OSU history. Orenburg State University. The years of study were not in vain - that’s for sure

“Where life has taken the humanities” :)


Komsomol member, athlete... She studied at school No. 32 in the city of Orel in the “amazing” 90s. At this time, they were constantly reforming something, classes were connected and separated, and they were already trying to introduce new programs. The school became a lyceum with specialized classes. As a result, while studying at the same school, I was in three different groups. Until the 7th grade, I was a typical smart girl, that’s how my parents raised me. In order to be happy, I then had to get rid of the need to always be the first and the best for a long time... From the 8th grade I studied in a class with a humanitarian bias: solid literature and history. These subjects were easy for me, it was not difficult to study, but later, when faced with real demands on the labor market, I realized that I had to cram mathematics!

Last call?

At that time, the question: to receive or not to receive higher education was not even raised. Of course, get it! This was considered a normal continuation of life after school, and in fact, a continuation of childhood. Now, in my opinion, everything is not so: young people are in a hurry to start earning money, including for their education. This seems more reasonable to me, from the height of my 30 years. But I can admit that at the age of 17 I knew NOTHING about real life. It was a difficult time, 1998, then the crisis struck and there was no question of making a living on my own. As for choosing a university, the most eloquent argument here was my certificate, which included A’s in humanities subjects and B’s in the rest. It must be said that in some subjects (chemistry, physics) the B grades were given solely out of respect for my victories at the Olympiads in Russian, English and literature, and for the essays that were read in the teachers’ lounge. The only serious humanities university in my city was Oryol State University(former pedagogical institute). That's where I ended up.

Admission to OSU. Take me, I'm good!

I, like many others then, entered a free department, but for the money of my parents, to the department for which, in fact, this money was enough. I’ll explain: about six months before admission, my parents organized classes for me with a tutor from the history department. Paying for these classes became for me a pass into the world of great knowledge. But I don’t dare call it a bribe, since I was given very good high-level knowledge, which was very useful in further training, and I looked quite decent in the exam. There were three entrance exams: history, Russian and essay. Of course, I was worried, I didn’t want to fall face first into the dirt. The lessons and patronage of the tutor, my innate literacy and erudition helped me get the highest score in everything, even in my essay. The passing score was high - 14. Of course, with my fifteen points I was accepted.

Studying at OSU. Uni is a different life!

After the cramped walls of school, the university seemed like a huge world. Everything seemed unusual: spacious classrooms, interesting lectures, important teachers. Here no one controlled or convinced me to study; if I didn’t pass, I dropped out of the university. This immediately stimulated a normal attitude towards learning. All first-year students were in the same situation, so contacts were established easily and for a long time. All sorts of things happened: they ran away from classes, caught “freebies” in the record book, and did all sorts of strange things... For example, before the New Year we took a test in pedagogy from a harmful young teacher. It turned out that no one was prepared, not even the inveterate crampers. We called the friends of Father Frost and Snegurochka, put our grade books in Grandfather’s bag and went to the dean’s office singing and dancing... We put on a whole performance, the teachers almost tore their stomachs, and everyone got the grade...

The teachers of the Faculty of History are mostly experts in their field, enthusiastic specialists, entirely professors and their students, which could not but awe the students. Sloppiness and disrespect for the subject were not tolerated. Otherwise, they were quite pleasant people with whom it was always possible to come to an agreement. Monetary extortions were not common at all at the faculty.

During my studies, I paid for exams only twice, and both of them were paid to not very adequate teachers from other faculties. Examinations, including finals, were usually held in a calm, friendly atmosphere.

In the photo - the building of the Faculty of Law of OSU:

Studying was easy for me, thanks to my good visual memory and ability to quickly memorize huge amounts of information. For example, I could master plump, worn-out volumes on the history of Asian and African countries a couple of nights before the exam. I never crammed to the point of exhaustion. By the third year I realized that I needed to “stress myself” closer to the session, and I always prepared seriously for the exams. Although, of course, everything depended on the specific subject and teacher. It is always better to know less, but understand what you are saying, than to cram verbatim meaningless text.

In passing, she received another higher education - a civil servant at the Oryol Regional Academy of Public Service (ORAGS). Why - I still don’t understand, because this expensive university, by the standards of our city, did not give me any special knowledge (2001-2003, 25 thousand rubles for three years). I suspect that the history department was no longer enough for my trained brain, so I rushed to conquer new heights. And again a diploma with honors, although I didn’t specifically strive for it. I’m just used to doing everything with dignity, so as not to blush later.

It was a very easy, fun, “golden” time! I was a chicken who continued to sit in a warm nest. No worries or problems, all I had to do was study. I heard stories from fellow students, especially newcomers, about how they managed to study and work and how they solve pressing problems of housing and food... But then I didn’t have any everyday worries, I was blissfully “dangling” on my parents’ necks.

Not only studies...

The backbone of the course was imperceptibly formed; we always stuck together and solved all the problems in our studies and beyond. We had a wonderful time outside of classes: there were hikes and barbecues, walks around the city and gatherings in cafes. Thanks to trade union vouchers, we went on vacation to Sevastopol and St. Petersburg.

Of course, there was love in the faculty, both within and between courses. The result was as many as four weddings of our classmates; it’s a pity that two families have already broken up. There was even one wedding of our student with a young, handsome teacher. Now they have two children. I probably won’t surprise anyone with my personal life, since since school I dated a young man who, after graduating from university, became my husband. And now he is also the father of our two sons. My relationships with the opposite sex at university were wonderful, but purely friendly.

The years of study were not in vain - that’s for sure!

It was at the university that the excellent student turned into a normal person, made good friends, gained life experience...

The Faculty of History gave me encyclopedic knowledge of the humanities, an interest in history and modernity, and an understanding of the social processes that are currently taking place in the world. The Faculty of History taught me how to coherently express my thoughts, defend my point of view in a dispute, correctly search for and process information, and plan my time and energy. This was very useful to me in later life and work. But as regards the specialty “history teacher” specifically, it was not useful to me. I did not work at a university, and not only because of low salaries, but also because of the confusion in the field of education. This was my conscious choice, although many from my course went to graduate school, and now to doctoral studies. For me, higher education became the starting point for further self-improvement.

Where to go?

It soon became clear that an inexperienced specialist with a diploma in history had nowhere to go except network marketing. Two months after graduating from university, I found a part-time job with an individual entrepreneur, taking orders by phone, and filling out applications for suppliers. The money was small, but I was ashamed to sit idle, and the experience of communicating with real clients came in handy later.

Six months later, I got a job as an office manager in a trading company. The work, frankly, is stressful, but it taught me how to talk to people correctly, never lose self-control, and clearly calculate your time and efforts. Two years later, a vacancy became available for Deputy Director for Logistics and Business Planning, and the General Director took me to this position. As a true humanist, working with numbers and programs at first seemed like hell to me. I felt, to put it mildly, like a snotty child whose candy could be taken away by anyone. But I couldn’t fail to justify the manager’s trust and, moreover, refuse an impressive salary (30 thousand for our city - not bad even for a man). I had to study again, fortunately the excellent student in me had not completely died yet. I took my work home and worked on weekends for more than a year, until I finally got my job perfectly organized and felt confident in my abilities. Now I am a historian-logistician-economist rolled into one. But my humanitarian education makes itself felt. In addition to my main job, I organize corporate events for my company, conduct training and certification of personnel, off-site seminars and exhibitions for my company... Deep down I feel that I would make a talented teacher. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone into the “selling” business? However, all is not lost; the excellent student still has her whole life ahead...


What is the conclusion from my quite prosperous story? You can expect “freebies” or hope for connections and bribes, but no one will study and build your life for you. Higher education will give a lot only to those who are ready to take it. There is no need to go to university to get a piece of paper. You need to use your precious time at university wisely, not neglecting your studies, finding true friends and, most importantly, deciding in these five or six years who you are and what you want.

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This is a dynamically developing multidisciplinary higher education institution that has existed for more than half a century and prepares highly qualified specialists for the region and other regions of our country. Many applicants choose this particular university. According to available statistics, more than 45% of the region's students study at OSU.

History of the university

OSU opened in 1955. However, at first the educational institution did not have university status. It was just an evening department of the Kuibyshev Industrial Institute, operating in Chkalov (the former name of Orenburg). The first changes in the history of the educational institution occurred in 1961 - it was decided to reorganize the evening department into a branch.

The university gained independence a little later - in 1971. It became the Orenburg Polytechnic Institute. In 1996, the educational institution increased the list of specialties offered. The institute began to graduate not only engineers and acquired the status of a classical one; it was renamed Orenburg State University. The university continues to operate under this name today.

Educational institution buildings

Every applicant wants to get into a university where studying is not only interesting, but also comfortable. OSU meets this requirement. Students have 21 academic buildings at their disposal. All buildings are equipped in accordance with modern requirements. The educational buildings are equipped with lecture halls, computer classes, and 190 multimedia projectors are installed. Educational and laboratory equipment is purchased annually.

Academic buildings are located in different parts of the city. Applicants do not need to know the location of all buildings, because only one of them houses the admissions office of Orenburg State University. The address of this building is: Pobedy Ave., 13. This is where documents are accepted annually.

Prestigious and popular faculties

One of the leading departments of OSU is the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering. It offers such areas as “Architecture”, “Design”, “Design of the architectural environment”, “Urban planning”, “Construction”, “Land management and cadastres”. The faculty is famous for the high quality of education, which is confirmed by information about graduates. Among the people who received knowledge and diplomas here are heads of construction, road, design organizations, and successful designers.

A prestigious and popular, but at the same time young structural unit of the university is the Faculty of Economics and Management. He began his educational activities in 2004. The faculty offers various areas of bachelor's training: “Applied Mathematics”, “Applied Informatics”, “Economics”, “Management”, “Commodity Science”, “Trading”, “Business Informatics”. In a structural unit, students' lives are not limited to classes. Students regularly participate in forums, seminars, and television programs devoted to current economic problems.

Other faculties of Orenburg State University

The structure of the university includes not only the departments considered. It also includes the following faculties:

  • geological and geographical (undergraduate educational programs - “Geography”, “Ecology and Environmental Management”, “Technosphere Safety”, specialty program - “Applied Geology”);
  • transport (examples of areas - “Metrology and standardization”, “Quality management”, “Operation of transport and technological complexes and machines”);
  • legal (training is conducted at a bachelor's degree in "Jurisprudence" and at a specialty in "Law Enforcement").

Also, applicants are invited to the university by the faculties of mathematics and information technology, social and human sciences, applied biotechnology and engineering, philology and journalism, as well as the faculties of physics, finance and economics, chemical biology and electrical power engineering.

Division offering distance learning

The Faculty of Distance Educational Technologies occupies a special place in the organizational structure of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Orenburg State University". The period of its existence is not very long, but during this time it was able to win numerous positive reviews.

The Faculty of Distance Educational Technologies is primarily interesting because it offers a flexible training schedule. Each student independently draws up a plan for studying disciplines, completes all the necessary tasks at the most convenient time, using the Internet. Another important advantage of the faculty is the reasonable cost of training.

Institutes in the structure of the educational institution

In addition to faculties, Orenburg State University has institutes. There are only 2 of them - the Aerospace Institute and the Institute of Management. The first of them has officially been operating since 1998, but in fact it originated much earlier. This happened in 1961, when the mechanical faculty of evening education was organized. The structural unit began its activities with training in the specialty “Technology of mechanical engineering, cutting, machine tools and tools.” Today the list of training areas includes:

  • "Mechanical Engineering".
  • "Automation of production and technological processes."
  • "Innovation".
  • "Aircraft manufacturing".
  • "Cosmonautics and rocket systems."
  • “Robotics and mechatronics”, etc.

The Institute of Management is the youngest structural unit at Orenburg State University, founded on February 1, 2016. When the institute was created, a highly qualified teaching staff of 8 doctors and 43 candidates of science was formed. Curricula were also developed in such areas of training as “Management”, “Human Resources Management”, “Customs Affairs”, “Municipal and State Administration”, “Service”, “Tourism”.

University branches

The educational activities of OSU are carried out not only in the parent university. In parallel, it is being conducted in three cities in which branches of Orenburg State University are located:

  1. In Orsk. More than 3 thousand students study here, who are trained to work at mechanical engineering and metallurgy enterprises, in the system of general and vocational education.
  2. In Buzuluk. The branch is a small educational institution in the city. The number of students is about 2 thousand people. The areas offered here are related to biological sciences, engineering and technology of construction and land transport, economics and management, law, education and pedagogical sciences.
  3. In Kumertau. About 2 thousand students study at the branch. There are not many directions offered here. Studying them allows graduates to work in the housing and communal services, construction, transport, and energy supply enterprises in the future.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Orenburg State University in Orenburg was originally a polytechnic institute. However, the university decided not to stop at this status, because the staff understood that the region needed not only engineers. From a polytechnic institute, the educational institution was transformed into a multidisciplinary university. The list of areas of training has expanded, but the university decided not to forget about its past profile. It is for this reason that today OSU continues to expand its engineering and technical specialties.

The origins of the idea of ​​​​creating a higher educational institution in Orel first date back to the era of the First World War, when the intelligentsia of the provincial center, developing the initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of 1916, in January-March 1917 created a “commission for the establishment of a people’s university - a polytechnic.” In May of the same year, the issue of its creation was discussed by the Oryol City Commission on Public Education. The result of the work was a report submitted on September 7, 1918 to the Provincial Executive Committee, which contained the conclusion about the need to create a university in Orel with a set of classical faculties.

However, the events of the autumn of 1917 changed the situation in the country and the province, and the new authorities returned to the issue of creating a university a year later, when on October 31, 1918, by a resolution of the Department of Public Education of the Oryol Gubernia Executive Committee, the Oryol Proletarian University named after V.I. Lenin, which opened on November 5 of the same year and existed in Orel until 1920.

However, talking about the creation of a full-fledged state university in Orel with a classic set of faculties dates back to 1919, when on June 23 the decision of the College of Higher Educational Institutions of the People's Commissariat for Education was made which created the Oryol State University. This day can rightfully be considered the birthday of the university as a classical university, the leading educational institution in the region.

In development of this decision, on March 19, 1920, the Board of the Oryol Provincial Committee for Education adopted the Resolution “On the reorganization of the Oryol Proletarian University” and on the creation on its basis and on the basis of the Institute of Public Education of the Oryol State University.

In a short time, on the basis of the scientific and pedagogical personnel available in the city (strength, as they said a century ago), the backbone of the teaching staff was created, and students were recruited for two faculties. In the spirit of the era, a workers' faculty was created at OSU.

Changes in state policy in the field of higher education led to the adoption on November 4, 1921 of the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars (based on the decision of the Board of the People's Commissariat of Education of August 18, 1921) of the decision to create a Higher Pedagogical Institute on the basis of OSU. Its grand opening took place on October 9, 1921. However, the further course of the country's leadership towards the specialization of higher education led to a decision on November 15, 1922 to close the Oryol Higher Pedagogical Institute. Students were transferred to other universities and technical schools, and the teaching staff of the university went to work at the Oryol Pedagogical and Mechanical Construction College. However, after a few years, the development of higher education in the Oryol region received a new impetus.

In 1927, groups for training engineers were created at the Mechanical Construction College in parallel with groups for training specialists with secondary education, and on August 5, 1931, by order of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, an industrial pedagogical institute was created in Orel, the grand opening of which took place on October 16 1931, consisting of four faculties (physics-technical, chemical-biological, socio-economic (literary-social, polytechnic). In 1932, the Workers' Faculty, the Evening Institute (until 1938) were opened at the OGPI. In January 1933 The Belgorod Pedagogical Institute is being merged with the OGPI.

Since 1934 (September 1), two institutes have been structurally created within the university - a teacher's institute with a two-year period of study and a pedagogical institute with a four-year period of study that trained teachers for secondary schools. During the period when this structure was maintained until 1952, the university was called the Oryol State Pedagogical and Teachers Institute, retaining the name Oryol Pedagogical Institute in the press and internal documents. At the institute there is a Workers' Faculty (until 1949), created within the framework of the OSU in 1920, and a model school.

In 1940, the first two volumes of “Scientific Notes of the Oryol State Pedagogical Institute” were published: T. I “Natural Science and Chemistry”; T. II “Physics and Mathematics”.

The further development of OGPI was determined by the Great Patriotic War. In June 1941, 200 students and teachers left the institute for the front.

On August 23, 1941, by order of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, the OGPI was evacuated to the city of Birsk, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, where the Birsk Pedagogical Institute was created on the basis of the teachers' technical school, preserving the structure of the Oryol Pedagogical Institute.

November 20, 1943 By order of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, the OGPI was reevacuated to Yelets, and in August 1944 returned to Orel.

1945 - the first post-war collection of “Scientific Notes of the Oryol State Pedagogical Institute” was published, in the same year the first dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science (Ya.Ya. Tseeb) was defended at the university.

In 1952 - the teacher's institute of the Oryol Pedagogical and Teachers' Institute was closed, which was renamed the Oryol State Pedagogical Institute

In 1954, the first graduate school in the history of OGPI was opened at the Russian Language Department. In the same year, an evening department was opened. In the same year, on February 26, technical education in Orel took the form of higher education. The Oryol UKP was created within the structure of the All-Union Correspondence Mechanical Engineering Institute (VZMI). On November 30, 1960, the General Technical Faculty of VZMI was created on its basis. On June 29, 1962, full-time education was introduced at OTF VZMI, and on June 6, 1966 it was transformed into the Oryol branch of VZMI.

On November 6, 1981, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the OGPI was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

On April 21, 1988, the OF VZMI was reorganized into the Oryol branch of the Moscow Institute of Instrument Engineering (OF MIP), on May 17, 1993, into the Oryol State Polytechnic Institute, and on March 14, 1995, the Oryol State Polytechnic Institute was renamed into the Oryol State Technical University.

In 1994, OGPI received the status of a pedagogical university (Oryol State Pedagogical University - OGPU), and in 1996 it was transformed into a classical university. June 6 of the same year - an educational, scientific and production complex (ERPC) was created on the basis of Orel State Technical University.

In 2002, the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education for scientific and practical development for educational institutions of higher professional education “Improving the quality of engineering and technological education based on continuity and interuniversity integration of scientific schools of mechanical engineering technologists” was awarded to a group of Orel State Technical University employees. In 2003, the creative team of the University was awarded the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education for scientific and practical development for the system of vocational education and scientific and innovative infrastructure of the regions “University educational and scientific production complex as the basis for the development of education, economics and social sphere of the region.”

On November 25, 2010, Oryol State Technical University was renamed into the State University - an educational, scientific and production complex, and in 2015 into Prioksky State University.

In the same year, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to create a Basic University in the Oryol region, in pursuance of which in 2016 (April 1), the Oryol State University named after I.S. was created on the basis of the Universities of the Basic University. Turgenev" ....


    Orenburg State University- Orenburg, ave. Pobedy, 13. Psychology, vocational training. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. P. 473) See also Universities Ch484(2)711.9 Orenburg ...

    - (OGPU) Year of foundation 1919 Rector Aleshina Svetlana Aleksandrovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences ... Wikipedia

    - (Orenburg State Agrarian University) ... Wikipedia

    Orenburg State Pedagogical University (OGPU) Year of foundation 1919 Rector Viktor Sergeevich Bolodurin, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Location Orenburg ... Wikipedia

    - (OGIM) International name Orenburg Stat ... Wikipedia

    Year founded 1997 Location Orenburg ... Wikipedia

    Orenburg State Agrarian University- Orenburg, st. Chelyuskintsev, 18. Social work. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. P. 473) See also Universities Ch489.514(2)7 ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Orenburg State Pedagogical University- Orenburg, st. Sovetskaya, 19. Psychology, pedagogy and methods of preschool education, pedagogy and methods of primary education, social pedagogy. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. P. 470) See... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Orenburg State Agrarian University- (until 1994 Orenb. State Agricultural Institute) Main. May 18, 1930 on the basis of the veterinary department of the Samara Agricultural Institute. Initially it was called Orenb. Institute of large beef cattle breeding and veterinary medicine. Since 1934 Orenb. agro-zooveterinary int. In 1994 it began to be called ...

    Orenburg State Pedagogical University- basic in 1919 as int nar. education. First dir. prof. V.Ya. Struminsky. At the end of the 20s he was transferred to Uralsk. In 1930, at the base of those remaining in Orenb. two-year courses were formed in Orenb. Tataro head agro pedagogical int led by... ... Ural Historical Encyclopedia


  • Methods of spectral analysis in the problem of detecting anomalies in information processes of telecommunication networks, Team of authors. The monograph presents the results of scientific research by the team of the Department of Computer Software and Automated Systems of the Orenburg State...

FACULTY OF HISTORY OF ORYOL STATE UNIVERSITY is a department of a higher educational institution where scientific disciplines in history are taught and professional historians are trained.

The beginning of the formation of historical knowledge in our higher educational institution dates back to 1932, when a history department appeared as part of the industrial pedagogical institute. In 1956, the philological faculty of the Oryol State Pedagogical Institute was transformed, and the history department re-emerged, which then became an equal part of the historical and philological faculty. At the same time, the Department of History arose, which was initially headed by Associate Professor M.M. Krivin. The first teachers of the history department were associate professors M.A. Pokrovskaya, L.A. Khain, V.I. Samarkin and senior teacher T.G. Svistunova. Later the team was supplemented by A.I. Skvortsov, Z.A. Vitkov, I.N. Emelyanov, E.I. Chapkevich, V.Ya. Vorobyova.

The main direction of work of the history department in the first years of its existence was local history. As a result, by the mid-1960s, with the participation of the Department of History of the CPSU, three collections of documents on the history of the Oryol province, as well as “Essays on the history of the Oryol region” (1968), were prepared and published. These publications have not lost their scientific value to this day. However, the range of scientific interests of the department's teachers was not limited to local history. A number of articles by I.N. Emelyanov was devoted to agrarian issues, publications by Z.A. Vitkov touched upon archaeological issues, M.A. Pokrovskaya studied the internal politics of the French monarchy of the 16th century.

In 1973, an independent history department was formed. It was called historical-English, because. graduates received an additional specialty: English teacher. Research work at the faculty has intensified. Z.P. played a big role in this. Yakhimovich, who became the head of the department of history. Now she is a recognized major scientist specializing in the history of Italy in modern times and political processes in modern Western countries. She is the author of a doctoral dissertation on Italian foreign policy in 1908-1914, monographs on the Italian labor movement and the Italo-Turkish war, numerous scientific articles, and textbooks. Along with experienced teachers, young specialists who graduated from postgraduate studies at capital universities began to take part in the work of the faculty: V.P. Totsky, A.A. Sevastyanova, S.T. Minakov, E.A. Minakova, V.N. Siyanov, A.M. Yanivets. Graduates of the faculty N.V. Samoshina, L.V. Granina, N.I. Alymova, T.N. Gella returned to its walls as teachers. In 1977, a monograph by E.I. Chapkevich "Evgeniy Viktorovich Tarle", which caused 11 reviews in the domestic and foreign press.

In the 1980s, the Faculty of History and English ceased to exist; the faculty now trained teachers of history and law. P.A. Borodkin becomes dean, replacing A.A., who held this post for many years. Sapronova. In the 1980s, the number of employees of the history department was supplemented by A.V. Golubev, G.V. Nazarenko. In 1981, L.Ya. became the dean of the faculty. Tsekhnovicer, who held this post until the mid-1990s. New areas of scientific research have become: history of international relations, historiography, medieval history and culture, history of England, military history of the USSR. V.Ya.’s many years of painstaking work began. Vorobyova over the “Book of Memory,” which was published in the 1990s, where tens of thousands of names of natives of the Oryol region who fell on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War were collected and systematized.

In 1991, on the basis of the Department of History, the head of which was S.T. Minakov, the Department of Russian History and the Department of General History were formed. The Department of Russian History was headed by S.T. Minakov, and the Department of General History E.I. Chapkevich. In 1995, a specialized council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate of historical sciences was opened under the chairmanship of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor E.I. Chapkevich. Many of the employees who came to the faculty in the 1990s themselves graduated from the Oryol History Department in different years, among them Yu.V. Kuznetsov, S.V. Kovylov, T.I. Kononova, I.L. Kartelev, R.M. Abinyakin, G.S. Chuvardin, I.V. Goncharova, A.A. Zakharov, M.Yu. Ilyukhin, E.A. Antokhina, A.A. Berzina, S.N. Kastornov, O.Ya. Nozdrin, M.I. Lavitskaya. Moscow State University named after M.V. He graduated from Lomonosov, taught archeology at the faculty for many years, L.N. Krasnitsky. At the turn of the century, M.A., who graduated from graduate school at Moscow State University, joined the team. Komova and S.V. Svechnikov. After the death of E.I. Chapkevich in 2003, the Department of General History was headed by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Tamara Nikolaevna Gella. From 1996 to 2012, the faculty worked under the guidance of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor S.T. Minakova.

A great contribution to the work of the faculty throughout its history was made by Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor V.V. Ermakova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor T.P. Denisova, foreign language teachers L.P. Mishustina, L.A. Shcheglova, E.V. Stalmashevskaya.

Since 2012, the work of the Faculty of History has been headed by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor T.N. Gella. Deputy Deans: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Berzina (for educational and educational work), candidate of historical sciences, associate professor S.N. Kastornov (for distance learning and research work).

The structure of the faculty consists of three departments: Russian History (headed by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor S.T. Minakov), General History (headed by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor T.N. Gella), Russian History (headed by Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor G.P. Verkeenko).

The faculty provides training to students in full-time and part-time forms. The correspondence department of the Faculty of History has been operating since 1973. His work was supervised, replacing each other in the 1990-2000s, by deputy dean A.A. Zakharov, R.M. Abinyakin, I.V. Provalenkova, S.M. Nikiforova, S.N. Kastornov. Much work on organizing the educational process at the correspondence department of the Faculty of History was and is being carried out by the methodologists of the correspondence department. In the 1970-1990s, the duties of a methodologist for the correspondence department were performed by T.M. Preobrazhenskaya, and then she was replaced by N.E. Karteleva. Like the full-time (full-time) and correspondence departments of the Faculty of History, they made a very significant contribution to the training of history and social studies teachers not only for schools in the Oryol region, but also for many regions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia. Many graduates of the Faculty of History have become good school directors, employees of departments and departments of public education, successful administrators in the public administration system of the city of Oryol and the Oryol region, and in the system of law enforcement agencies.