Online parkour games. Parkour games. Distinctive features of parkour

You can’t play parkour, you can only live by it, conquering yourself every second: your fears, doubts, weaknesses and imperfections. It is not for nothing that the basic principle formed by the main ideologist of the movement, the French stuntman David Bell, sounds like this: there are no borders, but there are obstacles. This means that they can always be overcome if there is a desire. By the way, almost all Parkour games perfectly illustrate this thesis. Their main characters have to overcome such incredible and dangerous obstacles that, at first, it seems simply impossible to do. But come on, real tracers (that’s what they call those who are interested in parur) can do a lot.

The whole world is a place to train

Online games about parkour and their main characters perfectly illustrate the lifestyle of David Belle's followers. They do not have special places for training, they hardly use additional equipment, do not hold competitions, and do not seek to monetize their skills in one way or another. All they need is to be strong, agile and resilient. When going outside, a true tracer perceives the surrounding landscape as an obstacle course, often creating it himself with the power of imagination. Walls of high-rise buildings, trees, curbs, bridges, parapets, etc. – everything comes into use and can become an excellent “simulator”. This is probably why parkour is more common in big cities than in rural areas, where there are far fewer opportunities to play American Navy SEALs. But we want to warn you right away.

Playing parkour while sitting at home, in a cozy chair in front of a computer monitor, and practicing it in real life are two very different things. In the first case, you don’t need anything other than attentiveness and the ability to deftly press the keys, but in the second you can’t do without excellent physical shape, developed willpower, the ability to adequately assess your own capabilities, but at the same time be able to overcome fear, endurance and a couple of dozen more qualities that a person develops only through years of hard training. If, for now, you are a narrow-shouldered nerd who regularly shirks school physical education lessons, the proud title of tracer, alas, will not shine for you. But don't be upset. As you know, nothing is impossible when there is a desire and will to win. Start mastering parkour games on your PC monitor, and then gradually move to the gym, stadium, treadmill, or just outside. It will, of course, be more difficult to get used to it there, but it will also be much more interesting.

Parkour is truly something amazing. Initially, it was invented not just as a spectacular sports movement, but with the goal of saving lives. After all, the founder of the movement was interested in questions about how to quickly get to the place where a fire (or other disaster) occurred, how to quickly overcome obstacles along the way, etc. After all, every second is important when saving destinies. Gradually, it became an extreme discipline for fearless and reckless people who are chasing a freedom-loving dream.

How do they do it? For us personally, this is perhaps the first question that comes to mind after watching the spectacular performance. Tracers are known to have acrobatic, stunt skills that are necessary to perform stunts. But if you do not have the training or opportunity to master this discipline, then online games allow you to express yourself in this role. It's free and completely safe.

Here are games in different stylistic designs, the essence of which is to perform breathtaking stunts in different locations. Will it be equipped

Parkour games are adrenaline, danger, new sensations and a lot of courage. Here everyone will face their greatest fear directly and defeat it. If you have always dreamed of doing parkour, but were afraid in real life, then hurry up and try this interesting activity online. The games will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this sport and get a lot of unforgettable experiences.

What is parkour?

You may not yet be familiar with this word and this active entertainment. Parkour games are completely built on dangerous jumps and high speed. The purpose of this entertainment is to get a share of adrenaline, overcome fear and achieve something new. People who practice parkour jump over high-rise buildings without fear of falling down. This requires good physical preparation, because your life is at stake! Also, parkour lovers jump over high obstacles, perform cool tricks and train for years. In addition to agility, you need to train speed. After all, if you don’t accelerate well, you won’t be able to overcome your obstacle. But if you're still afraid to do parkour in real life, start with these simple games. Here you will understand the whole system and will be able to conquer peaks without even leaving home.

Exciting entertainment!

Parkour games will allow you to escape from everyday life and add a touch of adrenaline to your life. Climb to the highest roof in the city and look ahead. Surely you will see the nearest house that you can jump onto. Get ready and start running! Take a long running jump and cover this distance. Your knees will be weak because the height is enormous. However, a couple more of these jumps, and you are already a pro. If you want to add realism to your entertainment, then you should try Parkour in 3D. Everything here will be just like in life. Your character looks like a real person, and you will be even more excited when he jumps. If you are already bored with regular parkour, try to diversify it. There is a game for this called “Skate Parkour”. You can perform crazy tricks on your favorite board, jump over obstacles and amaze everyone passing by with your skills. For a change, you may be sent on a difficult mission. Now you are already in a dangerous, dark cave and you need to get out. However, this can be done not in a simple way, but using parkour! Move quickly over obstacles, jump and look for a way out of the scary cave. Parkour games will also allow you to travel. Go to London and run around the city, avoiding all obstacles. Residents will be simply amazed by your skill and speed.

Parkour with unusual characters!

You can always play not only as an ordinary person, but also as a fantastic character. Now you have already become a ninja and must use the art of parkour to defeat enemies and avoid obstacles. And later you can turn into Iron Man and destroy all the villains in a very unusual and beautiful way. You can also play as cheerful little Toby, who went to the cave for treasure. He gets stuck here and must use his agility and speed to get out. The fun game “Parkour with a Box” will lift everyone’s spirits. Here it is no longer a person or even a hero who will engage in active entertainment. It will be a regular paper box! Yes, yes, you heard right. Control a small white box, have fun and go through dangerous obstacles. You will also like “Pixel Parkour”. You will play as a man made entirely of small squares. And you will also overcome obstacles in the pixel world. This idea will amuse any player and make dangerous adventures funny and positive.

Now you know how active, fun and exciting you can spend your time doing parkour. Train your skills, fight your fears of heights and complete various missions. If you get bored, then parkour games for two will help you. Here you can play with a good friend, break records and compete to see who is better at parkour. Go through dangerous missions together, share experiences and defeat opponents along the way!

The sites that are located on the tops of buildings are an excellent place where a future parkour athlete can train. But the game “Parkour on the Roofs” will demonstrate what a real professional can do here. There are no obstacles for him; he easily jumps from place to place, as if he were flying. But he has a goal - to collect all these objects that are suspended in the air, and to avoid the traps that people have set everywhere, who do not want anyone jumping over their heads.

Excellent “Parkour on the Roofs” has never hurt anyone - on the contrary, the person performing all these tricks makes himself healthier, however, in the event that he does not fall down onto the road. That is why you need to play - you will be his backup. Correct the parkour player's movements so that he doesn't accidentally fall. Of course, there is a lot of flying there, and perhaps the hero will have time to cling to some balcony, but the chances of this are negligible.

It's fun to play because the graphics are amazing. You will appreciate it yourself as soon as you launch the application and make the first movement with the character. To collect bonuses you need to jump, run, do somersaults and a lot of other tricks, but the game “Parkour on the Roofs” does not end there, but offers you a chance to conquer another record. By the way, the controls are standard - using the arrow keys, but in order to win you need to jump and duck, and for this you use the S key. Good luck to you.

The history of the emergence of such an extreme form of art began in the 19th century in France. Then parkour had a different name - a natural method. This technique was very often used to train soldiers of the French army, and was later used during the First and Second World Wars. Tracers are the name given to those who practice parkour. The very first of them was Georges Hebert. Some time passed, and French citizen David Belle created the world's first team of tracers - "Yamakasi". After the appearance of this team in public, parkour began to rapidly develop not only among the masses of France, but throughout the world. Today, in almost every country there are teams of professional tracers who take part in world championships in this area.

You can familiarize yourself with parkour on our website in this section. Parkour games give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere and style of this art, and feel like one of the tracers. Even without experiencing all their tricks in reality, you will be able to feel the feeling of freedom that they experience doing what they love. In these games you will move around the city at night, overcome various obstacles in the form of roofs, bridges, trees, bushes and more. Here you will understand how tracers live and what their ideology is. The games in this section will help you learn how to quickly analyze a situation and control it. When you fly from rooftop to rooftop, you get the feeling that you are the owner of this city and no one can stop you. Your character will constantly develop physically and strive for perfection. If you like parkour, but for some reason you can't do it in real life, hone your skills in the Parkour games section, where you don't need to go through the registration process or download anything.

Distinctive features of parkour

Today, parkour is the only discipline that teaches the principles of safety, efficiency and simplicity. The main rule of tracers: “Use your body’s capabilities to the maximum to achieve the best result.” In addition to being an art form, parkour is also called a sport. In order for you to be able to do it, develop attention, reaction and the very important ability to assess what is happening around you. In addition, spiritual practice, proper nutrition and the fight against one’s fears are very important for a tracer. The loads during parkour are crazy, so tracers must eat right and engage in physical development of their bodies.

Gambling people are the most ardent fans of parkour. Compared to other extreme sports, you don't have to pay any money to feel the adrenaline rushing inside you. But the desire to develop one’s physical strength and endurance should be much greater than for activities, for example, skydiving.

For those who practice parkour, it becomes not only a favorite sport, but also a lifestyle. When you learn to freely overcome obstacles, you develop a desire for freedom of action through the exclusive use of your physical resources. Here everything depends only on you, you have no one to rely on. All you need to achieve success in parkour is your body and a great desire to learn it.

Oleg Karyansky is a man who was personally acquainted with David Bell, and founded the first professional team of tracers in Russia. It was she who became the impetus for the further creation of an entire worldwide parkour association. It included the best teams in the world in this direction. Everyone watched the shows they put on with bated breath and delight. It was Oleg Karyansky who became the chairman of this Association. When David Bell decided to leave the participants of this organization, he argued his decision by saying that he could no longer control all the numerous branches of this sport.

Parkour in movies and games

The emergence of parkour with its basic principles provoked its very rapid spread throughout the world. Of course, such a trend could not help but be sanctified in the film industry. For the first films that featured parkour, they recruited world-famous tracers. “Yamakashi”, “District 13” and other and other films are known to almost everyone today. The fact that the script for all these films was written by Luc Besson confirms how interesting the culture of parkour is.

Some time passed, and parkour again became the main element in the famous film “Casino Royale”. The story of professional tracers was shown very plausibly in the Russian film “Daring Days.”

If we talk about the gaming industry, parkour has also become a fairly important element for it. Many developers of children's games decided to use it to create games that show all the advantages and principles of parkour. Thanks to them, children can decide to also take up this sport and this is very good. Just remember the popular Assassin's Creed game series. It uses a lot of parkour elements, and largely thanks to this, it has received the calling of many gamers in the world. This game series is adapted for any computers, smartphones and game consoles.

If you decide to play parkour games on our website, you will not need to download them or pay for access to the game. You can choose any time convenient for you to test them online. Choose your favorite parkour game and develop your character in this direction. Feel the power over the night city as you move across the rooftops. An active life is available to you in our games right now.