What is more important is talent or hard work. What is more important in poker: luck, talent or hard work? It's not about talent

Abilities and talents - these words seem similar in meaning, but they also have deep differences. For many years we have heard that talent is only a small part of success, the rest depends on hard work and perseverance. But is this really so, and most importantly, how do you find out in which area you are really talented?

The question is far from idle, because only by doing “his” business can a person achieve unprecedented heights in professional activity and get great pleasure from it, living in complete harmony with himself. Together with the site, we will learn to identify hidden talents or develop abilities.

Talents and abilities: what's the difference?

Before we start searching for the most competent approach to personal development and the components of success, let’s try to decide on the main concepts with which we will operate. Remember how they sometimes say about a budding artist: “he is not just capable, he is truly talented!” Talent, in this case, is referred to as a certain maximum measure of ability. What do scientists think about this?

An ability is considered to be a skill or skill that a person acquires during the learning process and makes it possible to successfully cope with a particular type of activity. So, a master who can determine in a matter of seconds what happened to your car (computer or vacuum cleaner) is most likely not a genius, although he has plenty of ability and opportunities for learning, that is, practice. What then is talent?

We are used to poeticizing this concept, calling it a gift from above, but scientists are sure: it’s all about genetics! They define talent as an innate, genetically determined ability to perform certain tasks.

Is it so important to be talented?

So, the originality of someone's data is determined by set of genes, inherited by a person from his parents. But what about the statement that only hard work will lead to victory, and talent, without proper effort, will achieve nothing?
To identify the influence of talent on achieving results, scientists conducted an experiment on a control group of athletes. Not only the level of initial training was the same, but also the conditions, as well as the intensity of the load.
As one would expect, the subjects showed completely different results: some significantly improved their initial performance, while others achieved almost no success. At the same time, participants in the experiment with similar biological data demonstrated approximately the same achievements.

It turns out that work, even very hard work, is not enough, and you need to have innate abilities inherited from your parents? But perhaps such abilities are needed only by athletes, and other laws apply in the field of intellectual activity?

Scientists have studied this issue in detail, examining the relationship between the intensity of practical training among musicians and chess players and the results they demonstrated. It turned out that the level of skill depends only 30% on practice, and the rest is determined by innate abilities!

The theory of 10,000 hours: still work

Perhaps you have heard about the theory of 10,000 hours of work? Its author, M. Gladwell, claims that it is ten thousand hours of hard practice that allow a person to master perfectly a certain skill, regardless of the ratio of a person’s talents and abilities.

In the group of subjects (these were students learning to play the violin), outstanding results were achieved only by those who spent exactly the same number of hours on training. Violinists who spent 8,000 hours practicing showed good results. Those who limited themselves to 4,000 hours of training received a very mediocre level of training.

Does this mean that by devoting a strictly defined time to honing a certain skill, you will become an unsurpassed professional in your chosen field of activity?

Indeed, the intensive efforts that you make when mastering this or that type of activity will contribute to a specific restructuring of your brain, and therefore will make you very effective in your chosen field.

What is more important: talent or hard work?

So, we have every reason to believe that talent is very important if you are not going to be satisfied with average performance and have a firm intention to conquer the peaks and top the ratings, to become a brilliant professional.
It is your talent and abilities that will allow you to easily and naturally cope with tasks that others can only achieve at the cost of considerable effort. But, of course, talent alone is not enough if, having achieved your first successes, you do not apply the due diligence. It is work that polishes the edges of talent and makes it reveal itself to the fullest.

What if you’re unlucky with talent? In this case, the 10,000 hours of hard work spent will also not be in vain; they will allow a capable “average” person to become an excellent professional.

What to do if you are not very talented

So, what to do if you are sure that you were unlucky with your talents and, unlike those who always shone at the Olympics, famously scored goals or produced divine sounds, easily running their fingers over the keys, you modestly drew caricatures in the margins of your notebook and Did you take home a report card with C grades?

Probably, you were simply unlucky with teachers who did not take the trouble to discern your talents and abilities. Because talent can manifest itself in something completely ordinary, to which even you yourself have not paid much attention.
Remember and analyze what exactly comes easier to you than others, and at the same time brings great pleasure? It is in this area of ​​activity that you have undoubted abilities that are worth developing and improving!

We begin to look for deeply hidden talents

Urging you not to go with the flow and urgently figure out your (still hidden) talents and abilities, we bring to your attention several questions that will give you the opportunity to discover what exactly you are strong in:

1. What is the opinion of your loved ones about your talents and abilities? Ask this question to everyone who has known you well for a long time, perhaps they will point out one or another of your strengths that you simply did not attach much importance to. Be sure to analyze everything you hear from a certain position.

2. Think about which of the things listed by your acquaintances and friends is easy for you, but the result exceeds your wildest expectations? Remember not only school lessons, but any episodes in which you shone. Make a list to think about the information in more detail.

3. Now try to answer which of the above is not only easy and good for you, but also brings you pleasure. Found it? Most likely this is your talent, which you have diligently tried to “bury” for many years.

You may be asking why do you need all this? You are already a good professional, so why and who needs this search for talent? Alas, life, consisting exclusively of everyday routine, becomes monotonous and boring. That's why we often get irritated for no reason, grumble and even We plunge into depression. Very often, considering ourselves not very talented, we do not realize the need for self-expression and deprive ourselves of the most fascinating moments of inspired creativity that are so familiar to talented people.

Read even more about how to know yourself and better understand others at estet-portal.com.

In the literature devoted to esotericism, and simply in the mass consciousness, there are two, often mutually exclusive, positions devoted to the development of various esoteric, including predictive abilities.

The first position is a talent that is inherited or bestowed from above, and without it no serious success in mastering practices is possible. The second is that all people have the rudiments of abilities that lie in the sphere of communication with “subtle plans”, and the final result depends only on desire and diligence in their development.

It seems to me that both approaches are guilty of being too categorical. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle.

It cannot be denied that some people have innate abilities or inclinations towards one or another direction of esotericism (in the broad sense of the term). Often these are truly hereditary talents, sometimes they are spontaneous manifestations of certain abilities in people who are in no way “related” to esotericism. And of course, it is easier for such people to develop these talents, turning inclinations into full-fledged skills and knowledge.

Usually this kind of talent lies in a certain area, often quite narrow. Be it clairvoyance, the ability to receive certain information without the help of “ordinary” sense organs, or the ability to influence the energy component of the surrounding world, which can be expressed in a penchant for healing practices or, conversely, for practices of “negative influence”.

At the same time, we must not forget that any talent, no matter how strong it is, requires “polishing and cutting,” otherwise it may remain incompletely developed and ultimately use a small fraction of the potential inherent in it.

On the other hand, there are many examples when people who showed no obvious talent for it were interested in esotericism in its various manifestations. But hard work, constant practice and regular training allowed these people to achieve significant success in their chosen field. These include psychic practices of various directions, predictions, traditional practices of various directions: witchcraft, witchcraft, shamanic practices, ritual magic, etc.

I am sure that in esotericism everything is exactly the same as in other areas in which the result can be art or craft. Talent gives a head start at the start, but it depends only on the desire to develop, efforts for such development, perseverance and perseverance whether a person will become a real Master, remain at the level of a craftsman, of which there are many, or will not rise above the level of a “talented amateur”, an elite athlete.

By the way, even the presence of talent does not oblige a person to anything. It's like in music - you can have perfect pitch, but not want to study music, and successfully not study it all your life. :-)

Of course, in this case we do not take into account situations where a person is forced to develop esoteric talents, an example of which is the so-called. "shamanic disease" But these cases are still special, and we are now talking about free choice and personal desire to develop certain abilities and master certain practices.

To summarize, we can say that talent is not a hindrance to business, but without painstaking daily work it will remain undiscovered, and the lack of a clearly expressed inclination towards one or another direction of esotericism is not an insurmountable obstacle to mastering anything.

In principle - a banality. But sometimes it’s useful to remind.

Who achieves more success, fame, money? Someone who has great talent or someone who is extremely hard-working?

Talent is great. This is Mozart.
Salieri, of course, is inferior to him. Too predictable.

But... Due to my profession, I have seen many artists, musicians, fashion designers, poets, and writers.
I saw how people who did not shine with outstanding talent (although they undoubtedly had abilities!) achieved much greater professional success in life than the Mozarts. They received membership in unions, exhibitions, and titles. They had many orders and achieved an excellent financial situation.

Why are they successful? Yes because they are reliable. Anyone wants to do business with them.
Such an author will not let you down. He will take the order, conclude the contract, fulfill all the conditions, and submit the manuscript on time. He will work harmoniously with the editor and will not “split off numbers.” What he cannot achieve with talent, he will achieve with perseverance, hard work, and professionalism.

To compensate for the lack of talent, you definitely need a good school and serious preparation. This is a very important condition.
Therefore, if you have ambitions, hard work, a desire to improve your professional level, hone your skills, and the ability to listen to the people with whom you collaborate, then you have good prospects.
Publishers and editors will work with you because you are reliable, responsible, and you won't let them down.

But I repeat: you must have abilities! It is impossible without this. If a bear has really gotten into a person’s ear from the point of view of literary hearing, then it’s unlikely that anything will help.

By the way, Salieri was also a very capable musician, although because of Pushkin’s little tragedies he was criticized for nothing. In fact, he left behind a lot of excellent compositions that are still performed today.
True, there was no breath of God in him, like Mozart...

In short, to achieve success, it is not at all necessary to think about yourself: “I am a great talent! I am this, I am that! Let your readers evaluate the level of your talent; they know best.
It is better to think of yourself as a good professional who strives to become even better and is ready to constantly grow. Then the profession will definitely obey you, because it respects persistent, hardworking people.

And talents that are from God sometimes do not reach the finish line. They leave the race too early, I’ve seen this more than once.
High expectations, intoxication with one's own talent, being chosen, inability to overcome difficulties, stress, alcoholism... The result is unfulfillment.

The post was written following a conversation with friend Galina Vrublevskaya

You only need eight qualities. The good news is that none of them are innate, i.e. they can be developed. And the whole catch is in the word “possible”! This is where the rub lies.

A huge amount of energy is wasted: should I do it? What will this give me? No one has ever done this! Everyone is doing this now! Is this idea even worth my effort? What if nothing works out?

The secret of hard work is the absence of doubts. When you look at a successful person, you only see a ceremonial picture, but what was the path to this peak? If you have already made a decision and thought it over, don’t waste your resource! Drive away bad thoughts and all “advisers”. This is your success and only you can decide what it looks like. This is exactly how successful people act.

Regardless of the chosen path, you will have to work and achieve success on your own. Don't believe that someone else can do the work for you. You can attract specialists, but they will do what you instruct them to do. And even if super-specialists and very proactive employees are working on making your dream a reality, you will still have to make independent decisions: whether the proposed idea advances towards the final picture of success that you have planned, or moves away from it.

Successful people are not workaholics, but hard workers

Regardless of the field of activity, . If you work tirelessly on your idea, all your thoughts are aimed at achieving results in this area, and at the same time, you do not feel tired at all - then you have made the right choice! If work and pleasure from work are inseparable, then this is the sure path to success.

I have never worked a single day in my life. I just enjoyed my work.
Thomas Edison.

Having such an attitude towards work, of course, it is difficult to imagine that “hard workers” are waiting for the day off or vacation to come. Successful people don’t use a “9 to 5” schedule; they have their own formula: “5 to 9.”

Now it is fashionable to talk about larks and owls. So, a successful person, regardless of type, works by either getting up earlier than everyone else, or staying late than everyone else, and most often, both!

I hardly see daylight. I arrive at work at 5:30 in the morning, when it is still dark, and leave at seven or eight in the evening, when it is already dark. I just move from pavilion to pavilion.
Oprah Winfrey

That’s why successful people are successful: they draw energy from what they do, and don’t “sit and toil in the workplace from bell to bell.” It is this kind of involvement that gives you the energy to move forward towards your success. This does not mean that they never get tired and do not rest, and this happens to them, but more often than not, only after achieving their plans and to think about the next stage!

Those who do more than just what they love win win.

Does it really happen in our lives that there are only joys and pleasures? After all, even what you may like now, once caused fear, irritation, doubt and even anger. This was the case at the initial stage, when there was no skill or understanding.

So, successful people know how to get together on time and do even hard or unloved work in order to achieve their goal. They train hard. Without hard and systematic efforts, one cannot expect success. And the whole question is not to stop!

Those who ended up at the top did not fall there from the sky!
Marcus Washling

If you think like this: I will achieve success and then... Sheer fun, pleasure and idle pastime!

Alas, I will disappoint you: success cannot be earned once and for all. The most successful people are the strongest “hard workers”! They do not leave their work, even when, in the opinion of others, they could already retire. But no, successful people have hard work, and this is what gives them the opportunity to remain at the top of success for a long time. This happens because hard work is like a subscription fee for the right to be in the territory of success, and it cannot be paid once and for all.

Don't let your soul be lazy!
So as not to pound water in a mortar,
The soul must work
And day and night, and day and night!
Excerpt from a poem by N. Zabolotsky

Older people may object: with the advent of the Internet, easy work has appeared. Sit and press the keys. Virtual work does not require effort, it’s not like moving bags!

But I don’t think so, and my older relatives don’t think so either... Already! Because I invited them to do this “easy job” for me, while I go dig in the beds and get some fresh air. Here it turned out that it turns out that it is of paramount importance how and on which keys you need to “click”, and there is a lot more that you need to know and be able to do.

It doesn't matter what you want to do.In any case, you will have to work a lot.
Jeff Bezos - CEO and founder of Amazon

What comes first? Hard work or talent?

I often hear a lot about talent, they talk about it, they admire it, but hard work remains somehow in the shadows. Basically, it’s the same in life. We admire a beautiful jump, an accurate throw, a well-aimed shot, and often commentators talk about the precision and precision of an action or gesture.

We are also fascinated by the delicate skill of negotiation or the performance of a speaker. We admire the virtuosity of using a voice, an instrument, or our own body. It delights and fascinates. Now stop! It's all ooh-aah-sigh.

How many hours-days-weeks-months-years does it take to prepare this successful performance? And here the question of talent is not so relevant. Michelangelo, a recognized genius of painting, not many people know that in his genius he gave first place not to talent, but to hard work.

If people knew how hard I worked to achieve mastery,they wouldn't think my work was so wonderful.
Michelangelo Buonarroti

You can be very talented and not achieve success. To achieve a goal, to become famous, to gain recognition, you need to practice a lot. Behind an athlete's brilliant five-minute performance in a competition lies several years of hard work. And even if you are not naturally blessed with any special talents, you have a very high chance of success if you are hardworking!

Water wears away stones.
Folk wisdom

In my life, I think, as in yours, there are many examples of friends, acquaintances and relatives who showed great promise in childhood and youth. And now they are a clear example to the younger generation of how brilliantly you can ruin your talents if you are not hardworking.

The famous American basketball player Michael Jordan at the beginning of his career relied so much on his talent and was so lazy that his coach kicked him out of the team. Yes, he showed promise, but it was only hope! This shock allowed Michael to more soberly assess his capabilities and understand that talent alone, without hard work, will not get you far. And subsequently he became one of the most famous NBA players, not only for his talent, but also for his hard work.

And from everyone to whom much is given, much will be required; and to whom much is entrusted, from him more will be required.
Luke 12:48

The simplest and most accessible exercises to develop hard work

  1. Advanced training and training. Visible changes for the better in the quality of work that a person does stimulate him, helping to develop diligence. Record what and how much you have improved.
  2. "Assignments for yourself." Set specific goals for yourself in writing (read two books, weed five beds, purchase equipment for a minimum amount, etc.). Record what worked the first time and what you had to return to again. Use for this.
  3. Optimistic attitude towards work. A personal attitude, a positive and conscious attitude towards what you are doing, for whom and for what purpose, helps to develop a hard work ethic.

Hard work is the secret ingredient to success. He often remains behind the scenes. It’s not customary to talk about it; it’s supposed to be there “by default.” But this is a misconception, reprogram your consciousness and understand that hard work must be cultivated and developed throughout your life. Only then is success inevitable!

And how exactly to implement and develop this skill correctly, without rejection - I am ready to help you, as an expert in the field of revealing personal resources, who helps his clients effectively and harmoniously build and walk the path to achieving success.

I won't say it's easy, but it's worth it!

Who has a better chance of becoming great and rich?

Why do some achieve exceptional success while others are content with very average results? What determines success: talent, intelligence, education, ambition, or a combination of all of the above plus a bit of luck? , a senior editor and regular contributor to Fortune magazine, draws on numerous research studies to argue that world-class results are within the reach of nearly everyone, and the key to achieving them is deliberate practice.

It's not about talent

The most common explanation for extraordinary success is natural gift. Plus, as Jeff Colvin writes, the best part about this explanation is that we can legitimately put the idea of ​​doing a great job out of our heads. After all, if we had some kind of natural gift, we would already know about it, but since we don’t have it, then we shouldn’t bother. The author proposes to reconsider the role of innate talents, emphasizing the fact that “talents themselves are much less significant than we used to think,” and if innate abilities exist, and some scientists doubt this, then success is not created by them. General abilities, such as intelligence and memory, also turned out to be not so important. “Research shows that in many fields there is little or no relationship between intelligence and job performance,” writes Jeff Colvin. “People with low IQs perform brilliantly, but those with high IQs sometimes fail to rise above mediocrity.”

According to the author, innate, unchanging limits are of cardinal importance for achieving success. A person 150 cm tall is unlikely to become a famous basketball player, or his voice, for example, can be developed as desired, but the range is limited - a tenor will not be able to sing in bass. Everything that lies outside the physical framework turns out to be controversial, Colvin writes. Clear evidence that nonphysical limits exist has not yet been found.

Deliberate Practice

“In general, deliberate practice is about pushing ourselves beyond what we can usually do,” says Jeff Colvin. It's not easy and not very pleasant. But if everything were easy and pleasant, then everyone would achieve success.

The success of using deliberate practice depends on the answers to two questions, the author believes. What do you really want? And what do you believe in? To answer the first, you need to understand your own true desires - only those who are driven by a strong desire and are ready for dedication and self-sacrifice will achieve success. As for faith, there is a chance for those who believe that if they do properly planned work for several hours a day for many years, they will be able to begin to perform significantly better and even achieve outstanding success. “If you feel that the quality of your work is forever limited by your lack of a special natural gift or lack of general ability at the level you have determined for yourself, then you have no chance of success,” writes Jeff Colvin.

Detailing how to develop and implement a mindful practice , Jeff Colvin also pays attention to organizations - they also want to be successful. “The best organizations assign people jobs in general the same way sports coaches or music teachers choose exercises for their students,” he writes. “By trying to push them beyond their capabilities and encouraging them to develop the most important skills.” Applying the principles of successful operation is not easy, but companies that want to survive have no choice.

So, the price of great success is extremely high, but “the most amazing and inspiring news that the facts present to us is this: success is not only for the elite. It is available to everyone."

Jeff Colvin Outstanding results. Talent has nothing to do with it! - M. .