What and where cutters are used. Work with a manual milling cutter on wood. Classification of edge cutters for wood for a manual router

Milling is one of the most common machining methods. In terms of productivity, milling is superior to planing and, in large-scale production, is second only to external broaching. The kinematics of the milling process is characterized by a rapid rotation of the tool around its axis and a slow feed movement. The feed motion during milling can be linear, rotary, or helical. With a rectilinear feed motion, cutters process all kinds of cylindrical surfaces: planes, all kinds of grooves and grooves, shaped cylindrical surfaces (Fig. 84).

Rice. 84. Milling schemes

With a rotary feed motion, milling surfaces of rotation are processed, and with a helical feed motion, all kinds of helical surfaces, for example, chip grooves of tools, hollows of helical gears, etc.

The milling cutter is the original body of revolution, which, during processing, touches the surface of the part, and on the surface of which cutting teeth are formed. The shape of the original body of revolution depends on the shape of the machined surface and the location of the cutter axis relative to the part. By changing the position of the tool axis relative to the machined surface, it is possible to design various types of cutters designed to produce a given part.

The main parts of the cutters and the elements of their cutting part are shown in fig. 85.

Rice. 85. Elements of cutters

The variety of operations performed on milling machines has led to a variety of types, shapes and sizes of cutters.

Job 3


Objective: to study the device and principle of operation of a wide-purpose milling machine; to study the main types of cutters; familiarize yourself with the parameters of the cutting mode and learn how to determine the main time when milling.

Workplace equipment

1. Wide-purpose milling machine.

2. A set of cutters.

3. Guidelines.


Milling is one of the high-performance and common methods for processing horizontal, vertical, inclined and shaped surfaces. By the milling method, ledges, recesses and grooves of various profiles are obtained. Milling is carried out on milling machines using a multi-blade cutting tool - milling cutter. The main movement during milling is the rotation of the cutter; feed motion - translational movement of the workpiece or cutter.

On fig. 5.1 is a diagram of a wide-purpose milling machine. This machine, according to the classification of metal-cutting machines, belongs to group 6, type 7 (for example, machine model 675). Machine support
serves as a hollow base 1, which houses a reservoir for cutting fluid and a pumping station, consisting of an electric motor and a centrifugal pump. The main drive motor is also installed at the base. A frame 8 with vertical and horizontal guides is attached to the base of the machine. Inside the bed there is a gearbox 9 and a gearbox 10, controls
which are placed on the side surface of the bed. In the upper part of the bed along the horizontal guides, providing a transverse feed (S n), the headstock 6 moves with a horizontal spindle. A vertical head 5 with a vertical spindle 4 is attached to the front end of the headstock. When working with a horizontal spindle, the vertical head is not installed. The tool is clamped in the spindle with a ramrod. To work with double-support milling mandrels, trunk 7 with an earring is attached to the upper guides of the headstock body. Thus, the cutter fixed in the machine spindle performs a rotational main movement (V) and can perform a translational movement of the cross feed (S n).

Rice. 3.1. Scheme of a wide-purpose milling machine

Support 2 is installed on the vertical guides of the bed with horizontal guides, on which a table 3 is mounted for fixing the workpiece. The caliper contains mechanisms that ensure the translational movement of the caliper in the vertical and the table in the horizontal (longitudinal) directions. Thus, the workpiece installed on the table can receive feed in two directions: vertical (S b) and longitudinal (S pr).


The cutter is a cutting tool in the form of a body of revolution, on the generatrix surface or on the end of which the cutting teeth are located.

A very wide range of milling operations determines the variety of cutting tools used on milling machines.

Cutters are distinguished by the following features:

Tooth designs - solid and inserted;

The direction of the teeth - straight and helical;

Tooth profile - pointed and backed;

Structures - one-piece and mounted;

Form and purpose - cylindrical, end, disk, slotted and cut-off, end, angular, shaped, threaded.

On fig. 3.2 schematically shows the main types of cutters.

Rice. 3.2. Main types of cutters

Cylindrical cutters (Fig. 3.2, a) are used for processing open planes. They are made with left and right helical grooves.

End cutters (Fig. 3.2, b) have teeth on the end and cylindrical surfaces. These cutters are used for processing open planes. They are usually made with inserted teeth fixed in a massive body.

Disc cutters (Fig. 3.2, c) are used for processing ledges, grooves, flats. Disc cutters can be one-, two- or three-sided. A three-sided disc cutter has cutting edges on two ends and a cylindrical surface. Double-sided disc cutter - on one end face and cylindrical part. A single-sided disc cutter has cutting edges only on the cylindrical part.

Slotted and cutting cutters (Fig. 3.2, d) are used to make narrow grooves and cut off workpieces. These cutters have cutting edges on a cylindrical surface,

End mills (Fig. 3.2, e) have cutting edges on the cylindrical and end surfaces. End mills are used for processing planes, ledges, grooves, curvilinear contours.

Angle cutters (Fig. 3.2, e) are used for processing surfaces located at an angle to each other.

Shape cutters (Fig. 3.2, g) are used for processing shaped surfaces; the profile of the shaped cutter must correspond to the profile of the machined surface.

Milling with cylindrical and disk cutters can be done in two ways. If the direction of rotation of the cutter and the movement of the workpiece do not coincide (Fig. 3.3, a), the load on the tooth increases gradually, because the cut thickness changes from zero when the tooth enters the metal being processed to a maximum when the tooth exits the metal. This milling method is called up-cut milling. The tooth works from under the crust, breaks and throws it out of the cutting zone, which is very important when processing parts with a casting crust, work hardening or scale. The disadvantage of up milling is that the upward cutting force P tends to tear the workpiece off the table, which leads to vibration and deterioration of the roughness of the machined surface at large cut sections.

Rice. 3.3. Milling methods

If the direction of rotation of the cutter and the movement of the workpiece coincide (Fig. 3.3, b), the tooth is immediately subjected to maximum load. The cutting force P presses the workpiece against the table.

This milling method is called climb milling. If there is a crust of hardened metal on the surface of the workpiece being processed, this can lead to a sharp decrease in the tool life. But in the absence of skin, this milling method provides longer tool life, less surface roughness, and less energy consumption.

Thus, during roughing, when a large amount of metal is removed, and a crust of hardened metal is possible on the surface of the workpiece, it is advisable to use up-cut milling, and in finishing - passing milling.

With the help of hardware manicure, you can make your nails perfectly even, and your hands - well-groomed and neat. Painlessness, no risk of infection or damage to thin skin, as well as convenience and high speed of operation have provided the devices with wide application. They are used both in salons and at home. In order for the hardware manicure to be truly flawless, and for the nails to acquire and retain the chosen shape for a long time, it is necessary to choose the right nozzles for the device. Each cutter performs its own function. The nozzles that come with the device are often not enough, so you have to supplement them with separately purchased ones.

Varieties of nozzles required for hardware manicure

Nozzles for the apparatus used when performing a manicure are different not only in terms of abrasiveness. They have different tip diameters and speed limits, designed to perform a variety of operations.

Each nozzle has its own purpose

Modern manufacturers of manicure devices offer many different nozzles. They can be divided into three large groups, depending on the main purpose:

  • filing and shaping nails;
  • polishing the cut and surface of the nail plate;
  • final polishing and glossing.

In addition, there is a narrower division of nozzles according to other criteria.

Cutters for manicure - video

Choosing the material of cutters

Depending on what material they are made of, nozzles for hardware manicure are:

  • diamond (from natural or artificial stone);
  • ceramic (baked);
  • combined (silicon-carbide);
  • metal (steel, hard alloys).


Diamond cutters are designed for:

  • treatment of sensitive skin and thin nails;
  • removal of the thin cuticle.

Diamond spraying allows you to make the surface of the skin and the nail plate more even. Nozzles with a small diameter help to grind the nail roller, and larger ones can remove the callus.

Diamond nozzles according to the manufacturing method are divided into:

  • sintered (diamond dust is mixed with glue and heat treated at high temperature);
  • precipitated (stone chips are glued to the base blank during electrolysis).

The frequency of replacing diamond tips is every 3-4 months.

You can determine the degree of rigidity of a diamond cutter by the number of side notches and their shade. A black mark indicates high hardness, a blue mark indicates medium hardness, and so on.

Hardware manicure with diamond cutters - video

Ceramic cutters

Ceramic cutters can be included both in the set of a professional device and in a mini-set for home use. The rigidity of ceramic nozzles is less than that of diamond ones. They are used to process the most difficult areas:

  • removal of corns, rough, keratinized skin;
  • grinding hard, dense nails;
  • cuticle treatment.

You can determine the grain size of a ceramic cutter by its color:

  • white - up to 200 microns;
  • blue or pink - up to 100 microns;
  • black ("artificial pumice") - up to 400 microns.

Ceramic cutters - video


Combined nozzles for the manicure apparatus (“sand caps”) are a godsend for beginners. The combination of silicon and carbide attracts with its low cost and ease of use. You can find such cutters in any specialized store.

Professionals consider silicon carbide caps to be disposable because they are enough for 1 manicure procedure. After use in the cabin, such cutters are disposed of.

The roughness of the caps is determined in special units. They are selected depending on the operation:

  • removal of the main layer of the nail plate (grinding) - up to 80 units;
  • grinding - up to 150 units;
  • final polishing - up to 320 units.


Metal cutters can be made of high quality alloyed (medical) steel or hard alloys. With these attachments, you can:

  • remove keratinized areas on the nail roller;
  • handle the cuticle.

A carbide cutter made of tungsten and carbide is almost never used for natural nails, as there is a risk of damaging the nail plate. But it will be useful for adjusting the length of artificial nails (acrylic).

Metal cutters differ from all other categories in the method of work: they do not cut, but cut off a nail or skin with a thin layer. The result is not dust, but small chips.

On cutters made of metal, notches are applied, which are:

  • straight;
  • oblique;
  • cruciform.

The most rigid in the work is considered a straight notch. The cruciform notch clogs much more slowly than the others, therefore it is considered the most durable. Reversible nozzles that can rotate in both directions will be useful for left-handers.

Metal and diamond nozzles are classified as universal. With their help, you can do many operations. They are equally well suited for both skin polishing and nail grinding.

Metal cutters for manicure and pedicure - video

Types and shapes of cutters

The purpose of manicure nozzles is easy to determine by their shape. They are:

  • trapezoidal;
  • spherical (burs);
  • cylindrical;
  • "drums";
  • cone-shaped rounded (polishing).

During the polishing process, silicone nozzles can heat up the nail plate; to avoid discomfort, do not polish the nail for a long time in one place

Silicone tips, unlike metal and diamond ones, do not clog. When the upper layer of the abrasive is erased, the lower one, etc., protrudes to the surface. Therefore, they work with such cutters until they are completely abraded.

On silicone cutters it is convenient to master the work with the apparatus for manicure. This makes it easier to get used to working with the handle, as well as determine the duration of treatment for each nail.

Nozzle selection criteria

In order for a manicure to be successful, it is necessary to select only high-quality nozzles for the device. Some of them are quite expensive, but they are reliable, safe and will last a long time.

An important feature of a good cutter is the absence of severe overheating. With intensive work at high speed, the temperature of the nozzle rises, but only slightly. As a result, the nails will be protected from negative thermal effects.

The minimum set for home hardware manicure includes several different cutters. The kit might look like this:

  • bur of medium diameter - will help remove dead skin that has grown around the nail plate;
  • rough cylinder - will give the nails the desired shape (oval, rectangular);
  • fissure (pointed) nozzle - used for grinding nail rollers, as well as in pedicure;
  • needle cutter - used to remove the cuticle in hard-to-reach places (on the sides of the nail).

Disposable sand caps or felt cutters are useful as auxiliary nozzles.

Each nozzle consists of a shank and a working tip with an abrasive. The length of the shank must match the clamp size of the machine handle. The nozzle must be inserted all the way and firmly held in the socket. The standard shank diameter is 2.35 mm. The slightest deviation from this figure will increase the vibration of the handle of the device, creating inconvenience during operation.

Choosing nozzles for hardware manicure in shape is very simple:

  • drop-shaped, conical and cylindrical have a large lateral surface area, they will help cut the cuticle and polish the nail ridges;
  • disc and cylindrical with a large abrasive correct the length and shape of the cut of the nail plate;
  • conical rounded designed for grinding the surface of the nail;
  • soft, artificial or natural materials cutters are needed for polishing.

Rules for cleaning and sterilizing manicure tips

To make a manicure safe, to avoid the formation of abscesses and infection, tools and nozzles for a manicure apparatus must be sterilized before and after each procedure.

Before disinfection, the surface of the nozzles is cleaned of dirt and fat deposits. The easiest way is to rinse the cutters under running water, and then wipe with a cotton swab dipped in a nail degreaser.

To clean ceramic and carbide nozzles from dust at the end of the manicure, special brass brushes are used.

Heat treatment will help remove harmful microorganisms from the surface of the instruments. Only high-quality nozzles without plastic holders can withstand it. For this:

  1. Place the nozzles in hot water, boil them for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Then the cutters are removed from the water with tweezers, laid out on a disposable paper or clean terry towel, left to dry and cool completely.
  3. Clean in a case or hermetically sealed bag.

Metal nozzles can be disinfected at home using an oven. It is heated to the maximum allowable temperature, and then laid out on a baking sheet cutters. The nozzles must not touch each other. The tools are kept in a closed "oven" for 15-20 minutes, then carefully pulled out and allowed to cool. After that, you can pack the nozzles in a case.

Preparation of solution for sterilization

If the tips are used individually, for the same person, you can sterilize them with different solutions. To prepare the solution at home you will need:

  • 30 g of potassium permanganate;
  • 100 ml of 70% medical alcohol;
  • 10 g of borax or boric acid salt.

Alcohol is poured into a small glass vial with a tightly fitting lid, then borax or a salt of boric acid is added there. Mix thoroughly (not to be confused with shaking!) until the liquid becomes cloudy. After that add potassium permanganate.

The finished solution is poured into a container, and then nozzles are placed in it and put on a steam bath.

Ready-made preparations are also suitable for sterilization (Kutasept F, Octenisect, Sterillium, Corzollex Plus).

Video: cutter cleaning rules

For each stage of the manicure procedure, there are certain types and types of nozzles. It will not work to shorten the nail and cut the cuticle with the same cutter. The abrasive material applied to the surface of the nozzles wears off over time. And even competent care and regular cleaning of tools cannot prevent their wear. Therefore, from time to time, the cutters must be carefully examined, if necessary, replaced with new ones.

Since the replacement of cutters occurs during operation, when the handle stops rotating, professionals recommend choosing models of manicure devices with a convenient clamp - fully or semi-automatic. This will allow you to quickly remove an unnecessary nozzle and securely fasten a new cutter in the handle socket.

Service life of cutters made of various materials

The service life of the cutters will depend on what material they are made of:

  • cutters made of steel and alloys are considered the most durable. Their service life is more than 5 years, depending on the frequency of use and the quality of the material;
  • diamond or sapphire coating also wears off rather slowly, but requires regular cleaning. Under the condition of daily use, such cutters are enough for 2-3 years of work;
  • ceramic nozzles are designed for 30-45 days of use. But the service life of silicone and rubber cutters, as well as polishers, is much longer;
  • disposable "emery" and "sand" caps are the most short-lived, their service life is limited to one manicure procedure.

Cutter changing options

On professional machines, the replacement of nozzles occurs by turning the head. On devices for home use, a key can be installed with which the milling cutters are changed.

The cutter changing system can be:

  • self-fixing;
  • with lock button;
  • with half turn clamp.

The easiest to use is the self-locking system. Often it is installed on handles that are not intended for professional use.

Easy to use and lock button system. To insert the nozzle, you need to press the button and scroll the cartridge clockwise until a characteristic click occurs. After that, without releasing the button, make several turns counterclockwise. Now insert the nozzle into the cartridge and screw it in until it stops. Release the button and the router is ready to work.

Handles for professional use are equipped with a half-turn clamp system. To insert the nozzle, turn the middle part of the handle until you hear a click. Then turn the handle in the opposite direction.

Video: how to insert a cutter into a manicure machine

Hardware manicure decisively replaces the edged one. More recently, only masters in elite salons owned it. Now every woman can use a manicure machine at home.

This article will be useful for beginner manicure masters. You will learn about the classification of hardware cutters, their minimum set for manicure at home and the nuances of choice.

Machine for hardware manicure ( router) is a special handle connected by a cord to the processor. Nozzles, including cutters, are fixed on the handle. The processor is responsible for rotating the nozzles at the right pace and direction.

The machines differ in design, power and maximum speed of rotation of the nozzle.

For home use, devices with a speed range of no more than 10 thousand revolutions per minute are suitable, and masters in professional salons use equipment whose head rotates at a speed of up to 30-35 thousand revolutions per minute.

Types of nozzles

There are 5 main nozzles that are used for the hardware manicure procedure.

Complete classification of cutters

To correctly compile the desired list of cutters for a beginner, you need to carefully study their description and find out the purpose of each nozzle.

By material

  • Ceramic. The most safe nozzles, as they are very soft. Do not heat up, do not clog with dust, do not rust. The main disadvantage is instability to wear. Usually they are used when working with a recently purchased device in order to get used to it. Abrasiveness: from 100 to 400 microns. Fine-grained cutters grind the nail plate and carry out finishing work with the skin; medium-grained are ideal for processing the cuticle, and coarse-grained allow you to effectively remove keratinized skin.
  • Diamond. Tougher, and therefore more functional. They are used for polishing nails, both natural and extended, modeling the free edge of the nail, processing and polishing the lateral ridges, interdigital space and calluses. On sale you can find both natural diamond (more expensive) and artificial diamond chips (cheaper).
  • How to choose the right nozzles for manicure, the master will tell:

  • Carbide or corundum. They are used at the beginning of a hardware manicure to remove a layer of rough skin, drill hard calluses, remove a layer of acrylic, treat hard-to-reach places and work with an ingrown nail. Ideal for artificial nails. They heat up very little during operation, which means they do not cause discomfort. The recommended speed for working with nozzles is up to 15,000 rpm.
  • Steel. The teeth are formed by cutting or stamping. Often the tool is subjected to oxidation to improve its performance.

Check out a more detailed review of nail cutters from a professional:

By shape

The form Operation types
Oliva (bud, oval) Removes the cuticle, makes minor adjustments, processes the side ridges.
straight cylinder Saws off the modeling layer (tips, gel, acrylic).
Needle Removes gel polish, helps in the correction of gel nails, suitable for removing detachments near the cuticle and artificial material.
Ball Gets rid of small growths and cracks, and also eliminates a strip of rough skin without harm to the record.
Cylinder rounded Polishes nails. Removes calluses, polishes acrylic.
Flame It processes side ridges, removes artificial material, drills a place for rhinestones or nail piercing.
Cone Grinds and polishes.
cone truncated Grinds and polishes.
Cylinder pointed Opens sinuses, treats rollers.
cone reverse For the treatment of the nail plate before the French manicure. With the help of the nozzle, it is possible to make the tip as even as possible and without height differences.

All cutters differ in the diameter of the working part, as well as the degree of abrasiveness.

The nuances of choosing cutters for a manicure device

  • The choice of diameter depends on the speed of your device. The larger the cutter, the lower the speed you need to work with it.
  • If a nozzle is offered with a guarantee of only a year, then most likely it will serve you for a year. But such cutters weigh little and are quite cheap.
  • If you see the letter "T" in front of the article, it means that the cutter is coated with titanium nitrite. This increases the cutting ability of the nozzle.
  • On the shaft of the cutter, you can see a strip of red, green (less often blue) or black. These stripes indicate the type of notch: fine/medium, large/medium and very large, respectively.

Knowing the ISO international standard system, or rather the marking of nozzles, will help you choose a quality cutter. The nozzle number is 15 characters, with which you can find out all the properties of the tool.

The information that is encrypted includes

  • type of material for the working part of the rotating nozzle;
  • a kind of connection of the tip with tails;
  • the total length of the cutter;
  • the shape of the working part of the cutter;
  • abrasive class;
  • type of cutting teeth;
  • diameter of the working part.

The video will help you choose the right cutters for home manicure:

A set of cutters for home hardware manicure

Thinking about what cutters a beginner will need to do a hardware manicure at home? Pay attention to ceramic products that are good at removing excess length on their (that is, natural) nails.

To care for gel nails, you will need a cone-shaped diamond burr. It forms an inner curve and arch, and removes unnecessary layers of gel from the underside of the free edge.

Instructions: how to insert a cutter into the machine

There are several types of cutter clamp. It depends on them how to insert and remove the nozzle correctly.

  • Automatic clamp. The nozzle is simply inserted. As soon as you turn on the machine, it is clamped.
  • Swivel clamp. The nozzle is unclenched or clamped by turning a special ring on the handle of the machine.
  • Screw terminal. The cheapest type of clamp, in addition, it is easier to repair than others. The principle of operation is as follows: the cap, which fixes the nozzle in the collet, rotates 1-2 turns.

Care of cutters

Cutters should be disinfected separately from hand tools. For this, a special container with a sieve insert is used.

All disinfection procedures must be carried out only with solutions intended for this purpose.

Not all cutters can be sterilized at home. Some nozzles: ceramic, silicone - cannot be reused at all.

To ensure 100% sterility of cutters, they must be stored in a UV sterilizer equipped with bactericidal lamps.

If you still have questions about working with cutters, their choice or existing varieties, a video that can be found on the Internet in large numbers will help you choose the right set of nozzles.