The combination of gray and pistachio in the interior of the bedroom. Rules for the use of pistachio color in the interior. Pistachio color in the hallway

Delicate pistachio shade, named after a delicious nut, is very popular among designers. It allows you to experiment with color, goes well with other shades, can be accent and main. Here are a few examples of "pistachio" interior.

Immediately, we note that the pistachio color can be of different saturation. It is obtained when yellow is mixed with blue-green. You can add more green and yellow for brightness, or you can dilute it with white to make the tone more pastel. For upholstery of upholstered furniture, darker shades of pistachio are more often used, so it is more practical.

Designers believe that pistachio is best combined with white, turquoise, blue, blue shades. However, there is a lot of room for experimentation here. In the bedroom, pistachio color can be safely combined with bright textiles.

Experts call the pistachio color very favorable for the psychological state of the owners of the house. It does not tire, even if all the walls are painted in pastel. In this, pistachio echoes this year's favorite - Greenery shade, fresh, spring and optimistic.

Pistachio color should be attributed to natural, natural shades. That is why it will be so harmoniously combined with wood, natural wallpaper, and other natural materials. But this does not mean at all that pistachio is only suitable for eco-style or Mediterranean classics. This is a very modern and trendy color.

Designers consider one of the advantages of the pistachio color is the ability to maintain its tone at different levels of illumination, while remaining attractive and calm enough. You can choose one pistachio shade or several varieties for the room, it will turn out equally beautiful.

Calm and fresh pistachio color is perfect for various rooms. In the living room, it can become a shade of furniture upholstery or painted walls, in the bedroom - textile details and curtains, in the kitchen - prevail in the color of cabinets.

With shades of pink, pistachio creates unusual and very delicate combinations, perfect for bedrooms and living rooms. The colors do not compete, but rather complement each other, making them brighter and more noticeable.

In this interior, you can clearly see how harmoniously the pink-pistachio scale looks. Even fairly bright shades are harmoniously combined, making this bedroom original and at the same time homely.

Do not be afraid of such combinations as pistachio with graphite, dark gray, even black. The neutrality of this classic pistachio cuisine, for example, is well diluted with a rich black stone countertop.

In the bathroom, pistachio color, of course, is also appropriate. It can be associated not only with greenery, but also with the sea, the sea coast, especially when combined with turquoise and blue tones.

Pistachio color in the interior is universal. Depending on the chosen tone and environment, you can create accents, or give the interior an atmosphere of nobility and luxury. In addition, it is unpretentious when combined with other shades.

Pistachio color is appropriate for the design of any residential premises. Under the wallpaper of this shade, you can choose furniture, carpet and accessories in light shades. Light brown laminate or parquet is suitable as a floor covering.

With the help of pistachio color in the interior, you can create accents. Beautiful soft light green curtains and decorative pillows will add luxury and sophistication to the room, give a spring mood.

Living room in pistachio color

Pistachio color is not capricious, and is easily matched to other shades. It can be successfully combined not only with classic, but also with saturated colors.

With white

The combination of pistachio color in the interior with white is universal. It looks unobtrusive, can be pleasant or energetic. It all depends on the environment and the geometry of the combinations. In romantic directions, as well as country or retro stylizations, discreet patterns and alternations can be applied.

A dynamic and modern no-nonsense design can be made up of: splashes of color, large shapes, geometric patterns, textiles and a minimal amount of furniture. Here you can use evenly colored elements and large ornaments. This style can be successfully matched to the kitchen or dining room. Also, this combination is often chosen for finishing latrines and offices, as this technique visually enlarges the space and makes the room larger.

Large corner sofa in the interior in pistachio color

Bright pistachio color in the interior of the kitchen

With gray

Gray gives respectability. Pistachio color with gray-pearl creates a mysterious atmosphere, and with thick graphite brings contrast and depth. The combination of pistachio and gray looks especially advantageous in classic interiors.

With black

Bold and slightly aggressive. Here, black looks interesting and stylish, for example, in the kitchen or in the bathroom, you can use black granite tiles.

with orange

The pistachio color in the interior perfectly sets off noble terracotta harmonies, appetizing orange notes, aristocratic brick orange and velvety peach tones. Orange gamma with pistachio color in the interior looks cheerful and warm. With this combination, it opens up juicier, as the orange activates the yellow tone.

with brown

Such a composition is striking in its diversity. Pistachio color is elegantly combined with any hints of brown. The design turns out to be very warm and attracts with natural harmony. Thick chocolate colors are suitable for the living room, and the color of natural wood is relevant for decorating dining rooms and kitchens.

Design in pistachio color

Bedroom interior in pistachio color

with purple

The combination of pistachio and purple allows you to create unique, memorable interiors that envelop you with mystery and coolness. Violet and lilac notes can be used in compositions. To add layering and style, you can use dark polished surfaces.

With turquoise

It turns out a fresh interesting and unusual design. By experimenting with lighting and using different shades, you can create a spacious and cozy environment. The success of this combination lies in the consonance between the cold notes that are part of both tones, thanks to which they create a beautiful pair.

With pink

Such a weave may seem naive, but depending on the concentration of pink, you can form a passionate, elegant and even daring combination. The richer the pink, the more it removes the pistachio into the background.

Kitchen design in pistachio color

Kitchen interior in pistachio color

The benefits of a golden pistachio palette

The main advantage of the golden-pistachio combination lies in the brightness and creation of a chic environment. These two colors are combined very harmoniously with each other, the main thing is to use gold dosed. The golden-pistachio palette can be used together, for example, in decorating elements. Subdued lighting makes the shades close to each other. Golden pistachio colors will appeal to people who prefer chic and interesting styling.

Beautiful bright kitchen in pistachio color

Bright kitchen design in pistachio color

Table of combinations of pistachio color with others in different rooms


wood shades





bleached oak

living room

Pistachio color in the interior of the kitchen

Bright living room design in pistachio color

Features of pistachio color

Pistachio gamma is ideal for rooms with poor natural light. In addition, the color does not lose saturation even under artificial lighting.

Due to its consistency and at the same time saturation, the shade can be used in any living space, harmoniously selected for a variety of directions. It does not cause visual overload and does not inspire fatigue, on the contrary, it sets you up for positive and energizes.

Pistachio color in the interior

Bright bedroom design in pistachio color

The main feature of the shade is unambiguity. There is no need to consider the size and layout of the room or other factors that change the perception of color. A feature of the wallpaper is their unobtrusiveness. Regardless of the brightness, this color will never seem superfluous.

From a psychological point of view, light green energizes and calms. Such wallpapers will perfectly fit into classic styles, it is especially appropriate to combine them with gilded accessories and rich patterns. Under Provence, country and retro, you can choose wallpaper with floral motifs, under modern or minimalism, more saturated solid colors are suitable.

What styles are appropriate?

It is quite often used in modern minimalist styles. This is due to the fact that it combines incomparably with gloss, plastic surfaces and chrome elements.

Very harmoniously green fits into the eco-style. Pistachio inclusions will look spectacular in eclecticism and pop art.

Pistachio color in the interior

Forge in pistachio color

In the Tuscan style, forged products, wood and various shades of green are used.

Pastel pistachio will be an exquisite addition to a light and romantic Provence.

Creating warm greens in the kitchen

First of all, you need to decide whether pistachio will be secondary or predominant. In the kitchen, light green walls look harmonious with both dark and light furniture. With pistachio-colored wallpaper, it is best to combine kitchen accessories made from natural materials.

You can pick up walls of purple, emerald, wine and sea tones for light green sets. Pistachio furniture refreshes the rich shade of the wallpaper.

It is characterized by versatility, therefore it is equally well perceived in both small and spacious kitchens with low and high ceilings, regardless of the lighting and layout of the room.

Corridor design in pistachio color

Pistachio room design

Living room interior in pistachio color

Pistachio color in the interior of the living room will give a feeling of freshness. Light green visually enlarges the room, so it is well suited for small rooms. In a large living room, it can be harmoniously complemented by a purple accent, for example, a sofa. The white ceiling will successfully emphasize the brightness of the shades.

For a hall in a classic style, a combination with pastel colors is suitable. Light beige wallpapers are ideally combined with gently light green armchairs, a sofa and curtains. Such a composition can be supplemented with a voluminous green lampshade.

Beautiful bedroom in pistachio color

Interior in pistachio color

Pistachio in the bathroom

It can easily fit into the design of the finished bathroom. Light green accessories are well suited for white, pink and blue tiles.

A restroom in Provence or retro styling can be decorated in a pistachio-lavender composition. This combination looks sophisticated and interesting, it can be supplemented with wicker crafts, textiles with frills.

Pistachio color in the nursery

According to psychologists, this is an ideal range for decorating a nursery. It is neutral and suitable for both toddlers and teens. In addition, light green will appeal to both boys and girls.

In the baby's room, a combination with soft lavender will create an atmosphere of peace, and preschoolers will love the combination with juicy colors of partners. The teenage room can be complemented with multi-colored attributes and bleached oak sets. You can add lilac to the girls' room, which will soften the greenish background and create an atmosphere of tenderness and comfort.

Light kitchen design in pistachio color

Pistachio color in design

Psychologists claim that it is ideal for a nursery, because:

  • soothes and gives restful sleep;
  • develops imagination;
  • increases mental activity;
  • promotes concentration;
  • depending on the saturation of colors, you can create a romantic mood for girls, and an energetic atmosphere for boys.

When designing a nursery, it is worth remembering that the recreation area should be with a minimum number of accents. The area near the bed is best decorated in a gentle tone.

Interior room in pistachio color

Living room interior in pistachio color

Pistachio in the bedroom

For decoration, you can use almost the entire gamut. The only thing to remember is that in small rooms you should not use dark shades, but gentle ones, on the contrary, will expand the space. Bedrooms in classical styles with light furniture look quite interesting. You can complement the room with a chandelier and mirrors in a metal frame, a wrought-iron table. You can create comfort with the help of paintings and beautiful indoor plants. To complement the ensemble will help heavy curtains and bedding, matched to the tone.

Pistachio color in the interior of the bedroom can be combined with white, burgundy and gray. You can create a warm romantic atmosphere when combined with peach or pink, while turquoise and blue notes relax well and evoke pleasant memories of the sea coast.

Pistachio color in the interior of the bedroom

Pistachio color and natural materials

The greenish tone is perceived naturally, so it goes well with almost all natural materials. Harmoniously perceived with objects and accessories made of bamboo, wood, stone, and emphasizes their natural beauty.

Characteristics of pistachio

  • Refers to summer colors, which are characterized by lightness. It is in harmony with muted colors, but dark objects that will look overly defiant should be avoided. A dark floor covering will look good, but a dark lamp in this case will seem superfluous.
  • It can be used as a base or background for brighter notes. The pistachio color in the interior invigorates and makes the atmosphere more comfortable and light.
  • The psychological state and mood of a person is influenced by his color environment. For example, it is hard to relax and rest comfortably in a room with bright red or yellow wallpaper. Pistachio in this regard is versatile, it does not tire, it is easily combined with various color schemes and does not get bored.

The mood and well-being of a person are very closely related to his color environment. It's hard to convince yourself to relax in a room where the walls are decorated, for example, in burgundy or bright red. Pistachio color in the interior of the room is considered universal. It is easily combined with many shades, does not tire, gives any room a special vigor and freshness. It is equally loved by novice designers and masters of their craft.

Light green catches the eye and creates a feeling of endless freshness in combination with white.

Features of pistachio color

The use of this shade in interior design is not uncommon. Natural beauty is one of the main features of light green. It will be an ideal option for insufficiently lit rooms with natural light. This tone will not lose brightness even with an artificial light source.

Pistachio color in interior design does not entail an emotional burden. This color has few additional shades, so it is very predictable. Having pasted, for example, lime-colored wallpapers, you will not wonder if they will strongly “beat” your eyes on a white background and whether they will acquire a grassy tint with a black frame.

Natural color does not cause fatigue. This amazing light green tone is appropriate for any room, whether it be a living room, kitchen or children's room. The pistachio color of the walls is successfully combined with both dark and light furniture. Moreover, it does not have to be dominant. A touch of freshness can be added with pale green curtains or other accessories such as rugs or decorative pillows.

Neutral light green can become fun and flirtatious when combined, for example, with asymmetry in the room.

Advice! An even pistachio color does not need such additions as stencils, drawings, stickers. But curtains of this shade with a pattern printed on them will be an excellent additional element of the room.

The combination of pistachio with other colors

Even taking into account all the above advantages of this shade, a successful combination of colors with light green is a painstaking creative work that requires certain knowledge. With what shades does the color of pistachios successfully harmonize?

  • White. This combination is considered a very successful classic option. The combination of warm green with white is especially important for small areas.

A few accents in the Scandinavian interior: shutters on the windows and a pistachio-colored rug

  • Yellow. A positive and cheerful color, coupled with light green, increases the properties of the latter several times. Saturated yellow color will require accents. A pale yellow shade can be safely used as a dominant tone in the interior.

  • Beige. It is considered the most unsurpassed companion color of light green. This natural, relaxed, natural combination is able to satisfy the most inflated aesthetic demands.

The combination of "beige and pistachio" is self-sufficient, but it can also be a background for a riot of colors of various accessories.

  • Blue turquoise or blue with green is associated with a marine theme. The blue color will look good on a pistachio shade as accessories, and large ones.
  • Orange. Saturated orange, peach and apricot shades look very lively and spectacular against a light green background.

A cheerful combination of green as the dominant and orange as the color of textiles and other accessories

  • Pink. This color will be a great addition to pistachio. Both shades look so noble that this combination is impossible not to love.

Feminine and cozy combination of green and pink

  • Brown. With this combination, conflict will never arise. Delicate greenery of the walls plus wooden furniture - what could be more natural than this combination.

Depending on the room where it is used, the pistachio color changes its overall mood: in a classic living room design, it becomes the color of luxury.

  • Black. An excellent combination for modern interiors. The combination of black and light green is an option only for stylish and courageous people.

Black, white, pistachio: a combination for young and energetic people

Combinations of pale green with dark green and blue will not be very successful. Pistachio will appear dirty and cloudy with a muted blue tint. But with the right combination of textures, patterns and materials, you can design a quite decent interior with such unsuccessful combinations. It is important that there are few color blotches.

Light green can be combined with several shades of green in one room at once. This luxurious combination can be emphasized by gilding.

Advice! Feel free to use natural materials when decorating the interior. Pistachio color is amazingly combined with wood, straw, stone, bamboo.

A unique and very successful combination in the design of a colored kitchen: pistachio and emerald green tiles, the texture of which is emphasized by transparent furniture

The use of pistachio shades in various interior styles

This color is quite common in the design of modern interior styles: hi-tech, minimalism, contemporary . This is due to its successful combination with chrome elements, plastic and gloss.

The naturalness of green flowers fits perfectly into the eco-style that is popular today. If you put an accent on the pistachio shade, it will be a good option for pop art or eclectic style.

Tuscan style The interior has Italian roots. Here, natural wood, all kinds of forged products and green shades are used in large quantities.

The French direction of Provence style is romantic and light. The abundance of textiles and all kinds of wicker baskets, vases, even pieces of furniture will be an excellent addition to the pistachio color.

Creating warm greens in the kitchen

To begin with, we determine how to use green in the interior of the kitchen - dominant or secondary. The light green tone of the walls in the kitchen will be a good combination with both dark and light furniture. Straw, stone, bamboo or wooden furniture framing will not conflict with pistachio-colored walls at all.

Pistachio-colored furniture in the dining room, decorated with large plant plots on the walls

For salad-colored kitchen furniture, you can safely choose wall coverings of sea, wine, emerald or purple. A pistachio-colored kitchen in this case will refresh the rich tone of the walls.

The versatility of pistachio shades allows you to create wonderful interiors in small and large kitchens. And it doesn’t matter at all whether the ceilings are high or low in the room and what its geometry is.

Advice! To avoid the effect of general merging, do not design the entire kitchen room (furniture, facades, floors, walls) in one color. Moderation and obligatory dilution of a light green hue with harmonizing colors are necessary here.

Pistachio color in the interior living room design

The tone of pale greens can be used as accents, or you can make it the main one. Both options will be successful. Pistachio color in any case will bring a feeling of joy and freshness to the room.

The combination of pistachio and black creates a strict, but at the same time friendly atmosphere, therefore it is very suitable for decorating, for example, office premises. The white ceiling adds depth to the composition.

The light green color visually expands the room. Therefore, its use is especially important in living rooms of a small area. But for spacious rooms, this shade is an ideal option. Pistachio walls in a large and well-lit living room can be successfully combined with purple colors, for example, upholstered furniture. The white ceiling will emphasize the brightness of the two shades.

Advice! There are a lot of options for using pistachio color in the interior of the living room. It is important not to be afraid to try and experiment.

Children's room

The child should feel cozy and comfortable in the children's room. Therefore, a soft green, but not a flashy shade will not be able to adversely affect the child's condition. There is always a place for pistachio color in the nursery. It can be wallpaper, ottomans, a small rug, panels, lampshade, decorative pillows.

The outrageous interior created with the dominance of pistachio color will be very popular, for example, with collectors of contemporary art and creative people.

An adult child can, of course, independently choose the combination of shades they like. In this case, your task is to suggest that for a girl the combination of pistachio color with pink, raspberry and burgundy shades will be the most successful, for a boy - with blue and brown.

Light-flooded living room with stucco against pistachio walls

Discreet luxury of a classically designed modern home: as they say in English-speaking countries, "classy"

The pistachio shade has quite a lot of features: thanks to the simultaneous brightness and restraint, it is suitable for any room and harmoniously fits into any style, does not cause fatigue and visual overload, and even sets you up for positive.

This color has many useful properties from an aesthetic point of view. With pistachio color wallpaper you can create a sophisticated background or highlight accents. Want to know what other possibilities this shade opens up in space? Let's figure it out together and get acquainted with some photos of pistachio wallpaper.

Features of pistachio shade

In order to properly use such wallpapers in design, you need to understand what capabilities they have. Perhaps the most important characteristic of this shade is its uniqueness and versatility.

When gluing pistachio wall coverings, it is not necessary to focus on the layout, the size of the space, or other factors that change the perception of color: despite the fact that pistachio can appear in tones of different saturation, it will be perceived correctly in any design.

Another feature of pistachio wallpapers can be considered their unobtrusiveness. Such coatings will never be perceived as superfluous, since even the brightest shades of this color will not create conflicting contrasts.

Thanks to the combination of bright green, calm beige and cool gray, this color can fulfill several roles at once - which means that the harmony of your design is guaranteed.

It is worth noting not only the psychological properties of this shade (which, by the way, is capable of both calming and energizing), but also its stylistic features.

Pistachio coatings are suitable for interior decoration in the style of the classics(the combination with gilded patterns and accessories is especially local here), Provence(popular wallpaper with floral patterns), retro, country, as well as modern trends like minimalism or modern.

Advice: You can emphasize the peculiarity of a particular style through harmonious combinations of shades.

Pistachio is combined with many colors, so do not neglect this opportunity: in tandem with shades of another palette, it will look even more perfect.

Using pistachio-colored wallpaper in the interior is a fairly easy process: this color is not capricious and fits perfectly into any home space. The amazing properties of this shade have already been appreciated by many buyers and designers, and such wallpapers are suitable not only for adults, but also for children.

A color scheme

One of the benefits of using the pistachio shade in your design is the ability to create spectacular combinations with other shades.

With the following list of colors, the pistachio color is combined and will look the most harmonious:

Advice: pistachio color of different saturation can be combined with natural materials. Bamboo, stone, wood and other accents in the home interior will emphasize the natural beauty of this shade.

Wall decor options in rooms

To get the most out of decorating a room – and create an interior that feels comfortable, it is extremely important to focus not only on the style, but also on the purpose of your room. Let's find out what subtleties you may encounter when decorating rooms in pistachio color.

pistachio living room

Before choosing pistachio wallpaper for the living room, pay attention to the proportions and shapes of this room. We cannot always boast of having a large space in the hall, and given that the pistachio color can be dark, it is extremely important to predict the features of its impact on the interior.

Remember! A light pistachio color can expand a limited space, but a dark shade of pistachio, especially in combination with large drawings, will only reduce the interior.

The main role of pistachio wallpaper in the interior of the living room will not be to create a solemn atmosphere (which is most often typical for the design of this room), but to formation of a calm, cozy atmosphere that sets you up for relaxation. Therefore, if you wish, you can always add bright accents to such a design.

Best of all, the pistachio color is perceived in a spacious living room with sufficient lighting, complemented by light shades.

Pistachio coatings can decorate only one of the walls in the room: it will become an accent and allow you to highlight the main area in your interior. As a rule, this technique is used in the area where the sofa is located, or on the wall opposite it.

Bedroom in pistachio tones

The design of the bedroom will look harmonious when using any pistachio-colored wallpaper. Therefore, the design of your room will not depend on the color, but on the features of the selected wall covering.

For example, plain pistachio wallpaper in the bedroom can be present on all walls, and patterned coatings with bright colors will not always be appropriate around the entire perimeter of the room. They are best used as an accent in the bedside area.

In the bedroom, just like in other rooms, it is important to determine the optimal tone that does not violate the size of the space.

Bright and dark tones of pistachio are only suitable if your bedroom is of sufficient size and the room has a wide window.

Since we are relaxing in the bedroom, the best shades for creating combinations here will be white, beige, light green and pale blue. But colors such as red, brown, burgundy and other bright enough shades can be present in the design of the bedroom only in small quantities.

Children's room design

Many designers and psychologists claim that pistachio is the perfect color for decorating a child's room. It is noteworthy that he suitable for children of all ages: in the baby's room it will emphasize tenderness and tranquility, in the bedroom of preschool children it can be combined with bright colors and decorate the play area.

Teenagers often choose this color as the main A: Suitable for both boys and girls.

Judging by the psychological characteristics of this shade, there are a lot of advantages of its use:

  • it calms and promotes restful sleep;
  • increases mental activity;
  • develops imagination and creativity;
  • promotes concentration;
  • allows you to emphasize the romantic (in girls' rooms) and energetic (in boys) atmosphere.

Perhaps the only rule when decorating a nursery in this color will be the need to use wallpaper with a minimum of bright accents in the recreation area. In the place where the baby's crib is located, give preference to a light and delicate pistachio shade.

Accents in the kitchen

Most modern kitchens have a limited area, which means that the pistachio color in such an interior is considered one of the most successful.

Maximize the space and brighten the room you can use spectacular combinations of pistachio and white: firstly, the presence of another light shade in such a room will create a cozy atmosphere, and secondly, the use of several colors will be ideal for dividing a room into several zones.

In the dining area, pistachio color will awaken the appetite and reflect the beauty of the natural and spring atmosphere. Even without additional accessories and textile decorations, such a design will be perceived harmoniously and interestingly.

In the cooking area, pistachio color is useful in that does not apply to brands. In addition, this deep and rich color will mask the defects of the walls.

Pistachio-colored wallpapers in the kitchen will last you much longer, and, in addition to practical properties, they will attract you with their external qualities, since this shade is suitable for both modern and vintage designs.

Pistachio wallpaper in the kitchen can be combined with both dark and light furniture of different shapes and styles. Effectively, such wallpapers also look in. Textiles in such an interior should be as light and bright as possible in order to emphasize the naturalness of the shade used on the walls.

When decorating home interiors, many are wondering which curtains for pistachio wallpaper will look the most interesting and harmonious. Since this shade is combined with many colors, choosing the right textile will not be difficult.

Even in small rooms where dark curtains can reduce space, a delicate pistachio color will take on the function of expanding the room.

Decide what goals you need to achieve when using with pistachio wall coverings:

  • if you want to fill the room with light, use white and beige curtains (light and airy fabrics will be an advantage);
  • if it is necessary to highlight the window area and form accents, use red, pink, orange, yellow and other bright curtains for pistachio wallpaper;
  • darken the interior and emphasize the restraint of style will help blue, brown, burgundy and other dark shades of curtains.

Advice: curtains of different shades can be combined into a single composition to make the interior more diverse.

Regardless of the features of use in the interior, pistachio wall coverings allow you to create a cozy and homely atmosphere. There is no pretentiousness or excessive formality in this shade: it looks calm and peaceful, and therefore suitable for any room in your home.

Thinking about the upcoming renovation, do you want to create something original, unusual and interesting? We advise you to pay attention to pistachio shades.

Living rooms in pistachio color are a new trend. This color will add sophistication to the interior, refresh, bring a piece of nature.

Pistachio color will help visually expand the room, so it can be used for. With it, you can give the room lightness and airiness.

In this article, we will reveal all the main advantages of pistachio color, and also tell you what colors it can be combined with.

Below are photos of pistachio living rooms that will help you create original ideas.

The main benefits of pistachio shades

In the design, this color has some advantages over others:

Pistachio shades are ideal if you want to create the effect of a spacious, uncluttered room. Designers use this color to give the room a special coziness.

According to psychologists, pistachio color helps to relax and unwind, has a calming effect on the psyche.

This color is great for rooms where there is a lack of daylight. It visually brightens the room.

The living room in pistachio color looks very stylish and transformed.

Interior items in this color will help you tune in to rest, and often even protect yourself from stress.

But this color also has disadvantages. If the room is oversaturated with this color, then the atmosphere in it will become boring, depressing. Yes, you have to be careful with jewelry.

Therefore, when choosing furniture and interior items in pistachio tones, it is important not to overdo it.

Pistachio color combined

In the design of the living room, it is very important to correctly combine colors. Indeed, otherwise the interior can become boring and tasteless. Pistachio color is very capricious in combinations. There are several shades, in combination with which it looks most harmonious, the choice depends on the desired effect.

Pistachio in combination with salad gives the room freshness. But at the same time, the salad color should be present in a small amount, in several details, to give bright accents. Otherwise, a poisonous acid effect will result.

The color of pistachio is very harmoniously combined with wood, with flowers of woody shades, with wooden pieces of furniture. Designers often use this combination in ethno style. It is a symbol of unity with nature. In this case, the result will look more impressive, in which pistachio tones will be predominant.

The combination of pistachio color with white and coffee colors will add sophistication and aristocracy to the interior. At the same time, there should not be a lot of pistachio, only in a few details.

The interior is incredibly beautiful and elegant, in which there is a pistachio color combined with turquoise. For example, you can pick up turquoise curtains with pistachio accessories. They will look very elegant and colorful.

To soften the brightness of the pistachio interior, you can add light gray shades. This technique can also be used when you want novelty, but there is no desire to make repairs.

Pistachio in the design of the walls

When decorating walls, one rule must be taken into account: plain walls of this color look too bright. It needs to be diluted by adding a three-dimensional pattern, or supplemented with a different color. Ceilings in pistachio tones are not made out, if only as small inclusions. The floor can also be decorated with various inserts and patterns of this color.

The choice of furniture for the pistachio living room

After the most basic details are thought out, you can proceed to the choice of furniture. It is better not to use pistachio furniture in small rooms, as it will create the effect of a bright spot, which will definitely need to be diluted.

If the room is quite spacious, pistachio furniture may be present, but not in the whole set, but in its individual parts. Perhaps it will be a wardrobe or a slide, a sofa with pillows in other colors.

Wooden objects will fit very harmoniously into the pistachio interior.

Summarize. With the right approach, pistachio color will bring zest, sophistication and elegance to the interior.

The main thing is not to forget about the main rules regarding color combinations and clearly decide what effect you want to get in the interior.

Photo of a pistachio-colored living room