What do people call St. Stephen's Day? December. St. Stephen's influence on art

Traditionally, the second day after Christmas in Ireland is Wren Day. The small wren bird in ancient times was considered the bird of the Druids; this name still contains the root draoi - the same as in the words “druid”, “magic”.

According to legend, the wren was deceived into being declared the king of birds when he managed to fly higher than the eagle, hiding in its feathers. When the deception was revealed, the wren became an outcast. This day also coincides with the day of St. Stephen, the Christian first martyr, who was stoned by a crowd of pagan Jews. Another folk legend says that it was the wren with its flight that showed the Roman soldiers the place where Stefan was hiding.

In ancient times, the “treacherous” bird was found and killed by boys, after which they were carried to the village and placed on a pole, around which they danced.

The wren also symbolized the wisdom and knowledge of the past year. That is why it was forbidden to touch the wren's nest, so that the new year could bring new events and happiness. Over time, children more often began to look for a pre-prepared stuffed wren.

People were given wren feathers for luck, which could help them survive until the end of winter. Along with them, they also gave particles of the common fire, which was lit on the mountain (burning chips, coals, torches) in order to unite the families of loved ones and neighbors of acquaintances with the warmth of the fire. This meaning of the holiday has survived to this day.

Wren Day has long remained a rural holiday, but in recent decades it has become popular in big cities. Mummers go from house to house, wishing people a Merry Christmas; they can share fire and bird feathers with people, and the owners pay them small coins. On Wren Day, mummers also sing special songs. According to the holiday tradition, these mummers are called wren boys. In some places, in addition to the improvised passages of the mummers, small artistic parades and festivals are organized.

Photo: December 26. St. Stephen's Day. Wren Day. (Lá an Dreoilín). Traditionally, the second day after Christmas in Ireland is Wren Day. The small wren bird in ancient times was considered the bird of the Druids; this name still contains the root draoi - the same as in the words “druid”, “magic”. According to legend, the wren was deceived into being declared the king of birds when he managed to fly higher than the eagle, hiding in its feathers. When the deception was revealed, the wren became an outcast.

This day also coincides with the day of St. Stephen, the Christian first martyr, who was stoned by a crowd of pagan Jews. Another folk legend says that it was the wren with its flight that showed the Roman soldiers the place where Stefan was hiding. In ancient times, the “treacherous” bird was found and killed by boys, after which they were carried to the village and placed on a pole, around which they danced. The wren also symbolized the wisdom and knowledge of the past year. That is why it was forbidden to touch the wren's nest, so that the new year could bring new events and happiness. Over time, children more often began to look for a pre-prepared stuffed wren. People were given wren feathers for luck, which could help them survive until the end of winter. Along with them, they also gave particles of the common fire, which was lit on the mountain (burning chips, coals, torches) in order to unite the families of loved ones and neighbors of acquaintances with the warmth of the fire. This meaning of the holiday has survived to this day.

Wren Day has long remained a rural holiday, but in recent decades it has become popular in big cities. Mummers go from house to house, wishing people a Merry Christmas; they can share fire and bird feathers with people, and the owners pay them small coins. On Wren Day, mummers also sing special songs. According to the holiday tradition, these mummers are called lucht an dreoilín or wren boys. In some places, in addition to the improvised passages of the mummers, small artistic parades and festivals are organized.

In big cities, St. Stephen's Day is the day of Christmas gifts. Regardless of the specifics of the holiday, lonely relatives, neighbors or acquaintances are always invited on this day so that they are not deprived of care and attention, or they themselves come to visit them.

Saint Stephen- the first Christian martyr from the Jewish diaspora who preached Christianity in Jerusalem, archdeacon and apostle from the age of 70. He died for the Christian faith from the stones with which he was stoned by decision of the Sanhedrin around the year 33-36. The life of the first martyr Stephen is described in the Acts of the Holy Apostles.

At the time of his death, Saint Stephen was only 30 years old. Asteria on this occasion he said that it was “the firstfruits of martyrs, the teacher of suffering for Christ, the foundation of a good confession, for before Stephen no one shed his blood for the Gospel”.

The memory in the Orthodox Church is celebrated on December 27 (January 9), and in the Western tradition on December 26.

Life and martyrdom

According to the book of Acts, the Christian faith was spreading in Jerusalem, and the number of followers of Christ was increasing. Among the believers there were many widows, orphans and beggars who needed care. The Apostle Peter organized a “daily distribution of needs” (Acts 6:1). Jews who arrived in Jerusalem from the diaspora - “Hellenists” (used the Greek language) - were outraged that the distribution of gifts was unfair. After this, the Apostle Peter found himself 7 fellow believers, or deacons, to restore justice, one of whom was Stephen, who spoke Greek.

However, Stephen's activities were not limited to ministry (Acts 6:8). First of all, he preached the word of God. In addition, during his lifetime, Stephen possessed the gift of healing. The laying on of his hands led to relief from the disease. He was full of strength, like all young people. Faith, strong and merciful, allowed him to help people. He was loved by the people and always helped sincerely and selflessly. He supported faithful, honest and open people in word and deed, strengthening their faith with stories about Christ.

Saint Stephen had a sharp mind and emerged victorious in disputes with Jewish teachers of the law on issues of faith. Stephen's knowledge was more extensive and his faith stronger than that of the local preachers. He often pointed out to representatives of the synagogue (or synagogues) of Diaspora Jews that they killed Christ out of envy and thoughtlessness. All this irritated them greatly, and they slandered Stephen before the high priest for blasphemy, and he was brought to trial (Acts 6:9).

Saint Stephen appeared before the court of the Sanhedrin, where he delivered a long fiery speech (Acts 7:2-53), in which he recounted the history of Israel, spoke about the life of Abraham, from whom the entire Jewish people descended, and spoke about Moses and. He remembered Solomon, who built the first temple in Jerusalem. However, Stephen's words described the true state of affairs and in many ways contradicted the views that were widespread in Jerusalem at that time.

Stephen believed that the real leader of the Jewish people should be Moses, not Aaron, who made the golden calf (Acts 7:39-41). Stephen recalls the fact that while Moses was on the mountain, the people he left behind fell into discontent. Aaron collected all the gold jewelry that the people had and made a golden calf, calling it “the God of Israel.” He remembers that Moses, who returned, destroyed the golden calf and, with the help of the sons of Levi, shed a lot of blood. The first sacrifice to the golden calf was about three thousand people.

Stephen also says that the Temple of Jerusalem was built by David (2 Samuel 7), and not by Solomon, as is commonly believed. In addition, Stephen believed that the true temple is not a beautiful building, but a tabernacle, that is, a camp temple erected hastily, or a bush that provides shade for those gathered, and is no different from a room specially designed for prayer.

The talk of the temple sent the Jews into a frenzy. Stephen spoke about the essence of faith, citing the words of the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 66:1-2, Acts 7:49-50), in order to prove that “The Almighty does not live in temples made by hands”(Acts 7:48). The very word “man-made” could only be applied in those days to paganism. Stefan said that it makes no sense to become attached specifically to the temple and Jerusalem. Christ brings light to everyone living on earth, and Jerusalem is only a small part of the world. The Jews felt that Stephen was depriving the greatness of their main creeds. It was the criticism of the temple cult that caused the “great persecution of the church in Jerusalem” (Acts 8:1), which began with the arrest of Stephen. They did not understand the main message of this great speech: the meaning of faith is not in a place and a building, but in the soul of a person.

The Jews hated Stephen from the first minute because he was loved and revered by the people and immediately rejected his words. They thought only about themselves and their own benefit, their benefits and temples, but Stefan dared to talk about true goodness, about serving people, about patience with their vices and weaknesses. Stephen's words went against everything to which the life of the local Jews was subordinated. Stephen called on the Jews to overcome their selfishness, stop bowing to invented idols, and instead open their hearts and lives to people.

There were false witnesses who accused Stephen of blaspheming the faith and Christ, but anger and lies did not change Stephen’s speech or appearance. He became like an angel, shining with his inner purity. The more they shouted at him and accused him, the calmer Stefan became. The Holy Spirit filled the heart and soul of the saint, and the reproaches and rage of the Jews did not touch him.

At the end of his speech, Stephen accuses the Jews of killing Jesus Christ, who came according to the predictions of Moses (Acts 7:37) and the prophets (Acts 7:52) and of oppressing and driving out the true prophets of the faith. The Creator assigned a special mission to the Jews - to bring truth to people, but they were more attracted by earthly life, its gifts and temptations. Lying was common. Stephen spoke passionately about the fact that the Jewish people were chosen by God and must fulfill the mission destined for them. Jews must leave earthly affairs and preach the highest truth. The Jews of that time hated Jesus, and the very mention of the execution filled their hearts with anger.

Stefanius's speech was so precise and expressive that, according to the story of the book of Acts, he experienced theophany. Stephen had the power to open and transform the heart of man, and the miraculous appearance of the Savior confirmed this. He saw the Lord ready to receive his pure soul and announced what he saw: “Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”. Filled with joy and grace, impossible for earthly life, Saint Stephen explained that a direct path to the Savior is open to those who believe in Christ.

The Jews present at the trial regarded Stephen's speech as incredible blasphemy and an insult to all their shrines, and at the end of the speech the listeners covered their ears and drowned out his speech with his scream, their indignation knew no bounds. The appearance of the Savior to Stephen became an unbearable test for them, which they could not stand; rage, anger and hatred filled their souls, they wanted only one thing - the immediate death of Stefan. The Jews “rushed upon him, and brought him out of the city, and began to stone him” (Acts 7:55-57)

But even during his martyrdom, Stephen asks Jesus to accept his spirit and have mercy on those who killed him, because he wanted to save sinful souls. One of Stephen's murderers was Saul, the man who later became the Apostle Paul. Saint Stephen silently accepted the torment, realizing that what was happening would change people. And so it happened - it was after this execution that the Apostle Paul emerged from yesterday’s murderer, without whom the further development of Christianity would have been impossible. Stephen and Saul were distant relatives of each other and once lived in the same area.

Stephen's execution took place in front of the Mother of God, whom he accompanied. They stood far away on a hill and all the events were clearly visible. The Virgin Mary prayed for the martyr, calling on Jesus to ease his torment. Feeling the approach of his death, Stephen said: “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit, Lord, do not count this as sin on them,” and gave up his sinless soul to Jesus Christ.

Stephen's killers did not even bother with burial. The body of the torn man was simply thrown to be devoured by animals. But the famous Jewish teacher Gamaliel and his son Aviv took the body and secretly buried it in the ground. There was “great mourning” over Stephen (Acts 8:2). They both came to the true faith and were baptized. In the holy books both Jews were called “reverent men.”

Church veneration of Saint Stephen

Day of Remembrance
The first official mention of the memory of St. Stephen dates back to the year 381 in the Funeral Homily - “Apostolic Institutions” and the Syriac monthly book of the end of the 4th century, which is recommended to be celebrated on December 26, that is, the next day after the Nativity of Christ: “We celebrate one holiday after another. Yesterday the Lord of the World called us to his feast, and today the follower of the Lord is Stefan. Yesterday Christ took on human flesh for the sake of us people, and today Stephen left the earth for the sake of Christ.”. Christmas Day is considered the day of the incarnation of the Holy Spirit in human flesh, and the day of remembrance of St. Stephen is the first veneration of the Lord on earth. This date is also mentioned in the religious sources of many ancient peoples - Latin, Syrian, Armenian.

In Byzantium in the 7th century, honoring the memory of St. Stephen was celebrated a day later, on December 27, since December 26 became the day of honoring the Council of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is how it has been since then - Western churches celebrate St. Stephen's Day on December 26, and in the Byzantine tradition - on December 27.

In Austria On December 26, it is customary to visit friends and relatives, bring them gifts and spend time having pleasant conversations in a friendly circle. In this country, horses were blessed on this day for many years in a row. Until our times, this saint is considered the patron saint of these noble animals. In the capital of Austria, Vienna, there is a cathedral of this saint, which was consecrated back in 1147. For the cathedral, this is a patronal holiday and on this day all services are dedicated to the memory of the saint, and the whole country celebrates Stefanstag - the local name for the holiday.

The saint's day of remembrance is celebrated in a very unique way In Great Britain. Here this day bears many imprints of the great events of past days. Always, from the very beginning of the celebration of remembrance, boxes of donations were brought to the church. The traditional donation was food. These boxes were opened by church workers and distributed food to poor people. On this day, domestic servants are released from work in the first half of the day so that people have time for a festive family dinner. This day is popularly considered an additional day off.

During the Middle Ages, animals were subjected to bloodletting. It was believed that this procedure would protect livestock from disease and give strength for hard work. People often resorted to this. Mostly the elderly were engaged in bloodletting, hoping to preserve it throughout the next year. In the province of Wales, just 150 years ago, men beat women on the legs and arms with holly thorns until the skin bled. The same procedure could be subjected to the last person to wake up in the family.

In Germany This day is celebrated more peacefully: they remember the life and deeds of the saint, go to visit, have fun, give gingerbread houses to friends, and give sweets to children. Family dinners, nice conversations, quiet evenings are accepted. A special upbeat atmosphere reigns in Germany until January 1st. Throughout the Christmas week, they remember the Holy Family, consecrate wine, and grieve about. Children will receive a special holiday blessing from the church.

In Ireland The holiday has a special local flavor. In this colorful Catholic country, time seems to turn back. The boys put on chimney sweep outfits, happily play in the soot and walk around all the houses they come across on the way. They sing songs and anthems of their native country, depicting the work of real chimney sweeps. The adults give the boys money, and the collected funds are donated to charity. Visible lessons of goodness are taught to everyone. The Irish remember that St. Stephen is the patron of horses. In the capital of Ireland, Dublin, mandatory horse racing is held to celebrate Christmas. Since the end of the 19th century, horse races have been held annually on this day.

Relics of Saint Stephen

  • September 15 (28) – discovery of the relics of the first martyr Archdeacon Stephen (Orthodoxy);
  • August 2 (15) – transfer of the relics of the first martyr Archdeacon Stephen from Jerusalem to Constantinople (Orthodoxy);
  • August 3 – discovery of the relics of the first martyr (Catholicism).
  • After the death of the saint, nothing was known about his relics for 4 centuries. Then, according to the “Message to all Churches on the discovery of the relics of the martyr Stephen,” in 415, the Palestinian priest Lucian dreamed of Gamaliel, who buried the body of St. Stephen on his plot of land after an execution called Kafar-Gamal (“the weight of Gamaliel”) near Jerusalem. In a dream, Gamaliel showed the priest the burial place of Stephen.

    When the grave was opened, instead of the smell of a corpse, everyone felt a heavenly fragrance, and in this area 73 people were healed of illnesses and possession. The relics were transferred with honor to the Zion Church in Jerusalem, and Lucian gave part of the ashes and several bones to Avitus, a priest from Spain, who sent them to Bishop Balchonius in Braga. The delivery of the relics was entrusted to the theologian Paul Orosius, however, he did not reach Braga due to the ongoing war in Spain. As a result, some of the relics ended up on the island of Menorca, the other in North Africa, in the city of Uzalis.

    Severus, bishop of the Balearic island of Menorca, published an Epistle to all Churches, which describes how Orosius landed on the island of Menorca in early February 418 and, unable to cross into Spain, went to North Africa. Orosius left relics in one of the Minorcan temples, and the arrival of the relics alone prompted more than 500 people to convert to faith. It is noteworthy that all converts were Jews. After the arrival of the relics, a confrontation began between Christians and Jews; even the local synagogue was burned in the conflict. However, Christianity gained greater support, and many Jews converted. The entire island of Menorca began to be considered the patronage of St. Stephen.

    Some of the brought relics ended up in North Africa in 418 and performed a huge number of miraculous healings. Bishop Evodius even ordered to collect all the evidence of miracles in one book - “On the Miracles of St. Stephen the First Martyr." It describes a miraculous image that captures the appearance of the saint during his lifetime. Crayfish with holy parts of the relics were discovered even in Carthage. Bishop Augustine of Hippo, where pieces of the relics also reached, ordered that the miracles performed by them be recorded and made public. Bishop Augustine devoted many sermons to the life and deeds of Stephen, and in his book “On the City of God” he dedicated an entire chapter to them. In North Africa, archaeologists discovered many more small crayfish with pieces of relics, and the finds were always accompanied by rumors of miracles that took place in these places.

    Theologians note that the part of the relics that ended up in Menorca and Africa produced more miracles than those that ended up in the Zion Church in Jerusalem.

    In 439, part of the relics were transported from the Church of Zion to Constantinople by Empress Eudoxia (wife of Theodosius II), who, at the site of the death of the saint near Jerusalem, erected the Basilica of St. Stephen, where some of the relics are also kept. From “The Life of St. Melania the Younger” it follows that in 438 Eudokia also placed part of the relics in the martyrium she built on the Mount of Olives.

    Since the Middle Ages, many written evidence of the distribution of relics has been discovered:

  • Basilica of St. Lawrence in Rome (San Lorenzo Fuori le Mura). The remains of St. Stephen, lying together with the relics of St. Lawrence under the altar of this church, were brought from Constantinople by Pope Pelagius II at the end of the 6th century.
  • Ancona, where, according to Augustine, the cubit of the saint was kept.
  • Chapel of St. Stephen in Metz. Gregory of Tours reports that in 451, in the city destroyed by the Huns, only this chapel remained untouched thanks to the intercession of the saint.
  • In Spain: the city of Osset near Seville; Episcopate of Medina Sidonia.
  • In the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in the Near Caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (Ukraine) the thumb of the right hand of St. Stephen is kept, which was brought to the monastery in 1717 from the Neametsky Monastery (Romania) and was originally kept in the Assumption Cathedral of the Lavra. In the 19th century, a silver shrine weighing 150 kg was made for him. On its lid there was a full-length image of St. Stephen, and a relic was placed in place of the hand. The shrine was installed in the Stefanievsky limit of the Assumption Cathedral. Now this crayfish is in the collection of the National Kiev-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Reserve. In the 1990s, a copy of it was made from cypress, in which the saint’s finger is now kept.
  • The right hand of the first martyr (up to the elbow) is kept in the Serapion Chamber of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
  • In the Athonite monasteries of Zograf, Stavronikita, Kastamonit, small particles of relics are kept.
  • Miracles bring not only relics, but also contact relics, that is, objects associated with the life and death of a saint. Thus, in the Zion Church in Jerusalem, Arles, Florence, and Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris there are stones with which the saint was beaten. In Bordeaux, France, the apparition of a saint is associated with a handkerchief that was illuminated by the apparition of the saint.

    Some churches dedicated to St. Stephen

  • St. Stephen's Basilica in Jerusalem
  • Monastery in Beit Jamal
  • Martyrium on the Mount of Olives, located on the territory of the monastery founded in 435 by Saint Melania the Younger
  • St. Stephen's Cathedral (Metz)
  • St. Stephen's Basilica in Rome (Santo Stefano Rotondo) (5th century)
  • Three churches of St. Stephen in Constantinople, one of which is on the territory of the imperial palace
  • Church of St. Stephen in Edessa
  • Notre Dame Cathedral, which arose as a result of the union of the churches of St. Stephen and the Church of Notre Dame
  • The Cathedral of Bourges, which houses the altar, and under it a vessel with the blood of the saint
  • Church of St. Stephen in Nessebar
  • Monastery and Chapel of St. Stephen in Meteora
  • Vienna Cathedral (Stephansdom)
  • St. Stephen's Basilica in Budapest
  • Passau Cathedral
  • Church of St. Stephen, Feodosia (old town), XIV century. The temple preserves fragments of more ancient frescoes made in the style of Theophanes the Greek.
  • Church of the Holy First Martyr Archdeacon Stephen in Rostov-Veliky
  • Christian literature about Saint Stephen

  • Acts of the Holy Apostles;
  • Eusebius of Caesarea in his description of the Nicolaitan sect, which received its name from one of Stephen’s six comrades (“Ecclesiastical History,” 3.29.1), and in the story preserved by Eusebius about the martyrs of Lyon and Vienna, who took as a model the behavior of the first martyr in the face of violent death (“ Church history", 5.2.5);
  • Irenaeus of Lyons (“Refutation of Heresies,” 3.12.10, 3.12.13, 4.15.1), whose story is based entirely on the book of Acts;
  • Tertullian, citing Stephen as an example of patience (“On Patience,” 14.1);
  • Ephraim the Syrian composed a commentary on the book of Acts, which is preserved in the Armenian translation and is generally based on the New Testament text. Contains 2 statements testifying to Ephraim’s familiarity with the legend of Stephen, which was not included in the canonical biblical text and that Saint Stephen was feared because of his knowledge, mentions the close friendship of the first martyr with Gamaliel;
  • Didymus the Blind, a fourth-century Alexandrian theologian, left a commentary on the book of Acts that has come down to us in fragments;
  • wrote two encomia sermons, which he dedicated to St. Stephen;
  • John Chrysostom in “Conversations on the Book of the Acts of the Apostles”;
  • Hesychius of Jerusalem composed a panegyric to Saint Stephen;
  • Yakov Voraginsky in The Golden Legend.
  • St. Stephen's influence on art

    The face of the saint is depicted on the mosaic decoration of the walls of some churches in Rome and the Vatican. Visitors can see a young man with no facial hair. His facial features are distinguished by subtlety and nobility. The saint is dressed in a tunic with a white top. In some images he is in an embroidered robe, sometimes in a tunic or surplice. Sometimes there is an orarion on it - a piece of clothing that distinguishes a deacon. In many mosaics, the saint holds a palm branch or the Gospel in his hands, as well as a censer. Often blood-stained stones were added to the image of the saint - on clothes, at the feet or on the head.

    Celebrated by the Catholic Church in many European countries on December 26, the second day after Christmas. In a number of countries it is a public holiday and an official day off.

    The first Christian martyr, Archdeacon Stephen (St. Stephen), was one of the seven apostles chosen by the Apostle Peter to help the poor and preach Christianity. He suffered martyrdom (Stephen was stoned to death) around 34 AD. It is known that one of his tormentors was Saul - who later became the Apostle Paul, the torch and pillar of Christianity.

    Stephen was a Christian first martyr and suffered for Christ at the age of about 30. According to Asterius, it was “the firstfruits of martyrs, the teacher of suffering for Christ, the foundation of a good confession, for before Stephen no one shed his blood for the Gospel”.

    Being filled with the Holy Spirit, Saint Stephen boldly preached Christian teaching convincingly and defeated Jewish teachers of the law in disputes. For this, the Jews slandered Stephen, as if he were blaspheming God and Moses. With such an accusation, Saint Stephen appeared before the Sanhedrin and the high priest.

    He delivered a fiery speech in which he outlined the history of the Jewish people and boldly denounced the Jews for the persecution of the prophets and the execution of the Messiah they were expecting, Jesus Christ.

    During his speech, Saint Stephen suddenly saw the sky open and Jesus Christ in glory. He loudly proclaimed it. Then the Jews, covering their ears, pounced on him, dragged him out of the city and stoned him, while the holy martyr prayed for his murderers.

    In the distance, on a hill, stood the Mother of God with the holy Apostle John the Theologian and fervently prayed for the martyr. Before his death, Stefan said: “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit, Lord, do not count it as sin to them.”, - and then betrayed his pure soul to Christ.

    The body of the holy protomartyr Stephen, left to be devoured by wild beasts, was secretly taken by the famous Jewish teacher Gamaliel with his son Aviv and buried on his estate. Subsequently, they both believed in Christ and received holy Baptism.

    Today is May 12

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    • At the end of the 3rd century, in the city of Cyzicus (Asia Minor), nine martyrs were tortured and killed for their faith and preaching. Their incorruptible relics heal diseases. It is believed that this is the most prosperous day for treatment. A special conspiracy is read over a seriously ill patient, which combines pagan beliefs...

    December 26 in Italy- St. Stephen's Day. This day is celebrated throughout Italy on December 26th and is a national holiday in Italy.


    December 26 in Italy: history, traditions and customs of St. Stephen's Day

    Holidays in Italy in December amaze with their abundance. Now we will tell you all the most important things about St. Stephen's Day!

    Customs and traditions

    If Italians usually celebrate Christmas by relaxing at home with family, then St. Stephen's Day is a good chance to get out of the house and visit friends, distant relatives and visit nearby churches where you can admire the Christmas decorations.

    history of the holiday

    Despite the fact that this holiday is celebrated by Christians all over the world, Italians have some special historical connection with the saint. He is often regarded as the first Christian martyr. Saint Stephen was tried and executed in Jerusalem around 34 AD. The exact location of his burial is unknown, but it is believed that his relics were buried in the Castle of Monopoli, in Apulia. On December 26, 1394, the fortress was attacked by the Saracen army, and the remains of St. Stephen were transported by car to the village of Putignano.

    The residents were very happy that their city was chosen to store the holy relics. They spread throughout the village and greeted the cart with a great celebration. From then on, December 26th was celebrated as St. Stephen's Day, and the small celebration in Putignano grew into what is now known as the oldest Carnival in Europe.

    St. Stephen's Day is a holiday in Italy today

    Today, Italians celebrate St. Stephen's Day in different ways. While some towns hold processions similar to Putignano's, others organize elaborate live nativity plays, or spend the day delivering food and gifts to the poor and disadvantaged. In Rome and other major cities, churches and cathedrals open their doors to visitors who want to see the glorious images of the Nativity of Christ and the relics of saints enshrined inside these churches. A day of celebration, celebration, helping those in need - this is all St. Stephen's Day, which is one of the most joyful in the calendar of every Italian, one of the most long-awaited holidays in Italy.


    If you are planning to organize your holiday in Italy during the holidays in Italy in December, then the articles on our website will be useful to you: “, “

    Brief life of the first martyr and archdeacon Stephen

    Saint Stephen came from the Jews who lived abroad, that is, outside the Holy Land. Such Jews were called el-li-ni-sta-mi, because they had a sense of the influence of Greek culture, before mi-ni-ro-vav-shey in the Roman Empire. After the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, the Church began to grow rapidly, and a need arose for Worry about orphans, widows and the poor in general who have received Baptism. Apo-sto-ly proposed that Christ give us seven strong husbands for the guardianship of those in need. By ordaining these seven people into dia-ko-ns (which means powerfully, serve), the apo-sto-lies did theirs are closer and more powerful. Among the dia-ko-news, you-de-lyal-sya with your strong faith and the gift of words of the young Stefan, the name-of-my ar -hi-di-a-ko-nom, i.e. the first dia-ko-nom. Soon, in addition to helping the poor, dia-cons will begin to take immediate participation in prayers and God-serving-ni-yah.

    Stephen propagated the word of God into Jerusalem, reinforcing the truth of his words with his knowledge and chu-de-sa-mi. His success was very great, and it was the hatred of rev-no-te-lei for Mo-i-sey - fa-ri-se-ev that was brought against him. They grabbed him and dragged him to the si-ned-ri-on - the highest court among the ev-re-evs. Here the fa-ri-sei presented hundreds of false witnesses, who claimed that he was insulting in his pro-words. lies to God and pro-ka Mo-i-sei. In his justification, Saint Stephen lived in front of the s-ned-ri-o-nom of the Jewish na-ro-da, according to pointing out vivid examples of how the Jews always stood up to God and killed the prophets sent by Him. The members of the si-ned-ri-o-na, listening to him, became more and more angry.

    At this time, Stefan saw the Sky open above him, and he exclaimed: “I see the sky from the top and the Son of Che-lo -the-great, hundred-right-hand of God” (). Hearing this, the members of the si-ned-ri-o-na flew into great rage. Covering their ears, they rushed at Stephan and dragged him out of the city. Here, as the law ordered, sv-de-te-li, the first about-vi-niv-shie of Ste-fa-na, first-you began to beat him kam-nya-mi. At the same time, there was a young man named Saul, who was in a kam-nya-mi. He approved the murder of Stephan. Falling under a hail of stones, Stefan shouted: “Lord Jesus! Don’t impute this sin to them and accept my spirit.” This co-existence and the speech of Stephan in si-ned-ri-on described Evan-ge-list Lu-ka in the book of De-ya-niy apo-sto-lov, chapters 6-8.

    So ar-hi-di-a-kon Stefan became the first mu-che-ni-kom for Christ in 34 after R.X. After this, there began to be a pre-following of Christians in Ieru-sa-li-me, from whom they need you would have fled to different parts of the Holy Land and to neighboring countries. So the Christian faith began to spread in different parts of the Roman Empire. Stephan's blood didn't spill out in vain. Soon Saul, who approved of this murder, believed, was baptized and became known as Paul - one of the -my successful preachers of Evan-ge-liy. Many years later, Pa-vel, the leader of Jerusalem, was also captured by an angry crowd of Jews who wanted to beat him kam-nya-mi. In his conversation with them, he remembered the innocent death of Stephan and his participation in it ().

    August 2/15 - Transfer of the relics of the first martyr Archdeacon Stephen from Jerusalem to Constantinople

    Transfer-re-ne-se-nie from Ieru-sa-li-ma to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol of the relics of the holy first-in-mu-che-ni-ka ar-hi- di-a-ko-na Ste-fa-na was about 428. After the holy per-vo-mu-che-nick ar-hi-di-a-kon Stefan was beaten by Judas, I stoned him, holy his body was abandoned without being eaten by animals and birds. One day, on the second night, a well-known Jewish teacher, Ga-ma-li-il, began to incline towards re in Jesus Christ as the Messiah and defended the apostles in sin-ned-ri-on (), sent people devoted to him to take body first. Ga-ma-li-il gave him up for burial on his own land, in a cave, not far from Ieru-sa-li-ma. When the secret disciple of the Lord died, Niko-dim, who came to Him at night (), Ga-ma-li-il so- he buried him near the grave of ar-hi-di-a-ko-na Ste-fa-na. Therefore, Ga-ma-li-il himself, having received Holy Baptism together with his son Aviv, was buried at the grave first of all Ste-fa-na and Saint Ni-ko-di-ma. In 415, the powers of the saints were miraculously restored and solemnly transferred to Jeru -sa-lim ar-hi-episco-pom Ioan-ste-together with episco-pa-mi Elev-fe-ri-em of Se-va-stii-sky and Elev-fe-ri-em of Ieri -hon-skim. From that time on, healing was not possible from the relics.

    Subsequently, under the holy blessed king Fe-o-do-siy the Younger (408-450), the relics of the holy first why did Ste-fa-na move from Ieru-sa-li-ma to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol and po-lo-zhen-ny to the church -vi in ​​honor of the holy dia-ko-na Lav-ren-tiya, and upon the creation of a temple in honor of the first-mu-che-ni-ka Ste-fa-na pe- re-ne-se-ny there-da 2 av-gu-sta. Des-ni-tsa first-in-mu-che-ni-ka is stored in Ser-pi-o-no-voy pa-la-te Tro-i-tse-Ser-gi-e- Lavra's howl.

    The Complete Life of the First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen

    The holy apo-table per-vo-mu-che-nik and ar-hi-di-a-kon Stefan was the eldest among the seven dia-ko-novs, having become nykh sa-mi-mi apo-sto-la-mi, that’s why they call him ar-hi-di-a-ko-nom. He was a Christian pioneer and suffered for Christ at the age of about 30 years. According to you, it was “na-cha-tok mu-che-ni-kov, a teacher of suffering for Christ, the foundation of good is-by-ve-da-niya", for before Stefa-na no-one shed his blood for the Gospel."

    Bu-duchi is full of the Holy Spirit, Saint Stefan with daring-but-ve-no-convince-di-tel-but-pro-ve-do-val hri -sti-an-teaching and defeated the Jews for-co-but-teachers in disputes. For this, the Jews okle-ve-ta-li Ste-fa-na, as if he were blaspheming God and Mo-i-Sei. With such an ob-vi-no-no-him, Saint Stefan appeared before the si-ned-ri-o-nom and the first-holy-no-one. He gave a fiery speech in which he lived the history of the Jewish people and boldly denounced the Jews in the past against the prophets and in their expectation of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. During his speech, Saint Stephen suddenly saw the sky open and Jesus Christ in glory, standing at the right hand of God. He spoke loudly about it. Then the Jews, covering their ears, pounced on him, dragged him out of the city and beat him with stones, and the saint the monk prayed for his killers. Far away, at the top, stands the Mother of God with the holy Apostle John the God-Word and earnestly praying - I was for a lot of money. Before his death, Stefan said: “Lord Jesus, accept my spirit, Lord, don’t count this against them as sin,” - and then joyfully gave up his pure soul to Christ. The body of the holy first Stephan, left for the animals to eat, was secretly taken by a well-known -Rei-teacher Ga-ma-li-il with his son Aviv and gave burying in his estate. Subsequently, they both believed in Christ and received Holy Baptism.

    Troparion to the First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen

    A fellow apostle/ and a first-sufferer,/ a servant of Christ, much praised by Stephen,/ having first accomplished the torment of the course,/ countless generations of man are equal to the hero of Christ I will bring./ Moreover, as an apostle and supreme sufferer/ we honor you more, we pray:/ pray to Christ God// to grant We have great mercy.

    Translation: Having settled with the apostles and being the first martyr from , Christ's servant, glorified Stephen, before you accomplished the feat of martyrdom, you brought countless nations to the hero of Christ. Therefore, honoring you as the supreme apostle and martyr, we pray: “Pray to Christ God to grant us great mercy.”

    Kontakion to the First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen

    Yesterday the Lord came to us in the flesh,/ and today the slave came from the flesh;/ yesterday He was born to reign in the flesh,/ today the slave is stoned.// For this reason, the first martyr and Divine Stephen dies.

    Translation: Yesterday the Master came to us in the flesh, but today the slave leaves the body. For yesterday He who reigns according to the flesh was born, but today His servant is stoned; It is for Him that the first martyr and divine Stephen dies.

    Kontakion to the First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen

    You were the first to be sown on earth by the Heavenly Worker,/ O all praised Stephen,/ you were the first on earth to shed blood for Christ, O blessed One,/ you were the first from Him to wear a crown of victory to Heaven Eh,/ the beginning of the sufferers, // the crowned one, the first sufferer of the martyrs.

    Translation: You were the first to be sown on earth by the Heavenly Creator, Stefan, glorified by all, the first on earth to shed blood for Christ, the first from Him to be crowned with a crown of victory in Heaven, the beginning of confessors, the crown bearer, the first to suffer among the martyrs.

    Glorification of the First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen

    We magnify you,/ passion-bearing Saint Stephen,/ and honor your honest suffering,// which you endured for Christ.

    Prayer to the First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen

    The first among the deacons, the first among the martyrs, you appeared, Saint Stephen, the Apostle, full of faith and power in teaching and in great signs you appeared, and no one else could contrary to wisdom and the spirit, in which you spoke, your face was quickly seen in the crowd, like the face of an angel. Moreover, being filled with the Holy Spirit, you saw the heavens opened and the glory of God and the Son of man, our Lord Jesus Christ, standing at the right hand of God the Father. Also, from the cruel and murderers of the Jews, we stone the Most Blessed One and the Virgin, His Mother, who prays for you, we beat you, bend your knee, you cried out with a great voice: Lord, do not fast Avi them of this sin! And so you joyfully surrendered your spirit to the Lord Jesus. Therefore, for the sake of the prayer book and the representative of you, the acquisitive, the knee of our soul and heart, we pray to you: lift up your hand to the Lord, and make the whole human race the Representative and Hoda taitsa to His Son, the Most Holy Virgin Mother, and about us, who always anger us with sin and laziness, pray to our Good Savior, that he may give us grace to help us in time for repentance and through your intercession and intercession of His Most Holy Mother on that terrible and righteous day, may He not place our sins before us Sha, but according to His generosity, I begged you, let the soul speak ours: your salvation is forever and ever. Amen.

    Second prayer to the first martyr and archdeacon Stephen

    Oh, holy first martyr, Apostle Archdeacon Stephen! On bended knee of our soul and heart, we pray to you: lift up your hand to the Lord and make the whole human race a representative and intercessor to your Son, the Most Holy Virgin Mother, and us (names), who always anger those who sin and laziness, pray to our Good Savior, that he may give us grace to help us in time for repentance, and through your intercession and intercession of Your Most Holy Mother, on that terrible day and the righteous, let him not put our sins before us, but according to his compassions , I begged you, that he might say to our soul: I am your salvation forever and ever. Amen.

    Canons and Akathists

    Akathist to the Holy First Martyr Archdeacon Stephen

    Kontakion 1

    Chosen from among the multitude, a disciple of our Lord and Savior, as filled with faith, the Holy Spirit and wisdom, to serve widows through prayer and the laying on of apostolic hands, you were the first to become a deacon, and in this rank you served the Lord even to the death of a martyr, as if you had great boldness to the Lord, free us from all deadly troubles and sorrows, and let us call to you with love:

    Ikos 1

    Your angelic purity, seraphim love and faith in the Lord Almighty have made you, Saint Stephen, a chosen vessel and a dwelling place of the All-Holy Spirit; For this reason, all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ marvel at your holy life and cry out to you with tenderness:

    Rejoice, true disciple of Christ.

    Rejoice, one like apostle.

    Rejoice, filled with the Holy Spirit.

    Rejoice, shining with grace-filled gifts.

    Rejoice, thou who lovest the Lord of the world above all else.

    Rejoice, forsaking all the red of this world for the Lord.

    Rejoice, seeker of the Heavenly Fatherland.

    Rejoice, Angel of the interlocutor.

    Rejoice, good warrior of the Heavenly King.

    Rejoice, having not been obliged to purchase worldly purchases.

    Rejoice, true servant of Christ.

    Rejoice, good and faithful servant of Christ from youth.

    Rejoice, Apostle of Christ, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen.

    Kontakion 2

    You saw the bishops Anna and Caiaphas, John and Alexander, and others who were from the family of the bishop, who called the apostles of Christ to their wicked court, and you knew their bitterness against all the disciples of Christ the Lord, Stephen; For this reason, in your heart you prepared to walk in the footsteps of the apostles, to accept all dishonor for the Lord, and to Him to cry forever: Alleluia.

    Ikos 2

    Having a divinely enlightened mind, O wondrous first martyr, you clearly understood that faith in Christ the Lord calls all for His name to bear dishonor and all wounds from the rulers and princes of this world, to endure shame in the hosts and assemblies, and thus you were prepared for all reproach for Receive Christ joyfully. For this reason we praise you, saying:

    Rejoice, having loved Christ with your young and pure heart.

    Rejoice, having desired the One in your life.

    Rejoice, thou who hast acquired angelic purity.

    Rejoice, you who have not partaken of the filth of this world.

    Rejoice, ardent in prayer.

    Rejoice, patient in sorrow.

    Rejoice, having prepared for yourself to accept all persecution for the name of Christ.

    Rejoice, having made your way to the Kingdom of Heaven through many sorrows.

    Rejoice, and help us in our sorrows.

    Rejoice, free us from grave temptations.

    Rejoice, stand before the throne of the Lord.

    Rejoice, bring prayers to the Lord for us sinners.

    Rejoice, Apostle of Christ, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen.

    Kontakion 3

    Endowed with power from above, you fought a good fight in the name of the Lord, the glorious warrior of Christ Stephen, preparing yourself to be a martyr for Christ the Savior. From the depths of your heart you cried out to Him: Alleluia.

    Ikos 3

    Having the wealth of God's gifts, Saint Stephen, you wanted to work with all the gifts of the Lord Christ, and you were known to all the faithful as a good disciple of Christ and His glorious apostles. For this good will of yours, we please you:

    Rejoice, good vine of Christ's grapes.

    Rejoice, you who have become truly fruitful by the power of Christ.

    Rejoice, thou who hast walked the path of the Lord Christ.

    Rejoice, having enslaved everything to the truth of Christ.

    Rejoice, thou who imitate the life of Christ.

    Rejoice, you have sealed the words of Christ in your heart.

    Rejoice, dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.

    Rejoice, treasury of Divine wisdom.

    Rejoice, for from your belly the rivers of living water flowed.

    Rejoice, for these streams of water have served many people for salvation.

    Rejoice, filled with Divine wisdom.

    Rejoice, having glorified God in the Holy Trinity through your lips.

    Rejoice, Apostle of Christ, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen.

    Kontakion 4

    A storm of confusion struck the young Church of Christ, when there was grumbling among the Greeks against the Jews, as if they despised their widows in their daily service. But you, more holy than God, believing in the wisdom of the apostles, you earnestly cried out to God with your pure lips: Alleluia.

    Ikos 4

    Hearing the holy apostles the grumbling of the Greeks, they called together a multitude of disciples, deciding: “It is not convenient for us to eat, leaving the word of God and serving meals.” Restore, seeing your fidelity and love to the holy apostles, I unanimously proclaim to you, holy Stephen:

    Rejoice, good listener of the apostolic broadcasts.

    Rejoice, your spirit has been inspired by love for the apostolic preaching.

    Rejoice, you who diligently listened to every word of the Apostles.

    Rejoice, apostles, organizers of the Church of Christ, revered one.

    Rejoice, you who named the apostles through the mouth of Christ.

    Rejoice, you who saw the mysteries of God’s builders in them.

    Rejoice, for the witnesses of the Word and the servants of Christ were believers.

    Rejoice, you who dare say nothing against the apostolic broadcasts.

    Rejoice, for in the hands of the apostles the Church of Christ was betrayed, O prophet.

    Rejoice, thou who art called this Apostle.

    Rejoice, pillar of the church.

    Rejoice, church beauty.

    Rejoice, Apostle of Christ, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen.

    Kontakion 5

    God-rich stars, holy apostles, tell believers in Christ: “See, brethren, seven men have been testified by you, filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom, and we will appoint them over this service: we will remain in prayer and the ministry of the word.” Having heard this, Saint Stephen, rejoicing with all his heart, cried out to the all-wise Lord: Alleluia.

    Ikos 5

    Believing in Christ, Stephen, a man filled with wisdom, faith and the Holy Spirit, saw him first declaring him worthy to serve as a deacon before the apostles, and crying out to him:

    Rejoice, good colleague of the spirit-bearing apostles.

    Rejoice, diligent imitator of their life.

    Rejoice, you who nourish both the Greeks and the Jews with the same love.

    Rejoice, you wisely cared for widows.

    Rejoice, feeder of the poor.

    Rejoice, living preacher of the love of Christ.

    Rejoice, you who desire to serve everyone according to the word of the Lord.

    Rejoice, thou who hast washed the nose of the saints.

    Rejoice, loving father of the orphans.

    Rejoice, robe of the naked.

    Rejoice, comforter in sorrows.

    Rejoice, deliverer from vain death.

    Rejoice, Apostle of Christ, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen.

    Kontakion 6

    You appeared as a preacher in word and deed of the truth of Christ, the holy First Martyr Stephen, when the holy apostles prayed, laying their hands on you and on those chosen with you, and the word of God grew and the number of disciples in Jerusalem multiplied greatly: many people of priests obeyed the faith. You and the other deacons joyfully cried out to the Lord Christ: Alleluia.

    Ikos 6

    Shining brighter than the sun is the word of your sermon, holy Archdeacon Stephen, for you, filled with faith and strength, have performed great signs and wonders among people, who, having known Christ crucified by you, cried out to you with grateful lips with tender praise:

    Rejoice, fiery preacher of the Gospel of Christ.

    Rejoice, wonderful performer of great miracles.

    Rejoice, denouncer of Jewish evil.

    Rejoice, wise explainer of the mysteries of God.

    Rejoice, you who taught us to venerate the Most Holy Trinity.

    Rejoice, you have the seraphic hymn to the glory of the Holy Trinity in your mind, heart and lips.

    Rejoice, most luminous lamp of the Holy Spirit.

    Rejoice, having made the Holy Spirit partakers of new people with grace.

    Rejoice, golden-talking teacher.

    Rejoice, tireless preacher.

    Rejoice, worthy heir of the Kingdom of God.

    Rejoice, and through your prayer you open the gates of heaven to us.

    Rejoice, Apostle of Christ, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen.

    Kontakion 7

    Although the truth of Christ was to be revealed to all Jews, as the chosen one of God from all the earth, to whom the word of God was entrusted, you, holy apostle, contended with men from the host of Libertinsk, and Cyrene, and Alexandrsk, and from Cilicia and Asia, defeating them with the words of the Spirit and wisdom, you cried out to the source of reason and wisdom, to the Savior of the world, a victorious song: Alleluia.

    Ikos 7

    Having seen new grace and power in your wise words and being unable to resist the truth of Christ, the great first martyr, conquered your enemies, saying that they heard from you words of blasphemy against Moses and against God. The people, the elders and the scribes, moved against you and, attacking you, deceived you and brought you to their wicked host. We, seeing you being dragged to the lawless judgment seat, say with tears in praise of your face:

    Rejoice, fearless guide of Christ's faith.

    Rejoice, you who desire to draw all your people to Christ.

    Rejoice, you who have exposed all false teachings among the people of Israel.

    Rejoice, you who have brought those who oppose God’s truth to silence.

    Rejoice, for the falsehood is a convicting witness against you.

    Rejoice, for when you were dragged to the judgment seat, you joyfully accepted shame for Christ.

    Rejoice, for you suffered dishonor for the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Rejoice, for for His most holy name you accepted blasphemy, slander, and all kinds of evil.

    Rejoice, undefeated martyr of Christ.

    Rejoice, you who have overthrown the enemy of our salvation.

    Rejoice, Apostle of Christ, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen.

    Kontakion 8

    It is strange for those who do not believe in Christ, the servant of satanic malice, to see the young and holy Stephen in his evil host: for all those sitting in the host saw his face, like the face of an Angel. We, who believe in the Lord, worthy of glorifying His saints and, praising the great apostle and first martyr, brightly illuminated by the angelic light, joyfully cry out to our Savior the song: Alleluia.

    Ikos 8

    With all your love for Christ the Lord, you were not afraid, O first martyr, of the evil host of the Jews, but of the words of your Lord and Savior: “When you are brought to the councils, and the authorities, and the dominion, do not worry about how or what you answer or what you say: Holy One The Spirit will teach you in that hour what you should say,” remembering, you fearlessly awaited the evil questioning of the lawless judge. For this reason, we, contemplating your face, like the face of an Angel, with our unclean lips dare to say to you:

    Rejoice, shone with angelic radiance.

    Rejoice, thou who hast received the fire of Divine grace.

    Rejoice, wise confessor of the Holy Gospel of Christ.

    Rejoice, herald of unspeakable Divine grace.

    Rejoice, as a meek lamb given over to the wolf to be devoured.

    Rejoice, at this lawless judgment seat you have become like the sinless Lamb of God.

    Rejoice, you have illuminated all those sitting in the congregation with the radiance of your face.

    Rejoice, you who clearly understood the hardness of their hearts.

    Rejoice, courageous servant of Christ.

    Rejoice, praise and honor to the good-victorious martyrs.

    Rejoice, strong hope of those who come running to you.

    Rejoice, unashamed hope of righteousness for the sake of the persecuted.

    Rejoice, Apostle of Christ, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen.

    Kontakion 9

    Thou didst rejoice every angelic nature, holy first martyr, when thou didst not only remain silent in response to the crafty questioning of the high priest, but led by the Holy Spirit, a fiery confession of thy love for the Divine law given in the Old Testament, thou didst expound upon the prophet Moses, the law and the temple of Jerusalem, praising and teaching all the faithful to the Lord, the One Lawgiver in both testaments, to sing forever: Alleluia.

    Ikos 9

    You have put to shame, O holy apostle, archdeacon and martyr of Christ Stephen, those who were so ignorant of the vain traditions and evil fabrications of the elders, rather than those who believed in the law of God and Moses, who have clearly understood the lies of those who spoke about you, because you spoke blasphemous words against God, Moses, and the Law. and you reproached the temple: for you spoke in the congregation words of praise and to the law of God given in the Old Testament, and to the righteous, for the sake of the Lord, in the law of the canopy and the scriptures. Having taught you to honor the words of the Old Testament, as truly the words of God, and to turn away from the wickedness of the Jews, we say in praise of you:

    Rejoice, admirer of all the words of the Old Testament.

    Rejoice, for thou hast explained this covenant to Christ to the child-giver wisely.

    Rejoice, you who showed the valor of the faith of the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as obedient servants of God.

    Rejoice, thou who glorified Joseph's sorrows and his wisdom in Egypt.

    Rejoice, you who vividly described the hard and bitter work of the pharaohs of your people in Egypt.

    Rejoice, you have worthily magnified the prayers, labors and sorrows of the prophet Moses for the deliverance of the people of Israel.

    Rejoice, you who explained the prophecy of Moses about Christ the Lord to the evil host.

    Rejoice, you who so clearly announced his ascent to Mount Sinai and the appearance of the Lord to him.

    Rejoice, you who showed Moses’ obedience to the Lord in the building of the tabernacle.

    Rejoice, you who honestly depicted the works of Joshua and David.

    Rejoice, you who sang the wisdom of Solomon.

    Rejoice, good and obedient servant of Christ.

    Rejoice, Apostle of Christ, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen.

    Kontakion 10

    Desiring the salvation of all the sons of Israel, you clearly taught, holy first martyr, all those sitting in the congregation, as all the prophets and righteous women in word and deed in the Old Testament prophesied about Christ the Lord and led everyone to faith in Christ the Savior, and all the Israelites, and all people from the depths of their hearts will cry out to the Lord, for our sake crucified on the cross: Alleluia.

    Ikos 10

    O holy First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen, you were a strong wall in the confession of the Gospel of Christ. For this reason and in the evil host of the same Christ, as the Righteous One, killed by the evil Jews, you fearlessly preached and all the lawless murderers of the Lord - you exposed wickedness. Marveling at your great boldness, all Christians loudly praise you:

    Rejoice, clear reproof of the lawless congregation of the Jews.

    Rejoice, undaunted preacher of Christ the Lord to this host.

    Rejoice, for you foretold the end of the veneration of the Temple of Jerusalem.

    Rejoice, for you called all the Jews who did not believe in Christ stiff-necked.

    Rejoice, for you have seen in these same unbelievers an uncircumcised heart and an uncircumcised ear.

    Rejoice, both their fathers and theirs, who have angrily rebuked those who resist the Holy Spirit.

    Rejoice, you who call them murderers of the prophets.

    Rejoice, for you clearly exposed the first murderers of the Lord, Annas and Caiaphas, against this host.

    Rejoice, for you boldly called the entire Sanhedrin murderers and traitors to the Lord.

    Rejoice, accuser of human sins. Rejoice, preacher of repentance.

    Rejoice, teacher of brotherly love. Rejoice, Apostle of Christ, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen.

    Kontakion 11

    Receive songs of praise from our poor hearts and lips, O wondrous martyr and apostle of Christ Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, looking up to heaven, you saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of His Father, and you said: “Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man.” standing at the right hand of God." Marveling at such a vision and your voice, let us joyfully sing to the Lord, who gives the sweetness of His sight to His saints: Alleluia.

    Ikos 11

    Thy luminous visage, heavenly vision and joyful voice, confessing the glory of the Lord, who came down from heaven to save the human race, not being able to bear your reproach to the Jews, their hearts flared up with evil, their teeth gnashed and rushed unanimously at you, and pulled you out, blessed Stephen, from the host you set it outside the city, stoning you, evildoers. We, glorious martyr of Christ, escorting you with love to the place of your blessed death, glorify your courage, saying in a loud voice:

    Rejoice, first among the martyrs, sealing with your blood the faith in Christ crucified.

    Rejoice, you who sanctified the earth with your blood. Rejoice, for you also preceded the apostles themselves by the feat of martyrdom.

    Rejoice, for you brought with you thousands and thousands of martyrdoms and martyrs for the glorious name of Christ.

    Rejoice, for you walked fearlessly behind the Lord Jesus Christ and gloriously bore His reproach.

    Rejoice, shine with the light of your suffering.

    Rejoice, for with the same light you truly show us the path to Christ.

    Rejoice, most luminous lamp, illuminated by God’s uncreated light.

    Rejoice, thou who dispersest the darkness of unbelief and all uncleanness with the light of thy faith.

    Rejoice, inhabitant of the bright villages of paradise.

    Rejoice, kind awakener of our darkened and sleeping conscience.

    Rejoice, for through you the name of Christ is glorified in honor.

    Rejoice, Apostle of Christ, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen.

    Kontakion 12

    The grace of God truly abides to you, glorious apostle and first martyr of Christ Stephen, for the Lord our Savior died on the cross on Calvary, in the hand of His Father He betrayed His spirit, remembering, praying and saying, “We are stoned at the hands of the wicked: “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” . Carrying the Savior’s prayer for your crucifiers in your heart, you bowed your knees and cried out in a great voice: “Lord, do not put this sin on them.” And with this prayer you ended your glorious earthly career. We, praising such a bright dormition of yours, cry out from the depths of our souls to the Lord God, who gave you the grace to become like the Son of God in your death: Alleluia.

    Ikos 12

    Singing your glorious life, praising your apostolic works, touchingly remembering your blessed death in Christ, valiant first martyr of Christ and Archdeacon Stephen, we pray to you: ask us for the spirit of unshakable faith of the right from the Lord and our Savior, may a pure and contrite heart abide within us, Kindle apostolic zeal in preaching the Gospel in us, so that we will be ready to endure all sorrows for the Sweetest Jesus, and to praise you, the glorious first martyr:

    Rejoice, great apostle of Christ.

    Rejoice, bright image of the shepherd of the Church of Christ.

    Rejoice, faithful witness of Christ.

    Rejoice, fiery zealot of the glory of God.

    Rejoice, good widower nourisher.

    Rejoice, merciless eradicator of hypocrisy.

    Rejoice, strong confessor of the truths of Christ.

    Rejoice, our steadfast intercessor in grave grievances.

    Rejoice, having dedicated yourself entirely to Christ the Lord.

    Rejoice, at your death the disciple of Christ appeared wholeheartedly.

    Rejoice, gentle passion-bearer.

    Rejoice, wonderful intercessor for your murderers of God’s mercy and forgiveness.

    Rejoice, Apostle of Christ, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen.

    Kontakion 13

    Oh, great Apostle of Christ, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen! Accept this small prayer, composed in praise of you, and, as a great disciple of the Sweetest Son of Man, our Savior, with your holy prayers help us to be good disciples of the Lord, and thinking about His eternal glory, from all evil both in this and the future life Let us escape, and take out a song of praise to Him and sing: Alleluia.

    (This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


    Oh, great first martyr of Christ, Apostle and Archdeacon Stephen! To you, as a faithful imitator of Christ, we offer our unworthy prayers for sinners, to your merciful intercession for us before the throne of God with warmth of faith. You, while still alive, have always had the seal of the Lord Jesus Christ within you, not only with your virtues, signs and miracles, which you performed abundantly, showing this, but clearly on your face, shining like the face of an Angel, you bore the seal of God’s grace. Standing at the right hand of God, you saw the glory of God and the Sweetest Jesus with your bodily eyes, illuminated by the Holy Spirit. You also clearly showed the seal of the Divine, abiding in you, to the whole universe, when in your hour of death, martyrdom, you prayed earnestly not only for all people, but also for everyone, remembering the prayer of the Son of God on the Cross. You bear this seal of the Divine within yourself, and you see those who come running to you in their sorrows, and you diligently bring prayer for them to the throne of God. Grant us, O Glorious God-Seer, to love Christ our Savior with all our hearts, to fulfill His will with all our souls, to bear all sorrows with patience in the name of Christ, and not only for those close to us, but also for all people, and to pray earnestly for our own, and ours as well. The Lord will cover your sins with your warm prayers, especially with His grace and love for mankind and mercy: for to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

    Canon to the Holy First Martyr Archdeacon Stephen

    Song 1

    Irmos: Plunge the chariot of Pharaoh/ sometimes work miracles/ the rod of Moses, striking in the shape of a cross/ and dividing the sea,/ but Israel the fugitive, saving the pedestrian,/ singing the song of God.

    With the radiant brilliance of the Spirit we enlighten, / with natural suffering and steadfast patience, we enlighten you who sing, / standing before the Lady, the rich crowned Stephen, the wedding of the martyrs.

    Motivated by the firstfruits and the supreme leader of the martyr’s council, / you were honored to see the Passionate, glorious, / with your life-giving right hand, God woven to you, the wondrous crown.

    The only treasure of goodness, O Savior, / showed from the depths of the earth a treasure of great value, / wealth that is not expendable, an inalienable possession, self-interest that is indestructible, / Stephen of Your first martyr.

    We illuminate with angelic light, / with angelic songs, the first martyr Stephen and the first best of deacons, / hidden, as if you appeared, you are truly worthy of honor, / filled with the incense of spirits naked

    Theotokos: For our incarnate sake, Most Immaculate, before the Bodiless One,/ You gave birth to God’s first Word of the Father./ O village of virginity, and friend of purity,/ and temple of sanctification, the Lady of the world, Blessed of God!

    Song 3

    Irmos: Established at the beginning of Heaven by reason/ and the earth founded on the waters/ on the rock of me, Christ, established Thy commandments/ as there is nothing holy except Thee, the One Lover of Mankind.

    The sacred clergyman and theologian appeared to you,/ intertwined with the Jewish councils,/ strongly exposing their atheism and God-fighting disposition,/ to Stephen, the martyr of all.

    The first martyr of Christ and the servant of the first, / who showed his degree with light as a martyr of the current, / The angels of the interlocutor, come, all of you in agreement, with Divine songs we will honor.

    The hidden treasure appears in the earth,/ and the Church fills the first martyrs and the first chosen ministers with the world of Divine incense and rich gifts.

    My mind of life has been mortified by the action / preached by you, O wise one, rise to sing your honest triumph / and follow your footsteps, blessed Stephen.

    Theotokos: The door appeared in the mind of the East of the Most High, appearing on earth, Virgin: / For through You the Word came to us to save everyone from wordlessness, Most Pure One.

    Sedalen, voice 1.

    Apostle of Christ, the first of the deacons, the first martyr wise, the supreme of the martyrs, / having sanctified the ends of the world through your sufferings and the miracles of the souls of men, you have enlightened them, / who honor you, deliver all sorts of troubles, O all-validated Stephen.

    Glory, even now, to the Mother of God: The hope of Christians, O Most Holy Virgin, / whom You gave birth to, God, more than mind and words, / constantly pray with the Highest powers / to grant forgiveness of all our sins and correction of life / through faith and love to those who glorify You evermore .

    Song 4

    Irmos: You are my strength, Lord, / You are my strength, / You are my God, You are my joy, / do not leave the bosom of the Father, / and visit our poverty. / Thus, with the prophet Habakkuk, I call You: / Glory to Your strength, Lover of mankind.

    Streams of peace for us today, streams of incense, / a source flows out and a river of Divine blessings, / and a glorious stream of food opens, the first of the martyrs, / who is filled with faith, and Divine power, and grace.

    As holy and bright and honorable is the day of the First Martyr, / filled with light and truly spiritual joy, appearing to the Royal City, / preserving the power of the honest Church and driving away barbaric insolence.

    You have received the good inheritance worthily, O blessed Stephen,/ where Christ, the King of all, you have taken up residence,/ of whom you have appeared, performing signs and wonders,/ and giving healing to the sick.

    Unyielding to the Church and unshakable and erected a pillar/ stretching from the earth even to heaven, enlightening all ends with the dawn of piety/ Stephen, a preacher of great truths, a true champion of suffering.

    Theotokos: New Adam for the first You were, from the Virgin for the foremother, / Deliverer of all and Savior, for death, true immortal life. / Moreover, we give You joy, having given birth to the Mother of God, by inheritance, all the faithful.

    Song 5

    Irmos: Thou hast cast me away / from Thy presence, O Light that never enters, / and an alien darkness has covered me, O accursed one? / But turn me and to the light of Thy commandments / guide my path, I pray.

    The truly vain council patiently rebuked the lawless Jews, / from those, O God, we are covered with stones, / as a victorious one, you ascended in spirit, Stephen.

    As beautiful as the morning, you appeared to the world, more glorious than Stephen, driving away the darkness, / and driving away the demons of dreams and ailing passions, / and spiritual infirmities for the purpose of rotting, God-inspired.

    Mentally with the Angels, blessed, rejoicing, / sanctifying the ends of the world with truly your coming and grace, / fragrant incense of the spiritual worlds and delivering troubles and storms.

    Theotokos: Have more maternal boldness towards Your Son, O All-Pure One, / do not despise the kindred providence that is for us, we pray: / for You and the only Christians to the Master we mercifully offer purification.

    Song 6

    Irmos: Cleanse me, O Savior, / for my iniquities are many, / and bring me up from the depths of evil, I pray, / for I have cried out to You, and hear me, / God of my salvation.

    You became an angel like one by choice,/ you acquired the appearance of an angel, O blessed one,/ rejoicing with him and going around, saving you when you sing.

    The verb, blessed, your God-inspired power, like a loud noise, / in the ears, most pleasing to God, will make the lawless roar and darken their faces.

    You have been honored to see the glory of the Father and sow your natural radiance, Stefana, / proclaiming bright crowns to you through suffering, God’s most honorable voice.

    Theotokos: The Only Begotten Son, and before the age invisible at the end of days, became the Firstborn, / we see in the flesh from You, Mother of God, God of my salvation.

    Kontakion, tone 6:

    The first was sowed on the earth with a heavenly dealer,/ all the Stefan,/ the first blood on the earth for Christ, outlined the blood, blessed,/ the first warfare from him was bogged down in heaven,/ the sufferers began,/ Venechinich, the martyrs were primary.


    The flowers of paradise are in vain, filling the entire universe with their red fragrance,/ I marvel at their strange sight:/ in the winter ice they bloom more and more, even strangely in color./ And the martyr of Christ, prosperous first, and the door to those who suffered legitimately ,/ and blossoming in the winter of torment, Showing the unflattering path to everyone who wants to suffer, the good leader, who has shone with illnesses, crowned the martyrs, the first-suffering one.

    Song 7

    Irmos: Sometimes the fire in Babylon was ashamed of God’s condescension, / for this reason the youths in the cave, with joyful feet, / like in a flower garden, rejoicing, girdle: / Blessed are you, God our father.

    The flow of your blood has opened the heavenly doors/ and the Hero of Labor, who stands before you and extends the crown, shows you, I call:/ Blessed be God our father.

    Like a beast that has kidnapped the God-killer of the Epiphany,/ with its foul-killing hands it kills,/ praying diligently for those who kill and singing:/ Blessed is God our father.

    Thou hast lawfully denounced the lawless, the lawful likeness of Spasov,/ and thou hast shown these God-fighters,/ from them we are stoned, thou hast sung:/ Blessed be God our father.

    Theotokos: In the summer of the flightless, unartificially, Pure, conceived, / like the first, the Bodiless Word, received by the flesh, the Virgin, gave birth to you. / To him we sing, in accordance with the call: / Blessed be God our father.

    Song 8

    Irmos: With the sevenfold furnace/ the Chaldean tormentor/ he kindled the godly furiously,/ they were saved by a better power, seeing this,/ crying out to the Creator and Savior:/ children, bless,/ priestess, sing,/ people, exalt to all ages.

    Naturally shining with light, exceedingly abundant, / and the image of the equal angels showed you, the grace that came forth, Stefan, / of your soul, richly hidden. / Moreover, you cried out: / young men, bless, holy Sing, O people, exalt unto all ages.

    Crowned Stephen, cleanse the ulcers and sinful scabs of my soul with the sprinkling of your blood, / I have come running to your merciful intercession and Christ-like disposition, calling: / youths, bless, priests, sing, / people, exalted wear it all the time.

    Grace, O glorious one, your namesake crown/ the unhypocritical Judge will place upon your honorable crown,/ which you have piously preached, the Creator, and God, and the King of all, crying incessantly:/ youths, bless, priests, sing,/ people Yes, exalt to all ages.

    Thou hast given thy spirit into the hand of the Creator,/ and the Heavenly hosts of the interlocutor have received thee, rejoicing,/ first on earth equal to the angels, now they are numbered among the faces, continually singing:/ youths, bless, priests, sing,/ people, exalt them to all ages.

    Theotokos: You were a vessel of light that never goes away, O All-Pure One, / For you gave birth to light to those who are in the darkness and the shadow, enlightening all God’s understanding with grace. / To Him, faithfully, we continually sing: / Youths, bless, holy maidens, sing, / people, exalt to all ages.

    Song 9

    Irmos: Heaven and the ends of the earth were terrified at this, / for God appeared as a man in the flesh, / and Your womb became the most spacious of the heavens. / Thus they magnify Thee, the Mother of God, / The angels and the human ranks of government.

    The suffering of the martyrs began, / clearly showing the torment of the unflattering path, instructing to Heaven, / the first martyr Stephen all calls to the spiritual to Divine joy / and to the communion of light, to the communion of the holy.

    We cultivate the love of Christ and Him, zealous for meekness and voice, saying:/ do not place sin on the murderers, O Lord,/ but accept my spirit, O Blessed One,/ and the Divine Kingdom, and the unspeakable food that is with You ́, favor me.

    Beautiful, and of the appearance of an angel, and full of wisdom, and faith,/ and the Divine dawn, shining with rays, and with God-voiced lips you spoke God, like a river,/ divinely ordained, the Highest inheritance, O blessed One, improved you are.

    You are crowned with a crown of graces, and you are surrounded by the faces of martyrdom, / and Christ the Martyr stands before you, / praying for us, who are creating your truly luminous triumph, O blessed one, / and deliver us from troubles.

    Theotokos: As the Representative of all Christians, Our Lady, the All-Immaculate Lady, / as the Merciful, deliver from troubles and temptations your suffering servants / and those who are ill with severe sins, wounds and serious illnesses, possessed by perversion smell it.


    The worldly throwing stone will weave for you an incorruptible crown, / and drops of blood - the king’s scarlet robe, chief of the martyrs, fair Stephen.

    Theotokos: Holy Lady, Most Pure and One Unartificed, salvation and hope, / You begged our Savior born from You / to save the world from flattery, and troubles, and sorrows.


    The first among the deacons, the first among the martyrs, you appeared, Saint Stephen, the Apostle, for full of faith and power in teaching and in great signs you appeared, and no one could resist the wisdom and spirit in which you spoke, and your face was seen in the crowd, like the face of an angel. Moreover, being filled with the Holy Spirit, you saw the heavens opened and the glory of God and the Son of man, our Lord Jesus Christ, standing at the right hand of God the Father. Also, from the cruel and murderers of the Jews, stoned before the face of the Most Blessed and the Virgin, His Mother, who prayed for you, we beat you, bow your knee, you cried out with a great voice: Lord, do not This is their sin! And so you joyfully gave up your spirit to the Lord Jesus. For this reason, for the sake of the prayer book and your representative, the acquisitive, the knee of our soul and heart, we bow down to you: lift up your hand to the Lord, and move the whole human race to the Representative and Intercessor to Your Son, the Most Holy Virgin Mother, and about us, who constantly anger us with sin and laziness, pray to our Good Savior, that He may give us grace in timely help to repentance and through your intercession and intercession of His Most Holy Mother on this terrible and righteous day, may He not put our sins before us, but through His mercies, beseech you having been, let the soul speak ours: your salvation is forever and ever. Amen.