Why do you dream? Free dream interpretation by an expert. When dreams are prophetic

The meaning of dreams (interpretation of dreams) is here! The most complete dream book online on the X-Archive website. It is compiled on the basis of the most famous and popular online dream books, therefore it is the most accurate. It included: Miller's dream book, Vanga's dream book, large dream book, Juno's dream book, Freud's dream book, Christian dream book, Muslim dream book, Vedic dream book and others. Since ancient times, the meaning of dreams and their interpretation have interested sages, astrologers and ordinary people. Dream interpretation and predictions are still one of the most pressing requests! Find out the meaning of your dreams, what dream symbols mean, and how they relate to your subconscious (your secret desires)! Learn to determine the meaning of dreams without a dream book and see prophetic dreams at will. The lunar dream calendar will tell you when dreams come true, and special techniques will allow you to get rid of bad dreams and nightmares! Get dream interpretation for free!

Miller's dream book is the most complete dream book that exists today; it has been reprinted many times with minor changes and it contains the interpretation of about 10,000 dreams. Despite the fact that the dream book was compiled even before the revolution, it does not lose its relevance. The main thing is to be able to read correctly and apply to yourself the interpretation of dreams offered to you. Intuition, imagination, a logical assessment of what you see and Miller’s famous dream book at hand will help you solve even the most complex and confusing dream. Freud's dream book is not an ordinary dream book. It helps you get to know yourself better, understand your hidden desires and fantasies, and does not directly tell you what will happen to us in the future. It is not for nothing that the interpretation of dreams proposed by this great scientist is also called erotic. It is no secret that his main research was aimed at studying the psychology of love and relationships between men and women. All interpretations of the dream book are psychological in nature and proceed from the fact that a dream, with the help of images and symbols, tells us about what is happening (often unconscious) in a person’s life, and therefore a remembered or recorded dream is a unique document testifying to the dreamer’s fate. Vanga's dream book was compiled by a Bulgarian clairvoyant and fortuneteller, known throughout the world for her prophecies. The language in which the dream book is written may seem somewhat confusing at first. However, having learned to analyze the interpretation of dreams proposed by Vanga, you will see that all the knowledge that she received thanks to her supernatural abilities is reliable and has great practical use. Dreams can be interpreted in different ways, but if you rely on Vanga’s experience, her wisdom and knowledge of universal and earthly laws, then in Vanga’s dream book you can see the whole picture of the future. Tsvetkov's dream book is more than just a dream book. This book teaches us not only the art of dream interpretation. It turns out that it is extremely important to learn how to behave correctly in dreams, and then through sleep we will be able to control Destiny. Tsvetkov’s dream book gives the answer to the question: “How to ward off a bad dream and prevent trouble?” Tsvetkov’s dream book is based on Slavic associativity, and therefore, it can be assumed that this particular dream book is most suitable for the Slavic peoples. The dream book of Nostradamus helps in practice to interpret each dream symbol and gives the key to the dream as a whole. The dream book of Nostradamus is compiled on the basis of premonitions, predictions and interpretations of the famous astrologer. It covers a fairly wide range of signs - animals, mythical creatures, elements, etc., and is based primarily on the symbolic interpretation of dreams. Despite the fact that Nostradamus’s dream book appeared five centuries ago, its relevance is not in doubt today. The interpretations in the French dream book are very subtle and elegant. For example, if you see an empty coffin in a dream, you will have success in business. And being in a hospital in a dream - in real life, means living profitably. Porcelain seen in a dream foreshadows the opportunity to succeed in something. In general, the art of reading dreams originated in ancient times, when there was no mass media yet. In Europe, the Christian interpretation of dreams was in force. For attempting to develop new interpretations, the Inquisition burned him at the stake. In many ways, this predetermined the fact that in the old French dream book everything is based on Christian symbolism. Odd numbers generally portend good luck (3, 11 and 7 in particular). Fire, in the understanding of the French, is a kind of foreshadowing of love, passion, relationships or something like that. Hasse's dream book was compiled on the basis of modern and ancient sources by the famous medium Miss Hasse. In printed form, the dream book contains more than 5,000 dreams. The materials from this dream book are used by many magic salons. This dream book is suitable for those who believe in the magic of numbers. When using Miss Hasse's dream book, you should take into account that not all dreams have the same probability of fulfillment. The probability with which a particular dream can come true is determined by the number of the month when it took place, counting from the new moon. David Loff's dream book is different from other dream books and has the most detailed interpretations of dreams. Loff's theory is based not on the symbolic meaning of each element of your dreams, but on the fact that there are exactly as many dream interpretations as there are people dreaming. Simply put, David Loff starts from the fact that a dream is a kind of subjective picture of the world or a particular event of a particular person, and therefore the same dream can be interpreted differently, based on the conditions, events and even the characteristics of the character of each individual taken person. An intimate dream book will help you decipher your dreams in order to better know yourself and establish a connection with your unconscious, without understanding which it is impossible to achieve inner harmony. A culinary dream book helps to interpret images of products or situations related to food that we see in our dreams. It does not have any one authorship, as it has been supplemented over the years by many interpreters. And largely thanks to this, today it is one of the most significant collections of interpretations, including more than a thousand different images, united on various topics. This includes meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, dishes, ready meals, etc. The modern dream book, as the name suggests, is adapted to the consciousness and thinking of modern man. In addition to the traditional interpretations of the standard set of symbols, the authorship of many of which belongs to famous soothsayers of the past and present, the “Modern Dream Book” includes a number of new definitions, for example, such as “computer”, “telephone” or “auditor”. The author of the esoteric dream book is Elena Anopova. An esoteric dream book will help you penetrate your own inner world, discover the secrets of the subconscious and develop hidden potential. The esoteric dream book contains not only a decoding of certain symbols, but also a description of existing methods of working with dreams, as well as the necessary tips that will help you quickly achieve certain results. Yuri Longo's dream book allows you to understand yourself, to foresee various situations based on subtle signs and signs that do not lend themselves to traditional rational analysis. Longo argued that our dreams are very often the key to understanding future events and our own inner world. Longo's interpretations are interesting in their depth, surprising in their accuracy and detail. The Islamic dream book is based primarily on the work of the great Arab alim Imam Muhammad Ibn Sirin Al-Basri, as well as Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq and An-Nablusi. And most of the interpretations are selected from the Koran and Sunnah of the Messenger s.a.

The Dream Book in the House of the Sun is a collection of the most popular dream books. Interpretation of dreams according to dream books is carried out online using a rubricator and a search form. A convenient search for a description of an image or symbol of a dream is presented in all dream books at once. The Dream Book of the House of the Sun presents free dream books of famous psychologists - Freud, Miller, Meneghetti, dream books of seers - Nostradamus, Vanga, as well as Muslim, Assyrian, Slavic and other online dream books.

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Dream solving takes its roots from ancient times. Back then, people considered dreams to be an unconscious journey into the world of shadows, where they could receive encrypted messages or warnings of impending danger. Nowadays, according to psychologists, dreams reflect everything that happens to us throughout the day. But from time to time there are exceptions in the form of prophetic dreams. How to learn to solve dreams, how to interpret them in order to be prepared for upcoming events?

Why do we dream and how to solve the dream?

Desires that we cannot turn into reality appear as pictures and sounds in our heads when we sleep. Sometimes in our dreams we are not even aware of what we want. But you can still solve the dream online.

Sometimes it happens that dream events reflect a real struggle between the “It”, “I” and the “Super-Ego”. “It” plays the role of unconscious desires, the fulfillment of which in real life can lead to unpredictable consequences. The "Super-Ego" takes control of everything that the "It" is in dream visions. If the control of the first is too tight, then for the dreamer this is the first signal to allow himself to relax.

Prophetic dreams and reality

The most interesting and intriguing dreams are prophetic ones. However, not all of them can become real. What seems like a prophetic dream can actually push a person to think, analyze the life situation that has arisen, and prevent events in reality. But solving the dream gives us the opportunity to act correctly.

For example, if you dream of a quarrel, then you can think about how to avoid it; if you dream that you might be robbed, you should think about the security system of your home. Prophetic dreams are a product of the work of our subconscious, which knows more about us than consciousness, and therefore warns us about something in advance. And we dream of signals about what is coming ahead of time, so that we can understand it and be prepared for events from dreams.

How to solve a dream from a dream book?

Vivid dreams, in which there is some kind of obvious vision, can and should be solved. How to do it?

  • Analyze the dream and highlight the most memorable pictures in it.

  • Now you need to name each picture in one word. It can be an object (for example, a bed), a phenomenon (for example, a thunderstorm), a feeling (for example, anticipation), and so on.

  • Enter this word into the search and look for its meaning.

On our website you can solve a dream for free online in just a few minutes. It's very easy to do. It is better to check the interpretation in several dream books simultaneously presented on one page you find, since the meanings may vary.

Solution to dreams: the most common plots of prophetic dreams

If you dream of a natural disaster or catastrophe, then this does not foretell anything like this in the near future. In fact, the subconscious tells us that difficult times and some danger await us, but, thank God, not on a global scale. For example, if you see the end of the world in a dream, this means that serious changes await you, for which you are not quite ready. Often such nightmares contain an encrypted message, which can subsequently reveal previously inaccessible knowledge to us. Similar dreams are described in biblical legends.

How to solve dreams that contain nightmares (monsters, a frightening situation with the dreamer’s family and friends, etc.)? Such dreams are explained by an uncomfortable posture, various diseases, or an overly rich dinner. Although sometimes we dream of horror stories when we are depressed or experiencing a stressful situation (being fired from work, divorce, having experienced a car accident, etc.). But if you have nightmares constantly or every once in a while, then this is a serious reason to solve dreams for free in order to think about your psyche and a possible trip to a psychologist. Especially if it concerns your child.

How to solve a dream where there is death? Dreams of death appear mainly in two cases: if the dreamer experiences the death of a loved one and if they symbolize rebirth and a transition to a new stage, which is a good sign.

You see money, jewelry and treasures in a dream - the answer to dreams tells you that the subconscious mind reveals to you the inner talents and wealth of your soul. Those talents that you are not aware of need to be immediately revealed and shown to the whole world, and the subconscious is almost never wrong.

Now you know a little about prophetic dreams and how to solve a dream using our dream book. The more you listen to yourself and your subconscious, the closer you will be to harmony with yourself.

What does it mean if you have a dream within a dream? Dream books do not have a single interpretation of this dream: the solution to the dream depends entirely on the features of the plot of what was seen and on the emotional reaction of the dreamer to the events taking place in the dream world. Psychologists and esotericists see in this event a completely different meaning than just the interpretation of a dream.

General interpretation

Psychologists define people who dream within a dream as endowed with an enlightened consciousness, capable of comprehending the secrets of the unconscious and controlling their lives. Select people can see a dream in a dream; not everyone is given this ability. However, sometimes incomprehensible plots appear in dreams that require explanation. How to solve them?

The interpretation will depend on the details of the plot of what was seen:

  • where did you sleep;
  • who did you sleep with?
  • how long did you sleep?

Sleeping in nature- for a pleasant trip on a business trip or vacation. Sleeping on a dirty floor in a dirty room is not good: such a dream foreshadows troubles and misunderstandings with loved ones and household members. Expecting support from loved ones at the right time will not come true.

Sleeping on the roof of a building- a good sign of rapid changes in life. You will be at the pinnacle of success. If the sleep is calm and there are no signs of bad weather, the implementation of your plans will be successful.

Seeing yourself in a dream with your loved one in the same bed- to prolong the situation. Your relationship will remain uncertain: keep the initiative in your own hands. Sleeping with a dead person means good health. Such a dream instills horror in people, but it foreshadows positive events in life.

Seeing a child sleeping peacefully- to a favorable course of life events, and a person’s restless sleep - to experiences and problems.

If you see yourself fast asleep and can't wake up, this dream warns of an unresolved life issue. You need to make efforts to find a way out of this situation.

Many dream books interpret the inability to wake up in a dream as the approach of a serious illness or problems, some indicate missed opportunities. Freud considers this dream a warning not to push yourself into a framework and gain freedom in thoughts and behavior.

Interpretation of dream books

Newest dream book warns: this dream prophesies a protracted illness. Seeing yourself asleep does not foretell a positive impact on life.

Family dream book warns of a friend’s betrayal, advises to prepare for unpleasant events. A dream within a dream - you do not see what is happening around you.

Modern dream book believes: seeing yourself sleeping means leading a double life. You are hypocritical towards a worthy person, and you worry about it. A happy dream seen in a dream is a sign of sadness in life.

Dream Interpretation 2012 believes that you should open your eyes to current events, see the true picture around you.

Dream book of the future advises not to rush into accepting vital issues, to put it off until later, to put it off.

Dream Interpretation of Veles calms: seeing a dream in a dream predicts good life prospects if the dreamer has experienced positive emotions.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn considers this dream to be the body’s need for additional rest. The dream also indicates a reluctance to change one’s life attitudes and a fear of radical changes. You are comfortable in your own world, you do not want to change anything.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z sees in the plot of this dream a warning about the secret betrayal of a loved one. While you are sleeping, a love affair is developing behind your back.

What do esotericists and psychologists say?

Psychologists' point of view on this dream is a replay of a life situation in a dream. If you see a nightmare, it means that in real life the danger will not affect you: you have already experienced it in your dream, another life reality. A nightmare has a positive impact on a person's life!

If you can control and manage events in a dream, then you can change the course of your real life in the direction you want. Managing your sleep while you sleep is a unique opportunity to program life events. This skill is specially taught in lucid dreaming courses.

How to translate the dream plot you saw into real life? To do this, after waking up, you should “play out” the events of the dream in your mind several times and consolidate them. If you saw a dream in a dream with a sad ending, just create a new ending to the events - with a happy ending. Gradually you will gain the ability to control your life through dreams.


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