Snake man and Rabbit woman (Cat) compatibility. Snake and Rabbit: compatibility according to the eastern calendar

Compatibility between the Snake woman and the Rabbit man is not bad, especially if spiritual growth is important to the partners. Both partners know how to live on a minimum and are not too demanding in life, so they rarely have any ambitious plans. Another unifying point is the desire to lead a slow, measured life, when everything is stable and smooth.


As a result, these two lead a quiet life together and they are quite happy with it. However, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to live their entire life in suspended animation if, of course, they work on themselves and strive for something in life. Everyone in life should have periods of calm and periods of storm, because only then can we say that we are truly living, so in this couple everything is not so cloudless either.

The Rabbit man does not like when someone controls him, because he is quite independent and sometimes needs time to be alone with himself. In addition, he is sensitive, sincere and a little vulnerable. At the same time, the Snake woman is not capable of deep emotional attachments; she is closer to precise calculation and logic in actions than emotional warmth, openness and love. In this regard, the couple will have conflicts due to a misunderstanding of each other's level of sensitivity.

To maintain stability in marriage and love, these partners will have to make a lot of effort. And the first thing they need to do on the path of rapprochement is to accept their partner for who he is and stop trying to change him. Aggression and pressure are not helpful in this matter. Once they succeed, the next step is to enter into agreements on a win-win basis.


The Rabbit man is very easily excited and is too impressionable by nature to seek adventures outside the union - he has enough variety in work and communication with children, so he does not see the point in trying to gain new experience somewhere far from home. It is difficult for a snake to change its habits and it is important for it to keep everything under control. And the instinct of the owner also does not allow her to get carried away with something extraneous.

In order for the relationship to work out, the Snake woman must tune in to her lover and stop commanding and advising. She should restrain her impulses in the desire to do everything her own way and respect the man to follow him. By showing gentleness and understanding in a purely feminine way, she will increase her chances of building a strong and happy relationship with a Rabbit man. The Rabbit man, in turn, must also show leniency and flexibility, especially in conflict situations. And of course, the family’s material wealth falls on his shoulders.

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A family union in compatibility between a Snake man and a Cat (Rabbit) woman can be considered good and promising. Partners know how to feel each other and give their chosen one what he needs, not only materially, physically, but also spiritually.

In this union, the spouses achieve emotional harmony due to their mutual desire for social life, sophistication, and romance. When paired, they help to reveal their talents and enhance each other’s positive sides.

Both the Snake man and the Cat (Rabbit) woman are quite independent individuals, they respect the opinion of their partner and do not claim the personal freedom of their spouse. In addition, the very fact that the Snake man pays her bills and provides her with everything she needs, thanks to which she can afford to fully realize herself in the family. Also, the Cat (Rabbit) woman is absolutely not jealous, so she easily lets her chosen one go to business meetings, doesn’t nag him for returning home late and, therefore, the Snake man can completely devote himself to the development of his business and devote himself to work , as much time as he sees fit.

Snake man and Cat woman (Rabbit) – compatibility

The pair of man-Snake and woman-Cat (Rabbit) is very beautiful and always attracts glances because they radiate love and mutual understanding. They feel good together and complement each other perfectly. The compatibility of these signs is based on a love of home comfort, broad-mindedness and an initial desire to understand each other’s character.

The Cat Woman (Rabbit) very quickly falls into the magnetic networks of the Snake man and voluntarily becomes his “prey”, since he knows exactly how to get what he wants, and in the case of this woman, it’s simple. He saw the target, crept up to her, and now the Cat woman (Rabbit) was completely hypnotized by his attractiveness and demeanor. You could even say that he leaves her no choice.

A man born in and able to conquer almost any woman. Moreover, she herself will not understand how she ended up in the captivating embrace of this cautious boa constrictor. The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is simply captivated by this man, she likes the logic of his actions, the ability to find solutions in difficult situations, his insightful mind and incredible charm. The Snake man also really likes the feminine, charming, modest, with a rich inner world, simple and charming, affectionate and gentle Cat (Rabbit) woman.

She is very sweet and always positive, she knows how to create a pleasant atmosphere around herself. She is incredibly easy to talk to and always has a lot of fans. But the Cat (Rabbit) woman is in no hurry to build a serious relationship with anyone. She chooses a powerful and wealthy partner as her husband. When one appears on the horizon, she, pretending to be defenseless and affectionate, will gladly hide behind his wide back. The Snake man is a good match for her, because, most often, he has weight in society, loves to patronize and spares no expense on his beloved.

The Snake man has a strong, dominant character, so for the receptive and sophisticated Cat (Rabbit) woman, he will become a reliable support and protector. And the Cat (Rabbit) woman, affectionate and playful, gentle and artistic, will become a good wife, a loving mother and a sympathetic friend. She is able to become a reliable and strong support for her loved one.

For happiness in family life, it is very important for a Cat (Rabbit) woman to understand the soul of a Snake man - he is, in fact, a very vulnerable person. He is easily offended by rudeness, misunderstanding, and unwillingness to acknowledge his point of view. Moreover, he is wise and is unlikely to express his complaints; he will simply slip away from the life of the one who wounds him. In general, this man is very closed, vengeful, and a plan of revenge is often brewing in his head, which he, if the opportunity arises, will carry out. He takes his failures hard, trying to hide his feelings from others.

Another problem that can arise in a well-coordinated couple is the extravagance of the Cat (Rabbit) woman. her in senseless, in his opinion, spending. And the Cat (Rabbit) woman, in turn, will not miss the opportunity to accuse the Snake man of irresponsibility. Therefore, if spouses want a strong and lasting union, they both need to learn not to be greedy and not to blame each other.

The married duet of a man-Snake and a woman-Cat (Rabbit) has many positive aspects, they are especially close spiritually, they will always have something to discuss and it is easy to find common ground. But in everyday life such mutual understanding will not always exist.

A woman born in , and if she decides something, then the whole world should focus on it. And the Snake man, accustomed to a measured lifestyle, will not want to adapt to one or another idea of ​​his wife. He also doesn’t like her desire for communication and numerous friends. Moreover, the Snake man is the owner, and the absence of the Cat (Rabbit) woman from home can cause terrible jealousy in him. And the Snake man, with his passionate desire to control everything, will interfere with her in many matters.

Snake man and Cat woman (Rabbit) – compatibility in love

The sexual relationship between a Snake man and a Cat (Rabbit) woman will bring satisfaction to both partners. Here they can relax and enjoy each other's company. Also, the bed can become a place for them to solve many problems, although not all.

The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is very passionate and sensual. She can plunge the Snake man headlong into the world of sexual pleasure and help him forget about all the troubles of life. For the Snake man, this is very important, since he often perceives sex as a service that he agrees to for the sake of the happiness of his beloved. But, next to the emotional and sexy Cat woman (Rabbit), he fully satisfies all his needs. There is always room for bold experiments in this pair. Both are temperamental and inventive, which provides them with a harmonious intimate life.

Cheating in this couple is very rare.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Snake Man and Cat Woman (Rabbit) couple

The compatibility of a pair of Snake man and Cat woman (Rabbit) is great, and over the years this union becomes even stronger. Of course, there may be conflicts, but “Moon Today” advises you to treat your soulmate with care, because not everyone is given the opportunity to receive such great love. The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is ready to follow on the heels of her beloved, share her interests with him and make them her own. Don't lose your star connection.

The compatibility of a pair of Snake man and Cat (Rabbit) woman is very good also because the difference in temperament can push partners towards spiritual development. Of course, it is very difficult to change yourself. But for the sake of a loved one, even the most stubborn people are ready to sacrifice their own principles. And first, both must learn to accept their partner for who he is, try not to issue ultimatums. Any pressure and aggression are unacceptable! Both partners will not tolerate the imposition of their opinions and constant advice.

Each person needs personal territory and periodic solitude. It will be very good if partners stipulate the boundaries of inviolability at the very beginning of family life. In this union, this rule will significantly improve the weather in the house and create a complacent mood among the owners.

A man born in the year of the Snake is a powerful and wise partner; he often achieves success in his work. But, due to his excessive power, the Cat (Rabbit) woman may feel bound and limited, but she loves freedom very much. Therefore, the partner needs to learn to give a little freedom to his beloved.

In order for family happiness to last forever, the Cat (Rabbit) woman needs to become even more tolerant of the sometimes excessive tediousness of the Snake man. And finally decide what is more important for her - family or communication with friends. The Snake man is quite jealous and demands maximum attention. You should always remember this to ensure good compatibility. And the Snake man should sometimes attend cultural events to allow his wife to shine among his friends.

In this topic:

Snake charm

The compatibility of the Snake and Rabbit excludes equality: the Snake, especially the Fire Snake, will certainly take a dominant position. The pressure will not be so noticeable if she is a Pisces according to the zodiac horoscope. The dignified Snake truly knows how to charm.

Charm, erudition, and most importantly, confidence in one’s power over other people are used. All this creates the effect of powerful magnetism, mystery, attractive danger and leaves an indelible impression.

The boas are full, the hares are safe

Admired by the Snake, the resourceful Rabbit is trying with all his might to find a way to her heart. We must give him his due - he often accurately selects common goals and skillfully plays on them. The compatibility of the Snake and Cat signs is based on a love of home comfort, broad-mindedness, and an initial desire to understand each other. For the Cat, the craving for sophistication and a beautiful life remains incomprehensible, however, he resigns himself to such inappropriate spending for the sake of peace in the family.

Despite the foresight inherent in the sign, he does not realize that this is only the first step into hypnotic captivity. Efforts must be made not to disappear as a person in the mouth of a boa constrictor, to continue to remain interesting and to be a full participant in the relationship.

How to avoid becoming prey

Everyone knows how in the wild the fight between a boa constrictor and its prey occurs: the snake completely absorbs the victim. In real life, the struggle between astrological symbols looks approximately the same: one literally dissolves into the other. The compatibility of a Rabbit woman and a Snake man can easily result in a loss of individuality for her.

The relationship in a couple involving a Rabbit woman and a Snake man is unequal from the very beginning: she is forced to accept the rules of an unfamiliar game. Thanks to her ability to get around sharp corners, the relationship is very promising; the only question is whether they will be fruitful for both.

Cobra Whisperer

The compatibility of a Snake woman and a Rabbit man can cost the other his freedom if he gets caught in the web of a cold-blooded owner. The Snake woman can also succumb to the modest charm of the sensitive, pleasant Hare, the object of dreams of many rivals.

How long mutual sympathy will last largely depends on the rabbit’s ability to control the situation on the sly, creating the appearance that he is hopelessly mired.

How to strengthen relationships

Compatibility in love between the Rabbit and the Snake is complicated by the fact that the Snake allows itself to do things that it would not forgive its partner.

  1. Physical betrayal, in the traditional sense of the word;
  2. Moral betrayal: a direct challenge to the shared values ​​of the couple;
  3. An attempt at deception.

The marital bedroom can become a truce zone in such ambiguous relationships. Representatives of these signs, as a rule, have a very harmonious intimate life. Both are temperamental, inventive, and love a variety of experiments.

Relationship forecast

Don’t even hope that conflict-free compatibility between a Cat and a Snake is possible. Someone who is used to walking on his own will not accept dictate in family life, while the domineering snake nature will demand its own. The Snake and Rabbit are very perceptive. This quality helps to better understand each other, but sometimes it reveals certain actions and true motives, which it would be more prudent to remain silent about.

Each partner equally needs personal territory and periodic solitude. It makes sense to stipulate the boundaries of inviolability at the beginning of family life. In this case, this rule significantly improves the weather in the house and promotes a complacent mood.

The union of people born in the years of the Rabbit and the Snake seems strange and unusual. It would seem that it can? Meanwhile, a common language can still be found in the Snake and Rabbit pair. Their compatibility can be very good if the independent and wise Snake and the secular and vulnerable Rabbit find common ground. Let's consider the behavior of people of these types in love and relationships.

The snake and its behavior in love and relationships

The snake is a very romantic and sexually liberated person. She always knows how to attract the attention of fans and seduce the person she likes. In addition, the Snake knows how to choose partners. From hundreds of options, she will always choose the best candidate for her hand and heart. At the same time, both the intellectual level of the partner and his business abilities and ability to earn money are important to her.

People belonging to this type show possessive tendencies in relationships. They seem to squeeze their chosen one into a ring and do not allow him to take a single step to the side. Snakes are very jealous and intolerant of the shortcomings of others. However, such people are still wise enough to push away a loved one with whom they have experienced a lot. The sentimental and intelligent Snake feels happy surrounded by a large family, considering it his duty to unite all its members, take care of them and support them in difficult times.

The rabbit is very gentle and calm and is great for family life. If he loves someone, he behaves with him very courteously, tactfully and affectionately. He is even ready to serve the person dear to his heart, to fulfill all his whims and whims. Rabbits are those people who know how to look after beautifully and create an atmosphere of beauty, comfort, harmony and love for their loved one.

Such people do not like open confrontations, quarrels and conflicts. In their opinion, a bad peace is better than a good quarrel, and they try to maintain balance in relationships by any means. Naturally diplomatic, they develop a whole complex of conflict prevention measures and masterfully resolve controversial issues through concessions and compromises.

Rabbits need caring and sensitive partners who will calm them down in difficult times, support them in their endeavors and cheer them up if something goes wrong. They are quite stable in terms of relationships and do not like unexpected changes in their personal lives.

Compatibility in a pair Snake - Rabbit

It may seem strange, but people born in the years of the Snake and Rabbit can create a wonderful union. Despite the visible difference and the seemingly inconsistency of their images at first glance, they can make a great couple.

Their union will contain not only love and passion, but also good friendships. Long and passionate conversations are a necessity for them.

Both the Snake and the Rabbit love comfort and coziness, respect family values ​​and strive for a home. The Snake teaches the Rabbit to overcome the difficulties of life and be successful in his chosen activity, and the Rabbit brings an element of romanticism, secularism and diversity into their life together.

How does the relationship develop in this couple? Let's consider both options.

  • Snake man and Rabbit woman. Social roles in such a couple are distributed harmoniously. The enterprising Snake Man is thinking through a clever strategy for conquering a bright, sociable and, at the same time, soft and kind woman born in the year of the Rabbit. Their dates are very romantic, they always have something to talk about with each other. The Rabbit woman knows how to come up with ideas for spending time together, and the man finds the means and opportunities to turn these ideas into reality. In family life, the Snake and Rabbit have a good time at home in slippers. The Snake man loves to warm his soul and body next to his loving and kind wife.
  • Snake woman and Rabbit man. The woman in such a couple occupies a slightly more leading position, but she never openly shows it. She thinks through the strategy in business herself, but always presents it to her Rabbit partner as an opportunity, implying that the final choice is up to the man. He, in turn, gives his beloved wonderful compliments and pleasant surprises, warms him with his love and warmth. Such a couple has a good relationship, which over time can develop into a strong marriage. Things will go well in the family if both partners work and move in the same direction.

So, in a pair of Snake and Rabbit, compatibility is quite good. Of course, there may be problems between any partners, but people of these types can always overcome difficulties and misunderstandings and together create exactly the type of relationship that would suit both of them.

Many people, when building their personal lives, rely on the horoscope as one of their guides to the world. The compatibility of the Rabbit and the Snake is quite high; its indicators indicate how the partners will behave in their everyday life, what difficulties they will have to face, and how best to overcome them.

People who are under the protection of these signs can form a harmonious tandem, and the partners themselves will not have to make much effort for this purpose.

Characteristics of the Snake

The eastern horoscope claims that this animal is a symbol of wisdom.

People born under this sign are able to make decisions after careful consideration. Another feature of such people is their bright character.

A representative of this sign is a person endowed with the following qualities:

  • a strong character;
  • good determination.

These characteristics, coupled with hard work, allow the bearer of this sign to go towards their goal, regardless of obstacles.

Elemental influence

According to the eastern horoscope, a person’s character is influenced not only by the patron animal, but also by which of the 5 traditional elements has an influence. The main features under the influence of the elements of a particular year can change and appear at different times of the year.

  • Wooden Snake (1965). Such a person is endowed with such character traits as honesty, sociability and straightforwardness. He is a good administrator, loves power, values ​​stability in all relationships and does not tolerate outside interference. At the same time, the Wood sign representative can provide good support and give valuable advice to another person, understanding his problem.
  • Metal (1941, 2001). Fate endowed this man with intelligence, ambition and sensitivity. Such people are independent and reserved. It is best for them to work, and sometimes even live, on their own. A person of this sign is well versed in the situations developing around him, calculates everything in advance and does not miss his chance.
  • Fiery (1917, 1977) - a person with a developed sense of justice, acting openly. A representative of this sign is energetic, active, speaks well and has strong leadership qualities.
  • Vodyana (1953, 2013) is characterized by intelligence, generosity and a little naivety. A strong character and a constant desire to learn and improve oneself allows one to achieve heights in one field or another.
  • Zemlyannaya (1929 and 1989) - a favorite of fortune, who knows how to choose partners. A responsible, purposeful person who makes decisions thoughtfully, endowed with wisdom and common sense.

But no matter what the spontaneous characteristic says, you should not stand in the way of such people: they are vindictive enough to strike back when you least expect it.

Characteristics of the Rabbit

The Rabbit, also known in astrology as the Cat, is a calmer nature. In addition to wisdom, fate endowed people born under this sign with diplomacy. Luck always accompanies him in life.

This person values ​​coziness and comfort. It is difficult for such people to leave their comfort zone; new situations and circumstances can frighten them. The innate restraint of Cats makes communication with them easy and pleasant.

Elemental influence

In both Western and Eastern horoscopes, the elements have a significant influence on a person’s behavior and character. The elements of the eastern horoscope not only influence character, but also predict a person’s interaction with other elements and signs.

  1. The Wooden Rabbit (1915, 1975) is easy to communicate, generous, generous, and does not hide his emotions.
  2. Metal Cat (1951, 2011) is purposeful, knows how to use the given chance well, has a tenacious mind, and is endowed with a certain amount of cunning.
  3. Fire Rabbit (Cat) (1927, 1987) is wise, enterprising, savvy, and has an open character.
  4. The Water Rabbit (1903, 1963) is friendly, attentive to his surroundings, sentimental, sometimes even too much.
  5. Earth Cat (1939, 1999) is a realist who is dedicated to the goal set before him. Secretive, calculating, knows how to convince others.

Regardless of the element, people born under this sign achieve a lot and can gain power and respect from the broad masses. The main thing for this is to find harmony.

Snake Man and Rabbit Woman

Relationships in such a duet will develop quite harmoniously and to the envy of everyone without any special problems. All this is due to the fact that representatives of these signs get along well in all areas of life.


A man whose patron is the Eastern symbol of wisdom and determination takes a leadership position in love. This person is quite demanding and can independently set restrictions in the family. His difficult character and inquisitiveness can create some tension in communicating with him. A relationship with such a guy is possible if the Cat woman makes an effort. Patience and working on yourself will help establish harmony in marriage and love.

A woman born under the auspices of the Cat is quite curious by nature.

She feels comfortable within a noisy company of close people, but is also not against simple family comfort. A girl born under this sign gives preference to solving household issues and worries. Fate endowed her with wisdom and diplomacy skills. A man feels that he is provided with a reliable rear, and this is valuable in love and, even more so, in marriage.


The compatibility of Rabbit and Snake according to the eastern horoscope in such a pair will be harmonious only if both partners do work on themselves.

Both men and women will prove their devotion to their partner throughout their entire family life. A distinctive feature of the pair of Snake man and Rabbit woman is the constant family battle of characters.

Most of the possible conflicts in a couple consisting of a Snake man and a Rabbit woman will concern the financial side of life together. The guy can speak out regarding the large expenses made by his beloved.

Problems in a couple

The Snake man and the Rabbit woman cannot live their whole lives without conflict situations. This is due to the fact that a person who is patronized by the Eastern symbol of wisdom and determination wants to occupy an exclusively dominant position - from time to time he puts too much pressure on his beloved, but the girl’s subtle mental organization cannot tolerate such strong and rude interference in her personal space. She requires increased attention to herself, but at the same time she needs the opportunity to retire, to be alone with her thoughts. Constant control by a partner can cause both internal and external protests, especially if it is under the auspices of the water element.

The partner should also remember some of the characteristics of her spouse. A young man, born under the auspices of the eastern symbol of wisdom, prefers well-groomed representatives of the fair sex. His girlfriend should pay attention to her appearance and expand her horizons, despite all the worries and troubles.

Cat Man and Snake Woman

The eastern horoscope states that the Cat and the Snake are well suited for family life and romantic relationships. Unlike the natural environment and animal behavior, people of these signs get along well and understand each other on an intuitive level.


Quite often the initiative comes from a determined and insightful girl. The Cat man has nothing against being fascinated and conquered. The couple is rapidly getting closer, due to the fact that the compatibility of the Cat man and the Snake woman is quite high. Love can begin at a fairly young age. The tandem of a Cat man and a Snake woman will become the envy of their peers, because few people can find their soul mate so quickly.

Unlike other couples, the Rabbit and the Snake are in no particular hurry to tie themselves with the knot of Hymen. Before getting married, partners must make sure of the well-being of the family, calculate everything and make the right decision. Despite their high compatibility in love, the Cat man and the Snake woman get married after several years from the start of the relationship.


In marriage, the representative of the fair sex will lead. She is distinguished by her ability to make decisions faster. At the same time, one should not remain silent that this girl copes well with household chores and is a good housewife. At first, the man will be pleased with this state of affairs. By nature, the Rabbit is a person who is much more comfortable hiding from problems and feeling the protection and comfort that his partner provides. Even at the beginning of the relationship, the Snake and the Rabbit secretly sign a sacred agreement between themselves about how the roles will be distributed in their marriage. Throughout their subsequent lives, the Rabbit man and the Snake woman do everything so as not to violate this agreement.