Lubricant for paving slabs. How to choose a lubricant for paving slab molds, make it yourself How to lubricate plastic molds

A problem familiar to many housewives: the cake is not removed from the baking sheet, the bottom is burnt, dark burns remain on the dishes that cannot be cleaned off. To avoid these troubles, it is enough to properly grease the baking sheet before baking. If the oil is not to your liking, use alternative methods.

Does it need to be lubricated

Lubricate the form or not - depends on the material from which it is made. It is known that silicone cupcake makers only need to be oiled once, before the first use. In the future, the dough is perfectly separated from the walls and bottom without additional lubrication.

Forms made of glass and metal need to be lubricated every time, including non-stick ones. If oil is not available, use alternative methods such as special baking paper.

What kind of oil to grease the mold

It is better to use odorless vegetable oil - refined. The aroma of sunflowers or olives can spoil the taste of the dough.

The most popular oil is sunflower, some housewives are experimenting with sesame, linseed.

To get a golden crust of pies, use butter. Melt or soften it first. Butter also imparts aroma and pleasant taste.

An inexpensive alternative to butter is margarine. It has no taste and smell, but it also does a good job of protecting the dough, although some housewives still face burning.

To spread, use a silicone cooking brush, or grease the mold with your hands while wearing protective gloves. Don't forget to cover the sides if the oven bakes to rise.

Other ways to protect baked goods

Parchment paper is an oiled bedding that will allow you to easily separate the dough from the bottom and walls. The advantage of parchment is that it keeps the shape relatively clean. You don't have to soak and scrub the burnt areas, and wash the dishes several times in an effort to get rid of the oiliness.

The paper helps not only to protect the dishes, but also prevents excess fat from being absorbed into the pastry dough during baking.

Advice from Miss Purity Magazine
Not every parchment is oiled, look for information on the packaging!

To prevent torment with washing the form, line it with ordinary food foil. This material, unlike baking paper, tends to stick to the dough, so additional oiling is required.

A modern alternative is Teflon sheet. It works like a mold made of a similar material: just lay it on a baking sheet and boldly place the dough.

Sometimes oil is not enough. In this case, the housewives use flour: sprinkle an oiled sheet on it, and the dough will stick to it, and not to the bottom. This technique is very helpful when baking pizza, which has a rather thin and brittle dough.

Do not be afraid to sprinkle flour, it will not affect the consistency of the finished dough.

Semolina and small breadcrumbs are also used for sprinkling. Another chocolate cake trick: dust the buttered bottom with cocoa powder and fine sugar. So you get a delicious and sweet bottom crust.

Do not forget also about the baking time and temperature indicated in the recipe for a particular dish.

Simple tricks will help you easily remove pizza or other pastries from the pan and enjoy a delicious dish.

A simple recipe for non-stick baking mix.

Easy, fast, cheap, DIY.

What is the best way to grease baking pans?

I think that all home bakers have a sad experience when they could not get pastries out of the mold.

Of course, the finished cake can be cut directly on the baking sheet. Worse, when the workpiece is firmly stuck to the roll or cake. I want to cry.

Baking recipes usually say to grease the pan or use baking paper. This is done so that the pastry does not stick to the mold.

Oddly enough, in our time, when forms with a non-stick coating, ceramic, silicone, etc., have appeared, they still have to be lubricated.

We lubricate just in case or because the non-stick qualities of the form are not so strong.

Baking paper, of course, is a very convenient thing. But it is also of poor quality, then you have to tear off the pastries from the paper. By the way, if this happens, it is more efficient to remove the paper from the baking, and not vice versa.

And if we bake a pie basket in a shape with embossed sides, of course, the paper will not repeat all the curves of the shape. In this case, you want to have a reliable non-stick lubricant for the mold.

In Soviet times, baking sheets were often lubricated with vegetable oil, less often with lard. Ready-made pastries immediately from the oven were placed on a wet towel or wet newspaper. Usually everything worked out. If it sticks, then not over the entire surface, more often where the sweet filling has leaked.

Each hostess had her own favorite form, with which everything was perfectly filmed.

Great suffering has always been about Easter cakes. Everyone had their own method. More often they were greased with vegetable oil and sprinkled with flour on the walls and bottom of the molds. Or they lined the walls and bottom with tracing paper, then it was carefully torn off from the Easter cake.

Once an employee brought beautiful homemade Easter cakes to work. Very tasty, airy, but dry semolina creaked on her teeth, with which she generously sprinkled forms. Therefore, I immediately rejected this method. However, she may have done something wrong.

In detachable forms for Easter cakes, I put a circle of baking paper on the bottom so that the dough does not flow into the slots. The circle should be slightly larger than the bottom to cover the parting line.

Try it, it's very easy. But in no case should you use margarine, such a lubricant will not protect against sticking to the form.

Non-stick baking grease


  1. Pork lard * - 0.5 cups
  2. Sunflower refined oil - 0.5 cups
  3. Premium wheat flour - 0.5 cups


1. Measure by eye the products approximately one level in the same glasses.

I draw your attention to the fact that pork lard should be in a plastic form, that is, soft, but not liquid. I have a sad experience with this.

One hot summer I put a jar of lard on the window to make it softer. As a result, lard became liquid.

Without a second thought, I combined all the products in a bowl for whipping with a mixer. But no matter how much I whipped, the consistency of the cream did not work out. Then I realized the mistake. I put the whole mixture in the refrigerator, in the salon. When the lard turned white, everything whipped up perfectly.

2. Put all products in a container for whipping. First flour, then vegetable oil, mix with a fork. Then lard.

3. Beat until the consistency of a white cream, first at low speed, then add. It takes me no more than 3 minutes.

4. It is better to store in the refrigerator in a jar with a lid. I have this jar for a year.

5. How to use. Apply to a clean form with a brush or put a couple of drops on the bottom and smear with a paper towel.

For the first few years, I greased the molds liberally, and then, when I used the rest of the mixture, I realized that a very thin layer was enough.

To grease the corrugated cake basket, it is better to use a brush, it is more convenient and faster.

© Taisiya Fevronina, 2017.

Paving slabs lay paths in summer cottages and cottages, paths in the garden. Neatly lined paths give a well-groomed look to any country house. It is better to purchase a product in construction markets or make it yourself. For self-production, you will need a lubricant for paving slab forms. It can also be prepared by yourself or purchased at hardware stores.

Varied Options

The tiled coating is made of concrete and can be of different structure:

  • universal;
  • rectangular;
  • arbitrary;
  • castle;
  • model.

There are two options for the execution of the product - under pressure and casting. The first method is quite difficult, and the second can be used for self-production. The composition of the product is also diverse:

  • cement with sand;
  • fired clay;
  • rubber;
  • plastic;
  • granite.

Most often, cement is taken as the basis for the product. This is a durable material that is practically not deformable during prolonged use. It remains only to find out how to lubricate the forms for paving slabs.

DIY recipe

Regardless of the type of tile product chosen, the process will require a lubricant composition. The recipe for lubrication for paving slab molds is as follows:

  1. motor oil (50 gr.);
  2. water (1.5 l.);
  3. dilute the oil with water;
  4. stir the mixture very carefully;
  5. make sure that the composition is not too greasy, otherwise you will get a poor-quality product;
  6. non-concentrated composition is also not suitable.

When the lubricant is ready, you can start preparing the concrete mixture. You will need a concrete mixer. If you need a multi-colored option, then acrylic paints are added to the concrete mixture. The molds themselves can also be made with your own hands, especially if you want something unusual. They are made from wooden blocks. Special stencils are sold for drawing.

Lubricant properties

Lubricate molds for manufacturing before pouring. Do-it-yourself lubricant for paving slab forms has the following properties:

  • high-quality composition does not spoil the color and shape;
  • no pores for air to pass through;
  • the composition can be diluted with water;
  • the finished tile is easily removed from the mold;
  • a thin layer of composition is required;
  • no need to purchase uniforms.

The lubricant composition is applied with an ordinary sponge. Forms in which products are prepared usually do not have strong contamination. The lubricant solution does not require special skills and costs in preparation.

Types of lubricants

There are several types for lubricating molds with different properties:

Almost all mixtures are concentrated. This is good, because you can cook a lot of ready-made composition. Add water to the concentrate and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

How to lubricate?

To get a quality product, you need to know how to smear molds for paving slabs. Be sure to clean the forms before starting work. They should be free of debris and any contamination.

Important: lubricant for paving slabs is applied only before pouring the concrete mix. The mixture is applied to the walls in a thin layer. You can use a brush, sponge, sprayer. The tool depends on the composition of the lubricant. You only need gloves to protect your hands.

Observe the following rules:

  1. lubricate the tile molds so that there are no gaps;
  2. make sure that the bristles from the brush do not get into the molds;
  3. you can clean the molds with a solution based on hydrochloric acid (diluted with water).

It is easier to clean the solution with soap. You need to mix soap with any dishwashing detergent.

Thanks to the preliminary application of lubricant to the molds, we get the following result:

  • the product is perfectly removed;
  • formwork and molds are easy to clean;
  • the original shape is preserved, because it is easily removed.

Lubricate the plastic

Lubrication for plastic molds of paving slabs is also applied before pouring. You need to process each mold separately. The compositions do not require work in overalls, thanks to environmentally friendly components.

Advantages of a lubricant composition based on biodegradable components:

  • safety at work;
  • economical;
  • miscible with water;
  • does not affect the rate of hardening of the concrete mixture.

Another plus to the use of emulsol as a lubricant is frost resistance.

When diluting concentrates with water, make sure that the mixture is homogeneous. Silicone mold lubricant for paving slabs has good water repellency. Most often it is used in the manufacture of large-sized tiles. Can process plastic and metal molds.


The molds are greased, it remains to fill them with concrete. Work requires the implementation of certain rules:

  • it is better to use a vibrating table. Do not loosen, try not to overload the springs;
  • large tiles are made in two stages. First, it is poured to the middle, then reinforcement is placed. The final stage is a complete filling.

In the manufacture of do-it-yourself products, lubricant for paving slabs plays an important role. After finishing work, the product literally jumps out of the mold without additional effort.

The secret of beautiful tiles

To make the paths and sidewalks in the summer cottage look beautiful, you need to know how best to lubricate the molds for paving slabs. Lubricants greatly facilitate the entire process of producing tiles.

Thanks to the competent use of the lubricant composition, the molds remain in working order for a long time. Depending on the structure of the composition, it may be enough for a large number of molds. The preparation of the mixture will take time, but will pay off in the process of making tiles and subsequent cleaning of molds. Properly prepared lubricant composition allows you to remove finished products from molds without deformation. Lubrication also affects the color of the product.

Follow the main rule: do not fill the mold with lubricant, but lubricate it.

Compare efficiency

Cheap, improvised components can also be used as lubricants. Consider how they behave in the process of work:

Which composition will be better depends on the quantity of the product produced. Therefore, if the sidewalk paths do not amount to several kilometers, then you should not spend extra money. Try homemade lubricant solutions.

Regardless of what kind of lubricant to use in the process of work, you should not leave finished products in molds for a long time. The deadline for the product to be removed without problems is three days. If you keep it longer, it will be difficult to wash the molds.

How to avoid bubbles?

Lubricating mixtures help not only to calmly remove the finished product. Thus, the formation of bubbles on the surface of the tiles can be avoided.

Typically, bubbles form on the face of the tiled side. This looks very ugly. Therefore, it is so important to pre-apply a lubricant before pouring concrete.

To improve the quality and action of the lubricant composition, add a plasticizer to it. This action will prevent the formation of bubbles.

The quality of the tiles is affected by cement. The material must be fresh, not stale. Pay attention to the cost of cement, and better not save. It is advisable to purchase cement in large, building stores, where you can check the contents of the material.

To give the tile the necessary color, try to dilute the dyes in advance. It is good if the diluted solution remains for half a day. Do not be afraid to leave dyes for so long, they do not deteriorate, and the structure does not deform.

Any garden or garden needs beauty and care. The best choice, in this case, would be laying tiles on the tracks. It will help to ennoble the look of the cottage, creating an atmosphere of prosperity and accuracy. Tiles can be purchased at the store or created independently. All that is needed to complete the last point is a little skill, the availability of the necessary materials and the right lubricant. Lubrication is necessary to create the shape of paving slabs. It can be self-made or specialized. The choice of how to lubricate, often depends on the level of production, as well as the structure of the formwork.

Varieties of forms of paving slabs

Tiles are small pieces of concrete that have different shapes and are laid on the track.

There are several types of structures:

  1. In the shape of a rectangle.
  2. Arbitrary.
  3. Universal.
  4. In the form of a model.
  5. Castle.
  6. Ecological.

Among other things, tiles are cast and made under pressure. The second option involves the presence of special devices, as well as skills and abilities. Doing it yourself is a rather difficult and time-consuming process. Much easier to make cast tiles. It only takes a little patience, application of strength and skill.

Pouring materials: plastic, concrete

There are types of tiles according to the content of materials in them:

  1. From cement and sand.
  2. From baked clay.
  3. From rubber.
  4. From plastic.
  5. From granite.

Cement tile has a number of positive properties: it is durable, does not fade even after a long service life, and does not allow moisture to pass through.

Clay paving stones are distinguished by a variety of shades, as well as anti-slip properties.

The rubber pieces are made from polyurethane, a material widely used in shoe soles. This tile is characterized by softness and slight surface roughness.

If you decide to make garden paths or a sidewalk around the house with your own hands, it is important to pay great attention to the quality of the lubricant for paving slabs. Of course, for casting tracks, you will also need concrete mortar. But the lubricant for the forms will prevent the concrete mixture from sticking to them, which will greatly facilitate the work process.

Lubricant can be specialized solutions purchased at the store, or improvised materials. It must meet the requirements regarding the production process (laying, excavation) and the result (color, cleanliness) of paving slabs. Often, the lubricant is selected taking into account the characteristics and level of production or the characteristics of the formwork.

Lubricant Requirements

The lubricant must be suitable for the material from which the specimens are made. Forms for tiles can be: plastic, rubber, silicone, wood or metal.

The grease matched to the mold should provide:

  • Easy removal of tiles, without external defects;
  • Selected tile color, no change;
  • Possibility to dilute with water or solvent;
  • Ability to apply a thin layer on the workpiece;
  • Product quality, no pore formation.

Lubricating oil is environmentally friendly for human life and health. You don't need any protective equipment to work with it.

How to lubricate molds for paving slabs

Lubrication protects the product from, and when ready, the tile is easy to remove from the mold. To obtain an effective lubricating solution, both specialized and household products are used.

Among household lubricating fluids, the following will be effective:

  1. Machine oil.
  2. Soap solutions.
  3. Salt.

The machine solution is applied to the blanks in a thin layer. Do it with a foam sponge. Keep in mind that the color of the oil can affect the final pigment of the finished product. Dark varieties of oil are cheaper, but they can change the color of the finished product, so be careful when buying them.

To prepare a soap mixture, you need to take liquid soap and dilute it with water to the desired consistency. The result is a grease with sliding properties, but with a high adhesive effect, which leads to rapid contamination and the need for frequent cleaning.

Salt solution is a budget option. You can apply it by placing the products in the prepared liquid. It is important to remember that with this method of processing, salt can penetrate the concrete liquid, leaving stains that will be difficult to wash off.

Factory-made lubricants

If you choose a specialized lubricant, then you can buy it at a hardware store. When using a lubricant from the store, you will not encounter mold contamination, residual and forming effects.

There are several popular brands of lubricant solutions:

  1. KSF-1 is a concentrate paste that has a white color. For use, it must be diluted with water, and can be applied with a brush or spray. After lubricating the mold, you should wait before pouring the concrete. A kilogram of such a mixture costs an average of 150 rubles.
  2. AGAT-BIO and AGAT-B9 - composition and lubricant based on biodegradable oil. The solution does not pollute the environment, it can be applied in any way, and concrete can be poured into the mold immediately after lubrication. The cost of 1 kilogram is 120-130 rubles.
  3. Emulsol is a solution made on the basis of mineral oil. Before use, it should be diluted with water. The price will be 180-120 rubles.
  4. For reinforced concrete, wood or plaster molds, you can choose Krystal paraffin grease. The solution does not require preparation, it can be used immediately after purchase. You can apply in any way, but it will be more economical to use a sprayer. The cost per liter is 200-220 rubles.
  5. Nometal is an emulsion composition based on vegetable oils. Able to form a protective layer on the outer layer of the tile. It will cost 230 rubles per liter.
  6. Separen is a paraffinic aqueous solution that also creates a protective film on the tiles. You can apply it with anything, ready for use immediately after purchase. It costs 160-170 rubles per liter.

If you need to make a large number of tiles, it is better to use professional lubricants. They are easy to use, simplify the process and guarantee the desired result. The finished product does not need to be washed from stains, but the forms need to be cleaned and washed.

Making grease for tile molds with your own hands

Household lubricants do the job and save money. By learning how to lubricate yourself, you will not need to think about where and how to buy the right solution, and the money saved can be spent on other needs.

You can make this recipe:

  • We mix liquid detergent or machine oil with water in the proportion of 1 part detergent to 3 parts water;
  • Using a construction mixer, stir the product in water (insert the mixer into a high-speed drill).

You can also prepare a saline solution:

  • She is a pack of salt combined with a bucket of water;
  • In order for the salt to completely dissolve, the water must be heated;
  • Before use, you need to wait until the liquid has completely cooled;
  • After cooling, the brine can be worked on.

How to properly lubricate molds

The quality of the finished product depends on proper lubrication. The lubricating solution also ensures the integrity and attractive appearance of the finished product.

The first requirement is clean forms: cleaning from dust, debris and other contaminants must be carried out before lubrication.

The second requirement is that lubrication is performed strictly before concrete is filled. It must be applied in a thin layer, using a brush, sponge or sprayer. The choice of material for applying the solution may depend on the selected lubricant mixture.

When handling lubricant, wear hand gloves.

When processing forms, follow the rules:

  • Leave no gaps on the form;
  • Make sure that the bristles from the brush do not remain in the forms;
  • Keep the molds clean (you can clean with an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid).

A soapy solution will also be effective for cleaning: mix soap and dish detergent.

If everything is done correctly, the result will be as follows: the products are easily released from the molds, the formwork is easy to clean from the mold, the products have the proper appearance.

Lubricate the plastic

The plastic structure should be processed immediately before filling with concrete. Each form is processed separately. All components of the solution are environmentally friendly, so do not require the use of overalls.

A lubricant based on biodegradable components has several advantages:

  1. Guaranteed safety at work.
  2. Profitability.
  3. Solubility in water.
  4. Does not affect the hardening process of the concrete product.

A significant advantage of emulsol lubricant is. When mixing lubricants with water, make sure that the solution is homogeneous. Silicone grease is water repellent. Such a solution is used for plastic or metal molds, as well as for processing large-sized products.


After lubrication, the workpiece must be poured with concrete. This must be done taking into account a number of requirements and recommendations:

  1. Use but do not overload the springs;
  2. Make large tiles in two stages: pouring to the middle, then laying the reinforcement, then full pouring.

How to get a beautiful tile

Proper selection of lubricant will determine the beauty of the tracks that you make with your own hands. The use of a lubricant mixture will allow you to make more finishing material. The production process can be significantly accelerated and made of better quality. With proper lubrication, molds retain their appearance and can be used for a long time.

It takes time to prepare the right lubricant mixture. But these costs will pay off with the service life of the molds and the type of tile.

Which solution is more effective

How professional lubricants manifest themselves in the process of making tiles can be seen in the table.

The composition is selected depending on the volume of production. If the tile is needed for several tracks, then you can use homemade lubrication products.

When choosing a tool, remember: you can’t leave products in blanks for a long time - they need to be quickly released. More than three days is considered critical. If you overexpose the concrete in the workpiece, then it will be difficult to remove it, and it will be impossible to wash the molds.

How to prevent bubbles

The lubricating mixture can not only make sample extraction easy, but also prevent bubbles. If you have already been interested in the tile production process, then you know that there are sometimes bubbles on the cured concrete. They appear on the front side of the paving stones and look untidy.

Using one little secret, you can avoid this unpleasant phenomenon: add a plasticizer to the lubricant composition, and there will be no bubbles.

The quality of the tiles also depends on the cement. Purchase this material in reliable and trusted hardware stores.

If you need a tile in color, then dilute the dyes in advance and preferably let them hold for half a day: do not worry, the solution will not deteriorate or deform.


Lubrication of the mold for a concrete product is an important step in production, which simplifies the process of removing tiles and ensures their beauty. The solution for this procedure can be prepared independently, taking into account all the nuances and recommendations described in the article.