History of origin and interpretation of the name Bel. All about the beautiful name Bella

By Higiru

Latin origin (beautiful).

Bella looks like her father, but with a stubborn character she went to her mother. She is principled and reasonable, although she often acts impulsively. Talkative and sociable, quickly makes new acquaintances. The hostess turns out to be unimportant from her, in the morning she likes to sleep a little longer, and she will cook dinner only in case of emergency. She is sensitive and emotional, she chooses her husband for a long time, but her first marriage is short-lived. Bella is often childless or has only one son.

She is impatient, for her standing in line is worse than hard labor. This is the type business woman with good practice. Among them are many trade workers, teachers, economists. Fate does not spoil them, but they do not lose heart and cope with life's hardships. Bells do not achieve great success and are content with little.

Her family life with Artem, Nazar, Walter will be successful. Klim, Leonty, Naum, Ludwig will not bring happiness to Bella.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Bella is an ideal friend, devoted, ingenuous, not demanding the impossible from a man. She is witty, easy to communicate, naturally kept in any society. If he is truly carried away by a man, then everything is given to him, without a trace, he does not play a double game. In marriage, she is often unlucky - she either gets divorced or lives without love, out of a sense of duty. But she is almost never lonely, she finds a friend quickly, however, not everyone can agree on sexual relations. In Bella's life, sex is not the last place. She is sensual, curious, eager for new sensations.

Bella is well in control of herself, but in moments of intimacy she discards all conventions. Her strong character attracts passive and indecisive men. Bella tries to inspire them, protect them, "raise", she likes men who can be patronized,encourage. With her, any man grows in his own eyes, and this makes her especially attractive to him. Bella is usually pretty, she has the ability to bind a man to herself, but her heart is absolutely defenseless against male infidelity, cruelty, deceit, and Bellahave to suffer a lot. To some men, she seems harsh, but this is the wrong impression. Her kindness, cordiality and love of life are very conducive, a man feels especially comfortable with this woman. In sex, she is selfless, loves to command, butdoes it with her naturalness.

During love games she enjoys telling her partner about her feelings and encouraging him. Winning Bella's love is not as easy as it might seem, only a very smart man with strong character. She herself knows how to skillfully disguise her masculine mindset with ostentatious femininity.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name:"Beauty" (lat.). Often it is used as an abbreviated form of the name Isabella.

Energy name and character: The energy of the name Bell suggests a desire for balance, curiosity, thoughtfulness and at the same time very strong excitability. Isn't it a somewhat contradictory combination. However, you never know how sensitive and excitable people strive to be calm and balanced, another question is how well they succeed?

Most often, Bella really looks like a person who knows how to control herself, she is not very hasty, attentive, reasonable, it’s only a pity that this idyllic picture is often disturbed due to some trifle. No, she does not fall into hysterics, her behavior still shows unhurried smoothness, but behind this her growing discontent is already beginning to be felt, which, in addition to everything, is also distinguished by amazing stability. It should also be noted that Bella's considerable self-esteem, which, although not painful, is still capable of providing an enormous number of reasons for discontent.

However, excitability and sensitivity does not only apply to negative emotions, positive feelings are no less characteristic of Bella. She is very affectionate to people, responsive, knows how to remain faithful to her feelings. Moreover, it is excitability that determines her in-depth curiosity and breadth of interests. With this in mind, we can assume that Bella will have many friends and the same chance to fulfill herself in any profession. The only thing that can interfere with her is the desire for independence and some stubbornness.

Her life will turn out most favorably if she finds a place in her soul for a sense of humor. The fact is that she often sins with excessive seriousness and does not always understand jokes, but what, if not humor, can make life more sympathetic and joyful?

Communication secrets: If in a conversation with Bella you do not hurt her pride and do not provide reasons for dissatisfaction, then she can turn out to be a very interesting, and even sincere conversationalist. In general, she does not like swagger and prefers intelligent restraint in relationships.

The trace of a name in history:

Bella Akhmadulina

Bella Akhmadulina (b. 1937) is one of the most popular Russian poetesses, however, despite the fact that she was born in Moscow, in a family of employees, there is not so much Russian in her: on the one hand, among her ancestors are Italians who settled in Russia , on the other hand (by paternal line) are Tatars. Perhaps it is precisely this exotic combination of blood that the poetess owes her talent to?

The creative biography of Bella Akhmadulina began already at the age of seventeen - it was at this young age that her first poems were published and earned very controversial reviews from critics. Some said that her poems are "irrelevant" because they tell about banal things, such as love, romance and other costs of capitalism. However, despite such reviews, the aspiring poetess quickly gained popularity. She was printed, and her books were not stale on the shelves.

Bella Akhmadulina's poems are lyrical, original, and also deeply psychological. The author managed to create his own unique purely feminine inner world in which every object, every little thing can have an "unreasonably" great value. In her work, the theme of the so-called scientific technical progress when a person comprehends the appearance of such strange objects as a tape recorder or an airplane, and their relationship with old, familiar values: a table, a house, a candle.

The most famous books of Bella Akhmadulina are Snowstorm, String, Music Lessons, and for the book of poems Garden in 1989 she was awarded the USSR State Prize. The work of the poetess is appreciated not only here, but also abroad: since 1977, Bella Akhmadulina has been an honorary foreign member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

Bella or Bela in Latin means beautiful.

Name color is green.

He has a high intellect and a very developed intuition. She is looking for the meaning of life, studying its beautiful sides.

Unusually talented, she is distinguished by sharp observation and great impressionability.

Easy-going, contact, forgiving and talkative. It is subject to unexpected impulses and is able to surprise not only others, but also itself with a sudden change in mood and plans. Bella is very impressionable and she has a lively reaction to everything.

He takes life's difficulties lightly and never loses heart. True, she lacks patience and, if something does not work out right away, Bella, most likely, will refuse her plan without regrets.

Very practical and enterprising, has excellent business qualities.

Her impulsiveness and sensitivity are manifested not only as negative emotions; positive feelings are no less characteristic of Bella. She has a warm emotional relationship with close people, she is responsive, knows how to be faithful. Moreover, precisely because of her lively sensuality, she has a very wide range of interests. Therefore, Bella will have many friends and the same number of chances to fulfill herself in any profession. Only the desire for independence and some stubbornness can prevent her.

Her life will be all the more favorable, the more humor and ease she will perceive the environment. The fact is that she is often characterized by excessive seriousness, and she does not always understand jokes.

But if ambiguity is avoided in a conversation and her pride is spared, then Bella can turn out to be a very interesting, if not spiritual, interlocutor. In general, she does not like familiarity and prefers intelligent restraint in relationships.

She chooses her husband very carefully, but often the first marriage is not always successful. In the second marriage, very harmonious and strong relationships develop.

He chooses for himself the specialty of an architect, musician, singer, journalist, but often does not work in his chosen profession.

Perhaps he will find his happiness with Andrey, Anatoly, Viktor, Vladimir, Stepan, Fedor or Leonid.

Marriage with Igor, Konstantin, Maxim, Denis, Sergey, Boris or Oleg is likely to be unsuccessful.

If you have looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Bella.

What does the name Bella mean?

The name Bella means beautiful (lat.)

The meaning of the name Bella is character and destiny

A woman named Bella is sociable, loves new acquaintances, talkative, can talk on the phone for hours. She is smart and reasonable, although impulsive in her decisions. difficult problems. Amorous, kind, addicted nature. She lacks patience. Great importance a woman named Bella gives a career and a lot less - household. She cooks dinner without much pleasure, although she will do it admirably if necessary. She is witty, easy to communicate, naturally kept in any society. If she is truly carried away by a man, then she gives herself to him completely, without a trace, does not play a double game, does not try to gain her own worth. Bella chooses her husband for a long time, taking into account everything: his appearance, position in society, material wealth, sexual potency. However, the first marriage is often unsuccessful. A woman named Bella has a difficult character, she is stubborn, uncompromising, principled and demanding. Often, after the first divorce, Bella lives in a civil marriage for a long time, not daring to start a family again. However, Bella is a very sympathetic woman, she knows how to sympathize, empathize. She can stubbornly re-educate a man she really likes, endure his shortcomings, fight his addiction to alcohol until she realizes that it is useless. Bella often makes a great career. Bella does not have many children, more often a son is born. You can't call her a darling of fate. The life of a woman named Bella is not easy, but she is an optimist. Bella is sexy, but not always able to find a worthy partner. If this happens, he will never let him go of his own free will. The gap is violent, with scandals, intrigues, revenge.

The meaning of the name Bella for sex

In Bella's life, sex is not the last place. She is sensual, curious, eager for new sensations. Bella is well in control of herself, but in moments of intimacy she discards all conventions. She engages in sex selflessly, loves to command, it turns out for her naturally and unobtrusively. During love games, she enjoys telling her partner about her feelings and encouraging him. Winning the love of a woman named Bella is not as easy as it might seem, only a very smart man with a strong character can subdue her. She herself knows how to skillfully disguise her masculine mindset with ostentatious femininity.

The nature and fate of the name Bell, taking into account the patronymic

Bella's first name and patronymic....

Bella Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Tarasovna, Yurievna, Yakovlevna gentle, sensitive, attentive to others, ready to rush to help everyone. A woman named Bella is in dire need of love, she constantly feels the need to take care of someone, to patronize. Often becomes obsessive loved one, but she is acutely experiencing failures, easily vulnerable. A subtle psychologist, knows how to use her weakness, can seem fragile and defenseless, causing a desire to patronize her, and at the same time she is generous, knows how to understand, forgive, refuse a man she does not like, so as not to offend him.

Married twice, divorce occurs most often on sexual grounds. Bella is not easy to find a partner that meets her high demands. She needs affection loving friend.

Bella's first name and patronymic....

Bella Alexandrovna, Arkadievna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Kirillovna, Natanovna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Timofeevna, Fedorovna, Eduardovna good-natured and generous, but restrained in expressing feelings, afraid of disappointment. This is a theater girl who tries not to miss a single new performance, loves to attend concerts, exhibitions, presentations. He knows how to maintain a secular conversation, in any society he feels confident and likes to be in the spotlight. She skillfully manages the household, is hospitable, cooks well, but does this only in case of emergency. The wife chooses smart, cheerful. He does not tolerate boring, grouchy men. She is annoyed by their excessive scrupulousness, pettiness, importunity. Very jealous, can make a scene, loud scandal involving strangers in family relationships. It is difficult for such Bella to find a life partner, more often she is limited to short-term novels. The first marriage, as a rule, quickly breaks up.

Bella's first name and patronymic....

Bella Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna straightforward and emotional, but in the interests of the cause knows how to be diplomatic. A woman named Bella is very proud, does not love and does not know how to adapt to anyone. Therefore, she has been looking for a spouse for a long time, maybe she has been married several times. Her strong character attracts passive and indecisive people, but such men are not for her. Winning Bella's love is not easy, she is demanding, sometimes capricious.

Only a person with a stronger character, smart and decisive can subdue her. Bella is quite charming, feminine, but with a masculine character. Sex is of great importance to her, not every man can satisfy her needs. Jealous, does not forgive changes. In family relationships, her difficult nature is especially pronounced.

Bella's first name and patronymic....

Bella Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Emmanuilovna, Filippovna sensitive, romantic and friendly, talented. She has creative person. It has great success with men, they are attracted by her extraordinary charm. And Bella herself is in dire need of warm family relationships, she cannot be alone, so she marries early and, as a rule, unsuccessfully. In the second marriage, a woman named Bella is happier, because she tries not to make previous mistakes, she is more strict and careful in choosing a spouse. At home, she needs an atmosphere of peace, then she is able to establish strong family relationships.

Bella's first name and patronymic....

Bella Bogdanovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna has a strong male character. She is usually pretty, charming, diplomatic, knows how to manipulate men, play with their feelings. Surrounded by many fans, knows how to benefit from it. He likes to make the necessary acquaintances, influential connections. She loves to be in a society where she shines with wit, extraordinary thinking. Practical, smart. Men play a big role in her life, often intimate relationships with them are a way to achieve the goal. In choosing a spouse, a woman named Bella is careful and prudent. She doesn't get married for a long time. She chooses a husband who is middle-aged, with an established career, and wealthy. The material side of life is very important to her. And if Bella's sexual needs in marriage are not satisfied, she can have an affair on the side, again deriving some benefit from this. Usually has a son, whom he overprotects.


Women's Russian name Bella is a counterpart of the name form of foreign origin, but unlike it, it has Slavic roots and has a different significance, although it also promises the unique qualities of the girl named by him. It endows with excellent compatibility with many name forms and zodiac signs, and is able to influence fate ...

History and origin of the name

The origin of the name Bella, which we are talking about, is purely Slavic, but there are also counterparts in other cultures, in particular, in Western and European. Depending on the culture, its meaning varies...

As for the purely Slavic version, here this name is interpreted as “white”, “light”, “clean”. It is considered a related form of such names as Belyanitsa, Snow White, Belyan, Beloslava. It was first mentioned among the so-called South Slavs in 870. Later it appeared in everyday life among the Serbs.

There are several other variations of its spelling. The main similar variation is written with one “L” and in Hungary it is a name form of male content.

It is known that this name gives a newborn girl a unique character with rare features, but dependent on the impact of various symbols.

The meaning of the name Bella

The Russian-language version of this name comes from the words "white" and "light", and is considered purely Slavic. For a long time, researchers were divided into several teams regarding opinions about the meaning of the name Bella, but when they figured out the origin, they came to a single version, saying that the main identifying character traits of a girl called so are such as curiosity, energy, sensitivity, poise.

As a child, he demonstrates incredible kindness of soul and pure sincerity. She easily gets along with children, communicates with peers at the first opportunity, is always busy with something, efficient and energetic. But you can’t call her spoiled - she is obedient and obeys her parents, respects her parents’ opinion, and even reacts extremely positively to punishments. She is ready to endlessly sacrifice her own inventions and ideas for the sake of achieving the goals of other children, considers the main goal to be to help those in need. But this is also a minus - she is sociable and popular among friends, but such sacrifices lead to accumulation a large number unfulfilled dreams, which she regrets and as a result falls into depression. Her mother and father need to correct this situation in early age, otherwise in the future it will constantly bring her a lot of suffering and trouble.

At school, this girl has fewer troubles. She is executive, obligatory and does any business slowly, so as not to make a mistake and not screw up. She is not late anywhere, has such a trait as punctuality, attentive and very responsible. Any business that he undertakes, he completes to the end, does not quit what he started halfway and always achieves his goal. The only thing she lacks is perseverance and assertiveness, leadership inclinations. She is even afraid to express her opinion about someone directly in person, even in cases where this is necessary. Not arrogant, not proud, but knows her own worth and will not allow herself to be humiliated. This name gives a newborn child insight that no one else has.

Bella's adult life is full of communication and new acquaintances. She gladly makes contact, is ready to communicate with everyone without exception, is pleasant and will never be rude to a person for no reason, and even tries to restrain herself with a reason. The only time she cannot restrain herself is when proving her rightness in any matter, in which she is one hundred percent sure of her personal rightness. But in work, everything is super at all - diligence and dedication will not allow her to stay at the bottom career ladder. He will definitely rise up and take a leadership position, while achieving success solely on his own, not by self-interest, not by deceit, and in no case by betrayal. And money doesn't make sense to her. career development, but only a side effect - the main goal in self-realization.

Many female names obviously carry certain characteristics, such is the meaning of the name Bella. The most popular interpretation says that this word, translated from Latin, means “the most beautiful”, “beautiful”.

There is an opinion that such an explanation is only a “folk etymology”, however, in the Italian language, the “heir” of Latin, there is the word bella - “beautiful”, which confirms such an origin. According to another version, originally the name Bella (Bella) was only an abbreviation for other names - Arabella, Isabella, Clarabella and Gabriella.

Now it is an independent full name, which is no longer a diminutive form of other female names. In addition, he has "relatives" of a different nationality - for example, the English Belinda.

There is another option where the meaning of the name Bella came from. Folk etymology connects its origin with Slavic roots and refers to the word "white" in the meaning of "light". But professional linguists do not support this version. Mainly because they do not find confirmation of this in Slavic written sources, but there is another, albeit very similar name - Bela; and the spelling of a double "l" for Slavic words is atypical.

Half a century ago, naming a girl in this way was considered a very extraordinary act, but now, in connection with the processes of globalization - including cultural - this seems to be quite a common occurrence. You just need to make sure that the name goes well with the patronymic and surname: for example, Bella Leonidovna sounds much more organic than Bella Ivanovna.

What other points should the girl's parents pay attention to before calling her Bella? Of course, the following:

  • How will the name affect the character of the baby, and then the adult woman?
  • How will her relationships develop with people?
  • What kind professional areas would be a priority for her?
  • How happy will Bella be in family life?

Talent Cut

The name Bella endows its owner with activity and impulsiveness.. In Bella's childhood, things often run ahead of thinking about what and how should be done. For the parents of the baby, this will present a certain difficulty, which, however, cannot be quickly corrected: patience and daily educational work are needed.

But such behavior fully compensates for the active, cheerful character and good health. She does not want to sit still, but she loves it very much when her parents play outdoor games with her or are busy with other activities. active rest: rollerblading or skating, outings into nature and so on. In adolescence, Bella's active nature and hormonal surge can lead to the fact that she wants to choose for herself even extreme and traumatic sports that are not very common for girls.

The desire to move a lot, which gives her bearer the name Bella, can become a serious obstacle for her on the way to good school performance. It is difficult for her to concentrate, sitting in one place, and if the girl does not get a good physical activity(sports, dancing), she may have big problems with her studies.

Very often, Bella is gifted creatively - it can be musical, artistic or poetic abilities: a very striking example here is the famous poetess Bella Akhmadulina. But in order to develop these abilities, you need to do a lot with Bellochka - it is difficult for her to plan and complete tasks herself, since her restless nature interferes with this. And therefore, the creative lessons of little Bella need constant monitoring.

If parents do not deal with little Bella, constantly educate her character and teach her to work on herself, in the future it can be quite difficult for a woman in adulthood. Another motive for improving a girl's performance in high school and in college may be the realization that professionals are paid more. This may encourage Bella to gain knowledge in order to earn more money with less effort in the future.

stability and freedom

Bella's impulsiveness and temperament persist into adulthood, while she can quite sharply express to others everything that she thinks about them. Therefore, Bella has very few friends - both in childhood and in adulthood. But this does not upset her, she loves to be in the company of a smart and pleasant person - her own.

More important to Bella than relationships with others is the ability to win in the competition. It doesn't matter if it's a promotion or successful marriage, but the girl definitely needs to feel her superiority over others. As a rule, such a fighting character helps her to settle well in life and not worry about her material side.

What does the name Bella mean for business? Here the woman is playing for broke: either hit or miss - there is no third way for her. Most often, she wins, but those who conduct joint business or financial affairs with her should remember: no verbal agreements, only documented positions of the parties. Because otherwise, an enterprising woman may try to change the rules as the game progresses in order to get her winnings.

Name researchers believe that Bella's fate will turn out well if she correctly determines life priorities for herself. As a field of activity, she can choose creative professions or a business related to art. The main thing is not to put the thrill of competition above human values.

New sensations are of great importance for Bella, she constantly needs fresh romantic impressions. At the same time, it is important for a woman to achieve stability in both family and professional affairs - she needs a strong rear. The fate of her marriage will depend on whether the spouse agrees to give Bella a certain degree of freedom, because in no case should she feel like a bird in a cage in family life. Author: Olga Inozemtseva