Honey hair mask. Natural honey masks for hair: benefits, rules and results. Lightening hair with honey

Long, thick, silky curls are the dream of the fair sex. But they are not always like this by nature. Often after other manipulations with hair you have to restore it. This can be done at home by using honey-based masks.

The benefits of honey

Natural honey is a natural miracle, which contains a whole storehouse of vitamins. This product has miraculous qualities both for the body as a whole and for the hair.

The vitamins contained in honey have great benefits for hair. For example, vitamins of the group A- resist hair loss, strengthen hair follicles. Group vitamins IN- strengthen the hair along the entire length of growth, helps get rid of dandruff, and vitamin E- prevents hair from thinning and eliminates .

Bee nectar is an excellent rehabilitator for hair that has been subject to chemical treatment: dyeing, perming, keratin straightening. This product is perfectly absorbed by the body, so it is widely used in home care.

Due to its thick consistency, honey densely fills the porous surface of the hair, thereby strengthening it along its entire length. Nectar strengthens their resistance to loss. It’s not for nothing that this natural miracle is added to the composition of expensive, professional masks and shampoos.

Features and indications for use of hair masks

Masks made with honey are suitable for almost all types of hair and scalp. This gift of nature has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. For people suffering from scalp dermatitis, a honey mask will well moisturize the skin and help get rid of dandruff.

For people suffering from increased oiliness, both in the hair itself and in its roots, honey balm is recommended to be used once a week.

This type of hair care strengthens them well. Those who suffer from hair loss experience positive results within a short period of use. Complex consumption of honey is of great benefit in hair restoration. One tablespoon per day, diluted in warm boiled water, will be enough to strengthen the effect of external care.

Don't forget that honey is a very strong food allergen. Before starting treatment with it, do an allergy test to this product. Apply honey to a small area of ​​skin on the wrist, wait up to 1.5 hours and check if a red mark, unpleasant itching or burning appears. If everything went well, you can use it both inside and outside. If you already know that you are prone to allergies, then such masks are a contraindication for you, since they will harm your health.

Hair growth mask with honey and vitamins B6 And B12

If you use natural masks often in home hair care, the results will come much sooner than with store-bought products.

Natural ingredients are much lower in cost than professional hairdressing supplies.

To increase hair growth activity, a mask with honey and vitamins is suitable B6 And B12. These vitamins are sold at any pharmacy. Their benefits are due to the fact that they nourish the bulbs, stimulate growth, moisturize the roots, prevent hair loss, and get rid of dandruff. Vitamins can be used as an additional ingredient of the mask, or independently.

To prepare the maxi you will need:

  • Vitamin B6 ampoule;
  • Vitamin B12 ampoule;
  • Honey – 3-5 tablespoons;
  • 1 tbsp. l olive oil;

Any honey mask can be applied to the roots and along the entire length of the curls. Melt the honey, but do not boil it or overheat it to prevent it from becoming sugary. Shake and add them to the first ingredient.

Then add a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply to the roots and along the entire length. Wrap your hair in a plastic bag and a terry towel. For good blood circulation, wrap your head in a terry towel or warm scarf and keep the mask on for up to 1.5 hours. This mask will stimulate the roots and if you repeat it periodically, healthy, long curls are guaranteed.

IMPORTANT!! The mask should be applied to clean strands.

Anti-dandruff hair mask with honey and egg

Dandruff is excessive dryness of the scalp. It occurs due to hormonal imbalances in the body, disruption of the dermal layer of the skin, and stressful conditions. To combat this disease, a mask based on honey and eggs will help. Egg is an additional moisturizer, as is olive oil. It will perfectly moisturize the bulbs and scalp.
You will need:

  • Honey – up to 5 tbsp;
  • Egg – 1;
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp;

Melt honey to room temperature. Beat the egg thoroughly until smooth. Mix the ingredients and then add olive oil. Everything is ready. Apply to damp hair and distribute along the length with a comb. This mask does not need to be wrapped in heat; just put on a bag or wrap your head in cling film. While we nourish the curls, you can do household chores for an hour. Afterwards, wash off the mask with warm water, washing thoroughly.

IMPORTANT!! Masks based on eggs and oils should be washed off with warm water. Wash the roots thoroughly and do not allow the egg to dry on the hair.

Hair strengthening mask with honey, burdock oil and mustard

Mustard, like mustard, stimulates blood flow, which renews cells and activates the growth of hair follicles. In this mask composition, honey acts as a nutritional element that complements the mask.

To create a honey mustard mask, it is better to choose dry mustard. Compared to the ready-made mixture, it is more natural. This mask is intended to be applied to the scalp only. Because if you apply it to split ends or brittle hair, then without timing it you can burn your curls.
The amount of ingredients must be calculated according to your hair length. Our ingredients are designed for medium length, up to the shoulder blades.

Dilute two tablespoons of dry, powdered mustard in warm water, stir the mixture until smooth. Add melted honey to this mass in the amount of two tablespoons and a special, strengthening ingredient - burdock oil, one tablespoon. Rub into the bulbs, and apply pure burdock oil along the entire length. Keep this mask on the roots for no more than 40 minutes, then wash with warm water or herbal decoction.

Mask against hair loss with honey, yolk

Hair loss is a pressing problem for all owners of long hair, especially during the period of vitamin deficiency. This period most often occurs in spring and autumn, hair, skin, and nails suffer from it. To help our body we need to eat right, and also monitor it from the outside.

A mask with bee nectar and egg yolk effectively helps. It is best to use fresh, homemade honey and homemade egg yolk. This mask is considered the foundation. You can add sour cream, oils, cognac, vitamins, and other ingredients to the complex of ingredients.

For this mask you will need one egg yolk and two tablespoons. As usual, melt the honey in a water bath until it becomes liquid. Separate the yolk from the white and mix with honey; for a more nutritious effect, you can add a tablespoon of oil. It is better to apply the mask to wet roots, but you can also apply it along the entire length, but just make sure that the egg does not dry out. Carry out this type of care for an hour.

Mask for brittle hair with honey and olive oil

Hair oil is a natural moisturizer. Combining it in various types of cosmetic procedures is the right decision. Hair is no exception. For brittle hair, a good combination: honey and olive oil. This mask is easy to prepare and inexpensive to purchase.

To create it you only need honey and olive oil. Any housewife will always have these components in her kitchen. The oil will moisturize well and give silky texture to the hair. Honey will soak from roots to ends.

For this recipe you need to take the ingredients in equal quantities. Melt honey until liquid and mix with. Stir until smooth and apply to the scalp and along the length. Rub the mixture into the scalp using massage movements. Put a cosmetology cap on your head and wrap it in a towel for about 45 minutes.

Mask for oily hair with honey and lemon

Lemon is an ingredient that easily removes impurities. Hair is no exception. Lemon juice is good for cleansing the scalp from excess oiliness and sweating. For people suffering from increased oiliness and rapid hair pollution, a mask with honey and lemon is suitable for solving these problems.

Ingredients: lemon juice and honey. Cooking ratio 1:1. For medium length you will need 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of melted honey. These ingredients are mixed until smooth, applied to the scalp with massaging movements and along the entire length of the curls. It is best to wrap your head in cling film and a towel or scarf. The hair follicles will open faster; for such a mask, 30 minutes is enough and can be washed off. Chamomile infusion is recommended to cleanse hair after shampoo.
As an additional ingredient in the fight against oily scalp, you can add aloe vera juice.

Mask for split ends with almond oil and honey

Almond oil will perfectly moisturize and glue split ends of strands. A mask using honey and almond oil will bring life to weakened hairs.

Recipe for making a mask:
Mix a tablespoon of melted honey with 100 g of almond oil. For better dissolution, the oil needs to be warmed up a little. You can add an egg or chamomile decoction to this mask; this composition is great for blondes.
Apply the prepared mixture to wet hair and create a “warm bath” effect. Wash off after two hours. After this procedure, the split ends will stick together before your eyes.

Mask for voluminous hair with honey and brewer's yeast

The honey-yeast mask has a nourishing effect. The main secret is yeast fermentation. For quality results, be sure to use live yeast.
Lush and curly hair is distinguished by its unruliness. The yeast mask gives a certain smoothing effect.

To create it you will need two tablespoons of yeast, which must be diluted in 100 g of warm milk until it becomes thick sour cream. Add honey to this mixture - one tbsp. l. Wrap the entire composition in a towel and place in a warm place for about 20 minutes. After the yeast starts working and swells, apply the mask to the strands; you don’t need to wrap it, but simply apply it to your hair. Wash off after 40 minutes. The result will be obvious.

Frequency of use of hair masks at home

Using masks made from natural ingredients as hair treatment and restoration, of course, an interesting question is: how often should they be used?

It’s impossible to say for sure, since it all depends on the type of hair and scalp. If the hair is brittle, with split ends, then the masks are applied for at least two months, twice a week. If your hair is oily, then using lemon, aloe juice, mustard, pepper, do not overdo it.

For such masks, 1-2 times every two weeks is enough, since you can dry out the skin, thereby harming yourself.

Masks, which are universal for all skin and hair types, can be used often, but no more than twice a week. This use can be long-term, instead of purchased cosmetics for care.

How to apply masks to washed hair

Almost all honey masks are applied to clean, damp hair. This is explained by the fact that their structure opens when they are wet. At this moment, beneficial substances treat the hair from the inside, penetrating deeper into its middle. In addition, it is easier to apply ingredients to washed curls using a comb to draw along the length.

It’s not for nothing that there is a concept of a “warm hair bath”. This is when a care product is applied to washed hair and wrapped in a towel or professional thermal hat.

Review of using a lightening hair mask with honey

Svetlana:“I'm a natural brunette. I always dreamed of lightening my hair a couple of shades, but since I am against chemical procedures, I never used dye. I recently learned about the miraculous effect of honey, that in addition to its medicinal qualities, its composition can lighten hair. Having collected a lot of useful information, I decided to try it. I can say that a mask with honey and lemon really works. But the main secret is to use only natural acacia honey. No other variety of this miracle lightens hair. My dream has come true and there is no need to ruin my hair with chemicals.”

Honey is one of the most valuable human foods. It is no less famous as a folk remedy for the treatment of many diseases. In cosmetology, beekeeping products are used to improve the appearance of hair. A honey mask will help eliminate the problems of split ends, diffuse baldness, excessive oiliness or dryness of curls. By adding other beneficial ingredients, the spectrum of action of the mask expands, competing with expensive professional hair care.


No other hair mask can compare with honey in terms of the amount of valuable substances needed by the human body.

The sweet bee product contains carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, acids and other beneficial substances that improve hair health, in particular:

  • carbohydrates in the form of fructose and glucose have a positive effect on the structure of the hair, restoring its elasticity and elasticity;
  • vitamin C improves cell regeneration and participates in the synthesis of collagen fibers;
  • vitamin B6 protects curls from aggressive external environments and retains moisture;
  • vitamin B2 prevents the appearance of dandruff, eliminates oily curls;
  • Vitamin B5 nourishes hair follicles, making new hairs strong;
  • folic acid is involved in the process of cell division, accelerating the growth of scalp;
  • zinc restores hair structure, reduces excess secretion of subcutaneous sebum;
  • iron and iodine prevent baldness as they strengthen hair follicles;
  • copper is involved in the production of collagen and elastin, which means it makes the curls shiny and elastic;
  • potassium retains moisture, so it is very useful for excessive dryness;
  • iron improves blood circulation and nutrition of the roots, improving hair growth.

In addition to the listed beneficial substances, many other components of the bee product have a positive effect on the health and beauty of hair. Regular procedures will make your curls smooth, manageable, elastic and shiny.

How to use it correctly

Despite the undoubted benefits of honey, not every woman decides to make a hair mask from a beekeeping product, fearing that it will be difficult to apply to the strands. However, if you follow simple recommendations, the procedure will be simple and accessible to perform at home.

Preparation of the composition

First of all, you should pay attention to the quality of honey. It is better to choose a product with a liquid consistency, as it is easier to make a medicinal mixture with it. When sugaring, it must be melted in a water bath immediately before the procedure. You cannot heat the ingredient to high temperatures, as many beneficial substances will be destroyed and the effectiveness of the procedure will decrease.

If oils or dairy products are added to the honey hair mask, they should also be heated. The remaining components just need to be prepared so they can be immediately added to the warm bee product. When preparing a medicinal mixture, it is not recommended to use metal utensils; it is better to use ceramic containers. To mix the components of the composition, you should choose a plastic, wooden or silicone spatula.

Carrying out the procedure

A mask with honey is used after washing your hair.

The composition is applied sequentially:

  • on the root part of the hair and skin;
  • evenly on curls;
  • to the ends of the strands.

To make it easier to apply the mixture, use a paint brush and a comb. If the procedure is done to solve a specific problem, for example, getting rid of dandruff, then the medicinal composition should be applied only to the skin along the partings. Honey will act more effectively if you create a greenhouse effect. To do this, wrap the scalp in a plastic bag. If the curls are long, then they need to be secured so that they are under the polyethylene. The head is wrapped in a soft cloth from above, or a warm cap is put on.

Rinse the honey mask from your hair under running water. To avoid sticky residue, wash your hair with shampoo and then rinse with vinegar or lemon solution. The rinse liquid is prepared at the rate of two liters of water and one hundred milliliters of six percent table vinegar or the juice of one small lemon.

Procedure time

The medicinal composition can be kept on the head for up to one and a half hours, and mixtures with other ingredients should be treated more carefully. If irritating components are added, for example, mustard or red pepper, then the procedure time should be limited to twenty, maximum thirty minutes.

Regularity of use

Procedures can be done from one to three times a week, depending on the condition of the scalp. In the first case, prevention is carried out, and in the second, treatment is carried out. The full course consists of up to 12 procedures. Usually the desired effect is achieved after 2-3 weeks, but if there are serious problems, for example, oily seborrhea, then the treatment can be repeated several times. A repeated course of honey masks is possible after a month of rest.


The honey mask is contraindicated for people who are allergic to bee products. It is not difficult to check for the presence of an immunopathological reaction of the body to it: spread the sweet bee product on the back of your wrist, wait fifteen minutes and check if there is redness on the skin.

If there is no itching or redness, then the procedure can be done without fear. In the same way, the presence of allergies to other ingredients of multicomponent formulations is checked.

Honey hair mask: shine, color brightness, silkiness and volume

You can improve the appearance of your hair only with the help of honey, or use a multicomponent composition that includes different ingredients. There are many traditional medicine recipes that are designed to solve certain hair problems. You can add a variety of products to honey: oils, onions, red peppers, medicinal herbs, dairy products. With the help of additional ingredients, you can enhance the moisturizing, strengthening, nourishing, toning and other properties of the honey hair mask.

The components are selected depending on the type of hair and the required care. So there are masks for colored and bleached curls, for dry or oily strands, for adding volume and increasing the fullness of hair - there is a wide choice. Let's look at popular and effective recipes that improve the appearance of curls.

Recipes for beautiful curls

Shine of color after dyeing. To ensure that colored curls retain their color and shine for a long time, you can make a mixture with the addition of pomegranate juice. To prepare the medicinal composition, you will need two tablespoons of a sweet product and juice squeezed from the seeds of one fruit. The well-mixed mixture is applied to hair strands for half an hour.

Shine. A mask containing honey and eggs, almond oil and aloe will refresh, moisturize and give your curls a dazzling shine. How to cook? Add the egg yolk, honey, one teaspoon of oil and juice from two leaves of the plant to the container, mix the ingredients. The composition must be applied to the curls along the entire length: from the root to the ends. The medicinal mixture is kept on the head for thirty minutes.

Pomp. To make the strands soft and fluffy, use unpasteurized beer. To carry out the procedure, you will need two tablespoons of the first product and half a glass of the second ingredient. The components should be slightly warmed before mixing. The warm mixture is applied to the curls for fifteen minutes. This procedure is perfect for those whose curls are very tight or too thin.

Elimination of dry strands. Those with dry and dull hair will benefit from a honey hair mask with the addition of olive oil and egg. The bee product, one tablespoon of oil and the yolk of one egg are thoroughly mixed and applied to the curls along the entire length. The composition is kept on the head for one or one and a half hours. If the strands are very dry, then this mask can be left on all night.

Treatment of split ends. The composition is prepared from burdock oil, honey and apple cider vinegar, mixed in equal proportions (one spoon each). The mixture is applied to split ends. The mask lasts from 30 minutes to an hour.

Lightening curls

For lovers of blonde hair, we can recommend making masks with honey. Unlike chemical paints, this product is natural and does not harm. The beekeeping product itself is an excellent lightening agent, since with regular use it can make curls two or three shades lighter.

Cinnamon, chamomile and lemon will help enhance this effect:

  • With cinnamon powder. The sweet product and powder are mixed in equal quantities, one, two or three tablespoons (depending on the length of the curls). The mixture is applied to the strands from root to tip for three hours.
  • With lemon juice. A mixture of one lemon juice, honey and any vegetable oil, one tablespoon each, is applied to the head for two hours.
  • With chamomile decoction. Honey and lemon juice are added to the pre-prepared chamomile decoction. The procedure lasts thirty minutes.

Mask against hair loss with honey and recipes against oily seborrhea

Some honey masks can solve more radical hair problems than dull strands. They can be used for diffuse baldness, excessive oiliness, and also for the formation of dandruff.

Anti-hair loss masks with honey will help restore lost volume to your hair by improving nutrition and strengthening hair follicles. It is recommended to use onions, garlic, aloe, and potatoes as additional ingredients. You can cope with dandruff with cognac.

Recipes for baldness:

  • For alopecia. The medicinal mixture is prepared from one tablespoon of beekeeping product, finely chopped garlic cloves and onions. The mixture is applied only to the root part. In this case, you need to rub the medicinal components into the skin with massage movements. The head must be insulated. The mask lasts from twenty minutes to half an hour, depending on tolerance, since onions and garlic are irritating to the skin.
  • To stimulate growth. A hair loss mask with honey can alternate with a medicinal composition that helps make strands thicker by awakening inactive hair follicles. The composition of the main component, potato and aloe juices (one tablespoon each) is rubbed into the scalp with massage movements. The procedure time is one hour.

Recipes to combat dandruff and oiliness:

  • For dandruff. The medicinal component is prepared from honey, one tablespoon of cognac and the yolk of one egg. The mask should be applied only to the roots of the hair. The composition is kept on the head for one hour.
  • From fat content. A mixture of a sweet beekeeping product, estuary juice, lecithin, taken one teaspoon each and a crushed clove of garlic, will help you cope with excessive oiliness in your hair. The mixed components are distributed over the scalp and left for forty minutes.

Everyone knows how beneficial honey is, but they often limit themselves only to its nutritional healing properties. And only a few initiates know the miraculous hair cosmetics made from bee honey. They nourish, heal, moisturize, strengthen, restore, and simply take care of you. Magical in its effect, a hair mask with honey becomes a favorite cosmetic product for those who have already tried it.
Bee honey is a miracle cure not only for overall health, but also for hair - after regular use, you will not recognize your curls

The secret of masks with honey is in the unique properties of this bee product, which is distinguished by its naturalness and healing effect. It contains only the most useful substances, which, when they reach the roots and scalp, begin to work actively. Each component performs a specific function:

  • fructose repairs damage;
  • glucose makes hair smooth and silky;
  • riboflavin moisturizes dry ends and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands at the hair roots, saving them from excessive oiliness;
  • niacin acid is responsible for a healthy and rich color, preventing the appearance of gray hair;
  • pantothenic acid strengthens hair roots and makes them truly shiny;
  • pyridoxine helps improve the condition of dry hair and copes well with dandruff;
  • folic acid accelerates hair growth;
  • ascorbic acid strengthens hair, improves blood circulation, prevents hair loss and baldness;
  • potassium is responsible for the level of hydration;
  • iron improves blood circulation.

This is the complex therapeutic effect that any homemade honey hair mask has, which is so easy to prepare with your own hands. It will help solve the most painful problems and turn even dull hair, hanging in lifeless strands, into a chic cascade of shiny and healthy curls. Moreover, she will do this in the shortest possible time and without any help from chemicals and synthetic substances.

The honey you use for the mask should be liquid and slightly warmed: you are unlikely to be able to apply the candied product evenly to your hair

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

In order for the effect of honey masks on hair to be effective and as beneficial as possible, you need to follow simple recommendations from professionals. It doesn’t matter what problem you solve with their help: masks can be used for hair growth, against hair loss, for nutrition or hydration - but in any case, you need to know the following points.

  1. Before preparing the mask, heat the honey in a water bath.
  2. Before applying to your hair, try the mask on your wrist.
  3. Apply the product both to the hair itself (it is better to wash it first and dry it so that it is slightly moisturized) and to the scalp.
  4. By creating a greenhouse effect with a plastic cap and a terry towel, you will speed up the effect of the mask.
  5. The mask lasts about an hour if it does not contain aggressive components. If the masks contain cinnamon, cognac, mustard or pepper, the masks can be kept on the head for no more than 20-30 minutes.
  6. Wash off the masks with shampoo. If it is an onion mask, add lemon juice (3 tablespoons per liter of water) to the water you use to rinse your hair.
  7. Honey masks on hair can be done once every three days, the full course of treatment is 10 masks.

By following these simple recommendations, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of honey masks and turn them into your favorite homemade hair care product.

Honey goes well with a variety of ingredients: some of them are quite aggressive - for hair growth, while others are softening, healing

Honey masks can be classic, prepared only with honey, or they can act in combination with other products that will enhance or weaken certain properties of the mask.

  • 1. Honey egg

Melt honey (2 tablespoons) in a water bath, add pre-beaten egg and olive oil (2 tablespoons). This egg-honey mask will increase the moisturizing and nourishing properties of this product.

  • 2. Honey oil

In different water baths, slightly heat honey and burdock oil separately from each other in equal proportions, and then combine.

  • 3. Honey-cinnamon

Keep cinnamon powder (a tablespoon) with vegetable oil (2 tablespoons) in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, add honey (a tablespoon).

  • 4. Cognac-honey

Grind honey (a teaspoon) with the yolk, add good cognac (a tablespoon).

  • 5. Yolk-honey

Grind honey (a tablespoon) with the yolk, add burdock oil for thickness.

  • 6. Honey onion

Pass a medium-sized onion and a clove of garlic through a blender, mix the resulting mixture with honey (2 tablespoons).

  • 7. Lemon-honey

Mix honey (2 tablespoons) with freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 tablespoon), add olive oil (1 tablespoon).

  • 8. Honey kefir

Beat honey (a tablespoon) with an egg, add kefir (3 tablespoons).

  • 9. Mustard-honey

Dilute mustard powder (a tablespoon) with water until thick, add honey (a tablespoon), and grind the mixture with the yolk.

  • 10. Honey-pepper

Mix honey (4 tablespoons) with ground red pepper (tablespoon).

  • 11. Yeast-honey

Dilute dry yeast (2 tablespoons) in warm milk to a paste, add liquid and warm honey (tablespoon), leave for half an hour.

  • 12. milk-honey

Mix honey (2 tablespoons) in a blender with milk (100 ml).

  • 13. Aloe honey

Mix honey with juice from the lower leaves of aloe in equal proportions.

  • 14. Gelatin-honey

Pour gelatin (2 tablespoons) with a small amount of water, leave to infuse for 20 minutes, add honey (tablespoon).

  • 15. Honey beer

Grind honey (2 tablespoons) with the yolk, add dark beer to the desired consistency.

Any of these honey hair masks, prepared in your own kitchen, will have an incredible effect on your hair, which will now delight you with its shine, health and beauty.

Long, well-groomed hair has adorned a woman at all times. This is an attribute of tenderness, sensitivity, romance and desirability. Long hair suits all representatives of the fair sex, regardless of age, status and social status. If you have lost hope of becoming the owner of long flowing curls, try proven folk remedies based on natural honey. Honey not only has a positive effect on hair growth, it restores damaged horny scales, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminating oiliness, improves hair structure and prevents hair loss.

Classic mask

In addition to liquid, natural honey, you do not need any additional ingredients to prepare this mask:

  • Prepare a bowl of honey (2-4 dessert spoons depending on hair length).
  • Warm the honey by placing the bowl in a container of warm water.
  • Wash your hair, pat dry with a towel and apply heated honey.
  • Massage your scalp and rub in the mask to make it easier for honey to penetrate to the roots of your hair.
  • Wrap your hair in any film or put on a special cap.
  • After 30 minutes, rinse your hair with detergent.

Honey mask with onions

Onions are an excellent addition to a classic honey mask. It not only promotes hair growth, but also fights the problem of hair loss:

  • Prepare a bowl of warmed honey (as described in the classic recipe).
  • Grate a large onion.
  • Using gauze, squeeze the onion juice into the bowl of honey.
  • Next, follow the recommendations for applying the mask from the previous recipe.

To prevent the smell of onions from bothering you, squeeze the juice of one lemon into a bowl of warm water and rinse your hair with this mixture.

Mask of honey, egg yolk and burdock oil

Cooking features:

  • Take a chicken egg, separate the yolk from the white.
  • Combine the heated honey with the yolk, mix with a whisk or fork.
  • Add a spoonful of burdock oil to the mixture.
  • Next, follow the recommendations for applying the mask from the classic recipe.

Honey and cinnamon mask

Cinnamon contains many vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for hair; it helps improve blood circulation in the scalp, thereby influencing hair growth:

  • Heat the honey in a deep bowl (see classic recipe).
  • Add a spoonful of chopped cinnamon.
  • Mix the mixture until smooth.

Honey and dark beer mask

The main composition of beer is hops, malt and yeast. Even with these three ingredients, your hair will become healthier, stronger and shinier. Beer also contains vitamins B and C, microelements that improve the condition of the scalp and promote hair growth. Cooking instructions:

  • Heat the honey in a deep bowl (see classic recipe).
  • Add a glass of dark beer. Stir. The mixture should not be liquid.
  • Apply the mask according to the classic recipe.

The article contains simple and effective masks based on honey. Each of them not only increases hair growth, but also has a positive effect on its structure and appearance. Choose the mask that seems most suitable to you. Apply it 2 times a week for at least a couple of months. Don't give up, go to the end! The result will meet your expectations: your hair will become longer, more luxurious, and acquire a healthy shine and silkiness. Don’t be afraid to combine ingredients from different masks, follow your intuition, and experiment. Make hair care a pleasure.

In its vitamin and mineral composition, honey resembles human blood; it contains everything the body needs for vigor and health. The healing properties of this beekeeping product are widely known. It is also used in cosmetology, in particular for the care of hair. Hair masks with honey are used to strengthen strands and improve the condition of the epidermis. Their spectrum of action is expanding due to the inclusion of other components that are valuable in their properties, but very accessible.

Benefits of honey for hair

Let's try to figure out exactly what effect honey has, and in particular the main elements in its composition, on the condition of the hair and scalp.

  • Fructose and glucose present in honey help restore the structure of the hair shaft, making curls smoother and more elastic, restoring their shine. This is especially true after dyeing and lightening hair.
  • Riboflavin has a beneficial effect on the epidermis, regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This helps prevent dandruff, improve the condition of the scalp, and reduce oily hair at the roots. At the same time, it does not dry out the ends of the strands, but, on the contrary, moisturizes them. This property of honey will appeal to those with curls that are dry and cut at the ends and oily at the roots.
  • Vitamin PP has a beneficial effect on the condition of natural pigment and allows you to maintain natural hair color. Due to the fact that honey contains it in quite large quantities, honey masks help to avoid early gray hair and take good care of colored curls, so that they remain bright and shiny for a long time.
  • Vitamin B5 nourishes the hair roots, as a result of which they become strong and elastic, and grow better.
  • Vitamin B6, which honey is rich in, is famous for its ability to resist stress. It helps curls resist the negative effects of the environment and not lose moisture. Potassium has a similar property. Thanks to its moisturizing properties, honey helps fight dryness and brittleness of strands and helps get rid of dry seborrhea.
  • Folic acid has a positive effect on hair growth by intensifying the process of cell division.

Together, these and other elements allow us to achieve three goals. Firstly, they nourish hair from the roots, strengthen it and accelerate growth. Secondly, honey helps restore the structure of the hair along its entire length, making the curls smooth and shiny. Thirdly, honey masks have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis, eliminating dandruff.

You need to know about one more property of honey - ability to lighten curls. When honey interacts with some other substances, this property may increase. Because of this, masks with honey are most beneficial for blondes. Redheads should be prepared for the fact that their curls will acquire a lighter and more delicate golden hue. Dark-haired girls should use honey masks with caution, not using them often and reducing the exposure time on the curls.

Features of using honey masks

Honey is one of the most allergenic foods. It can also cause negative reactions in the body when used externally. In this regard, before making a honey mask, you need to check how your skin tolerates the product. To do this, apply a little honey on your wrist for 15 minutes. In case of irritation, redness, itching or burning, wash off the product and stop using the mask. If nothing bad has happened to the skin, honey can also be used for hair care.

Recipe for the occasion::

In order to combine honey with other components, it must be liquid. If it thickens, it needs to be melted. This can only be done in a water bath, otherwise honey will lose some of its beneficial properties.

Honey masks are applied only to clean hair. It will be easier to do this if the curls are still damp.

When applying masks, special attention should be paid to the roots and scalp. After all, the main task of honey is to nourish the hair with useful substances, and nutrition begins from the roots, or rather even from the hair follicles.

For better effects, after applying the mask, it is recommended to wrap your head in a warm towel, scarf or handkerchief on top of plastic film. This creates a sauna effect, the pores expand, and nutrients penetrate the epidermis better. It is convenient to replace the film with a cellophane cap; such products are produced in order to protect the hair while taking a shower.

The recommended exposure time for honey masks ranges from 20 minutes to several hours, some can be left overnight. It all depends mainly on the other ingredients in the mask. To avoid harm to yourself, do not exceed the mask exposure time specified in the instructions.

Moisturizing honey mask

  • honey - a tablespoon;
  • chicken egg - one;
  • olive oil – a tablespoon.

Cooking method:

  • Melt the honey.
  • Separate the yolk from the white.
  • Mix the yolk, honey and butter in a blender.

The product nourishes and moisturizes the curls well, after which they become firm and elastic, soft and pleasant to the touch. Dull and dry strands seem to come to life after using the mask. The effect will be especially noticeable if you apply the mask in the evening, leave it on your head until the morning and only rinse it off in the morning with warm water and shampoo. True, those who have oily hair should not leave the mask on overnight - just keep it on your head for a couple of hours.

Nourishing mask with honey

  • baker's yeast – 50 g;
  • milk – half a glass;
  • honey - two large spoons.

Cooking method:

  • Heat the milk and dissolve the yeast in it.
  • Melt the honey and combine with the yeast, mix well so that the mass is homogeneous.

Apply the mask preferably warm, lightly rubbing into the scalp. Yeast enhances the nutritional properties of honey and saturates the hair follicles with useful substances. As a result, hair becomes strong, elastic, and falls out less. The optimal exposure time for the mask is from an hour to an hour and a half. Afterwards it is washed off with water and shampoo.

Firming honey-cognac mask

  • cognac – tablespoon;
  • chicken egg - one;
  • honey - dessert spoon.

Cooking method:

  • Melt the honey.
  • Separate the yolk from the white, thoroughly mash the yolk together with honey.
  • Add cognac, stir well.

Before use, the mask can be slightly warmed in a water bath. Thanks to the presence of cognac in it, the beneficial elements from honey and eggs will be better absorbed, since alcohol will have a warming effect. This will strengthen the curls. Keep the mask on your head for half an hour, but always under a cap and towel - without insulation, the result will be very insignificant.

Honey mask for hair loss

  • onion - one head;
  • garlic - one clove;
  • honey - a large spoon.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the onion in a blender.
  • Squeeze the garlic into the onion pulp.
  • Melt the honey and mix with the resulting mixture.

This mask is applied only to the roots of the hair; there is no point in distributing it over the entire length, especially since then it will be more difficult to wash it off. The head is insulated and waited for 20 minutes. If the burning sensation is weak, then you can sit with the mask for another 10 minutes. If it bakes strongly enough, limit yourself to the minimum exposure time of the mask. The mask stimulates blood circulation in the epidermis well, thereby increasing nutrition of the hair follicles. They get a lot of useful substances from onions, garlic and honey. This improves their vital activity, strengthens the curls and stops their loss. The mask is recommended for the treatment of alopecia, but can also be used for preventive purposes.

Mustard-honey mask for hair growth

  • mustard (powder) – tablespoon;
  • water – ? glasses;
  • honey - dessert spoon;
  • burdock oil – a tablespoon;
  • chicken egg - one.

Cooking method:

  • Dilute the mustard with warm water to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  • Separate the yolk from the white, combine the yolk with mustard, and mash well.
  • Melt the honey and add it to the egg-mustard mixture, pour in the oil, mix everything well.

Due to the locally irritating property of mustard powder, blood circulation in the skin will increase, especially if you insulate your head. As a result, nutrients from honey and yolk will reach the hair follicles in greater quantities. Additionally, the follicles will receive more oxygen. All this together will strengthen your curls and accelerate their growth. With regular use of the mask, a prickly “hedgehog” appears on the head - this means that the mask has awakened “dormant” follicles. So, as a result of using the mask, the hair becomes noticeably thicker. Keep the mask on your hair for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on how you feel. Used in courses of 5–10 sessions with a break between sessions of 7–10 days. Important: the product is intended for application to the scalp and hair roots - do not apply it to your curls, otherwise they will become dry and brittle.

Beer mask with honey for fuller hair

  • unpasteurized beer – half a glass;
  • honey - two large spoons.

Cooking method:

  • Melt honey in a water bath.
  • Without removing from the water bath, pour beer into the honey.
  • Stir until the honey is completely dissolved in the beer, after which the composition can be removed from the water bath.

Apply the mask warm, applying it to the hair along its entire length. Keep the product on the hair for a short time, for a quarter of an hour, although there will be no harm from longer exposure. Just 15 minutes is enough for the mask to have the expected effect on the strands - making them soft, fluffy, lush. It is recommended to use the product after each hair wash. It is suitable for both those with coarse and unruly hair and those with fine curls.

Honey mask for hair shine

  • aloe – 2 leaves;
  • honey - dessert spoon;
  • almond butter - dessert spoon;
  • chicken egg - one.

Cooking method:

  • Extract the juice from aloe leaves.
  • Melt honey and mix it with butter.
  • Separate the yolk from the white, beat into the honey-butter mixture.
  • Add aloe juice to the mixture and mix well.

It is recommended to apply the mask to the roots and to the curls along their entire length. It has a moisturizing and refreshing effect on them, giving the curls a vibrant shine. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the scalp. The recommended exposure time for the mask is half an hour, but the effect will be noticeable even if this time is halved.

Mask for colored hair

  • honey - two tablespoons;
  • pomegranate - one.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the pomegranate and squeeze the juice from its berries.
  • Melt the honey and combine with pomegranate juice, stirring well.

After dyeing your hair, you want your curls to retain their color saturation and healthy shine for as long as possible. A mask of honey and pomegranate juice will help achieve this goal. Apply it along the entire length of the strands for half an hour. The mask is suitable for those who have dyed their hair in different shades of red.

Mask for bleached hair

  • honey - a tablespoon;
  • lemon - one.

Cooking method:

  • Squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  • Heat the honey in a water bath and mix with lemon juice.

The mask takes care of hair, giving it shine and a pleasant golden hue. Can also be used to lighten brown hair. You need to keep it on your hair for half an hour if we are talking about care, and an hour and a half if you want to make your hair lighter.