Capricorn man in love and family life. How important is sex for a Capricorn man? Which zodiac sign companion is most compatible in love and sex with a Capricorn man? Who are Capricorn men compatible with?

According to the compatibility horoscope of the Capricorn man, it seems that he, like Hercules, is able to hold the world on his mighty shoulders. At least, it is people like him who give the world stability and solidity.

Traditions, family values, honor, duty, discipline - without all this the world would have turned into chaos, and in many ways it was thanks to Capricorn that this did not happen.

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Taurus woman

In terms of compatibility, the Taurus woman and the Capricorn man are the most complex, but also the most creative union of the three pairs of the Earth element. It can bring more problems than any other, and what is especially bad is that it immediately attracts excellent compatibility, and only then difficulties appear. But, on the other hand, in this union there is a lot of internal energy, many opportunities for self-improvement for each partner and many chances for success in life and material well-being.

For the melancholy heart of the Capricorn man, the Taurus woman is already a real find. In both one and the other, feelings are constant and lasting. Both in love and in marriage, this couple is faithful and devoted to each other. Between them, as a rule, love does not arise “at first sight” or in the form of a “forest fire”, but over the years, mutual understanding and agreement deepen, the feeling of affection grows stronger...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Gemini woman

“They came together: water and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire” - this phrase seems to be specially created in order to illustrate this marriage union. In terms of compatibility between a Gemini woman and a Capricorn man, there is a big plus in the relationship between the impetuous, independent Gemini, who does not recognize any boundaries, and the conservative Capricorn, who strives to create a family: their opposite qualities largely complement each other.

So this union has a chance, unless the partners begin to remake each other, but clearly distribute responsibilities in the family among themselves. In any case, only a solid, reliable and wise Capricorn can be the guarantor of the stability of this marriage. If the Gemini woman is much younger than the Capricorn man or both partners are already over forty, then such a union has even more prospects...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Cancer woman

Both the Capricorn man and the Cancer woman can only be congratulated on their successful choice of a life partner! Perhaps, from the outside, this union does not look too passionate, but they will hear the words “they suit each other so well” more than once or twice in their lives. Feelings are feelings, but between these signs there is clearly something more: these are goals, aspirations, outlook on life, and the reliability and solidity that a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man are able to give to each other.

In terms of compatibility between Cancer women and Capricorn men, this is one of the most natural and harmonious couples. It has a traditional distribution of roles. As a rule, in this union, Capricorn provides for the family and rises through the ranks, while Cancer takes excellent care of the home and children...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Leo woman

Compatibility between Leo woman and Capricorn man- the relationship in this couple is very, very difficult. They have too many contradictions in temperament, character, and disposition. Many acquaintances of this couple are surprised at how they can live together, because they are completely different and dissimilar people.

However, this union occurs quite often: the stubborn Capricorn and the energetic Lioness are united by ambition and the desire to achieve ever greater heights. As a rule, a Capricorn man is flattered by the attention of a bright Leo woman, who knows how to present herself in society, and who is also capable of helping him make a career. For him, with his ambitions, this is very important. The Lioness is able to discern enormous potential in Capricorn, which she will be happy to help him realize...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Virgo woman

According to the compatibility of a Virgo woman and a Capricorn man,this union is usually very strong. True, a thrifty Virgo woman and a practical Capricorn man are usually not ready to plunge headlong into a whirlpool of passionate love, throw money at a million red roses and waste time sighing on a bench. What unites them is much more - thoroughness, mutual understanding, and trust.

This is a very calm union, but in which there is no place for boredom. The Capricorn man sets new goals, and together with the Virgo woman they realize them. The achievements in the material sphere of these partners can be very significant. A Capricorn man can work calmly and achieve career heights, knowing that he has a “reliable rear” behind him: a caring and faithful wife, a cozy home, well-educated children. In each other, Capricorn and Virgo are able to find not only love, but also reliable support, care, and friendship, and all this for many years, which they have every chance to go through hand in hand together...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Libra woman

According to the compatibility of a Libra woman and a Capricorn man, a family union between them is one of the most difficult unions.

If a Libra woman is wondering who to choose from her suitors, then she should make a choice not in favor of the Capricorn man. If the Libra-Capricorn relationship has already developed and love has come, then the Libra woman should be prepared for the fact that she will have to make a lot of efforts to save this marriage...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Scorpio woman

In terms of compatibility between a Scorpio woman and a Capricorn man, this union is distinguished by its strength and duration. This couple is united by true strong love, which lasts throughout the entire period of the relationship. There is little emotion in this couple, but there is deep mutual respect.

At the beginning of living together, it is difficult for a Capricorn man and a Scorpio woman to adapt to each other. They are both strong and independent individuals and are used to living only by their own minds. But strong love for each other helps them learn to give in to each other and find compromises. A Capricorn man and a Scorpio woman, like no one else, are able to appreciate each other’s merits. Their relationship has everything they strive for - romance, tenderness, reliability, and stability. At the same time, both are committed to a serious relationship, value the loyalty and honesty of their partner and are able to live hand in hand all their lives...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Sagittarius woman

In terms of compatibility between a Sagittarius woman and a Capricorn man, this couple cannot be called strong. The only thing that can keep them together is true mutual love. She will help them overcome many difficulties on their journey together, and they will remain together, even if life tries to separate them. But, if at least one of the partners does not have sincere feelings, then you should not even try to save this union.

In the union of Sagittarius and Capricorn there may be a lot of grievances and misunderstandings. The Sagittarius woman is life-loving and often has her head in the clouds, while the stubborn Capricorn man has both feet firmly on the ground. At first, this dissimilarity arouses interest, a sense of novelty and unusual sensations, but over time, this inevitably causes conflicts....

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Capricorn woman

As a rule, a woman and a man born in the same zodiac sign compete with each other in marriage and fight for leadership. But, interestingly, Capricorns are an exception to this rule. Of course, they do not have the same tastes and they have different positions on some issues, but they are truly happy together. According to the compatibility of a Capricorn woman and a Capricorn man, they set goals together and achieve them, take care of children together, improve their home, and over time it turns into a full cup. It is worth noting that both the Capricorn woman and the Capricorn man are extremely hardworking and the fruits of their activities will be enough not only for their children and grandchildren, but also for their great-grandchildren. Both are persistent and stand firmly on their feet, achieving a high social position in society...

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Aquarius woman

A family union in the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Capricorn man can be happy only if both sincerely love each other and are interested in maintaining the relationship. If you look at it as a whole, then in the Aquarius-Capricorn couple there are a lot of contradictions that are resolved over a long and difficult time. It is difficult for a Capricorn man to get used to the originality and extravagance of the Aquarius woman, to her jokes, healthy humor and non-standard views.

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Pisces woman

Compatibility between Pisces woman and Capricorn man- these two often do not notice each other, the force of attraction between them is small and this family union is a very rare occurrence. But this couple can become very happy by building their relationship on the basis of mutual respect. They can perfectly complement each other, smooth out character flaws and roughness, and enhance positive qualities. Despite all the differences between the Pisces woman and the Capricorn man, they have a deep common similarity, which helps them understand each other. And most importantly, they are always comfortable and happy together. And they perceive love not only as passion, but also as tenderness, care, affection and friendship.

The Capricorn man is a hardworking and reliable partner. Therefore, for a Pisces woman who has connected her life with him, her dreams of a rich and reliable partner come true..

Two Capricorns have very good compatibility, they look at many things the same way and trust each other. These two practical and prudent people can organize a strong business alliance or work on a joint project. Disagreements between a Capricorn man and a woman of the same zodiac sign are rare, and if they do occur in their relationship, they do not become a serious problem for the couple. Any actions of these people carry meaning and bear fruit in the future. It doesn’t matter what the nature of the relationship between two Capricorns is, this connection usually lasts a lifetime.

♑ + ♑: In a love relationship

PERFECT PAIR- Having become interested in each other, each of this couple will hesitate for some time, since short-term relationships are not included in the plans of Capricorns. Having looked closely at the object of sympathy, someone will still decide to take the first step, and most likely it will be a Capricorn guy. In a girl of his own zodiac sign, he will see a like-minded person whom he can trust and with whom he can build a reliable future.

The Capricorn girl will be happy about the serious intentions of her chosen one, since she is not at all interested in light flirting. The couple will spend their free time alone with each other; they both do not need noisy public places. Most often, these relationships lead to marriage, but not immediately, but after some time. Capricorns don't like to rush.

♑ + ♑: Married

PERFECT PAIR— The spouses will have harmony in their relationships and agreement in everything. Both are practical and serious, they prefer to spend time usefully, they try not to spend money unnecessarily, they save for large purchases, and put it aside just in case. In everyday life, a wife and husband born under the sign of Capricorn try to share responsibilities around the house, because both value comfort, but do not like household responsibilities too much.

Spouses prefer to spend weekends alone, or with relatives and time-tested friends. Expensive vacation trips are frowned upon by both, but they find ways to relax without breaking the bank.

In their intimate life, the spouses are in perfect harmony. Both do not have a pronounced temperament and do not like variety in sex too much. Many Capricorns who have had sexual experience with representatives of other zodiac signs have heard many offensive words addressed to them about this, so in this case, both will be glad that they have the opportunity to be themselves next to their other half.

♑ + ♑: In friendship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY— There can hardly be a friendly relationship between a guy and a girl born under the sign of Capricorn. The thing is, they both don't believe in . Friendly communication in a work team is possible, but not friendship.

If they do become friends, and at the same time both are free from relationships, sooner or later friendship will turn into interest, and interest into a love relationship.

Video: CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

CAPRICORN - ARIES: At first it will be fun - Aries burns so much that Capricorn comes to life, but then - not so much, especially for Capricorn. Because of the stamp in his passport, Aries will not change his life; he will continue to do what he wants, when he wants and, if necessary, behind Capricorn’s back. Result: either everyone lives their own life (moreover, Aries enjoys life, but Capricorn does not at all), or “found a scythe on a stone”: jealousy, scandal, divorce.

CAPRICORN - TAURUS: It's Robinson and Friday, and they found each other. Together, sparing no effort, they will build an exemplary life and save for old age. The main one will most likely be Capricorn. He will completely control Taurus and gradually turn him into his copy. Sometimes Taurus may buck, but in general this situation is satisfactory for both. A tragedy can happen only if they reach all material heights too quickly, relax on the subject of work, and spend a lot of time together. This may seem too boring even to these unassuming people. A short romance will be pleasant, and the marriage will be ideal.

CAPRICORN - GEMINI: Actually, this doesn’t happen. And if it does happen, it won’t be for long. If such a union lasts for some time, it will only be due to the curiosity of Gemini, who cannot believe that Capricorn is exactly as he seems, they naively believe that under the mask of a robot there is a living person and are trying to take off this mask, and on the stubbornness of Capricorn, who is ready put all your efforts into making a human out of Gemini (that is, your copy). A short romance can please both, but the marriage will be unhappy and short-lived.

CAPRICORN - CANCER: These two live in completely different worlds; only sex can be a unifying moment. The mutual attraction is very strong, but if Capricorn does not stop re-educating Cancer and does not at least try to portray love, Cancer will quickly get tired of this relationship, since he cannot stand criticism, and pure physiology does not suit him, give him passions. But if Cancer is not a fool, then he will find passions somewhere else, and will maintain his alliance with Capricorn. Because a Capricorn husband is a very profitable project. You invest a little emotion, compassion and optimism, and you get reliable financial support and a secure old age. Well, sex.

CAPRICORN - LEO: The main thing is that these two do not reach the registry office, otherwise a wonderful romance will turn into a hopeless and tiresome marriage. Capricorn is boring for Leo, Leo is generally a complete disappointment for Capricorn: he doesn’t keep his promises, he lies for the sake of saying something, he despises the schedule, and in bed Capricorn expected more from him.

CAPRICORN - VIRGO: This is forever. The union of practicality and neatness is an ideal pair. They not only have a powerful sexual attraction, but also a sense of community of souls, which is especially touching, given the soullessness of both. There may not be a holiday with fireworks, but common goals (a secure old age), a common minute-by-minute plan for the next hundred years and an agreed daily routine (which both observe) unite them very firmly, and children make this marriage simply indestructible.

CAPRICORN - LIBRA: They do not suit each other either in bed or outside of it. Libra is drawn to Capricorn as a reliable wall to lean on, and Capricorn can succumb to Libra’s charm, but understanding is almost impossible and disappointment will come very quickly. The only thing this union can rest on is mutual mercantile interest. The closer the lovers are to retirement age, the higher the chances of success.

CAPRICORN - SCORPIO: This is not so much love as friendship and partnership, complete mutual understanding and common interests. Scorpio is the only one who can resist the dictatorship of Capricorn; in this family there will be complete equality, which will have the best effect on Capricorn’s character. At first, Scorpio may not understand what happiness he met in the person of Capricorn. For him, sex with Capricorn is boring, and he himself is not at all exciting. But if Capricorn manages to drag Scorpio into the registry office, it will be a happy and very strong marriage.

CAPRICORN - SAGITTARIUS: Most often this is an office romance. Capricorn sees Sagittarius as a sexually attractive target, but he is not always able to satisfy the needs of the seasoned Sagittarius. And Sagittarius is looking for respect in this union, he wants to be truly appreciated, but in the case of Capricorn this is unlikely. From the point of view of Capricorn, Sagittarius is far from ideal (in the sense of not being at all like Capricorn). Not the best romance and a completely unsuccessful marriage.

CAPRICORN - CAPRICORN: So two loneliness met. And, characteristically, both felt better. There was no smell of passion here, physical attraction tends to zero, but there was complete mutual understanding. They build their lives as a business project and achieve all the material heights they dreamed of. Only the stubbornness of both periodically overshadows the idyll. But neither it nor possible connections on the side are capable of destroying this union. The romance is boring, but the marriage will satisfy both.

CAPRICORN - AQUARIUS: Opposites attract, but, having attracted, they begin to piss each other off. Capricorn cannot expect anything good from this union. Aquarius is absolutely useless in the household, unpredictable and unreliable - nothing but troubles and worries. And Aquarius will remain dissatisfied. He falls in love with his own fantasy, but getting to know Capricorn better, he becomes disappointed and quickly moves on. Continuing such a relationship for more than a couple of weeks will only lead to trouble.

CAPRICORN - PISCES: They found each other. Capricorn will get an idea of ​​feelings, tenderness, warmth, and Pisces will receive reliability and confidence in the future. An ideal union. Scandals over money are inevitable, but this marriage can only be destroyed by Capricorn’s desire to force Pisces to work or in some other way be useful in the household, or Pisces’ inability to properly disguise their sexual adventures.

Unlike many couples in which people of the same sign compete with each other, two Capricorns get along well with each other and are sincerely happy together. Although it is impossible to call them twins with the same tastes, views and behavior. What is the secret of a strong union between two Capricorns?

Capricorn-Capricorn compatibility: how to seduce a Capricorn man?

If you have met a free Capricorn who has entered the age of maturity and has already achieved something, you can be sure that he is thinking about his family. It is convenient for a Capricorn man to live in a world where everything is in its place. And since he is conservative, for him family is an essential part of an orderly life. As for fleeting romances (if marriage with Capricorn is not part of your plans), the older Capricorn is, the greater the chances of a love adventure. In their youth, these men are very serious and responsible, but over the years they develop a boyish dash. Capricorn approaches the creation of a family (or any other long-lasting partnership) responsibly. He has his own ideas about what place family and wife should occupy in life. And if women of other signs can intuitively feel or accidentally “get into the top ten,” then you know well what the system, hierarchy, and principles are. You have a 100% chance of fitting perfectly into the life of a Capricorn man. All that is required of you is to find out from him exactly what expectations he has for his wife. You can easily justify them.

What does an ideal couple look like: Capricorn woman – Capricorn man?

It is possible to predict what each specific Capricorn couple will be like only if you analyze their personal horoscopes. The fact is that people of other signs can achieve success, can give up in the face of difficulties, can abandon their plans and take advantage of a more attractive happy chance. And Capricorns, with each other’s support, will definitely achieve the goals they have set for themselves. Since all people have different goals, it will not be possible to say anything definite about what a Capricorn couple looks like. This could be a large family living in nature away from civilization, wealthy people running a family business, high-ranking officials and any other people. The main thing is that each of the Capricorns in a couple ultimately achieves what they want. The interesting thing is that with age they seem to get younger: they can be found at camp sites, on hikes, while hunting, that is, in places where few young Capricorns go.

What are the difficulties in a union between a Capricorn woman and a Capricorn man?

There are no difficulties in the relationship between two Capricorns. They effectively solve any problems, because they understand each other well and do not expect the impossible from their partner. Even weak emotionality and the desire to live by reason and not by feelings do not bother them - this lifestyle is convenient for both of them. Of course, Capricorns will more than once in their life together be faced with the fact that the interests of one conflict with the interests of another, equally purposeful partner. But Capricorns know how to resolve these disputes constructively. The problems of this couple are not related to relationships, but to the world around them and life situations. Each sign has a certain “blank spot”, an incomprehensible side of life that he must understand in order to achieve peace in his soul. For Capricorns, such a “white spot” is the sphere of home, family, protection under the cover of the home, warmth and tenderness towards the family. Capricorns try to approach issues of home and family as rationally as they approach work. Their married life can be successful if they find a suitable partner. But fate does not consider Capricorn’s rational approach to be correct at all; she wants him to learn new rules. Two Capricorns support each other not only in achieving success, but also in mistakes. Therefore, fate sends them a collision with rules they do not understand, embodied in other people or circumstances. There may be difficulties in finding housing, difficult relationships with the older generation, problems conceiving a child.

The first step in solving difficulties begins with the fact that Capricorns first need to overcome their own stubbornness and conservative view of things. They, over and over again faced with problems in the sphere of emotions or in the sphere of family and home, can throw themselves at obstacles and overcome them with Capricorn determination. But fate has an inexhaustible supply of situations. This struggle will continue until it occurs to one of the couple that all the difficulties relate to the same area of ​​life. By changing their strength of character and habit of dealing with difficulties at least once, Capricorns will take the first step towards solving the problem. And then they need to consciously develop emotionality in themselves, carefully cultivate compassion, sensitivity, gentleness in their souls, learn to adapt to the situation, adapt, and not fight against it. A Capricorn man should notice not only the excellent functioning of the home, but also its comfort. It is advisable for a Capricorn woman not to leave maternity leave immediately after the birth of a baby (which many Capricorns do), but to experience motherhood not only as a responsibility, but also as care and spiritual closeness with the child. When Capricorns understand what it means to feel deeply, and sentimental, vulnerable people no longer seem funny to them, fate will stop “teaching” them and things in the family and home will come into order.

Compatibility of Capricorn woman and Capricorn man at work

Capricorn is the most businesslike and sensible sign of the Zodiac. It is a symbol of career. Both men and women of this sign discard all personal matters at work, do not divide colleagues by gender and behave strictly in a businesslike manner. Therefore, there is practically no difference between the work of Capricorns of the same sex or Capricorns of different sexes.

Compatibility of a Capricorn woman and a Capricorn man - colleagues or partners

Capricorn colleagues work well and are excellent at completing assignments. But the business of two Capricorns can be problematic: they both lack flexibility, charm, intuition, and they don’t believe in unexpected luck, so they often miss lucky chances. If they do not have a third companion of another Element, then their business is rarely large and successful.

When a Capricorn woman is a boss and a Capricorn man is a subordinate

The Capricorn man sees himself only in the status of a boss. Therefore, good cooperation is not very possible in this balance of power.

When a Capricorn woman is a subordinate and a Capricorn man is a boss

Much depends on the woman’s goals. If she strives for a career, then, like any Capricorn, she will do it. No matter what it takes, she will become the boss herself. But a Capricorn woman can also have traditional values ​​and strive for the status of a wife and mistress of the house. Then she will be a responsible subordinate who understands her boss well.

Compatibility of Capricorn woman and Capricorn man in friendship

This couple is capable of good friendship. True, this only applies to single Capricorns or those couples who are family friends. Conservative Capricorn will not communicate closely with a person of the opposite sex without his significant other. He believes that family people do not need such friends. But in the first two options, Capricorns are great friends. Few people are able to be a friend of Capricorn: for most people he is too dry, too rational, there is no warmth and emotional sympathy in him. But a friend of the same sign feels comfortable and calm with him. They value reliability, constancy, absence of quarrels and the opportunity to receive good, reasonable advice in friendship.

Many women, for unknown reasons, are quite skeptical about the zodiac sign of the man they are considering for a future relationship. In fact, this is another important factor that you definitely need to pay attention to. Let's take a closer look, How does a Capricorn man behave in love?, sexual relationships, and what he needs most.

I would immediately like to note that Capricorn men:

  • They set goals for themselves and always achieve them. In this case, the methods are not always loyal; the slogan “Achieve the goal by any means necessary” applies here.
  • Persistent. They can convince a person of anything (get him to be on their side, even if it is not beneficial to the other side). Such people are not lacking in perseverance.
  • Pragmatic. They will always find “tools” to achieve their goals, no matter how complex and controversial they may be.

All these behavioral factors are inherent in Capricorns in all areas of their activities, including love and relationships.

Since Capricorns give preference to “building” their careers, their personal life often fades into the background, but at the same time they do not lose the need for it.

With their calmness and confidence, such men can very easily attract the attention of any woman, and their wealth acts on the opposite sex like an aphrodisiac. Their reliability and firmness (in decisions, behavior and in life) gives a woman confidence in the future that she will be behind him, as if behind an impenetrable fortress.

Another feature of Capricorn men is that they do not “spray” on everyone, although they never lack female attention. They are too confident and powerful to pay attention to every woman who shows herself in their direction.

Selectivity in relationships is their main strong point; entering into a relationship with him is not so easy, but if Capricorn has chosen a companion, then she can be sure that she simply cannot find more reliable support and protection. Such men are wealthy and do not allow their significant other to work “by the sweat of their brow”; they do everything possible so that their woman does not need anything.

For a Capricorn to pay attention to a girl, she must be:

  • inaccessible
  • attractive
  • mysterious
  • elegant

Characteristics of a Capricorn man in love

Despite their independence (as it turns out, in most cases, it turns out to be imaginary), Capricorn men very quickly fall in love and become attached to a woman. The girl they choose can be sure that he will always be devoted to her, throughout the entire period of their relationship. To fall in love, Capricorn needs to make sure that the woman for him will be:

  • friend
  • life partner
  • object of sexual desire
  • a person he can trust completely

Outwardly confident Capricorn constantly doubts everyone and everything, and only the woman who can show and prove that he can trust her and rely on her in the most difficult moment of his life can win him over.

In love, Capricorn men prefer to endure any difficulties on their own and cope with them without outside help, no matter how difficult the situation may be.

Capricorn will prefer loneliness than to be with a “not quite ideal” woman. He can spend a lot of time searching for his happiness. In these matters, he is scrupulous and carefully considers, so to speak, all the facets and sides of the option that suits him.

Capricorn does not like to make mistakes, he is too pedantic, and therefore, if he proposed marriage to his soul mate, he thought about his decision a million times, weighing all the pros and cons. They are monogamous and most often marry only once.

Capricorn man in marriage

The Capricorn man, as mentioned earlier, is pragmatic, and when choosing a woman as his wife, he already knows that he can “blind” her and make her ideal for himself. Despite the fact that the Capricorn man gives himself entirely to his beloved, she is also subject to a number of requirements that she must meet:

  • understanding
  • calmness
  • patience
  • stress resistance
  • sincere love

If a woman did not have any of these qualities initially, he will do everything, “bend” the woman, but will ensure that all these qualities are inherent in her.

When married to a woman, the Capricorn man becomes very jealous, although in the early stages of the relationship his possessiveness does not manifest itself so clearly. He gives warmth and love to his wife, but at the same time he will limit her personal freedom, so his life partner must be prepared for such a turn of events.

The behavior of a Capricorn man in love and marriage can be ambiguous:

  • gives all of himself, but at the same time, demands the same in return
  • demands personal freedom, but does not give the same to his companion
  • does not tolerate selfishness in his direction, although he himself very often manifests himself in this way

An addiction to achieving set goals very often prevents a Capricorn man from finding his other half at a young age. Having been engaged in their careers for a long time, they get married after 35.

Love and sex in the life of a Capricorn man

Despite tender manifestations of love, such men are very rude and tough in sex. They are turned on by inaccessible and bitchy natures, which is why the Capricorn woman must be multifaceted.

Sex and love are two different things for them. They are very calm and endure difficulties with their heads held high, they keep a lot to themselves, so in sex they need to throw out all the accumulated emotions passionately and harshly.

It must be said that in sexual relationships, Capricorn men are ideal partners. They always care about the pleasure of their partner. It is this quality that attracts women to such men.

When choosing the ideal woman for their wife, they do not have the need to “go to the left,” so the woman can be confident in him and his feelings.

With age, such men become even more attractive and sexy, so a woman must match her chosen one. To please a Capricorn man in sex, a woman must be:

  • impudent
  • passionate
  • diverse
  • not modest
  • don't be afraid to experiment

Reviews from women about Capricorn men in love unambiguous - they are the best lovers and sexually attractive objects.

Compatibility in love for a Capricorn man

Let's figure out which zodiac signs are suitable for Capricorn in relationships:

  1. Pisces Woman

Capricorn men are passionate, but they need some time to understand how suitable a woman is for them sexually; The Pisces woman, in turn, wants the caress of warmth in sex, so this tandem cannot be called ideal.

The defenselessness of such women attracts Capricorns, but their weak character only repels them, which is why such couples usually do not stay with each other for long.

  1. Aquarius women

Capricorns are attracted to the following women:

  • sophistication
  • with a bewitching look
  • sexuality

In sex, Aquarius women are in perfect harmony with Capricorn men, but family life can only work out if the Capricorn man fits into the ideal life of Aquarius, and the woman, in turn, does not limit Capricorn in her personal space.

  1. Capricorn Woman

Usually similar zodiac signs in couples do not bring anything positive, but not in a Capricorn couple. They are pedantic, reasonable and passionate, they will always be interested in each other, in:

  • sex
  • love
  • relationships
  • friendship
  • communication, etc.

They include sex as another item in their schedule, not because it should be so, but because they believe that time should also be devoted to relaxation and entertainment.

  1. Sagittarius Woman

The pair of Sagittarius and Capricorn is a rather complex relationship and not long-term. Although the Capricorn man is passionate, his pedantry often takes over, which depresses the Sagittarius woman, who, in addition to passion in sex, needs conversations and discussions after it, to which Capricorn responds with loud snoring. In love, they also have different concepts and plans, so most often they are simply not on the same path.

  1. Scorpio women

Typically, calm, idyll and passion reign in such couples. They have the same goals, the same ways to achieve them, so they will find how not to get bored with each other.

  1. Libra Woman

The problems of such a couple begin with the first sex between them. They are completely unsuitable for each other in this regard, their concepts of getting pleasure are too different. It is these problems that prevent them from being together as a married couple.

  1. Virgo woman

Perfect for Capricorn, both for family life and sexually. Both seem cold and unapproachable, but if they can discern in each other the passion that boils inside them, they can become an ideal couple for many years.

  1. Leo Woman

Wedge knocks out wedge with wedge - both are selfish and picky, but together the Capricorn man and Leo woman feel very good in all senses and plans.

  1. Cancer woman

They perfectly complement each other, “spur” and stimulate. An ideal tandem for a family. In sex, such a couple is also good; they understand each other without words.

  1. Gemini Woman

Despite the fact that it is difficult to build a family with Gemini, Capricorns find an approach to them, and the changeability of Libra quite suits the strict, but diversity-loving Capricorns.

  1. Taurus Woman

Capricorn falls in love with a Taurus woman very quickly, but if the chosen one does not immediately reciprocate his feelings, nothing good will come of this couple. When it comes to sex, they suit each other well, but their relationship cannot be called ideal.

  1. Aries Woman

The stubbornness of Aries and the pragmatism of Capricorn are not compatible; a man does not know what to expect from an Aries woman, which means he will not be able to predict the future. Although they are sexually attracted to each other, such a couple can last only on sex, and even then, not for long.

How to win the love of a Capricorn man?

We have already found out who Capricorn is, now let’s talk about what kind of woman such a man needs, and what she needs to do to win his love:

  1. To be seemingly inaccessible, but to be open upon close acquaintance
  2. Never lie to Capricorn, such behavior is unacceptable for them
  3. Learn to listen and admire him (all men love when they are exalted to the pedestal of the ideal)
  4. Always be different in your sex life (outfits, whips, suits - what Capricorn needs)
  5. Supporting Capricorns in everything, but not always agreeing with them, this interests men of this zodiac sign

The Capricorn man is in fact a very complex person, he has many different contradictions and doubts, although in appearance he is a very confident and accomplished person, not every woman will be able to withstand all the tests that she will have to go through with Capricorn.

It is worth noting that Capricorn men love to test their women’s strength, so be prepared for tests and “competitions,” although, despite the result, Capricorn men remain devoted to their other halves.

Video: Capricorn man - love horoscope 2017