Podolsk section of the Russian hunting spaniel. Dynamo Spaniel Exhibition Interregional Section of Russian Hunting Spaniels

On May 14, 2016, an exhibition of the Russian Hunting Spaniel section of the MGO “Dynamo” took place. It was held, traditionally, at the Domodedovo hunting farm, the territory of which has been kindly provided by its management for many years. The spanielists of the society express their deep gratitude to the chairman of the Domodedovo regional society of hunters and fishermen, Yu.V. Bashmakov.

And for the eighth time, a beautiful birch grove opened its “green arms” to us, welcoming our spaniels this time on a fine spring day.

The combination of wonderful May weather and a good mood from the first meeting of spaniels in the new season contributed to communication, new acquaintances between owners and their pets, many of whom, as it turned out as a result of communication, are each other’s “spaniel” sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts and other relatives , which was doubly interesting. Children and puppies frolicked happily in a green clearing in a beautiful birch grove, which was dressed up, as if especially for the exhibition, in a bright green outfit.

Many came to the exhibition with their entire families, and the surrounding environment contributed not only to useful communication, but also the opportunity to spend it with their family, in nature, sitting down and waiting for their ring to relax.

As usual at such events, the owners of the babies had many questions related to their upbringing and upcoming training. Experts and experienced spanielists of the section gave comprehensive answers to them.
The expert commission was headed by the famous spanielist, category III expert Alexander Anatolyevich Starostin. The commission included two assistants: category III expert A.E. Fadeev and category III expert I.V. Ryzhov (Vladimir), as well as trainee Yu.P. Kudin.

58 Russian hunting spaniels from the cities of Moscow, Chekhov, Kaluga, Kursk, Voronezh, Vladimir, Ryazan, Tula, as well as from Belarus took part in the exhibition.

The first were show rings for puppies under 10 months of age. There were 2 males and 6 females presented.
The younger group was represented by 7 males and 13 females. The middle group - 4 males and 13 females. In the senior age group ring, 4 males and 16 females were shown. The winners in the rings were:
Junior group - males:
1st place - "Bishep-Torry". Rated “very good”, B.S.J. Owner Ryzhakov D.O.
2nd place - “Baron-Browning”. Rated “very good”, B.S.J. Owner Suvorov D.A.
3rd place - “Timothy-Bryan”. Rated “very good”, B.S.J. Owner Karelina A.V.
Junior group - females:
1st place - “Timothy-Zena”. Rated “very good”, B.S.J. Owner Romanov D.V.
2nd place - “Timothy-Zidane”. Rated “very good”, B.S.J. Owner Park Yu.S.
3rd place - “Iris”. Rated “very good”, B.S.J. Owner Antosyak A.M. (Vladimir).
Middle group - males:
1st place - “Char-Benefit”. "Excellent" rating. Owner Lysak V.A.
2nd place - “Timothy Barrymore”. "Excellent" rating. Owner Goloborodko G.A.
3rd place - “Timothy-Bass”. "Excellent" rating. Owner Nagumanov N.Z.
Middle group - females:
1st place - “Timothy Berry”. "Excellent" rating. Owner Grusha S.Yu.
2nd place - “Tasya”. "Excellent" rating. Owner: Krotov A.I. (Yaroslavl)
3rd place - “Bishep-Santana”. "Excellent" rating. Owner Tikhonovich I.L.
Senior group - males:
1st place - “Heat-Benjamin”. 3rd place in 1st class. Rated “excellent”, M.Z.M. Owner Chubarov R.R.
2nd place - “Baron-Gayer”. 1st place in the elite class. Rating “excellent”, B.Z.M. Owner Yaroshenko S.I.
3rd place - “Bishep-Bastian”. 1st place in 1st class. Rated “excellent”, M.Z.M. Owner Silin D.L.
Senior group - females:
1st place - “Timothy-Beretta”. 6th place in 1st class. Rated “excellent”, M.Z.M. Owner Durov S.S. (G. Kaluga).
2nd place - “Balta-Chayana”. 3rd place in 1st class. Rated “excellent”, M.Z.M. Owner: Tsvetkov A.N.
3rd place - “Baroness-Gella”. 1st place in the “elite” class, B.Z.M. Owner
Kudin Yu.P.
More detailed information about the exhibition can be found on the section’s website.

Moscow city organization "All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Society "Dynamo" (MGO VFSO "Dynamo") - a sports society. In April 2001, a section of Russian Hunting Spaniel lovers was created at the Moscow city organization VFSO "Dynamo".

Section of ROS fans

In April 2001, a section of Russian Hunting Spaniel lovers began its work at the Dynamo MGO. The creation of a section of the Russian Hunting Spaniel under the auspices of the Moscow City Society "Dynamo" was strongly recommended by 1st category expert Vladimir Borisovich Kuznetsov, who, unfortunately, is now deceased, who devoted most of his life to noble animals - hunting dogs, including spaniels, and also to them Invaluable assistance was also provided in the development of young experts.

The motivation for creating the section is due to the desire of enthusiasts to support the development of the Russian Hunting Spaniel breed, and thereby further popularize and develop this wonderful breed. All-Russian category expert Eremina Irina Andreevna provides great comprehensive assistance in the work of the section and in the education of experts; she was at the origins of the creation of the “Russian Hunting Spaniel” breed.

Currently, there are 380 Russian hunting spaniels registered in the section. The most active owners take part in exhibitions and field trials and competitions. The members of the section are united by a love for the breed, a common interest in its development and the conviction that there is no better gun dog for Russian feather hunting conditions than the Russian Hunting Spaniel.

The section provides assistance to all who contact us with information materials in preparing dogs for tests, exhibitions and hunting, as well as any consultations related to spaniels.

A favorable atmosphere of unity and mutual understanding has developed in the section, section bureaus are held regularly, a report on the work done is heard at the section’s annual meetings, the general meeting evaluates this work, and goals and objectives for the next season are determined.

Currently, in order to bring in “fresh blood”, cooperation is taking place with sections of the Russian Hunting Spaniel in the cities of St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. The breeding fund of these sections characterizes itself with a stable exterior and working population of spaniels. To improve the quality of the livestock, the breeding sector of our section imported spaniels from these Russian Hunting Spaniel breeding centers. In order to maintain the breeding lines of these cities, these spaniels were mated with line producers and the first offspring were obtained, and there are plans to continue this work, with the support of the owners of these dogs.

The geography of our section related to the distribution of puppies is also expanding - these are Vladivostok, Magadan, Irkutsk, Togliatti, Tyumen, Saratov, etc., relations are subsequently maintained with the owners of these puppies, mainly through the Internet and telephone communications.

The demand for the Russian hunting spaniel is consistently high, as the spaniel has excellent hunting qualities. Spaniels enjoy special attention among those who like feather hunting. These dogs do not care about the densest thickets with thorns, nor the swamp, nor any body of water. They have an excellent sense of smell, are persistent in their search, are physically hardy and persistent, and can not only search for birds, but also serve them with shot game.

Section Bureau

Tribal sector

Chairman of the section, Head of the breeding sector - Starostina Margarita Stanislavovna - I category expert on the breed, III category expert on testing spaniels, [email protected], tel. house 314-75-15, tel.mob. 8-903-781-36-36

Field sector

Head of the field sector - Starostin Alexander Anatolyevich - III category expert in the breed, I category expert in testing spaniels, [email protected], tel.mob. 8-962-900-66-60

ROS puppies in Moscow
Date of birth: April 14, 2019
Quantity: 6 puppies (3 males, 3 females) all red and piebald.
Cynological organization: "Podolsk section of the Russian hunting spaniel"
The puppies are planning to have RORS and RKF documents.

Father: p.ch. Archibald VPKOS 5842/16, “Excellent” exterior, 1st breeding class.
Parents of the male: h., p.ch. Rex-Shmel VPKOS 5298/11 + h., p.h. Heka VPKOS 5031/09
Best young dog of the 11th All-Russian duck competition in Cherepovets 2015.
First place in the team competition at the All-Russian field game competition in
Ryazan 2016

Field Champion of the 14th All-Russian duck competition in Cherepovets 2018.
Field Champion of the 2nd Kaluga regional duck competitions in Lyudinovo 2018.
First place in the team competition at the IV All-Russian pheasant competition in
Krasnodar region 2018
Diplomas: 4-D I, 8-D II, 3-D III (quail, corncrake, great snipe, pheasant, duck)

Mother: Beauty VPKOS 5721/14, “Excellent” exterior, elite.
Parents of the bitch: part of the Russian Federation. Gray VPKOS 4904/08 + p.ch., p.p. Bruna VPKOS 5102/10
First place in the team competition at the 2016 MOOiR Championship.
Diplomas: D I - b/l; 6-D II p/d; 3-D III p/d

Breeder: Roman 8 925 589 02 56

Accepted by the bureau of the section ROS MGO "Dynamo"
Protocol No. 4 of January 25, 2002.

On conducting breeding work in the “Russian Hunting Spaniel” section
MGO "Dynamo"

(Definition, object and purpose of breeding work)

Breeding work is a set of measures for the reproduction of the number of hunting dogs.
The object of breeding work are dogs of the Russian Hunting Spaniel breed, registered in the section
MGO "Dynamo"
Breeding work is aimed at reproducing livestock, hunting dogs obtained on the basis of purebred (intrabreed) breeding, preserving and improving their appearance and working qualities, increasing the number to meet the needs for purebred hunting dogs of hunting farms, hunters and amateur dog breeders.
The breeding work is based on the initiative of dog breeders, limited by the requirements of these Regulations.

(Who manages and conducts breeding work)

The general management of breeding work is carried out by the Bureau of the Russian Hunting Spaniel Section, which appoints a person responsible for this area of ​​work.
Breeding work with breeds of hunting dogs is organized and carried out by the breeding sectors of the sections and the Dynamo MGO.
The appointment of a person responsible for breeding work for drawing up a long-term plan for the development of the breed and annual recommendations for the selection of pairs is agreed upon by the chairman of the section with the breeding commission of the board of experts.
A list of representatives for breeding work with the right to inspect the litter and sign breeding documentation is submitted to the MGO "Dynamo" by the chairman of the section.
Breeding work includes the following activities: - Organization of breeding records and maintaining a breeding file of hunting dogs.
- registration of matings.
- preparation of breeding documentation.
- organization of recording of the results of exhibition and field examination of dogs.
- preparation and submission to the RFOS of documents for registration in the VPKOS.
- selection of dogs for breeding use (breeding selection).
- accounting and analysis of the results of breeding use of producers.
- drawing up long-term plans for breed management and annual recommendations for selection
- organization of assistance to hunting farms, hunters and amateur dog breeders in purchasing
high breed hunting dogs.
- providing consultations on issues of breeding and raising hunting dogs.
- consideration of conflict situations related to breeding work.

(Who carries out the accounting and maintenance of the breeding file)

Registration of the number of hunting dogs, maintaining a pedigree file, registration of matings, registration of documents on the origin of dogs, preparation and sending to the RFOS of documents for entry into the VPKOS and VRKOS (breeding and pedigree books) is carried out by the Bureau of the Russian Hunting Spaniel Section, under the leadership of the Dog Breeding Department of the MGO " Dynamo".
The form of breeding registration of hunting dogs is a breeding file, which is stored in the Bureau of the Russian Hunting Spaniel Section of the MGO "Dynamo" and is maintained by the person responsible for breeding work.
Every year, information about the results of exhibition and field examinations, class descendants is entered into it.
Russian Hunting Spaniels belonging to members of the MGO "Dynamo" are accepted for registration, as well as owners of the Russian Hunting Spaniel who wish to register in the ROS section of the MGO "Dynamo".
Owners of dogs that were registered with other societies and wishing to re-register in the section of the ROS MGO "Dynamo" must provide documentary evidence of their deregistration, certified by the dog handler of the society.
When registering a dog, an initial registration fee is paid.
Every year (until February 15), dogs registered with the Dynamo MGO are re-registered with payment of a re-registration fee.


Selection of producers for breeding use and selection of pairs for mating is carried out
the breeding sector of the sections and is approved by the Section Bureau.
The following dogs are allowed for breeding use: males aged 1 year 6 months to 10 years, with a diploma of any degree in field tests and an exterior rating of at least “excellent”, and especially valuable producers at an older age, if their physical condition allows.
- bitches that have reached a mature condition (sufficiently developed), but not earlier than 1 year 6 months to 8 years.
- a female can obtain the right to biological mating at the age of up to 4 years, with an exterior score of at least
“good”, without a field diploma, according to the decision of the bureau of the ROS section of the MGO “Dynamo”.
- having pedigree documents of the established form.
- exterior assessment, the validity of which is 1 year for males, 2 years for females from the date
obtaining, that is, regularly participating in exhibitions to obtain an assessment of the exterior and compliance
It is recommended to use males in matings no more than 6 times per calendar year, and females no more than 1 time per calendar year, except in cases where, after a previous mating, she was left empty. Priority in breeding use is given to:
- dogs with higher conformation scores, field diplomas, class offspring;
- bitches mating for the first time to test their breeding qualities.
Increasing requirements for producers is allowed if this allows maintaining the quantity and quality of the breeding stock of dogs in the breed.
The plan for breeding work with the breed is drawn up by the breeding sector for 1 year, and must contain:
- characteristics of the current state of the breed in terms of appearance, hunting qualities and origin
indicating positive and negative features.
- tasks of breeding work arising from the condition of the breed.
It should be indicated which negative features of the exterior and hunting qualities should be eliminated, which positive ones should be consolidated and developed, which breeding lines it is desirable to consolidate and why, the blood of which sires carrying undesirable heredity should be allowed to be absorbed, etc.
Selection and breeding methods with the help of which it is planned to achieve the assigned tasks.
Annual recommendations for the selection of breeding pairs are compiled by the breeding sector for the current year. The section chairman submits one copy of the recommendations to the Dynamo MGO. Recommendations include:
- list of male sires approved for breeding use (their nickname, VPKOS No., dates)
birth, exterior assessments, field diplomas, surnames, first names and patronymics of owners, their addresses and
telephone numbers, origin - father, mother with No. VPKOS or certificates and surnames of their owners)
- a list of females admitted for breeding (with the same data as for males) and
male sires recommended by him (main and one backup).
- a brief explanation of the recommended matings.
If the owner of a bitch does not agree to mating with the males recommended to her (main and backup) and mating is carried out at his request with a manufacturer that meets the requirements of these Regulations, prior approval with the breeding sector is required.
Mating that is not agreed upon with the breeding sector is considered not recommended.
In case of disagreement between the breeding sector and the owner of the bitch, the latter can contact the breeding commission no later than a month before the appearance of the litter.
The decision of the breeding commission is final.
V. MATING (Form and procedure for execution of the act of mating)
The act of mating is a document confirming the fact of mating, completed in compliance with the requirements of this provision.
Forms for “Mating Acts” are issued at the MGO “Dynamo” or drawn up in free form in 3 copies.
The “Mating Act” must necessarily contain the following data:
- dog breed;
- nickname, No. VPKOS of the male, surname and initials of the owner;
- nickname, No. VPKOS of the bitch, surname and initials of the owner; - dates of the 1st and control matings;
- conditions of mating (remuneration to the owner of the male due for mating, by agreement with
bitch owner)
- address and telephone number of the dog owner;
- address and telephone number of the owner of the bitch;
- signatures of the owners of the dog and the bitch.
The first copy of the “Mating Certificate” is transferred to the MGO “Dynamo” for registration in the Book of Mating of Wuppies.
If the mating is not carried out in accordance with the recommendations for the selection of pairs, the mating acts are pre-vised in the breeding sector, where a note is made on them: “mating recommended” or “mating not recommended”, certified by the signature of the person responsible for breeding work or the chairman of the Section Bureau, with justification for refusal on the reverse side of the 1st copy. The 2nd copy of the “Mating Certificate”, registered in the MGO “Dynamo”, under the corresponding number with the date of registration, certified by a seal, remains with the breeder (owner of the bitch) and serves as one of the main documents when issuing the “Puppy Inspection Certificate” and Certificates of Origin , after examining the litter. The 3rd copy of the “Mating Certificate” serves as documentary confirmation of the rights of the owner of the male dog to receive a contractual fee for mating and remains with the owner of the male dog until the owner of the bitch makes a settlement with him.
In the practice of Russian hunting dog breeding, the following forms of remuneration have become widespread:
- the owner of a male dog receives one puppy aged 30-35 days according to the second choice (the choice of the 1st puppy is given to the breeder); if the number of puppies in the litter allows the owner of a male dog to secure a right to a maintenance puppy, then this right is retained. If a puppy identified as alimony died for some reason, a monetary reward equal to the average cost of one puppy, paid after the sale of the entire litter (by agreement);
-at the request of the male owner, he has the right to receive the cost of one puppy after selling the entire litter.
- in the case of the birth of only two puppies, the owner of the male loses the right to a reward.
All these options are taken into account when filling out the “Mating Act”, in the “Mating Conditions” column.
All violations of the mating conditions and claims of the owners of the dog and the bitch to each other are considered upon a written application from one of them, which is submitted through the breeding sector of the Section Bureau or through the Dynamo MGO.


The interests of selection, which is the main principle of organizational activity, do not always coincide with the interests of breeders. Therefore, certain restrictions are imposed on the use of a bitch in the reproduction of offspring:
- a bitch is allowed to breed and receive only one litter from her during a calendar year.


MGO "Dynamo" maintains a book of registration of matings and whelpings according to the approved form.
Registration of mating is carried out on the basis of annual recommendations for the selection of pairs and the act of mating. The act of mating is submitted to the MGO "Dynamo" for registration no later than 2 weeks after its implementation.

The owner of the bitch - the breeder must, after the appearance of the litter:
- within 3 days, notify the breeding sector of the section and the owner of the dog;
- prepare the following documents within 3-4 weeks:
- an act of breeding a dog, certified by a seal, with the number and date of registration.
-copies of pedigrees of male and female.
-completed forms for certificates of origin.

Forms for Certificates of Origin and General Marking Cards are issued by MGO "Dynamo". It is advisable that Certificates of Origin and general litter cards are filled out not by hand, but on a typewriter or computer by the person responsible for breeding work with the breed, and not by the breeder.

Inspection of the litter is carried out by authorized members of the breeding sector on the 25th day after the birth of the puppies, for which an “Inspection Report” is drawn up. The “Inspection Report” indicates the number of the mating certificate, the date of registration of the mating, the date of birth of the puppies, nicknames, No. VPKOS, surnames and initials of the owners of the dog and the bitch, the number of puppies in the litter, their breed, gender, color of the puppies for which certificates should be issued certificates of origin. On the back of the “Inspection Report” the quality of the litter, special features, defects and shortcomings of all puppies for which Certificates of Origin must be issued, as well as those for which Certificates of Origin may be issued later or may not be issued at all, are indicated.
When inspecting and registering a litter, the puppies must be branded (ROK - and serial number).

After examining the puppies, the breeder must submit the following documents to MGO Dynamo:
- “Mating certificate” with registration number and date, certified by a seal;
- “Inspection report” for puppies;
- copies of the pedigrees of the dog and the bitch;
- completed forms of certificates of origin for all puppies recognized as pedigree.
On the basis of these documents, the MGO "Dynamo" issues certificates of origin of the puppies, which are certified by the signatures of the breeder, the authorized representative for breeding and an official of the MGO "Dynamo". The latter's signature is sealed. Each certificate is marked with a number, which is retained when the certificate is replaced with a hunting dog certificate.
At the beginning of the number there is an area code, determined by the telephone area code. In those cities where several organizations work with breeds, after the code there is a letter designating this organization VFSO MGO "Dynamo" (DVFSO). The year of birth of the litter is indicated through a dash. Next, the litter number itself is indicated through a fraction (the number of the general litter card, corresponding to the serial number of the litter in the current year, starting from 0001), and then through a dash, the individual number of the puppy in this litter is indicated, starting with males.
On certificates of origin of puppies from non-recommended mating, an entry is made: “Mating is not recommended by society,” certified by the dog handler’s signature and seal. I
The nicknames of puppies of the same litter should begin: the first with the father's nickname, and the second with the first letter of the mother's nickname.
Registration of a litter in the VRKOS is carried out in the direction of the MGO "Dynamo," to which two copies of the general litter card are attached.
The All-Russian Pedigree Book of Hunting Dogs consists of volumes of General Litter Cards separately by breed. General litter cards follow each other in order of litter birth.
On the front side of the General Litter Card the following data is indicated: breed, litter number, number and date of registration of mating, date of birth of the litter, number of puppies born (male, female), number of stillborn, dead or destroyed before weaning, raised before weaning males, females; names and pedigree numbers of the litter's parents; surname and initials of the breeder, his address; information about each puppy, which is entered into the general litter cards after the sale of these puppies (pedigree number, brand number, gender, color, nickname, surname, initials, address and telephone number of the owner).
On the reverse side of the General Litter Card is a complete four-generation pedigree of the puppy, certified by the signature of the person responsible for breeding work in the section.
General litter cards are handed over by the breeder to MGO "Dynamo" after the sale of the litter within one month.
Puppies are sold at no earlier than one month of age. In this case, the breeder is obliged to present the new owner of the puppy with a Certificate of Origin.
The certificate of origin of a hunting dog is subject to exchange for a “Certificate for a hunting dog” after the dog receives an exterior rating of at least “good” at a brood or exhibition.
When exchanging a certificate for a Certificate, all entries from the Certificate (exterior assessments obtained at broods or exhibitions, results of field tests) are transferred to the Certificate for a hunting dog by the dog handler of the MGO "Dynamo" and certified with a seal.
After the owner of the puppy receives a “Hunting Dog Certificate”, this document is presented at all exhibitions and field tests and new exterior assessments and field diplomas received by the dog are entered into it, the results of the examination at exhibitions and the dog’s prices for field tests are signed by the expert who conducted the examination dogs and the seal of the society holding the event.
At the end of the calendar year, all new data on conformation assessments and field diplomas are entered into the Hunting Dog Record Card. The cynologist of the MGO "Dynamo" enters into the Registration Card and the "Hunting Dog Certificate" information about the class descendants of the male and female dogs registered on the breeding register, and is certified by a signature and seal.