How far apart are the switches? How to install the socket correctly, at what height from the floor: norms, safety requirements. Installation according to European standard, guest or convenience

During the replacement of electrical wiring, it is necessary to decide what will be the height of the sockets from the floor. That's right - to decide, because there are no strict regulations and standards.

At what height can

There are no norms and standards governing the location of sockets and switches in rooms and general premises. There are only restrictions on the maximum height for sockets - no higher than 1 meter from the floor, as well as standards that relate to wiring in rooms with difficult operating conditions. In houses and apartments, these are bathrooms.

So all the same, at what height should the sockets be installed? There are two options:

Where to place the switch

Switches are easier to deal with. They should be placed so that most family members can use them comfortably. It is convenient to turn on / off the light with a lowered hand. Lower your hand, mark the level of the palm. This is where the keys can be placed. This location is also ideal for children. They can reach this level already in 3-4 years. That is, adults will not have to turn on the light for the child if he wants to play or go, for example, to the toilet.

But this is far from the only option. In the bedroom, for example, you can. They allow you to control the light from several points. In this case, one switch is placed near the door and one or two near the bed. So you can turn off the light without getting up. Very comfortably. The installation height of such a switch is somewhere on the level of the mattress on the side of the bed.

Choosing a place for sockets in the rooms

Choosing a place to install outlets is more difficult. They can be placed at least at floor level. By the way, there are floor models, the wiring of which goes in a special plinth with a cable channel. From the point of view of design, such an installation is the most invisible - they do not rush into the gas. But from the point of view of operation, it is far from ideal. To insert/remove the plug, you will have to bend or squat very low. For young people, although this is inconvenient, it is not problematic, but for older people, this location can be a problem. If there are elderly people in the family, it is desirable that the height of the sockets from the floor be at least 30-40 cm. In this case, you will have to bend, but this slope cannot be compared with the previous placement method. This is a compromise option - and quite convenient, and not very striking.

Near the table, the height of the sockets is above the tabletop

But not all power points in rooms need to be installed this way. For example, if the height of the sockets from the floor near the desktop is 40 cm or so, it will be very inconvenient to dive under the table every time. In such a place, it is better to put them 10-15 cm above the level of the countertop. This is really convenient.

Height of sockets in the kitchen

Wiring in the kitchen is a whole system. Firstly, each powerful device has a separate power line with a circuit breaker and RCD installed on it. There can be up to 10 such devices (dishwasher, oven, electric stove, washing machine, electric water heater, high-power built-in household appliances). These sockets must be brought out to the place where you plan to put the devices.

Leased lines for powerful electrical appliances

A dedicated line is needed for a refrigerator. But the reason here is not the increased power consumption, but the power surges that the refrigerator motor creates when it is turned on and off. It is better that other devices feel them to a minimum, and perhaps this is if there is a separate line. The socket for the refrigerator can be made at any height - at least 5 cm from the floor, at least at the level of the elbow (110-120 cm).

A dedicated power line with an RCD and an automatic machine is required for a gas heating boiler. It requires a stable voltage, and a separate line is a must. This outlet must be located taking into account the fact that it will be necessary to install a voltage stabilizer (if it is not installed in the entire apartment or house). The best option is on the side of the boiler. Left or right, as circumstances permit.

Choose the height depending on the connected equipment

For built-in household appliances, the height of the sockets from the floor is 10 cm (this is from the floor to the center of the socket, and from its lower edge - about 5 cm). They are placed on the wall behind the equipment. The location is such that you can reach through the plinth. At the same level, they put a power point for the washing machine. It can be made even higher if the sink cabinet does not have a back wall.

For lighting and hoods, sockets are made above the cabinets. Their bottom edge is 5-10 cm above the cabinets. The backlight switch is brought to the working wall, placing it immediately under the upper cabinets.

Can be done this way. The main thing is ease of use

The rest of small household appliances are usually placed on the desktop, so it is convenient to connect them almost immediately above the countertop. The height of the sockets from the floor in this case is 110-120 cm. This will be about 15-20 cm above the countertop. Just the way we need it. If you order a non-standard height, adjust the position of the sockets accordingly.

Sockets for small kitchen appliances are grouped in three or four pieces side by side. It is convenient for operation and more acceptable for installation. Decide which technique it will be convenient to work with, count the number of units that will need to be turned on at the same time, add one or two “just in case”. This will be the required number of outlets. Their height is the same 15-20 cm above the countertop, that is, relative to the floor it will be 100-120 cm.

In the bathroom

The second problematic room for electricians is the bathroom. But the problems here are of a different nature - this is high humidity and the possibility of water ingress. To understand where to put sockets in the bathroom, you need to know where you can place household appliances. The bathroom is divided into zones (see photo).

Zone 0 is the highest probability of water intrusion. These are areas directly adjacent to the bathroom, shower, sink. In this zone, only 12 V sockets can be installed. But such voltage is rarely supplied in private homes. It's just that there are no outlets at all.

In zone 1, installation of water heaters is allowed. In zone 2, in addition to boilers, you can put fans and lamps. And sockets should be in zone 3 - at a distance of at least 60 cm from the water source. It is necessary to install special sockets and switches, the degree of protection of which allows them to be used in wet rooms. Also, a prerequisite is the presence of grounding, an automatic device and an RCD with a leakage current of 10 mA.

The height of the sockets from the floor is again not regulated, but it makes sense to put them higher: to minimize the possibility of water ingress. Even if you put special sockets with covers, it’s better to play it safe.

Wiring Rules

When laying wiring to sockets and switches, certain rules must be observed:

  • The layout of the room is strictly horizontal, stepping back 20 cm from the ceiling.
  • From the junction box, the wire goes vertically upwards.

Why such strictness? So that in any conditions you can understand where and how the wiring goes. If you lay it arbitrarily - obliquely, along the shortest path, etc., in a few years no one will remember where and how the wires pass and hanging, for example, a new one, you can easily get into the wiring. By adhering to these simple rules, you can always visually determine where the wires go - above the outlet or switch, no matter how high they are from the floor.

Installation and installation of electrical wiring in accordance with European standards is not just a desire to comply with advanced design ideas, but also the implementation of the most important principles of fire safety.

Conventionally, the European standard (PUE 7.1.48, GOST R 50571.11-96), used in the installation of sockets and switches, must satisfy three main criteria:

  • availability of grounding;
  • the correct location of the connectors;
  • matching power consumption.

Consider all the subtleties, nuances and complexity of the installation.

Rule number 1. It is customary to install switches at a height of 90 centimeters from the floor.

The Soviet standard meant placing the switch almost twice as high - at a height of 1.6 meters. European rules make life a little easier: turn on the light more easily, you can press the button without raising your hand. Domestic standards were not invented by chance and also had their own conveniences: for example, the switch was always at eye level, and small children could never play with a connector that could be life-threatening.
However, the European standard also addresses the issue of security. Firstly, the new type of switches cannot be dangerous in principle - they are deeply planted, hermetically insulated, and it is not easy to remove the buttons even for an adult. European switches are not only 100% safe, but also protected from moisture, dust and overheating.

The location of all connectors is the main difference between the European standard and domestic principles.

Rule number 2. Sockets, according to the European standard, are usually installed at a height of 30 centimeters from the floor.

And again, let's recall the Soviet, familiar to everyone standard: sockets were installed at a height of 90 centimeters; because of this, all the wires were in sight, it was impossible to hide the meters of intertwining cables. The European standard not only simplifies life, but also allows you to expand more widely in matters of interior design.

Rule number 3. Switchboards and wires should be mounted 15 centimeters below the ceiling and 10 centimeters away from the window frames.

The humidity level near the window frame is quite high. All wiring must be dry and clean.

Rule number 4. A household outlet must be rated for currents of at least 10 amperes.

For comparison, most domestic sockets were rated for a current of 6.3 Amperes. Thus, European regulations allow you to turn on more household appliances, reducing the load on electrical wiring.

Power Conformity

Every day, household appliances are becoming more economical, but their number is steadily growing - there is equipment that did not exist before - food processors, blenders, boilers, humidifiers, etc. Therefore, the load on our household wiring is constantly increasing.

What you need to remember when installing electricians according to the European standard?

  1. Sockets must be installed based on a simple formula: one socket per 10 square meters.
  2. A socket in the bathroom is allowed, but it must be more than 60 centimeters away from the bath or shower. All outlets must be waterproof and connected to uninterruptible systems.
  3. Grounding is a must.
  4. In no case should sockets be installed under or above sinks.
  5. The wiring system should contain as few contact points as possible. All contact points must be located in the switchboard and closed on phase and neutral buses.

According to the European standard, the diameter of the socket for a household plug must be 0.8 mm larger than in traditional sockets. This ensures a tighter contact and reduces the heat level in cases of overload.

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They strive to arrange electrical wiring so that it is safe and convenient to use.

To do this, you should decide what is the optimal height from the floor, as well.

Regulatory documents covering the issues of organizing power supply, such as PUE-7 (“Rules for Electrical Installations”) and others, do not contain general requirements regarding height and switches.

Therefore, in most cases, the assignment of these parameters is left to the discretion of the owner of the object. In special cases, the following rules apply.

Paragraph 7.1.50 PUE-7:

  • sockets, switches and electrical installations are located no closer than 0.5 m from the gas pipeline;
  • allowed under the ceiling if there is a dedicated switch to the comfort control level;
  • in the bathroom and switches are installed at a distance of at least 60 cm from the floor, plumbing fixtures and plumbing.

Code of rules for the design of residential and public buildings SP 31-110-2003, section "Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings, paragraph 14.33":

  • in apartments and dormitories, it is recommended to install switches on the side of door handles at a height of 1 m;
  • in the premises of public buildings, it is recommended to install general lighting switches at a height of up to 1.5 m;
  • sockets are recommended to be installed at a height of 1 m;
  • in rooms for children: schools and kindergartens, sockets and switches are installed at a height of 1.8 m (clause 14.35);
  • at trade and catering establishments, sockets are installed at a height of 1.3 m.

GOST R 50571.11-96 (IEC 364-7-701-84) "Electrical installations of buildings", part 7 "Requirements for special electrical installations", section 701 "Bathrooms and shower rooms". The document considers the installation of electrical outlets and switches in these premises. These requirements are taken into account when laying electrical wiring in any premises with high humidity.

Installation height of sockets and switches according to GOST and PUE

SP 76.13330.2016 (SNiP 3.05.06-85) "Electrical devices":

  • in public buildings and premises, sockets are mounted for reasons of ease of connection, preferably at a height of no more than 1 m;
  • in rooms for children, sockets and switches, this document also prescribes to be installed at a height of 1.8 m (clause 6.9.16);
  • the minimum allowable distance between the socket/switch and the heating cables is 200 mm (clause 6.13.21).

In the general case, when the electrification object is not mentioned in the above documents, the practice of installing electrical installation equipment at a height has developed in the USSR:

  • switches: shoulder or head level, that is, 1.6 - 1.7 m from the floor;
  • sockets: 0.9 - 1 m.

In everyday life, this method of installation is called the "Soviet standard".

The word "standard" does not mean a normative document, but an established tradition.

Since the 90s, when performing major repairs in existing houses and when building new ones, sockets and switches began to be massively installed following the example of Western European countries:

  • switches: 0.9 m from the floor;
  • sockets: 0.3 m from the floor.

This method of installation is called "European standard". As well as "European-quality repair", it is conditional. Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to talk about the absolute superiority of the European standard over the Soviet one. Each has its own strengths. According to the European standard, switches are installed at a height of 0.9 m.

Location at a height of 0.9 m is convenient for the following reasons:

  • no need to raise your hand to turn on the light;
  • children can easily reach the switch.

Sockets are placed at a distance of 0.3 m from the floor. The wire of the connected device does not block the space near the wall, but lies almost completely on the floor. The Soviet standard provides for the installation of switches at a height of 1.6-1.7 m.

Advantages of mounting switches at a height of 1.6-1.7 m:

  • it is possible to install a piece of furniture under the switch;
  • the device is in the field of view, which is especially important in the presence of backlight;
  • accidental pressing is excluded.

Differences between Soviet and European standards for installing switches

Sockets are mounted 0.9-1 meters from the floor. Advantages:

  1. convenient if the device does not work constantly and often has to be connected and disconnected. In the case of a socket installed according to the European standard, this would require bending down each time;
  2. this arrangement is less dangerous for small children.

The above rules are general. But in some rooms of houses and apartments their own laws apply.

In the kitchen

There are requirements of PUE-7 that are relevant for this room.

When installing electrical outlets, the minimum distance should be:

  • from switches and sockets to the gas pipeline: 0.5 m;
  • before washing and plumbing: 0.6 m.

With this, the requirements of regulatory documents regarding the kitchen are exhausted. But there are other rules dictated by life experience and common sense.

The kitchen is divided vertically into three zones, this is due to two factors:

  1. there is a lot of furniture blocking access to the lower part of the walls;
  2. a lot of electrical appliances have been installed: for ease of use, they need to be spaced apart.

These are the vertical zones:

  • lower: 10-15 cm above the floor. Here they install sockets for constantly working appliances - a refrigerator, an electric stove, a dishwasher. With this connection, the risk of catching on the wire is minimal, since almost all of it lies on the floor;
  • medium: 1-1.3 m above the floor. They install light switches and sockets for appliances standing on the tables - a blender, coffee maker, toaster, electric meat grinder, etc. The indicated height is conditional. It depends on the height of tables and work surfaces: sockets and switches should be slightly higher;
  • top: 2.0-2.5 m above the floor. Sockets are installed here to illuminate the working area, air conditioning, exhaust hoods, etc. This placement is convenient for two reasons: you can use models with a short wire, and sockets are hidden by furniture and therefore do not spoil the interior.

Recessed outlet blocks mounted in a countertop or cabinet are very convenient. The unit plugs into a wall outlet (in the lower zone) and works like an extension cord with multiple outlets. As unnecessary, it slides under the countertop or into the cabinet, so that only an elegant cover remains on the surface.


When designing electrical wiring in a bathroom, due to high humidity, safety should always be a priority:

  1. switches are located outside - in the hallway or corridor;
  2. due to the risk of a water supply failure and flooding, sockets are placed at a distance of at least 60 cm from the floor, water pipes and plumbing fixtures.

For a washing machine, it is allowed to make an exception - install the outlet a little lower. The rest is guided by personal preferences and ease of use.

  1. to connect a washing machine and a water heater, especially a flow-through one, it is better to specially install sockets next to these devices, powered by separate lines directly from the switchboard. The main reason is the significant power of such consumers: when plugged into a regular outlet that is part of the group, they can affect the operation of other devices. At the same time, the connection becomes as convenient as possible: without the need to attach to an existing outlet, the device can be placed in any suitable place;
  2. for connecting various devices, it is considered optimal to install sockets for the hood and boiler - 1.5 m, for a hair dryer, electric shaver - 1 m.

Installation height of sockets and switches in the bathroom

For safety reasons, when installing wiring in the bathroom, it is recommended to follow the rules:

  • low-voltage lighting is used, for example, powered by 12 or 24 V;
  • sockets and appliances are powered through a separation factor with a transformation ratio equal to one: upon contact with live parts, the force of an electric shock will be much weaker than as a result of touching a normal phase;
  • sockets with dust and moisture protection class IP44 and higher are installed (equipped with covers).

In the bedroom

In the bedroom, it is customary to install combined appliances (switch plus socket) on both sides of the bed, at such a height that it is convenient for them to operate the resting user. Usually it is 60-70 cm.

Location of sockets and switches in the bedroom

If there are cabinets by the bed, the wiring points are mounted just above them. A low socket for a vacuum cleaner (up to 30 cm) is also desirable in a place from which the wire can easily reach anywhere in the room.

Other premises

In the rest of the rooms, the general rules apply, except for a few special cases:

  1. TV outlet: at a height of 140 cm;
  2. above the desk: 90 cm (with a standard tabletop height of 75 cm);
  3. for a computer desk: at a height of up to 30 cm, a socket block of several sockets;
  4. in large rooms and long corridors, two toggle switches are installed - at one end and the other. Such switches, on the one hand, have two contacts - with them the devices are connected to each other, on the other - one at a time. The first switch is connected with a single pole to the phase, the other - to the lamp. The user can, having entered the corridor, turn on the light with the first toggle switch and then turn off the second one at the end of the room.

In rooms where small children live, in the lower zone (up to 30 cm), it is recommended to install sockets with plugs.

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About the installation height of sockets and switches from the floor in the video:

The issue of choosing the height and installation location of sockets and switches should be approached with all thoroughness, because in case of an error, the transfer will be very expensive. It is useful to pre-draw a plan in order to reliably assess the convenience of the adopted placement. In the kitchen and in the bathroom, it is important not to forget about other communications so that the minimum distances mentioned in this material are maintained between them and the sockets.

The height at which the switches are installed must be such that there is no risk of mechanical damage, water ingress and other negative factors.

Installation height of switches from the floor

The issue of designing switches and sockets is a crucial stage of repair.

The type of room, the arrangement of furniture, the number of switches, the height above the floor should be taken into account. Recommendations on the number and location of switches in the apartment are given by the PUE, there are no strict requirements.

How was it installed before?

In the Soviet Union, there was a standard for installing sockets and switches. According to it, the switches had to be placed at shoulder level (160 cm from the floor), and the sockets - at a height of 90 cm. This standard is still used in some rooms because of its convenience - it is in plain sight, and you can not plug the plug into the socket bending over. Also, the convenience was the possibility of arranging furniture anywhere, which is important for small living conditions.

Existing European standards standards: is there such a thing?

The terminology "Eurostandard" began to be used together with the concept of "European-quality repair". In fact, there is no such term, because each European country uses its own regulations for the location of food outlets. The following values ​​are understood as the European standard: the installation height of switches from the floor should be 90 cm, sockets - 30 cm. Such an arrangement can be comfortable for children who can independently reach the switch and turn off the light.

Currently, Russia has its own standards that recommend where to put power points. Such documents are PUE, GOST Z 50571.11.96, SP 31-110-2003.

At what distance from the floor are switches and sockets hung

The height of the installation is not strictly regulated in the documents, the rules for the installation of electrical installations give only recommendations on the location. Adhere to them or not, the landlord decides.

PUE standards recommend installing switches at a distance of no more than 1.7 m from the floor. This is in line with Soviet standards. Currently, the location of food outlets is determined by the convenience and design of the premises. It is assumed that the height of sockets can be at a distance of 30-40 cm from the floor, and switches - from 80 to 100 cm.

In the kitchen and bathroom

Feature is high humidity. The height of the power points should be chosen based on the requirements of the guests of the PUE. The switch must be placed outside the bathroom. Electrical outlets should be located no closer than 60 cm from the water source. Recommended height for household appliances:

  • for a boiler 1.5 m;
  • for a hair dryer, a razor - 1 m;
  • for a washing machine not less than a meter.

It is undesirable to place products below 15 cm. A bathroom is a room where water can occasionally appear on the floor. It can get into the outlet and become a threat to life.

In the kitchen, electrical products should be located at a distance of 60 cm from gas pipelines and water sources. Given the furniture height standards, electrical outlets can be installed at three levels:

  • 10-15 cm from the floor - power points of the stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machine;
  • 110-130 cm - for a kettle, microwave oven, multicooker and other household appliances that are placed on the work surface;
  • 200-250 cm - for hood and lighting.

The dimensions are chosen taking into account the convenience of access to sockets.

In the children's room and bedroom

Fewer food outlets are traditionally installed in the bedroom. The switch from the main chandelier is installed near the door from the side of the handle at a height of 90 cm. Near bedside tables, one electrical outlet is traditionally made on each side at a height of about 70 cm. An additional socket for 2-3 sockets is placed near the desktop at a level of 30 cm from the floor. If there is a TV in the bedroom, it is better to hide it behind the case.

In the children's room, the switch should be installed at such a height that the child can reach it, 70-90 cm will be optimal. The socket, preferably equipped with protective shutters, should be placed near the crib and next to the desk at the same height as in the bedroom.

In the hallway and living room

In the living room, several electrical outlets are installed behind the TV at a level of 1 m from the floor. Additionally, they make power points for lamps, music systems at a comfortable height. The switch is installed alone, near the front door from the side of the handle. For rooms with multi-level complex lighting, you can put switches on several keys.

The corridor is equipped with one switch next to the front door. The socket is also made one next to the sconce at a comfortable height.

Before starting the installation of electrical wiring in the house, it is recommended to do the following:

  • draw up a diagram on which the location of all the furniture in the room should be marked;
  • mark the location of household appliances on the diagram, write down their power;
  • mark the places where there is a gas pipeline and water supply;
  • mark windows, doors.

Following, it is worth choosing the most comfortable height of the products. If you do not create an accurate scheme and put electrical outlets at random, some of them may be hidden by massive objects and become unusable.

If, when installing electrical outlets, the part was still not comfortable to use, you can use an extension cord.

After completing the installation of power points, it is advised to carry out voltage measurement work. This will secure the operation of the devices and help extend their service life if a problem is found.

Installing power points and switches in an apartment is the most important moment in laying electrical wiring. Fixing at an uncomfortable height will not allow the maximum use of electrical mechanisms. To select the optimal distance, there are PUE standards, it is also advised to rely on the size and location of furniture and electrical appliances.

Useful video

And switches - a question on the solution of which the convenience of further operation of the premises depends. In order not to pull additional meters of cable, use extension cords, etc., you must first draw up a diagram of the location of power points for each room.

Existing standards

There are certain rules for installing sockets and switches:

  1. the distance to the gas pipeline must be at least 0.5 m;
  2. the distance to the bathroom, the doorway of the shower must be at least 0.6 m;
  3. switches are recommended to be placed at a height of up to 1 meter;
  4. in the bathroom, socket connections are made through the RCD.

According to GOST R 50571.11-96, in the bathroom, the electrical outlet should be 60 centimeters or more from the shower stall.

In the days of the Soviet Union, there were also switches, in which the first were placed at a height of 90 cm from the floor, the second - 1.6 m. With this arrangement, you do not need to bend down to connect this or that device to the network.

With the advent of the term "European-quality repair", the concept of "European standard" appeared. It means the following location of sockets and switches:

  • switches are located at a distance of 90 cm from the plinth, this allows you to turn on / off the light without raising your hand high;
  • electrical outlets are 30 cm from the plinth, with this arrangement it is easy.

Which option to choose is up to you, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Choosing a location for power points


There are no strict restrictions on the height of sockets from the floor in the kitchen and in any other room, their placement should be planned according to ease of use, practicality and the above installation rules. Standard kitchen furniture has formed a gradation among consumers, where the height of the installation of sockets from the floor is divided into three levels.

  • The first level is located 10-15 cm from the floor covering, designed to connect a dishwasher, electric stove, refrigerator. Such household appliances do not require frequent disconnection, connection to the network, after installing the kitchen set, access to the connectors will be only from below.
  • The second level is 110–130 cm from the plinth. Designed to connect a kettle, blender, multicooker and other small appliances that will be used in cooking.
  • The third level is 200–250 cm. At this level, the hood and backlight are connected. More often, the connectors are located above the upper kitchen cabinets, then they are invisible from below.


There is high humidity in the bathroom, so the batteries must be installed through an RCD, have a degree of protection against moisture of at least IP44. It is also advisable to install a splash guard on the spring.

The bathroom is divided into zones:

  1. zone of maximum humidity, this is a bath and a shower that create splashes, only the installation of electrical appliances that ensure the functioning of plumbing is allowed (power up to 12 V);
  2. installation of water heating devices is allowed;
  3. you can connect boilers, lamps, exhaust fans, which are turned on using a cord;
  4. the place of installation of electrical outlets in compliance with safety rules.

The higher the outlet, the safer. The optimal distance is 60 cm from the baseboard. This height will be sufficient to prevent short circuiting during a flood, if one occurs.

The location of sockets and switches directly under and above the sink is unacceptable. But the height can be chosen independently, based on the convenience of further use.

Bedroom and living room

When repairing, the owners often wonder at what height to put sockets in the bedroom. One switch is traditionally placed at the entrance. If a double bed is installed in the room, then for comfortable use, you can place an electrical outlet with a switch on both sides of the backrest, at a distance of 70 cm from the floor. Then there will be no problems with charging the phone at night and turning on / off the main light or sconce.

Additional connectors are installed near the dressing table or desk. If there is a computer at the desktop, a block of 2-3 electrical outlets is cut into it at a height of 30 cm from the bottom. The second block is placed at a height of 15 cm from the table for a table lamp.

In the living room, sockets for the TV are installed at a distance of 130 cm from the floor. Further placement of food points depends on the arrangement of furniture, the availability of equipment. It is recommended to install an additional socket, for example, under a vacuum cleaner.

Children's room

In the living room, one switch is enough - at the front door. If the ceiling has multi-level lighting, select switches for several keys.
Children's room

A children's room is usually a combination of a bedroom and a play area. The appearance of protective covers for plug connectors eliminates the need to place them as high as possible from children.

When entering the room, it should be possible to turn on the general lighting. The electric switch is placed at a height of 75–90 cm. But this distance can be adjusted based on the average height of all family members. The device should be placed on the side of the door handle of the cabinet, if any, to prevent inconvenience in operation.

The socket at the entrance is needed to connect a vacuum cleaner or a heating radiator. 10 cm should be retreated from the doorway, 30 cm from the floor.

For a night light, you will need a power point near the bed. If the baby is still very young, you may need to turn on the music mobile for the cradle.

The student needs a workplace equipped with enough electrical outlets to ensure that all gadgets are connected. The optimal height is 15 cm from the table.


Owners of a separate office will need 5-6 connectors to connect the system unit, monitor, printer, audio speakers, table lamp. Near bookshelves or a chair, a light connection point is needed to ensure comfortable reading. The height of sockets and switches is 1.5–3 m from the floor.

In the corridor, 1-2 electrical outlets are enough, designed to connect a vacuum cleaner or an electric shoe dryer. You can place them at a distance of 15-20 cm from the floor. Lighting points are provided near the entrance. An electric meter and a voltage stabilizer are also often installed in the hallway. In addition, switches for the kitchen, a bathroom, a box for a TV cable, the Internet will easily fit into the corridor.

Tips for designing the location of sockets and switches

To draw up a competent scheme, you need to decide on the arrangement of furniture in the apartment and the location of electrical appliances, and then draw a detailed plan on a scale that displays:

  1. window, doorways;
  2. the location of the wiring;
  3. location of the water supply, gas pipeline;
  4. location of household appliances, furniture;
  5. indicate telephone, internet sockets and others.
  6. When drawing up a diagram, you should follow some rules:
  7. the distance from batteries, gas, water pipes to the points of connection to the mains must be at least 50 cm;
  8. indents from corners, doorways, window openings - more than 10 cm;
  9. before washing at least 80 cm;
  10. when planning, it is important to take into account the dimensions of the furniture so that it does not overlap the appliances;
  11. Connection points for a computer, TV, microwave oven are best located behind the equipment itself;
  12. Additional sockets are recommended to be placed at the same height, 30 cm from the baseboard.

The placement of the lighting connection elements depends on which way the door opens. It is preferable to place them on the side of the handle, at a height of 80–90 centimeters. In a long corridor or on a staircase, it is advisable to install two switches: at the beginning and at the end.

There are currently no prescribed standards for installing electrical outlets and switches, so their location should be determined by safety and convenience. When calculating the number of mechanisms for permanent use, it is recommended to add one or two pieces so that they are exactly enough to connect all the necessary electrical appliances.