Do-it-yourself cottage design - ideas and photo examples. How to decorate a garden and summer cottage with your own hands Decorate your site with improvised materials

First of all, an inexpensive wooden fence was built on the basis of a wooden beam and a shalevka.

Because the area of ​​the site is large enough, then any capital fence would require substantial costs, and this fence actually only encloses the boundaries of the site, making the landscape design of the site more complete and complete.

Elegant gives this primitive fence a special charm.

On the basis of a simple rectangular frame, a wooden gate was made.

And, although the design of the gate is quite simple, the result is neat and interesting.

Arrangement of the site. Construction of a veranda in the country.

The country house on this site is small, and therefore, on holidays, all the guests gathered in the garden at a large table. So that bad weather would not interfere with such feasts, it was decided to cover the terrace near the house with a simple canopy of transparent slate.

Now, if necessary, a large table can be placed on the terrace, which can comfortably accommodate 14-16 people.

Arrangement of the site. Country house.

Many things that the hostess decorated with her own hands. Curtains, pillows, tablecloths - with elements of homemade lace, they all create a special comfort in the house.

The owner also contributed - he made a wooden bench with a storage box for the kitchen.

Simple canvas curtains with stripes of bright chintz add a cute rustic charm to the kitchen.

And most importantly, the smell in the house. And it smells of pies and flowers here.

Economy mode and skillful hands will help to equip a country house at a low cost. From old unwanted clothes, you can pick up strips and knit a beautiful rug for each room.

Attic bedroom for grandchildren and bathroom.

Chief for comfort in the house))

Arrangement of the site. Greenhouse and high beds with their own hands.

The old windows were useful for the construction of the greenhouse.

The arrangement of the site often requires a simple practical approach than intricate solutions: a finished greenhouse.

Near the greenhouse, from the boards left over from the construction of the fence, high beds were laid out.

Newspapers were laid in the aisles and covered with gravel on top - this will protect against the appearance of weeds.

The first harvest is green and purple peppers.

This beautiful garden looks no worse than any clubs.

Arrangement of a suburban area. Garden gazebo.

The next step in the arrangement of the site was the construction of a gazebo in the garden.

In order to create a cozy corner of the garden around the gazebo, a semicircular flower bed was first laid out near it.

A small wooden flooring was made on the brick columns and the supports for the gazebo were concreted.

They set up a gazebo. The rear wall of the gazebo from the side of the fence is a supporting wall for roses.

A wall of weaving roses not only closes the gazebo from prying eyes, but also surrounds it with an absolutely divine scent of roses.

Arrangement of a suburban area. Landscaping with your own hands.

It was done so that the clubs created separate cozy zones in the garden - near the house, near the gazebo, in the barbecue area and near the fence.

Before breaking up the club, a layer of turf was removed from the lawn, then an agrofilm was laid, and after that, soil sorted from the roots, compost and fertilizers for flowers were poured into the flower bed. All this should make weed control easier.

A border for a flower bed was made from scraps of fence boards.

It turned out beautifully, but unreliably, and two years later the curbs were replaced with brick ones.

A small decorative pond was made next to the flower bed. An old satellite dish came in handy for the bowl of the pond. The distance from the club to the pond was also covered with agrofilm and later covered with gravel, preventing the thickets of grass around that small pond, because of which it simply would not be visible.

Blue poppies are full owners of a flower garden next to a small pond.

Fragrant English roses are planted in a flower bed next to the house so that their fragrance can be heard from the veranda.

The flowerbeds near the fence were not protected by agrofilm and were heavily overgrown.

They urgently needed help.

The flower bed was dug up, plastic barriers were placed inside between it and the lawn.

Luxurious clematis and roses were planted over the fence.

Many owners of a summer cottage or a private house want to see on the territory adjacent to the house not only beds, fruit trees and shrubs, but also decorative elements that improve mood.

After all, a summer cottage today is, first of all, a place of rest, where it is pleasant to spend time after a hard day or a whole week.

Even a small plot can be turned into an attractive and cozy area that combines several functions. Each person equips and decorates the local area in his own way, depending on the means, effort and free time.

How to improve the suburban area? There are a lot of options, and it is not at all necessary to implement everything you see and read on your site. Set priorities and take action. And now, step by step, we will move forward and equip our summer cottage. And so on the way!

Step one. A well-groomed lawn is the key to success

Sometimes it is enough to equip a small area, and the appearance of the site will change significantly for the better.

True, to maintain such beauty will have to work hard. Only when certain actions are performed, the lawn will be beautiful and well-groomed:

  • high-quality planting material adapted to your climate;
  • processed and neat edge of the lawn (it is possible to use a curb tape);
  • timely beveling of grown grass;
  • top dressing, weeding, watering and "repair" of the green carpet.

Unusual lawn shapes will give the site a special decorative effect.

Step two. garden paths

It can be a step-by-step path made of concrete slabs,. You can decorate the path with brick or any stone chips, make it from ordinary paving slabs, and lay it out with mosaics. Choose the option that is acceptable to you, corresponding to the general appearance of the site and the house.

Step three. decorative arches

Is a green lawn not enough for you? The garden path pleases, but is something missing? Then we move on. On the way we will install or a pergola. The structure entwined with climbing plants will decorate the site, inviting you to go to the garden or recreation area.

Several arches, installed one after another, will over time be overgrown with plants so that they will create a pleasant shady corner where you can hide from the scorching sun and take a break from work.

The choice of plants for arches is great: from ordinary girlish grapes and ivy to flowering vines (honeysuckle, clematis, climbing rose). But girlish grapes will delight you during the season with a variety of their colors: soft green leaves in spring, rich green in summer, and especially beautiful reddening leaves in autumn.

Step four. Flower beds and flower beds

Flowers and various flower arrangements give a special decorative effect to the site. To make such compositions look beautiful, it is better to arrange them in the form of flower beds or with the selection of planting material that is appropriate in color and flowering period. The composition of the flower bed can be both annuals and perennials, flowers and ornamental herbaceous plants that differ in height.

You can plant plants in the form of a border along the lawn.

Or organize a dense flower bed of different heights somewhere in the center of a green lawn.

And how many options exist for the design of flower beds. This includes framing them with various materials: wattle, a wooden fence or brick around the perimeter, wooden saw cuts or decorative cuttings, a fence made of plastic bottles; or completely unusual and even household items.

An ordinary old log that has lain somewhere on a plot or in a forest for a long time can become an attractive flower bed. In the same way, you can decorate the stump of a sawn tree or an old tub.

Many people fell in love with an unusual design move - decorating the garden with worn-out vehicles (cart, bicycle, boat). Decorated in the form of flower beds, they become the main art object in the garden.

And even an old retro car, which has stood idle in the grandfather's garage for a long time, can become an element of the landscape.

Alpine slides are especially popular. But to create them, it is sometimes necessary to correct the relief of the site and select the “right” stones. On a flat, even terrain, a hill made of round cobblestone and decorated with plants will look like a "dog's grave". Such a slide will be random and will not bring additional beauty to your site.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection. Stones are selected not only in shape, but also taking into account the plants that you plan to plant in this composition.

Of course, flowers also require care: weeding, feeding, watering, otherwise a beautiful flower bed will turn into neglected thickets.

If there is not enough time or space, but if you want to certainly decorate your summer cottage, use flower pots, tubs or garden flowerpots to plant unpretentious flowering plants. Such elements are easily transferred at will from one zone to another.

As flowerpots, you can use any utensils that have become unusable (pots, buckets, watering cans), and here you can show creativity. Decorate products with mosaics, paintings, paste over them with wooden slats, braid them with a tourniquet or vine - everything that your imagination is enough for.

You can also use old shoes as a planter - a very interesting and original solution.

Step five. Arrangement of a reservoir

We continue to move on. What else to decorate the backyard? How about we dig a pond? On a fairly spacious area, you can place a pond or pool. With a lack of space - small or. This building will certainly become a highlight of the landscape.

To equip the pool, considerable funds and appropriate preparation are needed. And everyone can build a mini-pond. To create a reservoir, you can purchase ready-made plastic forms, or make a concrete base. An old bathtub is also suitable as a bowl.

Much attention should be paid to the external, planting and.

A bridge built across a pond or stream will add even more decorativeness to the overall composition.

We continue to move. Step six - decor

Decor is a set of elements for decorating something. Our task is to decorate the suburban area. What else can be done to decorate the territory, in addition to the above methods?

Garden sculpture is an object designed not only to decorate the garden, but also to attract and stop the eye. Garden sculpture should correspond to the general style of the garden. It is very important not to overload the territory with these elements.

If there is a path of wooden saw cuts on the site, it is quite appropriate to decorate some part of the fence with the same saw cuts.

The wattle fence goes well with landscape elements decorated in the same style.

You can decorate the fence with various hanging elements, painting, or creeping plants - lianas. Flight of fancy is not limited.

An integral part of the garden decor is garden furniture. And everyone chooses it in accordance with their taste and style of the house.

A table set in the shade of trees is not only a decoration of the site, but also the main place for the family to gather for dinner, tea and conversation.

Step seven. Beautiful beds

Even the most banal ones can become a real decoration of a summer cottage with an appropriate approach to their design.

The beds, decorated in the style of a regular French garden, combine two functions at once: beauty and rational use of the territory.

A garden bed, decorated in the form of a flower bed, will undoubtedly decorate any suburban area.

In this case, the beauty of the beds is achieved by a well-chosen assortment of plants: both in shape and color.

This is not the end of our journey. We're just making a stop. Ahead of us are waiting for new meetings and topics for discussing summer and near-dacha topics. Ahead of spring and summer - the time to bring ideas to life.

Each person should have such a cozy place where he wants to come and be able to spend time with pleasure. And usually such a place is a cottage. After all, it is there that you can relax and unwind from all the worries and bustle of the city.

There are many options for how to beautifully decorate a summer cottage with flowers, so that later you can enjoy its natural beauty. The ennobled garden and the fragrance of flowers in it will create a pleasant and iridescent atmosphere. To do this, you need to come up with original flower beds and unusual flower beds that will transform any garden plot.

We decorate the summer cottage with flowers. Choice of colors

When choosing flowers for your summer cottage, you should pay attention to those flowers that do not require special care and do not need frequent watering. They should be bright and beautiful.

If one decides to plant perennial flowers, then they usually disperse themselves and may appear from year to year in a different place. For such flowers, it is desirable to take a special place. If you plan to plant annual flowers, then you can plant them as you wish.

Original flower beds always look plausible and sometimes take up a lot of space on the site. But, if you want to beautifully decorate your territory, you will have to dream up on this topic. The site can be decorated in a special way from improvised materials. In the course can go: plastic bottles, ceramics, stones or the remains of unnecessary furniture. You can transform the site in your country house in such a way that it will simply become unrecognizably delightful and beautiful.

We decorate the summer cottage with flowers. Flower bed options

If a person cannot come up with an excellent idea for a flower garden and the design of the site as a whole, then he can use a printout of ready-made options. When you have good pictures of improved areas before your eyes, it is much easier to decide on the design of your site. You can roughly draw a plan that will display all flower arrangements with unique flower beds and flower beds. And already, based on this plan, it will be possible to move what was conceived on paper to the prepared site.

We decorate the summer cottage with flowers. Waste chandelier

Most people make repairs and get rid of old things in the house, acquiring new ones. Surely everyone has an old unnecessary chandelier that can be ideally used as a street planter.

This is how the original chandelier plays a completely different role. If earlier light bulbs were screwed into the chandelier, now earth is poured and flowers bloom, as in pots. Such a flower garden can be placed on the ground or hung somewhere. The flowers themselves must be low grades.

regular basket

Flower beds from old baskets look very interesting. And if they are also with handles, then this allows them to be moved sometimes, when necessary. The cottage looks both cozy and unusual.

Flowers in a boat

If there is an old boat, then it can be a wonderful decoration for a garden plot. The boat is a ready-made flowerbed. It remains only to bring land and plant flowers. If the territory of the summer cottage has a large area, then you can arrange several boats. Flowers can be absolutely anything: both tall and short.

A flowerbed from a boat contributes to a wonderful rest and romantic mood, because it is the personification of romance and helps a person to remember his childhood and the distant past.

A stream of flowers

The streams of flowers that seem to flow from a jug look interesting. To do this, you need to find any suitable vessel or there may be several. You can take a can, lay it slightly on its side and plant white flowers, then it will look like milk is flowing from it. This is how unusual flower streams can decorate a summer cottage. It is better to choose flowers that are undersized so that they do not cover the can itself and really look like a stream.

flower waterfall

If there is a large tub or pan, then you can arrange a whole flower waterfall in the garden. Flowers can be planted both in the pan itself and near it. It will look like a waterfall is flowing.

The effect of a large flower bed

Flowers planted in an old cart will look very impressive, especially if a person wants to definitely see a large flower bed on his site. This flower bed can be supplemented with an original donkey. Densely planted flowers of low grades will look best. If the cart is tilted, then the flower continuation is seated on the ground. The shape is given at will: either in the form of a zigzag, or in the form of a circle. Flowers can be of the same variety, but preferably of different colors. Be sure to have at least three flowers in such a flower bed. So the flower bed will look the most noble and rich.


Tires have long been an indispensable material for home design and that only one of them is not invented. Beautiful flower beds and flowerpots have been made from tires for a long time, which have been pleasing to the human eye for many years. You can plant a wide variety of flowers, and decorate the flower bed beautifully. Some people just paint them, others cut off the top of the tire and use it instead of a stand. And tires can be interestingly folded into a pyramid if they are of different sizes and painted in different colors.

The tire can even be cut in the form of a swan, and this is also not uncommon, many people already use this common option. With tires, you can fantasize in different ways, the main thing is to stock up on multi-colored paints.

The main thing that a person should remember is not to throw away old furniture. It can be very useful for the design and design of the garden plot. Creative people will definitely find a use for it, because unnecessary furniture can turn out to be a ready-made flower bed.

Even from an old piano you can create a beautiful and unique flower bed. And how cozy a shabby closet or chest of drawers will look in the open air, if you give it elegance by painting it in a bright color. Such a chest of drawers can become an unusual flower garden and play the role of a stand for flowerpots. Also, an unnecessary writing table can play the role of a stand. And to make the atmosphere more comfortable, you can put an old lamp, decorative stones and flower pots on the table. If this table has drawers, then one of them can be filled with earth and planted flowers. Then you get a table with an extended drawer, in which flower arrangements are fragrant.

Old furniture fits perfectly into the garden interior and looks very harmonious on the site. For these purposes, old beds and chairs are also used. On chairs, instead of sitting, contents with a floral arrangement are inserted. If there are benches on the site, then you can also put baskets of flowers on them. Only flowers should be artificial, as an addition to the floral decoration. The furniture looks very harmonious and comfortable on the site.

Old dishes fit perfectly into any interior: pots, kettles, basins. And also watering cans and old shoes are used: shoes, shoes. Shoes, for example, can be placed near the flower bed, and the kettle on the desk.

flower arch

If you decide to build a flower arch, then of course any flowers will not work, these should be climbing plants, which over time will completely cover the arch itself with greenery and flowers. For the arch, it is enough to use a metal wire, but it must be fixed at a right angle. This can be done before entering the garden. Looks very cute and festive.


An ordinary bicycle can serve as a stand, which can be beautifully decorated with flower baskets or flowers in boxes.

Pot of watermelon and pumpkin bark

Watermelon and pumpkin bark can make a wonderful flower pot. And no costs. I ate a watermelon - that's the container.

Plastic and glass bottles

They enclose the flower bed very well with bottles, both plastic and glass, digging them into the ground with their necks. It turns out very beautiful. And there is a large field for creativity, since the flower bed can be given any shape and an interesting outline.

If plastic bottles are used, then they must first be filled with earth or sand for weighting. If a person does not plan to color the bottles, then it is advisable to pick them up in the same color. For example, brown bottles filled with sand will look like forest stumps. Glass bottles are heavy and do not need to be refilled.

Stones are often used for flower beds and simply serve as decoration for any site. They decorate home-made fountains and rivers, and also lay flower beds out of stone.

What flowers are best for a summer cottage

First of all, those flowers that bloom for a long time and do not require special care should be present on the site, since no one will go to the dacha in order to water the flowers. Therefore, before planting flowers, you need to give preference to non-capricious and simple plants. Medicinal plants are usually planted (calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort), as they easily tolerate drought and are characterized by long flowering.

Each summer resident is interested in the durability and beauty of his site, so he is likely to choose flowers such as: marigolds, bluebells, because they bloom very profusely and delight for a long time. Calendula and St. John's wort are unpretentious plants, so they grow and bloom in any soil all summer. Peonies, asters, irises, lilies can become a real decoration of a summer cottage. They differ in their brightness. For a flowering patterned canvas, poppies and cornflowers are best suited. Tansy and sage are suitable for summer residents who do not have time to care for flowers.

This is how you can unusually arrange your summer cottage with flower beds, flower beds, flower pots and baskets. Thanks to creative ideas, you can create a very cozy and holistic look for the area you want to decorate. The main thing is not to overdo it, because it is still necessary to have a sense of proportion. In order for the summer cottage to make a good impression on others, flower beds and flower beds should look very harmonious.

In this article, we will talk about how to decorate a garden plot with your own hands, using available materials and decorative elements. Indeed, with the beginning of the summer season, everyone is interested in making the suburban area more functional, well-groomed and at the same time attractive. There are many effective means to achieve the desired result.

Among these funds, we note:

  • use of ornamental plants;
  • the use of decorative furniture in the design of recreation areas and gardens;
  • installation of garden sculptures;
  • unconventional arrangement of beds in the garden plot;
  • decorating garden paths and alleys;
  • the correct selection and installation of illumination on the plot.

Of course, the list of funds for arranging a garden plot is an order of magnitude larger, but we will focus on what you can really do with your own hands.

Important: The design and implementation of works in the field of landscape design can be entrusted to specialists from specialized organizations.
But, unfortunately, the price of such services will be high, and therefore it is better to do everything yourself.

The use of ornamental plants in the design of the site

As already mentioned, decorating a garden plot with your own hands can be done using various means, but it is most effective to start with the use of ornamental plants. The fact is that plants need some time to take root and grow. Therefore, the sooner you start working with planting material, the sooner you will get the desired result.

All decorative plantings that can be used in landscape design can be divided into the following types:

  • Annual plants are the best choice if you are interested in quickly achieving the desired result. Already within a month after laying the planting material, such plants will sprout and make the decorated area more attractive.
    A significant disadvantage of such plantations is the need for annual planting.
  • Perennials are the best solution if you don't intend to plant every year. The range of such plantations is as diverse as the list of annual plants, so there will be no problems with the selection of a suitable option.
    The only drawback of perennials is the need for care and protection with the onset of the cold season.

In order to facilitate the work in the field of landscape design, here are some useful recommendations:

  • We actively use. First of all, you can decorate anything in this way, starting with the walls of a country house and ending with a fence of the site. Moreover, most of the so-called vines are unpretentious to habitat conditions, the main thing is to provide a stable vertical support.

Important: Lianas are characterized by high survivability, and therefore it is necessary to ensure that the shoots do not spread beyond the boundaries set aside for their growth.

  • In order to make the vine hedge look denser, live plantings can be combined with artificial plastic vines, which are inexpensive and can be used as vertical supports.
  • Try to combine garden beds and flower beds with annual flowers on one site.
    First of all, in this case, the whole garden will look like a large flower garden. In addition, after a year, the location of the beds and flower beds can be interchanged. As a result, the soil will not be depleted and the harvest will be more abundant.
  • Wormwood can be planted around the perimeter of the garden. This plant has a pleasant smell and with proper care looks attractive. In addition, most garden pests do not tolerate wormwood, and therefore fruit trees will be healthier.

Important: Wormwood and other common varieties grow like weeds, and therefore are characterized by increased vitality and quickly spread throughout the neighboring territory.
Therefore, with the onset of autumn, it will be necessary to check the site for new shoots.

  • Along with declarative flowers and creepers, ornamental trees can be used. For example, along the perimeter of the fence of the site, you can plant cypresses or their more cold-resistant counterpart - thuja.

Highlight paths and alleys in the garden

Now that you know how to decorate the garden plot with flowers and other plants, it's time to pay attention to the paths and alleys. In the suburban area, with proper planning, there should be many paths, which, in addition to the main function, can delimit functional areas.

  • In the aisle of the garden, we equip the alleys along which you can walk. Again, the alleys will make it easier to access the trees during the harvest.
    To form alleys, a layer of soil about a meter wide is removed 5 cm deep. Sand is poured into the resulting recess with a layer 5 cm thick, and large or medium pebbles are laid out on top of the sand.
    In addition to an attractive appearance, such paths are good because water will not accumulate in the aisle.
  • Paths delimiting functional areas can be laid out of concrete tiles, since the price of this material is low. The instruction for laying such a coating does not seem to be something particularly complicated, and therefore you will surely cope with this task on your own.
  • We make paths between them according to the principle of garden alleys, but instead of pebbles we use painted gravel. The decorative effect of such a decision will be obvious, and besides, the water between the beds, even in the case of heavy rains, will not stagnate.
  • In order for properly arranged roads and alleys to retain their original appearance for a long time, we use curbs.

Borders can be made from ceramic bricks or self-made concrete blocks. Formwork for pouring concrete can be made from old boards or pieces of laminated plywood.

The use of garden sculptures

Instructions for decorating a summer cottage would be incomplete without the use of garden sculptures, which can be purchased ready-made or made independently from improvised materials.

The list of materials from which garden figures can be made is unlimited. The only condition is the stability of the finished result to the negative impact of environmental factors.

Consider what you can do with your own hands from improvised materials:

  • From the remnants of plywood, you can assemble boxes for planting certain plantations. If you have imagination and experience with a jigsaw, these boxes can be given one form or another.

  • To create garden figures, you can use old car tires. For example, a tire with a pronounced tread can be used to make a crocodile figure.

Tires with a smooth surface can be used to make decorative fences. To do this, it is enough to deepen the tires into the ground by about half the diameter and form them into a kind of miniature fence.

  • Left on the site are not uprooted stumps? Do not rush to uproot them, save your strength and time, especially since these stumps, with the right approach to business, will make good sculptures of mushrooms.

After all, it is easy to give the stump the shape of a mushroom leg, and attach an old basin of a suitable size on top. And, if the hands are golden, more complex figures can be made from wood that can decorate not only the garden, but also the lawn or recreation area adjacent to the house.

Illumination and its role in decorating the site

Until recently, when arranging illumination, gardeners limited themselves to the use of practical, but unattractive lanterns. These devices were enough to illuminate the backyard, but it was difficult to call such lanterns decoration.

Today everywhere you can buy beautiful and functional LED spotlights, which are both economical and durable. Using LED spotlights, you can effectively illuminate those parts of the garden, vegetable garden or lawn that, in your opinion, look especially attractive.


Now that we have reviewed the current methods for decorating a summer cottage, you can take advantage of these recommendations and put them into practice. Any questions left? You can find more useful information by watching the video in this article.

Many owners of their own houses or summer cottages strive to create full-fledged comfort and coziness in their backyard. Amazing landscape design, colorful rose garden or alpine hill, beautiful babbling stream or fountain. Thanks to such original solutions, owners of summer cottages and private houses will be able to truly relax and decorate their courtyard.

Option 1.

Beautiful garden paths made of decorative pavers with a cozy seating area surrounded by a green lawn.

An amazing decorative pond with a babbling brook lined with natural stone and floating lilies. An excellent solution for a recreation area that can be decorated with spring and autumn perennial flowers or

Another original solution for a decorative pond with a fountain and lilies. In this case, a special plastic pallet is used, which is decorated around with spring-summer flowers with a lawn. The most affordable way for those who want to make a small pond on their site.

The amount of turf for your area can be calculated using our

A more expensive version of a decorative pond with a beautiful fountain. With the help of decorative bricks, a lawn and a pedestal for a fountain are divided. Decorative figurines and stylish solar-powered lamps perfectly complement the overall design of the recreation area. Evergreen hosta, cypress and other vegetation are used as green spaces.

An original solution for creating a decorative pond using a baby bath. Decorative figurines and solar-powered lamps will perfectly complement and illuminate the recreation area in the evening. An ideal solution for small garden plots.

Amazing medium sized landscaping. For its design, natural stone, crumbled stone and evergreen shrubs were used. An excellent solution for large areas of personal plots, which can be supplemented with a small pond.

Economy option for decorating a personal plot with used car tires. An ideal solution for small garden plots.

Inexpensive original version, where used 200 liter barrels with colorful coloring are used. The ideal solution for creating a cozy relaxation area. You can also plant beautiful autumn-spring flowers in barrels.

Another original version using a used 200 liter metal barrel, which is painted in bright colors with a garden theme. An ideal solution for small garden plots.

An original solution for creating a beautiful recreation area at minimal cost. Natural stone, laid out in the form of a fence, where a decorative mill and various decorative elements are located. You can use solar-powered lamps to illuminate the recreation area in the evening.

An original solution using an old wheelbarrow surrounded by a bright green lawn. Bright colorful composition with spring-summer perennial flowers. An ideal solution for large and medium-sized household plots.

Amazing landscape design for wealthy owners of private houses or summer cottages. Small natural stone with evergreen shrubs and autumn-summer flowers perfectly complement and decorate the recreation area.