Pskov Bonnie and Clyde: eyewitnesses told the details of the shocking tragedy in the program “Let Them Talk.” Let them talk. For what? Tragedy in Pskov: what is known about the dead teenagers (11/16/2016) Let Pskov teenagers Denis and Katya speak

Two schoolchildren from the Pskov region opened fire on police officers with a hunting rifle. The 15-year-old teenagers broadcast everything that happened on video on social networks and Periscope.

As the site learned, Denis and Ekaterina barricaded themselves in the girl’s house in the village of Strugi Krasnye. Previously, the couple left farewell notes on social networks, in which they accused family and friends of “ destruction of the psyche and life", asked others not to be afraid " live as you want or see fit", and also promised " leave gracefully" The notes on the pages of both students turned out to be identical.

The girl's mother became suspicious after the couple refused to leave the room. The woman called the police and when the police arrived at the house, they opened fire on the law enforcement officials with a hunting rifle. In a video posted on Denis’s Instagram page, the young man said that “the last minutes of life need to be lived” in grand style, after which he shot several times at a police car.

Young people have a whole arsenal of weapons at their disposal. In addition to two hunting rifles and a whole range of ammunition, the young men were armed with at least one pistol and a knife. It is reported that the schoolchildren have already thrown the gun outside through the window, but they still have other types of weapons. According to the website, a special rapid response squad arrived at the scene. The teenagers reportedly shot themselves.

The house in Krasnye Struga from which Muravyov and Vlasova shot

On November 14, 2016, Denis Muravyov and Katerina Vlasova, two Pskov teenagers who ran away from their parents, showed up in a private house in the village of Krasnye Strugi. From there, they fired from the windows at the police, while simultaneously video broadcasting what was happening on the Internet. Police officers stormed the house, after which they announced that the teenagers had committed suicide. Meduza briefly talks about the details and consequences of this story, which have become known over the past four days.

On November 17, the funeral of Katerina Vlasova and Denis Muravyov took place in Pskov. The teenagers were buried nearby. Her biological father came to Katerina’s grave. He told the Snob correspondent that he himself was a former military man who served in Chechnya. According to the man, if he had known about the broadcast on Periscope, which was conducted by teenagers, he “would have come running and saved everyone.” He also promised that “soon there will be one more corpse in this whole story,” since he will “get” to his daughter’s stepfather.

Little is still known about the stepfather from whose house the teenagers shot. Investigator Ruslan Leviev from the Conflict Intelligence Team, specializing in the analysis of records from social networks, believes that he is the captain of the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - that is, an employee of the SOBR, the unit that stormed the house. Leviev made this conclusion after analyzing a screenshot from a post on Periscope, in which Katerina Vlasova shows her stepfather’s rounded shoulder strap with gold fields, red lines and four stars. “Pskov Province” reported that Alexey Vlasov is related to private security companies in Pskov. The city has a private security company called Zenit-Garant, whose director is its namesake.

A video has emerged of the storming of a house where teenagers were hiding.. “She was shown in the program “Let Them Talk.” The recording taken on a mobile phone by a resident of Krasnye Struga shows that the house from which the teenagers were shooting is surrounded by police officers. One of them addresses Denis through a megaphone: “Denis, come on, come out.” "Come out, stop fooling around. Everyone is tired. Come out yourself, just don’t do anything stupid."

A resident of the village who filmed the video said that after that, smoke poured out of the house in all directions, and then “something suddenly exploded” on the second floor, where most of the shooting took place. During the assault, she did not hear any shots, and Meduza witnesses said the same thing. According to the witness, almost immediately the police shouted: “An ambulance, an ambulance!” The doctors arrived and entered the house. The Pskov newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, citing preliminary data from a forensic examination, reported that the teenagers were dead at the start of the assault. The newspaper's source stated that they were found to have "physical injuries in the chin area in the form of a gunshot wound received as a result of a shot at close range from a smooth-bore hunting rifle."

Professional psychologists were not involved in negotiations with teenagers. “What kind of psychologists are there if they shoot at us and we can’t get out? We communicated with them only through mobile communications,” said a participant in the police operation. “We did everything to save the lives of police officers and save the lives of those children who shot themselves. But they [lives] did not need them,” said Sergei Petrov, head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Strugo-Krasnensky district, who led the operation.

On November 18, the Investigative Committee in Pskov denied the initiation of a criminal case against police officers under Article 285, Part 3 (“Abuse of official powers”). Earlier, an Open Russia source said that the police were accused of not involving a professional psychologist during negotiations with teenagers.

Details have emerged about the life of the schoolchildren before their deaths. The director of Pskov school No. 24, Elvira Vasicheva, where the teenagers studied, called Katerina Vlasova “a little hysterical.” She said that Katerina was in love, but “her feelings were not accepted or understood by her parents, and this is where the conflict arose.” Denis Muravyov recently lived with his stepfather - the third husband of his mother, who “went to resolve housing issues and left [her son]”; two years ago Denis and his mother moved from the Arkhangelsk region.

During the siege, teachers at the school contacted the teenagers. “The children seemed to be waiting for someone to come to them. At the moment they believed in us. But they didn’t leave us,” the school director said at a meeting of the commission on juvenile affairs in Pskov.

Several schoolchildren turned around at the sound of gun shots in the funeral procession. At the next grave stands an orchestra in military uniform - a conductor, two drums and four wind instruments, breaking the cemetery silence, in which a few minutes ago only the snoring of hundreds of schoolchildren gathered around the grave of 15-year-old Denis Muravyov could be heard.

Noon on November 17, Krestovskoye cemetery on the outskirts of Pskov, snow is falling, the wind is shaking the trees, children, shifting from foot to foot from the cold, are silent. Denis is buried in a closed coffin, on which lies his photograph, and each of the hundreds of people who came in turn threw a handful of earth into the grave at the moment when the farewell ceremony for the elderly military commander began.

The cover is solemnly removed from the coffin of a military man, the wind tears off the cover, and the comrade of the deceased straightens him. A dozen colleagues came to bury the commander. They loudly read speeches about the sudden death of a beloved friend, the orchestra plays the Russian anthem, five soldiers fire guns into the air, schoolchildren turn around silently.

His girlfriend Ekaterina Vlasova is buried not far from Denis. After their death, they were nicknamed Bonnie and Clyde, dozens of thematic pages on social networks, memes and posts were dedicated to them, and they would have been glad to see so many mourners - three days ago, while broadcasting their deathbed on Periscope, they were worried that too few people were watching them of people.

After a short siege and barricading in an empty and frozen summer dacha in the village of Strugi Krasnye, shooting from a hunting rifle at neighboring houses, dogs and a police car, Denis Muravyov, at the request of Ekaterina Vlasova, shot her and then killed himself.

Then there was an assault on the house by members of the Russian National Guard, the use of flash-noise grenades, conspiracy theories, and routine demands from officials to ban the Internet and computer games.

The military unfurls a buffet and toasts to the long and honorable life of their commander, schoolchildren lay flowers on the fresh grave and, without saying a word, return in groups to the bus that will take them back to Pskov.

In the evenings, students from Pskov schools No. 24, No. 25, No. 26 and No. 8 in the Zavelichye microdistrict meet at the Aquapolis shopping and entertainment center on Kuzbass Division Street. They start getting ready after 16:00 and leave at nine o'clock, because many need to be home at 21:00.

They create a conversation in VKontakte in advance and agree on where to go: if it’s not cold, they walk through courtyards and under bridges, drink, and then still get to Aquapolis. Schoolchildren roam the floors, ride up and down escalators with a businesslike air, gather in the food court in a crowd of thirty people around one table and talk quietly for hours.

Nobody has money, so the children don’t buy anything except ice cream; The cashier selling pizza yells at them and the security guard scolds them for tearing the artificial clover off the decorative fence. These are not poor children (some of their parents work at Lexus and Gazprom), but no one has pocket money, so the main question is how to buy alcohol and who has cigarettes.

Winston is bought individually, 8 rubles per cigarette. On the evening before the funeral of Denis Muravyov, one of the schoolchildren has a whole pack of Winston berries and everyone is shooting, some are smoking vapes under the tables.

They drink “whatever they sell”: mainly “Grape Day”, gin and tonic in a can and “Blazer” drink. One of the girls explains: “We drink because of the guys, we relieve stress. Parents don't understand. They keep asking me why we drink, why we don’t read books.”

To get drunk faster and cheaper, they make a bubbler: when there is some alcohol left at the bottom of a plastic bottle, they burn a hole with a cigarette, blow smoke through it and drink. Previously, schoolchildren went to the now closed club “R-16” and to parties at school No. 24, where Denis and Katerina studied, but because of what happened, the teenagers are not waiting for the next party until the New Year.

Teenagers love to joke with each other: pushing back a chair so that a person falls on the floor, or accidentally dropping ice cream on a friend with the words “I came on you.” On the evening of November 16, everyone discusses the upcoming funeral, makes guesses and theories, and prepares for a trip to the cemetery.

“How much money do you need for flowers? Do I need to bring champagne? Will Denis have an open or closed coffin, and will there be a funeral service for him - since he is a murderer and a suicide, shouldn’t he just be buried somewhere behind the fence?” - friends are discussing.

Schoolchildren are also sure that Katerina’s mother is a witch, so her daughter’s funeral took place without witnesses. The couple was last seen at the mall early last week.

Denis and Katya met two years ago, when Denis moved with his family to Pskov from the Arkhangelsk region. They studied in parallel classes and began dating this spring. Friends considered them the most beautiful couple in school.

“They were perfect and very beautiful, and he forgave her everything,” says a friend of Denis and Katerina, who asked not to indicate his name: all classmates of the children, by order of the school director, are prohibited from communicating with the press and generally discussing what happened again.

Friends describe Katya as a person who always gave good advice and never followed it herself: she taught those around her to be positive, but cried a lot. They say about Denis that he was one of those who was always late for classes, and then made everyone laugh.

The director of their school, Elvira Vasicheva, said that Katya was “a little hysterical at some points.” A representative of the Investigative Committee says that this spring Denis attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies due to his academic performance, absences from classes and behavior.

According to the deputy administration of the village of Strugi Krasnye, Katerina’s stepfather is a military man, and her grandfather was a major local entrepreneur and owned several stores. Apparently, the teenagers' parents couldn't stand each other and were against their children's relationships.

Katya drank and smoked a lot, especially this summer - she drank almost every day. Denis also began to drink more this summer and started smoking.

“They fell too much in love with each other,” explains their friend, “they did everything together. And they drank together. What can you do when you quarrel with your parents all the time? Drink and run away."

According to one of Katya’s friends, in the summer she began to talk more and more about suicide, joined the f57 public page on VKontakte, known for the scandal with “death groups”, in September she cut her hands, said that she was “tired and wants everything to happen.” it’s over,” she cheated on Denis, and after another quarrel she drank even more. “They broke up, then made up, it all took its toll on their minds,” says one friend.

Katya cheated on him a lot, he always forgave her, friends discuss.

Yes, Katya kissed others a lot.

They met, broke up, made up. Every time they separated, Katya drank a lot.

Reciprocity occurred, I trusted him. And he killed her.

Yes, she believed him, and he believed her. She did what he said, and he did what she said.

According to the schoolchildren themselves, they start drinking and smoking at age 10, having sex at age 12, and the last thing they prefer to talk about is problems at home and in life. According to them, many people have problems with their parents, but discussing such things with friends is taboo, because friends are needed to relax, and not to discuss household matters.

“Katya had problems with her mother, Denis had problems with his stepfather. They didn't talk about it. We don't share such problems. It's too personal. Nobody asks how things are at home - that’s not what they talk about.”

According to both friends and Denis and Ekaterina, they ran away from home because of another family quarrel - this time in Ekaterina’s family.

“Well, I had a fight with my mom because I was somehow late home or something. I asked for leave to stay with a friend for the night, they didn’t let me go, I ended up leaving on my own, they found me at night, *** specifically cruel...” she said in one of her dying broadcasts on Periscope.

All their friends watched these broadcasts - some did not believe that Katya had changed her color, others that they would kill themselves: “It’s not like Denis to shoot the girl he loves.” But at the same time, most friends understand why Denis and Ekaterina did this: “Life would have been over anyway, they would not have been allowed to communicate anymore.”

“They had a good time until they were found. Denis says how good it is - on Periscope. They just wanted to be together." “They had nothing left: a problem with the school, a problem with their parents - a problem with everything in general. They wouldn't be allowed to be together if they gave in."

On Sunday, November 13, a resident of the urban village of Strugi Krasnye Lyubov noticed a light in the windows of a neighboring house and became worried: the light in the Vlasovs’ house was never on at this time of year. Since the old man Vladimir Vlasov died several years ago, his son Alexey Vlasov came here with his family only in the summer - to take a steam bath, to relax - but never in the winter.

Lyubov always liked these neighbors, she says that the family is pleasant, quiet, no one ever fought, and Catherine’s stepfather was always calm. Therefore, she did not consider it necessary to put a fence between their plots. But now she was alarmed: that same morning there was a murder in the village - a father of six children strangled his 33-year-old wife out of jealousy.

The village of 7,000 people is not accustomed to crime news, so the murder left residents in shock. The killer could not be found all day, and Lyubov was afraid: had he snuck into the Vlasovs’ house and was he now sitting with the light bulb on?

Katerina and Denis had been hiding in the house for two days. On Periscope, the guys said that on Friday Denis withdrew money from his mother’s card and they rode a minibus 80 kilometers from Pskov to an unremarkable village. They spent an hour “hollowing” the window of a house that was closed for the winter and were able to open it with a knife. The house was not heated; there was nothing to light the fireplace with.

They found and opened a safe with a knife, which contained a “surprise,” as Katya called it. A photo posted on Instagram shows a box containing large-caliber ammunition, stacks of cash, and several shotguns and pistols. According to Katerina, her stepfather is “a special forces soldier, an FSB agent, a hunter.” In one of the rooms of the house hangs a flag with the symbols of the airborne troops.

All weekend, according to Denis and Ekaterina, they slept and hid from their relatives.

On Monday morning, Lyubov went to take her daughter to school, at the same time Katerina’s mother came to the children - it is unknown how exactly she found them. Katya said in the broadcast: “Well, we slept peacefully. They started knocking on the door. We thought grandma. I see my mother standing there.

We let them in, in short. I just held the knife in my hands, as if not implying anything. My grandmother flew at me: “Give me the knife, give me the knife.” Mom started to stop her, in the end it somehow happened that they cut my hands - while, apparently, they were taking me away, maybe I didn’t really understand it myself. I didn't even feel pain.

The police arrived according to orders (Denis’s parents were looking for him), and in response, at about 9 a.m., he fired the first bullets at the police car. And if he shot at the girl’s mother with a pneumatic weapon, then at the police car with a gun.

In a video posted on Instagram, Denis, preparing for the next shot, said: “The last minutes of life should be spent ***.” When Lyubov was returning from school, the road to the house was already blocked by the police. She was told that the neighbors were having some trouble and asked to stand behind the cordon.

"I loved you,

But you yourself didn’t notice how you destroyed my psyche and life.

Goodbye to all, friends, family and acquaintances.

Don't worry, I'll leave gracefully.

Good luck to everyone in your life and please don’t be afraid to live the way you want or see fit.

Living for your own pleasure is the best life.

Love you".

One of the employees of the police station in the village, on condition of anonymity, explained the logic of the further actions of law enforcement officers who also watched the broadcast: “If the guys at 11 am had already written that they were committing suicide, then the police could not help them. Our task was to prevent new victims.”

Neighbor Lyubov, who was behind the cordon, learned the news only from the Internet, and most of all she became worried when she read that the children had shot the dogs: she was afraid that her shepherd Lassie had been shot.

“They shot at houses, the TV and dogs. They just wanted to shoot, shoot, shoot. And when there was nothing else to shoot at, they shot the dogs. Why did you have to kill the dogs?” recalls the police officer. According to Denis, during the day he killed two dogs, “shot through the window in the neighbors’ bathhouse, shot through a cop’s car, shot at the police, took off his shoulder straps.”

After a couple of hours of the siege, around 13:00, they began to negotiate with the guys. “We tried to find out how many hostages were in the house, what the hostage’s demands were. They said that there were no demands and there were no hostages,” said an employee of the police department.

At 13:33 Katya wrote on her VKontakte page: “I am not being held hostage, this is my conscious choice.” Answering the question why a specialist or psychologist was not sent to talk to the children, the police officer says that there is simply no such person in the local police: “But through megaphones we negotiated according to all standards. We spoke like human beings, those of our employees who master the art of speech spoke. So you ask, why didn’t we just go into the house and take away their weapons? They were shooting left and right, no one wanted to die.”

Katya’s class teacher is sure that she could have prevented the tragedy if she had been on the spot: “If we had gone there, they would not have resisted. If we went into the house, we would take them out of it. The children were waiting for someone to help them, but no one came to them.”

There is a church a two-minute walk from the Vlasovs’ house; the priest was at home that day, on the other side of the cordon: “When I found out in the morning what was happening, I began to pray for the children. I prayed at home. I didn't go talk to the children. The priest wouldn't help them. These are children from social networks, they do not hear the priest. So I stayed home and prayed.”

The teenagers did not give in to persuasion. They did not want to give up: at some point Denis thought that in this case he would be imprisoned for at least 25 years. “You understand, if we return, life will essentially be over: a criminal case, problems with parents, problems at school,” Katya said in the broadcast.

Then, according to the broadcast, Denis’s mother approached the house and took the weapon from them through the window: “She took the weapon. There are no more cartridges." According to the guys, they only had two cigarettes left, some alcohol and a bent ladle.

Genre: TV show

The plot is that..

One of the highest-rated and, without exaggeration, popular television programs of our time for almost fifteen years now has been the “Let Them Talk” project with Andrei Malakhov as the presenter. In addition, the program was called “The Big Wash” and “Five Evenings,” but at the beginning of 2005, the management of Channel One decided to rename the talk show and slightly change the format. So, for example, if previous talk shows were of an entertainment and even social direction, then starting in 2005, the project became a kind of socio-dramatic, in which ordinary and not so ordinary people, famous personalities with their tragic stories, dramatic and tragic everyday cases and the difficult reality in which the program’s heroes have to exist.

Original name:Let them talk. For what? Tragedy in Pskov: what is known about the dead teenagers

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According to law enforcement agencies, 15-year-old teenagers who opened fire on police officers near Pskov committed suicide.

Investigators in the Pskov region are searching for the source of the leak of photographs with the bodies of teenagers from the village of Strugi Krasnye who decided to commit suicide. The Pskov Information Agency (PAI) reported this on Thursday, November 24.

As Anton Dobrokhotov, assistant to the head of the regional department of the Investigative Committee (IC), stated, the photographs were not transferred to unauthorized persons. He added that an investigation is now underway to establish how the photos got into the network and who took them.

“We are categorically against not only children, but also adults observing the far from pleasant side of the work that investigators face every day,” Dobrokhotov said, expressing bewilderment at the fact that “some careless journalists” began to distribute photos, including on social networks. “Unfortunately, they turned out to be even more obsessed with the pursuit of likes and reposts than teenagers, whom they themselves condemn,” he emphasized.

As the agency notes, on Wednesday, November 23, photographs appeared on the Internet showing close-ups of the bodies of teenagers with gunshot wounds in the head. PAI found out that the pictures began to be distributed on one of the popular image boards - forums with the ability to anonymously post images and messages. Later, these photos in a retouched form (the areas of the wounds were blurred) were published in the press.

On November 14, in Strugi Krasny, a 15-year-old young man and his girlfriend opened fire on a police car. Law enforcement officials negotiated with them for several hours. Then the schoolchildren stopped communicating, a decision was made to storm the country house, after which the teenagers were found dead. According to preliminary data, the young man shot the girl and then committed suicide. They allegedly opened the safe and took a hunting rifle and ammunition. Before barricading themselves in the building, the teenagers left farewell messages on social networks.

The Russian Guard told details about the storming of a house with teenagers near Pskov

The head of the press service of the North-Western District of the National Guard of Russia, Valery Viktorov, said that the soldiers of the Russian Guard were given the task of “neutralizing an armed criminal” during the storming of a house in the village of Strugi Krasnye, where two teenagers were located. Mr. Viktorov stated this in an interview with the Pskov Province newspaper. The head of the press service explained that the special forces had to disarm the teenagers without using weapons.

“When entering the house, they used special armored shields, as they assumed that the teenagers might start shooting. With the help of shields, they could reflect the first shot, and then neutralize them using hand-to-hand combat techniques,” said Valery Viktorov. He also said that the term “armed criminal” was used because at first the security forces thought that the girl was being held hostage. “The question is that they were armed, and that the special forces acted taking into account the situation: when he entered the house, the employees could not guarantee whether there were weapons there or not, whether they would shoot at them or not. That is why they were wearing armored shields and oriented themselves on the spot. The special forces acted according to the situation; they did not know what awaited them,” the press secretary said. Valery Viktorov also noted that the special forces officers did not make independent decisions and were completely guided by the instructions of the head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Pskov region.

Let us remind you that on November 14, in the village of Strugi Krasnye, Pskov Region, two 15-year-old teenagers opened fire at a police car. After the assault, the bodies of schoolchildren with gunshot wounds were found in the house. According to the official statement of the investigation, they committed suicide.

A friend of the Pskov teenagers told details of the circumstances of their death

A friend of Pskov teenagers Denis and Ekaterina denied rumors that the young people could have been killed by security forces. In a conversation with a special correspondent for Snob, he stated that shortly before his death, Denis wrote to a friend about his intention to shoot the girl in the back of the head.

“Before shooting Katya, Denis wrote to a friend that he would shoot Katya in the back of the head because Katya was scared, and he told her not to be scared, let her turn her back. He told Katya: “Stand with your back,” the publication’s interlocutor explained.

He also said that teachers at school scold students for talking about dead peers. “[The teachers] say that Denis and Katya are to blame themselves and there is nothing to talk about,” the young man added.

Based on materials from

A 15-year-old shooter from Pskov asked his friends to deal with his lover’s boyfriends

As a close friend of the Pskov “Bonnie and Clyde” Yaroslav K. told Life, 15-year-old Denis M. approached him with a request to clarify relations with mutual acquaintances who showed signs of attention to his girlfriend Katya V. The young man also remembered the case when he himself helped Denis in such proceedings.

On the street he pestered Katya. They asked me to come and talk to him, because Denis was at the dacha. I came to talk to him. In principle, we talked, everything ended peacefully, he apologized to Katya, nothing like that happened,” Yaroslav said.

According to a friend, Denis was very jealous of Katya, they constantly fought, but always without serious consequences.

Once she was allegedly seen cheating - she kissed another guy. Then they had a serious fight, but after that they made up again,” added Yaroslav.

Let us remind you that on November 14, two 15-year-old lovers barricaded themselves in one of the residential buildings after the young man wounded his girlfriend’s mother with a traumatic pistol and then opened fire on the police officers who arrived at the scene. When the security forces entered the house, the teenagers were already dead. Apparently they committed suicide. As it later turned out, during the storming of a house with teenagers in Pskov, security forces used a flash-noise grenade.

Who killed Bonnie and Clyde? The prosecutor's office is checking the actions of Pskov police officers

The attitude of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Strugo-Krasnensky" of the Pskov region is being checked by the prosecutor's office, under articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: abuse of official powers and negligence, which could lead to the death of two teenagers.
- Now they will hang dogs on all of us. And they didn’t call a psychologist, and they didn’t save the children, and there was no need to storm. We don’t even have a psychologist as such who could act as a negotiator, and the children are not so peaceful - they shot with live ammunition. But now it’s too late, they’ll drag you through checks,” complains a Pskov policeman, who on November 14 was part of a group that went to arrest “Bonnie and Clyde” - ninth-graders of one of the Pskov schools Denis M. and Ekaterina V., who first barricaded themselves in the house of the girl’s stepfather in the village of Strugi Krasnye, and a few hours later they committed suicide. At least for now, the investigation is leaning towards this version. This case became resonant due to the broadcast on Periscope, which was conducted by teenagers during the last hours of their lives.

According to Life, employees of the prosecutor's office and investigators of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Russian Federation for the Pskov Region are indeed conducting an investigation against employees of the Strugo-Krasnensky Defense Ministry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, who participated in the operation to detain 15-year-old teenagers.

“Investigators are now finding out why the police, during negotiations with the teenagers, did not involve a professional psychologist, and some time after they stopped communicating, they decided to storm,” says Life’s source in the law enforcement agencies of the Pskov region.

Employees of the RF Investigative Committee have already interrogated all participants in the operation. Among them is the head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Strugo-Krasnensky district, Sergei Petrov, who led the operation to detain the teenagers and the subsequent assault.

– The officer stated in a conversation with investigators that he acted within the law and did everything, in his opinion, that depended on him, so that people living in the village would not suffer, to save the lives of police officers, and most importantly, he tried to save lives until the last moment teenagers, an interlocutor from law enforcement agencies in the Pskov region told Life.

The circumstances of the teenagers' death are also being carefully studied by forensic experts. Thus, according to a source in law enforcement agencies, the teenagers were found with gunshot wounds in the chin area.

Both one and the other teenager were found to have gunshot wounds in the chin area extending into the central and right parts of the face, a Life source said. - Thus, the version that the young man first shot his girlfriend in the back of the head is completely refuted.

According to him, at the moment it is impossible to say whether these were two suicides, or whether one of the teenagers first shot the other, and then himself.

This can only be determined for certain after a genetic examination,” the source said.

Previously, Life published a video of the security forces storming a house in which teenagers had taken refuge and opened fire on a police car.

Death Live

Denis and Ekaterina ran away from home after another quarrel with their parents. The parents raised the alarm and called the police. The children were found in a country house 80 kilometers from Pskov. It later turned out that the house belongs to the girl’s stepfather. The teenagers barricaded themselves in the room and opened their stepfather’s safe, which contained weapons.

When a police car arrived at the house, they opened fire on it. A video of shooting at law enforcement officers appeared on Denis’s Instagram. The young man comments on the shots with the words: “The last minutes of life should be spent s**t.”

Anyone could follow further events: Denis and Katya broadcast live on Periscope. There they proudly displayed the weapons and ammunition they had.

- What, honey, don’t we give up?- Katya asks Denis.

During the broadcast, they received questions from friends and acquaintances, the main one of which was: why are you doing this?

- It all started with the fact that we have x** in the family,- Katya says during the broadcast.

- Parents are ***,- adds the young man. - We've done too much. I killed two dogs, shot Katya’s mother in the leg, shot at the cops... We have no options.

The video shows that teenagers treat everything as an exciting and romantic game. Denis and Katya call themselves Bonnie and Clyde and talk about what “Pissing cops.”

Judging by the broadcast conducted by the teenagers, it is obvious that the guys were afraid to surrender to the police, were afraid of prison and simply did not know what to do...

And, apparently, they were waiting for help, advice, communicating on the Internet (in quotes - questions read out loud from the audience) and dialogues from the guys themselves.

Kate: We have the option to surrender. But it's useless, because life...<…>“What then if you don’t give up?”

Denis: And if we don't give up, they will kill us.

Kate: And if we don’t give up, rial... “Everyone is watching.” Who's everyone watching?<…>The whole class is watching me! (Laughs.)“I will miss you so much!” Maxon, we will miss you very much too. Honestly. For everyone. “What’s wrong with you?” My hands got a little cut from my mom. With us... We are morally killed.

Denis: It's just that if we give up, we probably won't see you again. We will be shoved into different cities and different schools.

Kate:“Where did you get the money?” Well, first we withdrew money from Denis’s mother’s card, and then... And then how?

Denis: Grandmother gave it. And we won’t tell you another way.

Kate:“What are cops?” And the cops stand and do nothing! They just gave us time. In short, we started shooting at them.
Denis: The funny thing is that the cop gave permission to shoot him, and now the bitch says... [sound breaks]

Teenagers drink alcohol, smoke, play around with weapons and swear incessantly, urging their friends to vote on whether to surrender or not. But at that time there are not many viewers yet, and they are trying to attract attention in every way. As soon as the media begins to write about what is happening, the goal is achieved.

Oh, they already know about us in Moscow! - Katya says joyfully when they send her a message that they are being talked about in the news.

Judging by the broadcast, at some point Denis’s mother approached the house and took their weapons through the window.

We can’t commit suicide, we don’t have weapons,” the guys say in the broadcast.

However, after some time, when the police stormed and broke into the house, Denis and Katya lost their lives. According to preliminary data, the young man shot the girl and then died himself.

The press service of the Northwestern District of the Russian Guard troops stated that during the assault, SOBR officers did not open fire.

Help didn't come

The guys were simply not given the opportunity to express their problems and pain; they were denied help, says practicing psychotherapist Svetlana Lapina.

According to her, a professional psychologist who knows how to work with teenagers who find themselves in a stressful situation would be able to persuade them to give up.

Often the police take on functions that are not within the scope of their powers, Lapina believes. “It was precisely because the police took it upon themselves to be negotiators with children who found themselves in a stressful situation for them that most likely led to such a sad outcome.

Veteran of the Foreign Intelligence Service and expert on crisis situations Lev Korolkov also criticized the actions of the security forces. According to him, in this situation one should rely on negotiations.

If this operation is called a seizure, then it was done by non-professionals and unprofessionally. This group was not prepared for the fact that these teenagers might be armed. In addition, it is strictly prohibited to use weapons against minors. What is needed is either a negotiator, or a psychologist - preferably a child one - or another person who would offer them to surrender. At that moment, one could promise anything in return: two teenage lives would still be more valuable than anything else,” the expert explains.

Korolkov believes that perhaps it would be better to abandon the assault altogether. According to him, a skillful negotiator would eventually convince the young guns that the adults would not harm them, the danger had passed, and now everyone needed to get together, talk and decide how everyone involved in this story would live further and what lessons they would learn as a result.

“They have already decided everything for themselves”

Investigators suggest that it was the police officers from the Strugo-Krasnensky Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia who abused their official powers, which, indirectly, could have led to the death of the teenagers.

“Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs abused their official powers when they decided not to resort to the help of a professional psychologist, but negotiated with the teenagers themselves,” notes a Life source in the ranks of the investigative team.

However, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Pskov Region believes that the situation in the village of Strugi Krasnye on November 14 developed so rapidly that there was no time for psychologists.

“When the immediate response team drove up to the house to check information about the whereabouts of the missing teenagers, they opened fire on them with grapeshot, the foreman and captain, who were in the “loaf,” barely dodged the grapeshot,” Life’s interlocutor is indignant. “The guys didn’t really want to talk to our colleagues.” Most likely, they simply did not need these conversations. They have already decided everything for themselves,” says the policeman, confirming his words with Katya V.’s post, which she published at 11:16 am on November 14, 2016 on her page on VKontakte:

"I loved you,

But you yourself didn’t notice how you destroyed my psyche and life.

Goodbye to all, friends, family and acquaintances.

Don't worry, I'll leave gracefully.

Good luck to everyone in your life and please don’t be afraid to live the way you want or see fit.

Living for your own pleasure is the best life.

Love you".

This is a suicide note,” the officer continues. - And you are talking about help. They no longer needed her. These teenagers were ready to die.

According to lawyer Hrant Kazaryan, if it turns out that teenagers were driven to suicide, then the perpetrators, if found, will be prosecuted under Art. 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Incitement to suicide”). The article provides for a punishment of three to five years in prison.

Meanwhile, prosecutors can also bring to justice employees of the Strugo-Krasnensky Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Pskov Region, who did not stop the illegal storage of a traumatic pistol, and also did not eliminate violations of the storage of firearms and ammunition.

“If the police are proven guilty, they will face dismissal from service and criminal prosecution under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Negligence,” says Life’s source in the prosecutor’s office.

Alexey Vlasov, the stepfather of the deceased 15-year-old Katya V., who inherited the weapons arsenal and the two-story house itself from his deceased father Vladimir Vlasov, may also be held criminally liable for violations of storage of firearms and ammunition.

It was in the house of stepfather Alexey Vlasov that 15-year-old Pskov schoolchildren who ran away from their parents decided to hide.

A video of the storming of a house where Pskov teenagers were hiding has appeared online. “Come out, stop fooling around”

A video has appeared on the Internet of the storming of a residential building in the village of Strugi Krasnye in the Pskov region, where teenagers barricaded themselves and opened fire on the police.

What classmates said about the dead Bonnie and Clyde from Pskov

“They didn’t have to get back together again.”- says a 15-year-old girl about the guys who died the day before in Strugi Krasny (Pskov region).

Our interlocutor studies in a parallel class with Katya and Denis. She even dated this boy for some time. I learned the news about the death of the boys on the way to the tutor. I burst into tears.

— All of Denis’s friends told him that he shouldn’t communicate with this girl. He is normal. Absolutely normal. Kind. And Katya is too eccentric- says the girl.

In the evening, secretly from their parents, her classmates searched the Internet for a video filmed by Denis and Katya. And then they discussed it in chats. Many still do not believe that young Bonnie and Clyde, as the guys called themselves, are no longer alive.

This morning, school staff are making sure that journalists and strangers do not enter the building. The teachers silently turn away.

High school students say only good things about Denis again and again. The guy is sociable, kind, open. No one could have imagined that the life of the mischievous boy would end like this, and his last hours of life would be watched by hundreds of strangers - social network users.

“He never talked about suicide or any problems. He didn’t say that he didn’t want to live, although he was an open person with me. The last thing he wrote to me was “sorry” and that he broke up with his girlfriend,- says another friend of Denis.

At the beginning of November, the young man wrote on his page that he had broken up with Katya. Many mutual friends breathed a sigh of relief.

— Katya is a difficult girl. I can’t say that it’s conflicting, but something like that, - admits a ninth-grader who studied in a parallel class with the boys. – She often quarreled with her parents. They said that her mother scolded her and even beat her.

As it turned out, the separation from my beloved did not last long, only a few days.

“We quarreled more than we communicated well.” I was against her- says a classmate. “I knew something was wrong with her, but the others were good.”

After what happened in Strugi Krasnykh, many of the guys’ friends began posting posts on their pages. There is a lack of understanding in them: none of the teenagers, and among them were the best friends of the victims, understands what pushed them to such an act.


On November 14, two teenagers were hiding in a private residential building in the village of Strugi Krasnye. Both are from Pskov. They ran away from home after a girl had a quarrel with her parents. Around lunchtime, a police car pulled up to the building. Law enforcement officers learned that there might be wanted children in the house. As soon as the car stopped at the gate, fire was opened on it.

The teenagers “held the line” for several hours. Or rather, they were waiting for the house to be stormed and broadcast what was happening on social networks. In the house, 15-year-old Katya and Denis found a pistol, two guns, and cartridges. The teenagers shot from time to time from the windows of the house at the police car, at the dogs running in the neighboring yards, and hit the window of the house opposite. They shot young Bonnie and Clyde, as they called themselves, and the TV that stood in one of the rooms.

When the teenagers stopped communicating with the negotiators, the security forces began storming the building using stun grenades. The bodies of the teenagers were found in one of the rooms with traces of gunshot wounds. The press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the region emphasized that Denis first shot at his beloved, and then at himself.


Rumiya Kalinina, family psychotherapist, candidate of psychological sciences:

— As in any life situation, what happened is the result of a variety of factors converging on one point. It seems that this or that would not have happened, and the tragedy would have been avoided.

In this case, social (at the societal level), family, age and personal factors came together.

Social means, alas, the devaluation of life as such, a large amount of violence, death in the media. But if they talk a lot about something, it means that it becomes “normal”, there is no longer a barrier, fear, or “taboo”. I would also include “network morality” among social factors, i.e. those rules that have been established on the Internet, namely the opportunity to become famous, “likes” as a value, when the method of obtaining them becomes unimportant (just remember the regular show on the central TV channel about people who fall in a drunken stupor, sing out of tune and commit other “outstanding” things).

Family factors of tragedy - lack of mutual understanding between parents and adolescents. On the one hand, this problem has existed for more than one generation (if we talk about the conflict between fathers and children, then we can safely say - always). Parents of teenagers do not always know how to build relationships with their children, who pretend to be adults, demanding an adult attitude towards themselves, while remaining, in general, children. That is why teenagers (remember yourself in adolescence!) often have the feeling that they are not understood, not loved, and an accusatory position is formed towards their parents while completely abdicating responsibility for their behavior (“for everything bad that is in my life, parents are to blame").

Age factors are adolescence itself, when the child “tastes” adult life. It’s like exploring uncharted territory, which leads to categorical assessments and incorrect conclusions, mistakes, confusion and lack of resources.

Well, personal factors are the personalities of the teenagers themselves, who considered that the best way to defend their position was to run away from home, who considered it possible for themselves to take a card that did not belong to them, break into a house without a key, open someone else’s safe, shoot at living people etc. and so on. Agree that not every teenager will choose this path even in the most difficult life situation.

If you think about the question “what to do?”, then my words to parents of teenagers: this is, first of all, your task (not the state, and not the school) to help your children grow, mature, and learn to understand our life.

You can do this in different ways: talk with the teenager or organize joint activities. The main thing is not the form, but the content: to show interest in the life of a teenager, in his interests and his opinion. “Showing interest” means not judging from the height of adult experience: “this is nonsense,” “this is nonsense,” “this is not important,” but setting yourself the task of understanding your own child: “why is this interesting for you,” “what is most important?” for you". It is important to reason with the teenager: “but it seems to me that it could be like this...”, “I think that it can be understood this way.” Only communication built on trust and respect, communication where everyone’s opinion is important and weighty, helps a teenager grow up, i.e. analyze your actions, think about your desires, correlating them with the interests and feelings of other people.

The teenager will be very grateful to you for this help and support... on one condition: if he loves and respects you.

Video from the scene of the death of Pskov teenagers Bonnie and Clyde

FAN publishes a video from the scene of the death of schoolchildren in love who barricaded themselves in a private house and fired back at the police in the Pskov region.

As previously reported, the 15-year-old couple spent about three hours in the house. All this time, the security forces tried to persuade them to surrender. When a smoke bomb was thrown into the house, the young man first shot his girlfriend and then committed suicide.

Investigators do not rule out that they could have been pushed to commit suicide by correspondence with friends on social networks: the schoolchildren could simply have been “tricked up” by the prospects of criminal liability, a real prison sentence, and separation.

Police officers are currently investigating the circumstances of the incident. SOBR officers continue to be present at the scene.

Two teenagers who opened fire on police officers near Pskov committed suicide, reports the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Pskov region.

Earlier it was reported that teenagers who barricaded themselves in a house after shooting at a police car were found dead with gunshot wounds.

“Two teenagers who opened fire on police officers committed suicide,” the report says.

Law enforcement work is currently ongoing at the scene.

Police officers in the village of Strugi Krasnye in the Pskov region came under fire while checking information about a missing teenager.

According to the press service of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs, employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs were checking information about the whereabouts of the missing teenager. When the police arrived at one of the houses where, according to preliminary information, the missing person could be located, they opened fire on them with firearms.

As a result, the official vehicle was damaged. Law enforcement officers and village residents were not injured.

Currently, police have blocked off the area adjacent to the house.

According to unconfirmed information, three teenagers entered a private premises in the village of Strugi Krasnye and opened a safe with weapons, after which they opened fire.

Teenagers who shot at police spoke about their motives before they died

The 15-year-old teenagers who shot at police in the village of Strugi Krasnye (Pskov Region) spoke about the reasons for their action during a live broadcast from the scene on Periscope (the channel is currently unavailable). According to Denis and Ekaterina, their actions were a response to cruel treatment and misunderstanding on the part of their parents. When special forces officers used stun grenades and stormed the house where the shooting was coming from, the teenagers were found dead with gunshot wounds.

A girl holed up in a house near Pskov with a guy who opened fire on the police: I’m not a hostage, it’s my choice

Earlier, Pskov’s “Bonnie and Clyde” posted farewell messages to their loved ones online.

The girl, who barricaded herself and her boyfriend in a house in the village of Strugi Krasnye, stated that she was not being held hostage.

“I am not hostage, this is my conscious choice,” she wrote on her account page.

Let us recall that earlier the teenagers published on their pages a farewell message to their loved ones: “I loved you, but you yourself did not notice how you destroyed my psyche and life. Goodbye to everyone: friends, family, and acquaintances. Don't worry, I'll leave gracefully. Good luck to everyone in your life, and please don't be afraid to live the way you want or feel you should. Living for your own pleasure is the best life. Love you".

Then a video appeared on the Internet showing how a 15-year-old teenager opened fire on a police bus with a gun.

Eyewitness: Some of the security forces left the scene of police shooting by schoolchildren near Pskov

Let us remind you that in the village of Strugi Krasnye several teenagers barricaded themselves in a private house. There is now a cordon around him.

Some security forces left the scene of police shooting by teenagers in the village of Strugi Krasnye near Pskov. It is also reported that one gun was taken from the scene of the incident.

According to a REN TV source, the mother of the girl, who was in the house from the windows of which shooting was opened, brought a gun to law enforcement officers.

Earlier, a video appeared on the Internet showing how teenagers opened fire on a police car. The footage shows a 15-year-old boy starting to fire a gun.

Denis and Ekaterina, who barricaded themselves in a house in the village of Strugi Krasnye, also showed off their weapons on Instagram. There are at least two guns, a pistol and ammunition in the house.

Let us remind you that in a village near Pskov on the afternoon of November 14, young people opened fire on a police bus. Law enforcement officers arrived at the address in search of the missing teenager. However, upon arrival, police opened fire from the windows of the house.

Teenagers who shot at police near Pskov say goodbye to friends

Teenagers barricaded in a house near Pskov say goodbye to friends on social networks. There is a girl among them.

“I loved you, but you yourself didn’t notice how you destroyed my psyche and life. Goodbye to everyone: friends, family, and acquaintances. Don't worry, I'll leave gracefully. Good luck to everyone in your life, and please don't be afraid to live the way you want or feel you should. Living for your own pleasure is the best life. Love you", - the teenagers wrote.

Earlier it was reported that a group of schoolchildren opened fire on police near Pskov. The teenagers barricaded themselves in the house. The incident occurred in the village of Strugi Krasnye. According to known information, there are two people in the house - a guy and a girl.