Mokrous fish. How to cook grenadier in a frying pan. Benefits of grenadier fish

What kind of fish is grenadier, not everyone knows how to cook it, it is quite tasty and inexpensive. The white meat of the individual contains a significant amount of water, so the product must be processed very quickly. Culinary experts do not recommend boiling or stewing fish; it must be prepared in accordance with the culinary recipe; the dish may not turn out to be the most appetizing.

Macrurus what kind of fish, photo

Macrurus is an inhabitant of the seas with a terrifying appearance. The appearance of the fish is somewhat similar to the historical monster. Chefs create a delicious meal from a cold-blooded animal. Only in order for the beneficial qualities, taste and aesthetic to coincide, it is necessary to correctly transform the fish into a culinary delight. Macrurus is one of the rare delicious fish species that can be bought inexpensively and contains a large amount of useful substances.

Description of the fish

Fish have a fairly long tail. The individual is one of the ray-finned, deep-sea representatives. Macrurus are commercial fish. Their body is long with a narrowed tail, and bulging eyes are located on the head. The entire fish is covered with prickly scales that have a gray, brown or black tint. There are 2 fins on the back. The first one is short and tall, and the second one is long. The body size reaches 130 centimeters. The average weight of an individual can reach from 4 to 6 kilograms.

Types of grenadier

There are about 300 species of grenadiers in the world. The most famous among them:

  • small-eyed longtail;
  • South Atlantic;
  • comb-squamous;
  • Antarctic;
  • northern.

All represented inhabitants of the seas and oceans have a large body and a long tail. Distinctive features of the fish are the color of the scales and the shape of the head. Individuals are characterized by sexual deformity, due to the fact that females are more impressive in size than males.

Where is it found?

Most often, such a representative can be found in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, in areas starting from the Arctic and ending with the Antarctic. Each type of grenadier lives at a certain water depth, it depends on the depth of the water source, as the fish moves along the ocean floor.

The small-eyed grenadier prefers to be located off the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, the Russian and Californian coasts. Northern longtail is found in the northern regions, from Greenland to the coast of America. South Atlantic fish can be found off the coast of Antarctica.


Individuals are characterized by a bottom lifestyle. Most often they can be found at a depth of 300-700 meters. Fish can live at a depth of 2000-4000 meters. The water temperature should be 8 degrees Celsius. The average value is 2-3 degrees. Juveniles live in the water column. Females love to be in the upper layers of the ocean. Male individuals swim in the lower layers of water. In the middle part, both the first and second representatives of these fish are found.

What does it eat?

The diet of grenadiers is quite monotonous. They mainly eat crustaceans: crabs, shrimp, anchovies, gobies, and pollock. During the mating season, food consumption by individuals is reduced to a minimum. Longtails return to their usual appetite in June, at the end of the spawning periods. Such fish are excellent hunters, but they also become victims of other inhabitants of the ocean depths. Sexual maturity in individuals occurs from 5 to 11 years. During the spawning period, young individuals sink to the very bottom of the ocean.

Reproduction and spawning

It continues throughout the year, with the greatest activity observed in winter, spring and summer in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. A mature female contains from several tens to 400 thousand eggs. The size of one of them is 1.5 millimeters.

Macrurus: benefits and harm

Fish have a number of beneficial properties. Among them are:

  • strengthens the skeletal system;
  • used during diets;
  • maintains muscle tone;
  • normalizes the condition of nails and hair;
  • removes toxic substances from the body;
  • prevents the occurrence of cancerous tumors;
  • stimulates the functioning of brain cells;
  • has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • supports normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • restores strength after prolonged illnesses and operations.

Negative aspects of the product:

  • Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from using the product;
  • Causes an allergic reaction in a person prone to allergies.

Macrurus: calorie content and nutritional value

The calorie content of fish is 60 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Fish has high nutritional value. It contains: 7 grams of protein, 0.4 grams of fat, 91 grams of water, 1.7 grams of ash, 0.096 grams of omega-3 fatty acids and 0.009 grams of omega-6 fatty acids, a large number of vitamins: 29.7 mcg - vitamin A , 0.078 mcg - vitamin B1, 0.194 mcg - vitamin B2, 1.383 mcg - vitamin C, 1.948-PP, 4.748 mcg - B6.

Microelements included in grenadier:

  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc;
  • molybdenum;
  • copper;
  • nickel;
  • cobalt;
  • chromium.

Macroelements contained in fish:

  • potassium;
  • sulfur;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • chlorine.

Grenadier fish: how to cook

There are a wide variety of recipes for preparing grenadier fish. Dishes can be prepared by frying, boiling, cooking in the oven or stewing. Cooking has features:

  • defrost the product without sudden temperature changes;
  • cook meat only at high temperatures;
  • for frying, cut the fish into small pieces;
  • place the dish in a preheated oven;
  • In a multicooker, the product is prepared in the baking mode.


The average price of fish per 1 kilogram is 140 rubles, this is a budget fish. The number of nutrients, microelements, macroelements and vitamins included in the product is very large. The delicacy product is available for preparation by families with average incomes.

Grenadier fish: reviews

Externally, grenadier is a very appetizing fish: pinkish-white meat and light scales attract the attention of buyers. The price of the seafood product is quite affordable. The taste of the meat is unique and not everyone will like it. The product contains a lot of water, it is difficult to prepare a good dish from it. To do this, you need to have skills and knowledge, as well as a large supply of time. It is necessary to defrost the fish correctly, its composition is unique, there are practically no such number of elements of the periodic table in one individual. The positive side is the low calorie content of the product.

How to cook grenadier so that it doesn’t fall apart

Grenadier dishes are prepared according to recipes, then they will look beautiful and tasty. Chefs can tell you how to cook grenadier fish deliciously. They know the secrets of cooking that they use in the culinary process:

  • for cooking it is better to choose chilled specimens;
  • You should choose frozen fish in stores only with a thin layer of ice;
  • The product must be defrosted in the refrigerator;
  • heat treatment should be short;
  • You should not stew or boil the fish, as it will quickly become overcooked.

Macrurus, what kind of fish, how to cook in the oven

Cooks know how to cook grenadier fish in the oven correctly. They use the secrets of real masters in the culinary art.

Ingredients required for preparation:

  • carcass - 0.6 kilograms;
  • lemon juice -20 milliliters;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - as needed.


  1. We cut the individual into separate steaks, rub the meat with spices and pour over lemon juice, leave to marinate for 3 hours;
  2. Oven-baked grenadier should be cooked on a greased baking sheet;
  3. The dish is placed in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 20 minutes.

The fish turns out tender, tasty and dietary.

Ask the chef!

Didn't manage to cook the dish? Don't be shy, ask me personally.

How to bake grenadier in the oven with potatoes
  1. The fillet is cut into small pieces, peppered, salted and left to brew for 40 minutes.
  2. Chop and fry the onion in vegetable oil.
  3. Boil and cut the potatoes into small pieces.
  4. Beat eggs with milk and spices.
  5. Place foil on a baking sheet, lay onions, potatoes and fish on top, pour in the egg mixture.
  6. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.


Now you know everything about grenadier, what kind of fish, how to cook. Difficult to prepare seafood, tasty and healthy for humans. Take your time, choose the right recipe and cook in the mood. Then gourmets will also enjoy properly fried, tasty and satisfying fish.

Grenadier is a very tasty and relatively inexpensive fish. Its white meat contains a lot of water, so cooking must be done very quickly. If you don’t know how to cook grenadier, you should take the advice of experienced chefs - it is not recommended to boil or stew this fish, otherwise it will not only decrease in size, but also take on a not very appetizing appearance.

How to cook grenadier baked in the oven

It is very easy to bake grenadier in the oven, especially if you use the following recipe. The main condition is to strictly adhere to the recipe below and the most delicate fish with a delicious taste will be on the table. This dish is perfect for lunch in a narrow family circle, as well as treating invited guests at a festive dinner.


  • salt - to taste;
  • tomato ketchup - to taste;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - a little;
  • grenadier fillet – 1-2 pcs.


  1. If using frozen fish fillets, defrost them first.
  2. Cut the fish into small portions.
  3. Peel the garlic, chop it, and transfer it to the fish fillet. Leave the grenadier for about one hour.
  4. After the specified time has passed, first dip each piece of fish in vegetable oil and then in tomato sauce, transfer it to a previously prepared baking sheet, greased with a small amount of oil.
  5. Sprinkle the fish on top with a small amount of salt and thinly sliced ​​onion.
  6. Place the pan with the fish in the oven and bake until fully cooked.

Macrurus in batter - step-by-step recipe with photos

It is believed that grenadier is a very capricious fish when cooking, but this is not so. The main thing is to take into account one small nuance - the preparation of the dish, regardless of which recipe is chosen, must be quick, otherwise the fish jelly will not be very tasty. Provided that the fish is cooked correctly, you will end up with a delicious dish with a divine aroma and incredible taste.


  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • lemon - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • spices - to taste;
  • flour – 2-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • grenadier fillet – 2 pcs.


  1. Defrost the grenadier fillet, remove the skin and backbone. The carcass is cut crosswise into portioned pieces (about 2 cm wide) and poured generously with lemon juice.
  2. Next you need to prepare the batter - in a separate container, mix eggs, sour cream, add flour in small portions. Mix everything thoroughly until a mass of homogeneous consistency is formed. Add a small amount of spices and salt. First dip the fish pieces in the batter, then in the crackers.

  3. The fish must be fried in a frying pan with hot oil on both sides until fully cooked.
  4. A spicy sauce can complement the delicate taste of fried grenadier.

    The best grenadier recipe in a slow cooker

    Macrurus is prepared in various ways - it can be baked in foil, fried in breadcrumbs, batter, stewed in sour cream sauce, or cooked in a slow cooker. Modern housewives opt for the latter option, because cooking with a multicooker is much faster and more convenient.


    • salt - to taste;
    • egg – 1 pc.;
    • vegetable oil - a little;
    • flour – 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
    • spices - to taste;
    • ground pepper - to taste;
    • breadcrumbs - a little;
    • lemon juice – 1 lemon;
    • grenadier fillet – 1-2 pcs.


    1. First, you need to wash and peel the fish fillet and cut into small portions (about 2 cm wide).
    2. Sprinkle all the grenadier pieces with lemon juice and leave for a while for the fillets to marinate.
    3. Prepare the batter - break the egg into a separate container, add spices, sour cream, salt, flour, and if desired, you can add a little pepper. Mix all components thoroughly until a mass of homogeneous consistency is formed. The consistency of the batter should be similar to thick sour cream.
    4. Turn on the multicooker, set the “Frying” program, pour in the oil and fry the fillet pieces in batter and breadcrumbs.
    5. Fry the fish on both sides until it acquires a delicate golden hue.
    6. Transfer the finished fish to a dish and serve with a side dish of cereals or fresh vegetables.

    Macrurus with vegetables in foil

    Baked grenadier in the oven with vegetables and fried mushrooms will be a worthy decoration for any holiday table. If we talk about the culinary and nutritional qualities of fish, it is several times superior to meat and better in terms of ease of digestion of proteins.


    • salt - to taste;
    • ground black pepper - to taste;
    • chopped basil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • butter – 50-60 g;
    • sour cream – 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
    • fennel – 1-1.5 heads;
    • carrots – 1-2 pcs.;
    • asparagus – 100-120 g;
    • champignons – 200-220 g;
    • grenadier fillet – 500-600 g.


    1. Wash the fillet, cut into small portions, season with salt, pepper, lemon juice. Marinate for about 15 minutes.
    2. Cut the champignons into pieces. Peel the fennel and carrots, wash them, and chop them into thin strips.
    3. Add some salt to the water, boil the asparagus, place in a colander to drain excess water and cut into small pieces.
    4. Place a frying pan on the stove and heat the oil.
    5. Fry the mushrooms in oil for about 10 minutes, add the prepared vegetables and fry for another 5 minutes, pepper and salt.
    6. Place pieces of fish on a sheet of foil, fried vegetables and basil on top, pour sour cream on top. We tightly connect the foil along the edges.
    7. The oven is heated to 200 °C.
    8. Bake the fish for about 20 minutes.
    9. Serve the finished dish sprinkled with fresh herbs and lemon slices.

Macrurus unites a whole genus of deep-sea marine fish, the fishing of which plays an important role in the food industry. To date, more than three hundred of its species are known.

Where does grenadier live?

This fish is classified as a cod-like fish and has the following features:

The habitats of grenadier are:

  • waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans;
  • Arctic;
  • Antarctica.

In addition, the fish’s habitat is the cold waters washing the shores of Russia. It can be found on the coasts of Kamchatka, the Commander or Kuril Islands in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Macrurus lives at great depths. At first, young fish are found near the surface of the water, and with age they descend to the bottom layers.

Benefits and harms

The specific appearance of the fish is justified by its beneficial properties. Meat is rich in vitamins:

  • C, B and A;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iodine

Please note that fish contains organic and amino acids.

Grenadier meat is easily digestible and digestible. Therefore, it can be eaten before training or other activities that require physical strength.

Macrurus is very useful for young children and the elderly. The only negative qualities of grenadier include its high cost and contraindications for use by pregnant women, during the lactation period, and by allergy sufferers.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

  1. Bite activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

The nutritional value

The main positive quality of fish is its low calorie content. It is perfect for dietary nutrition. Meat is useful for post-operative recovery and for problems with the musculoskeletal system.

One hundred grams of raw fish accounts for 67.6 kcal. The meat contains 13.3 grams of protein and 1.6 grams of fat. Grenadier meat does not contain carbohydrates.

Use in cooking

Macrurus has tender, lean meat, so it is very widely used in cooking. In fish, its caviar and liver are valued, so they are salted in large quantities. There are spines on the body, for this reason it is most often sold as fillets, frozen.

This fish produces very tasty fish soup, which has a delicate taste and aroma. You can fish:

  • bake in the oven;
  • salt;
  • dry;
  • marinate;
  • make minced meat or puree from it.

The fish meat is a little watery, so you need to fry it carefully. The fish begins to burn and spread throughout the pan. For this reason, fish needs to be cooked for a certain period of time. Otherwise, the meat will be dry or burnt.

When cooked correctly, fish has a slight seafood smell, so it can be combined with almost all foods.

To cook grenadier at home, you need to know a few tricks:

  1. Most often, for any dish they take a whole carcass without a tail and head or a ready-made fillet.
  2. When choosing a grenadier in a store, you need to pay attention to its appearance. If you suspect that the fish has been defrosted several times, it is better not to take it. In this case, you won’t be able to prepare the desired dish: the fish will turn into mush or burn.
  3. You need to defrost the fillet in the refrigerator. If you do this using a microwave or hot water, the meat will spoil.
  4. You need to fry grenadier in a deep frying pan with thick sides and bottom. Before doing this, the vegetable oil needs to be heated well. Pieces of fish for two minutes on each side over high heat.
  5. The fish turns out to be very tasty if you bake it in the oven;
  6. During stewing, the fish turns into a watery mess.

The grenadier fishery began relatively recently. This is due to the fact that fish live almost at the bottom of the seas. But lovers of gourmet dishes have already appreciated its beneficial properties, and the tender pink meat will not leave everyone indifferent. Longtail liver and caviar make up one tenth of its weight, so in most countries of the world they are considered a delicacy.

The fish meat tastes a little sweet, white or pink in color. It resembles shrimp, but does not have the specific smell of fish. The skeleton of the longtail consists of a small number of bones that are easily separated from the meat, and the caviar resembles salmon in taste and appearance.

The longtail fishery is growing every year. And world-famous culinary experts come up with unusual recipes that delight gourmets and lovers of delicious food.

1. What kind of fish is this

Makrorus (Grenadier)- sea fish. Length: up to 110 cm; weight: up to 10 kg. Lives in the North Atlantic region. Large-scale fishing began only in 1967. Its reserves are large, and the annual catch in some years reaches 30 thousand tons.

2. Culinary properties

3. Brief history

Macrurus is a modern monster from the past. The appearance of this sea fish can scare anyone away. Few people know that the delicious delicacy lying on store shelves looks like a medieval dinosaur, which is why the fish has acquired many popular names. The grenadier fish is distributed in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, from the Arctic to the Antarctic. But more often long-tailed ones are found in the northern regions. All species of grenadiers live at different depths. This depends on the depth of the ocean in the habitat, since longtails are bottom-dwelling fish.

4. Positive and negative qualities

Macrurusus contains a large amount of vitamins C, B and A, as well as useful chemical elements: iron, manganese, phosphorus, fluorine, calcium, potassium, nickel, iodine and others. Fish contains a large number of different organic and amino acids, including essential ones.

May cause an allergic reaction in pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as in young children. It is not recommended to eat this fish for people with intolerance to seafood.

5. How it is prepared

It is recommended to only fry grenadier fish.

When fried, grenadier is recommended to be cooked in batter: The fish is dipped in batter, then in breadcrumbs and fried.

It is also recommended to fry grenadier under tomato marinade: The fish is rolled in flour and fried. Cool and pour in marinade.

Grenadier fish can be boiled, in soup, poached, baked, stewed and in a pie.

Boiled grenadier is prepared with cucumbers: The fish, prepared and cut into portions, is salted and kept in the cold for 1-2 hours. Prepare a spicy decoction, add pickled cucumbers cut into thin slices and a glass of cucumber brine and cook until the cucumbers become soft. The broth is filtered and brought to a boil. The fish is dipped into it and cooked until cooked, then taken out and poured with white sauce.

You can also prepare boiled grenadier with nut sauce: Prepared fish, cut into portions, is salted and kept in the cold for 1-2 hours. Prepare a spicy decoction, add pickled cucumbers cut into thin slices and a glass of cucumber brine and cook until the cucumbers become soft. The broth is filtered and brought to a boil. The fish is dipped into it and cooked until cooked, then taken out and poured with white sauce.

Grenadier soup is prepared in the form of cabbage soup: Prepared vegetables are placed in boiling fish broth, salt and spices are added. Pieces of hot boiled fish or puree soup are laid out in portioned plates: Chopped onions and roots are sautéed in oil, a small amount of fish broth is added and the mixture is simmered for 5-7 minutes, then pureed. Boiled fish minced through a meat grinder, broth, and white sauce are added to the vegetable mass and boiled over low heat for 7 minutes. The soup is seasoned with egg-milk mixture and butter.

You can poach the grenadier like this: Simmer the chopped onion in olive oil, add boiling water. Pieces of fish sprinkled with spices are added to the onion. Prepares in 10 minutes.

You can bake grenadier with different ingredients, for example, in tomato sauce and mushrooms: The fillet is cut, placed in a frying pan, finely chopped boiled champignons are placed on top and tomato sauce is poured over it. The dish is baked; or in cabbage: Cleaned prepared fish is cut into pieces, salted and placed in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Salted fish is sprinkled with pepper, rolled in flour and fried until crusty. The fish is placed in a greased container with a layer of fried cabbage with carrots, onions and parsley and another layer of cabbage is placed on top. The dish is sprinkled with breadcrumbs and baked.

Many recipes for stewed grenadier. Stew grenadier, for example, with cabbage: Cleaned prepared fish is cut into pieces, salted and placed in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Salted fish is sprinkled with pepper, rolled in flour and fried until crusty. The fish is placed in a greased container with a layer of fried cabbage with carrots, onions and parsley and another layer of cabbage is placed on top. The dish is sprinkled with breadcrumbs and baked; or with leeks: Portioned pieces of fish are fried and covered with chopped herbs and leeks. Next, the dish is stewed until cooked.

You can also make amazing pies with grenadier, here is one of the recipes: The dough is kneaded, the fish is cleaned, cut into cubes. The finished dough is divided into two equal parts. The rolled out part of the dough is laid out in a mold, fish, chopped onions, and herbs are laid out on top. The top is covered with a second layer of dough and baked; or prepare stuffed grenadier in dough: The fish is stuffed with minced eggs and spices, wrapped in dough and baked in the oven.

Grenadier is a very useful sea fish. A variety of dishes can be prepared from grenadier, with fillets being mainly used. In this article we will look at three recipes for dishes made from this fish and answer the question accordingly: how to cook grenadier?

Recipe for grenadier in batter

For this dish you will need:

  • Grenadier fillet
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Sour cream – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Pepper, salt, spices
  • Vegetable oil
  • Breadcrumbs
  • The fillet is cut into small pieces, approximately 2 centimeters thick. Sprinkle each piece with lemon juice. Make the batter in a small bowl by mixing egg, sour cream and flour. The batter should be quite thick. To give the batter additional flavor, you can add various spices to it. The fish is fried in a very hot frying pan in a lot of oil. Each piece of fish is dipped first in batter and then in breadcrumbs and fried on both sides until the dough is browned. This was a recipe for how to cook grenadier in batter.

    Baked grenadier recipe

    This recipe requires the following products:

  • Grenadier carcass
  • Sour cream – 100 g
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Seasoning, salt
  • To prepare baked grenadier, you will need fish weighing about one kilogram. The grenadier is cleaned of scales and the fins, tail and head are cut off. The fish must be thoroughly gutted. The fish is cut into portions, salted and seasoned. Then the grenadier needs to be given a little time for the meat to salt.

    Carrots need to be grated and mixed in a separate bowl with a small amount of sour cream. The fish is placed on foil and covered with the prepared mixture of carrots and sour cream. Then everything is wrapped in foil and baked in the oven for 30 minutes at medium temperature. And now about how to cook grenadier if you want to make a salad.

    Grenadier salad

    The ingredients are as follows:

  • Grenadier fillet – 400 g
  • Potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 onion
  • Parsley
  • Sauerkraut – 200 g
  • Salt pepper
  • Grape vinegar – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Grenadier makes a very tasty salad. Boil fish fillets in salted water for about 15 minutes. Then the fish is removed and cut into thin strips. Potatoes are boiled in their skins, cooled and cut into strips. For the salad you will need to finely chop one bunch of parsley.

    Cut the onion into half rings, as thin as possible. Potatoes, onions, grenadier fillet, parsley and sauerkraut are placed in a salad bowl. To add flavor, you will need to make a sauce. Mix vegetable oil, salt and grape vinegar in a glass. Then pour the sauce over the salad and mix it thoroughly.

    How to cook grenadier? Video

    Fried grenadier - very tasty and juicy!

    Grenadier is a beautiful fish with smooth skin, tasty and healthy. But it has a significant drawback: when cooked, it spreads and turns into an unappetizing-looking gelatinous mass, releasing a lot of jelly-like moisture. But this can be fixed. And get a very tasty grenadier fish dish. Which will please you in appearance.

    It was experimentally found that you can preserve the shape of grenadier by breading it: first you need to dip the fish carcass in an egg. and then roll it in instant rice cereal. Rice (in the form of flakes or rice flour) forms a tasty crust on the grenadier and allows the fish to maintain its shape by retaining its juices inside. Macrurus turns out very tasty!

    How to replace rice flakes or rice flour

    Macrurus in instant oat flakes.

    If the store is out of instant rice flakes, and rice flour is simply not on sale, you can replace the rice breading with oatmeal (also, no cooking required). But with rice flakes it turns out tastier and more beautiful.

    Flakes also win over flour, because the crust they make on fish has a rough, uneven texture that is so pleasant and unexpected for the taste buds. Not just tasty, but interesting.

    What you need for fried grenadier in rice flakes

    for 4 servings

    • Macrurus (carcass) - 1 kg;
    • Lemon juice - 1-2 tablespoons;
    • Ground allspice or black pepper - 1 level teaspoon;
    • Salt;
    • Instant rice cereal - about 1 cup;
    • Egg - 1 piece;
    • Vegetable oil for frying.

    How to fry grenadier in rice flakes

    Clean and marinate grenadier

    • Clean and wash grenadier. Cut the carcass into portions, preferably small ones. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Salt and pepper.

    Breaded fish in rice flakes

    • Beat the egg. Dip the grenadier pieces into the egg first. And then into rice cereal.

    Fry breaded Macrurus fish

    • Place the fish in heated vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry on both sides. So that the flakes acquire a beautiful golden color. It’s better not to leave the stove, as you need to fry it over quite high heat. The fish will be ready quickly, so be careful.
    With this method of preparation, the grenadier fish will retain its shape and acquire a beautiful appearance. And, most importantly, it tastes good!