What Vanga predicts about President Donald Trump. Vanga predicted that Obama is the last president of the United States Vanga's predictions about America

Casey and Vanga are certainly two of the most authoritative clairvoyants and predictors. They had a lot of predictions that actually came true. What did they predict for America?

Casey predicted: the exact time of the beginning and end of the First World War, the beginning and end of the Second World War, the time of the “Great American Depression” from 1929 to 1933, he even described in detail the panic on the American stock exchanges. Shortly before his death in 1945, when our army was crushing the Germans, Casey said: “Before the twentieth century ends, the collapse of communism will come, and Russia, freed from communism, will face a crisis from which it will safely emerge.” He made many more global predictions that came true. His prophecies are trusted in the West. What did he predict for America? He said New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco would be destroyed, and geophysical changes would occur that would transform the North Atlantic coast. In 1934, Edgar Cayce said: “The earth will break in many places, first the west coast of America will change, then the east. Open waters will appear in the north of Greenland, new lands will appear in the Caribbean Sea, South America will shake violently, seismic and climatic disasters will affect the entire planet, causing it to change. Russia will suffer the least and will lead a new civilization centered in Siberia. America – as a state in its usual form will be under the 44th president.” That is, under the 45th president, some changes may begin in the state, which will change the face of the United States. Maybe it will be the separation of a state, a disintegration into two states, or the natural disasters described above - Casey does not specify this; it only indicates that under the 45th President of the United States, the appearance of America will become different than under the previous president.

Vanga predicted: The terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, the exact date of the death of the Bulgarian Tsar Boris 3rd, the nuclear submarine disasterthe Kursk boats, the death of Princess Diana, the prosperity of Russia will begin in the 21st century. For the United States, Vanga absolutely accurately and unequivocally predicted the victory of a black president in 2008: “The 44th president of the United States will be black, and this president will be the last for the United States, since already under the next, 45th president, America will split into North and South states” Vanga does not say in any source what will serve as the impetus for this collapse.

Another, albeit less well-known, prophet who directly points to the 44th president is Ragno Nero, he wrote 500 years before the emergence of the United States: “The country on the shores of two oceans will be the strongest, rulers will rule it for 4 years, the 44th of which will be the last successful one, because under subsequent rulers, this country will begin to “fade out” and eventually end its existence.”

What is the result? Absolutely different people, from different eras, on different continents, whose predictions can be trusted, clearly point to the 44th President of the United States, under whom America will have its last happy years. Because under the next 45th president, the borders of the United States will undergo changes, the state will disintegrate. But no one directly indicates whether the United States will collapse due to internal political contradictions among the elites, popular discontent, or a natural disaster. The rest of the predictions of these people “do not overlap,” that is, each prophesied something different, but only this one episode turned out to be common. Everything coincided with the 44th president and the collapse of the United States under the 45th president.

But why does America suddenly fall apart into Northern and Southern states? Everything is fine with their economy, about 2% GDP growth, unlike many other countries, and the economic crisis is unlikely to lead to the collapse of a country like the United States; a conspiracy within the country is also unlikely, although possible. One can only guess what could happen with the sudden death or murder of Donald Trump: mass clashes between his supporters and supporters of Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama, the loss of control of certain states, such as California, and the split in American society. Although all this can happen without a conspiracy against the 45th president, the actual collapse of the United States due to a conspiracy against Trump is still unlikely. There remains a strong external impact - a catastrophe.

Then, of all the most likely scenarios, Yellowstone comes out on top - this is a giant supervolcano located in three states (Wyoming, Montana, Idaho). The length of which from north to south is 102 kilometers, and from west to east 87 kilometers. There are more than 3 thousand geysers on the territory of the Yullonstone Nature Reserve.

What's happening to the supervolcano now? According to the latest data, the temperature in some geyser lakes has already risen to 20 degrees Celsius; since the beginning of 2014, about 60 tremors have been recorded, the strongest of which was 4.8 on March 30, 2014. The famous journal Science published research data showing that the soil in Yellowstone Park is rising at a fantastic rate. Over the past four years, the speed turned out to be 180 centimeters, although in previous years this figure did not exceed 3-6 centimeters per year. And over the entire last century, the volcano “grew” by 70 centimeters. In the caldera of the volcano there is already seething lava flows; magma has risen to the very mouth of the volcano. All this indicates that an eruption is about to begin. According to scientists, it should begin between 2018 and 2020. Note that the period of reign of the 45th President of the United States. Already, entire herds of bison, deer and other less noticeable animals are being exodus from the reserve, which directly indicates an impending disaster.

The American media, concerned about the current situation, published a number of forecasts of possible scenarios. Panic began to arise. But the US authorities found a way out - they censored publications about Yellowstone.

The explosion scenario is as follows: the pressure of magma on the Earth’s surface will begin to increase, a “hump” with a diameter of 15-20 km, a height of 5-10 meters will appear on the territory of the national park, along which numerous cracks will run. At the same time, the earth will heat up to 65-75°C, and the concentration of hydrogen sulfide and helium-4 in the atmosphere will greatly increase. The pressure that has accumulated for 630 thousand years will burst out, and magma will be thrown to a height of about 50 kilometers. The consequences of such an explosion would be catastrophic. Within a radius of 1 thousand kilometers, literally all life will perish under lava and ash. Then the cloud of volcanic ash will spread to the sides. Within a few days it will cover most of the US and Canada. Volcanic ash will cover areas as remote from the national park as the Gulf of Mexico and Florida with a 15-centimeter layer.

After such an explosion, the number of victims could approach 100 million people, the consequences for industry and the economy are absolutely irreparable. This explosion will end the existence of the United States as a state. It is possible that other territorial entities in the form of states-states will subsequently arise on this territory. But the USA and most likely Canada will no longer exist.

The red area is a volcanic caldera.

Yellow - ash cover from a volcanic eruption 2.2 million years ago.

Blue - 1.3 million years ago

Green - 640 thousand years ago.

Vanga's predictions have surprised people with their accuracy since ancient times. The Bulgarian seer was blind, but her prophecies came true in real life very clearly.

Vanga predicted very large-scale and significant events: the complete collapse of the powerful USSR, the election of Putin as president once again, the emergence of abnormally gifted children whose development exceeds all natural norms (indigo children), the progressive development of science in technical terms, frequent natural disasters and cataclysms, claiming many human lives. Cataclysms in the form of tsunamis and typhoons mainly affect the coasts of the United States, and technological progress has entirely affected China.

Vanga’s predictions about the United States of America are not that many; her words can be roughly divided into two halves. One half is partially realized events, one of which was the coming to power of black President Barack Obama. The seer warned that after his arrival, strong changes would begin in the country. For now, we can only speculate about what problems will befall America - natural or economic. Over the past ten years, the states have been threatened by multiple tornadoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and tornadoes, which have more than once completely destroyed the infrastructure of the coastal parts of the country, and a huge amount of budget money has been spent on their restoration. In this way, America was dealt an immediate double blow.

The second half of blind Vanga’s predictions turned out to be even worse.
She predicted that America would literally “freeze over.” It is not yet entirely clear which environment this prediction concerns. There is an assumption that over time the economic condition of the country will sharply deteriorate, which will lead to the disintegration of the States into independent independent plots of land with new leaders. But it may be that the fortuneteller Vanga had something else in mind - natural disasters that, over time, will lead the United States to a decrease in average temperature levels, causing the entire country to become icy. For now we can only guess about this.

There is another prediction by Vanga regarding the United States. The sorceress denied the occurrence of the apocalypse, but argued that a number of countries would undergo some kind of “redevelopment.” America will fall into their number, and at the same time it will lose its power, its influence on other countries in the world community will decrease, and its independence will be partially lost. The culprit of these events will be the same Barack Obama, the first black president of America.

The great fortuneteller said that America itself would recognize Russia as the new world leader.
Russia itself has changed significantly since the 20th century. The Russian Federation will become a huge state, uniting vast Slavic lands. It will conclude an act of alliance with China and India. All these events will happen soon - in 60 years, according to the words of the blind seer. Thanks to this, peace will come on Earth - all wars and conflicts will end, hot spots will no longer be hot, the economic level of each individual country will become high. There will be peace throughout the world. And this is great happiness!

"America - no!" - Vanga’s old prediction was announced for the first time

"America - no!" - Vanga’s old prediction was announced for the first time.

The New Year's program on the NTV channel is another find, intended for our "Prophecies" section, because we are talking about the unknown revelations of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, about whom we previously wrote in detail on our website.

It is from Russia that a man will soon come, and he will save us...

These words of hers are clearly audible in the video, but the phrase can be interpreted in different ways, therefore, for the sake of objectivity, we will not say for now that they were talking about Rigden Jappo (Imam Mahdi). However, the program contains another rather interesting episode concerning the fate of America (starting from 39:30), where Sergei Kostornoy, a journalist and Vanga’s godfather, for the first time voices a prediction that the blind seer gave to a narrow circle of close people and asked not to publicly disclose until a certain time .

“There is no America,” Vanga said, “I don’t see it...

A Bulgarian soothsayer predicted a bloody conflict in Syria long before her death, said her friend Dimitri Gachev.

Dimitry Gachev: “It was a Lebanese journalist. He asked her a question: when will peace come? She answered: when Damascus falls.”

Vanga: “As the Bible says: the day will come, in Damascus there will be no stone left beside another.”

It’s no secret that Vanga also loved to talk about Russia and speculate on international topics. But this statement by Vanga about our country remained in the shadows until today.

Vanga: “Russia will never retreat from Bulgaria. Turkey and Greece are not interesting to us. We only need Russia. And it is from Russia that a man will soon come, and he will save us. He will save us all. Russia is the mother country!”

Close friends and relatives of the legendary seer, as well as those who were lucky enough to receive her audience, spoke about these and other predictions of Vanga in the studio of the NTV program “50 Shades. Belova”. Details are in the release.

It’s time to turn to the book “Ezoosmos” by Anastasia Novykh, where Sensei (or, as we assume, Rigden Djappo himself, Imam Mahdi...), warns about the imminent onset of difficult times for humanity and, in particular, speaks in almost the same spirit about America, that she will no longer exist.

Let's also return to the Report "On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth" to the article "The Fall of the American Dollar" and the articles of blogger R. Voskresensky "Until the thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself" and "Predictions of the future. What will happen after all ?" . To this we can add dozens and even hundreds of prophetic and analytical notes on the Internet, predicting the imminent “death” of the entire continent of North America. What could happen so catastrophically that it would destroy an entire continent? In the Climate Change Report we find one of the possible answers: the Yellowstone supervolcano and the emerging tectonic fault of the North American lithospheric plate. The photographs below from scientists of the international organization AllatRa clearly show us the overall alarming picture.

So, we have before us yet another authoritative confirmation of the threat to the North American continent, and therefore the approach of the Last Times. Not for the sake of intimidation and whipping up negative emotions, we again turn to these facts, but to once again point out the importance of moving away from a consumer lifestyle towards spiritual priorities, because shocks can be severe for everyone who has put material monetary values ​​at the forefront. Finally, we again recommend listening to Igor Mikhailovich Danilov He has all the answers and solutions for all problems

Forecasts made for the world's largest economies are of interest not only to politicians and businessmen, but also to ordinary people. This state of affairs is quite natural, because giant countries influence all processes that occur in the markets of goods, raw materials and services. The economic leaders include a whole group of states, but it is the United States that most often sets the rules of the game, so experts in the field of military affairs, politics and finance year after year try to predict the future of this superpower.

However, not only those who rely on facts and figures have their own vision of the fate of the United States. On the Internet you can find out what fortune tellers, clairvoyants, and even clairvoyants prophesied to the American people - after all, according to people who believe in the supernatural, they can foresee the future better than any economist. Particular interest in the situation in America arose when Donald Trump became president, because this politician is characterized by complete unpredictability of decisions. Well, let's find out what could happen in the USA in 2019!

Predictions regarding the future of the United States of America are made by people endowed with both mathematical and paranormal talents

Forecasts of clairvoyants and astrologers

Let's start with individuals who predict the future by studying the movement of celestial bodies, remembering prophetic dreams or communicating with astral entities. Of course, their predictions are quite abstract, but they are of interest to those who believe in everything paranormal and mystical.

Predictions of Pavel Globa

The eminent Russian astrologer made a forecast based on manuscripts, which, as he claims, belong to the pen of Vasily Nemchin. said that this soothsayer predicted the future a thousand years in advance! Some of the predictions recorded in the manuscripts directly concern the United States. Thus, Nemchin foresaw that in our time America would be ruled by a person who had fundamental differences from other participants in the election race.

However, these words can be interpreted in two ways - Donald Trump has an unconventional origin for American politics, and Mrs. Clinton could become the first woman to hold this post. Because of this, the veracity of Nemchin’s forecasts, like his personality itself, raises certain doubts. Among other things, many are alarmed by Globa’s statements that Nemchin’s manuscripts disappeared without a trace immediately after the astrologer copied the information from there.

Are you still interested in what Pavel Globa read in the manuscripts? Then we note: the forecasts say that America will plunge into an increasingly deeper economic and political crisis, which will last until 2020. The dollar, according to Globa, will depreciate, unemployment will rise, and social conflicts and clashes will become more frequent. As a result, America will give way to another state as a world leader, and after this NATO will cease to exist. Several more new presidents will overcome the consequences of the crisis.

Edgar Cayce's Predictions

Edgar Cayce predicts that America will suffer a terrible flood

The American mystic and medium left behind several thousand transcripts, which he dictated in a trance state. Numerous followers of Casey are engaged in deciphering the forecasts. Unfortunately, they were unable to find any mention of the dates of the predicted events, but it is believed that the “Sleeping Prophet” described in his transcripts the beginning of the 21st century.

In general, Casey's forecasts are not optimistic - he predicted a number of political and environmental disasters for America. According to transcripts of his words, there will be a political upheaval in America, which will be provoked by sharp social disturbances. This can only be prevented in one way - the rich must remember that the state economy must protect not only their personal interests, but also provide the necessary benefits to all segments of the population, including low-income Americans.

The forecasts also described a natural disaster. Most likely, it will be associated with the element of water, and the consequences of the flood will be truly global and will be marked by enormous human casualties. The United States will lose some of its territories, and some European and island states (for example, the Netherlands and the Maldives) will be completely covered in water.

Orson Pratt's Predictions

A Mormon prophet believes that negative events await America in the near future. Their main reason coincides with that indicated in Cayce's forecasts - the gap between rich and poor and manifestations of social injustice. As a result, civil war will break out in the United States. As in the war between the North and the South, the states will be divided into several camps, America will be overwhelmed by a wave of armed conflicts, and the economy will be destroyed.

The prophet did not indicate specific dates, but his followers believe that we are talking about the period until 2020, so dire predictions could soon become reality. Only reform in the field of social policy can save America - it’s time for the United States to solve its problems instead of deciding the fate of the world.

Prophecy of the Palm Libraries

Ancient manuscripts describe the complete collapse of the US financial system

This name was given to ancient manuscripts that were written by sages of the past in Sanskrit. Thomas Ritter, an American, began deciphering and organizing the prophecies and published an entire book with predictions describing the fate of the world and individual states. Regarding the future of America, Ritter found information indicating that the United States was gradually entering a period of decline. The reasons for the financial and political collapse of the American system will be ill-conceived economic policies and the deterioration of the situation on the world stage due to diplomatic conflicts.

Most likely, already in 2019, inflation rates will rise sharply in the United States, industrial growth will slow down, and a wave of bankruptcies and ruins will sweep across most states. Ritter says the government will try to divert Americans' attention from domestic problems by focusing on foreign conflicts. Alas, this will not bring the desired results - angry Americans will raise a real revolutionary movement and overthrow the government.

Predictions of Vera Lyon

Which the events of the future are suggested by “plasmoid” spirits, believes that humanity should prepare for the struggle for survival against the raging elements. Natural disasters, according to her, also await the inhabitants of America - melted ice in the Arctic will cause storms and tsunamis that will simply wipe out the oceanic states. The consequences of this disaster will not be limited to the destruction of buildings and casualties among those who do not have time to leave the danger zone.

America will face an epidemic and poverty for the majority of the population, because Americans will have to crowd into cities that were not damaged or washed away by the tsunami. Not everything will be smooth in politics either - from 2019, the collapse of the NATO system and the deterioration of diplomatic ties with the EU (primarily with Germany) will begin. As a result, the Americans will lose their loyal political supporters, and then their positions on the economic and political map of the world.

Kaede's Predictions Uber

The girl, whom the press calls the “French Vanga,” has very poor health, but enormous powers in the field of clairvoyance. Through the veil of time, Kaede sees numerous pictures that tell her about future events. Thus, Kaede cannot yet say anything positive regarding the United States. Her visions include terrorist attacks, natural disasters and epidemics, paramilitary clashes and loss of life.

Several years ago, a fortuneteller said that in the coming years, America would be threatened by a wave of terrorist attacks that would claim a huge number of lives. Kaede's relatives say that after this vision the girl began to fear people who profess Muslims, so the culprits of the disaster will most likely be Islamists. However, not all of Kaede’s prophecies come true - for example, during the election race in the United States, she predicted Clinton’s victory. As you know, Hillary did not become president. Perhaps the vision of a terrorist attack with catastrophic consequences will also turn out to be false.

Predictions of Vlad Ross

Vlad Ross believes that Trump’s reputation will come to an end in 2019

The popular Ukrainian astrologer managed not only to predict Donald Trump’s victory in the election race, but also to describe the further development of events in American history. According to Ross's calculations, the US elections were based on a huge number of frauds. In 2019, a scandal could break out because of this, which would damage Trump’s image and reputation. The consequences may simply bury the president as a politician. Ross says that in 2019, Trump will be "condemned, overthrown and lost all his credentials."

At this time, the likelihood of military conflicts will increase. Ross believes that a person whose life is ruled by Mars simply cannot do without starting a war. Most likely, Trump will launch a military operation in August and September. The risk increases because in the second ten days of August there will be an eclipse of the Sun that will pass through Mars. However, the astrologer himself says that it is difficult to predict Trump’s fate, since his personality is very complex - in the president’s personal forecast, Uranus and the ascending node of the Moon are adjacent, so he can both destroy and create.

Dannion Brinkley's Predictions

Although this American soothsayer is not widely known in the post-Soviet space, he is an authority for many US residents. Brinkley's forecast states that America will face a wave of natural disasters - this will lead to both human casualties and destruction of cities, roads, water pipelines and electrical networks. Looters are becoming more active, and a wave of robberies and murders will sweep across many states.

To neutralize the consequences of accidents and curb crime, the authorities will have to involve fire services, police and even the army, as well as rake in almost all the funds from the budget. Famine, paramilitary conflict, crime and other evils could lead to the collapse of America. Naturally, in such a scenario, the United States will have no time to interfere in world politics. China will begin to play a major role on the global stage during this period.

Predictions of Tatyana Kalinina

The astrological forecast made by Kalinina reports that these are difficult times for the image of the United States. Now, undercurrents have intensified in the state, which will lead to intrigue, and almost all political steps will have negative consequences. The astrologer predicts the continuation of military operations, which will lead to increased discontent of the American people, disputes in parliament and a gradual split in power circles.

However, by the end of 2019, America will enter a new stage of development, which will be accompanied by breakthroughs in technology, prosperity and strengthening of its global position. The United States will be able to calmly control the global information space and manage resource reserves in the territories of other states. It is possible that in order to divert the attention of Americans from pressing problems, the authorities will decide to intensify military operations in the Middle East, and maybe even start a conflict with North Korea.

Forecasts of scientists, economists and politicians

According to scientists' forecasts, the United States is rapidly approaching a technological revolution and the creation of artificial intelligence!

For those who are not inclined to believe predictors and astrologers, we have collected forecasts made using the latest mathematical modeling tools.

  • Ray Kurzweil. People who are interested in technical innovations and revolutionary changes in the field of Internet technologies will be interested in learning the forecast from the CTO of Google Corporation. Kurzweil says that Americans will soon be using computers whose power will exceed all imaginable limits, and the development of artificial intelligence will lead to the creation of androids. Within a couple of years, the United States will be concerned about adopting laws regulating the relationship between people and robots, and Americans will begin to implant gadgets into their bodies.
  • Saxo Bank. Financial analysts from the largest Danish banking institution are considered very accurate forecasters. They believe that the United States will soon find a common language with Russia, which will result in a relaxation of sanctions restrictions. The forecast says that dollar quotes are causing some concern - throughout 2019, experts predict sharp jumps in price for the American currency. Prices for “black gold” will continue to fall, and if the Federal Reserve raises rates, then economic indicators will begin to fall and unemployment will rise. The result could be mass protests by Americans.
  • National Association for Business Economics. Association specialists conducted a survey of 50 leading American economists. About half of the experts surveyed believe that modern tax reform can provide America with slight growth in 2019, and another dozen respondents predict a negative change in macroeconomic indicators. Experts believe that America will collapse if it continues to pursue a policy of protectionism. In addition, more than a third of economists surveyed believe that Trump's campaign promises will never be fully realized.
  • Yuri Felshinsky. A political scientist who lives and works in America predicts tension in relations between the United States and North Korea for 2019. At one time, he seriously considered the possibility of military action that would be accompanied by the death of hundreds of thousands of people. However, today his interest is in the policy of the American government in the Middle East region. Many voters do not welcome the president's tactics, which could lead to a reshuffle in Congress. If, after the re-election of congressmen, Democrats receive most of the mandates, Trump will be threatened with impeachment.

Vanga is perhaps one of the few whose prophecies always come true and her gift is recognized throughout the world. She predicted the coming to power of a black president in the United States. Vanga: “The 44th president of the United States will be black. And this president will be the last for the country, because then America will freeze or fall into the abyss of a major economic crisis. Perhaps it will even break up into southern and northern states.” Let's remember her prophecies about disasters, wars and aliens...

Vanga said about the unstable situation in the Middle East in 1979: “ The foundations in the Middle East are shaking».

Unfortunately, those books that Vanga spoke about have not yet been found: “The whole history of people, everything that was, is and will be, is written down in ancient books. And there are signs in these books. They themselves will speak and explain what should be done to save the Earth.”

Fukushima cannot be pacified and Vanga’s prediction may become a reality: “In the first decade of the new century, radioactive fallout will fall in the Northern Hemisphere and there will be no animals or vegetation left.”

She talked to the dead,” recalls Vanga’s niece Krasimira Stoyanova. “She said that she began to feel their presence with a burning sensation on the tip of her tongue. Then it was as if some cloud enveloped her brain. And after a few minutes she stopped reacting to the real world altogether.

Vanga mentally asked questions to the souls of the dead, and they answered her. But if the spirits did not have an answer, then someone else’s distant voice came to her aid. Inhuman. As if coming from a telephone. When the stranger spoke very loudly, Vanga’s ears were already blocked, and when he spoke so quietly that she had to ask again several times.

« When a person stands in front of me, all his deceased loved ones gather around him, - said Vanga. - For them I am the gateway to this world».

In 1994 she predicted: “ At the beginning of the 21st century, humanity will be free from cancer. The day will come when cancer will be shackled in iron chains" She explained these words in such a way that “ anti-cancer medicine must contain a lot of iron».

She also believed that they will invent a cure for old age. It will be made from the hormones of a horse, a dog and a turtle: “ The horse is strong, the dog is hardy, and the turtle lives long».

And before her death, Vanga suddenly uttered these mysterious words: “The time of miracles and the time of great discoveries in the field of the intangible will come. There will also be great archaeological discoveries that will radically change our understanding of the world since ancient times. It is so predetermined."

About the revolution in agriculture: “People will neither sow nor reap, but will only grow everything. Animals will reproduce like plants, and plants like animals."

About the end of the world: “The Earth will turn away from the Sun. Where it was hot, there will be ice, many animals will die out. People will fight for energy, but they will have the soul to stop.”

About World War 3: “It will begin with an assassination attempt on four government leaders, a chemical attack, and then a nuclear attack by Middle Eastern terrorists.”

Contacts with the invisible world were an unshakable reality for Vanga. Complained:

Sometimes I sleep only one hour a day. The spirits haunt me. They shake me up, they wake me up. They say: “Get up. It's time to work."

According to Vanga's description, the perfume is transparent and colorless (“like water in a glass”). But at the same time they glow (“like heat in an oven”). They behave like people. They are sitting. They are walking. They laugh. They're crying. They come to her in the form of transparent, light-emitting shadows. At this moment, as if on a film reel, events of the past, present and future flash before her.

“The dead come, sit down, do what they want. As soon as someone comes, pictures begin to appear to me that move from right to left. I see like living pictures - places, people, events, disasters. Sometimes there are so many of them, and the images move so quickly that I don’t have time to talk about everything I see, but I also can’t stop their movements. Therefore, I ask the visitor what exactly interests him - health problems, a missing item, work, children? ... I say what I see and hear. First of all, the spirits tell me the name of the visitor...” said the clairvoyant.

Vanga argued that the dead can be just as emotional as living people. Sometimes they desperately seek to warn their loved ones remaining on earth about the misfortunes that threaten them. The clairvoyant, by her own admission, sometimes found it difficult to contact spirits:

“Sometimes the dead scream so loudly that my head hurts. Especially if they shout about bad things - about illnesses, deaths, disasters. I know that I can’t talk about this, but they seem to be pushing me: say it, say it! Then I turn away a little and quietly, so that the person doesn’t hear, I say it so that it comes out of me. Otherwise I will die or go crazy...”

Vanga also spoke about aliens arriving from the planet Vamfim.

“They fly from a planet they call Vamphim. That’s how I hear this unusual word, in any case. This planet is the third from planet Earth. They say: “A big event is being prepared.” But what kind of event this is, they don’t explain ".

Vanga claimed that people from other planes have been visiting Earth for a long time, but for earthlings they are invisible... Their planet is called Vamphim, it is the third from Earth.

"The first to make contact with earthlings will be aliens from the planet Vamfim. She is the third from Earth.

Creatures from the planet Vamphim are transparent in appearance. They are dressed in what appears to be armor that shines like fish scales. There are also women among them. Their hair looks like seaweed. They are soft as feathers and form a halo around their heads.

Sometimes one of the aliens takes me by the hand and leads me to their land. Coming there, I walk on the ground strewn with stars, as if I’m trampling them. The ones that take me there move very quickly. Everything on their land is amazingly beautiful, there are no words to describe the beauty of their nature... But I didn’t see houses anywhere.”

“Aliens often visit me... They are both similar to us and unlike us. They are stronger, like our athletes, but they are covered with feathers, like chickens - that’s what they wear, and on their feet there are something like flip-flops. On their heads they have hats that look like beach hats, and under their arms there are thick books, like scientists. They have wands in their hands. They say they want to help us, that they are all healers and can cure many diseases.”

“The aliens are very careful. There, on their planet, clear organization and hard work reign. These beings claim that I am their most direct connection to the Earth. They communicate only with a few of all the inhabitants of our planet. They are constantly watching us. I am not allowed to talk about what I see and hear on their planet. They say that the time has not yet come for people to know everything that they tell me.”

Vanga predicted that earthlings coming into contact with aliens would lead to the establishment of balance in the world:

« Equilibrium will come when the aliens come into contact with people...».