Compatibility of Capricorns and Scorpios. Kissed by God: Capricorn and Scorpio - an approximately indicative union! Compatibility in love and marriage if he is Scorpio and she is Capricorn

From an astrological point of view, the coincidence of characters in any relationship is no less important than other factors favorable to communication. Especially when Capricorn and Scorpio enter into a relationship, whose compatibility is in question due to the contradictions in their natures.

Scorpio and Capricorn - compatibility in love relationships

A relationship in which one is conventionally superior to the other will not suit both signs. Capricorn and Scorpio, whose compatibility in love can be based purely on equality, should not disagree about the fact that:

  • in love there are no main ones, but only mutual partnership;
  • the possessive instinct must be kept under constant control;
  • feelings cannot develop according to a scenario that benefits one, but not both.

Scorpio and Capricorn - Marriage Compatibility

When romantic dates develop into something more serious, Scorpio increases control over their partner's life. He sees that the best proof of love is attentiveness to everything connected with a partner. Are Capricorn and Scorpio compatible in terms of feelings? Definitely yes, so it will help them avoid scandals in marriage:

  1. Frank discussion of problems instead of concealment and subsequent accusations of lying;
  2. Admiring each other's best qualities and constantly working on the worst;
  3. Common views on relationships with parents and children: Capricorn and Scorpio, whose compatibility depends on emotions, should not have major disagreements.

Capricorn and Scorpio - sexual compatibility

Sexual energy is the main driver of intersexual relationships for Scorpio. He is highly attractive to other signs and is not shy about taking advantage of it. Scorpio and Capricorn show their ingenuity in sex, so the basis for a long romance can be long-term experiments with non-standard poses, caresses, etc. The intimate life of two passionate individuals of the Zodiac will be incomplete without:

  1. Mutual seduction. It doesn’t matter who is a man or a woman, both feel the need to be seduced.
  2. Periodic rest from sex. Capricorn and Scorpio, whose compatibility in bed is ideal, sometimes want to spend a couple of weeks without him.
  3. Owner's instinct. Scorpio loses all sexual passion when he finds out that he is being cheated on.

Capricorn and Scorpio - friendship

Friendship is the most favorable scenario for the development of communication between two such bright zodiac signs. Capricorn and Scorpio will always find something to learn from each other. The foundation of their mutual understanding is supporting each other in disputes with opponents and jointly defending a position with which the whole world may not agree. A friendly relationship will have several nuances:

  1. She will be positively influenced by general goals in work or. The compatibility of Capricorn with Scorpio here will allow you to stay on the intended path due to a moment of weakness.
  2. Quick reconciliation. No matter how serious the quarrel between two signs may seem, they will quickly resolve the controversial issue and forget about the conflict.
  3. No sexual assault. Representatives of both types of different sexes can easily separate pleasant communication from falling in love and sex.

Scorpio and Capricorn - compatibility at work

Maximum efficiency from this connection can be achieved in everything related to business and career. Capricorn's pragmatism turns him into a good leader, ready to build a vertical of power. A sober mind is combined with ambition and the ability to confidently step up the social ladder. Scorpios rarely make bosses due to the fact that they do not always control their emotions. Therefore, Capricorn and Scorpio must adhere to a certain algorithm in their work:

  1. A wise boss should not react to minor provocations of a subordinate, realizing that he suffers from his own incontinence.
  2. The Scorpio subordinate must weigh all arguments before voicing them, and not create an emotional storm.
  3. To avoid a constant showdown on the topic “who is stronger – Capricorn or Scorpio?”, the work process should not involve competition, but a tandem.

These two may be overly cautious at the beginning of a relationship, and this emotional caution can dampen their feelings for each other. These two zodiac signs tend to be a little cautious (Capricorn) and thoughtful (Scorpio), and it takes time for them to feel satisfied with their significant other. While they may be slow to get to know each other, once they learn to trust each other, these two signs will find that they can have quite a deep connection, built on friendship and deep devotion.

Scorpio and Capricorn can teach each other a lot. Although sometimes it can be extremely difficult for them to understand and tolerate each other. From Capricorn's stable, capable mate, Scorpio can learn to channel their overheated emotions into self-control. Capricorn must be careful, though, not to appear too emotionally stingy when bringing any criticism to their sensitive love. Individual comments can backfire with a Scorpio: they desire depth, intense feeling and the greatest sincerity in all situations - especially in love! Capricorn is so busy achieving his practical ideas that he may not have the time and energy to express his emotions and feelings. From Scorpio, Capricorn will learn the value of looking at the hidden processes taking place and will enjoy getting to know the deep inner world of their loved one. Both zodiac signs share a love for achieving their goals. If they decide that their relationship is very important to them, then nothing can separate them.

Planetary compatibility Mars-Pluto-Saturn

The planets Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio, and the planet Saturn rules Capricorn. Mars and Pluto represent aggression, courage, sexual energy, rebirth and renewal. Saturn teaches the big lessons of life: hard work, diligence, drive and responsibility. These three planets can come together in the zodiac signs and form a hard-working union, bound by the fierce emotion of Scorpio and the ambitious action of Capricorn. This is rather an excellent and dynamic team for business, but not for love.

Compatibility by elements Water-Earth

Scorpio is a Water sign and Capricorn is an Earth sign. Earth signs are very practical when it comes to matters of material possessions. This is a good balance for the water element. Water signs adapt to any form of situation, but they are influenced by their emotions rather than logic. The purposeful stability of Capricorn and the exciting changeability of Scorpio makes their union deep and strong. If they can come to an agreement among themselves, they can well count on success.

Interpersonal compatibility between Scorpio and Capricorn

Scorpio is a fixed sign and Capricorn is a cardinal sign. They may not seem like the most romantic sign in the zodiac, but Capricorn can apply their practical mind with common sense and can very well organize a very romantic and enjoyable evening. Scorpio will definitely appreciate the initiative of his partner. In general, Scorpio can enthusiastically follow Capricorn on the path of life, adding their own ideas as well. Scorpio may make some barbed comments in a breathy or sexy tone of voice that even Capricorn won't notice. Capricorn needs to show increased attention to detail and even learn the body language and gestures of their subtle and sensual partner Scorpio in order to learn to hear and understand it. Both zodiac signs can be stubborn, and this can lead to some potential conflict. Also, Scorpio falls hard, involving himself emotionally almost to the point of no return, unlike Capricorn. Both partners must acknowledge and accept this if they want to progress the relationship successfully.

What's the best thing about a Scorpio and Capricorn relationship?

Their commitment to common ideas and their strong loyalty to each other. They can open the door of the soul for each other and show each other new ways of perceiving and feeling.

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The compatibility of a Scorpio man and a Capricorn woman has a very interesting feature - the stars promise an incredible strength of mature, established relationships. But reaching this maturity will not be easy for you. But you don’t have to give up - the natural determination and tenacity of characters, which you can’t deny either Scorpio or Capricorn, literally work wonders.

Compatibility in a love relationship between two strong, courageous and truly strong-willed individuals cannot be cloudless. And the relationships themselves in such couples simply, by definition, are not marshmallow-chocolate. But here’s what’s interesting: neither the Scorpio man, nor especially the Capricorn girl, is looking for easy ways. If they were to take the simplest and at the same time telling psychological test, in which they need to answer one single question: “Who are you?”, they would certainly answer very similarly - something like a fighter, a warrior or a real hero of this difficult battles called life.

Now imagine when our two fighters for their interests and universal justice meet each other on the path of life. Even if the relationship is short-lived, it will certainly make a strong impression on both. The fact is that both the Scorpio man and the Capricorn girl are accustomed to believing that the world consists of weak and strong people, and they definitely consider themselves to be among the latter. And they are quietly proud of it. More than anything else, these people love to set goals for themselves and rigorously achieve them. Lose weight in 3 months? Move to a more prestigious area? Go to study when it seems that most of your life is behind you? It's all about them.

At the same time, when making important decisions, typical Scorpios can take big risks, trying not to expose anyone around them. But practical, calculating Capricorns will never go all-in. Passionate tossing, excitement and other “adrenaline” states are alien to them if we are talking about some overly important things.

And then comes that cherished day when our heroes accidentally collide in one place at the same time. Although the meeting may not be accidental, because a reasonable Capricorn girl often looks closely at men, trying to be guided only by a certain logic. At first, Capricorn and Scorpio will certainly be imbued with deep interest, even if the acquaintance goes through reconnaissance in force - i.e. under circumstances that are far from romantic.

However, even in the event of confrontation or open conflict, they will certainly literally capture mutual attention. Indeed, these two have long been accustomed to winning. It also seems natural to them that there are not many worthy competitors around them, and victory over them is especially pleasant. And when you see an enemy at least equal to you, then fighting with him will at least be interesting.

It is only later, when possible antipathy gives way to exactly the opposite feeling, that serious passion can flare up between the Scorpio guy and the mysterious, cheerful, but at the same time Capricorn girl, closed from the world. It’s just that partners need much more time for this than other zodiac signs.

And when the romance begins to develop exactly as it should, they themselves will be amazed at how their mutual understanding of each other has changed. Scorpio will certainly discover many of the traits of his ideal in the Capricorn girl. Indeed, this is a reasonable, sensible lady who, despite typical female weaknesses, has an iron character. She doesn’t like to give in to emotions, and oddly enough, this unfeminine task turns out just fine.

And Scorpio will probably attract Capricorn due to that undeniable inner state that is conveyed to the interlocutor only by a feeling of calm, security and even comfort. In a word, this is when you know that everything will be fine and no one will let you down.

Scorpio and Capricorn are two stable signs of the zodiac, so the horoscope of their compatibility in love paints very tempting prospects. Yes, it will not be easy for our heroes to find a common language at first. There are objective reasons here - the calculating Capricorn is never in a hurry with her conclusions, especially those concerning the opposite sex.

The deep-thinking Scorpio, who constantly seems absorbed in himself, is much more agile than Capricorn, but on the other hand, it is incomparably more interesting for him to woo the lady of his heart for a long time than to enter the capital without firing a single shot. This is a case of a romance where partners study each other incredibly carefully. And the most interesting thing is that they enjoy the process. Here we remember the well-known truth that happiness is not the final stop, i.e. the goal, but the movement towards it itself.

Marriage Compatibility: Bridges Instead of Walls

Be that as it may, any movement has its logical conclusion. Therefore, even if not as quickly as many other modern couples, that cherished day will come for our heroes when they cross the threshold of the registry office.

It must be said that in the case of a Scorpio man and a Capricorn woman, the romance can last a lifetime. These are very sensitive people who, like giant batteries, accumulate energy for a long time, but they last for years to come. That is why the stars predict that, to the surprise of the spouses themselves, their compatibility in marriage will seem even more successful than during the candy-bouquet period.

Indeed, at the stage of romantic infatuation, they simply studied each other, looked closely, and carried out countless and sometimes very sophisticated tests. And marriage, a family for them in many ways is a joint victory, which, however, they walked towards separately, because each studied their partner alone with themselves and their thoughts.

Both Scorpios, and even more practical Capricorns, as a rule, approach a wedding with certain capital, because they are used to planning such significant events. In general, strong personalities do not like to be taken by surprise. Therefore, they do everything possible to prevent this from happening. They seem to be competing with life, taking part in a “who will win” competition.

So marriage will not take any of our heroes by surprise. Moreover, increasing their status will serve as an excellent motive for them to work more actively to increase their now joint well-being. It must be said that Capricorn and Scorpio, as a rule, achieve a lot in their careers. And if a girl sees that her husband’s business is going uphill, she will endure long delays at work, increased irritability due to exhaustion, and much more, just so that her husband receives a prize for first place.

Indeed, she herself is a fighter, and wants to see only strong people next to her. At the same time, for her, the value of the work is self-evident. That is why both spouses can always count on mutual support from each other in all good endeavors. And that is why their compatibility in family relationships is very strong.

But in life, of course, not everything comes down to making money. There are, for example, priceless moments of emotional communication when people speak more with their eyes than with their tongues. And I must say that in this area, the closed Scorpio guy and the reserved Capricorn girl will have to make a lot of effort. In general, they are people of action, often forgetting about another, no less important side of life.

Most often they call her the disparaging word “chat” or worse. However, the stars want to quickly warn you: communication is a very important aspect of relationships. And your mutual closeness in this regard is not at all beneficial. In general, it may seem to you that you know everything in the world about your spouse and skillfully predict his next desire. In fact, neither Capricorn nor Scorpio try not to reveal their feelings even in a close circle.

By the way, at some point you may experience an acute lack of attention. You just want someone to talk to you. And then you will remember this stellar advice. Try not only to spend more time with each other, but also begin to gradually show your cards. In short, build bridges instead of walls. Believe me, it works!

Sexual Compatibility: Break Down Barriers

And the same can be said about the affairs of the night. Of course, the stars do not offer you revolutionary changes of the “no tricks against scrap” type. Not at all. You just need to trust your partner a little more. And to myself. After all, it was you who chose him - and there is no doubt about the correctness of such a decision, given your incredible instinct and simply common sense logic.

Scorpio and Capricorn are actually incredibly passionate people. Sex for them is sweets. But these sweets are on the top shelf, where it will take a little longer to get there. Our heroes harness slowly, but drive quickly. But when approaches are found, there is no doubt: intimate fun will lay another foundation for your harmonious compatibility in a love relationship.

Compatibility at work: students of Ostap Bender

A Scorpio man and a Capricorn girl can form a wonderful tandem at work, but not at work where you need to work for someone else. Our heroes have an equally well-developed commercial streak. Even if they are not businessmen, just look at their list of friends. Surely there will be 2 lawyers, 3 doctors and generally only useful, interesting people with whom they will really enjoy communicating and making friends.

Entrepreneurial abilities will at least be perfectly demonstrated in everyday affairs. You don’t need to run around with your girlfriends or wise men among friends in order to sell an apartment at a profit, buy a good car and determine the optimal time to change jobs. The ability not only to think through, but also to feel a situation well is an innate property of our heroes, and if they are united by a common business project, there is a 10 versus 1 chance that it will go well.

Scorpio man and Capricorn woman - the stars have given you everything you need for a strong, serious relationship. Therefore, you can only wish one thing: do not miss your chance.

Natalya Erofeevskaya

Representatives of these astrological signs different both in character and temperament. Despite this, harmony in relationships of any kind (business, love, family) is more than possible. Scorpio and Capricorn will always find something to talk about, even to the point of foaming at the mouth, they are aware of the comfort of spending time together, and usually have common goals and objectives in life.

But the ways of achieving the benefits of life and self-affirmation in society for these two are radically different. Scorpio is secretive and constantly in tension, and may well “sting” even close people who have offended or insulted him. Capricorn, in the eyes of Scorpio, looks tough, overly straightforward and heartless. Both types of people are characterized by a desire for power, expressions of honor and respect addressed to them, their dreams of an ideal life partner and exorbitantly high demands on their chosen one often leave both Scorpio and Capricorn alone.

Scorpio and Capricorn are stubborn and practical in a good way: they go towards achieving their goals without retreating or wasting time on trifles.

Compatibility chart for Scorpio and Capricorn

Compatibility of Scorpio Man and Capricorn Woman: Pros and Cons of Relationships

There is little compatibility in this pair: in the best case, the combination of these signs will be based on a mutual agreement (which, however, will not be easy for both Scorpio and Capricorn), in the worst case, these two will be stubborn like rams, and neither partner will be willing to give in to the other.

Conflicts in the business sphere or in love between a Scorpio man and a Capricorn woman are constructive they just can't resolve it– it’s not in their character. Both signs are rich in leadership qualities and strength of character: flamboyant quarrels, lack of basic diplomatic skills, and reluctance to reach a human agreement in any case make both a business union and family relationships seemingly impossible. But such a seemingly irreparably dramatic situation can be corrected by a woman: only a wise and seasoned Capricorn can build a harmonious relationship from a couple with low compatibility.

There is little compatibility in this pair: at best, the combination of these signs will be based on mutual agreement

Are they compatible in love?

What will their romance be based on, which will most likely arise as a result of Scorpio’s emotionality and charisma? Yes, it is the man who will notice his Capricorn woman and do everything to bring them closer, but it is not he who will maintain the relationship. A comparison of these very different signs shows that Scorpio is not at all drawn to long-term relationships, while Capricorn harbors meekness and tenderness deep inside. Both of them will have to make serious efforts to prevent love relationships from turning into torture: Capricorn should unconditionally give leadership positions to a man, freeing purely feminine qualities in herself. Scorpio, in gratitude, will become the protector of his beloved from life’s hardships and misfortunes.

A gentle and quiet Capricorn woman will gradually gain power over her courageous partner. Both will win: the couple will find happiness and harmony

Scorpio guy and Capricorn girl in sex

Some coldness and emotional retardation of Capricorn will not prevent this couple from feeling satisfied in bed. They will not quickly move on to intimate relationships: By waiting and listening to their partner’s readiness for physical intimacy, spiritually strong Scorpio and Capricorn will find a passionate and pleasant pastime that can captivate both. For them, sex is a time for piquant experiments, exploring each other’s bodies. It is worth understanding that, most likely, only an emotional and sensual Scorpio man will burn with passion, but the tenderness and sensitivity of his beloved will lead him to this.

A harmonious sex life can smooth out those rough edges of bright characters that are inevitable in a love and family union, where he is Scorpio and she is Capricorn.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

It’s worth saying right away: this is not the couple who will rush to the registry office on the second day of dating. They carefully hide passion from each other and sincerely value their own freedom. But Capricorn is a rather domestic sign, this woman’s entire existence is aimed at creating a home, giving birth and raising children, and therefore she is more ready for marriage. Scorpio is an emotional nature and, to hide it, amorous, so he will choose a woman “for life” for a long time. Considering that both representatives of these signs are more loners than public people, the likelihood of a parade of planets that would unite these two strong, but not very in need of each other, hearts is quite small.

If the marriage did take place, they will surround each other with care and warmth: You won’t hear a bad comment about your spouse from any of them. The wife will take on the responsibilities of arranging the house, preparing delicious food, arranging the house, the husband will take on the financial support of the family and travel together.

The signs are quite intolerant of each other, and therefore they should not be alone for a long time: tourist trips, entertainment, the birth of children - all this will somewhat separate this thunder and lightning in different directions

Is there friendship if he is Scorpio and she is Capricorn?

Each of the representatives of these signs needs a friend in order to complement one's own integrity. The leadership qualities inherent in both do not bring psychological discord into friendships, as they would in love ones. Strong characters, on the contrary, contribute to mutual self-development and movement forward - this is a constructive friendship that unites the forces of Scorpio and Capricorn and helps to achieve their goals.

If this union has common interests and goals, they will be simply curious and comfortable together

If this union has common interests and goals, they will simply be curious and comfortable together, friendship will last a long time and only get stronger. Even if it happens that friends separate for some reason, they will retain only pleasant memories of each other. If at least one of them has a significant other, a friendly relationship will not turn into a love relationship.

How to win a Scorpio man?

All a Capricorn woman needs to conquer that passionate and fierce Scorpio heart is do not lose your natural qualities: self-confidence, self-control, calm. Capricorn's iron restraint and ability not to be offended over trifles, not to become hysterical and not to sort things out in a raised voice will attract the attention of the rather expressive Scorpio. In it he will draw what he himself lacks. A woman’s display of a strong character at the initial stage of dating will benefit both, but she should be ready to unconditionally capitulate as the relationship develops further.

The ability of both to overcome any life obstacles together and solve the most difficult problems will contribute to rapprochement. The Capricorn woman's perseverance (but not stubbornness!), her courtesy, ability to reason in critical situations, reliability and loyalty will also be appreciated by Scorpio.

How to get the attention of a Capricorn woman?

In fact, Scorpio will have to try for the sake of winning the heart of your beloved. All those qualities that Capricorn so values ​​in men (sensitivity, attentiveness, understanding, sincere interest) are not very typical for the bright and emotional, rather frivolous Scorpio. You should not try to immediately subjugate her. This lady is distinguished by her love of freedom and independence, and it will take some time to establish at least an equal relationship. It is important for a Capricorn woman to see her man as a reliable and confident companion, and this is what Scorpio can very well promise her.

With a thrifty and economical Capricorn don't waste money: such squandering, thoughtless spending of money (even on her) will only turn away this zealous young lady.

As a gift, the Capricorn woman prefers inexpensive, but extremely practical things

Horoscope compatibility of Scorpio Woman and Capricorn Man

Feedback from astrologers about the compatibility of this pair may sound something like this: “ Song of Ice and Fire" And this is so - the intensity of passions is guaranteed to them, since Scorpio is perhaps the only one of the zodiac signs who is able to light a fire in the cold heart of Capricorn, who is restrained in his feelings. In an alliance, leadership qualities are strong on both sides, and therefore the first moments of acquaintance may not look at all romantic. They have either love, or hatred, or violent passions, or a sudden cooling towards each other.

: the strong characters of Scorpio and Capricorn, their amazing complementarity with each other, will allow you to overcome any business peaks and become powerful business partners.

Love relationship

The love union of a Scorpio woman and a Capricorn man promises to be interesting from the very beginning: not only will they meet, most likely, under not very favorable circumstances, in which they will say a lot of “flattering” things to each other, but further development is unpredictable. But love in this couple is, of course, the passion of Scorpio and a “cold shower” for all this hot ardor on the part of Capricorn.

They like a lot about each other: Capricorn is flattered that such a bright and sexy woman is next to him; for a Scorpio woman, this self-possessed and calm man will become a reliable protection and support. Both of them it definitely won't be boring: this is a noble love union of strong personalities striving for equality, close spiritually and intellectually.

Sexual attraction of a couple

In sex, and this is not surprising, the leader will be a sensual and liberated Scorpio woman, she will teach her rather constrained partner a lot. Tactful and attentive, cautious in experiments, but with bold fantasies, Scorpio will listen to Capricorn’s feelings and will not rush into fulfilling her deepest desires. Her love is tenderness and caresses, which even a reserved Capricorn cannot help but reciprocate: the bed for them will become a place of sexual development and harmony only on the condition that the man can satisfy the sexual appetites of his partner.

The intimate relationships of the couple are harmonious and varied: the leadership in them is definitely with the woman, but the man will have to try for her pleasure


A happy marriage is very possible: understanding of each other, bright intuition of Scorpio, logic and prudence of Capricorn - these are the qualities thanks to which husband and wife will be able to make only the right decisions, favorable for the development of the family. Everyone, for their part, strives for harmony, and therefore there will be practically no contradictions. The couple will avoid any conflicts, knowing how difficult it is, given their personalities, to resolve them peacefully.

There will be no financial disagreements in this family

There will be no financial disagreements in this family: Scorpio and Capricorn know how to rationally distribute money, which allows them to accumulate good capital in a short time. They willingly spend money on children’s education and their own development, joint hobbies, and travel. This couple is not just a successful symbiosis: over time, the Scorpio woman and the Capricorn man will become true friends, comfortable partners, and great lovers. The marriage of representatives of these signs is able to survive all adversities and will only get stronger over the years.

How are a Scorpio girl and a Capricorn guy friends?

A similar level of intelligence, spirituality, and worldly wisdom will bring them into friendly relations, despite obvious differences in character. Capricorn is a man of few words, but is able to place key accents in a conversation. And his girlfriend will not fail to notice and appreciate this. And she will charm him with her natural charm and charisma, in addition, she is extremely feminine, so Capricorn, bewitched by her gentle charm and passion, will not at all mind changing friend status for the role of a loving fan.

If the hearts of both are free, very often the friendship of Scorpio and Capricorn quite expectedly turns into a vibrant love relationship

How to win a Capricorn man and build a relationship with him?

When conquering the rather hard-to-reach heart of this man to a Scorpio woman it's worth being patient: Capricorns of the male type are very reserved people, controlling their emotions and feelings, they may even seem cold, like crackers. They need time to warm up. If a woman as emotional as Scorpio is able to wait for reciprocal interest, then over time she will receive not only a faithful lover, but also a reliable husband.

The strong character of a woman of the Scorpio sign, her amazing performance, self-discipline and willpower greatly appeals to Capricorn: respect to this self-sufficient person will become the starting point of further relationships.

Scorpio is successful in literally everything: both in career growth and in household chores - what man doesn’t dream of such a girlfriend?

Is it possible to make a Scorpio woman fall in love with you?

Born under the sign of Scorpio is a strong, strong-willed woman who does not suffer from a lack of pride and has quite ambitious life goals. Of course, such a lady high demands on your chosen one: she has her own ideals and does not agree to anything less, even under the threat of loneliness. However, one such bright and sexy individual will still not remain.

What should the rather reserved Capricorn strive for, who, due to his restraint, is unlikely to be able to sing romantic serenades under the window of his beloved? A beautiful Scorpio will most likely not pay attention to the external beauty and physique of a potential lover. He is much more important to her charisma, inner masculinity, emotional stability. All this is undoubtedly present in Capricorn: in his company, this strong woman will be able to finally relax, give up total control of the situation, and feel safe.

December 14, 2017, 16:09

The Scorpio-Capricorn couple has good prospects for a happy future. Such a union is based on the attraction of opposites. Scorpio delights Capricorn with strength of character and the ability to achieve goals no matter what. Capricorn is liked by his partner for his emotionality and unpredictability. When paired together, their iconic character traits become stronger. Partners can achieve a lot together, because each of them complements the missing qualities of the other half. So different individually, together they make a harmonious happy couple.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Capricorn man

Good compatibility. Both partners are strong, purposeful and bright personalities. They are interested in being together. They love to have intellectual conversations and think about lofty things. The Scorpio woman and the Capricorn man respect each other's personal freedom and do not impose their own line of behavior. The pedantry and malice that representatives of these zodiac signs show in other zodiac couples, in this tandem they cover with mutual respect and care. The union becomes strong and happy if equality reigns in the house.

Compatibility between Capricorn woman and Scorpio man

Promising couple. Despite their differences in character, a Capricorn woman and a Scorpio man are able to reach mutual understanding. Their qualities complement each other. The main problem of such a tandem at the beginning of a relationship is the closeness of the partners. Over time, the Capricorn woman takes off her mask and reveals her subtle emotional nature. This evokes a response from the Scorpio man and a desire to protect his soulmate. In such a union, both partners experience spiritual rebirth. The Scorpio man becomes more attentive and sympathetic to people, and the Capricorn woman learns to open up to the world. A union becomes strong and happy if partners stop paying attention to each other’s shortcomings and begin to interact closely.