Pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic 18 with beef. Pilaf in a Panasonic multicooker. Uzbek pilaf in a Panasonic multicooker: step-by-step cooking recipe

Real pilaf is cooked in a cauldron. But if you don’t have a cauldron, this does not mean that you cannot prepare delicious pilaf.

It’s no longer a secret what you can cook pilaf in a slow cooker. And it will turn out no worse than in a cauldron. In a slow cooker, pilaf can also be cooked crumbly. The main thing is to choose the right rice, which will not be overcooked. And the cooking principle here is the same as in a cauldron. The cereal will not be boiled, but stewed.

According to the classic recipe, pilaf is prepared from rice and lamb. However, as this dish conquered countries and continents, many changes were made to the recipe. Instead of lamb, they now use pork, beef, chicken, and even seafood. By the way, the famous Spanish paella can also be considered a type of pilaf. They also make sweet pilaf, in which dried fruits are used instead of meat. And in some national cuisines they managed to replace rice with other cereals: wheat, peas, corn.

But one constant rule remains: pilaf must be cooked in a thick-walled cauldron. For many centuries there was simply no replacement for it, because pilaf cooked in an ordinary pan, in terms of its taste, does not at all correspond to its proud name, no matter how great the chef was preparing it. But more recently, a real revolution took place in the preparation of pilaf. The multicooker, this miracle saucepan, has successfully replaced a huge cauldron in our small-sized kitchens, and pilaf cooked in a slow cooker, is practically in no way inferior to the one that was prepared in a huge cauldron.

Ingredients for pilaf:

  • 300 grams of pork
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 2 multi cups rice
  • 4 multi glasses of water
  • salt and seasonings to taste

How to choose rice for pilaf?
It is better to take long-grain, but large, rice for pilaf. It should not be sticky, crumble and should absorb fat well. Another crumbly pilaf is made from steamed rice. My family likes pilaf more boiled, like porridge, so it’s easier for me. I took round grain.

Peel the carrots and onions. Three carrots on a coarse grater, and finely chop the onion. Sauté the onions and carrots in a multicooker in sunflower oil for 8 minutes in the “baking” mode.

Then add the pork and continue frying for another 20 minutes.

After the signal, add rice and your favorite seasonings.

Pour hot water and mix everything. Turn on the multicooker to the “pilaf” mode.

The pilaf will take about an hour to cook, depending on the amount of water. I got it ready in 40 minutes. After the signal pork pilaf in a slow cooker ready!

Place the pilaf into plates.

Sprinkle with herbs, garnish with cucumbers and serve. Bon appetit!

  • beef – 500g.
  • rice – 2 multi-cups
  • water – 4 multi-cups
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • onions – 2 pcs.
  • garlic – 7-8 cloves
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
  • salt and spices to taste

Many people believe that only an Uzbek man can cook real pilaf. I will not argue. But in our family I cook pilaf! Or rather, my assistant and I are using a Panasonic-18 multicooker. My beef pilaf in a slow cooker turns out crumbly, soaked in meat juice and onion-carrot aroma, and the meat just melts in your mouth. All signs of real pilaf are observed. And the taste, the taste cannot be described in words!

Today I advise readers of the site to try to cook it themselves, and even a novice housewife can do this, because the recipe for pilaf is quite simple, and cooking in a slow cooker is a pleasure. If you have already prepared the listed ingredients, then let's get started.

Step-by-step cooking process

  1. The meat must be thoroughly washed and cut into medium pieces.

  2. Peel the carrots and grate them on a medium grater.

  3. It is better to chop the onion finely.

  4. Take a multicooker bowl and pour vegetable oil into it and place the meat.

  5. Place vegetables on top.

  6. Add rice.

  7. Add salt.

  8. And fill with water. Remember that the ratio of rice to water should be 1 to 2. That is, if you take two glasses of rice, then you should pour twice as much water - four glasses. I always use the multi-cups that come with the multicooker.

  9. Drown peeled garlic cloves in rice. This will give the finished dish additional taste and aroma. All that remains is to turn on the multicooker and select the desired mode. I cook pilaf in a Panasonic-18 multicooker. I select the “Pilaf” mode. The time in this mode is set automatically. That’s it, our mission is completed, the multicooker will do the rest of the work itself.

  10. After about an hour, we will hear a sound signal, symbolizing the readiness of the dish. Open the lid and enjoy the amazing aroma of freshly prepared pilaf. Mix thoroughly. Now our dish is completely ready, you can put it on plates and serve!

Beef pilaf turns out very tasty, the aroma of garlic and spices flies throughout the kitchen, and the meat in it is incredibly tender and juicy. In general, cooking pilaf in a slow cooker is a pleasure.

Now you know how simple, easy, and most importantly quickly it is to cook pilaf with beef in a slow cooker, so be sure to please your family and prepare pilaf according to this recipe for your next family dinner - your family will appreciate your efforts.

Bon appetit!

Pilaf is one of everyone’s favorite dishes - just like many others, it can be cooked in a slow cooker. The “Miracle Pan” will allow you to do this without unnecessary hassle. "Panasonic" will definitely turn out tasty and aromatic, will not burn or boil over. You can go about your business while this assistant is preparing dinner for you.

I would like to describe a method common among modern housewives of preparing such a dish as pilaf in a Panasonic multicooker, but I will refer to my own

It is most often prepared using pork, which allows it to be fattier and more viscous. But you can change the recipe at your discretion by using a different type of meat. Acceptable from beef, lamb and even poultry. I’ll tell you one of my personal secrets - I like to add imi to the dish instead of meat - one of my teenage son’s favorite dishes. There are recipes even with seafood. Of course, this is a departure from the classic method, but cooking in a slow cooker is also not a standard approach. As you know, real pilaf is prepared in a special vessel - a cauldron.


The composition of products for use in the Panasonic-18 multicooker is usually similar in the recipes of different housewives. First, let's prepare the necessary products. We will need:

Meat (or meat products) - 0.5 kg;

1 onion;

1 carrot;

Vegetable oil;

Rice (2 cups for multicooker);

Water (4 identical glasses);

Salt, spices, garlic or bay leaf.

For spices, you can use a ready-made pilaf seasoning mixture, which is what I usually do. This is an optional condition - you can add spices at your discretion, guided by your taste preferences. As a rule, they add pepper (red, or even hot, in pods), cumin (aka cumin), saffron (to give a golden color to the dish), which can be replaced with the more accessible turmeric, and barberry. But, I repeat, the presence of all these seasonings is not at all necessary. The products are ready, let's move on to the question of how to cook pilaf in a Panasonic multicooker.


The meat must be cut into small pieces. If, using my personal recipe, you cook pilaf from chicken hearts or any other products that are initially small in size, then there is no need to cut them smaller. Finely chop the onion too. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. We wash the rice. By the way, short-grain rice is most often used for pilaf. Preparations for preparing such a dish as pilaf in a Panasonic multicooker are complete! Processing of garlic, if you add it to a dish, is at your discretion. I prefer to put the whole garlic on top, so I don’t peel the garlic, I just peel it off. You can peel and put whole peeled cloves, or you can peel and then chop. Adding garlic to the dish is not necessary.


The most common way to prepare a dish such as pilaf in a Panasonic multicooker is to pre-fry meat, onions and carrots in vegetable oil. To do this, you can first fry the meat and then add the rest of the products to it, or you can immediately place all the listed ingredients in heated oil. You can also fry in a slow cooker using the “Baking” mode. I prefer not to fry meat and vegetables at all - I place them in the multicooker bowl in the following order: meat, onions, carrots, without stirring, raw and start cooking the dish. Prepared rice, salt, spices, garlic and bay leaf are placed on top of the vegetables, and water is poured in. Next - again the approach of your choice. Most often, all the ingredients are mixed. I prefer not to mix, but to leave everything in layers. By the way, in the classic recipe the products are also not mixed. Next, close the lid of the multicooker and set the “Pilaf” mode. The multicooker sets the time in this mode itself. No control over the preparation of the dish is required. This will be done by the “smart saucepan”. All! The dish is ready! Wait for the signal. If you haven't mixed the ingredients, do it now. Leave the pilaf for a few minutes in the heating mode - and you can start your meal.

Difficulty: low
Cooking time: approximately 2 and a half hours (about an hour of preparation, 1 hour 10 minutes of cooking, 30 minutes of heating)
Attempt: 3
Status: final

It's good to have proven recipes. In search of these, I read a lot on the Internet, where in almost every topic dedicated to pilaf, loudmouths set up kilometer-long flames about the fact that real pilaf can only be prepared in a cauldron from purely Uzbek ingredients... I began to wonder why those who are so impatient to express themselves profusely without holding back They don’t go to punch public catering in the face instead of wastefully littering the Internet. I have at hand only a Soviet electric stove with broken rheostats and a faulty oven, a slow cooker and food from the nearest “crossroads”; I have no claims to the authenticity of the pilaf, but I have a fair appetite. In short, our fake pilaf will be kept in the following proportions: meat-rice-carrots-onions-oil (fat) 3:3:3:2:1, water by volume to rice approximately 5:3. Of the spices, only cumin is important (another name is cumin, 1 tbsp per kg of rice). Special varieties of rice for pilaf are not sold in stores, so if you always have on hand, you can take long-grain rice, for example Indica Gold (supplied by Mistral). A very successful recipe was found by Andrey (Andyvit) on the Multicooker.ru forum, I only slightly increased the amount of rice and water.
Everything worked on the first try:


  • rice - two multi-cups (290g)
  • meat - 300g (I had lean pork shoulder in the freezer)
  • vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons (75 ml, more can be done, olive oil can be used)
  • carrots - one large carrot or two small ones (mine weighed 280g)
  • onion - one large onion or two small ones (mine weighed 240g)
  • zira - 1/2 tsp. (the rest of the spices are not absolutely necessary, but are desirable)
  • turmeric - a pinch (a little bit on the tip of a knife - this is a strong spice for color and astringency, and, let me remind you: TURMERIC DOES NOT REMOVE!)
  • hot red pepper - 1/4 tsp. (more is possible: spiciness is a matter of taste)
  • barberry - 1/3 tsp.
  • ground coriander - 1/4 tsp.
  • salt - 1+3/4 tsp. (two possible)
  • garlic - 3 .. 4 cloves (not pictured, I remembered it at the last minute)
  • water - 3.5 multi-cups (600ml)
Apart from a multicooker (Panasonic SR-TMH10), nothing else is needed.

Cut the meat into 3-4 large pieces.

Heat a frying pan with oil, add the meat there, turn while frying for 10..15 minutes

While the meat is fried, chop the onion into medium rings or half rings

Add the onion to the meat and fry, stirring, for about 15 minutes

While the meat and onions are cooking, cut the carrots into strips (or grate them on a coarse grater, I prefer stripes).

Add the carrots to the meat and onions, fry for another 15 minutes, stirring

While the meat with onions and carrots are fried, measure out the spices and also add 3/4 tsp. salt. Mash the zira with your fingers.
(at 12 o'clock salt, clockwise - cumin, barberry, turmeric, hot red pepper, coriander). Mix everything.

When the carrots are sufficiently fried, turn everything over in the frying pan, sprinkle a mixture of salt and spices on top, add a tablespoon of water, simmer everything together for about five minutes without stirring anything.

Now the frying is finally ready. Next, you need to carefully transfer it into the multicooker bowl (you can fry it in the multicooker itself in the “baking” mode, but I find it much more convenient in a frying pan - and the view is better and there is more space, and you are not afraid of scratching the multicooker bowl, which costs one and a half thousand and is ordered in advance for three four months). The frying pan is not cast iron, but ceramic, so I didn’t risk overheating the oil in it.

Rinse the rice in 3..4 waters.

Peel a few cloves of garlic from the top layer of dirty peel.

Carefully pour the rice over the meat with vegetables and spices without stirring anything, and also carefully pour 3.5 multi-cups of water, salted 1 tsp, along the side of the saucepan with honey. salt, stick in the garlic cloves.

Turn on the "Pilaf" program.
My multicooker worked for 1 hour 10 minutes (with a load close to the maximum, since the contents were 4.5 cups). After the cooking was finished, I opened the lid, it turned out like this:

Discard the garlic, carefully (with a soft silicone spatula (so as not to damage the surface of the bowl)) dig out the meat (be careful, it’s hot!), cut it into small pieces for one bite.

Return the chopped meat back to the saucepan, mix everything thoroughly with the same soft spatula, leave for half an hour...an hour on heating.

It takes at least half an hour for everything to simmer, mix, simmer and dry a little. The final look is something like this:

There are many pilaf recipes for each multicooker. If you choose an option suitable for a certain brand of appliances or even model, you can prepare a more tasty and correct recipe. There are a lot of pilaf recipes for Panasonic multicookers. An undoubted advantage of most devices sold in the CIS is the presence of the “Pilaf” mode, in which the dish turns out very tasty and aromatic.

What you need to cook pilaf in a Panasonic multicooker

To prepare pilaf with chicken, pork, lamb or vegetables in the Panasonic 18 or Panasonic 10 multicooker, which are most often found on sale, you should select a standard set of components. There are no differences with the classic cooking process.

Important! The preparation of the products is more important than their selection specifically for the multicooker: the rice must be washed until the water is perfectly clear, the meat must be cut into pieces, and the onions and carrots into cubes, strips, and half rings.

There is only one small exception - carrots for cooking in a slow cooker can be grated. However, only if the vegetables are not pre-fried in a frying pan.

Long grain rice is suitable for the Panasonic multicooker: white, steamed, from any company. But many chefs speak negatively about round-grain cereals. Devzira rice, recognized as the standard for preparing a traditional Uzbek dish, is also poorly suited for pilaf. Instead, you can make pilaf from basmati or jasmine varieties.

How to cook pilaf in a Panasonic 18 multicooker

To cook pilaf in a Panasonic model 18 multicooker, you will need a classic set of components. It can be supplemented at your discretion:

  • 600 g of meat (any kind, you can take chicken, but then the cooking time will be reduced);
  • 2-3 carrots, so that there is no more than 500-600 g;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • cumin, turmeric, barberry, coriander, saffron, black or red pepper - to taste, no more than 2 tbsp. l. for the specified number of products;
  • 2 cups rice;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. oil for frying, you can take a little more if you want to get fatty pilaf.

Ideally, pilaf should be cooked with lamb, but even Uzbeks often replace traditional meat with beef. The main thing is to follow technology. When prepared in a slow cooker, it is very simple.

First, make zirvak by first washing and soaking 2 cups of rice in cold water. Meat for zirvak is cut into small pieces. If there is too much fat, it is better to cut it out and add it to the pan to melt. Carrots are cut into strips up to 3-4 mm thick, and onions into small cubes.

While the vegetables are being chopped, oil and lard are heated in a frying pan. You can use the multicooker bowl for frying in the “Baking” mode. When the multicooker heats up in the specified mode, fry the pieces of meat over high heat.

Advice! If you want to get a more delicate taste, add meat to vegetables last: first fry the onion, then the carrots for 3-4 minutes, add pieces of lamb.

When the zirvak is ready, add the prepared spices. If you use barberry, try grinding it into powder, then the slight sourness will be general, and not partial, as when adding whole berries. Mix the zirvak well, and place a layer of rice on top, from which all the liquid has been drained.

After this, fill the mixture with water so that it is 1 cm above the cereal. There is no need to stir anymore, but add the liquid carefully, along the side, or using a slotted spoon. If you add water quickly, it will wash out the pilaf.

Set the “Pilaf” mode, which is available in the multicooker model, and close the lid tightly. The dish will take about 50 minutes to prepare; after finishing, the device will beep. Leave the pilaf to sit for another 10-15 minutes so that the aroma is better absorbed. Open the lid, stir, serve.

Recipe with dried fruits

If you are tired of traditional pilaf recipes, try making an unusual version with dried fruits:

  • prepare 8 pcs. figs, 10 pcs. dried apricots, 10 pcs. prunes, 80 g raisins;
  • you will need 410 ml of water;
  • 360 g rice;
  • 1-2 carrots;
  • 5 g turmeric, salt.

In this version, pilaf is prepared without using meat, but you can add pre-fried chicken to it. So, start cooking by washing the rice, then soak it in water for 2 hours.

The carrots are grated using a slicer for Korean salad, the raisins are washed. The multicooker bowl needs to be greased with vegetable oil, put raisins and carrots on the bottom, and then cut the remaining dried fruits into small pieces and add to the preparation.

Pour 5 g of turmeric, put soaked rice on top, sprinkle with salt. Water is poured over the wall and the “Pilaf” mode is turned on. It will take about 40 minutes to prepare, after which the dish needs to stand for another 20-25 minutes so that the dried fruits and rice are well steamed.

Chicken recipe

You can cook pilaf with chicken in a Panasonic multicooker. It is better to use chicken legs or a combination of gray and white meat for this. The dish turns out nutritious and simple.

Components! Take 1.5 cups of steamed rice, 500 g of chicken legs and 2 pcs. large carrots. You will need 2 onions, pickled tomato. For spices, be sure to use salt, black pepper, and cumin.

Before cooking, rinse the rice well and soak it for 10-20 minutes. The legs also need to be washed, dried, removed from the skin, or cut into large pieces along with it. After this, start cooking:

  1. Peel canned tomatoes. Large fruits need to be removed from the skin and chopped with a knife or blender.
  2. Preparing vegetables. Carrots are cut into strips, and onions – into half rings or cubes.
  3. Zirvak processing. The multicooker bowl is heated, chicken legs, onions and carrots are placed there, filled with water and salted. When the food boils, cover the lid and simmer in the “Pilaf” mode for about 25 minutes.
  4. Laying rice and tomatoes. After the first stage, add chopped tomato and simmer for another 10 minutes. Then lay out a layer of steamed rice, add water, but not much. Cover and simmer in the “Pilaf” mode for another 30 minutes.

Usually this amount of time is enough to prepare perfect pilaf.

Cooking process in Panasonic 10

Cooking pilaf in the Panasonic 10 multicooker is just as easy as in the older model. There is a “Pilaf” mode and sufficient steaming power is provided. To get a delicious dish, use the following combination of ingredients:

  • 300 g lamb or pork;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 150-200 g of onion, more possible;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • seasoning mixture in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. for the specified set of components (sumac, cumin, barberry, red pepper, thyme, coriander, turmeric);
  • 1.5 cups rice;
  • 2.6 glasses of water;
  • 3 cloves of garlic.

Water and rice are measured in multicooker cups. You will also need salt - no more than 1 tsp, it is better to add it after cooking. Follow the recipe step by step:

  1. Cut the onion into half rings, turn the multicooker to “Baking” mode and fry the vegetable for 3-4 minutes. Carrots can be cut into cubes or strips and fried with onions for 6-8 minutes.
  2. Cut the meat into pieces, add to the vegetables, fry on different sides for 5-7 minutes. Vegetables must be moved towards the center, on top of the meat, so that they do not burn.
  3. After the meat is covered with an appetizing crust, you need to turn on the “Stew” mode and add salt, spices, 2-3 tbsp. l. water. After 10 minutes, turn the meat over and continue cooking the pilaf for 10 minutes. In standard mode, the cooking time is set to 1 hour, you should follow the screen.
  4. When the time is up, add rice and garlic cloves and add water. Now you can put the dish to stew in the “Pilaf” program. When the device beeps, remove the meat and cut into cubes, place back in the rice. If the pieces are initially cut very finely, skip this step.

The pilaf should stand in the hot bowl for another 20-30 minutes before serving.

Unusual pilaf options for Panasonic

An unusual and tasty pilaf can be prepared using vegetables, fish and aromatic sets of spices. All modes in the Panasonic multicooker are well developed, so it’s easy to experiment by combining the “Pilaf” and “Stewing” or “Baking” programs.

Lenten recipe

You don't always want to eat dishes using meat. But this is not necessary: ​​delicious pilaf is made from various cereals and vegetables. It can be included in the diet while following a diet, and the addition of aromatic ingredients perfectly diversifies the diet:

  • take 2 cups long grain rice;
  • 3 onions, 4 carrots;
  • 3 quince fruits;
  • a glass of chickpeas;
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. barberry;
  • 80-100 ml oil;
  • black pepper and rosemary to taste.

Before turning on the multicooker, rinse the chickpeas and fill them with hot water for 2 hours, cover with a lid. Rice grains are washed well and also soaked, but 30 minutes before starting active cooking.

The carrots are cut into strips, the onions are chopped, the quinces are cut into cubes up to 1x1 cm in size. In the “Frying” mode, the multicooker is heated, sunflower oil is poured, the carrots and onions are fried. While the vegetables are roasting, boil the water.

Add quince and chickpeas to the vegetables, add spices. Pour 1.5 cups of boiling water over the zirvak and simmer for 30 minutes in the “Rice” mode. Add boiling water so that it is 2 cm higher than the level of the cereal. Turn on the “Pilaf” mode, cover with a lid and cook for 30-40 minutes until the program turns itself off.

Before serving, pilaf should stand for 10-15 minutes in the switched off appliance.

Fish pilaf

Rice goes well with any fish, but it is better to cook pilaf using red species - salmon:

  • 400 g long grain rice;
  • 0.5 kg of red fish, preferably fatty;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Before cooking, rinse the fish, remove bones and skin. The meat should be cut into cubes or pieces 3-4 cm. The onion is cut into small pieces, and the rice is soaked 30 minutes before turning on the multicooker.

Preheat the device in the “Frying” mode, add butter to the bottom. When the fat melts, add the onion and fry for 7-10 minutes. After this, put the fish pieces into the device and mix well. While the fish is frying, boil the kettle.

It's time to season the zirvak with salt and pepper, place rice on top and pour boiling water 1-2 cm above the level of the cereal. Now you can cover the multicooker lid, turn on the “Pilaf” mode and simmer the dish until the device beeps.

Recipe with chicken and vegetables

A very tasty version of pilaf is obtained when cooked with canned or frozen vegetables:

  • take 1 kg of chicken fillet (thigh and white meat);
  • 2 cups rice;
  • 3 onions and 2 carrots;
  • 100 g of corn and 100 g of frozen peas;
  • 50 g vegetable oil;
  • to taste: cumin, turmeric, salt, pepper.

Before cooking, the rice is washed and soaked in water. The onion needs to be cut into cubes, the chicken into squares, and the carrots into strips.

Turn on the “Fry” program, add oil to the bottom of the bowl and fry the chopped vegetables. Then add the pieces of meat and fry for another 10-15 minutes, stirring, until a nice crust appears.

After this, you can put corn and peas and seasonings in the bowl. Mix the zirvak thoroughly and add a layer of rice, pour in cool water without washing out the cereal. Turn on the Pilaf program. The dish will be ready in about 50 minutes. Leave it to brew and then serve on plates.

Advice! Use goose meat instead of chicken - the pilaf will be very tasty, aromatic and fattier. Also, when preparing zirvak, you can remove the corn and peas and add prunes.

The Uzbek dish in the Panasonic multicooker, as when using other devices, turns out to be aromatic due to the possibility of using the “Pilaf” program. There is no need to invent anything and try different modes, just press 1 button, and after preparing zirvak you will get a quick and very appetizing pilaf.