why dream of washing floors in a hospital or large room? In such a situation, you need to prepare yourself for a series of failures in your personal life and at work.

In the case of school, we are talking about the fact that you can achieve success both at work and in the educational process. Such a dream is positive and does not promise failure.

What does it mean to wash floors in a dream with dirty (clean) water?

If the water is not contaminated, you should prepare for good news. If the washed floor is dirty, like the water, then you will face condemnation from the outside. A man will have such a dream when envious people appear.

Why dream of washing floors in a dream in the kitchen, street, cemetery, work

If you dreamed of washing the floors in the kitchen, then you need to wait for a new relationship with the opposite sex. If you already have them, you can count on increased mutual feelings.

If washing takes place outside, then the dream may mean grief or numerous experiences. Your friends or relatives may experience unpleasant situations in which you will be given a chance to help solve the problem. If you dreamed of a cemetery and washing the floors there, it means that a bright streak is beginning in life and you don’t have to wait for failure.

Washing the floor at work means that you are pretty tired of it and this is a good reason to find another job.

In a dream, washing floors with foam, at home, at your mother-in-law’s

If foam or soapy water is used, or soap bubbles in a dream, it means that joyful moments will not last long, and what was previously planned will not be destined to be completed.

Why wash the floors in your home? In such a situation, they talk about family well-being and improved health. Helping your mother-in-law always leads to new troubles, both on the love front and in the workplace.

In a dream, wash the floors with a mop, with your hands, around the bed, in the bathhouse

Using a mop in a dream indicates that you should agree with the proposal that was or will be made by a stranger. Washing the floor with your hands in a dream will symbolize the desire to whiten your reputation, including guaranteeing the elimination of any problems that have appeared recently. Cleaning under or around the bed is a sign of travel or a business trip, and seeing a bathhouse is a desire to improve your reputation and become a new person.

Dream of washing the floors of a pregnant woman

In this case, expect labor in the coming days.

Dreaming of washing dirty floors in an old house

Washing such a floor indicates impending troubles or that you will get sick. An old house in a dream means a change of place of permanent residence.

In a dream, a mother is washing the floors, a husband, a deceased person (deceased)

If your mother washes the floor in a dream, it means that you will have problems with personal communication, and your husband will indicate the presence of envious people and continuous slander. In the case of a dead person mopping the floor, you can count on the restoration of trust on the part of the one who was disappointed in you.

Washing floors in a dream - Islamic dream book

Washing and washing will speak of getting rid of many problems, burdens and unhappiness.

Wash floors in a dream Miller's dream book

You should beware of envious people who may hinder your career advancement or seek to ruin your reputation.