How to quickly learn German on your own. How to quickly learn German on your own How to learn German dialogue easier

To broaden your horizons, you need to learn foreign languages. They will help you better understand a foreign culture, touch the great works of the classics of world literature in the original, and learn a lot of new and interesting things. When choosing a language, you need to be based on your preferences.

People interested in Germany ask the question: is it possible to learn German on their own? Those who have achieved success in this important task confidently say yes. You just need to try a little and spend some of your free time.

What is needed for this?

For a positive result, you need to have motivation and set a deadline for achieving the goal. It is equally important to organize the learning process in an interesting way, otherwise the desire to master a rather complex language can quickly evaporate. Determine why you want to start practicing. Perhaps you will be traveling to Germany, working in a German company, or communicating with native speakers. There can be many reasons. After all, Germany is the leading country of the European Union, and its language is very widespread and popular.

To learn German from scratch on your own, it is important to choose the right teaching material.

  • A good option is audio lessons. It’s convenient to listen to them on public transport, making good use of the time needed on the road and during your lunch break.
  • Along with an audio course, it is often necessary to use diagrams, special cards, textbooks or other didactic material to help you quickly master knowledge.
  • Along with audio lessons, it is useful to study the German language tutorial. Try using “German for Beginners”, compiled by V. Bukharova and T. Kessler. With its help, you will quickly remember basic phrases.
  • Be sure to purchase a comprehensive German-Russian and Russian-German dictionary. Set a goal for yourself to memorize 10 new words every day, and you will not notice how your vocabulary will be enriched.
  • Visual information is perceived more quickly by many people. Therefore, to learn the language and improve pronunciation, video lessons are needed.

If you can’t remember articles and irregular verbs at home without outside help, sign up for courses and study as part of a group. There you will receive regular tasks to complete on your own, communicate with like-minded people and, perhaps, achieve success faster.

Alphabet and umlaut

You need to start studying from the beginning. The first step for a language learner is to understand the alphabet. For those who attended English classes at school, this will not be difficult. The languages ​​belong to the general group - Germanic, and their alphabet is of Latin origin.

  • If you set yourself a serious goal, you can master a language quickly. In it, words are written in the same way as they are pronounced, you just need to know the consonant and vowel sound combinations well and remember when an umlaut is placed above the letters Ä ä, Ö ö and Ü ü - two dots on top.
  • You need to figure this out and learn how to pronounce the umlaut at the very beginning, otherwise your speech will be difficult to understand correctly.
  • Most often, two dots appear in words used in the plural, but sometimes they change phrases completely. It is convenient to learn how to pronounce them by listening to educational audio or video material.

Some people mistakenly compare umlaut with a feature of the Russian alphabet - the letter E. In fact, there is absolutely nothing similar between them. These points have different meanings.

Start of classes

The main difficulty in the German language is articles. With their help, the gender of nouns is determined. German grammar differs from Russian, so at first students have to memorize nouns along with articles in order to speak correctly.

If you don’t give up on learning, articles will gradually cease to be a problem, and language acquisition will begin much faster.

Learn new words systematically. These should be not only nouns, but also other parts of speech. To successfully memorize prepositions and verbs, it is advisable to find educational poems or songs. In this form, they are stored in memory faster.

Remember learning a foreign language at school. At first, children learned to describe pictures, memorized basic expressions, names of days of the week, months, and kitchen utensils. Don't neglect this moment. Simple words are essential for communication.

A little later, it is important to understand how Germans construct sentences. They do it differently than the Russians, so it’s difficult for beginning students to understand.

  • The Russian language has its own rules, and it is easy to arrange words in a sentence in a wide variety of orders. In German this is strictly prohibited. There, each word has its place, and their order is strictly fixed.
  • To understand, you need to learn conjunctions and remember that in German grammar the subject always comes first, and the predicate comes second.
  • In addition, it is important to learn the forms of verbs, which can also be difficult. You need to learn how to manage them, decline them by case, use them in the plural and singular.

If you need to know how to learn German on your own and quickly, after mastering the basics, start watching films released in Germany. It is useful to include a film that you have seen many times in Russian dubbing, so you are well familiar with the plot and dialogues of the main characters. A simple way of studying will bring a lot of impressions and significantly increase your vocabulary.

Search the Internet for the series in German “Extra Deutsch”. It is designed specifically for learning. The characters in the film pronounce phrases slowly and clearly, so you can calmly repeat the expressions after them. Each episode comes with German subtitles so you can learn the pronunciation and spelling of the words at the same time.

What to do next?

To quickly learn a language, it is useful to use it in different areas of life. Find a German news site on the Internet and read the notes published there every day. Right away you will need a dictionary and a lot of time for this, but gradually you will notice that you instantly understand what is written.

Read a fiction book in German. It is advisable to choose a familiar work, then you will have to look less into the dictionary, because you will understand some words intuitively.

Change the language in your mobile phone settings and try to figure out the controls.

It is useful to study information about the origin of the language. This is an interesting topic that is intertwined with the history of countries such as Sweden and Denmark.

The final stage

When learning a language at home brings positive results, think about communicating with the residents of Germany. Thanks to modern technologies, this is easy to do without leaving your apartment.

  • Communities of like-minded people dedicated to the study of German culture, history and language have been specially created on popular social networks. There it is easy to find friends who are fluent in the foreign language you need, enter into correspondence with them and subsequently start communicating via Skype.
  • This practice is incredibly useful because mastering spoken language is the most important step in learning any language. It will help you perceive words by ear, recognize slang expressions and abbreviations.

At first, certain difficulties may arise. To reduce them to a minimum, arm yourself with the necessary notes during a conversation, open a phrase book and be sure to turn on the online translator on your computer. It will help you translate unfamiliar phrases of your interlocutor. By talking regularly, you will no longer need helpers and will understand everything on your own.

According to the observations of people who are interested in how long it takes to learn spoken German, it takes about 2 months. During this period, a huge vocabulary is developed and an understanding of how to correctly construct sentences comes.

To learn German from scratch, it is important to immerse yourself in the language environment, read more, listen to songs, and study the culture of Germany. If possible, it is advisable to visit this country, admire the beautiful castles, museums, nature and communicate with people. Having set a goal for yourself, feel free to do everything to achieve it. Of course, at first it will be difficult, but gradually you will get involved and the process will become easier. The main condition for success is regular study, perseverance, and then you will quickly be able to speak German and understand native speakers of this beautiful language.

Many people have probably wondered how to quickly and effectively learn a foreign language and which method is the most effective among all existing ones.

There are many different methods and training programs, each of them has its own pros and cons, but no matter how you learn German - on your own or with a tutor, in a group or individually, at language courses in Berlin or at home with a book - there is several important rules that will help you quickly learn a foreign language and gain solid and thorough knowledge.

1. Exercise systematically and regularly

Focus on learning a foreign language at least 1-1.5 hours a day. It is important to accustom yourself to study regularly, because discipline is the only factor that can resist your laziness and desire to do anything rather than learn words and practice grammar. Opening a textbook only once a week makes it difficult to achieve success! Even after a day, the brain already forgets what and in what order was studied last time, and if you study even less often, then half of the class time will be spent simply repeating! Therefore, it’s worth noting on your nose: Regularity of classes is the key to success!

2. Move from simple to complex

You shouldn’t try to memorize a thousand words at once or figure out all the tenses and prepositions. You need to “absorb” the material slowly and in small portions. In learning a foreign language as in sports, you should not immediately take the heaviest weight and strive to perform the most difficult exercise. You need to increase the load gradually and gradually take on more and more difficult levels.

3. Work with a dictionary, write out and learn new words

A dictionary for a student of German is the main aid in learning. There are many online services that provide the opportunity to translate words from one language to another for free: Yandex, Lingvo, Leo and others. At more advanced stages of language learning, it is worth using mainly monolingual dictionaries, not trying to translate every word into your native language, but trying to explain unfamiliar words in a foreign language using synonyms, phrases, antonyms, whole phrases - this way the words will be easier to remember and consolidate in memory.

4. Remember words in context

Never memorize words separately, in an alphabetical list, or in random order! Words must be remembered in context, the way they are used in speech. For example, you can memorize words in phrases and sentences. For each new word, come up with three, or better yet, five sentences. Then this word will definitely never be forgotten. In addition, memorizing words in context means: a) learning other words related to the same thematic series: for example, colors, items of clothing, names of animals, learning together; b) learn derivatives of these words and other forms: for example, malen - der Maler - die Malerei, der Mensch - menschlich - die Menschheit etc.

5. Practice grammar

No matter how boring and difficult it may be, it is impossible to freely construct correct phrases and sentences in a foreign language without knowledge and - most importantly - understanding of grammar. You can try to remember phrases by heart, without understanding, but the older a person gets, the worse he will remember words in an intuitive way, as children do, the more he will be remembered in a logical way - not on the basis of imitation, but on the basis of understanding. Grammar is important for understanding what you want to say. It is important not to be afraid to make grammatical errors in a sentence, because the Germans themselves often speak with errors and cannot explain why they need to say "mit dem Bus fahren", but not "auf die Bus fahren". But at a certain stage, without knowledge of grammar, it will be very difficult to move on. If grammatical errors interfere with understanding or if the lack of skills in correctly using articles and verbs in the right form hinders communication, your interlocutors will one day simply get tired of guessing from your facial expressions and intonation what you meant: Sie liebt Peter or Peter liebt sie, if you don't know what word order should be in a sentence.

6. Combine techniques

It is important to pay attention to different aspects of speech - not only read, but also speak, not only listen to the text, but also write down its summary, ask questions about it. There is no one universal technique that would suit everyone. Learning a foreign language is a very individual process, it depends on age, abilities, communication skills in your native language, motivation, hard work and many other factors. Find “your” method - for example, watch films in the original or read books, and in addition to this, use other methods - communicate on Skype in German, correspond with someone, etc.

7. Surround yourself with German

A very effective technique is considered to be the “ deep dive" It is important to surround yourself with a foreign language from all sides. Post cards around the house with the names of objects in a foreign language - bed, table, pen, drawer, switch, etc. Hang posters and tables of irregular verbs or declension of articles and adjectives on the walls. Let three forms of verbs hang in the bathroom by the mirror, prepositions and adverbs at the dining table, and a table of articles in a prominent place in the living room. The main thing is to replace these cards with new ones from time to time, otherwise over time they will no longer be perceived as new and will simply be part of the interior. Translate your contact and Facebook into German, listen to the news in the background and, while stuck in a traffic jam, listen to audiobooks in German. Your language level doesn't allow it? There are many audio and for beginners, start with simple ones as mentioned above.

8. Put it into practice

Without active use in speech, words are forgotten very quickly! Write letters, emails, chat, on forum pages - by the way, there is a section where forum members communicate with each other only in German. A great way to practice your German and learn new words! Let's say you need to learn 10 irregular verbs by tomorrow - come up with a coherent story of ten sentences, each with one verb. It’s easier and more reliable to remember!

9. Maintain interest

In order to want to continue learning a language, it is very important to maintain an interest in it, to be interested in the culture, politics, sports of the country, its famous people, and the latest events. The incentive to go to Germany on vacation, friends with whom you communicate in German, the goal of going to university or finding a job will help maintain interest at the right level. Post motivational leaflets and aphorisms around the room that will help you find the strength to study.

10. Repetition is the mother of learning!

Yes, in German - just like in other subjects. It is important from time to time to refresh the material already covered, especially if there was a break in classes, so do not be lazy to review the rules in the textbook and the exercises for them again and again.

We hope these simple tips will help you achieve better results in learning German. Find yourself, try different techniques, don’t stop there! Good luck and success to you!

Do you need to quickly learn German before traveling or for a job interview, business negotiations or exams? In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to quickly learn German and how best to do it: on your own or with a teacher.

Let's say right away: we won't reveal the secret of learning a language in three days, but you will learn how to effectively learn German at an accelerated pace.

Our articles help improve your German. But a good teacher can handle this even better.

Is it possible to learn German quickly?

First, let’s answer the main question that our readers often ask us: “Is it possible to learn German quickly?” Yes, this is possible and reasonable in cases where you urgently need to prepare for one of the following events:

  • passing an exam for admission to a Russian or foreign university;
  • passing the interview in German;
  • travel abroad;
  • moving abroad;
  • certain work situations (negotiations, presentations, promotions, etc.).

If you are preparing for one of the above events, we recommend learning German with a teacher. This method will be the most effective and fastest for several reasons:

  1. Well-structured program- the teacher himself will find the optimal materials for classes and provide them to you.
  2. Complete understanding of materials- the teacher will present information in a logical order so that you understand everything and do not get stuck on one topic for a long time.
  3. Control and motivation- the teacher will monitor your learning process, monitor your progress and motivate you for further studies.
  4. Expertise- the teacher knows all the nuances concerning your event, for example, he has experience in preparing students to successfully pass an interview in German. The teacher understands from his own experience what you need to know and what to pay attention to.

If time is running out and you need to learn German very quickly, contact the school.

If you want to learn German quickly and independently, read on.

How to speed up learning German with a teacher

Learning German with a teacher is the fastest way to achieve your goal. We want to tell you what you should pay attention to in order to achieve maximum results.

1. Find “your” teacher

Even in a rush, try to find a teacher with whom it will be pleasant and interesting for you to study. Decide whether a strict and demanding teacher is right for you or a person who jokes a lot and presents even serious topics with humor. In addition, the teacher must be a true professional and have experience in the issue with which you are asking him (passing an exam, passing an interview, etc.). If the teacher meets all these requirements, then you will definitely not quit classes after a week, but will happily continue studying until you reach your goal.

2. Determine the scope of work

At your first lesson with your teacher, explain in detail why you are studying German, so that the teacher can determine what topics you need to study and what exactly you need to know. Check the exact date of the event so that the teacher knows how long it will take you to master all the material.

3. Exercise 3-5 times a week

Preparing for an interview or exam is not the time to relax. You need to gain as much knowledge as possible in a short time, so be prepared to work hard. It is optimal to study with a teacher 3-5 days a week for 1-2 hours a day and devote the same amount of time to independent work: doing homework, repeating material, etc.

4. Do extensive homework

Be sure to ask your teacher to assign you extensive homework. This way you will repeat the material you learned in class, consolidate it in your memory, and at the same time find out how well you have learned the information. The teacher will check your work, identify errors and help you get rid of them, so be sure to take the opportunity to test your knowledge.

5. Don't neglect writing

The ability to do written work in German will be useful for almost any language learning goal. As you write, you find and use new words and phrases, expand your vocabulary, your rote memory kicks in, and you better remember the words you use.

6. Try studying with a native speaker

If your level of German is confident Pre-Intermediate and higher, then you can try taking additional classes with a native German speaker, especially if you are going to move abroad or travel. During the lessons you will not be tempted to switch to Russian, and you will also learn a useful thing - the ability to paraphrase what you want to say. This will help you if you forget a word in German.

What to do on your own to quickly learn German

Have you decided to prepare for the event yourself? Well, the work ahead is not easy, but interesting. In this part of the article, we have collected for you only working techniques for quickly learning German.

But even if you study German with a teacher, no one has canceled independent work. The more time you devote to German, the faster you will learn it and the more material you will absorb. So the materials below can be used in your free time outside of class.

1. Choose a good authentic textbook

This point is important for those who study without the help of a teacher: the textbook will help you structure your knowledge and “dosage” it correctly. We recommend taking 1 unit lesson every 2-3 days if you want to quickly master the material.

2. Learn phrases by heart, not individual words.

Many polyglots practice this technique in order to quickly learn German: they cram not individual words, but entire phrases on topics that interest them. You need to do the same.

3. Retell thematic texts

This technique will help you learn the necessary vocabulary in context and remember frequently used phrases. For example, let's say you are preparing for an interview with an oil company. Search texts on oil production to familiarize yourself with the technical terminology. Retell the text after reading, using new useful words and phrases.

4. Repeat what you have learned

No matter how much you rush to quickly “swallow” a layer of the German language, set aside time to repeat previously studied material, otherwise it will very quickly fly out of your head.

5. Immerse yourself in the language environment

To learn German faster, you need to try to create a suitable language environment around yourself. This can be done as follows:

  • Listen to audio materials With the help of podcasts you will develop your listening comprehension of German speech. First of all, of course, you need to listen to the audio recordings for the textbook and complete the attached tests in order to immediately assess your achievements in German.
  • Watch videos Wonderful educational videos will help you understand grammar topics and improve your vocabulary. And if you love watching videos, films or TV series, you don’t have to completely deny yourself this pleasure. Just watch a video in German that interests you, so you will practice your listening skills, and you can also find and learn useful vocabulary.
  • Read books and articles The best texts for studying are texts from a textbook, but if you are used to reading at least a couple of pages of an interesting book at night, try reading it in German. In the text you will see how words and grammatical structures of the German language “work” in practice. If time is short, read short texts in the original.

6. Run tests

Tests not only test your knowledge, but also help you understand a misunderstood rule if there are comments on the tasks. Be sure to take tests from the textbook you are studying from, and also visit sites with grammar and vocabulary tasks.

7. Do translation exercises

Perhaps such tasks will remind you of school lessons, but in fact, grammar-translation exercises are very useful: they will help you learn how to quickly and correctly formulate your thoughts in German. At the same time, it is better to practice translating phrases and texts on the topic you need; this is an excellent way to quickly learn German. You can check the correctness of the translation on various forums on the Internet.

8. Change activities

Try to alternate different types of exercises every 20-30 minutes so as not to tire your brain with monotonous tasks. This way you will better absorb knowledge and you will be interested in studying. Alternately engaging in different activities is the only correct way to quickly learn German.

9. Study other people's experiences

Read on the Internet about other people's experiences: how they passed an exam, prepared for an interview, learned German for travel. They usually talk not only about how to learn German quickly, but also about their main mistakes, pitfalls, frequently asked questions, useful resources for preparation, etc.

10. Use proven ways to quickly learn German

And finally, we would like to warn you against using techniques in the style of “scout method” or “German in 7 days”: they do not bring the expected results.

Now you know how to quickly learn German if you need to prepare for an event. The work ahead will not be easy, but if you work hard, all your efforts will pay off handsomely.

"Guten Tag!" There are no easy languages, but if you really, really want to learn German, you will succeed. The German language is built on logic, with a simple syntax and some borrowed words included in the vocabulary. German, like Danish, English and Dutch, belongs to the Romano-Germanic language family. German and English are closely related languages, so with a little effort and time, you can learn it! Below, read some recommendations on how to learn the language.


Master the Basics

    Start by learning vowels and consonants. The pronunciation of vowels and consonants in German is different from English. Learn the pronunciation of letters first, so that later it will be easier to learn and pronounce words correctly.

    • Notice how the vowels sound when they stand alone and when paired with other vowels. Very similar to English, two vowels together sound different than they do separately.
    • Simply put, consonant sounds can be pronounced differently depending on their position in a word or depending on their combination with other consonants. To pronounce words correctly, learn these pronunciation rules.
    • Don't forget that German has vowels that English doesn't have (Ä Ö Ü ß). If you want to be understood, and if you yourself want to understand everything, you will have to remember the pronunciation of these vowels.
  1. Learn basic vocabulary. Memorize the basic vocabulary so that you have a knowledge base to which you will add the verbs, nouns and adjectives you learn later. Before you travel to Germany or speak to a German, it is important to learn some basic words and expressions.

    • Start with the most important simple words such as "yes", "no", "please", "thank you" and numbers from 1 to 30.
    • Then move on to the expressions “I” (Ich bin), “You” (Du bist), “He/She” (Er/Sie ist), etc.
  2. Learn to write simple sentences. Learn the basic principle of sentence construction. This will not be particularly difficult, since in this regard German is very similar to English. There are some differences. Some of them you will learn at the initial stage, and some later.

    • Germans will generally be able to understand what you are trying to say even if your word order is incorrect. In order to be understood, pronunciation is much more important. So don't worry too much about grammar.

    Further Study

    1. Learn nouns. Once you have memorized a base of words that will allow you to speak German, you will want to know more words. The best place to start is with nouns. Try to start with the most basic and necessary words, the ones that are used in everyday life.

      • Nouns change by gender and by case. As you expand your vocabulary, remember how these categories change a word.
      • It's best to start with nouns about food, things around you in the house, important places in the city, and important people you might need to talk to or find (for example, a doctor, a policeman, etc.).
    2. Learn verbs. You'll also want to learn basic verbs. This will help you get the hang of all those nouns you've memorized! Verbs in German are conjugated. As you expand your vocabulary, you'll have to learn a verb conjugation system.

      • Before learning complex verbs, memorize the most basic ones. Run, walk, jump, stop, fall, be, have, speak, do, receive, etc. To begin with, these words will be most useful. They are easier to remember and use than complex verbs.
    3. Learn adjectives. Once you've mastered nouns and verbs, you'll want to expand your expressions with adjectives. Adjectives also change, so make sure you understand how they are inflected.

      Read. Try reading while you learn all these new words. This way you can not only practice, but also look for new unfamiliar words. Read the simplest books, for example, children's fairy tales. Fairy tales will be easiest for you to understand at an early level.

      Watch movies. Watch movies with subtitles. This way of watching will not only help you fully enjoy the film, but also get used to the sound of the language. This is also a good way to learn basic vocabulary. Try to see how the translation compares with what is being said on the screen.

    We teach in-depth knowledge

      Take classes for advanced language learners. As your knowledge becomes deeper, you will definitely want the lessons to be appropriate to the level you have reached. This will be a new challenge for you. You will become familiar with more complex aspects of the language. Advanced courses are available at local colleges and universities. You can also order an online course from a reputable university such as the Goethe Institute.

      Try studying in Germany. The German government fully encourages cultural exchange. You will discover a huge number of opportunities to study in Germany. Living in Germany will improve your language better than anything else because... you will immerse yourself in the language environment and see how it is applied in practice.

      • You can get to Germany through an exchange program from your school or university, or you can apply for admission to a school or university in Germany. You will be issued a student visa, which will allow you to stay in the country, and the tuition fees will be lower than in many other places. You can also find a job instead of going to school. If you are young enough, you can even work as a nanny or help with housework. English-speaking nannies are in high demand in Germany.
    1. Make friends with a German. By making friends with a German, you will have the opportunity to practice your German, ask how words are pronounced correctly or use grammar, learn new words, and also get to know another culture. You can chat with them online, call them via Skype, or try to find local Germans (exchange students at your university).

      Read as much as possible. Read everything you can get your hands on. Try to read more complex texts to develop your vocabulary. You can read anything, but choose texts with correct grammar and spelling to read. This will help you learn the language properly.

      • You can read German newspapers and magazines online. For example, Der Zeit, Frankfurter Rundschau or Der Spiegel (considered a little easier to read than newspapers).
    2. Watch movies without subtitles. You will have to understand the language without relying on a ready-made translation. You may not understand all the words right away, but over time you will understand more and more. This can be a good way to learn non-standard vocabulary because... you will become familiar with a language that you do not encounter in daily conversations.

    3. As with any other language: practice and practice again. Try to completely immerse yourself in the German language and use it as much as possible every day.
    4. Don't take too long breaks between learning a language. Pauses can cause you to forget what you covered. Try to study for 2-3 hours and practice the language every day.
    5. Look up any unfamiliar word you hear or see in the dictionary. Carry a notebook with you at all times and write down words in it; if you don’t have time to look in a dictionary now, look them up later. Even if you're not sure how to spell a word, Google is pretty good at recognizing misspelled words.
    6. The German language is famous for its long, complicated words (like Pfändungsfreigrenzenbekanntmachung!), but don't be intimidated. After some time, you will get used to the formation and sound of German words. Once you develop the necessary skills, it will be easy for you to understand what parts a complex word is divided into.

I think that first, so that interest in the language does not disappear, it is worth starting with materials that are entertaining and educational at the same time. In this regard, I can advise you this:

1. German is a language that immediately begins with difficulties. The difficulty with this is the articles that determine the gender of the noun, and it - this gender - in German most often does not coincide with Russian (the most famous example here is “das Mädchen” - a girl, which in German is neuter; the article das indicates the gender, and there are also der and die + indefinite ein and eine). So you either have to stupidly memorize ALL nouns along with the articles that belong to them, or use the game "", and it is an excellent tool for memorizing articles (and for replenishing your vocabulary, by the way, too), since they are divided into simple, medium and complex. Don't ignore this game.

Well, I’ll allow myself a little self-promotion) I once wrote short fairy tales on German grammar, and they were published on the de-online website. One of these fairy tales is "". People liked it) Read it, maybe it will somehow help you in learning articles.

5. There is also a good audio course for beginners: " ": consisting of four episodes, it tells the story of student journalist Andreas and his invisible companion Ex. Each series includes 26 lessons with dialogues, exercises and audio materials. There are textbooks for this course (one for each series), which are downloaded separately.

6. As for textbooks, in addition to “German Grammar with a Human Face” (a textbook with pure theory, no exercises), I can also recommend V.V. Yartsev’s textbook “German Grammar? Don’t be afraid!”: it has a very interesting, humorous presentation material in the form of a journey through the forest through different clearings. Exercises are provided for each section, and answers to them are given at the end of the textbook.

7. To memorize irregular verbs - the song " ": these verbs are sung there in rhyme, thanks to which they are perfectly remembered. There are 40 irregular verbs in this song - that's just the beginning.