Nutrition menu by calories. Proper nutrition: a menu for weight loss for every day. What to avoid while eating healthy

The problem of losing weight now concerns many people; some urgently need to lose weight for medical reasons, while others simply want to get their body in order. But desire alone, unfortunately, is not enough; you need to choose the right diet and set of physical exercises. One of the modern and quite popular diets is the calorie diet.

A calorie diet implies the correct calculation of a comfortable daily calorie intake, while almost all existing products are allowed in the diet (with the exception of foods that are harmful and dangerous to the body). Let's figure it out.

The essence of the weight loss method with calculations

To lose weight, you need to count your calorie intake every day. The individual daily calorie intake and portion size are determined individually depending on weight, health status and lifestyle.

To count calories, you just need to have a kitchen scale, a diary for recording your diet and calories eaten per meal, and a regular calculator. Yes, at first the process itself will be annoying, since it’s easier to just pour food into a plate and enjoy, later the counting procedure will become a habit. The most important thing is not to betray your goal.

When calculating the daily intake, it is important to take into account the following factors: gender (men have a higher daily calorie intake than women due to more muscle mass), age (after twenty years, every ten years the number of calories decreases by two percent), height (the taller a person is, the more calories are needed, since the body area is larger), desired and actual weight, the presence and intensity of sports activities. An experienced nutritionist can help determine the norm, or you can do the calculation yourself using special formulas, taking into account all the above factors.

For men: BMR = 88.36 + (13.4 x current weight in kilograms) + (4.8 x height in centimeters) – (5.7 x age (full years at the time of weight loss)).

For women: BMR = 447.6 + (9.2 x current weight in kilograms) + (3.1 x height in centimeters) – (4.3 x age (full years at the time of weight loss)).

Important points for a calorie diet

Since the calculations are quite complex, it is recommended to prepare a menu for the week in advance. One of the most important points is five meals a day with calories calculated in the following ratio: breakfast - twenty-five percent, second breakfast - ten percent, lunch - within thirty percent, afternoon snack - up to twenty-five percent, dinner - ten percent.

To ensure that the body does not suffer from the lack of vital substances, it is necessary to include five food groups in the diet:

  • fruits;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables.

1200 calorie diet: advantages and disadvantages

Reducing the number of calories is good, but for safe weight loss it is not recommended to go beyond 1200 calories - this is the maximum safe and comfortable amount.

With this method, you can lose up to five kilograms of excess weight in a month. All types of products are acceptable for consumption, you just need to carefully keep the calculations.

The main disadvantages of this method are discipline and methodicalness, since you need to constantly control yourself so as not to eat too much and fill your diet with all vital products. The second disadvantage of a calorie diet is fatigue and drowsiness (at the beginning of the method), since the body must get used to such a diet and learn to use its “reserves” to restore energy.

All efforts will be in vain if you neglect the following important points:

  • before losing weight, it is important to visit a nutritionist or doctor;
  • You cannot independently change the diet thought out by a nutritionist;
  • a sudden exit from the method will entail a lot of troubles with the body;
  • Every day you need to do sports: running, swimming, fitness;
  • It is forbidden to consume fatty, sweet, fried foods, fast food, alcohol, carbonated drinks and it is advisable to quit smoking.

Contraindications to the calorie diet

It is strictly forbidden to use a diet for weight loss if there are congenital problems with the digestive system or intestines, in the postoperative period, after severe viral respiratory diseases, if there is a peptic ulcer or gastritis, after a stroke or heart attack, or with acute heart failure. Hypertensive and hypotensive patients can choose this method of losing weight solely on the recommendation of a doctor and under his close supervision.

Approximate diet menu by calories

According to the advanced Swedish nutritionist M. Ingmar, you need to consume more, in the ratio of thirty to forty percent of the total diet. With this distribution, the feeling of fullness will come faster and longer, and at the same time the stomach will not stretch.

Let's look at several different sample menus (you can adjust them yourself depending on the calorie content of the products and your well-being). The table shows an approximate list of products, which can be changed after agreement with the doctor.

Approximate menu for 1600 kilocalories

For breakfast - an omelet with herbs (three eggs). For second breakfast - one hundred grams of boiled milk, one apple or one pear. For lunch - two hundred grams of vegetable salad, one hundred grams of boiled lean poultry meat or. For an afternoon snack - one hundred grams of fruit or nuts. For dinner - two hundred grams of lean meat, boiled or baked, green vegetables.

The famous nutritionist Cordain does not allow dairy products into the diet, as they slow down the process of breaking down fat cells. A dairy-free diet is suitable for allergy sufferers.

In our region, nutritionists always add cereals and dairy products to the diet, and the calorie limit is 1200-1300 kilocalories.

Nutritionist Marianna Trifonova offers the following sample menu for 1200 kilocalories: breakfast - oatmeal with water and an apple (three hundred kcal); second breakfast - berries for one hundred kilocalories; lunch - boiled meat or fish boiled in water or brown rice and vegetables (four hundred kcal); snack - fruit (one hundred kcal); dinner - boiled or baked seafood, green vegetables (three hundred kcal).

At first, it will be difficult to accustom yourself to eat at the same time, five times a day (this is a prerequisite, you cannot skip meals), while constantly counting calories. But over time you will get used to it. You need to spend a week to enter the diet and at least seven days to exit. As a result, with the preparatory stage, the weight loss itself and the recovery period, the process will take at least three weeks.

There are several tips that will make losing extra pounds more comfortable and easier: read your diet for the day in the evening (there simply won’t be enough time during the day, especially with the schedule of a modern person); purchase food once a week, divide it into 100-gram portions and put colorful stickers on them with the kilocalories written on them; dairy products need to be bought in stores (with a known percentage of fat content and calorie content); Find an online calorie calculator on the Internet (this will greatly facilitate the procedure); It is important to take into account all the products you take, including sauces.

In total, you need to write down everything you consume during the day in a notebook and constantly count it. It is clear that snacking at a pizzeria or poppy store with such a diet is unacceptable. Learn calculation and self-control, then you won’t even notice how you will do all these procedures subconsciously.

Most people who want to get their body in perfect shape can resort to to a low-calorie diet. This does not require expensive products, there is no need to prepare complex dishes, you can use simple, affordable food products that are always available for sale.

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Main The point of a low-calorie diet is to limit fats and easily digestible carbohydrates. Everyone can create their own diet, limiting themselves to flour, fatty and sweet dishes.

Sample diet menu for a week

When using a low-calorie menu, you need to eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions, whose weight does not exceed 200-250g.

First you need to use a kitchen scale, then you will learn how to determine the weight of portions by eye. Low-calorie diet for a week menu minus 5 kg (for people with very high weight).


Day one:

  • Breakfast: Rice porridge, cook 3-4 tablespoons, add a little low-fat milk. You can add a handful of raisins, dried fruits;
  • Lunch: grated apple;
  • Dinner: chicken soup, cabbage salad;
  • Afternoon snack: kefir 1-2%;
  • Dinner: baked fish, tomato and cucumber salad.

Day two:

  • Breakfast: omelette of one yolk and two whites in low-fat milk;
  • Lunch: grated carrots;
  • Dinner: boiled chicken, cucumber and herb salad;
  • Afternoon snack: tomato juice;
  • Dinner: beef meatballs, lettuce with olive oil.

Day three:

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with chopped orange;
  • Lunch: baked apple;
  • Dinner: stewed vegetables (carrots, cabbage, onions, herbs, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, whatever is available) with the addition of minced chicken;
  • Afternoon snack: orange;
  • Dinner: stewed fish, green pea and herb salad.

Day four:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with hot low-fat milk and berries;
  • Lunch: baked or fresh pear;
  • Dinner: vegetarian soup, boiled turkey, cauliflower salad with herbs and olive oil;
  • Afternoon snack: kefir with berries, you can beat it with a blender;
  • Dinner: boiled veal, grilled vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, onions, zucchini.

Day five:

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with the addition of low-fat milk and a little butter;
  • Lunch: grapefruit;
  • Dinner: chicken cutlets, salad of Chinese cabbage, herbs and fresh cucumbers;
  • Afternoon snack: apple juice;
  • Dinner: salmon steak or salmon, tomatoes.

Day six:

  • Breakfast: millet porridge with milk, you can add some dried fruit;
  • Lunch: low-fat yogurt without additives;
  • Dinner: soup with veal meatballs, vegetable salad;
  • Afternoon snack: bifidokefir with fresh berries;
  • Dinner: two boiled eggs, cucumber salad, herbs.

Day seven:

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with one raw egg and chopped fruits or berries;
  • Lunch: grated apple;
  • Dinner: boiled or baked chicken breast, stewed vegetables (cabbage, carrots, zucchini, onions, peas, tomatoes);
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat fermented baked milk;
  • Dinner: boiled turkey, two tomatoes, two cucumbers.

Having understood the basic the principle of this diet, it is not difficult to select products yourself. You can choose your favorite ones that you personally like and cook them more often than others. In addition to the main menu, you need to supplement your diet with weak tea or coffee without sugar. You can add low-fat milk. The total daily calorie content should not exceed 1200 kcal. Please also pay attention to, its principles will also be useful to you.

In order for weight loss on a low-calorie diet to be successful, you need to know which low-calorie foods should form its basis. In the table you can find list of products that can be used in a low-calorie diet menu. The table is convenient to use when selecting side dishes from vegetable dishes for protein dishes.

Calorie table for low-calorie foods

Product category Product Name Calorie content per 100g Product category Product Name Calorie content per 100g
Vegetables broccoli 33 Meat (protein) beef 187-144
carrot 35 veal 90
chili pepper 20 horse meat 143
artichoke 40 lamb 191
cauliflower 30 rabbit 199
kohlrabi 36 beef liver 98
cucumbers 15 veal tongue 163
tomatoes 23 beef sausage 165
zucchini 23 chickens 159
eggplant 24 chicken category 1 238
pumpkin 28 chicken category 2 159
spinach 22 turkey 197
celery 21 chicken liver 139
radish, green onion 19 chicken heart 158
lettuce 12 chicken eggs 157
asparagus 20 egg white 44
green 13 egg yolk 64
onion 41 quail eggs 168
Product category Product Name Calorie content per 100g Product category Product Name Calorie content per 100g
Fish and seafood (protein) fruit juice cabbage 5 Milk and dairy products (protein) cow's milk 62
squid 75 milk n/w 35
shrimps 83 goat milk 67
crabs 69 kefir 31-59
mussels 77 yogurt 52-112
pollock 69 cottage cheese n/w 86
flounder 87 cottage cheese 10% 170
sea ​​bass 117 Ryazhenka 40-85
tuna 101 cream 10% 115
cod 75 sheep milk 107
blue whiting 72 serum 25
mackerel 153 buttermilk 40
icy 74 grain cottage cheese 105
herring 121 sour cream 10% 115
Argentina 88 sour cream 15% 160
sprat 137 chocolate milk 81
hake 86 drinking yogurt 82
oysters 72 "Activia" 104
Product category Product Name Calorie content per 100g Product category Product Name Calorie content per 100g
Fruits apples 48 Mushrooms (protein) white dried 34
pears 42 boletus 20
plums 43 boletus 22
grape 69 Honey mushrooms, saffron milk caps 22
Peach, apricot 45 Chanterelles, boletus 19
quince 48 Russula, milk mushroom 18
cherry 52 champignons 27
Grapefruit, melon 35 nigella 9
35 Berries blueberry 39
mandarin 38 strawberries 41
pineapple 52 cranberry 29
lemon 34 blueberry 40
banana 96 rose hip 101
kiwi 47 currant 39-43
persimmon 67 raspberry 46
figs 54 cowberry 46
pomegranate 72 gooseberry 45
cherry plum 34 strawberry 34
mulberry 53 cherries 50

Minus 5 kg per week - is it possible?

  1. Lose 5 kg in a week– it’s really possible. Especially for those whose initial weight was too high and exceeded the norm by 20-30% or more.
  2. If you need lose weight by 5-10kg, then a large weight loss will result in a rapid return of lost kilograms and a further decrease in metabolism. The fact is that the body does not like such sudden changes in diet, therefore, it begins to spend energy very sparingly, and losing extra pounds with each new diet becomes more and more difficult.
  3. Besides, With sudden weight loss, there is a problem with the appearance of excess skin, which does not have time to tighten up along with the disappearance of subcutaneous fat. As a result, unsightly skin folds appear, which can sometimes only be removed with the help of a surgeon.

Conclusion: You need to lose weight gradually, losing no more than 0.5-0.7 kg per week.

Daily calorie intake for weight loss. Food diary

Below is step by step weight loss plan, which is recommended for every patient in clinics when contacting a nutritionist.

Calories per day should be calculated as follows:

  • first, you write down in a notebook everything you eat during the day on normal days (without a diet);
  • calculate your usual caloric intake for several days, a week;
  • find out what exactly you should give up, which foods are too high in calories, and why your weight increases or does not decrease;
  • gradually reduce your daily calorie content. First, remove all fatty, floury, and sweet foods. Eliminate smoked meats and pickles, which retain liquid. Calculate your current caloric intake;
  • Follow this diet until your weight drops steadily;
  • when you notice that the weight has stabilized and stopped, reduce calorie content by 400-500 kcal from previous values. To lose weight, calories must be reduced.

Structure of a low-calorie diet

Using the products from these tables will help you adjust your diet and independently select products for the daily menu.

The structure of a low-calorie diet should be built as follows:

  • In the morning– cereals, fruits, allowed sweets.
  • Dinner– liquid hot dishes, protein dishes, vegetables.
  • Dinner– protein and some low-calorie vegetables.
  • Snacks– low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables in small quantities (100-150g).

The closer it gets to the evening, the less caloric the food should be. In the evening, activity usually decreases, so it will no longer be possible to burn a large number of calories and, as a result, they will be deposited in your problem areas.

Physical activity on a low-calorie diet

As a complement to a low-calorie diet, it is necessary include any physical activity in your daily program. This could be fitness, aerobics, cycling, swimming, etc. If you don’t have time for exercise, then:

  • walk quickly;
  • take the stairs without an elevator;
  • overcome long corridors at work by running;
  • do muscle exercises while in transport, alternately tensing and relaxing your muscles;
  • buy a small ball, and while sitting at your desk in the office, squeeze it with your feet;
  • find time for 15 minutes of morning exercises, getting up a little earlier or doing it in the evenings;
  • do exercises while watching TV, combining business with pleasure.

If you wish, you can always find time for exercise by canceling some unimportant and non-urgent matters.

Here is a video about how important physical activity is when eating a low-calorie diet:

Limit fats and easily digestible carbohydrates

A low-calorie diet is always associated with limited fats and easily digestible carbohydrates. You should give up all types of fatty foods. Avoid buying and eating the following foods:

  • Fatty meat, sausages, frankfurters.
  • Duck, goose, offal from them.
  • Chicken skin.
  • Cooking fat, margarine, lard.
  • A large amount of vegetable oils.
  • Fatty dairy products, glazed curd cheeses.

You should also avoid easily digestible carbohydrates.:

  • Flour products, rolls, pastries, fried dough (pies, pancakes, pancakes, etc.)
  • Confectionery products (cakes, sweets, cakes, cookies, etc.)
  • A large number of cereals, porridges with butter, pasta. Porridge can be eaten only in the morning in the amount of 100-150g per serving.
  • Large volumes of fruits and berries. We often think that if fruits and berries are low in calories, then we can eat as much of them as we want. But this is absolutely not true. During the season, many people try to fill up on fruit, eating 0.5-1 kg at a time. At the same time, the stomach stretches, and the body requires increasingly larger portions.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks that contain about 5-10 tablespoons of sugar per 1 glass of liquid or harmful sweeteners.

Book "Dishes that don't make you fat. Recipes for low-calorie cuisine"

On our website you can download book "Dishes that don't make you fat. Recipes for low-calorie cuisine", written by Olga Tryukhan. In it you will find detailed recipes for the most popular low-calorie dishes. By learning how to cook them and including them in your daily menu, you can eat deliciously and not gain weight. Download the book "Low Calorie Recipes" for free in PDF format you can visit our website.

What other low-calorie diets are there?

  • Japanese diet for two weeks;
  • diet 1200 kcal per day;
  • diet for the lazy or water diet;
  • chocolate diet;
  • spicy diet, etc.

Each of the proposed diets has its own characteristics. But each of them has disadvantages.

For example, The chocolate diet involves eating only chocolate and coffee, which in principle cannot be useful, since vitamins, proteins, and minerals do not enter the body. Spicy diet Suitable only for those who do not have stomach problems, because abundantly flavoring all dishes with hot pepper can provoke inflammatory processes and lead to gastritis.

Cons of the diet

But a low-calorie diet, like all others there are some disadvantages. A typical low-calorie diet includes a variety of foods, although they are low in fat and carbohydrates. That's why it is considered the most useful and easiest to use, suitable for those who do not have large funds to purchase expensive food products. However, many people neglect the simple rules of a low-calorie diet. For example:

  • they are too lazy to prepare meat dishes, buying low-fat beef or chicken sausage or frankfurters;
  • instead of natural vegetables and fruits, use canned ones;
  • knowing that many fruits and vegetables are low in calories, eat them in kilograms;
  • They use only those foods that they love more than others, and eat monotonously.

The main disadvantages are:

  • Refusal of many favorite dishes, confectionery, sweets, fried and smoked foods, sauces and mayonnaise.
  • The need to constantly weigh food and count calories.
  • The need to have a constant supply of healthy products to eliminate the possibility of failure.
  • It is difficult to give up your usual dishes if you are in a company or your family continues to eat high-calorie dishes.
  • Lack of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. Be sure to additionally consume mineral-vitamin complexes, which contain a daily dose of the necessary vitamins and minerals.

If you overcome these difficulties and learn correctly combine low-calorie foods with each other, then the diet will not have contraindications.

Having convinced your family and friends that counting the amount and calorie content of the foods you eat is beneficial for the body, you need to adjust your daily diet, and a calorie counting table for weight loss will simplify the process for you. Familiarize yourself with the features of the system, find out how to correctly calculate your daily intake, taking into account your lifestyle and metabolic level.

Calorie calculation for weight loss

Calories are the energy that the body receives from food and then spends on any activity. A person eats foods, and the body uses them to produce energy, which it then supplies to the vital organs. Energy is needed for all vital processes: mental work, breathing, heat exchange, heartbeat, and even for movement. Each product has a special chemical composition, but they all consist of the same substances, but in different proportions. So, the components are:

  • carbohydrates;
  • microelements;
  • proteins;
  • water;
  • vitamins;
  • fats.

Why do you need to count calories?

Without following a diet, a person tends to exceed his daily caloric intake, even if he does not eat too much, because the calorie content of all foods is different. Snacks that are not considered a full meal are swallowed and forgotten. In addition, calories are divided into “harmful” and “useful”. By consuming them in unlimited quantities, women have a desire to lose weight with the help of diets, the essence of which is the same - reducing daily caloric intake.

All diets have a common significant drawback - a limited list of products. Even if you have followed a strict diet to lose weight and achieved the desired result, you still have not abandoned your previous eating habits, so they will quickly “ruin” your slimness. Calculating the energy value of foods and the amount of food consumed should not become a temporary diet for you, but a way of life - only constant monitoring and a table will help you always have a beautiful figure and be healthy.

How to count

Having decided to switch to PP and use a calorie counting table for weight loss in everyday life, purchase a diary in which you will record your achievements. When following your daily calorie intake, write down every food you eat during the day, and also set aside a place where you will keep track of your physical activity. The third column of the table will show your weight changes - you should record your morning weight in your weight loss journal.

By comparing your weight loss results, you can adjust your diet. At the same time, focus on the minimum required by the body, and keep in mind that in order to lose weight, it must burn more calories than it received. The required amount is calculated individually for each person, because the condition of the body, the age of the person losing weight, and his physical activity are taken into account. For example, a woman who moves little can eat 2200 kcal per day; for men whose activities are not related to physical activity, the number increases to 2800 kcal/day.

To lose weight, you need to do the calculation a little differently, reducing the permissible daily caloric intake:

  • women who do not engage in sports need 1000-1200 kcal/day to lose weight, men 500-600 kcal more;
  • women involved in training should consume 2000-2200 kcal per day, men need to add 500 kcal to this number.

How to correctly count calories to lose weight - table

Once you decide to reduce your body weight, you need to control your intake of high-calorie foods. The table of calorie content of weight loss products will become your faithful assistant in creating a menu, but you need to take into account other points:

  1. Water, tea and coffee have zero calories, but that doesn't include sugar, honey, milk or any other extra ingredients you choose to add to your drink.
  2. When preparing a complex dish, keep in mind that in order to calculate its energy value, you need the energy value of the products included in the composition.
  3. When frying, add the calorie content of the product to the calorie content of the oil in which it is fried.

Food calorie table

Knowing your allowable daily calorie intake for weight loss, you can adjust your menu and plan your diet correctly. A calorie counting table for weight loss will help you with this - thanks to it you will find out the composition of dietary fat and the calorie content of food products that are considered the most popular and accessible to everyone. In the table, data on calorie content and composition are displayed per 100 g of product.

Product name

Calories (kcal)


Berries, fruits









Greens, vegetables


Green peas

White cabbage


Brussels sprouts


Red cabbage


Boiled potatoes


Fried potatoes


Green onion

Red onion

Pickled cucumber

Fresh cucumber


Sweet pepper


Red beans

White beans


Pine nut


Ostrich egg

Quail egg

Chicken egg

Dried mushrooms

White mushroom

Fried mushrooms




Dried foods


Dried apples

Cheeses, dairy products

Cow cheese

Yogurt 1.5%

Whole milk

Milk 3.2%

Ryazhenka 6%

Curdled milk

Cream 20%

Cream 10%

Sour cream 20%

Sour cream 10%


Dutch cheese

Lambert cheese

Russian cheese

Processed cheese

Sausage cheese

Curd cheese

Cottage cheese 18%

Low-fat cottage cheese

Bakery products

Rye flatbread

Butter pastries

Wheat bread

Bread Darnitsky

Rye bread

Cereals, legumes, flour

Green peas (canned)

Green peas (fresh)

Dried green peas

Rye flour

Wheat flour

Pearl barley

Wheat cereal

Barley groats





Barley flakes


Chum salmon caviar

Granular caviar

Pollock caviar

Fried carp

Canned fish in its own juice

Canned fish in oil


Smoked salmon

Fried salmon

Sea kale

Atlantic herring

Sprats in oil

Meat products


Fried beef

Beef stew

Smoked sausage

Boiled sausage

Rabbit meat

Boiled chicken

Fried chicken

Beef liver

Pork chop

Pork stew



Fats, sauces

Rendered fat

Creamy mayonnaise

Sandwich margarine

Margarine for baking

Creamy margarine

Mayonnaise light


Corn oil

Sunflower oil


Soybean oil

Olive oil


A calorie chart helps, but many people find it tedious to use. For this reason, those who are losing weight should take a closer look at a reference book indicating the calorie content of ready-made meals, or popular online calculators. Electronic counters can be used not only to count calories, but also dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals in a particular dish. The online program helps calculate how many beneficial components meat, vegetables, fish or fruits lose during cooking.

Calculation of daily calorie intake for weight loss

How many calories you can consume per day can be easily calculated. You just need to multiply the value of your weight in kg by 24 - the resulting number will be the rate of calorie consumption for the body at rest (due to this amount of energy, it will ensure the functioning of the processes necessary for human life). Even when calculating the daily calorie intake for weight loss, you need to take into account the recommended dose of BJU: the daily menu should consist of 20% fat, 40% carbohydrates and 40% protein.

Physical activity rate

The amount of daily calories depends on how active a person is. In this case, the number of acceptable norms must be multiplied by a coefficient expressing motor physical activity. This indicator has an average value:

  • 1.2 – for people who are very overweight or lead a completely inactive lifestyle;
  • 1.4 – for those who play sports at least 3 times/week;
  • 1.6 – for people working in an office and those who rarely do physical labor;
  • 1.5 – for those who train and do physical labor every day.

Basal metabolic rate

A calorie counting table will help you lose weight, but to calculate your daily calorie intake, you need to take other values ​​into account. So, to maintain weight, your basal metabolic rate needs to be multiplied by your activity ratio. To lose weight, the daily norm needs to be reduced: for women to 1200 kcal, for men - to 1800 kcal. To lose weight, you need to either reduce your calorie intake by eating less or increase your physical activity. It is worth noting that before increasing the load when losing weight, you need to calculate how many calories you can eat before training.

Calorie diet

For those who have problems with weight, nutritionists have developed a special system - calculating the calorie content of consumed foods according to a table. While on this diet, you don’t need to give up your favorite delicious foods, because the system’s design is as simple as possible - you just need to reduce the number of servings and their volume. Reviews of this diet suggest that you can easily lose 4 kg of excess weight in a month (depending on your initial weight). The diet is absolutely safe for health, provided that you do not reduce your daily caloric intake below the minimum threshold of 1200 kcal.

A calorie-counting diet won't make you hungry. You can see this by looking at its sample menu:

  • breakfast - 200 g of salad (fresh cabbage and carrots), seasoned with 0.5 tsp. vegetable oil, a piece of boiled sausage (50 g) or chicken cutlet, bread and unsweetened tea;
  • snack – 100 g of citrus jelly, a glass of lemon jelly;
  • lunch – 150 g of bean soup, 150 g of vegetable roast with pork, a cup of rowan tea, 100 g of potato cookies;
  • afternoon snack – a glass of kvass made from the extract, 2 loaves of bread covered with a thin layer of apricot jam;
  • dinner – 100 g of buckwheat, 100 g of boiled chicken fillet, a cup of tea with an apple;
  • at night - a glass of low-fat kefir.

How to choose calorie-rich diet recipes

A calorie table for weight loss may not help you achieve your goal if you systematically break the rules. So, when you are planning to count calories, you should:

  1. Limit your fat intake. Animal fat has twice the calorie content of carbohydrates. If the menu contains no more than 30% fat, then the body does not require an increase in the dose of carbohydrates and protein, due to this the calorie content of the diet becomes 10% less.
  2. Minimize your sugar intake. Any type of sugar or its substitute increases appetite, which causes a person to overeat, which is unacceptable when losing weight. A healthy menu should contain no more than 20 g of sugar/day.
  3. Increase your consumption of fiber (found in cereals, fruits, vegetables) and pectins. This kind of food is the best for weight loss - it is digested more slowly and fills you up faster.


I’ll start, perhaps, with what I’ve spoken and written about more than once: proper nutrition is not a diet or a set of restrictions or prohibitions, but a balanced diet in which the body receives the “right” carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the required quantities (not more and not less), which allows all organs and systems to work clearly and without interruption. Therefore, a proper nutrition menu for weight loss should in no case be reduced to two apples and a glass of kefir, but consist of 4-5 full meals with the necessary distribution of calories, as well as proteins, fats, carbohydrates (hereinafter - BJU ).

Yes, I can’t ignore the question that haunts many who want to lose weight: “what’s wrong if I, keeping within my 1200 kcal/day, can eat a bun/chips/burger/fried potatoes/sandwich with mayonnaise ..." Of course, following simple logic (if you spend more calories than you eat), the process of losing weight will continue.

But we should not forget about the main thing: the level of our hormonal levels depends largely on the amount of fats consumed (exactly those that our body needs most: nuts and cold-pressed oils, fatty fish) and for the most part these are fats of non-animal origin ( =saturated fats), the consumption of which should be limited.

Thus, poor nutrition leads to insufficient/excessive production of one or another hormone, which in turn leads to the destruction of bone/muscle tissue, poor metabolism, problems with the reproductive system, etc. Now, I think it’s clear why you shouldn’t replace the menu with the correct one. food for rolls, Snickers, sausage - you indirectly affect the functioning of the endocrine system, causing disruptions in its functioning, i.e. incorrect production of hormones.

“Food waste” (fast food, all fried foods, mayonnaise salads, chips, baked goods, in short, food high in fat and fast carbohydrates) increases the risk of developing cholelithiasis by 80%! Why?.. It is crystallized cholesterol (90% of stones consist of it!) that is to blame.

Also, the lack of a proper diet causes the “lazy stomach” syndrome, known to many (heaviness, a feeling of fullness that lasts for a long time (!), constipation) and, as a result, the inability of bile to penetrate the gastrointestinal tract (it stagnates in the gallbladder, forming “crystals”) " - future stones).

This is all, returning to the question of why it is not worthwhile, while keeping within “your 1200 kcal” and at the same time not gaining weight, to eat something that in a few years you can greatly regret (alas, this is an example of many loved ones from my environment).

Proper nutrition: menu for weight loss

Basic diet

When following a healthy diet, the basis of your diet should be vegetables, fruits, grains/legumes, lean meats, poultry, fish/seafood and, of course, dairy products.

From this seemingly small list of products, believe me, you can cook whatever your heart desires. Moreover, make it tasty, beautiful, healthy and without harm to your figure.

You can learn how to distribute calories throughout the day (and not only) from. Many aspects are covered there, so I will not repeat myself, I will dwell in more detail on the proper nutrition menu for weight loss.

You can also calculate it yourself (which, by the way, is used by fitness gurus and nutritionists) your daily calorie intake. Remember that to lose weight, you only need to create a 20% calorie deficit. It is very important to stick to this figure, this is 100% the key to your success.

I propose to consider specific examples and variations, of course, with calorie counting and recipes for those dishes that do not belong to the “just cut and cook” category :)

Menu for weight loss. Day 1

Weekday menu

I’ll make a reservation right away: of course, it’s not at all necessary to eat porridge for breakfast on Monday if you have leftovers from Sunday :) You can change the diets of the days in places, I’m just offering an approximate menu (but with a clear count of calories and the correct distribution of porridge throughout the day).

Yes, the menu, of course, also implies that many simply do not have time to cook on weekdays. Therefore, it is better to cook porridge for breakfast (or steam it with boiling water) in the evening. By the way, try not to use “quick” cereals, cook whole grains: this is both healthier and makes you feel full for a long time (because there is more fiber).

I advise you to cook meat, poultry or fish for future use (for 2 days). I also recommend preparing snack containers the day before. It's simple, you just have to want it and get into the rhythm!


  • Porridge (40 g dry) to your taste: oatmeal/buckwheat/barley/wheat/corn/brown rice ~ 136 kcal(at the rate of 340 kcal/100 g)
  • Nuts or pumpkin seeds (15 g) ~ 83 kcal
  • Dried fruits (for example, dried apricots, 20 g) ~ 44 kcal
  • Boiled egg, 1 pc. (optional) ~ 80 kcal
  • A cup of tea (0 kcal) or coffee with milk (50 ml) ~ 30 kcal

Total breakfast = 381 kcal

Snack 1

  • Cup (250 ml) kefir or fermented baked milk ~ 142 kcal OR soft cottage cheese 4% (without fillers, 150 g) ~ 129 kcal
  • Small handful of nuts (10 g) ~ 55 kcal
  • Apple (150 g) ~ 70 kcal
  • Soft cottage cheese 4% (150 g) ~ 129 kcal
  • Whole grain bread * (2 pieces = 10 g) with cheese (20 g) ~ 100 kcal

* You don’t have to eat everything at once; you can “remove” those items that are not of interest to you, or replace them with similar products (for example, replace an apple with nectarine, carrots, strawberries, persimmons, etc.).

Total snack = 229-267 kcal


  • Chicken breast/turkey, baked in the oven (either stewed in a frying pan or steamed, 200 g) ~ 224 kcal
  • Red “Ruby” or black rice * (50 g dry) ~ 181 kcal
  • Vegetable salad with olive oil (cucumber, tomato, pepper, greens, radish, 200 g) ~ 100 kcal

* Rice can be replaced with any other cereal/legumes at your discretion (buckwheat, barley, pearl barley, lentils). You can refuse altogether if you are sure that the salad will be enough for you.

Total lunch = 505 kcal with rice (324 kcal without rice)

Snack 2

  • Fresh vegetables or fruits with a low glycemic index - at the very bottom of the page (I recommend an excellent salad: carrots, green apple, celery root 150 g) ~ 48 kcal
  • Curd casserole (no sugar; 150 g) ~ 141 kcal

Total snack = 189 kcal


  • Fresh vegetables, herbs (sliced ​​or salad, 200 g) ~ 80 kcal
  • Fish baked with thyme and rosemary (pink salmon (142 kcal/100 g), chum salmon (138 kcal/100 g), tuna (101 kcal/100 g), mackerel (191 kcal/100 g), 150-200 g ~ 280-380 kcal(depending on the type of fish)

Total dinner = 360-460 kcal

Total for the day is 1664 kcal (I summed up the calorie content of all meals without giving up any foods on the menu, taking into account the calorie content based on the maximum portion).

Agree, the portions are rather large, there is always an alternative (some items can be abandoned, replaced, or eaten less so as not to overeat), and most importantly - you are full and happy all day, and every calorie is in its place!

Menu for weight loss. Day 2

Weekday menu

“Other” types of flour (flaxseed, spelled, chickpeas, etc.) will help you diversify yours and make them as healthy as possible. It is advisable not to use premium wheat flour when losing weight (it is a “fast” carbohydrate, and besides, it is a “dummy” - there is no benefit or fiber in such flour).

Come up with salads by combining different vegetables (and fruits!), greens (radish, celery, cabbage, seaweed, arugula, grapefruit, pomegranate, types of lettuce).

Learn to “deceive” your body: asks for sweets for dinner - prepare a “sweet” salad from an apple, celery root and carrots (you can top it with soft cottage cheese/natural yogurt or a spoonful of olive oil) ~ 50 kcal/100 g. Also using, for example, you can cook a sweet omelet. And if you add a little coconut or poppy seeds, cottage cheese, fiber or bran to it, you will get a kind of “evening treat” without harming your figure :)

By the way, fiber (1-2 spoons) or (what is it) can also be added to kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, their calorie content can be ignored (the body does not process coarse fiber, but uses it as a “brush” and removes it along with toxins and toxins).

I think the simple rule “if you want to eat, drink water” is hardly worth repeating, everyone has heard about it. When you eat fiber, be sure to drink more!

Calorie counting is often terrifying because it's hard to keep track of your nutrition when you already have so many tasks around you. But such a program is the most lax, because the task is not to cut the diet, but to reduce the amount of food eaten to a certain limit: 500, 800, 1000 or 1200 kilocalories.

You can eat anything, the main thing is not to go beyond what is permitted.

The most common method of losing weight is counting daily calories, with a limit of 1200 kcal per day. More stringent programs suggest a limit of 500 or 800, but such diets require specialist advice.

The essence of the program: reducing portions and the amount eaten to the prescribed norm. Exclusion from the diet is junk food. The basis is balanced meals with a minimum and maximum of proteins. The main rule is no hunger strikes. It is important to eat small portions 4-5 times a day.

All products are steamed or boiled; baking or grilling without oil or fat is allowed. Dishes should not contain spices, salt or sugar.

The diet should include lean turkey, chicken, rabbit or beef. Healthy fats and proteins are found in fish: cod, salmon, hake, mackerel, halibut. A separate source of calcium is cottage cheese, kefir and milk.

Carbohydrates: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal and barley. Granola, whole grain and rye bread, fresh vegetables and fruits are added to the same list. Low-calorie fruits are used: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants, carrots, peppers, beets, cabbage, broccoli, plums, apricots, kiwis, oranges. Healthy fats: flaxseed or olive oil, nuts, sesame or sunflower seeds.

Diet “Calorie counting” menu for the week: 1200 calories per day

Limiting daily caloric intake ensures uniform weight loss without weight fluctuations and metabolic disturbances. 1200 is the optimal number of kilocalories for weight loss or weight maintenance. The menu is divided into 4-5 meals (additional snack and afternoon snack).

It is important to drink a lot of clean water; tea and coffee without sugar are allowed.

  • Monday. For breakfast, boil 3 diet eggs, prepare toast from rye bread with a slice of hard cheese. Lunch - apple. In the afternoon, mushroom soup with croutons and boiled beef. Afternoon snack and evening meal – baked chicken breast and vegetable salad.
  • Tuesday. Oatmeal with water (200 g) + drinking yogurt without additives + any berries. As a snack, 40 grams of walnuts. For lunch, boiled crucian carp and Chinese cabbage with cucumber. Dinner – kefir and grapefruit.
  • Wednesday. Steamed buckwheat (200 g) + pumpkin juice, lunch – apple jelly. In the afternoon – beetroot soup + a slice of rye bread. Afternoon snack – a glass of fermented baked milk. And for dinner, “Brush” salad.
  • Thursday. Rice pudding with strawberry jam, snack – 20 g dates. For lunch and dinner, prepare a 400 g trout steak and cabbage with carrots.
  • Friday. Mono fasting day before the weekend: 600 g of boiled buckwheat + 500 ml of kefir (1-1.5% fat content).
  • Saturday. Cottage cheese with raisins + apple. Lunch – a glass of fresh juice or vegetable broth. Lunch – beef stew with carrots and potatoes. For evening meals – 500 ml of kefir and an orange.
  • Sunday. Completion and exit, you can increase the calorie content to 1300. In the morning, juices, homemade cookies or casserole, dried fruits (dried apricots, dates, prunes). For lunch – 300 g of chicken soup. Afternoon snack and dinner - cottage cheese and drinking yogurt.

Calorie diet menu for 14 days: table

The longer the program, the more varied the diet should be. The rules remain the same: healthy eating, a limit of 1200 kilocalories, sweets and starchy foods are prohibited.

It is allowed to organize 1-2 fasting mono days per week.

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 · boiled buckwheat;

· soft-boiled eggs;

· Orange juice;

boiled or baked pollock (350 g)

· 50 g canned or boiled corn;

· boiled beans (70 g);

· stewed liver (100 g)

2 · black bread toast with tomato, poached egg and ham · chicken broth with herbs;

· radishes, cucumber, feta and soy sauce;

· kefir (0.5-1%) 400 g with cinnamon and honey;

· 100 g cottage cheese

3 · protein omelet with asparagus and broccoli;

· hard cheese (20 g);

· orange

· grilled trout fillet (250 g);

boiled potatoes (150 g)

· steamed beef (250 g);

· cabbage and tomato salad (150 g)

4 · cottage cheese casserole with semolina and without sugar (150 g);

· orange juice

· boiled brown rice;

· steamed vegetables;

· chicken fillet (100 g)

· cheesecakes without sugar and yeast, baked in the oven
5 granola (50-60 g);

· natural yogurt (150 g);

· honey (40 g)

· vegetable soup with mushrooms and beans in lean broth;

bean lobio (250 g)

· stewed turkey hearts or breast (150 g);

· 200 g buckwheat

6 · toast with banana and honey;

· 5 dates

· boiled;

· buckwheat porridge

· 5 quail eggs + 5 cherry tomatoes + Iceberg
7 · baked apples with cottage cheese, cinnamon and raisins · seaweed;

· salmon steak (300 g)

· Stewed rabbit;

· oatmeal with water (150 g)

8 oatmeal with milk;

· boiled egg

· zucchini boats with tomato and cheese, baked in foil;

· chicken chop (100 g)

· grilled vegetables + grilled chicken breast (without sauces)
9 oatmeal cookies (50-80 g);

· fruit juice

· barley porridge;

· 2 hard-boiled eggs

· natural yogurt (200 g);

· buckwheat porridge

10 · buckwheat with kefir (300 g);

feta (40 g)

· Greek salad (200 g);

· risotto

· vegetable salad with olive oil;

· hard cheese (50 g)

11 · smoothie (1 banana, milk, 1 kiwi);

· 30 g of any dried fruits

· breast with vegetables, stewed in sour cream (250 g) · boiled beets + raw carrots + raisins (grated, 400 g);
12 · whole grain bread (50 g);

cream cheese + greens

pasta with seafood and cream sauce (200 g) · boiled rice with prunes and apple (300 g)
13 · grated carrots, apple and raisins (400 g) · buckwheat porridge (150 g);

· boiled turkey (150 g);

· orange

· vegetable-based pizza (grated zucchini + eggplant) with tomatoes, basil and cheese
14 · cottage cheese (0%) 100 g + drinking yoghurt · low-fat chicken pilaf (300 g); oatmeal;

· chicken stewed in sour cream (150 g)

Depending on the daily caloric intake, the total amount is divided into 3-5 doses so that the body receives the largest percentage of energy for breakfast and lunch. Dinner is deliberately made lighter so as not to burden the stomach before bed. Compounds are distributed in a similar way: carbohydrates in the morning, proteins in the late afternoon.

In order to eat according to the program for a month, you need to diversify it with recipes, according to the calorie content of a particular meal.

Breakfast options

The optimal amount for the morning to saturate the body is 300-350 kcal. It is better to use cereals, fruits, bread, eggs. Although dairy products are popular for morning consumption, they are best left for the evening.

  1. Lazy oatmeal in a jar: 2-3 tablespoons of rolled oats (or oatmeal) with 250 grams of natural yogurt, milk (you can use juices) are “fermented” in a container overnight, the dish is decorated with berries and fruits, and ready for use in the morning;
  2. Curd casserole with dried apricots and raisins: 2 eggs + 2 tablespoons of honey + a glass of oatmeal or semolina + dried fruits (pour into a baking dish and put in the oven for 40 minutes);
  3. Boiled omelette: a mixture of 2 egg whites, 3 tablespoons of milk, herbs and natural spices is poured into a plastic bag or glass jar, the container is immersed in water so that the eggs are completely submerged, the omelette needs to be cooked after boiling for 10-15 minutes.

Lunch options

A midday meal should give you a boost of energy until the end of work or school. Therefore, it accounts for 400-500 kilocalories. Meals should include fats, proteins and (preferably vegetables and fruits).

Recipes for lunch:

  1. Bean soup: boil the broth from the fillet, to which beans and cauliflower inflorescences (frozen) are added, simmer the dish for 15 minutes after the legumes are ready;
  2. Baked salmon: fillet is rubbed with herbs and salt, placed on a baking sheet lined with foil, a couple of onion and lemon rings, chopped herbs are added on top, the envelope is wrapped, the fish is baked for 30 minutes at 180 degrees;
  3. Beetroot soup: boiled beets are cut into strips, poured with whey, salt and pepper to taste, served with herbs.

Dinner options

For the evening, light dishes are prepared based on fermented milk products and low-calorie meat (chicken or turkey).

You can dilute your dinner with unsweetened fruits and come up with interesting recipes:

  1. Apple with cottage cheese in the microwave: cut out the core, add a teaspoon of honey, put in the microwave for 3 minutes, stuff the hot fruit with low-fat cottage cheese, sprinkle with cinnamon and bake for another 10-15 minutes;
  2. Kefir cocktail: you can combine different fruits and berries; a recipe with orange juice and ginger is considered fat-burning (the dairy product and additives are loaded into a blender and mixed thoroughly);
  3. Zucchini with tomatoes: cut into circles, place in piles on a baking sheet lined with foil in the following sequence - zucchini circle + onion circle + tomato - grated hard cheese is poured on top; The canapés are baked for 15-20 minutes.

Calorie counting diet: reviews and results

Such programs, based on daily control, are useful not only for losing weight. This helps to keep the body in good shape, lead a healthy lifestyle, and organize time correctly. Such planning improves both performance and morale.

Depending on the limitation, the results obtained vary. If you follow a nutrition plan of 500-800 kcal, you will lose 10-15 kg per month, and by 1200 kcal you will lose up to 7 kg. Users note an improvement in the condition of their skin, hair and nails, and a general cleansing of the body.

The advantages include variability, variety of diet and lack of hunger.

  • Elena (St. Petersburg): the system is simple, interesting, I like to try new recipes and low-calorie dishes. I don’t deny myself anything, I just replace it with healthy alternatives. – 8 kg per month is an excellent result.
  • Irina: My doctor and I developed a suitable menu for the 1200 program to combat excess weight. We selected delicious dishes and products, and lost 6 kg in a couple of weeks.
  • Igor Belov (nutritionist): diet - consumption of 1200 kilocalories - the safest and most convenient way to lose weight. This technique is maintained for 30-40 days, after which you will need a month's rest. A culture of low-calorie nutrition allows you to switch to healthy foods, reduce portions and painlessly give up bad eating habits.