How does an air purifier work. Air purifier for home: principle of operation and functions, types, selection criteria. If a person with asthma or allergies lives in the apartment, some special measures are needed.

Returning home from a vacation that you spent in the immediate vicinity of a pine forest or high mountain ranges, you can be horrified by the environmental situation that has already become familiar. Too much contrast! However, in our time, all problems can be solved, and even this one. The lack of clean air enriched with useful oxygen in a modern metropolis can be dealt with by installing an air purifier. Given the relevance of this household appliance and the variety of positions on the market, it is advisable to know how to choose the right air purifier.

Principle of operation

The living space of a person and the place of his work is saturated with a variety of equipment and electronic equipment. Such a neighborhood is considered extremely undesirable due to pathological radiation and absorption from the air by the equipment of anions useful to the human body - negative ions. Such an anion deficiency provokes a feeling of stuffiness in the building.

If we add a bad ecological situation and the factor of static electricity accumulating in space, then it is not difficult to explain the pathologically sleepy state of health. In this case, air purifiers come to the rescue, which are able to effectively remove pathogenic bacteria, dust, waste products dissolved in the air from the living space.

The principle of operation of an air purifier is quite simple. Structurally, the device consists of a set of filters of various degrees of purification and a fan that draws in air, which is subjected to cleaning. Today, well-known manufacturers offer fans of their equipment models with a multi-stage cleaning system.

Household air purifiers are designed with anti-allergic filters that can capture up to 99.9% of carcinogenic particles and allergens, to which some people react sharply. Charcoal filters prevent bad odors and toxins from living in the apartment space. The air purifier is equipped with an air ionizer, which is able to produce ions that give freshness to the air.

Air cleaner functions

An important feature of a modern air purifier is the option of air humidification. The built-in plastic discs perform the function of "cold self-regulating evaporation". And replaceable filters for such air humidification are not required.

The latest modifications of air purifiers are rightfully called the best air purifiers, full-fledged climatic complexes, because they implement a three-stage system for cleaning, humidifying, and also aromatizing the air.

The procedure for preparing air in the climatic complex begins with passing it through an anti-allergic filter, then through an evaporator, which has antibacterial impregnation in its composition. The air flow at the next stage passes through a carbon filter and air aromatization systems with essential oil. Ready for perception and purified by 99.9%, the air passes through the ionizer to achieve a tonic and preventive effect.

Cleaner Selection Criteria

A large number of climatic equipment is presented on the domestic market, so not every buyer will immediately be able to understand which air purifier to choose for the home. In order not to be left with the problem of choosing a device one on one, it is worth learning about all the advantages and disadvantages of using different devices.

Room area

Each air purifier is designed for a certain footage of the room, so first you need to decide on the size of the room. Ask yourself a simple question: “Do you plan to buy an air purifier in every room or can you carry it with you?”.

If you want to purchase a separate air purifier for each room, then you should choose the device, guided by the following: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room acts as the service area of ​​the air purifier.

If you plan to move the device from one room to another, then you should focus on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe largest room in your home or office. The best air purifier in this case should be designed for a large area, otherwise its power will not be enough for high-quality air purification.

If the room is very small, then you can choose a car air purifier. In this way, you can clean the air in the car and at home with one device.

Dust in the room

Before buying an air purifier, it is worth determining what problems you need to solve with it, since its price depends on it. If there is a lot of dust in the room, then give preference to:

  1. Purifier with plasma filters. Such filters are able to attract dust to themselves with the help of an electric charge, and are also easy to wash, so you should not constantly buy replacement filters. But if there is too much dust, then the device will not be able to cope with it, since electrostatic cleaners remove only 90% of the dust.
  2. Purifier with HEPA filter. Such a filter is easy to care for: you need to vacuum it once a month and change it at least once a year, depending on the degree of air pollution. The unit is the most effective dust remover, because it forms a continuous barrier on the way of moving air, and even a microscopic bacterium or dust particle cannot fly past and lingers in the pores of the filter. When a high level of dust removal is needed, a HEPA filter machine is considered the best air purifier for the home.
  3. Cleaner-ionizer. This unit deposits the dust that flies in the room onto horizontal surfaces, thereby purifying the air. Such devices do not collect dust inside the case, so you do not have to rinse and change filters. Ionizers are suitable for those who want to avoid the additional cost of maintaining a cleaner and are ready to frequently remove dust from surfaces with a rag or vacuum cleaner.

allergic reactions

The main problem lies in the fact that the smallest dust particles invisible to the eye can cause sneezing attacks, allergic rhinitis and redness of the eyes in allergy sufferers. The choice should be given in favor of:

  1. Air cleaner with HEPA filters. This device removes the smallest dust particles from the air, and the cleaning efficiency is about 99.9%. For the prevention of allergies, the best remedy has not yet been invented.
  2. Air cleaner with electrostatic filters. Such devices are less efficient, because dust is attracted to the plates solely due to electric charges, and the plates are located at some distance from each other, that is, some dust particles fly past. The cleaning efficiency is only 81-90%.
  3. Air washers. These devices drive air through the sprayed suspension of water and purify it. Water washes away the smallest particles of pollutants. The most effective are air washers with a preliminary ionization procedure, since charged dust is better able to attract to the drum plates. In this case, the cleaning efficiency increases to 95%.
  4. Humidifiers. They humidify the air using an evaporative filter placed in water or water sprayed inside the appliance itself. Cleaning also occurs through water suspension. However, the quality of such purification is below 90%.

Dust mites and smoke

Before choosing an air purifier, it is worth remembering that allergies are provoked not only by dust, but also by fungus, mold and dust mites that are in it, as well as tobacco smoke. By destroying such small inhabitants, you can eliminate the cause of the allergy. Ozonizers and photocatalytic air purifiers will help to cope with mold and dust mites, the functions of which are complemented by the presence of a filter that removes the dust itself.

  1. Air purifiers-ozonizers. Ozone is able to decompose toxic substances and smoke into water and harmless carbon dioxide, kill microbes and microorganisms due to powerful oxidizing properties. But remember that such devices can only be used when there are no people in the room.
  2. Photocatalytic air cleaners. Ionizers are able to purify and disinfect the air due to the interaction of a catalyst and UV light, destroy microbes, decompose chemical compounds and toxic smoke elements. It is better to purchase an ionizer with an electrostatic filter, because it is easier to wash it from the deposited nicotine tar.

Odors and disinfection

Air purifiers are able to purify the air in the room from automotive and industrial emissions from the window, various kitchen odors, “aromas” of rot, burning, office equipment, finishing materials and pets, as well as disinfect the air, which is especially important during epidemics of viral diseases.

  1. Photocatalytic air cleaners. They can decompose any odors in the presence of people, disinfect and disinfect the air using ultraviolet radiation and photocatalysis, in which most viruses, microbes and bacteria die.
  2. Air purifiers-ozonizers. These devices are responsible for the oxidation and breakdown of any chemical and organic components in the air, including odors. In standard mode, such devices are able to disinfect the air using ionization. In addition, in small doses, ozone is very beneficial for health and acts as a natural immune stimulant.
  3. Air purifiers with carbon filters. Odor molecules on the surface of coal granules are adsorbed in micropores, but the efficiency of a carbon filter is several times lower than a photocatalytic one.

Frequency of use

It is optimal that the air purifier always works, and the air in the room is constantly clean and has high quality indicators necessary for the health of residents. If you plan to clean the air around the clock, and the issue of saving remains relevant for you, you should give your choice in favor of an air purifier with low energy consumption.

If periodic use of an air purifier is optimal for you, then humidifiers and air washers are unlikely to suit you, because they cannot be left idle for a long time with water flooded, as it can turn sour. But if you are determined and ready to drain water from the device every time, disassemble it and dry the parts, then buying such devices should not scare you.

Purifier Care

Answer honestly to yourself how much time you plan to devote to your little helper in order to understand which air purifier to choose. The device cleans the air for you, but you must also clean it regularly, otherwise the device will not be able to work and simply break.

If you are determined to go to the air purifier often, you should choose a purifier-humidifier or air washer - they should change the water every 3 days and add it as needed.

If it is easy for the buyer to take care of his purifier once a week, then an electrostatic air purifier is ideal for you. Approximately once a week it is necessary to wash the electrostatic plates in it.

If you want to spend a minimum of effort on cleaning and remember to clean the device once a month, then it is recommended to choose an ionizer cleaner, an ozone cleaner, a photocatalytic cleaner or a cleaner with replaceable HEPA filters. It is enough to vacuum these devices once a month.

Purifier filters

Decide for yourself whether you are ready to spend money on the maintenance of the selected air purifier model, or whether you want to spend a minimum of money in the future to maintain clean air in the room.

If you are not afraid of additional costs, feel free to buy air cleaners with filters, because they guarantee the highest level of air purification, because there are several stages of air purification in any case. If additional costs are burdensome for you, then you should choose filterless air purifiers: ionizer purifiers, ozone purifiers, plasma and photocatalytic models, as well as air washers.

If you choose a purifier with replaceable filters, be sure to check that it supports the ionization function. The air that passes through any filter loses its natural charge, it is not safe for a person to be in such a space, because inhaling such air provokes various diseases.


To determine which air purifier is best for you, decide where you will place it in your home so that it blends in better with your decor. On sale there are models that must be placed at a height of 1.8 meters from the floor level, there are floor-standing options, wall-mounted devices or air cleaners with a plug in the housing that are inserted directly into the outlet. Many devices effectively clean the air when mounted at a certain distance from the walls, usually you need to maintain a distance of 10-50 centimeters.

It is worth deciding how many fan speeds you need. Is it important to have intensive or background air purification and noise reduction at night? Maybe you need your assistant to have as many features as possible - air pollution sensors, a timer for measuring the level of humidity and for automatic cleaning in some modes, a hygrometer, night lighting, an option to decontaminate the air in the absence of people.

All additional "bells and whistles" certainly cost extra money, so you need to decide in advance whether you really need them, or you will only use them at first after the purchase, or you will generally get confused in a large number of modes and buttons. Therefore, decide immediately so as not to regret later on a rash act.

Think about whether you sleep soundly at night, or whether you are constantly disturbed by extraneous noises. If this question is unimportant for you, you can skip this paragraph, if not, then you should choose an air purifier that works at night with a reduced noise level, or give preference to silent air purifiers - ionizers or photocatalytic air purifiers, devices without a fan or models with possibility of shutdown.


Today, the market offers customers a wide selection of air purifiers. To make a useful purchase, having familiarized yourself with the functionality of the devices, you should pay attention to the manufacturers of this equipment. The most widely used cleaners of the following companies: Daikin, Electrolux, Venta and Boneco. The cost of most models ranges from 60 to 250 dollars, depending on performance, service functions and degree of cleaning.

To date, the best of the air purifiers are the devices of the Japanese company Daikin. Their leadership among other products is due to the fact that these devices are endowed with the ability to purify the air from any pollution. Moreover, such devices are made using special technologies and are suitable for people who have very severe allergies. Daikin is known as the largest manufacturer of industrial and domestic air conditioners.

Venta is a global manufacturer of household appliances for air purification and humidification. In a short time, the Venta's patented air purification system has been able to take a leading share in the list of ten best-selling air purifiers. Air washers are successfully sold in Northern, Western and Eastern Europe, as well as in China, Japan and Korea.

Electrolux air washers combine mild air humidification with a unique method of air purification from dust, pollen, harmful spores and dust mites. These air purifiers have a humidification procedure that is as close to the natural process as possible, it is not only effective, but also beneficial. Electrolux air washers have an ionizing silver rod that disinfects the air and destroys more than 650 different bacteria and viruses.

Boneco air purifiers are highly efficient and ergonomic devices with an anti-allergic HEPA filter that traps up to 99.95% of polluting microparticles, which have a size of up to 0.3 microns. The carbon filter eliminates tobacco smoke, chemical compounds, formaldehyde and harmful gases such as carbon monoxide. Boneco air purifiers have the popular air ionization option.

Now you know how to choose an air purifier for your home or workplace. Having found out for yourself all the important parameters of the air cleaner, and writing them down on paper, you can safely go to a specialized store and choose the best model that combines all your wishes. Happy shopping and clean air!

A good air purifier is a useful purchase for a home where allergy sufferers, children, and the elderly live. It is very important to choose a device that will last for many years, be effective and comfortable to use.

Criteria for choosing a good air purifier

Maximum air exchange

It is known that with effective operation, the device must pass through itself the air in the room 2-3 times in 1 hour. Therefore, calculate the volume of the room (in cubic meters) and multiply this number by three, and then compare the result with the parameters of different air purifiers.

Used filters

There are several types of filters: electrostatic, ozonating, photocatalytic, water, carbon, HEPA filters. Each has its pros and cons. Qualitative models are characterized by the presence of several filters at once, i.e. multi-stage cleaning.

Ease of maintenance

You need to take into account 2 points:

  • the time you are willing to spend caring for the device. If an electrostatic filter requires washing no more than once a week, and a photocatalytic filter - once every six months, then air washers need daily attention (change and addition of water);
  • the presence of replaceable blocks in the design, the cost and frequency of their replacement.

Additional functions

These are indicators, displays, backlights, timers, aromatization, UV lamps, etc. The most important of the "bonus" features, which is worth paying for, is the possibility of controlled humidification.

Air purifiers-humidifiers

Air wash

Washers both humidify and purify the air from dust and other contaminants. An important advantage of these devices is that they do not need to buy consumables. Humidification and air purification is carried out without the use of replaceable filters.
For cleaning, the air is driven either through a system of discs moistened with water, or through a water curtain forced by a fan.
This is another advantage of air washes - the water evaporates naturally, and the humidity in the room cannot rise above a comfortable 60%. The disadvantages of these devices include noise and decent dimensions.

Climatic complexes for air purification and humidification

Multifunctional devices that combine three separate devices in a single housing: a full-fledged air purifier, a humidifier with traditional "cold" evaporation and an ionizer.

Advantages of climatic complexes:

  • The presence of an intelligent control system for air quality and relative humidity, which allows you to use the device in automatic mode;
  • High degree of air purification with or without humidification (unlike classic air washer).


  • The need for periodic replacement of "dry" and (or) humidifying filters.

Any adult and educated person knows that the air in the city is not only far from natural purity, but sometimes dangerous to health. And in order to protect ourselves from it at least at home, we use special equipment. How not to get lost in the variety of gadgets and choose the best air purifier? Let's consider everything in order.

Clean air in the house can be attributed to the basic physiological needs. And if you don't live in a clean suburb, or at least near a park, then you most likely need an air purifier. Modern manufacturers create and modify such devices in large numbers, adding the necessary (or not?) functions of ultrasound, ionization, humidification, and so on, ad infinitum, changing the shape, size and number of filters, thus completely confusing the buyer. Let's see what air purifiers currently exist and what they are for.

There are no less myths in the field of air purification now than in show business 🙂 But for the most part, all air purifiers consist of a fan that drives this same air through a gadget, and a filter system. And it is in the latter that all the differences begin. To begin with, we divide all cleaning systems into two types:

  • water;
  • dry.

An air purifier for an apartment is most often tried to be combined with a humidifier, which has already created some confusion between these devices. However, an ordinary humidifier does not purify the air, but only fills it with moisture, and of such devices, only an air washer can carry the proud title of “air purifier”. An air purifier for this type of home actually “washes” the air by forcing it through a water curtain. At the same time, under the action of water, airborne dust and other small pollutants settle on the washing discs. Cleaning the air with the help of washing occurs along with humidification, which adds to the popularity of these gadgets. All air washers operate on the same principle and differ in size, fan power and additional functions. Most often, air disinfection is introduced into the sink. In addition to the desire to introduce as many functions attractive to the buyer as possible, in this case, manufacturers are also guided by the principle of compensation - the fact is that the humid environment formed in sinks is very favorable for the growth of bacteria, harmful microorganisms and fungi, and the sink must be constantly looked after and cleaned it so that unexpected guests do not settle in the device.
Therefore, such an air purification system is often supplemented with a UV lamp for safety. How safe this technology is, we have already said in another.
In addition, the sinks themselves work quite sedately and calmly, you should not expect quick cleaning of the room, removal of odors and the smallest particles of pollutants and allergens from them.

Model Description pros Minuses Price
Venta LW25 Suitable for rooms up to 40 sq. meters. The sink works without replaceable filters, the entire cleaning system is washable. For work, you can use ordinary water, the tank for which is 7 liters, as well as flavored additives. Protection against bacteria is provided by the Venta-Hygienemittel system. No consumables required.
Does not leave limescale on furniture.
Easy care.
Auto shut off without water.
Possibility to connect a humidity level sensor.
High noise level at maximum speed. From 23 000 R
Winia AWI-40 The Korean sink can also serve up to 40 square meters and has a 7 liter tank. Its features include the function of automatically maintaining the humidity level, five operating modes, 3D discs with an antibacterial coating. The sink also has an ionization function, implemented through replaceable ionizing filters. Ease of maintenance.
Humidity level control.
Antibacterial coated discs.
High efficiency humidification.
Replaceable ionizing filters.
High noise level.
Inaccurate gyrostat.
Difficult to find in stores.
From 15 000 R
Boneco W2055DR Simple air washing, designed for rooms up to 50 sq. meters and 7 liters of water. It is possible to track the current humidity level and set the desired one. You can use flavors, there is an ionizing rod, which can also protect against bacteria, which, in our opinion, is very doubtful. Two speeds of work.
Electronic hygrometer.
Automatic maintenance of the humidity level.
Indication of the level of contamination of the device.
Weak antibacterial protection.
Large dimensions.
Pretty laborious cleaning.
From 25 000 R

If we talk about cleaning the air from dust, allergens and odors without the participation of water, then the choice of gadgets becomes many times larger. The devices differ in size, performance, design, and most importantly, which filters for air purification are inside and how many of them. But for the most part, all devices of this type have high power and can quickly clean the air in the room. The device of dry cleaning systems includes a more powerful fan that draws air from the room with force and drives it through the filtration system. Basically, in such systems there are such types of filters:

  • Coarse air filter. It is usually a mesh or porous material that is able to trap large contaminants, such as dust balls or animal hair.
  • Fine filters. They usually look like fabric or paper material folded like an accordion. The filter material has many pores, which are superimposed on each other due to an unusual fold, forming a fine-meshed non-linear sieve. Such filters trap dust particles and most of the allergens.
  • HEPA filters. Today, such filters are the most effective for air purification. They trap even the smallest and most dangerous pollutant particles, such as PM2.5, tiny allergens such as dust mite secretions, and so on. Given all this, a HEPA air filter in the apartment is necessary; without it, the entire cleaning system will be incomplete. We have already described in detail the technology of their work in this article.
  • AK filter, it is also an adsorption-catalytic filter. If, in addition to dust, allergens and harmful particles, you want to protect yourself from unpleasant odors, then the air purification system in the apartment must necessarily include such a filter. Inside the filter there is a special material that literally “draws” gas molecules into itself and securely locks them inside. Some manufacturers make variations of the AK filter, such as standard and enhanced, if the odor sources are very strong or too close to the room. The same functions are performed by carbon and photocatalytic filters.

The best air purifier for an apartment, of course, will contain both filters to clean the air from dust, as well as protection from allergens, harmful particles and unpleasant odors. Most often, the disadvantages of such devices are energy consumption and noise level. In fact, a high-quality air purifier consumes no more energy than other household appliances (and often many times less than them), and the noise that the gadget creates is aerodynamic, caused by the passage of air through the filter system. However, with the help of new technologies and materials, some models got rid of this noise and now they work so quietly that sometimes questions arise whether the device is turned on at all 🙂

Who is in what much: additional features in air purifiers

When choosing which air purifier is best for the home, people usually pay attention not only to the number of filters, but also to additional features. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Function Purpose Principle of operation
Ionization Saturation of the air with useful, according to the manufacturer, negatively and positively charged ions. Ionization is a rather discussed process, and there is no single authoritative opinion on it now. Someone says that ions are practically a panacea, someone calls them dangerous for humans. We examined this process in detail in another, and given all the features and possible side effects, it is best to use a separate gadget with an adjustable lifespan for ionization.
Aromatization Filling the air with pleasant aromas through the use of aromatic liquids. Aromatization works on the principle of an air freshener, spraying a concentrated fragrance in liquid or gaseous form in the room. How rational it is to add aromatization to the air purifier is an open question, since the filter for air purification in an apartment often includes odor removal, which means that the air purifier will eliminate the work of the aromatizer itself.
Moisturizing Saturation of air with water vapor. Humidification is one of the most popular additional features in air purifiers. On the one hand, air humidity is very important for the normal functioning of the human body, and it is necessary to maintain it normally, on the other hand, it is short-sighted to create a humid environment near the purifier filters, since it is there that all harmful microorganisms gather, which, when a suitable environment is created, can begin to actively multiply and actually turn the purifier into a source of infection.

Air disinfection is most often confused with air purification. It represents the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, and, perhaps, this function should be considered separately. Air disinfection is most relevant in the field of medicine, but it can also be very useful in everyday life. Even the highest quality home air filter can capture harmful microorganisms, but does not destroy them. In modern air cleaners, two methods of air disinfection are most often used:

  • Photocatalytic filter with UV lamp. Photocatalysis and UV radiation have been used together for a long time, allowing you to solve two problems at once - unpleasant odors and the destruction of microorganisms. Unfortunately, the age of this technology has also become its main problem - now many viruses and bacteria are already resistant to UV radiation, and such radiation itself is not always safe for humans. We have already considered UV lamps and their scope in detail in another article, now it makes no sense to retell the whole history of this issue. If you are using an air purifier with a UV lamp, follow the instructions for use carefully.
  • inactivation of microorganisms. Modern technology that deprives all pathogens of the ability to reproduce, inactivating them with ozone produced inside the device. Thus, the purifier and air decontaminator complement each other: HEPA filters trap pests, and the decontamination system immediately inactivates them, leaving the air purifier itself sterile. At the same time, filters are provided for the decomposition of the ozone created in the device, so that additional ozonation does not occur in the room. Now inactivation is implemented only in a few models, for example, in the air Tion, but we believe that the future belongs to this technology and soon it will be used to protect your health in every home.

Also, if we talk about multifunctional gadgets with air purification, we cannot fail to mention. These devices provide a constant supply of fresh air with closed windows, cleaning it in three levels of filtration - protection from coarse dust, thorough cleaning of the smallest harmful particles and allergens with a HEPA filter of at least H11 class, retention of molecules of harmful gases and unpleasant odors. In addition, the breather heats the air to the selected temperature and automatically maintains it. The most advanced models are connected to the MagicAir smart microclimate system and automatically regulate the supply of fresh air in the house. In addition, there are models with a recirculation mode, in which there is a quiet cleaning and heating of the air that is already in the room, that is, one device immediately performs the functions

In the conditions of modern urban life, with its noise, constant stress and poor ecology, reurbanization - a massive outflow of population from a stuffy city to the countryside - is becoming a fixed idea for many people. How often do you want to drop everything and leave the city, where the air is clean and fresh, and you can leave your footprints on the sea sand in the morning or walk barefoot in the morning dew.

When the usual way of life does not allow you to replace urban amenities with the asceticism of rural life, you can move to a calm and cozy suburb. Modern suburban areas combine the usual urban comfort with the silence of a sunny summer morning, the freshness of forest air and the sonorous crunch of freshly fallen snow.

If the desired move is still only a dream, you should not deny yourself the luxury of breathing air without harmful impurities. A modern air purifier will help to make a small Garden of Eden out of your apartment.

We hope that this article and the information contained in it will help you make an informed and correct choice. We wish you success with the repair and arrangement of your home! We will be grateful for the likes in social networks, and of course subscribe - there will be many more interesting things.

More and more people living in megacities or even in medium-sized cities are increasingly thinking about how to clean the air in an apartment from substances harmful to humans that can cause various diseases or allergic reactions. This problem can be solved by using one of the types of air purifiers, which today are plentiful in specialized stores, for every taste and budget.

Which air purifier to choose for an apartment - such a question arises among all consumers who decide to purchase this useful, and sometimes simply vital device. Air purifiers are usually sold in specialized stores that sell climate equipment, and there is such a wide range that it is easy to get confused when choosing the right model. Therefore, before you go shopping, you should understand all the advantages and disadvantages of devices that clean the air in different ways.

The main types of cleaners and their purpose

There are various types of air purifiers on the market that use different principles of operation, and each of them is able to solve certain problems of air pollution better than others. The most important component in the design of air purifiers is the filter - it is on it that the quality of cleaning the respiratory environment surrounding a person depends. Having an idea about the characteristics of filters and their capabilities, it will be easier to decide which one is more suitable for a particular case.

Instruments with plasma (electrostatic) filters

Devices that clean the air using a plasma filter, in which an electrostatic field is created that attracts dust, have proven themselves well among consumers. Metal plates that act as a filter of this type are easily washed, so they do not need to be replaced - this factor is also quite attractive to users.

The principle of operation of "cold plasma" - electrostatic air filtration

However, electrostatic devices are designed to remove a certain amount of dust from the air, which is 85 ÷ 90%, and if it is too much, then they may simply not be able to cope with it completely. Therefore, if better cleaning of the air masses of the apartment is required, for example, if allergy sufferers or people with asthma live in it, you should choose a device that includes several degrees of purification.

Devices - air ionizers

Ionizers are a complex consisting of several elements that carry out cleaning by different methods, so it is able to free air masses from various harmful impurities.

Air purification by this device is carried out in several stages:

  • A powerful fan installed inside the device draws in polluted air masses.
  • Further, the air is pre-cleaned using a coarse foam filter, which traps large dust particles.
  • Then, in the air entering the photocatalyst filter, chemical and toxic substances are destroyed, and unpleasant odors are eliminated.

  • A bactericidal ultraviolet lamp disinfects the air.
  • Further, the plates, in which an electrostatic field is created, trap smaller, airborne dust particles.
  • Then negative ions generated in a special device are fed into the air stream.
  • At the last stage of the process, the disinfected and dust-free air is supplied to the room through the outlet grille of the device.

The advantage of air purifiers of this class is that they do not collect dust inside themselves, so its filter does not have to be changed, which will help to avoid significant maintenance costs for the device. It will be enough to periodically wash the metal plates and vacuum the pre-filter. However, using this type of air purifier, it is necessary to carry out wet or dry cleaning in the apartment as often as possible, removing dust from the surfaces that settle on them.

Instruments with HEPA filters

If high-quality air purification from dust is required, then devices with HEPA filters are the best option. The HEPA filter module itself (from the English “High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance”, that is, literally “highly efficient particle retention”) is a special configuration of a fibrous material folded into an “accordion”, with gaps between the fibers not exceeding a few microns.

A fan installed inside the device draws in air masses, which, passing through a HEPA filter, are completely cleaned even of microscopic dust particles, bacteria in it, as well as pollen from various plants by almost 100%. Therefore, this type of air purifier is perfect for apartments where people with a predisposition to allergic reactions live.

The device is freed from accumulated dust with a vacuum cleaner once a month, and the filter module is usually replaced once or twice a year, depending on its clogging and the quality of air purification.

Photocatalyst cleaners

Photocatalytic air purifiers, like the HEPA filter, include several stages of cleaning, therefore they are able to cope not only with dust particles of various sizes in the air, but also with dust mites and mold and fungus spores. But it is these factors that are one of the main reasons for the manifestation of allergies in various forms.

This type of air purifier necessarily has a catalyst and an ultraviolet radiation lamp in its design, but, in addition, the device can be supplemented with an ion generator, plates that create an electrostatic field or a carbon filter.

Contaminated air enters the instrument housing through the dust pre-filter installed at the inlet, and most of the large dust particles, as well as animal hair, are trapped in it.

Next, it enters a chamber where two factors interact - a catalyst and ultraviolet light emanating from a lamp, as a result of which a photocatalysis process occurs, in which toxic pollutants in the air decompose into harmless substances such as oxygen, water and carbon dioxide. . Thus, there is practically no dust sediment inside the device, so it does not require frequent filter replacement.

The air purifier, whose work is based on photocatalysis, is able to cope with the following negative factors:

  • Phenol and formaldehyde fumes from the building materials used to make furniture, such as chipboard or fiberboard.
  • Exhaust gas entering the apartment through gaps in window openings if the house is located near busy highways.
  • Carbon monoxide and soot, which can appear in the air when burning a fireplace or stove.
  • Tobacco smoke and persistent tobacco smell.
  • Dust containing various harmful microorganisms - viruses and bacteria.
  • Allergens of plant, domestic or animal origin.
  • Toxic organic compounds that can come from solutions and powders of household chemicals.

Thus, photocatalysis can be called one of the most effective ways to purify air from pollution. In addition, a device of this class usually consumes a small amount of electricity, is environmentally friendly and safe, requiring minimal maintenance - cleaning with a vacuum cleaner once every six months.

The disadvantage of this air purifier can be called excessive cleaning of air masses, that is, not only from harmful microorganisms, but also from neutral ones, since it is not able to distinguish between them. This factor can negatively affect the immunity of the child, so you should not get carried away with excessive cleaning of the rooms where children live.

Air cleaner - ozonator

An ozonizer is a device that purifies the air by releasing a small amount of ozone. Ozone is a gas derived from ordinary oxygen, which is destructive to all living things in high concentrations, which is why it is used to destroy microbes and disinfect premises. The gas arises as a result of the action of an electrical discharge on oxygen, splitting it into atoms - this process is familiar to everyone, since it occurs naturally during a thunderstorm, and after it a characteristic ozone smell appears on the street.

The principle of operation of the device, in principle, is based on the natural phenomenon of the collision of oxygen in the air with an electric current, which occurs artificially in the ozonizer, resulting in the formation of ozone.

air purifier

There are different schemes of ozonizers, which may differ from each other in some details, but each of the devices also has elements that are integral to them - these are ozone generators (they can also differ in design), a mains voltage converter to high voltage and a fan.

This device is quite popular for home use, as it can create a number of positive effects:

  • Disinfection of air masses in a house or apartment from pathogens, including mold.
  • Getting rid of putrefactive odors.
  • Purification of drinking water from chlorine and harmful metals.
  • Purification of products such as fruits, vegetables and meat from antibiotics, chemicals.
  • Disinfection and getting rid of odors in refrigerators.
  • Ozone treatment of bedding, as well as underwear, shoes and even furniture.
  • Cleaning of the appearance of mold in the filters of air conditioners.

However, with all the positive qualities of the ozonizer, doctors warn against an overdose of its impact on the human air environment. It is recommended to carefully use it in everyday life, strictly adhering to the instructions attached to it. Some experts advise generally using this device only at a time when there are no people in the house.

Air cleaners with carbon filters

Air purifiers equipped with carbon filters belong to the class of fine cleaning devices, and are able to purify air masses from various impurities, including gases. Typically, such purifiers are additionally equipped with a pre-cleaner element, as well as such as HEPA or a photocatalytic filter, since carbon filters are not able to qualitatively clean the air masses from eco-pollutants, which are abundant in urban apartments. In addition to additional filters, ultraviolet radiation lamps are added to this type of purifier, which are a good barrier to biological contaminants in the air.

Charcoal filters can be filled with fine activated charcoal powder, which creates a high resistance to airflow. From this it follows that it is better to choose air purifiers with a filter that have large granules in their composition. In addition, a pleated carbon filter is more effective for air purification than a universal mesh filter, as it has a large absorption area for small and large dust particles. Therefore, when choosing a device, you need to pay special attention to this fact.

Charcoal filters are changed in purifiers twice a year, otherwise they themselves begin to pollute the air - this is one of the characteristic shortcomings of devices of this class.

It is not necessary to install devices with carbon filters in rooms with high humidity, since coal absorbs moisture well, “sinters” and quickly loses its flowability and, accordingly, its cleaning qualities.

Hydrofiltration or air washing

Purifiers that use hydrofiltration or air washing work as follows:

  • Air masses from the room are drawn into the device with the help of a fan.
  • Further, they enter the zone, where, due to special rotor impellers with blades of a special configuration, they are mixed with water until an almost dispersed mixture is formed, and are cleaned from various impurities that settle in the device tray. Further, the purified air is separated and directed towards the outlets.

  • Usually air washers have functions of ultraviolet and photocatalytic cleaning, which are switched on when necessary. When they interact, the most effective result is achieved - the device removes viruses, mold spores and various odors from the air.
  • In addition, an air ionization module can be built into the general purification - it is negative ions that make the air cleaner and fresher.
  • Purified and humidified air is supplied to the room.

Thus, such a device performs several functions - it humidifies the air in the room and removes small and large dust particles from it along with allergens, and also cleans it from extraneous odors. The efficiency of air purification using such a sink is estimated at 85÷95%.

Humidifiers-Air Purifiers

A humidifier is a device that creates an atmosphere in the room with the most comfortable level of humidity for a person by supplying purified steam. The device is set up by the owner himself, using the spray intensity regulator.

Humidifiers are divided into three types - these are ultrasonic, steam and traditional mechanical devices, but they all carry the function of an air purifier. The principle of operation of these devices is based on the evaporation of moisture or the formation of vapors as a result of ultrasonic exposure. Most household installations of this class are able not only to humidify, but also to aromatize the air.

  • Ultrasonic devices are more modern options for humidifiers. They are equipped with a special ultrasonic membrane, upon contact with which water is split into tiny particles, so it turns into cold or heated steam. The generated steam is sprayed by means of a fan installed inside the apparatus.

The device is absolutely safe in all respects, so it is quite possible to install it in a children's room, especially since it works almost silently. In addition, the humidifier is economical in power consumption and easy to operate.

air purifier for apartment

  • Mechanical humidifiers are considered traditional and the simplest in design. A certain volume of water is poured into a small water tank located inside the device case, from there it enters special moisturizing cartridges, through which air is circulated using a fan built into the middle of the device. When humidified, the air is simultaneously cleaned of dust particles. An important disadvantage for many consumers of such devices is a rather high noise level during its operation.

  • Steam devices humidify the premises with hot steam, which is formed when water is heated to the boiling stage in a special insulated chamber equipped with a heating element with a non-stick coating. The disadvantages of such devices include very hot steam coming out, which can easily burn you, the noise of the humidifier during its operation, as well as high power consumption.

The positive qualities of a steam humidifier include the following points:

- the ability to use it as an inhaler - some models of devices are equipped with special nozzles for such physiotherapy procedures;

– the device is undemanding to the purity and hardness of water, therefore, when carrying out inhalation, aromatic oils can be added to it without fear;

- the humidifier, with its high performance, does not require the purchase of consumables at all - ordinary water is enough.

  • Devices with a combined design combine a humidifier and a room air purifier. The fan draws in dirty air, which enters the rotating plastic discs built into the machine, which are in the water tank. In this section, the air is cleaned and humidified, and the dust precipitates. Therefore, such devices require periodic cleaning and flushing. The quality of air purification when using this device is 85÷90%.

Additional functions of air cleaners

Most models of air purifiers and humidifiers are equipped with additional features that simplify and make the operation of the devices as comfortable as possible. These include the following functions:

  • The regulator of intensity of work of the device.
  • Remote control.
  • Display for displaying information about operating modes.
  • Detectors that determine the level of air pollution, with which you can select the correct operating mode.
  • Function of aromatization and inhalation.
  • A timer that allows you to set the operating time and even carry out certain programming modes.

Air Purifier Selection Criteria

So, having figured out what air purifiers are, now you should determine what you need to pay attention to when purchasing an appliance.

  • Any air purifier model is designed according to its capabilities for a certain area of ​​​​the room, therefore, and first of all, this parameter needs to be clarified.

In addition, you must immediately decide whether one or more air purifiers will be purchased, that is, the device will be transferred from room to room or fixed permanently:

- If a separate cleaner is provided for each of the rooms, then it is chosen exactly in accordance with its area.

- Provided that one cleaner is used in different rooms, its power is selected according to the area of ​​​​the largest room.

- If you plan to clean a very small room, then you can use an air cleaner designed for the car interior, as it has a fairly high power.

  • The second question to be answered when choosing an air purification device is what types of pollution the air masses should be freed from.
  • Further, it is advisable to immediately determine the comfort of servicing the air purifier, that is, to clarify which filter should be installed in it - replaceable or one that can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or rinsed under running water (the latter option will help avoid unnecessary operating costs).

- If you decide to choose a non-replaceable filter, then you should purchase photocatalytic, plasma (electrostatic) air cleaners or ozonizers, ionizers, as well as devices with an air washing function.

- In the case when preference is given to a purifier with replaceable filters, you need to make sure that it is equipped with an ionization function. This factor is extremely important, since the air, passing through the process of any filtration, loses not only harmful components, but also its useful qualities, that is, it becomes to a certain extent even dangerous for the residents of the apartment, so it should be enriched with ions.

  • The air purifier will work efficiently if it is cleaned in time or the filters are changed. Therefore, you need to decide on the amount of time that can be allocated for its maintenance.

- If the device can be controlled daily, then you can choose a purifier with the function of "air washing" or its humidification. In such models, water is changed or added once every two to three days, and its quantity is checked every day.

- The electrostatic air cleaner should be serviced once a week - the electrostatic plates are washed, which act as a filter, attracting dust particles.

- If it is possible to service the device only once a month, then you should choose a photocatalytic cleaner, ozonator, ionizer or devices with replaceable filters, for example, with a HEPA filter - it will be enough to clean them from dust with a vacuum cleaner once a month.

air purifier ecology

  • The next question to answer is how often will the device itself be used? It is advisable to use it constantly so that the air in the apartment is always clean.

- Under the condition of round-the-clock operation of the air cleaner and the desire to save on electricity, you should choose a device that consumes low power. This parameter can be found on the packaging of the device or in its passport.

- If the purifier will be used periodically, that is, turned off for a long time, then you should not choose a humidifier or “air wash”, because if water remains in such a device and it is not cleaned in time, then the contents may “sour”, and this the smell will remain in the container for a long time.

- If the user is ready to clearly follow all the instructions attached to the product - to clean and dry the device in time, then you can choose any option with the desired parameters.

  • Next, you should decide on the functions that the air cleaner should perform - this is the most important criterion when choosing it.

Table of the possibilities of various air purification filters in neutralizing the factors of its pollution.

Main factors of air pollutionVarieties of air purifiers and their ability to neutralize pollution
Email And he. HEPA Fk. Oz. ug. MV
dust particles+ + + + - + +
Disinfection from harmful microorganisms.+ ++ ++ ++ + + -
Tobacco smoke- + + ++ - ++ +
Toxic fumes+ - ++ ++ - - -
Various household odors+ + ++ ++ + + +
gases- - + + - + -
Soot+ - - + - - +
Allergens of household, plant or animal origin+ ++ ++ ++ + - +
Air humidification- - - - - - +
Email - electrostatic; And he. - ionizers; Fk. - photocatalysts; Oz. - ozonators; ug. - coal; MV - air washer
  • Another important factor is the noise level of the air cleaner. In order not to cause discomfort to all residents of the apartment, you should purchase a device that has a night mode function or even a completely silent model. Such air purifiers include photocatalytic, ionizers, as well as those without a fan or with the function of turning it off.
  • When deciding to purchase an air purifier, you must immediately decide on the place of its installation. On sale you can find floor, wall and desktop options. It is better not to choose the latter if there is a small child in the house, or in extreme cases, determine in advance for him a place at a certain height, unattainable for the baby. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the size of the device, since many floor-standing devices must be installed 150÷500 mm from the wall, and only such an arrangement will make it work effectively.
  • It is recommended to make a list of all the necessary functions and features that an air purifier should have, and with a ready list of requirements, go to a store or to Internet shopping sites.

Brief overview of air cleaner models

Several popular models of air purifiers used in residential areas are shown in this table:

Illustration, device name, country of originBrief description of the modelApproximate price level for April 2016

Armed YS300
The bactericidal air cleaner is a closed-type recirculator with a system of filters for various purposes and additionally equipped with an ultraviolet lamp.
The device includes:
- carbon and HEPA filter, photocatalytic, disinfectant, promotes the decomposition of gases and odors;
- air quality sensor with automatic cleaning mode, i.e. the device is designed for independent selection of the operating mode, which will depend on the degree of air pollution;
- filter change indicators located on the control panel, which will give a signal when one of the filters needs to be changed;
- the timer calculated on installation on 1,2 and 3 hours of work;
- power regulator - three fan operation modes (fast, medium and slow). The greater the power, the faster the air purification takes place, but the operation becomes noisier.
- size (H × W × D) 650 × 400 × 225 mm;
- weight - 12 kg; - power supply 220 V;
- frequency - 50 Hz;
- ultraviolet lamp with a power of 15 W, with a service life of 8000 hours;
- stream productivity - 275 m³/hour;
- noise level 60 decibels;
- level of air purification: from gasoline vapors 91.8%, from formaldehyde 86.9%, from volatile organic substances 90.7%, heavy substances 99.9%;
- the case is made of dielectric plastic;
- working conditions - from +10 to +35˚, humidity not more than 80%;
- has the 2nd class of electrical safety;
- designed for 100 m² of living space.
21100 rub.

Maxion LTK-288
South Korea
"Maxion LTK-288" is an ionizer equipped with an ultraviolet lamp (there are also models without UV radiation on sale). In addition, the device is equipped with the functions of an electrostatic filter - it has stainless metal plates that do not require replacement.
The device is able to purify the air from the following contaminants: viruses, mold, aerobacteria, tobacco smoke, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, unpleasant odors, dust, pollen, reduces human exposure to electromagnetic radiation coming from electrical appliances.
The device is equipped with a night light, an indicator for cleaning metal plates, is economical in power consumption, consumes 28 W / h.
The recommended period of operation of the air purifier is 10÷12 hours per day.
Technical characteristics of the device:
- size - 835×260×197 mm (H×W×D);
- voltage 220V;
- frequency 50÷60 Hz;
- weight - 5.5 kg;
- the air cleaner is designed for 82.5 m² of area.
13400 rub.

AIC XJ-2100
"AIC XJ-2100" is an ionizer and ozonator equipped with an ultraviolet lamp and an electrostatic filter.
This air purifier is able to partially or completely purify the air from the following contaminants: harmful viruses and bacteria, odors, smoke, mold spores, pollen, dust, almost all allergens, suspended and solid particles, carbon monoxide and exhaust gas, and other harmful to the human respiratory organs. substances.
Technical characteristics of the device:
- size - 390×170×250 mm (L×H×W);
- weight - 1 kg;
- UV lamp power - 2 W;
- device power - 8 W;
- food -220V.
- The device is silent; designed for an area of ​​25 m².
This air purifier can also be used as a car air cleaner, and its kit includes a special adapter for connecting to the cigarette lighter in the car, as well as a fixing Velcro.
4500 rub.

Daikin MC70LVM
Daikin MC70LVM is a plasma ionizer equipped with a coarse filter, a photocatalytic system and an electrostatic filter.
Thanks to this protection, the air purifier is able to free the air masses from the following contaminants: dust, pollen, bacteria and viruses, mold spores, tobacco smoke and animal hair.
In addition to cleaning elements, the air purifier is equipped with convenient device control functions - a shutdown timer that can be set to 1, 2 and 4 hours of operation, automatic operation, sleep mode, air purity indicator, air pollution sensor, remote control and five power modes.
Technical characteristics of the device:
- size - 403×576×241 mm (W×H×D);
- weight - 8.5 kg;
- air exchange - 420 m³/h;
- device power - 65 W;
- noise level - 15÷48 dB;
- low power consumption.
37500 rub.

Shivaki SHAP-3010R
Shivaki SHAP-3010R is a combined air purifier that includes the following air purification elements in its design: HEPA filter, photocatalyst, ultraviolet lamp, ionizer, coarse filter.
Due to the large number of barriers for pollution, the device is able to purify the air from viruses and microbes, pollen, smoke, dust, toxins and makes the air fresh.
The air purifier has a touch display with a timer and a temperature sensor. Thanks to the presence of a monitor, the cleaner can be controlled by remote control.
The device can be installed on a horizontal surface or mounted on a wall.
- dimensions 300 × 430 × 140 mm (H×W×D);
- weight of the device - 4.5 kg;
- air exchange - 200 m³/h;
- maximum power consumption - 38 W;
- noise level during fan operation - 46 dB;
- three operating modes.
14900 rub.

AirInCom XJ-3800A1
"AirInCom XJ-3800A1" is a complex air cleaner. It includes several levels of air purification using different technologies - a coarse filter, a photocatalytic, electrostatic, carbon and HEPA filter, an ionizer, and an ultraviolet lamp.
This device cleans the air from large and small dust particles, perfectly absorbs gas compounds, decomposes harmful, toxic impurities into safe elements, making the air fresh and clean.
The air purifier is equipped with additional features that facilitate its operation, these include:
- five operating modes of the device - night, medium, high, low and auto;
- sensors for filter replacement, air pollution, as well as dust and allergens in the air;
- a timer that sets the operating time;
- remote control.
Air Purifier Specifications:
- size - 343×255×610 mm;
- weight - 6.8 kg;
- device power - 80 W;
- air exchange - 360 m³/h;
- fan noise level - 20 dB;
- the air purifier is designed to purify the air on an area up to 50 m².
16500 rub.

Ballu AP-430F7
"Ballu AP-430F7" has a seven-stage air purification system, composed of filters and technological modules of various types, which include a coarse filter that traps large particles of pollution, a carbon, photocatalytic and HEPA filter, an ionizer, and an ultraviolet lamp.
Thanks to this design, the air passing through the device is cleaned of the following contaminants - these are dust, animal hair, allergy-causing elements, mold spores, viruses, dust mites, smoke, formaldehyde and unpleasant odors.
Additional features for comfortable operation of the device:
- automatic determination of the level of air pollution and filters;
- timer for setting the operating time.
Technical characteristics of the device:
- cleaner size - 366×308×188 mm (H×W×D);
- weight of the cleaner - 3.96 kg;
- power - 56 W;
- power supply voltage - 220 V;
- the device is designed for air purification on an area up to 20 m².
4000 rub.

As can be seen from this table, air purifiers are mainly produced equipped with several stages of air purification, since this is the only way to achieve the maximum effect of clean home atmosphere. Therefore, it is necessary to understand well the issues for cleaning from which contaminants each of the filters is intended, and choose the version of the device that has all the necessary protective properties.

This information will help you make the right choice and not get lost in the wide range of air purifiers on sale.

At the end of the publication - a short video review of a modern multifunctional household air purifier:

Video: SHARP KC-850E Humidifier Air Purifier