How damage is removed. Simple ways to eliminate damage yourself. By destroying the lining

I personally, the magician Sergei Artgrom, perceive the question of whether to remove the damage as rhetorical, since it does not require an answer, because the answer is obvious. I was damaged and how to remove it - that’s what will be discussed in this material, where I will offer several effective rituals for eliminating negativity. Any energetic and magical (ritual) negativity, be it evil eyes, curses, etc., must be removed. But how exactly and with what help to remove damage is a matter of each specific case.

Is it possible to remove damage - how negativity is removed in different magical traditions

Here we can talk about rituals and methods of eliminating black negativity, how to remove the evil eye, and how to remove the most severe damage.

  • The white magician turns to the Powers of the Christian egregor,
  • The Warlock summons Demons or speaks to the dead,
  • A sorcerer working with the Slavic Vedic Gods calls on this Power,
  • The runologist relies on the power of the ancient Runes and the Gods of the North,
  • Representatives of the Wiccan tradition rely on the magical Forces of Nature.

His actions will depend on the tradition in which the magician practices, under the protection of which egregor he is, but if the negative is diagnosed, definitely it is necessary to remove the damage. You can’t leave everything as it is, you can’t live a damn life that’s not your own. In order for the soul to walk its path and fulfill, it is necessary to be clean both externally and internally.

And I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would like to immediately note that there are still people who are afraid of damage like fire. It is to these people that all kinds of negativity stick best -

  • damage caused intentionally,
  • negative passing with translation,
  • picked up at the crossroads,
  • in crowd,
  • from the wind,
  • evil eyes and so on.

And who, as soon as possible, begin to rush around and shout: help remove the damage for free. There is no free magic. For neither people nor spirits do anything for nothing. Even if you don’t go to a real magician for help, but do everything yourself, then you will have to pay. The sorcerer pays with his life force, spiritual energy, and also buys gifts for Helpers, without this there is no way.

But where to remove the damage from a person, you decide for yourself.

This can be done both in places of Power and at home, depending on the chosen cleansing method. Here is one of the rituals of black annealing - cleaning the negative with the help of fire. Annealing in Russian witchcraft is widespread; magicians often use them when they need to quickly remove damage.

How to remove damage yourself correctly - use a black candle to ward off grief

If you sense something wrong, do a magical diagnosis. And it happens that the knowledge that it will be bad arises on its own (clairvoyance), then to ward off trouble from yourself, not to allow damage to stick, you can use this spell to remove damage at home.

List of what to take for the ritual of removing black energy from yourself:

  • black wax candle
  • flat plate

On Tuesday evening the ritual must be done. Draw 3 equilateral crosses in a row on a plate with soot, and place a candle in the middle of the middle cross. Then light the candle. When the candle lights up, stomp on the floor three times with your left foot, and stomp with your right foot three times.

And after that, read a strong conspiracy to remove damage 7 times:

“Just as they remember the dead with a church candle, they coo with their saints with a black candle. The knock to the left will disperse three times, and a regiment of devils will turn up for me, and with each devil it will happen that the destinies of the parish will change. Yes, God’s plan will change, but what was badly foretold, and what was destined for me as a tearful destiny, then today it will change like devils, and it will be thrown a hundred miles away from me. Yes, every devil will be like a wall, yes, every devil will be at my mercy, yes, he will be killed by the fire of a black candle, and if he throws himself, he will be picked up by devils, and he will throw himself into the fire of a black candle, and will be destroyed in this fire, and the woeful prophecy will be destroyed. Yes, everything will be covered with devils, yes, every disastrous path will be covered, yes, yes, yes, it will be settled by the devils, yes, it will be overcome by the fire of a black candle, and every grief will be overcome. This is written in a black book, but it was done by me, but fate changed it in the course of time. Made by witch fire. Amen".

In this witchcraft method of removing damage, the spell is pronounced 7 times; before each reading, the magician stomps on the floor, first with his left foot, then with his right. Then the Demons-Helpers will be thrown away in a bad way, and will burn in the flame of a black candle. Do not extinguish the candle; the candle must burn out completely. And hide that plate in the house, it will be a talisman against witchcraft defilement. If the task is not to remove negativity from yourself, but remove damage from another person, then in the spell the pronouns “mine” and “me” are omitted, and the name of the one from whom the damage must be removed must be pronounced.

Here is another good annealing method that allows you to independently remove damage using black magic. This ritual is called “Remove the allotment for the fire.” The assignment is negative, of course, i.e. black damage.

Using your own fire to remove black damage

Take note of my advice from the magician Sergei Artgrom for removing severe damage. They perform the ritual in the open air, in a place of Power, on the edge of a forest, for example. Magic ritual really allows remove damage yourself, without calling upon infernal Helpers. For this ritual you need to collect branches for the fire from 7 different types of wood. The ceremony takes place at midnight. If everything is done correctly, then there will be a good result. You can do it both for yourself and for another person.

Walk the patient around the fire counterclockwise (from right to left).

“Even if it’s an ardent fire, it’s a real fire, sometimes it’s applied to the body, sometimes it’s put into the soul, so it will be measured out, but everything will be burned badly. Now the depravity is asked, then the wickedness will hide, then the blackness will be moderated, then the cursed will reconcile, then everything will get off, then everything will fall back, like the seven-born fireman, and in the process (name) is good. Amen".

Reviews from those people who removed damage through fire

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that annealing is used in almost all traditions of Russian and Western witchcraft. The methods of reproducing magical actions differ, while the essence of cleansing with fire remains unchanged. Fire is a very powerful pure Element. Often the fire works on its own, with minimal intervention from the magician.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Where can I remove black damage with fire?

Annealing with candles can be done at home, while in places of Power they independently perform rituals with a large amount of fire - a fire or several fires, as required by a specific ritual of cleansing from negativity. With the help of fire, you can clean yourself, or another person, or remove damage from your home yourself. The flame cleanses, burns out all the slander, and the witchcraft words of the spell reinforce and complete what has been started.

What happens when damage is removed by fire?

Of course, there will be no bright, impressive special effects. The cleaning object can:

  1. start yawning
  2. may feel tired
  3. pain,
  4. desire to stop the ritual.

This is a great temptation, however, cleansing, and preferably complex cleansing, must always be completed, even if the one from whom the negative is removed has a large loss of energy, or some ailments are getting worse. You need to endure this, then it will be easier.

Any magical negativity is resisted, and painful or uncomfortable manifestations are the result of resistance to corruption against elimination. Strong damage done by professional magicians has fastenings and locks - these are special rituals and conspiracies carried out in conjunction with the ritual of causing damage. This is done so that it is difficult to recognize and remove. In order to eliminate black negativity, in order to effectively remove the most severe damage, it is first necessary to demolish the locks and protections, after which the turn of the directly destructive program begins.

Of course, to do it yourself recognize damage and remove it, you need to have knowledge and practical skills of such work. If you have never done magical cleansing rituals yourself before, start with simple ones in a technical sense, such as annealing or salt cleansing. You can find out whether the damage has been removed using determination rituals, personal feelings, and current events.

You can choose the cleanings yourself. Only the result is important. If you are not close to the black tradition of witchcraft, you can try to remove the damage with white magic. White magicians also have many different types of cleansing through diligent prayer and the power of the Christian egregor.

Where can you remove black damage - demonic cleansing at the crossroads

By applying this ritual yourself, you can remove old damage from a person. The ritual itself is good, but I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would do it in combination, especially if the negative is really serious - an old one, or a strong, generational curse. If you want to remove the damage yourself, do this ritual. The result will depend on how good your connection with demons is.
You can remove such negativity as bad luck and a series of troubles, or you can reprimand a person for illness, and even for death from cemetery damage. To remove the return flow, this ritual is also suitable. Good for ambulances when there is fresh witchcraft negativity, and need to remove the damage quickly. They cast a spell on the full moon, at the crossroads. To work you need to have:

  1. nickel
  2. ransom to the Demon (ask about the ransom using any method of fortune telling available to you)

At a pedestrian intersection, you need to stand up, throw a nickel at your feet, and step on it with your left foot. Turn to face the moon and look at the lunar disk.

Read the plot 1 time in a whisper to remove damage using black magic:

“I don’t do it with the Lord’s cross, but I condemn it as a road spread, and I whisper to my mother’s moon. Yes, if a whisper is heard, then let the walker of the cross appear, and now he will buy himself with a nickel, and now he will intercede for me. Yes, if this is happening now, then the disease will disappear from me a mile away, then the witch will not pray to me, then the witcher will not chase me, then the dead man will not cling to me, then the ghoul will not stick to me, then the asp will not get under my feet. Yes, since now, it’s been released in four ways. Now I was driven away by the rush, now I was driven into a swampy swamp, now I was burned into a black coffin, now I was condemned by the moon, now I was condemned into a black stone, now the curse was taken from me, then the damage was removed from me, then the curse was taken away from me. This deed is sacred, bought with a nickel, bought with a coin. Amen".

How to remove strong damage to illness and failure through a cemetery using an egg

Here's how to properly remove damage caused by physical illnesses, as well as failures associated with induced negativity. To do this you need to prepare:

  • a black chicken egg, or an egg with a dark shell color
  • a piece of black natural fabric
  • commemoration of the dead and gifts to the owners of the cemetery

Immediately after midnight, if you need to remove damage to illness or death, put an egg on the fire to cook.

While the egg is boiling, read a plot to remove negativity from a person 3 times:

“The black bird Likhaimitsa, with two wings, with troubles, with bad luck, with dull melancholy, with dull misfortune, unhooked, turned away, curled up, fell, rolled off me (name) into the grave. Roll off my body, from my road, from small paths, from my footprints and from my bones, let loose from people and animals. Go to the grave, to the black earth, to the sleeping corpse, go, put the shaking bad luck and black bad luck into the grave. Amen".

The egg is taken out of the water, placed on a piece of cloth, and left like that until the morning. Early in the morning and left (not buried, but simply laid) at the head of a fresh grave. They leave without looking back. All work is carried out according to the rules of cemetery witchcraft. An independent ritual is not entirely designed to remove damage on your own, although the first part of the ritual is indeed performed at home, and spell to remove damage, read at home. In the second part, the powerful power of the cemetery is activated, which makes this ritual strong and complete.

Damage is a purposeful influence on another living being with the aim of destroying his life, relationships, and happiness. People who believe in God, atheists, and skeptics have to learn how to remove damage. You should use magical methods to remove damage from yourself carefully, so as not to harm yourself even more.

How to remove damage yourself? At home, only rituals are carried out with understandable words of conspiracies, with simple attributes and sacrifices that are safe for the whole family. Under no circumstances should a beginner use complex multi-stage rituals.

Damage caused by the enemy

Every person can remove damage if he understands exactly how the negative program works. Damage is caused to another person due to hatred and anger. Strong negative feelings provide special fuel for the negative program. With the help of even a simple evil eye, you can destroy the victim and turn his life into hell.

It is very difficult to remove damage fueled by black magic (cemetery or Good Friday) without preparation. The faster the victim discovers the negative program, the faster it will be possible to remove the damage without consequences. A curse on a loved one: son, daughter, husband or friend, can be removed from a distance. A woman performs a secret ritual at home without witnesses, without extra pairs of eyes and ears.

To carry out the ritual, you need to stay at home, go to the road or into the forest: each conspiracy is read only in the conditions created by the conspirator. Compliance with all the rules for conducting secret actions will allow you to return the negative program to the customer: you cannot cast spells when you are feeling unwell, talk about secret actions to strangers, and rush to perform the ritual.

How to determine damage

It is no coincidence that any negativity appears in a person’s home. With the help of the simplest rituals, it will be possible to find out not only about the presence of the evil eye, but also about the identity of the enemy who is bringing trouble to the house. The warlock's evil eye, the negativity brought on by a newcomer (an enemy filled with hatred and anger), carries consequences that are difficult to get rid of. The faster a person makes a magical diagnosis of the causes of failures and losses, the faster he will return joy and happiness to his own home.

To determine the negative, the simplest methods are used:

  1. Using ordinary salt, the house (walls, furniture, windows and doors) is washed. After general cleaning, if a person has a curse, a sign will appear to the victim. A clear omen of great trouble.
  2. With the help of holy water and candles you will be able to find the lining. Late at night, a magical ritual is performed to determine the evil eye. A man walks through the entire house with a candle in his hands and watches the fire. If a candle in a room begins to smoke, there is negativity in the house, and it affects all household members.
  3. To determine damage, a magic pendulum is cast, which will indicate dangerous places in the house (with accumulated negativity).

With the help of ordinary salt, water brought from the temple, and candles, you can find out about the danger before you fail to reverse the consequences of the damage. Before carrying out such rituals, you need to visit the store and stock up on the simplest attributes. Helping yourself is not difficult if you are not afraid to open up to new knowledge.

How to get rid of damage

What can a simple person do at home? If it was possible to find severe damage, or the damage manifested itself in obvious changes in the behavior of household members (alienation of partners, unhealthy atmosphere in the family, constant causeless quarrels and illnesses of children), then you should immediately find ways to destroy the negativity. The simplest but most effective rituals are performed at home:

  • a ritual to remove damage to the waning moon;
  • candle ritual;
  • three-day ritual in church;
  • spell for water.

The success of the entire event lies in the conditions that were created, in the inner mood of a person, in his belief in magic. Charms do not work for a person who doubts himself. If the destruction of life and all its spheres is not stopped in a timely manner, it will no longer be possible to reverse the consequences in one moment. Every minute is important for the victim while he is under the influence of the evil eye.

Choosing a Ritual

There comes a time in every person’s life when he must take responsibility: for failures, for successes, for moments of inaction. If damage affects a person for a long period of time, and the victim makes no attempts to free himself from trouble, then such a man or woman does not deserve to be released. The chosen ritual that is performed for oneself must be fueled with one’s own energy only by one’s own inner strength.

Conspiracies are selected depending on the following factors:

  • duration of the curse (how long the negativity destroys the victim’s life);
  • the victim's well-being;
  • can the victim perform the ritual independently?

Only people with strong energy remove damage from themselves. Weak individuals are unable to select strong rituals for liberation from the evil eye. After you have managed to find out the name of the enemy, it is not enough just to remove the damage from yourself, all the negativity must be returned to the customer - a return spell is selected for the ill-wisher. Rituals are selected according to the capabilities and desires of the victim. Performing multi-stage rituals with powerful attributes is dangerous for a beginner.

Candle spell

A ritual does not always require a large amount of water or other attributes. The simplest necessary spell is read on a candle. Candles are brought from the church or bought in an ordinary magic shop. This conspiracy does not use black magic, so a person can be confident in his own safety. It is not worth performing the ritual yourself without additional protection. A runic stave or talisman will help protect your own biofield while reading a plot.

You will be able to remove someone else's dark magic yourself on days when the Moon is waning. It is during this period that the work of all spells that destroy spells intensifies. Both women and men can cure themselves and return damage to the customer. Careful preparation for an important ceremony is carried out independently.

What is needed for the ceremony

Special attributes will help you carry out the ceremony yourself, which will only enhance the work of the main plot. For damage done, a ritual is performed that will help free oneself from the shackles of the curse. To do it yourself you will need:

  • 7 candles;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • glass of water.

In order for the spell to remove damage, it is necessary to cast magical attributes in advance. To do this, you will need to read the words of the Lord’s Prayer on candles for three days in a row. For yourself, your own wealth, in order to work off the damage done, you need to visit the church in advance, confess from all sins and ask for help from higher powers.

Working off damage

For yourself and your own safety, it is necessary to work off the damage done, and the faster the victim finds a way to free himself, the less consequences there will be. If after a home ritual the evil eye was not sufficiently removed, and instead of relief the victim felt emptiness, the ritual should be repeated. With the help of a spell for 7 candles, it will be possible to remove the crown of celibacy, restore family harmony, and remove bad luck. An Orthodox ritual is carried out using a photograph if the victim knows the name of the enemy.

The ritual is carried out in several successive stages:

  1. Purchased candles (brought from a temple or church) will help work out the negative program you have made if you charge them with the necessary energy in advance. To do this, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer over magical attributes for three days. All preparations should be carried out in secret.
  2. For photography, a similar ritual is carried out; if possible, a recent photograph should be taken (the success of the entire ritual depends on the date of the photograph).
  3. As soon as the sun sets, the conspirator is left alone. He won't need any help. The first candle is lit, and its fire should be passed along the body from top to bottom. Purifying himself with fire, a person reads a prayer addressed to the Mother of God or “Our Father.”
  4. In places where the candle smokes heavily, negativity has accumulated. For these zones, new candles are used. A man reads the words of the conspiracy:

“Take the trouble away from me, return it to the one who managed to harm. Let him receive his gifts back. Let the mob go, let grace come. Amen".

If the damage was removed the first time, it is possible to quickly restore your past life. The remaining cinders should be taken to the church and left at the icon of the saint whose name the victim bears.

If there is such an opportunity, after the conspiracy, you need to sprinkle wax on the photo of the person who ordered the curse, and then take the cinders to his threshold. According to Islam and Orthodoxy (conspiracies of a grandmother-healer or healer), there are several similar rituals with candles that can only be performed on the waning moon.

Three-day ritual

If other types of rituals have not removed the negativity or partially removed the damage, you should use a powerful conspiracy that is read for exactly three days in a row. The ceremony must be performed before the new moon. In the morning you need to go to church and stand through the entire service. There are several icons where you can ask for help and blessings:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Savior Jesus Christ;
  • Mother of God.

For each icon you need to put three candles. It would be a good idea to make a small donation, which will help remove the damage.

As soon as the conspirator leaves the church, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

Ways to remove damage from people, severe damage

Ways to remove damage from people, a spell against damage

The simplest magical attributes will help you remove damage from yourself:

  • a pinch of regular table salt;
  • glass of water;
  • Matchbox.

Only those individuals who believe in magic, in its power and help, will be able to remove damage. The ritual is carried out in strict secrecy so that no one knows about the cleansing secret magical actions.

Reading the plot

You need to throw burnt out matches into a glass of water and light them one at a time. All the time you should recite the words of the spell:

“Good is at the gate, but black evil is gone from you forever. I can live freely, I don’t have to worry.”

After this, you need to wet your finger in water and apply a cross on your forehead. At the end of the ritual, the victim takes three deep sips of the charmed water.

How to remove damage yourself.

Unfortunately, there are many bad people who, without thinking about the consequences, turn to black magicians for help and inflict evil damage and the evil eye.

But don’t immediately despair and run to grandma, I’ll try to help you remove damage and the evil eye at home for free!

There are very good methods rolling out damage with egg and wax; Damage and the evil eye are also removed in church or through prayer. Since the evil eye is weaker than damage,
then you can quickly remove the evil eye with salt and water. I will also tell you how remove the love spell from yourself or your loved one.

How to get rid of damage. Water spell

The easiest way to use holy water for wiping and ingestion or recite prayers on the water that the victim of corruption drinks. Most strong prayers
"Creed" and "Lord's Prayer."
It is also recommended to take water infused with silver or in a silver vessel.

On water to remove spoilage read the plot by typing:

“I take some water to heal myself, to join in with grace. Help me, water, the servant of God (servant of God) (name) to gain strength and save me from evil spirits. Amen."

They wash their faces with this water every morning for 7 days, and when washing they say:

“The water is gone from my face, I’m thin. My enemy will be healthy, and I will be healed.”

Removing the evil eye and damage with wax Our distant ancestors also used candles for protection against evil spirits. To remove damage it is necessary get around
spoiled with a candle
. The ritual is called twisted or twisted. This is done as follows:

The person is placed in the middle of the room. Take a candle in your left hand, stand in front of the corrupted one and say: “In the name of God and the Ancestors.” Then they begin to walk around the person
clockwise, saying:

“I cleanse the child of God (name) from sickness, from pain, from sickness of the womb, from the evil eye, from any infection.”

After this ritual you need go to church and light three candles for the health of ill-wishers.

Herbal amulets to protect against damage

To create a talisman You need to collect the herbs yourself. However, if this is not possible, you can purchase them at a pharmacy or a specialized herbalist store.
You need to collect the following plants with protective properties:
St. John's wort
Try to collect all these five herbs, if you don’t succeed, then at least three. Mix the dried herbs on a clean, white cloth, saying:

“Herbs unite, unite against evil forces.”

Then place the mixture in a woven bag. It is better to use pure cotton. Most suitable color for protection considered red or blue, symbolizing the power of fire or
water. If you want to wear a talisman on your body, then hang it on a silver chain or leather cord.
This amulet protects not only from damage, but also well reflects attempts to cast an average love spell on the wearer.

How to get rid of damage and the evil eye safely?

In some cases, to remove damage it is enough to turn off the channel of incoming negative energy. The amulets described above are suitable for this. However, if there is
the need to remove severe damage, It's better to turn to the church.

Egg rolling

We often hear the expression: “ Someone jinxed him/her" It seems that everything in life is going according to plan, and then for some unknown reason events take a turn for the worse.
a completely different turn. Nothing works out, and failures and troubles fall on a person one after another.
The cause of such events is often damage or the evil eye. A mild evil eye can be removed by such rituals as removing the evil eye with matches, but in severe cases it is considered best rolling out damage
Removing damage is not an easy and responsible task both for the person who will remove it and for the one from whom it will be removed. For this we need: egg,
a glass of water and a candle, which it is advisable to take from the church
. We light a candle, it will serve as our guide and protection.

Why egg? An egg is a unique creation of nature; it is an unborn baby that carries a full set of vital functions. The egg is the future physical body, enclosed
into the shell, which is its protection. Therefore, when removing damage, it is the egg that will absorb your illness.

The peculiarity of rolling out damage with an egg is that this rolling out is also diagnostics of spoilage and makes you understand how much the person has been jinxed.
Take the egg in your right hand and do a few laps clockwise along the patient's head, smoothly move to the back and do the same
do a few laps. If a person has pain in any part of the body, then work on it too. While rolling, read the Lord's Prayer.
The egg absorbed energy waves, including foreign energy interference from your body. Now the person from whom the damage is removed. must break the egg, and
you need to break it with your hands. without the use of foreign objects.

The egg is broken and poured into a glass of water, wait until the yolk settles to the bottom of the glass, and carefully examine it. If the yolk and whites sink to the bottom,
and there are no protein threads stretching to the surface of the water, which means that all fears of causing damage were in vain. Congratulations.
Now let's look at the threads, there can be a lot of situations, one of the most depressing is considered to be when the threads reach the surface and there are still
bubbles, and the more bubbles there are, the stronger the evil eye. It is also worth paying attention to the thickness of the threads, their “fluffiness”. In any case, whatever it is,
if there is damage, then it must be removed.
Damage is removed by the same rolling out of an egg, simply, the stronger the damage, the longer the process of eliminating it will be. To increase the effect, you can put it on overnight
a glass with an egg under the bed at the head of the person from whom the damage is being removed.
Roll out every day about a week, observing the changes occurring with the protein threads. Pour water from the glass into the toilet. The glass itself is also needed
throw it away, under no circumstances should anyone drink from it or use it in any way.
If, over the course of a week, traces of damage are still observed, the removal process still needs to be stopped, otherwise you can destroy your own energy layer. You can repeat the withdrawal in a month.

rolling out an egg - interpretation of the white

Muddy pillars

Sometimes in a glass you can see what appear to be peculiar cloudy pillars, called "karmic pillars" This means that to remove damage you need to work on correcting
sins of our ancestors.

Protein caps

Looking at a glass with an egg, you can see peculiar protein caps.
  • The cap on top of the yolk means that corruption blocks creativity person.
  • Bottom cap - restriction of financial energy: It is difficult for a person to get a job; he always lacks money. On the other hand, it means infertility, impotence and frigidity.

  • protein caps

    Often protein thin columns or cobwebs stretch out. These are signs of damage
    but they are easy to fight. A column or several resembling a fringed jellyfish means that a person is being targeted damage to sadness, failure in family life, failure.

    Judging by these columns, the damage is of moderate severity, which will “torment” a person for about a year, then this energy will dissipate.

    Protein web

    Option when the columns look like the thinnest web, means that the damage was not caused by a professional sorcerer; most likely, this is a person who has just begun to master
    black magic.
    Such damage is easy, and in a year there will be no trace left of her. But the one who caused this damage will not be lucky: according to the law, all negativity returns, but in this case
    case - with 3 times the force.

    Protein spheres

    Damage contained in settling of any entities, pulling
    the vitality from its victim can be seen in the picture when the yolk is enclosed in a white "sphere". If there are several settlers, then there will be the same number of spheres.
    If the protein sphere looks like some kind of animal (for example, a toad or fish), this indicates the introduction of a dead animal.

    Protein in the form of threads with bubbles

    It happens that per person
    Several conspiracies have been committed. This is evidenced by protein in the form of threads(how many there are, so many conspiracies) with bubbles on top.
    The thickness of the threads (their fluffiness) indicates the strength of the hex. How does the person feel? Misfortune suddenly befalls him, diseases that often cannot be diagnosed
    the doctors.

    Black squirrel - damage to death

    If the protein contains black inclusions, this means that it was used in the ritual. burial ground, A the damage is done to death. Who is capable of this?
    An envious person, a person who thinks that something has been taken from him, he wants to completely destroy his victim from the world. The destructive program of this corruption starts on the 21st day and for 365 days
    may take you to your grave.

    Rolling out an egg - yolk

    The egg that damage rolled out, You need to carefully break it and pour it into a glass filled with water. If the yolk and white sink to the bottom, the egg does not contain any
    protein threads, damage and strange inclusions, this indicates that the person is clean and there is no corruption.

    If something is wrong with the egg, you should decipher and interpret signs. Stretching threads, cobwebs, bubbles, specks, nuclei on both sides, and other inclusions are
    signs of damage.

    • You can read about how to roll out damage in the article
      Rolling out damage with an egg
    • And you can find out how to interpret the egg white when rolling out here: Rolling out an egg - interpretation of the egg white

    Broken yolk

    The yolk looks torn into several parts - this indicates that the person had heavy blows from enemies.

    Yolk in the fog

    If the yolk and white look as if in a fog, this means that they have been small conspiracies by a non-professional magician, which are completely removed in several sessions.

    Blood on the yolk

    Hex ritual can be done on blood: human or animal, this can be understood by seeing bloody inclusions near the yolk.

    The yolk looks cooked with black dots

    About spoil to death in agony“they say” white columns with bubbles and black dots, while the yolk around the circumference looks cooked, and in the middle there are spots of gray or
    Green colour.
    The orderer of this ritual is from the inner circle, wanting not only death, but also thirsting for the torment of his victim.

    The yolk looks cooked

  • If you are envious doesn't want to die his victim, but wants to turn his life into sheer torment, then the yolk around the edges will look like it’s boiled, while it is surrounded
    protein columns with bubbles.
  • If there is on the yolk gray spots or greenish, perhaps brown, and there are no columns - this can be deciphered in the same way (life is turned into a complete torment).
  • If there are no columns and the whole yolk looks cooked, it means that such a person is targeted a special type of damage in which he will never be anywhere
    feel free. He will be haunted by the feeling of a closed space, a closed cage, nothing will please him: “I just want to howl like a wolf.”

    Yellow thread from the yolk

    Damage, which leads to cancer -
    This moving in a dead soul a suddenly deceased person who died in an accident, was suddenly killed, or killed himself (suicide).

    The victim’s energy field senses someone else’s energy and tries to reject it, which leads to cancer.

    The glass will tell you about it stretchy yellow thread, coming from the yolk and, at the top of the glass, ending in a yellow bubble. Sometimes the shape of this bubble can be seen
    diseased organ.

    Face in a glass

    A black magic sorcerer can be identified by clear figures. May be considered
    characteristic facial features, who performed the ritual.

    Who causes damage

    As practice shows, most often damage is caused for financial, family well-being or health and, unfortunately, this comes from people you know.
  • Quick spell against the evil eye

    If you feel like you've been jinxed or wished harm on you and you don't have time to do a cleansing ritual, be sure to read this quick evil eye spell.
    In the evening, collect well or rain water. Stand so that the moon is reflected in the water and whisper three times:

    “Go away, the evil eye, to the clear moon.”

    Sprinkle the spoken water on your head, heart, liver and groin. The rest of the water should be poured backhand to the left.
    You will feel better immediately! But if you have free time, it's better to read the more complex
    Damage is a conspiracy against the well-being of a person or his entire family. Damage can be caused by a photograph, personal belongings, or, having a powerful flow of negative energy, it can make a person feel bad with the help of abstract thinking, imagining how a person drowns, loses all his money, becomes covered in ulcers, etc. The thoughts of the one causing damage quickly materialize, turning into a continuous energy flow that interferes with the normal course of the life of the person under the spell and interferes with his harmonious existence.

    Damage, if you succumb to its influence, can penetrate deep into a person’s aura, completely destroy it and spread to relatives and children. It is passed on from generation to generation if a person does not take action in time. Today, conspiracies are known to remove old family damage to death, infertility, celibacy and financial crisis. However, the procedure for removing damage is much longer than the hex itself. As you know, negative energy acts much faster than positive energy. In other words: it is easier to get sick than to find adequate and quick treatment.

    If you feel the symptoms of damage, you should immediately take action and not give in to the desire to destroy your life.

    Who is doing the damage?

    Anyone can cause damage, even you yourself. Usually this is done by deeply offended people who do not believe that they can get any other consolation other than casting a spell on their enemy. This action is not noble, low and not always effective. Nowadays, protection against damage is commonplace. If decades ago witches were burned at the stake, sometimes without knowing for sure whether they were a witch, today esotericism and astrology are respected and honored. You can cause damage yourself or by contacting a knowledgeable person to cast the exact spell. The types of damage are so diverse that it is hardly possible to list them all.

    Types of damage:

    • Damage to death;
    • Damage to loss of beauty;
    • Damage to health;
    • Damage to infertility;
    • Damage to celibacy;
    • Damage to discord in the family;
    • Damage to home;
    • Damage to the entire family name;
    • Damage to career;
    • Damage to a certain road;
    • Damage to melancholy.

    Each damage has its own rituals and conspiracies. An offended person can do damage without having at hand anything that belongs to you, knowing only your name. Clearly imagining your misfortunes in your head and desiring them, it is enough to say in your hearts: “may it be empty for you” or “damn you.”

    This damage can happen unconsciously and thoughtlessly. Such slander is the easiest to correct. When a person cools down from anger and becomes ashamed of his actions, the slander will go away on its own.

    If the damage has been carried out for months, it has been thought out. If a person turns to a magician for help, then such damage must not only be removed, but also put up a long-term defense against the misfortune that will await you and your family for a long time.

    Any negative impact should be removed so as not to aggravate the situation with problems

    Symptoms of damage

    Symptoms of damage are similar to devastation and fatigue of the body. It’s like a vampire has sucked out all the earthly strength, the desire to live and enjoy the sun from you. First of all, you are visited by enormous laziness. You start to get bored for no reason, your favorite hobbies stop making you happy, going to the museum and cinema does not bring the usual pleasure. Information that was previously important, useful and interesting flies by and is not absorbed. You don’t feel like eating at all, or vice versa: you start eating everything in a row without stopping, constantly scolding yourself for your brutal appetite, but you continue in the same spirit and quickly gain weight.

    Scary dreams turn into a series where the same people, animals, and things are present. The same thing happens. A sure sign of damage if you dream of black dogs, snakes or scary labyrinths, coffins, tunnels where there is little air.

    Damage to a quarrel does not work immediately and you can recognize it in yourself if you understand that you are drawn to conflict. When meeting a person, you are in a great mood, imagining a pleasant evening, trying to do something good, but the conversation does not go well, because you are constantly going into conflict, provoking a quarrel and, without meaning to, angering your loved one. At this moment you need to loudly say “Stop!”, warn the person that something wrong is happening to you now, that you are worried and do not want to say what you are saying. Refer this behavior to the degree of protection. Recognizing the creeping damage to a quarrel will disappear like smoke. There are other quick solutions to remove damage quickly and free of charge.

    How to quickly remove damage from yourself?

    First of all, remember that damage is afraid of water, any, in any of its manifestations. Everyone knows the best and quickest words against damage: “Water is off a duck’s back, all the thinness is off me.” You shouldn’t say another conspiracy from childhood about “the dog is in pain...” poor dogs and cats have nothing to do with the fact that trouble was sent to you. You cannot transfer your damage to anyone, even in a comic plot.

    If there is no water nearby, find a quiet corner. It could even be an ordinary park bench. Sit down for a few minutes and imagine that you are no longer part of this world. That everything is moving past, quickly, fussily, and you sit so that no one can see you. You can imagine yourself in black and white. Take a few even, deep breaths, relax and release all your resentment, anger and fatigue into the turmoil of the world, remaining motionless, sitting on a bench and breathing quietly. The whirlwind of street energy will take away the unsettled damage and scatter it to the wind. Throw away the remaining negativity by splashing your hands as if shaking water off your hands. You can shake your whole body. At home at night, be sure to take a shower, go to the sauna or take a bath. Learn this spell:

    “Sister - water, deliver from damage, deliver from sickness and bitterness. Cool down my anger, quench my thirst, take away the dirt from me, give me strength and purity.”

    If you feel suddenly ill on the street for no apparent reason and understand internally that this may be a consequence of damage, go to church, talk to the priest, repent, buy candles for your home and put them in God’s temple. The illness will not go away immediately, but God’s grace will descend upon you in the coming days. Good does not come suddenly; it must be developed within oneself, earned.

    After you have carried out a quick cleansing of damage, you need to put up a shield against negativity. To do this, you can fasten a pin to the back of your clothing, purchase a talisman or make it yourself and read one of several spells to remove damage.

    The pin is one of the most famous working obregs

    Conspiracies to remove damage

    To protect yourself and your entire family from damage, you need to know the sacred words that dissolve negativity, like powder removing dirty stains from white clothes.

    The first plot must be read while facing east. When you say words, roll a raw chicken egg over your head and hands. Under no circumstances should it be eaten. After being told off, the egg is taken far beyond the threshold and broken. Or you can break it and flush it down the toilet.

    Christ came down from heaven,
    Christ carried the Blessed Cross.
    Bless, Lord, with four sides:
    Red sun, clear month,
    Pure stars, bright dawns,
    From the shrew and the shrew,
    From the sorcerer and the sorceress,
    From the memorial tree,
    From the bucket spoken,
    From the beast riding
    From the creeping serpent,
    From the recklessness of a person.
    Save and preserve the servant of God (name)
    In the house, in the field, on the road and on the road,
    At work - everywhere.
    Glory, Lord, to you!

    Another conspiracy against corruption

    A silver raven flew to the sky and called the hero Red Sun. The hero Red Sun came out and blessed the whole earth with his rays. He touched every living thing and warmed him with the warmth of his heart. He stood up for those who are being fooled. I broke all the shackles of my damaged life. He did his holy work for us. We are glad to the hero Red Sun!

    How will the person who caused damage behave?

    After you have protected yourself from damage and the evil eye, warned your entire family and loved ones, ordered or completed the amulet and are ready to greet the new day with a smile on your face, in love and harmony, the damage stops its effect. She tries her best but weakens when she hits the rocks of positivity and peace. There are two options for destroying damage: either it flutters in the wind, merging with the energy of the atmosphere and goes for processing, or it fully returns to its messenger in order to feed itself with new energy and, as a rule, sucks out the last strength from it, reflecting all troubles, which he wanted to send to you. The second case occurs more often, because Damage is a negative state of energy and the Universe is in no hurry to accept it into its arms.

    A person to whom the damage he sent has returned suddenly becomes painful, dries out, and becomes sad.

    His energy fades, his beauty disappears. Drowsiness and tearfulness appear. It’s as if he’s carrying a huge, motionless stone behind him and can’t throw it off. There are people who try to shake off their own damage, but this is almost impossible, since their own energy is involved in the slander. Cleaning up such a punishment will take a very long time and sometimes painfully. More often, a person has to go through all the troubles that he prepared for another person.

    Such damage is removed through the church or through trusted professionals acting with God’s word. More often, “patients” go for long-term treatment directly to house helpers in order to cleanse their conscience and soul of the rabble that they have allowed to enter into themselves.

    Damage is a directed negative effect on a person, but the evil eye can be an accident. It is also capable of significantly influencing life, but not as dramatically as damage.

    The evil eye may occur because someone thought badly of you, was jealous or wished you harm.

    There is even a self-evil eye that a person can, without suspecting it, impose on himself. To prevent this from happening, you should not over-praise yourself, and also often complain and say how unhappy you are and that everything is going wrong for you, otherwise you can invite bad luck.

    An even attitude towards oneself is the key to a normal life.

    If in your life a dark streak has come, and you don’t understand why everything is falling out of hand, perhaps you should just wait out this period, and there is nothing mystical about it. But if it continues for a long time without any reason, and you feel that something is wrong, perhaps there is damage or the evil eye on you. Let's figure out what they are signs of third-party influence.

    The evil eye has a weaker effect and is easier to get rid of on your own. You can get it anywhere, no one is immune from this. In public transport, in line for bread, at work - a person, without suspecting it, can accidentally jinx it you. Here are the signs that indicate the evil eye is on you:

    • You are constantly irritated and flare up over nonsense;
    • Not a single task can be completed successfully; you are haunted by failures;
    • You get tired quickly, although you are not sick, and this has never happened before;
    • You constantly yawn and have bouts of hiccups;
    • You are most often in apathy and don’t want to do anything;

    Damage is a completely different matter than the evil eye. It is usually applied deliberately and can have serious consequences.

    If it is pointless, that is, made with the help of a conspiracy, then you will begin to get sick, you will have financial difficulties, troubles will come, even death is possible.

    Subject damage is directed for a certain result, for example, celibacy or the death of the object. It is applied to a specific object, which is subsequently thrown to the victim. So, if you find an unfamiliar comb or pen at home, you should get rid of it as quickly as possible, preferably burning the item.

    Signs of damage:

    • You develop phobias, lose your appetite and desire to live;
    • You are constantly depressed, nothing makes you happy;
    • Mental disorders appear;
    • The whole body aches, some organ, for example, the heart, begins to constantly ache.
    • You become embittered and begin to attack loved ones. If there is an unreasonable anger towards your spouse, perhaps someone wants to divorce you;
    • You are haunted by outbursts of rage, which often turn into thoughts of suicide;
    • You change your weight dramatically: you either lose weight or gain weight for no reason;
    • You sleep is disturbed, you can't sleep at night;
    • Cockroaches, mice or other pests appear in the house;
    • Your appearance deteriorates;
    • You want to drink alcohol constantly, although there was no such craving before;
    • You don't want to go to church, although you always did this before;
    • You hear voices. This means that you have been cursed to death.

    If you find signs of one or another influence, you cannot ignore it. You can try remove damage or evil eye independently, at home. There are several ways to do this.

    Is it possible to remove negativity from yourself?

    Remove damage or evil eye you can do it yourself at home. But remember, if nothing works, the symptoms remain, and even after the ritual you are getting worse, it is better to consult a specialist. If you decide to remove the damage yourself, then follow all the nuances, do not disrupt the sequence of actions in the ritual and concentrate on the fact that the negativity comes out of you. You can get rid of negative influences through prayers, as well as in other ways. Here's one of them.

    At midnight go to the spring alone, but only to a real spring, so this method is suitable for those who have a dacha or a house in the village. At the source you need to undress, throw your clothes on the ground and wash yourself with water three times, saying: “Let the damage leave me, like spring water leaves, let it flow away with the water, fly away with the wind, and not catch people! Amen!" Say this three times, get dressed and go home.

    Remove damage or evil eye through prayers You can do it on your own, or you can do it with the help of a deeply religious person close to the Church. For this method to work, you must be baptized; it would be better if you confess in order to remove the burden of sins.

    One of the prayers that helps in removing damage is the prayer to Jesus Christ, known to all Christians. It should be read over water, ideally near a fast river. Before reading it, you should fast for a week, not consuming animal flesh at all. If you feel bad and cannot go to the river, you can pray near an open water tap. It is read once, but you need to completely open up to the Lord and put your soul into the words. Find this prayer You can find it in any prayer book or on the Internet. All signs of damage or the evil eye usually disappear within a couple of days if everything is done correctly.

    There is one more action you can do at home. Take blessed cross, and the larger it is, the better, and a candle - it should be quite thick, bought in a church shop. Kneel at the cross and pray to God and those saints you most revere. Prayer must come from the heart, be sincere and honest. Say that you forgive your enemy and do not want evil to return to him.

    Sincerely ask God that he forgive the sinner, especially if he did not know what he was doing and cast a spell or cast the evil eye on you in a fit of rage, without intent. After this, light the candle and take it in both hands. Read the Lord's Prayer over it seven times. If the candle will start to crackle and sparkle, then, but you are really damaged, and prayers help. Continue to do this for three days in a row and you will be cleansed of evil influences.

    Also in an effective way removing damage and the evil eye The reading of Psalm 90 is considered. It must be read at sunrise, kneeling before the luminary. In this case, you cannot eat or drink before the ritual. The psalm should be learned by heart. It will help not only in removing the evil eye, but also in any troubles in life.

    If, after the ritual with the Sun, someone you know gets sick, know that he was the attacker. But you shouldn’t blame him and harbor anger, he’s already been punished.

    Remember that the main thing in this method of getting rid of the evil eye is sincerity; you must open your heart and not hold evil in it.

    Salt has been used in many magical rituals for a long time. It does not have its own energy and is able to accept everything that is put on it, which is why it can serve both to impose damage and to remove it.

    Salt will help remove a small evil eye: if you feel that someone was jealous of you or thought something unkind, and now you feel unwell, take a regular bath with salt. Stay in warm water with 500 g of salt for about half an hour, imagining how all the negativity from your body goes into the water, and then rinse off with a shower. It's even better if you go to the bathhouse and rinse yourself there with water and salt.

    Salt will help prevent the evil eye– to do this, carry a little kitchen salt with you, and as soon as you feel that you are uncomfortable around some person and that negativity is coming from him, squeeze a pinch in your right hand and touch the solar plexus area with your left. At the same time, mentally say “No.” This way you won’t allow yourself to be jinxed.

    The following ritual will help with more serious effects. During the waxing moon, take holy water or, in extreme cases, spring water. At noon, pour water into a jar and throw a pinch of salt there with the words: “I’m not throwing salt, but medicine, it will save the servant of God (name) from evil slander words, from a black eye, from evil intent. Let it be so! Amen." Conspiracy words must be said three times. After this, the smoothed one needs to wash his face with this water and drink it little by little over the course of a week.

    Using an egg you can not only remove it, but also diagnose spoilage. In the old days, many people in villages knew how to do this, but even now the knowledge is not lost. This was a fairly common method, because the ingredients for the ceremony were always at hand.

    For ritual, of course, it is better to use egg from home-laying hens, but in a pinch, store-bought will do. In addition, you will need clean water, ideally spring water, but distilled water will do. Before going to bed, place a glass of water at the head of the bed and pour an egg into it so that the yolk remains intact. Now go to bed and start in the morning to the interpretation of symbols.

    If the state of the mixture has not changed, you are fine and there is no spoilage. If white ribbons, some branches from the yolk, appear in the water, then there is an effect. A change in the white indicates the evil eye, while the yolk or water indicates damage. The stronger the changes, the stronger the negativity.

    Now it’s worth turning on your imagination and trying to see what shape the egg took. Sometimes it takes the form of a silhouette or profile of the person who caused the damage, but there are other symbols. If the protein became foam, then damage was imposed on financial affairs. White pillars mean a karmic blow, an octopus means that the curse can also affect your loved ones.

    Remove the hex A chicken egg will also help. One way is to place water with an egg near your head every night until it remains unchanged. The egg will absorb negativity and cleanse you of it. Usually ten times is enough for this. Pour the spoiled egg and water down the toilet or bury it in the ground so as not to accidentally touch it.

    Another way - remove the evil eye from a photograph, and the photo should be full-length, and you should be alone in it. Wash yourself, read prayers to the Lord, ask for permission and help in the ritual. Now, being in a room with a window, light the candles and take a fresh egg. Roll it from top to bottom or vice versa, it doesn't really matter.

    Imagine how it collects all the negativity and pulls it out of you. Repeat these steps 3-12 times using three eggs. Then break them into water and see if they have not changed, the damage has been removed, but if there are changes, you should repeat the procedure the next day. You can roll out the evil eye and damage with an egg not only from yourself, but also from another person.

    Even more effective roll out damage directly through egg-to-flesh contact. Ask someone you trust to roll the egg along your torso and down your back from the top of your head to your heels. Imagine how the negativity goes into the egg, while your assistant should read prayers: Psalm 90, “Our Father,” “Akathist to the Archangel Michael.”

    Then break the egg into the water, look at the result and pour the mixture into the toilet. Usually this the ritual helps the first time. You can perform a similar ritual yourself; to do this, break an egg into a jar of water, press your chin to your chest and carefully place the jar on the crown of your head. Sit like this for about five minutes, reading prayers, and then pour the mixture into the toilet with the thoughts that you forgive the offender.

    How can matches help?

    For this ritual you will need a glass of clean water (preferably holy), nine boxes of matches and nine matches. It will help both remove the evil eye or damage and diagnose them. It's better to spend waning moon ritual. At noon, retire and concentrate, throw everything unnecessary out of your head. Read the Lord's Prayer, and then light the first match and say words glorifying the Holy Trinity. Now throw the match into the water.

    Do this nine times in a row and look into the glass - if the matches float, there is no damage to you, and you need to pour out the water at the crossroads, if some drowned - the evil eye is on you, if everyone drowned - then perform this ritual for nine days to cleanse yourself from strong negativity.

    If the matches drown, drink water from four sides and then pour it onto the intersection. Don't talk to anyone when you're carrying a glass to an intersection, don't turn around, and try not to trip. This also applies to the return journey.

    Performing rituals in Islam

    Muslims remove damage differently than people of other faiths. Of course, the Koran helps them in this - this holy book is capable of defeating all evil. You need to wait until evening or night and, after washing your whole body, ask Allah for deliverance. It is believed that after sunset he is not as busy as during the day when many people pray to him. The best time is considered to be from 3 am to sunrise.

    You need to read the following: Al-Fatiha, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falyak and An-nas, The Throne Ayat. As soon as the luminary appears, you should stop praying, because at this time the infidels worship the shaitan. In addition, from damage and the evil eye helps Muslims Surah Ya-Sin. You can do this yourself. But if a person is seriously ill, and genies and devils can be heard in the house, it is necessary to seek help from an experienced specialist. Before prayer you need turn on the adhan in the audio recording, he will cleanse the house of genies.