Voronezh province: history. Voronezh province at the beginning of the 20th century Voronezh province at the beginning of the 20th century

Presentation on the topic "City of Voronezh" in geography for schoolchildren. Consists of ten slides. Briefly but informatively told about the history of the city of Voronezh. Foundation of the city, the reforms of Peter I, from the middle of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century. Download presentation for free

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Founding of Voronezh

Since 1571, the boyar Mikhail Vorotynsky organized the guard service of the Moscow State "on the Field" (in the territories of modern Oryol, Kursk, Belgorod, Kharkov, Lugansk, Lipetsk and Tambov regions) [. Strictly at a certain time and along predetermined routes, the villages (horse detachments) left, in the summer time guard posts were set up in some places. The largest guard post was the post at the Rich Backwater.

Voronezh, together with the city of Livny, became the first southern fortified cities at the end of the 16th century, protecting the Muscovite state from the raids of the Crimean and Nogai Tatars in the Don steppes. After their founding, the "watchman" at the Rich Backwater was liquidated.

The royal decree on the founding of Voronezh has not been preserved. The archive contains the order of the boyar Nikita Romanovich Yuryev dated March 1, 1586 on the reorganization of the guard service on the southern outskirts of the Moscow state, which says:

According to the Sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke Fyodor Ivanovich of All Russia, by decree and by the verdict of the boyars, Prince Fyodor Ivanovich Mstislavsky and his comrades, on Pine, before reaching Oskol, two bottoms, it was ordered to build the city of Livny, and on the Don in Voronezh, not reaching Bogatovo, two bottoms, it was ordered to put Voronezh…

Nevertheless, the entry in the Discharge Order of 1585 “on the unsubscribe of the Ryazan side boats and fishing grounds to the new city of Voronezh” proves that Voronezh already existed in 1585. Therefore, 1585 is officially considered the year of foundation of Voronezh.

The Voronezh fortress was built under the leadership of the first Voronezh governor Semyon Fedorovich Saburov. According to one version, peasants from Dankov, Pereslavl, Ryazansky, Ryazhsk, as well as carpenters, archers and other service people were sent for construction.

In 1590, the fortress was set on fire by the Ukrainian Cossacks Cherkasy. The city was almost completely destroyed. Despite this, already by 1594 Voronezh was "chopped" anew.

Reforms of Peter I

In 1682, the Voronezh diocese was formed to fight the schismatics by decision of the cathedral. Its first head was Bishop Mitrofan (1623-1703) at the age of 58.

Ten years after this event, by decree of Peter I, the Voronezh Admiralty was created in the city, to which the cities on the Voronezh and Don rivers were assigned. October 20, 1696 at the shipyards of the Voronezh Admiralty was for the first time in the history of Russia created a regular Russian navy. About 215 ships were built from 1696 to 1711. Thanks to this fleet, they managed to conquer the fortress of Azov, and subsequently sign a peace treaty with Turkey to start a war with Sweden.

After the conquest of Azov, during the Regional Reform of 1708, the Azov province was formed, the center of which, after the death of the emperor in 1725, was Voronezh, and the province was renamed Voronezh.

May 10, 1748 Voronezh was badly damaged by fire. Almost the entire center, which was located on the river bank, burned down. After this tragedy, the center of Voronezh again began to be located in the place where the modern University Square is now located.

The middle of the XVIII century - the end of the XIX century Voronezh

In 1762-1796, self-government bodies were created in Voronezh (noble deputy assembly and city Duma), a regular planning of the city with straight intersecting streets was carried out. By 1777 in Voronezh there were 77 stone houses, 2050 wooden houses, 17 stone churches, 3 monasteries, 13 lard factories, 13 cloth factories, 6 factories (tannery, candle, sugar, etc.).

In 1812, residents of Voronezh and the Voronezh province took part in the Patriotic War of 1812 against Napoleon. More than 10 Voronezh regiments of the people's militia were formed.

Opening of the relics of Saint Mitrofan

In 1832, a solemn opening ceremony of the relics of St. Mitrofan was held in Voronezh, to which Emperor Nicholas I came. The festive event was overshadowed by the cholera epidemic that recently ended in Voronezh, which arose due to the large number of pilgrims.

Another tragedy occurred in the summer of 1833, when famine began in the Voronezh province due to a drought. Thanks to the connections of the Voronezh Governor D.N. Begichev, a large amount of money was allocated from the state treasury to combat the tragedy. The crisis was overcome, and already in 1853 the first exhibition of rural works of five black earth provinces was held in Voronezh.

In 1845, the Voronezh Cadet Corps named after Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich was opened, in which the future Russian designer, organizer of the production of small arms and creator of the rifle of the same name S.I. Mosin, one of the inventors of the incandescent light bulb. N. Lodygin, Marxist G. V. Plekhanov, Bolshevik revolutionary V. A. Antonov-Ovseenko, General A. M. Kaledin.

In 1853 the Crimean War began. In this regard, on September 27, 1855, Alexander II declared the Voronezh province under martial law. For two years, the local nobility donated 67,000 silver rubles for the Crimean War (1853-1856).

In 1879, a congress of the revolutionary organization "Land and Freedom" (1879) was held in Voronezh, at which it finally split, after which it split into "Narodnaya Volya" and "Black Redistribution".

In August 1868, the Russian government allowed the construction of the Kozlov-Voronezh railway. Work on its creation began in the spring of 1867. December 20, 1867 (January 1, 1868) Voronezh residents were able to see the arrival of the first "trial" train. In January 1868, railway lines connected Voronezh with Moscow. On January 30, the railway station was solemnly opened in the city. Regular passenger train traffic between Voronezh and Moscow began in early February 1868, and between Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don in 1871. In 1879, the workers of the Voronezh railway workshops spontaneously went to the railroad track and delayed the movement of trains, demanding to pay their wages. It was the first strike in the history of Voronezh; and it ended successfully: the salary was paid.

In 1891, the city's first power station was built at the Voronezh railway workshops, which was used to light industrial buildings and the station.

Early 20th century Voronezh

At the end of October 1905, riots took place in Voronezh: a Black Hundreds pogrom, a rebellion in the Voronezh disciplinary battalion and a political strike. With the help of the authorities of Tambov, the unrest was suppressed.

In 1912, the Otrozhka railway workshops were built near the Otrozhka station. In 1913, the Agricultural Institute named after Peter the Great (now Voronezh State Agrarian University named after K. D. Glinka).

On August 28, 1914, according to the decision of the City Duma, Voronezh became a member of the All-Russian City Union (All-Russian Union of Cities). The Union was established on August 8-9 this year and provided assistance to sick and wounded soldiers, officers, worked closely with the All-Russian Zemstvo Union and the Red Cross Society. I. T. Alisov was unanimously elected as the representative of Voronezh in the union

Voronezh Voronezh is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the region of the same name. The city of Russia of the same name region, the city of Russia of the same name region of Voronezh, is located on the banks of the Voronezh reservoir of the Voronezh River, 8.5 kilometers from its confluence with the Don River, 586 km from Moscow. Voronezh reservoir of the river Voronezhreku Don Moscow Voronezh reservoir of the river Voronezhreku Don Moscow Population of the city 840.7 thousand inhabitants (2007), 16th place in terms of population in Russia. Not being a million-plus city, Voronezh forms an agglomeration of 0.981.0 million people (2005) (21st place in Russia). 16th place in terms of population in Russia as a city with a million inhabitants agglomeration 21st place in Russia 16th place in terms of population in Russia as a city with a million inhabitants in the agglomeration 21st place in Russia For heroic resistance to the German invaders during the Great Patriotic War, Voronezh was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree. Great Patriotic WarOrder of the Patriotic War 1st Class Great Patriotic WarOrder of the Patriotic War 1st Class

The first mention of Voronezh took place in 1177 in connection with the battle of Vladimir and Ryazan princes and the escape of Yaropolk Ryazansky to "Voronozh". Here is what the annals of the Laurentian Chronicle report about this: “And according to Yaropolk, the ambassador, saying Ryazan: you have our enemy, or I’m going to you. Ryazanians, zdumasha, rekush, our prince and our brothers perished in a foreign prince, going to Voronezh, eating him themselves and bringing him to Volodimer ”and the Nikon Chronicle, but with some additions:“ Prince Yaropolk Rostislavich ran away to Voronezh, and there he passed from city to city ... And so he went to Voronozh, taking him out, and leading him to Volodimer. Some historians suggest, based on excerpts from these chronicles, that Voronezh (Voronozh) existed as a settlement as early as the 12th century. But according to the most common version, Voronezh was founded in the year. In ancient times, the Khazars lived here, the last tombs of which were still seen by de Bruin in 1702. Voronezh was one of the first fortified cities, advanced at the end of the 16th century deep into the steppes of the Don to protect the state from raids "by driving out various Horde predators." In 1590, Voronezh was destroyed by the Kanev Cherkasy, but immediately restored. Being on such a lively trade route as the confluence of Voronezh with the Don, then still quite navigable rivers, Voronezh could not remain an exclusively military city for a long time. By the middle of the 17th century, trade had reached a large scale here. Soon, however, new, more southern fortified cities began to appear, built mainly by the Ostrogozhsk Cherkassy who arrived in 1652. The latter received new rights and benefits, including the right to duty-free trade and cut-to-length shredding. This dealt a strong blow to the trade of Voronezh, deprived of privileges. The first mention of Voronezh took place in 1177 in connection with the battle of Vladimir and Ryazan princes and the escape of Yaropolk Ryazansky to "Voronozh". Here is what the annals of the Laurentian Chronicle report about this: “And according to Yaropolk, the ambassador, saying Ryazan: you have our enemy, or I’m going to you. Ryazanians, zdumasha, rekush, our prince and our brothers perished in a foreign prince, going to Voronezh, eating him themselves and bringing him to Volodimer ”and the Nikon Chronicle, but with some additions:“ Prince Yaropolk Rostislavich ran away to Voronezh, and there he passed from city to city ... And so he went to Voronozh, taking him out, and leading him to Volodimer. Some historians suggest, based on excerpts from these chronicles, that Voronezh (Voronozh) existed as a settlement as early as the 12th century. But according to the most common version, Voronezh was founded in the year. In ancient times, the Khazars lived here, the last tombs of which were still seen by de Bruin in 1702. Voronezh was one of the first fortified cities, advanced at the end of the 16th century deep into the steppes of the Don to protect the state from raids "by driving out various Horde predators." In 1590, Voronezh was destroyed by the Kanev Cherkasy, but immediately restored. Being on such a lively trade route as the confluence of Voronezh with the Don, then still quite navigable rivers, Voronezh could not remain an exclusively military city for a long time. By the middle of the 17th century, trade had reached a large scale here. Soon, however, new, more southern fortified cities began to appear, built mainly by the Ostrogozhsk Cherkassy who arrived in 1652. The latter received new rights and benefits, including the right to duty-free trade and cut-to-length shredding. This dealt a strong blow to the trade of Voronezh, deprived of privileges.

The most brilliant era of the city begins in 1695 with the arrival of Peter to build a fleet here. From time immemorial, Voronezh served as a shipyard, where "plows suitable for seafaring" were built. But Voronezh was destined to be the cradle of not only the military, but also the merchant fleet of Russia. In 1772, at the initiative of the government, the first in Russia "joint-stock trading company for navigation" was formed in Voronezh, with the highest approved charter and with the right to order seagoing vessels in military admiralties. The military shipyard in Voronezh did not exist for long; as a result of the gradual shallowing of the rivers, it was first transferred to the Taurus, then to the south, to the mouth, and, finally, beyond the shallow water, it was completely abolished. The most brilliant era of the city begins in 1695 with the arrival of Peter to build a fleet here. From time immemorial, Voronezh served as a shipyard, where "plows suitable for seafaring" were built. But Voronezh was destined to be the cradle of not only the military, but also the merchant fleet of Russia. In 1772, at the initiative of the government, the first in Russia "joint-stock trading company for navigation" was formed in Voronezh, with the highest approved charter and with the right to order seagoing vessels in military admiralties. The military shipyard in Voronezh did not exist for long; due to the gradual shallowing of the rivers, it was first moved to Taurov, then to the south, to the mouth, and, finally, beyond shallow water, it was completely abolished. 1695 Peter 1772 Tavrov 1695 He owned 38271/3 acres of land, of which up to 800 acres were under the city, and almost everything else was under the forest. There were over 5500 houses, more than half of them were made of stone. Inhabitants were counted, including women. The number of births in 1890 reached 2,281, the number of deaths of both sexes. At the turn of the 19th and early 20th centuries, Voronezh was one of the most beautiful provincial cities. He owned 38271/3 acres of land, of which up to 800 acres were under the city, and almost everything else was under the forest. There were over 5500 houses, more than half of them were made of stone. Inhabitants were counted, including women The number of births in 1890 reached 2,281, the number of deaths of both sexes. City expenses were in 1890 rubles 28 kopecks. Outside the city, there was a debt to the state bank in the amount of rubles. The once extensive and flourishing trade of Voronezh, as a result of the cessation of shipping, had by that time been greatly reduced; nevertheless, at that time there were 47 factories and plants in Voronezh, the production value of which reached the sum of rubles (in 1862, the trade turnover of Voronezh exceeded another rubles). City revenues amounted to rubles, reserve city capital rubles. City expenses were in 1890 rubles 28 kopecks. Outside the city, there was a debt to the state bank in the amount of rubles. The once extensive and flourishing trade of Voronezh, as a result of the cessation of shipping, had by that time been greatly reduced; Nevertheless, at that time there were 47 factories and plants in Voronezh, the production value of which reached the amount of rubles (in 1862, the trade turnover of Voronezh exceeded more rubles). occupation and suffered significant damage. 30,000 people out of the 350,000 population of the city died during this period, many were forcibly taken to concentration camps. During the Great Patriotic War from 1942 to 1943, Voronezh was under German occupation for 212 days and suffered significant damage. 30 thousand people out of the 350 thousandth population of the city died during this period, many were forcibly taken to concentration camps. The Great Patriotic War by the German occupation of the concentration camp After the war, the city was again restored, including the St. Nicholas Church and the Potemkin Palace, architectural monuments of the XVIII century. XVIII century XVIII century Since the end of the 90s of the XX century, manifestations of neo-Nazism have become more frequent in Voronezh. According to anti-fascist Alexei Kozlov, an average of 5,060 attacks on foreigners a year occur in Voronezh Since the late 1990s, manifestations of neo-Nazism have become more frequent in Voronezh. According to anti-fascist Alexei Kozlov, in Voronezh, an average of 5060 attacks on foreigners per year occur in the 90s of the 20th century of neo-Nazism in the 90s of the 20th century of neo-Nazism

History of Voronezh: There are few cities in Russia that at various stages of its historical development would play such a prominent role as Voronezh. More than once it was subjected to enemy invasions and barbaric destruction, but it always revived and became one of the most significant social, economic, scientific and cultural centers of Russia. There are few cities in Russia that, at various stages of its historical development, would play such a prominent role as Voronezh. More than once it was subjected to enemy invasions and barbaric destruction, but it always revived and became one of the most significant social, economic, scientific and cultural centers of Russia. According to archaeological excavations near the village of Kostenki, on the right bank of the Don, the first settlements on the territory of the modern Voronezh region appeared about 30 thousand years ago. According to archaeological excavations near the village of Kostenki, on the right bank of the Don, the first settlements on the territory of the modern Voronezh region appeared about 30 thousand years ago. For many centuries, our region was the southern outpost of the Russian state, protecting it from the Khazars, Pechenegs and Polovtsians. Hundreds of years later, the region again became a border region, but its southern borders with independent Ukraine serve not as a shield against raids, but as a gateway of friendship and a corridor of cooperation. For many centuries, our region was the southern outpost of the Russian state, protecting it from the Khazars, Pechenegs and Polovtsians. Hundreds of years later, the region again became a border region, but its southern borders with independent Ukraine serve not as a shield against raids, but as a gateway of friendship and a corridor of cooperation. The official birth of Voronezh is considered to be 1585, when a fortress was erected on the site of ancient settlements. The city experienced a second birth in 1696, when, on the orders of Peter I, the first Russian fleet was built at the Voronezh shipyards, which surprised Europe and frightened Asia. The official birth of Voronezh is considered to be 1585, when a fortress was erected on the site of ancient settlements. The city experienced a second birth in 1696, when, on the orders of Peter I, the first Russian fleet was built at the Voronezh shipyards, which surprised Europe and frightened Asia. Tsar Peter received a blessing for the construction of the fleet and the founding of St. Petersburg from his close friend and spiritual mentor, the first bishop of Voronezh, Saint Mitrofan. Tsar Peter received a blessing for the construction of the fleet and the founding of St. Petersburg from his close friend and spiritual mentor, the first bishop of Voronezh, Saint Mitrofan. Having become the center of Russian shipbuilding, Voronezh turned into a large city with specialized plants, factories, manufactories and workshops. For some time, Voronezh actually played the role of the capital. It was he who was the center of the most important events, Tsar Peter lived here with his court, here were representative offices of European countries: diplomats, generals, shipwrights. In Voronezh, as in Moscow, there was a German settlement. The city grew, became a large settlement - with a population of 40 (according to other sources - 60) thousand people at that time, not every European capital could boast. Having become the center of Russian shipbuilding, Voronezh turned into a large city with specialized plants, factories, manufactories and workshops. For some time, Voronezh actually played the role of the capital. It was he who was the center of the most important events, Tsar Peter lived here with his court, here were representative offices of European countries: diplomats, generals, shipwrights. In Voronezh, as in Moscow, there was a German settlement. The city grew, became a large settlement - with a population of 40 (according to other sources - 60) thousand people at that time, not every European capital could boast. In 1711 Voronezh became the administrative center of the Azov province. In 1725, this province was named Voronezh, its territory extended to the Volga in the northeast and to the Sea of ​​Azov in the south. In 1711 Voronezh became the administrative center of the Azov province. In 1725, this province was named Voronezh, its territory extended to the Volga in the northeast and to the Sea of ​​Azov in the south. In 1928, Voronezh became the center of the Central Black Earth Region, which united the Voronezh, Tambov, Kursk and Oryol provinces. The Voronezh Region as an independent administrative-territorial unit was established in 1934. In 1928, Voronezh became the center of the Central Black Earth Region, which united the Voronezh, Tambov, Kursk and Oryol provinces. The Voronezh Region as an independent administrative-territorial unit was established in 1934. On May 6, 1975, Voronezh was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, I degree, for courage and heroism during the Great Patriotic War and labor success. On May 6, 1975, Voronezh was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, I degree, for courage and heroism during the Great Patriotic War and labor success.

Time zone The city of Voronezh, like the entire Voronezh region, is located in the time zone designated by the international standard as Moscow Time Zone (MSK/MSD). The offset from UTC is +3:00 (MSK, winter time) / +4:00 (MSD, summer time), since daylight saving time is in effect in this time zone. Voronezh time differs from standard time by one hour, since daylight savings time is in force in Russia. The city of Voronezh, like the entire Voronezh region, is located in the time zone designated by the international standard as the Moscow Time Zone (MSK/MSD). The offset from UTC is +3:00 (MSK, winter time) / +4:00 (MSD, summer time), since daylight saving time is in effect in this time zone. Voronezh time differs from standard time by one hour, since daylight savings time is in force on the territory of Russia. Voronezh Oblast Moscow Time Zone (MSK/MSD) daylight savings time

Geographical position The city of Voronezh is located on the border of the Central Russian Upland and the Oka-Don Plain. Naturally, the city is located in the south of the Central Russian forest-steppe zone. Voronezh stretches along both banks of the Voronezh River, 12 km from its confluence with the Don River. The city of Voronezh is located on the border of the Central Russian Upland and the Oka-Don Plain. Naturally, the city is located in the south of the Central Russian forest-steppe zone. Voronezh stretches along both banks of the Voronezh River, 12 km from its confluence with the Don River. Voronezh is located 587 km southeast of Moscow Voronezh is located 587 km southeast of Moscow

Climate Average annual temperature +6.7 C° Average annual temperature +6.7 C° temperature Average annual wind speed 3.1 m/s Average annual wind speed 3.1 m/s wind speed wind speed Average annual air humidity 74% Average annual air humidity 74% air humidityhumidity air

Voronezh TRZ Voronezh Diesel Locomotive Repair Plant (Voronezh TRZ) is a plant in the city of Voronezh that repairs diesel locomotives of the 2TE116, TEP70 series. Since 1928, the plant has been called a locomotive repair plant. Since 1960, it has been called a diesel locomotive repair shop. diesel locomotives TE3, 2TE10M, 2TE116, TEP70. In addition, the plant repaired mobile power plants manufactured by the Kolomna Diesel Locomotive Plant and the Lugansk Diesel Locomotive Plant; repaired diesel engines 2D100, 10D100, D49, repaired and formed wheelsets of different series of diesel locomotives, repaired traction motors, traction generators and auxiliary electric machines.

Railway In Voronezh, there are two railway stations at the railway stations Voronezh I (on Chernyakhovsky Square), Voronezh II. A left-bank transit railway station is being designed In Voronezh, there are two railway stations at the railway stations Voronezh I (on Chernyakhovsky Square), Voronezh II. A left-bank transit railway station is being designed. There are two bus stations and one bus station: the Central Bus Station, the Left Bank Bus Station, the South-Western Bus Station The M4 Don highway passes through Voronezh along the bypass road. There are two bus stations and one bus station: the Central Bus Station, the Left Bank Bus Station, the South-Western Bus Station M4 “Don” motorway of the bus station M4 “Don” motorway of the bus station

City transport City transport of the city is represented by buses, trolleybuses and trams. The left and right banks of the reservoir are connected by three road and one railway bridges. The most important of them is the Chernavsky Bridge, which connects the Levoberezhny district with the city center; the most interesting design of the North Bridge. It has two floors: the first for cars, the second for trams. The city has a small number of municipal buses and more than two thousand fixed-route taxis and commercial buses. In Voronezh, the trolleybus traffic is under threat, the municipal property has only 30 operating trolleybuses. There are 36 trams in the city (of the 21 routes that were available in the city in the 1990s, 4 remained, and two of the three city tram depots are closed). The state of the city's transport system was recognized by the editors of the Pantograph transport publication in 2005 as one of the worst in Russia; it was noted that the abundance of commercial minibuses and the almost complete destruction of urban electric transport are the causes of a high accident rate on the roads and poor ecology in the city. XIX century water supply horse-drawn railway 1926 tram 1960 trolleybus Chernavsky Bridge the population of the city will reach one million people, and a subway will be built in the city. In the post-Soviet era, the growth of the city changed, and the draft of the new master plan provides for the creation of only a light metro using the railway line inside the city. The city is currently considering a project to build a light rail system.

Education The sphere of education was represented by a theological seminary, one male and two female gymnasiums, male and female progymnasiums. There were also: a real school, a cadet corps and schools: spiritual, county, railway, diocesan, paramedical; teachers' seminary; up to 40 city schools and colleges. The sphere of education was represented by a theological seminary, one male and two female gymnasiums, male and female progymnasiums. There were also: a real school, a cadet corps and schools: spiritual, county, railway, diocesan, paramedical; teachers' seminary; up to 40 city schools and colleges.SeminaryGymnasiumReal SchoolCadet CorpsSeminarySeminaryGymnasiumReal SchoolCadet CorpsSeminary Today there are 36 higher educational institutions and 53 specialized secondary educational institutions in the city. Preschool children attend 116 kindergartens. Today there are 36 higher educational institutions and 53 specialized secondary educational institutions in the city. Preschool children attend 116 kindergartens. higher educational institutions of secondary specialized educational institutions of higher educational institutions of secondary specialized educational institutions In Voronezh there is one cadet school (Voronezh cadet school named after A.V. Suvorov (VKSh)) and one Mikhailovsky cadet corps. Previously, there was the Suvorov Military School (SVU) in Voronezh, now the VKSh is the successor of the SVU. The VCS appeared on November 27, 2001. The banner was presented on May 5. At the moment, 122 cadets are studying at the Higher School of Higher School. There is also the Voronezh Military Aviation Engineering Institute (VVAII), which is the higher educational institution of the city of Voronezh. Voronezh has one cadet school (Voronezh cadet school named after A.V. Suvorov (VKSh)) and one Mikhailovsky cadet corps. Previously, there was the Suvorov Military School (SVU) in Voronezh, now the VKSh is the successor of the SVU. The VCS appeared on November 27, 2001. The banner was presented on May 5. At the moment, 122 cadets are studying at the Higher School of Higher School. There is also the Voronezh Military Aviation Engineering Institute (VVAII), which is the higher educational institution of the city of Voronezh, the Voronezh Cadet School named after A.V. SuvorovMikhailovsky Cadet CorpsSuvorov Military SchoolNovember 27,200May 15,2007CadetVoronezh Military Aviation Engineering InstituteVoronezh Cadet School named after A.V. Suvorov Mikhailovsky Cadet Corps Suvorov Military School November 27, 200 May 15, 2007 cadet Voronezh Military Aviation Engineering Institute

Culture Frequent fires that occurred in Voronezh during the 18th century destroyed many monuments of the Petrine era. The following have survived to this day: Frequent fires that occurred in Voronezh during the 18th century destroyed many monuments of the Petrine era. The following have survived to this day: the 18th century 18th century Peter's Palace with the citadel, later turned into a wool wash and so forgotten that until recent years they were considered to have died in a fire; Peter's Palace with a citadel, later turned into a wool wash and so forgotten that until recent years they were considered to have died in a fire; The storehouse on the island, also first turned into a wool wash, but by the Highest Decree bought from private hands and donated to the city, with the condition of responsibility for the integrity of the precious monument. At the end of the 19th century, the Petrovsky Yacht Club was placed in it. The storehouse on the island, also first turned into a wool wash, but by the Highest Decree bought from private hands and donated to the city, with the condition of responsibility for the integrity of the precious monument. At the end of the 19th century, the Petrovsky Yacht Club was located in it. 19th century 19th century The sights of Voronezh at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries were: monuments to Peter I, Koltsov and Nikitin (the last two were local natives), the Mitrofanevsky Monastery, with the relics of St. statistical committee and at the public library. The sights of Voronezh at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries were: the monuments to Peter I, Koltsov and Nikitin (the last two were local natives), the Mitrofanevsky Monastery, with the relics of St. Mitrofan, the museum at the Statistical Committee and at the public library. 310 Voronezh cultural heritage sites. Among them are more than 80 monuments and busts and (since 1990) an area of ​​759 hectares. Monuments to Peter I, Ivan Nikitin, Alexei Koltsov have been preserved, and monuments to Ivan Bunin and Andrey Platonov have been added to them. Over 100 plaques. Many architectural monuments of antiquity are in the process of examination and registration. Now 310 Voronezh cultural heritage sites are under state protection. Among them are more than 80 monuments and busts and (since 1990) an area of ​​759 hectares. Monuments to Peter I, Ivan Nikitin, Alexei Koltsov have been preserved, and monuments to Ivan Bunin and Andrey Platonov have been added to them. Over 100 plaques. Many architectural monuments of antiquity are in the process of examination and registration. 1990 To Ivan Bunin Andrey Platonov 1990 To Ivan Bunin Andrey Platonov In Voronezh, diocesan and provincial journals, private newspapers: "Don" and "Voronezh Telegraph", and two special journals: "Philological Notes" and "Medical Conversation" were published. There were public libraries and clubs with reading rooms. Diocesan and provincial journals, private newspapers "Don" and "Voronezh Telegraph", and two special journals "Philological Notes" and "Medical Conversation" were published in Voronezh. There were public libraries and clubs with reading rooms. In Voronezh, there was a project for the construction of the administrative building "House of Soviets", but in the 50s the architect of the building was replaced, and he was deprived of the tower. Now this place is the administration of the Voronezh region. In Voronezh, there was a project for the construction of the administrative building "House of Soviets", but in the 50s the architect of the building was replaced, and he was deprived of the tower. Now the administration of the Voronezh region is located on this site. House of the Soviets in the 50s House of the Soviets in the 50s Currently, the city has 51 libraries, 5 exhibition halls, 15 palaces of culture and clubs, 6 museums, 13 creative associations, 5 cinemas, 5 theaters, philharmonic, circus. Currently, the city has 51 libraries, 5 exhibition halls, 15 palaces of culture and clubs, 6 museums, 13 creative associations, 5 cinemas, 5 theaters, a philharmonic society, a circus. Voronezh State Academic Drama Theater named after A. Koltsov Voronezh State Academic Drama Theater named after A. Koltsov Voronezh State Academic Drama Theater named after A. Koltsov Voronezh State Academic Drama Theater named after A. Koltsov

Stone bridge Stone bridge in Voronezh "humped" bridge in the center of Voronezh on Karl Marx Street, built in 1826. Stone bridge in Voronezh "humped" bridge in the center of Voronezh on Karl Marx Street, built in 1826. Voronezh in 1826 Voronezh in 1826 The length of the bridge does not exceed 10 meters, at the bottom there is a hilly road to the embankment of the Voronezh reservoir. With this road, the bridge forms a mini-interchange. The bridge has become a traditional wedding venue for the townspeople. Newlyweds come here on their wedding day, break a bottle of champagne on the bridge and hang padlocks with their names on it. It is believed that after such a ritual, the marriage will be strong and happy. The bridge is also known as the "Bridge of Lovers". Now its condition is deplorable: the arch is broken; slabs from the partitions are broken off, garbage is everywhere. The length of the bridge does not exceed 10 meters, at the bottom there is a hilly road to the embankment of the Voronezh reservoir. With this road, the bridge forms a mini-interchange. The bridge has become a traditional wedding venue for the townspeople. Newlyweds come here on their wedding day, break a bottle of champagne on the bridge and hang padlocks with their names on it. It is believed that after such a ritual, the marriage will be strong and happy. The bridge is also known as the "Bridge of Lovers". Now its condition is deplorable: the arch is broken; the slabs from the partitions are broken off, the garbage of the Voronezh reservoir is everywhere

Chernavsky bridge Chernavsky bridge road bridge in Voronezh. The bridge has 6 pillars. The length of the bridge is 364 meters. Voronezh The bridge was put into operation in 1959 instead of the concrete bridge destroyed in June 1942, erected in 1909 and became one of the symbols of the city, and the first mention of the construction of a wooden bridge across the Voronezh River dates back to 1768.1959 1942 1909 to the Voronezh River in 1768 However, in 1972, the Voronezh reservoir appeared, which became a serious problem for the bridge. The supports began to collapse, since salt additives-plasticizers were used in the construction of the bridge supports, and the increased water level sharply accelerated the process of destruction, and in 1989 the condition of the bridge was declared emergency. By 1996, it was dismantled, a temporary bridge was erected. Voronezh Reservoir 1996 Since then, its restoration began, which was supposed to end in 2003, but due to funding problems it was not completed. Currently, the temporary bridge has been extended until 2008. Currently, work on the restoration of the bridge is underway. The new bridge is planned to be commissioned either in December 2008 or in 2009.

Sights of Voronezh The city of Voronezh today is one of the largest industrial, transport, trade, distribution, scientific and cultural centers of Russia. There are few historical sights in Voronezh. And, in general, the city for inquisitive tourists will be able to shine a little. If you are still a guest of Voronezh, then take a walk around the city, it is possible that you may like it

Severny Bridge The Severny Bridge is an automobile and tram bridge in Voronezh across the Voronezh reservoir. Severny bridge is an automobile and tram bridge in Voronezh across the Voronezh reservoir. Voronezh bridgeVoronezh reservoir Voronezh reservoir Voronezh reservoir The bridge is two-level, modern in design. Built in honor of the 400th anniversary of the city of Voronezh. Length 1800 meters. The bridge connects the Levoberezhny district of Voronezh near Ostuzhev Street and the right bank of the Voronezh reservoir near the Dynamo park. On the right bank near the bridge there is a two-level road-rail interchange to Tambov. Currently, tram 7 (Gazovaya-Ostuzheva) does not run on the bridge due to the emergency condition of the tracks. The bridge was laid with the prospect of building a subway in Voronezh. In the master plan of Voronezh, it is planned to launch a light metro across the bridge. The bridge is two-level, modern in design. Built in honor of the 400th anniversary of the city of Voronezh. Length 1800 meters. The bridge connects the Levoberezhny district of Voronezh near Ostuzhev Street and the right bank of the Voronezh reservoir near the Dynamo park. On the right bank near the bridge there is a two-level road-rail interchange to Tambov. Currently, tram 7 (Gazovaya-Ostuzheva) does not run on the bridge due to the emergency condition of the tracks. The bridge was laid with the prospect of building a subway in Voronezh. In the general plan of Voronezh, it is planned to launch a light metro over the bridge. meters Left-bank district of Voronezh Tambov metro light meters meters Left-bank district of Voronezh Tambov metro light metro Orthodox Temples of Voronezh Alekseevsky Monastery The monastery owes its name to St. He ruled the Russian Church from 1354 under the Grand Dukes Ivan Ivanovich and Dmitry Donskoy. During these years, “the process of gathering Russian lands torn apart by internecine strife and weakened by the Mongol-Tatar invasion” began. By their activities, Metropolitan Alexy and his famous colleague, St. Sergius of Radonezh, who became the spiritual mentors of the Moscow Grand Dukes, contributed to the consolidation of Russia and its liberation from the yoke. Even during his lifetime, Alexy became famous as a miracle worker. The Alekseevsky Monastery has been counting its history since 1620 and, it turns out, only a few decades younger than Voronezh itself. The monastery owes its name to Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow (). He ruled the Russian Church from 1354 under the Grand Dukes Ivan Ivanovich and Dmitry Donskoy. During these years, “the process of gathering Russian lands torn apart by internecine strife and weakened by the Mongol-Tatar invasion” began. By their activities, Metropolitan Alexy and his famous colleague, St. Sergius of Radonezh, who became the spiritual mentors of the Moscow Grand Dukes, contributed to the consolidation of Russia and its liberation from the yoke. Even during his lifetime, Alexy became famous as a miracle worker. The Alekseevsky Monastery dates back to 1620 and, it turns out, is only a few decades younger than Voronezh itself

City (Pervomaisky) garden It was arranged in 1840. between the current streets of F. Engels and Feoktistov. The garden was surrounded by a brick fence, folded with gaps in the shape of a cross, and the main entrance was emphasized by four brick pillars imitating fortress towers with battlements. There were many small buildings in the garden: a restaurant, a summer theater with 600 seats, bowling alleys and a billiard room, a rotunda for a brass band and a koumiss establishment. The garden was a favorite place for festivities of city dwellers. City holidays and events, charity lotteries, exhibitions were regularly held here, and in winter the skating rink was flooded. Since then, with the passage of history, the garden has changed. The buildings were all burned down during the Great Patriotic War, the stone lattice was replaced in 1950 with an elegant metal one ... At present, the city garden retains its former rectangular configuration. It is crossed diagonally by alleys leading to the corner entrances. Maple trees from the beginning of the 20th century have been preserved on the main alley. Since 1999, the building of the Annunciation Cathedral has been erected along the axis of the garden. It was set up in 1840. between the current streets of F. Engels and Feoktistov. The garden was surrounded by a brick fence, folded with gaps in the shape of a cross, and the main entrance was emphasized by four brick pillars imitating fortress towers with battlements. There were many small buildings in the garden: a restaurant, a summer theater with 600 seats, bowling alleys and a billiard room, a rotunda for a brass band and a koumiss establishment. The garden was a favorite place for festivities of city dwellers. City holidays and events, charity lotteries, exhibitions were regularly held here, and in winter the skating rink was flooded. Since then, with the passage of history, the garden has changed. The buildings were all burned down during the Great Patriotic War, the stone lattice was replaced in 1950 with an elegant metal one ... At present, the city garden retains its former rectangular configuration. It is crossed diagonally by alleys leading to the corner entrances. Maple trees from the beginning of the 20th century have been preserved on the main alley. Since 1999, the building of the Annunciation Cathedral has been erected along the axis of the garden.

Monument to Peter the Great Located in the middle of Petrovsky Square, facing the avenue. This is the first monument that was erected in 1860 with public donations. The general concept of the monument belonged to D.I. Grimm, realized by the sculptor A.E. Schwartz (). The layout of the square and the drawing of the pedestal were made by the architect A. A. Cui. The bronze statue was cast in Petersburg; the pedestal is made of red granite delivered from the Pavlovsky district of the Voronezh province. During the occupation of Voronezh in 1942, the bronze statue was taken to Germany for melting down. In 1956 the monument was restored on the same pedestal. Author - Moscow sculptor N.P. Gavrilov, who restored the monument from photographs and descriptions, preserved its height and composition. Some details were changed, in particular, Peter I is depicted as young, as he came to build a fleet in Voronezh, and not as an adult, as originally located in the middle of Petrovsky Square, facing the avenue. This is the first monument that was erected in 1860 with public donations. The general concept of the monument belonged to D.I. Grimm, realized by the sculptor A.E. Schwartz (). The layout of the square and the drawing of the pedestal were made by the architect A. A. Cui. The bronze statue was cast in Petersburg; the pedestal is made of red granite delivered from the Pavlovsky district of the Voronezh province. During the occupation of Voronezh in 1942, the bronze statue was taken to Germany for melting down. In 1956 the monument was restored on the same pedestal. Author - Moscow sculptor N.P. Gavrilov, who restored the monument from photographs and descriptions, preserved its height and composition. Some details were changed, in particular, Peter I is depicted as young, as he came to build a fleet in Voronezh, and not in adulthood as originally

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Presentation on the topic: History of Voronezh

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Voronezh Voro Nezh is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the region of the same name. Voronezh is located on the banks of the Voronezh reservoir of the Voronezh River, 8.5 kilometers from its confluence with the Don River, 586 km from Moscow. The population of the city is 840.7 thousand inhabitants (2007), the 16th place in terms of population in Russia. Not being a million-plus city, Voronezh forms an agglomeration of 0.98-1.0 million people (2005) (21st place in Russia). For heroic resistance to the German invaders during the Great Patriotic War, Voronezh was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class.

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The first mention of Voronezh took place in 1177 in connection with the battle of Vladimir and Ryazan princes and the escape of Yaropolk Ryazansky to "Voronozh". Here is what the chronicles report about this - the Laurentian Chronicle: “And according to Yaropolk, the ambassador, saying Ryazan: you have our enemy, or I’m going to you. Ryazanians, zdumasha, rekush, our prince and our brothers perished in a foreign prince, going to Voronezh, eating him themselves and bringing him to Volodimer ”and the Nikon Chronicle, but with some additions:“ Prince Yaropolk Rostislavich ran away to Voronezh, and there he passed from city to city ... And so he went to Voronozh, taking him out, and leading him to Volodimer. Some historians suggest, based on excerpts from these chronicles, that Voronezh (Voronozh) existed as a settlement as early as the 12th century. But according to the most common version, Voronezh was founded in 1585-1586. In ancient times, the Khazars lived here, the last tombs of which were still seen by de Bruin in 1702. Voronezh was one of the first fortified cities, advanced at the end of the 16th century deep into the steppes of the Don to protect the state from raids "by driving out various Horde predators." In 1590, Voronezh was destroyed by the Kanev Cherkasy, but immediately restored. Being on such a lively trade route as the confluence of Voronezh with the Don, then still quite navigable rivers, Voronezh could not remain an exclusively military city for a long time. By the middle of the 17th century, trade had reached a large scale here. Soon, however, new, more southern fortified cities began to appear, built mainly by the Ostrogozhsk Cherkassy who arrived in 1652. The latter received new rights and benefits, including the right to duty-free trade and cut-to-length shredding. This dealt a strong blow to the trade of Voronezh, deprived of privileges.

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The most brilliant era of the city begins in 1695 - with the arrival of Peter to build a fleet here. From time immemorial, Voronezh served as a shipyard, where "plows suitable for seafaring" were built. But Voronezh was destined to be the cradle of not only the military, but also the merchant fleet of Russia. In 1772, at the initiative of the government, the first in Russia "joint-stock trading company for navigation" was formed in Voronezh, with the highest approved charter and with the right to order seagoing vessels in military admiralties. The military shipyard in Voronezh did not exist for long; as a result of the gradual shallowing of the rivers, it was first transferred to the Taurus, then to the south, to the mouth, and, finally, beyond the shallow water, it was completely abolished. At the turn of the 19th and early 20th centuries, Voronezh was one of the most beautiful provincial cities. He owned 38271/3 acres of land, of which up to 800 acres were under the city, and almost everything else was under the forest. There were over 5500 houses, more than half of them were made of stone. There were 61,053 inhabitants, including 28,360 women. The number of births in 1890 reached 2,281, the number of deaths - 1,998 of both sexes. City revenues amounted to 309,385 rubles, reserve city capital - 3,175 rubles. City expenses in 1890 were 312,627 rubles 28 kopecks. Outside the city, there was a debt to the state bank in the amount of 1,010,831 rubles. The once extensive and flourishing trade of Voronezh, as a result of the cessation of shipping, had by that time been greatly reduced; nevertheless, at that time there were 47 factories and plants in Voronezh, the production value of which reached the amount of 1,248,548 rubles (in 1862, the trade turnover of Voronezh exceeded another 3,500,000 rubles). During the Great Patriotic War from 1942 to 1943, Voronezh was under German occupation for 212 days and suffered significant damage. 30,000 people out of the 350,000 population of the city died during this period, many were forcibly taken to concentration camps. After the war, the city was restored again, including the St. Nicholas Church and the Potemkin Palace - architectural monuments of the 18th century. Since the late 90s of the XX century, manifestations of neo-Nazism have become more frequent in Voronezh. According to anti-fascist Alexei Kozlov, an average of 50-60 attacks on foreigners occur in Voronezh per year.

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History of Voronezh: There are few cities in Russia that at various stages of its historical development would play such a prominent role as Voronezh. More than once it was subjected to enemy invasions and barbaric destruction, but it always revived and became one of the most significant social, economic, scientific and cultural centers of Russia. According to archaeological excavations near the village of Kostenki, on the right bank of the Don, the first settlements on the territory of the modern Voronezh region appeared about 30 thousand years ago. For many centuries, our region was the southern outpost of the Russian state, protecting it from the Khazars, Pechenegs and Polovtsians. Hundreds of years later, the region again became a border region, but its southern borders with independent Ukraine serve not as a shield against raids, but as a gateway of friendship and a corridor of cooperation. The official birth of Voronezh is considered to be 1585, when a fortress was erected on the site of ancient settlements. The city experienced a second birth in 1696, when, on the orders of Peter I, the first Russian fleet was built at the Voronezh shipyards, which surprised Europe and frightened Asia. Tsar Peter received a blessing for the construction of the fleet and the founding of St. Petersburg from his close friend and spiritual mentor, the first bishop of Voronezh, Saint Mitrofan. Having become the center of Russian shipbuilding, Voronezh turned into a large city with specialized plants, factories, manufactories and workshops. For some time, Voronezh actually played the role of the capital. It was he who was the center of the most important events, Tsar Peter lived here with his court, here were representative offices of European countries: diplomats, generals, shipwrights. In Voronezh, as in Moscow, there was a German settlement. The city grew, became a large settlement - with a population of 40 (according to other sources - 60) thousand people at that time, not every European capital could boast. In 1711 Voronezh became the administrative center of the Azov province. In 1725, this province was named Voronezh, its territory extended to the Volga in the northeast and to the Sea of ​​Azov in the south. In 1928, Voronezh became the center of the Central Black Earth Region, which united the Voronezh, Tambov, Kursk and Oryol provinces. The Voronezh Region as an independent administrative-territorial unit was established in 1934. On May 6, 1975, Voronezh was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, I degree, for courage and heroism during the Great Patriotic War and labor success.

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Time zone The city of Voronezh, like the entire Voronezh region, is located in the time zone designated by the international standard as Moscow Time Zone (MSK/MSD). The offset from UTC is +3:00 (MSK, winter time) / +4:00 (MSD, summer time), since daylight saving time is in effect in this time zone. Voronezh time differs from standard time by one hour, since daylight savings time is in force in Russia.

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Geographical position The city of Voronezh is located on the border of the Central Russian Upland and the Oka-Don Plain. Naturally, the city is located in the south of the Central Russian forest-steppe zone. Voronezh stretches along both banks of the Voronezh River, 12 km from its confluence with the Don River. Voronezh is located 587 km southeast of Moscow

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Voronezh TRZ Voronezh Diesel Locomotive Repair Plant (Voronezh TRZ) is a plant in the city of Voronezh that repairs diesel locomotives of the 2TE116, TEP70 series. The plant was founded in 1868 as the railway workshops of the South Eastern Railways. Since 1928, the plant has been called a locomotive repair plant. Since 1960, it has been called diesel locomotive repair. During the Great Patriotic War, the plant, being in evacuation, repaired steam locomotives, built armored trains, produced small arms, anti-tank gun carriages. During its history, the plant has repaired steam locomotives of various series, diesel locomotives TE3, 2TE10M, 2TE116, TEP70. In addition, the plant repaired mobile power plants manufactured by the Kolomna Diesel Locomotive Plant and the Lugansk Diesel Locomotive Plant; repaired diesel engines 2D100, 10D100, D49, repaired and formed wheelsets of different series of diesel locomotives, repaired traction motors, traction generators and auxiliary electric machines.

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Railway In Voronezh, there are two railway stations at the railway stations Voronezh I (on Chernyakhovsky Square), Voronezh II. A left-bank transit railway station is being designed Road communication The M4 Don motorway passes through Voronezh along the bypass road. There are two bus stations and one bus station: Central Bus Station, Left Bank Bus Station, South-West Bus Station

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Urban transport Urban transport of the city is represented by buses, trolleybuses and trams. By the end of the 19th century, there was water supply and a horse-drawn railway, a tram appeared in 1926, and a trolleybus was launched in 1960. The left and right banks of the reservoir are connected by three road and one railway bridges. The most important of them is the Chernavsky bridge, which connects the Levoberezhny district with the city center; the most interesting in design is the North Bridge. It has two floors: the first one is for cars, the second one is for trams. The city has a small number of municipal buses and more than two thousand fixed-route taxis and commercial buses. In Voronezh, the trolleybus traffic is under threat, the municipal property has only 30 operating trolleybuses. There are 36 trams in the city (of the 21 routes that were available in the city in the 1990s, 4 remained, and two of the three city tram depots are closed). The state of the city's transport system was recognized by the editors of the Pantograph transport publication in 2005 as one of the worst in Russia; It was noted that the abundance of commercial minibuses and the almost complete destruction of urban electric transport are the reasons for the high accident rate on the roads and poor ecology in the city. At the end of the socialist period, it was assumed that in a few years the population of the city would reach one million people, and a subway would be built in the city. In the post-Soviet era, the growth of the city changed, and the draft of the new master plan provides for the creation of only a light metro using the railway line inside the city. The city is currently considering a light rail project.

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Education The sphere of education was represented by a theological seminary, one male and two female gymnasiums, male and female progymnasiums. There were also: a real school, a cadet corps and schools: spiritual, county, railway, diocesan, paramedical; teachers' seminary; up to 40 city schools and colleges. Today there are 36 higher educational institutions and 53 specialized secondary educational institutions in the city. Preschool children attend 116 kindergartens. There is one cadet school in Voronezh (Voronezh cadet school named after A.V. Suvorov (VKS)) and one Mikhailovsky cadet corps. Previously, there was the Suvorov Military School (SVU) in Voronezh, now the VKSh is the successor of the SVU. The VCS appeared on November 27, 2001. The banner was presented on May 5, 2007. At the moment, 122 cadets are studying at the Higher School of Higher School. There is also the Voronezh Military Aviation Engineering Institute (VVAII), which is a higher educational institution in the city of Voronezh

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Culture Frequent fires that occurred in Voronezh during the 18th century destroyed many monuments of the Petrine era. The following have survived to this day: the Palace of Peter with the citadel, later turned into a wool wash and so forgotten that until recent years they were considered to have died in a fire; The storehouse on the island, also first turned into a wool wash, but by the Highest Decree bought from private hands and donated to the city, with the condition of responsibility for the integrity of the precious monument. At the end of the 19th century, the Petrovsky Yacht Club was placed in it. The sights of Voronezh at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries were: monuments to Peter I, Koltsov and Nikitin (the last two were local natives), the Mitrofanevsky Monastery, with the relics of St. Mitrofan, a museum at the statistical committee and at the public library. Now 310 Voronezh cultural heritage sites are under state protection. Among them are more than 80 monuments and busts and (since 1990) an area of ​​759 hectares. Monuments to Peter I, Ivan Nikitin, Alexei Koltsov have been preserved, and monuments to Ivan Bunin and Andrey Platonov have been added to them. Over 100 plaques. Many architectural monuments of antiquity are in the process of examination and registration. Diocesan and provincial journals, private newspapers "Don" and "Voronezh Telegraph", and two special journals "Philological Notes" and "Medical Conversation" were published in Voronezh. There were public libraries and clubs with reading rooms. In Voronezh, there was a project for the construction of the administrative building "House of Soviets", but in the 50s the architect of the building was replaced, and he was deprived of the tower. Now this place is the administration of the Voronezh region. Currently, the city has 51 libraries, 5 exhibition halls, 15 palaces of culture and clubs, 6 museums, 13 creative associations, 5 cinemas, 5 theaters, a philharmonic society, a circus. Voronezh State Academic Drama Theater named after A. Koltsov

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Stone Bridge The Stone Bridge in Voronezh is a "humped" bridge in the center of Voronezh on Karl Marx Street, built in 1826. The length of the bridge does not exceed 10 meters, at the bottom there is a hilly road to the embankment of the Voronezh reservoir. With this road, the bridge forms a mini-interchange. The bridge has become a traditional wedding venue for the townspeople. Newlyweds come here on their wedding day, break a bottle of champagne on the bridge and hang padlocks with their names on it. It is believed that after such a ritual, the marriage will be strong and happy. The bridge is also known as the "Bridge of Lovers". Now its condition is deplorable: the arch is broken; slabs from partitions are broken off, garbage is everywhere

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Chernavsky bridge Chernavsky bridge is a road bridge in Voronezh. The bridge has 6 pillars. The length of the bridge is 364 meters. The bridge was put into operation in 1959 instead of the concrete bridge that was destroyed in June 1942 and erected in 1909 and became one of the symbols of the city, and the first mention of the construction of a wooden bridge across the Voronezh River dates back to 1768. However, in 1972, the Voronezh reservoir appeared, which became a serious problem for the bridge. The supports began to collapse, since salt additives-plasticizers were used in the construction of the bridge supports, and the increased water level sharply accelerated the process of destruction, and in 1989 the condition of the bridge was declared emergency. By 1996, it was dismantled, a temporary bridge was erected. Since then, its restoration began, which was supposed to end in 2003, but due to funding problems, it was not completed. Currently, the temporary bridge has been extended until 2008. Currently, work on the restoration of the bridge is underway. The new bridge is planned to be commissioned either in December 2008 or in 2009.

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Se Verny Bridge Se Verny Bridge is an automobile and tram bridge in Voronezh across the Voronezh reservoir. The bridge is two-level, modern in design. Built in honor of the 400th anniversary of the city of Voronezh. Length - 1800 meters. The bridge connects the Levoberezhny district of Voronezh near Ostuzhev Street and the right bank of the Voronezh reservoir near the Dynamo park. On the right bank near the bridge there is a two-level road-rail interchange to Tambov. Currently, tram number 7 (Gazovaya-Ostuzheva) does not run on the bridge due to the emergency condition of the tracks. The bridge was laid with the prospect of building a subway in Voronezh. In the master plan of Voronezh, it is planned to launch a light metro across the bridge.

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Orthodox Churches of Voronezh Alekseevsky Monastery The monastery owes its name to Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow (1300-1378). He ruled the Russian Church from 1354 under the Grand Dukes Ivan Ivanovich and Dmitry Donskoy. During these years, the beginning of "the process of gathering torn apart by internecine strife and weakened by the Mongol-Tatar invasion of Russian lands." By their activities, Metropolitan Alexy and his famous colleague, St. Sergius of Radonezh, who became the spiritual mentors of the Moscow Grand Dukes, contributed to the consolidation of Russia and its liberation from the yoke. Even during his lifetime, Alexy became famous as a miracle worker. The Alekseevsky Monastery dates back to 1620 and, it turns out, is only a few decades younger than Voronezh itself

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City (Pervomaisky) garden It was arranged in 1840. between the current streets of F. Engels and Feoktistov. The garden was surrounded by a brick fence, folded with gaps in the shape of a cross, and the main entrance was emphasized by four brick pillars imitating fortress towers with battlements. There were many small buildings in the garden: a restaurant, a summer theater with 600 seats, bowling alleys and a billiard room, a rotunda for a brass band and a koumiss establishment. The garden was a favorite place for festivities of city dwellers. City holidays and events, charity lotteries, exhibitions were regularly held here, and in winter the skating rink was flooded. Since then, with the passage of history, the garden has changed. The buildings were all burned down during the Great Patriotic War, the stone lattice was replaced in 1950 with an elegant metal one ... At present, the city garden retains its former rectangular configuration. It is crossed diagonally by alleys leading to the corner entrances. Maple trees from the beginning of the 20th century have been preserved on the main alley. Since 1999, the building of the Annunciation Cathedral has been erected along the axis of the garden.

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Monument to Peter the Great Located in the middle of Petrovsky Square, facing the avenue. This is the first monument that was erected in 1860 with public donations. The general concept of the monument belonged to D.I. Grimm, realized by the sculptor A.E. Schwartz (1818-1892). The layout of the square and the drawing of the pedestal were made by the architect A. A. Cui. The bronze statue was cast in Petersburg; the pedestal is made of red granite delivered from the Pavlovsky district of the Voronezh province. During the occupation of Voronezh in 1942, the bronze statue was taken to Germany for melting down. In 1956 the monument was restored on the same pedestal. Author - Moscow sculptor N.P. Gavrilov, who restored the monument from photographs and descriptions, preserved its height and composition. Some details were changed, in particular, Peter I is depicted as young, as he came to build a fleet in Voronezh, and not in adulthood as originally

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Architecture of Voronezh XIX-beginning of XX centuries.

Prepared by the teacher

Litmanova Marina Evgenievna

Former building of the Grand Hotel Architectural monuments

The history of this building begins in 1859, when it was built by the tradesman A. S. Shukhmin. Then it was just a wooden house and a brick outbuilding. The estate was used as an inn. In 1875, it was decided to finish building the house, and the widow of A. S. Shukhmina did it. The outbuilding became a tavern. But the restructuring of the house did not end there - under the son of A. S. Shukhmin, the wing became one floor higher and joined the house, also lined with bricks, like the wing itself. On the site of the estate in 1893, the Grand Hotel grew up, which was considered one of the best in the city, there were even baths and telephone communications. A year later, the inn in the outbuilding was magically transformed into a restaurant.

World War I

Veretennikov's mansion Architectural monuments

This building has a rich history. In the 19th century, on Bolshaya Devitskaya Street, it was the richest house and it belonged to the Veretennikov family. The family was a merchant, and they were able to build a house on the income from the grain trade and the maintenance of horses at stud farms. In the 60s of the same century, the house passed to the Voronezh doctor K. V. Fedyaevsky, who married the daughter of the merchant Veretennikov. But soon the house was acquired by the Mariinsky Gymnasium, although almost immediately he returned to the Veretennikovs again - the heir to a wealthy merchant family did not want to put up with this state of affairs and bought the house back. After the ruin of Veretennikov, the building was occupied by the Community of Sisters of Mercy, and it became a hospital.

manor Bystrzhinsky Architectural monuments

This house was built in the XIX century, or rather, in its first half. History has not preserved the names of the first owners, but it has preserved the names of the following ones. Around the middle of the century, the house passed to the Pazhetnov family, who set up an inn in it. A few years later, it was bought by A.F. Moskalev, who rented the house for military units. And now the most interesting part of the history of this building: in April 1894, Leo Tolstoy, who arrived in Voronezh to see friends, visited it. The great Russian writer visited V. G. Chertkov and the Rusanov family in the city, and his daughter M. L. Tolstaya wrote about this journey in a letter to L. F. Annenkova.

House with an owl

The guests of the city were very lucky - the building was recently restored and now you can see its beauty not from old photographs, but with your own eyes. In addition, on the facade of the house under the balcony in the niche there is a sculpture of an owl sitting on a spruce branch. It was this owl that gave the house its name, although officially it is considered the home of M. N. Zamyatnin, the Voronezh architect of the early 20th century, who built this house for himself. On the facade of the building there is also a decor with antique motifs: floral ornaments and bas-reliefs of figures in Greek clothes. When you first look at the building, you immediately feel that it has something to do with classicism.

House Vigel This attraction will be of interest to those who are tired of the standard tourist set of architectural monuments and want to see really old buildings, which for a number of reasons are not told to city guests - mainly because of the emergency state. Such is the house of Vigel. If you take a closer look at it and ignore the general terrible state of this mansion, you will notice that the house is bizarre, but at the same time, Baroque, Gothic and Empire styles are harmoniously combined. An unknown architect of the 18th century could do this. Yes, this house is about 300 years old. The estate was built by the wealthy manufacturer Maxim Tulinov, and under his grandson and great-grandson the estate, which had been rich and beautiful before, became luxurious

Hotel Voishcheva Architectural monuments

Voronezh, st. Srednemoskovsk, 10 on the map

(387 m to city center)

Nearby 22 hotels

Voronezh is rich in architectural monuments. One of them is located away from the main streets of the city - this is the hotel of the merchant Voishchev. He was not the first owner - the house was erected by the merchants Krivosheins, who built it around the middle of the 19th century. The building then had only one floor - in those days there were rarely houses higher than two floors. In the 1870s, the house passed to the merchant M. M. Klochkov, who added another floor and connected this house with a two-story brick shop designed by V. N. Shebalin. Until 1916, the building was the property of the merchant M. A. Voishchev, who added a third floor and turned the resulting building into a hotel.

Gerasimov's estate In the 19th century, a resident of Voronezh, bearing the surname Gerasimov, built two buildings in 1872 - a brick house and a wooden outbuilding. He lived, did not grieve, but after his death, his heirs resolutely rebuilt the main house, and the wooden outbuilding also became brick. All this was done already in 1902-1904, and the project of new buildings belonged to Ya. I. Streltsov. The houses were surrounded by a brick wall. There were houses under the famous Stone Bridge. Then a lot happened in the life of the two buildings, and now, next to the dilapidated houses No. 48 and 48 B, there is a huge high-rise building that houses the tax services. Gerasimov's house itself survived during the vicissitudes of the war, and there is a plate with a number on the wall, allowing you to recognize it.

Church of Saint Mary This church is one of the oldest buildings in the city. It was built in 1811-1819. In the 19th century in Voronezh, the church of St. Mary was a large religious community. Its construction is connected with the fact that at the beginning of the 19th century there were many Germans in Voronezh who wanted to have their own Lutheran church. Now St. Mary's Church is the only Lutheran church that has survived from that time, and three centuries ago there were two of them, due to the fact that the Germans came to Voronezh at the beginning of the 18th century to build a fleet. The church flourished for a long time - even at the end of the 19th century, when there were fewer and fewer Germans in the city due to the “Russification” of their descendants, it had a constant large parish (or, in German, “kirchspiel”).

House Accordion A strange house stands on Karl Marx Street. At first you see only one unremarkable shabby facade, but suddenly another facade is shown from behind the trees, and another ... And only then you realize that all these small houses are actually one building. The inhabitants call it "accordion". The house is not very old, but now it looks like it wants to throw on another century. However, it was built shortly before the Great Patriotic War, in 1929. According to the memoirs of the architect N.V. Troitsky himself, he saw in the Izvestia newspaper an announcement about a competition for projects of residential buildings. Troitsky became interested and took the most difficult section, which was formed by the intersection of two streets.

Book House Architectural monuments

Voronezh, Revolution Ave., 33 on the map

(910 m to city center)

Nearby 24 hotels

This tall house on Revolution Avenue, like many other houses here, has its own little history. This building is especially remarkable for the fact that Yevgeny Dubrovin, the future editor of the satirical magazine Krokodil, once worked in it. But before that, the building had other owners and a different life. In the 1870s, a mansion with a mezzanine, owned by F. S. Kurilchenkova, stood on the site of this house. In 1903, a small house was added to the building, which housed a photographic studio, and later an art studio. In the 1930s, on the site of all these small buildings and outbuildings, the Book House suddenly appeared - almost a skyscraper against the background of other buildings.

Pharmacy building Now in this almost unremarkable house, among all other shops, there is a pharmacy. However, an amazing thing is that a pharmacy was in this house 150 years ago! But let's go even further into the past - once on the site of this house was the estate of A. I. Shele. In the 1870s, the estate with annexes was sold to V. A. Venevitinov, but he did not really need the house, so the estate quickly fell into the hands of the enterprising merchant F. I. Adler, in which he set up a confectionery, a notary office and a pharmacy - this is how the pharmacy history of house number 48 began. After the death of the merchant, the house went to his wife, and then little changed in it - except that a printing house settled down and the owner changed at the pharmacy.

Sundial The sundial, which now stands in Petrovsky Square very close to the monument to Peter, was recently installed. But the history of the Voronezh sundial began in the 19th century. Once, in 1850, where the monument to I. S. Nikitin now stands, there was a Sundial Square in honor of the fact that such a clock really stood on it. This name was not official, but it took root among the townspeople. The clock was installed by the city council in order to decorate the square and at the same time be useful - after all, there were no wristwatches then, not everyone had a watch on a chain, but one often wanted to know the time! So it is not surprising that the Voronezh residents are so fond of the sundial.

Petty police station The petty-bourgeois police unit was built in 1825, and at first it was a complex of buildings of three buildings, of which only one has survived to this day. Next to these buildings was a wooden fire tower. In the 1870s, a water pipe was laid on Staromoskovskaya Street, now called Karl Marx Street, and the police department was the first to learn the benefits of an underground water supply system. It was soon noticed that the fire tower was excessively dilapidated and began to sway, which is why it was decided to remove it. In its place, a stone tower appeared, built by the architect D.S. Maksimov. Renaissance was guessed in its forms; it was four-tiered, with an observation deck on the upper level

Provincial Zemstvo Hospital These three similar buildings, which are the main building and two outbuildings, designed in the same style of classicism, are a complex of medical buildings that together made up the provincial zemstvo hospital. In 1826, almost two centuries ago, these buildings were built specifically for the Order of Public Charity. They were built from money allocated by St. Petersburg specifically for this purpose. The project of the complex of buildings belonged to the architects I. Charlemagne and A. Shchedrin. In addition to the hospital, the buildings also included an almshouse, a penitentiary, a home for invalids, and other charitable institutions. In 1837, a major fire broke out in the main building at night - so large that only the walls survived.

House of Prince A.A. Volkonsky The inconspicuous house number 5 is often overlooked by passers-by, but in vain: this is one of the oldest houses on the avenue, rich in old buildings. It is located very close to the house of I. A. Bunin. The lack of decor on the building, even the smallest, is explained by the fact that the building was intended for soldiers - and why barracks with a claim to beauty? The building could be attributed to Petr Karlovich Arnoldi, a major general who lived at that time, but things were a little different. The house in the 1780s was the residential apartments of Prince A. A. Volkonsky. At the beginning of the 19th century, the prince sold the house to the administration, and various people lived in the house for several years: from vice-governors to the spouses of a colonel and a captain.

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Socio-economic development of Voronezh in the 19th century

Introduction For the Russian Empire, the stage of the turn of the XIX - XX centuries. became a time of awakening hitherto unseen socio-economic and political factors. The transfer of funds from the countryside enabled Russia to create a powerful heavy and extractive industry and, in the production of certain important types of products, come close to the advanced capitalist countries. There was a discrepancy between the growth of mining and heavy industry and the growth of light industry, which remained at the level of small enterprises. The history of our country of the specified period is estimated ambiguously. For some - the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. - this is a time of economic recovery, for others - a severe crisis. Important changes were taking place in the industry. In the 80s. 19th century the industrial revolution was basically completed. Machine production began to predominate in the leading branches of the national economy. The economy of Russia in the late XIX - early XX centuries. characterized by cycles of ups and downs, but on the whole its development was steadily on the ascending line. return

The economy of the Voronezh province in the 19th century The state of agriculture at the turn of the 19th century The development of the industry of the province back

The state of agriculture at the turn of the 19th century At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. the land area of ​​the Voronezh province was 57,902 sq. verst. It included 12 counties: Voronezh, Biryuchensky, Bobrovsky, Bogucharsky, Valuysky, Zadonsky, Zemlyansky, Korotoyaksky, Nizhnedevitsky, Novokhopyorsky, Ostrogozhsky, Pavlovsky. The area of ​​land suitable for cultivation has been decreasing every year. This was due to the fact that the depletion of the soil from continuous plowing intensified. By the beginning of the XX century. the number of lands suitable for cultivation has decreased by 2360 acres In the Voronezh province, the sands were expanding. The expansion of the sands was explained by irrational plowing. Deforestation also had a negative impact. By the beginning of the century, in the Voronezh province, as in most Russian provinces, the land was both in personal and collective ownership. Along with personal landed property, there was also collective property. Private landed property was thus divided into two types: personal property and property of various partnerships. return

The development of industry in the province Researchers of the economy of the Voronezh region in the late XIX - early XX centuries. paid attention mainly to the agricultural sector and industries that process agricultural products. And this is understandable: more than 90% of the population of the province was employed in agriculture. In the Voronezh province, as in Russia as a whole, there was a concentration and monopolization of production. A characteristic feature of the Voronezh industry of that time was the creation of capitalist associations - "partnerships" and "companies". By the beginning of the XX century. there were about ten of them. Small enterprises were ruined in the course of competition with large enterprises. The vast majority of enterprises in the Voronezh province processed agricultural products; they depended on the general state of agriculture, the yield of certain crops and the degree of development of animal husbandry. This dependence led to a decrease in the number of operating factories and factories in the lean year of 1891 compared to 1890. The reduction in the number of livestock caused a gradual decrease in the volume of production of industrial establishments that processed livestock products. 19th century in connection with the industrial upsurge in Russia, the pace of industrial development is also accelerating in the Voronezh province. If since the 1870s. by 1890, only 11 enterprises appeared, which included 3 small breweries and mead factories, two tobacco factories, two cologne factories, a diocesan candle factory and a vinegar factory, then from the 1890s. there is more active industrial development. return

Economy of the 1st half of the 19th century In the first half of the 19th century, the main place in trade was occupied by products of the lard industry and arable farming, and fairs were held. Since 1837, exhibitions have been held, which demonstrated manufactory products and products of artisans of suburban villages and villages.

Economics of the 2nd half of the 19th century In the second half of the 19th century, private initiative was activated in Voronezh. There was a rapid growth in industrial production. Processing of agricultural products By the end of the 19th century, Voronezh became a major industrial and cultural center. Mechanical engineering and processing industry developed intensively. By the end of the century, the number of factories, plants and workers increased.

Railway construction In August 1866, the Russian government allowed the construction of the Kozlov-Voronezh railway. Work on its creation began in the spring of 1867. December 20, 1867 (January 1, 1868) Voronezh residents were able to see the arrival of the first "trial" train. In January 1868, railway lines connected Voronezh with Moscow, and the regular movement of passenger trains between Voronezh and Moscow began in early February 1868, between Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don - in 1871 1868 - the railway workshops of the South-Eastern Railways Voronezh became a significant railway junction linking the west, north and south of the country. return

The situation in the social sphere At the end of the XIX century. more than 2.5 million people lived on the territory of the Voronezh province. The population was predominantly rural, with only 169,000 people living in cities. By 1910, the population had grown to 3355.8 thousand people. In total, there were more than 8 thousand settlements in the province; of which 12 cities, 510 villages, 363 settlements, 475 villages. The population density also increased. If in 1897 there were 43.7 people per square meter in the province. verst, and in 1905 - 52.2 people, then in 1913 there were already 63 people per square meter. miles On the territory of the Voronezh province was dominated by Russians, who accounted for 91.8% of the population. At the same time, immigrants from Poland (1.55%), from the Caucasus (3.93%), from Central Asia (0.17%), Siberia (0.4%), Finland (0.07%) lived in the province. Analyzing the demographic situation, it should be noted that it has undergone changes. In the 80s - 90s. Population growth has been observed in the 1990s. its number, in comparison with the 60s, increased by 39.4%. In 1901, the population growth occurred in all counties and amounted to 55 thousand people. By 1903, the population increased to 2.85 million people, by 1904 to 2.943 million people, and by 1908 it exceeded 3 million. Compared to previous years, population growth was noted in all counties with the exception of Valuysky. In the Voronezh province, the mortality rate was relatively high - up to 43 people per thousand inhabitants. This was a consequence of the low standard of living, hunger strikes and epidemics. Especially high mortality of the population at the turn of the century took place during the famine of 1892, which was accompanied by an epidemic of cholera. During the epidemic, more than 45% of the sick people died. return