Social studies test "Science. Education". Humanization of education presupposes Humanization of education presupposes increased attention

The most relevant at the moment is the introduction of humanization and humanization technologies into education. After all, humanitarization presupposes strengthening the relationship between natural education and the humanities, i.e. more understandable, closer to the child, strengthening the practical and applied aspects in its teaching. This means that in teaching the emphasis must be placed on the general development of the student, namely on the development of logical thinking, speech, spatial imagination, intuition, sense of beauty - sattya is devoted to this issue.



Humanization of modern education

The unjustified emasculation of our school over many years has led to a sharp decline in the level of general culture and education of school graduates and, consequently, society as a whole. In the age of the scientific and technological revolution, at every step we are faced with blatant illiteracy and lack of taste, the inability of people to use school software skills in practice.

Therefore, the main direction of school development today is to turn learning towards the individual. The school course contains quite complex subjects, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and others, which are not easy for everyone, and as a result of this, a loss of interest in learning.

The most relevant at the moment is the introduction of humanization and humanization technologies into education. After all, humanitarization presupposes strengthening the relationship between natural education and the humanities, i.e. more understandable, closer to the child, strengthening the practical and applied aspects in its teaching. This means that in teaching the emphasis must be placed on the general development of the student, namely on the development of logical thinking, speech, spatial imagination, intuition, and a sense of beauty.

Humanitarianization of education is one of the ways of humanization / humanization / of the entire education system, consisting primarily of teaching a set of humanitarian disciplines, with the help of which students are introduced to humanitarian culture, that is, to the values ​​​​developed throughout the history of mankind by philosophy, art and religion.

Humanization and humanization of education

in these types of activities there are psychological qualities that are specific to age and have enduring significance - primarily figurative forms of knowledge of the world and social emotions.

The real process of a child’s mental development includes a much wider range of mental properties and abilities that must be taken into account when constructing training and upbringing. The main thing is that the development of each child follows its own special path, in which general patterns manifest themselves in an individual form. And if taking into account age-related characteristics of psychological development is the basis for developing a general strategy, it requires identifying and taking into account individual characteristics.

The humanization of society raised the question of the authority of the teacher. The proximity of authority and authoritarianism as cognate words and related concepts problematized the idea of ​​teacher authority and presented ethical criteria for it. Individuality as the basis of teaching and upbringing returns self-respect to the teacher and school.

“Teachers and students are, first of all, employees,” wrote N.K. Roerich. Thus, democratization and humanization in education opened the way to the development of initiative and independence of the student and teacher.

The complexity of the educational process lies in the fact that, although it occupies a significant place in a person’s life, it does not give a tangible, visible, concrete result immediately upon its completion. The result of education is all subsequent behavior, activities, and lifestyle of a person. Therefore, the influence of the pedagogical influence of any educational institution cannot be controlled directly.

Everyone who chooses the profession of a teacher takes responsibility for those whom he will teach and educate, at the same time he is responsible for himself, his professional training, his right to be an educator, a teacher, an educator. Worthy fulfillment of professional pedagogical duty requires a person to accept a number of obligations.

Firstly, you should objectively assess your own capabilities, know your strengths and weaknesses, qualities that are significant for a given profession (features of self-regulation, self-esteem, emotional manifestations, communication, didactic abilities, etc.).

Secondly, the teacher must have a general culture of intellectual activity (thinking, memory, perception, presentation, attention), a culture of behavior, communication and pedagogical communication in particular. A teacher is a model that students consciously, and most often unconsciously, imitate, adopting what the teacher does.

Thirdly, an obligatory prerequisite and basis for the successful work of a teacher is respect, knowledge and understanding of his student as an “other”. The student must be understood and accepted by the teacher, regardless of whether their value systems, behavior patterns and assessments coincide; it also presupposes knowledge of psychological mechanisms and patterns of behavior and communication.

Fourthly, the teacher is the organizer of the educational activities of students, their cooperation and at the same time acts as a partner and a person who facilitates pedagogical communication, that is, a “facilitator”, according to K. Rogers. This requires the development of organizational and communication skills to manage the process of students’ assimilation of knowledge, including them in active forms of educational interaction that stimulate the cognitive activity of its participants. The development of such professional skills requires not only deep psychological and pedagogical knowledge, but also constant, systematic professional training.

Thus, the professional qualities of a teacher must be correlated with the following postulates and commandments of his psychological and pedagogical activity:

Respect the person, the personality in the student (which is a concretization of the golden rule of antiquity - treat others the way you would like to be treated);

Constantly look for opportunities for self-development and self-improvement (for it is known that those who do not study themselves cannot develop a taste for learning, a “mental appetite” in others);

Transfer knowledge to the student so that he wants and can master it, and is ready to use it in various situations and in his self-education.

These postulates are a concretization of the well-known thesis: only personality educates personality, only character shapes character. A teacher must be a Personality; this is his professional characteristic.

In order for the development process to proceed successfully and painlessly for the child, an appropriate atmosphere must be created around him, the so-called “humanistic space” (I.D. Demakova). In the creation of such a space, the teacher takes a certain place and plays one of the main roles. Using WORD, DEED and OBSERVATION (diagnostics), the teacher creates conditions for the child to express himself. In order to help the child, you can define the basic rule - “Rule 7U”:

- “confidence” - knowledge of one’s rights and the rights of the child, the ability to protect him. The teacher is the guarantor of respect for the rights of the child;

- “success” - when taking on any task, the teacher must foresee a positive result, that is, be sure that the children and he can do it;

- “amazing” - you need to develop originality in yourself, children do not like “pies with nothing”;

- “persuasiveness” - to be able to ignite children’s hearts, convince them of the importance of the matter;

- “respect” - mutual respect is necessary; If you respect your children's opinion, they will respect yours. Parenting without respect is suppression;

- “balance” - in the classroom you need to be ready for anything, not faint, but analyze and work;

- “smiling” - it is impossible to live at school without a sense of humor. A smile is an assessment, approval, and encouragement.

Humanization of education and democratic style of the teacher

The desire to live in a certain community, to be protected by it, to assert oneself in its environment is common to everyone. Therefore, if a teacher wants children to be good, it is necessary to do everything so that the pupils want to be such, so that they find pleasure in good, moral actions.

This means that the teacher cannot have any other goals other than the goals of the students’ lives. After all, for children, the idea is not separated from the personality, and what their favorite teacher tells them is perceived completely differently than what a disrespected and alien person says. The highest ideas in the mouth of the latter become hateful.

Therefore, it is worth putting yourself in the children’s shoes more often in order to understand what interests them, what pleases them, what tires them, what offends them. After all, the educational process stops from that moment until the child understands why they did this to him; until he agrees with how he was treated; while he is embittered that he was treated so unfairly.

In all this, there is an objective basis for the unity of the teacher and the student, that is, a necessary condition for the emergence of a pedagogy of cooperation known to everyone (but not used by everyone!), which is built on the principles of humanization and democratization of relations with one’s students.

There are two approaches to solving all pedagogical problems. One is imperative, when the teacher himself solves the problem, forcing his students to do what is necessary for their future. The other is humane, that is, when the teacher strives to involve children in solving pedagogical problems, when he collaborates with them, makes them his assistants in education, and teaches them what he himself can do.

The most important acquisition that a child needs to make during school is self-esteem, self-confidence, faith in what he knows, knows and can.

And this can only be achieved through goodness, for only goodness generates goodness. This is what the wonderful teacher, our contemporary V.A., bequeathed. Sukhomlinsky.

Children are a source of inspiration, and it is my duty as a teacher to give them childhood, preserve it, and be their friend.

“From birth to three years old, the child is your god, from three to ten years old, he is your slave, from ten years old, the child is your friend” (ancient Chinese wisdom).

The introduction of elements of humanitarization technology can be carried out by every teacher who has creative potential, loves his subject and treats students as subjects of learning. But in order to properly structure the learning process, teachers must always remember that human thinking is initially two-sided: the logical and emotional-imaginative sides exist as equal parts.


1 Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology M., Pedagogy, 1989.

2. Likhachev B. T. “Pedagogy” - M.: “Prometheus”, 1993

3. Ushinsky K.D. Favorite ped. op. M., 1945, pp. 276-277.

4. Zinchenko V.P., Morgunov E.B. Developing man: Essays on Russian psychology. M., Trivola, 1994. p.270.

5. Vygodsky L.S. Educational psychology. M.: Pedagogy, 1991 p. 82

6. Burakova G.Yu. "Humanitarianization of the learning process." M.: Education, 1999.

7. Mudrik A.V. Human socialization: Textbook. village for stations higher textbook manager – M., 2004.

8. Nikandrov N.D. Russia: socialization and education at the turn of the millennium. – M., 2000.

9. Oreshnikov I.M. What is humanitarian culture? – Saransk, 1992.

10. Kharchev A.G. Sociology of education about some current problems of personality education. – M., 199

1) more than half of the respondents do not have a clear attitude to this problem;

2) the majority of respondents have a negative attitude towards a uniform school uniform;

3) the number of people indifferent to this problem has increased significantly;

4) there has been a decrease in supporters of school uniforms

2. Humanization of education involves...

1) increasing public attention to the study of social disciplines;

2) creation of a unified education system for developed countries;

3) increased attention of society to the individual, his psychology, interests;

4) introduction of compulsory subjects for the study of religion.

3. Which of the following concepts corresponds to the definition: “Independent work to acquire knowledge about nature, society, personality”

1) self-analysis; 2) self-education; 3) self-realization; 4) amateur performance

Are the following judgments about the educational system in our society true?

A. All additional educational services are free.

B. Preschool education is a stage of general education.

5 Are the judgments about the social function of education correct:

A. The social function of education lies in the fact that in its process a person masters social experience, and the process of socialization of the individual occurs.

B. The social function of education is that it directly regulates social processes in society.

1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect

6. Secondary education in Russia can be obtained:

1) only in secondary schools; 2) in general education, evening schools, and in institutions of secondary specialized education; 3) only in institutions of secondary specialized education; 4) in a basic secondary school.

7. In the list of main directions of education in society, the following is superfluous:

1) religious; 2) humanitarian; 3) natural science; 4) biological

Fill in the missing words.

Educational institutions, governing bodies and support for their activities in the state constitute the national system of ______ (1). In a systematic ____ (2) of children, the role of the family is generally more significant, and in an organized ____ (3) - the role of the state and society.

Part 3.

From 1. About what ancient type of education (training and upbringing) did V. Hugo say: “The principles laid in a person’s early childhood are like letters carved into the bark of a young tree, growing with it, constituting an integral part of it?”

Section 3. Topic 6. Education.


1. In 2005 and 2008, sociological surveys “You and your work” were conducted. One of the questions was: “Do you like your job?” The results obtained were entered into a table.

What conclusion can be drawn based on the table data?

1).the number of people working in accordance with the qualifications received has increased;

2) the number of respondents satisfied with their work has decreased;

3) the number of people working outside their specialty has decreased;

4) the number of citizens who would like, but cannot get a job in their specialty, has decreased by almost half.

2. Which direction in the development of modern higher education is implemented through the use of distance learning:

1) individualization; 2) humanitarization; 3) internationalization; 4) politicization

Humanization of education involves

1) variety of educational services; 2) computerization of educational institutions; 3) unification of requirements for educational equipment; 4) special attention to social disciplines

4. Ivan is a first-year student at law college. This means he gets:

1) basic education; 2) complete (secondary) education; 3) secondary vocational education; 4) higher professional education

5. The country's education system takes into account the needs of children with disabilities - they can choose their educational program. What trend in the development of education does this example illustrate:

1) internationalization; 2) humanization; 3) humanitarization; 4) informatization

6 Which word is missing:

School education: ……………., basic, secondary complete

7. The characteristic features of modern education in the most developed countries of the world include:

1). the opportunity to receive education via the Internet; 2) practice of internships, exchanges of students and teachers between higher educational institutions of different countries; 3) expansion of the sphere of paid education in comparison with free; 4) the dependence of the qualifications obtained in one specialty on knowledge in other related specialties.

8. The main, most widespread and significant link in the education system in any country for the whole society is:

1). Ministry of Education; 2) financing of the education system by the state; 3) a state university in a capital city; 4) secondary school

Part 3

From 1. What meaning do social scientists put into the concept of “education?” Using knowledge from the social studies course, write 2 sentences containing information about education.

Test "Science" Education"
A1. The sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective data about reality, is called:
science 3) education
philosophy 4) social consciousness
A2. Humanization of education involves:

A3. Are the following statements true?
A. Historically, science arose later than religion, education, and art
B. The development of science is one of the most important factors in the development of material production, social relations, and spiritual life

A4. Humanitarianization of education presupposes:
increasing public attention to the study of social sciences
creation of a unified education system for developed countries
strengthening society's attention to the individual, his psychology, interests, needs
introduction of compulsory subjects for the study of religion
A5. Internationalization of education involves:
increasing public attention to the study of social sciences
creation of a unified education system for developed countries
strengthening society's attention to the individual, his psychology, interests, needs
introduction of compulsory subjects for the study of religion
A6. Which judgment is correct?
A. The peculiarity of scientific knowledge lies in its theoretical nature
B. Scientific knowledge is based on the authority of the researcher
1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true
2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect
A7. Which direction is currently irrelevant for the development of education:
politicization 3) humanitarization
humanization 4) internationalization
A8. When conducting lessons, the teacher uses individual assignments, pays great attention to the development of students’ creative abilities, and helps create a psychologically comfortable environment in the classroom. What direction in the development of education does he implement:

A9. Which judgment is correct?
A. Scientific knowledge is always practical in nature
B. Scientific knowledge begins when a pattern is realized behind a set of facts
1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true
2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect
A10. When drawing up a new curriculum for first-year students of a professional lyceum, the course “World Artistic Culture” was introduced. What direction in the development of education does this innovation implement?
humanization 3) internationalization
humanitarization 4) politicization
A11. Which judgment is correct?
A. Science is not a direct productive force of society
B. Problems that arose during the development of technology became the subject of scientific research. This is how new scientific disciplines emerged (for example, thermodynamics)
1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true
2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect
A12. For the needs of the EEC countries, a European Business School was created; its branches are located in Paris, Oxford, Berlin, and Madrid. Representatives of various European countries study there.
What trend in the development of education are we talking about?
1) humanization 3) internationalization
2) humanitarization 4) autonomization
A13. Which judgment is correct?
A. Science is thinking in artistic images
B. Science is thinking in concepts
1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true
2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

A14. Students of the State Technical University now have the opportunity to receive a European-style diploma. What direction in the development of education are we talking about?
humanization 3) nationalization
humanitarization 4) internationalization
A15. Which judgment is correct?
A. The immediate goals of science are description, explanation and prediction of phenomena of reality
B. The language of science differs significantly from the language of other forms of culture and art in that it is more clear and rigorous
1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true
2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect
A16. Which judgment is correct?
A. Science is one of the areas of the political sphere of society
B. Science has a complex impact
· impact on public life, especially intensively affecting the technical and economic development and management of society
1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true
2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect
A17. Which judgment is correct?
A. Humanization of education presupposes great attention from society to the individual, his psychology, interests, and needs
B. Humanization of education is the creation of a single educational space for different countries
1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true
2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect
A18. The peculiarity of scientific knowledge is:
their theoretical nature
practical use
their contents in books
A19. The type of human activity that is aimed at obtaining new knowledge about nature, society and man is called:
education 3) socialization
science 4) education
A20. A feature of scientific knowledge is
their theoretical nature
practical use
they are contained in books
A21 Zoological scientists are studying the behavior of Himalayan bears in captivity. What function of science is illustrated by this example?
A22 Seismological scientists, having studied the state of the earth’s crust in the village of N., warned local residents about the possibility of an earthquake. What function of science is illustrated by this example?
A23 The development and distribution of hardy, disease-resistant and fast-growing poultry breeds reflects the function of science:
A24 Students of the State Technical University have the opportunity to receive a European-style diploma. What direction in the development of education are we talking about?
A25 For the needs of the EEC countries, a European Business School was created, its branches are located in Paris, Oxford, Berlin, and Madrid. Representatives of various European countries study there. What trend in the development of education are we talking about?
A26 Which judgment is correct?
A) Science is thinking in artistic images
B) Science is thinking in concepts
Only A is correct
Only B is correct
Both statements are correct
Both judgments are wrong
A27 The creation and practical implementation of frost-resistant, ripening grape varieties illustrates the function of science:
A28 When drawing up a new curriculum for first-year college students, the elective “World Artistic Culture” was introduced. What direction in the development of education does this innovation implement?
A29 Which judgment is correct?
A) Science is not a direct productive force of society
B) Problems that arose during the development of technology became the subject of scientific research. This is how new scientific disciplines emerged (for example, thermodynamics)
1) Only A is correct
2) Only B is correct
3) Both judgments are correct
4) Both judgments are incorrect
A30 The goal of modern education is not
political orientation of the individual
familiarization with national and world culture
transfer of knowledge, skills, abilities
socialization of personality
A31 Which direction is currently irrelevant for modern education7
A32 The essence of predictive science is to
to understand and explain the world
foresee the consequences of changes in the surrounding world
improve social structure
create additional resources on economics
A33 Does not correspond to modern development of education
widespread use of computers and electronic learning tools
increasing the volume of education content through the humanities
strengthening the class structure of education
creation of a continuous education system
A34 Humanization of education involves
increasing public attention to the study of social sciences
creation of a unified education system for developed countries
strengthening society's attention to the individual, his psychology, interests, needs
introduction of compulsory subjects for the study of religion
A35 Not mandatory for scientific knowledge
discovery of objective laws
presence of a conceptual apparatus
experiment as a method of searching for truth
logicality of theory construction
A36The sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective data about reality, is called
public consciousness

Social studies lesson on the topic “Right to Education.” 9th grade.

history and social studies I categories

MBOU “Secondary School No. 10 and MAOU “Secondary School No. 7”

Nizhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk region

    Target: to form among students an idea of ​​the need for the existence of a school and the right to education.


    introduce students to the legal framework of education in the Russian Federation, reveal the role of education in modern society

    to form a legal culture;

    encourage students to think about personal prospects for improving their educational level.

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson plan.

1.What is education.

2. Right to education.

3. Education in modern society.

1. Checking homework.

In the previous lesson, students were given the questions before paragraph 47 as homework.

We will begin today's lesson with oral answers to the proposed questions.

What is knowledge?

Where and in what way can a person acquire new knowledge?

Is it possible to acquire knowledge at school that will be enough for a lifetime?

Should I continue my education after finishing school? Why?

2. Studying new material.

Have any of you ever thought about the meaning of the word “education”?

Slide 3

Discussion of associations.

Very often, many problems arise due to inaccurate understanding of the term.

To understand the content of the right to education, let us first turn to the dictionary and become familiar with the term “education”.

(textbook by L. N. Bogolyubov “Social studies grades 8-9” page 378)

Slide 4

The teacher invites students to explain the relevance of the topic

Slide 5

The teacher offers to get acquainted with the documents regulating the activities of the state in the field of education

Slide 6 - 7

Invites students to discuss trends in education development

in the modern world

slide 8

Students write down new concepts in their notebooks.

The teacher invites students to answer the question: What are the ways to get an education, name the stages of Russian education

Slide 10 - 11

The teacher talks about the relationship between the right to education and the right to access cultural values, as well as the responsibilities of preserving historical and cultural heritage

Slide 12 – 13

The teacher poses a problem task: The rights of citizens to education and to enjoy cultural achievements are guaranteed by the state and recognized by society.

Who has the main role in realizing these rights?

Students offer their solutions

Slide 14 - 15

Question for the class: What is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities by a person independently, without the help of another, called? (self-education)

Working in a notebook: recording two concepts of “self-education”.

Students form the main conclusions finishing the sentences on the slide

The right to education is granted to every citizen of the Russian Federation, but it is also the responsibility of a citizen. This means that everyone’s responsibility increases for the completeness, depth, and quality of their knowledge, which in a few years will be useful to you in fulfilling your professional duties.

Checking the material learned:

Slide 17-21

    Humanization of education is:

1) reducing the teaching load

2) the opportunity to get an education in another country

3) attention to individual personality characteristics;

4) free attendance of classes

    What feature characterizes secondary education in the Russian Federation:

    1) the state guarantees all citizens education in Russian

    2) teaching in foreign languages ​​is mandatory

    3) secondary education in the Russian Federation is compulsory

    4) the student cannot be expelled from the educational institution

    Humanitarianization of education presupposes

1)variety of educational services

2) computerization of educational institutions

3) unification of requirements for educational equipment

4) special attention to social disciplines

    Are the following statements about education true?

    A. Education is the process of creating a person and a citizen

    B. Education is the process of acquiring knowledge about the world, introducing to the values ​​of world civilization

    1) only A is correct

    2) only B is correct

    3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

    Are the following statements about education true?

    A. Humanization of education involves increased attention to the student’s personality, his interests, and needs.

    B. Humanization of education involves increased attention to the moral education of a person.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true

    3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


    Paragraph 47

    Preparation for the test on the topic “Human and Civil Rights”

Sources used:

Lesson plans for social studies 9th grade

Test "Science" Education"

A1. The sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective data about reality, is called:

    science 3) education

    philosophy 4) social consciousness

A2. Humanization of education involves:

A3. Are the following statements true?

A. Historically, science arose later than religion, education, and art

B. The development of science is one of the most important factors in the development of material production, social relations, and spiritual life

A4. Humanitarianization of education presupposes:

    increasing public attention to the study of social sciences

    creation of a unified education system for developed countries

    strengthening society's attention to the individual, his psychology, interests, needs

    introduction of compulsory subjects for the study of religion

A5. Internationalization of education involves:

    increasing public attention to the study of social sciences

    creation of a unified education system for developed countries

    strengthening society's attention to the individual, his psychology, interests, needs

    introduction of compulsory subjects for the study of religion

A6. Which judgment is correct?

A. The peculiarity of scientific knowledge lies in its theoretical nature

B. Scientific knowledge is based on the authority of the researcher

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

A7. Which direction is currently irrelevant for the development of education:

    politicization 3) humanitarization

    humanization 4) internationalization

A8. When conducting lessons, the teacher uses individual assignments, pays great attention to the development of students’ creative abilities, and helps create a psychologically comfortable environment in the classroom. What direction in the development of education does he implement:

A9. Which judgment is correct?

A. Scientific knowledge is always practical in nature

B. Scientific knowledge begins when a pattern is realized behind a set of facts

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

A10. When drawing up a new curriculum for first-year students of a professional lyceum, the course “World Artistic Culture” was introduced. What direction in the development of education does this innovation implement?

    humanization 3) internationalization

    humanitarization 4) politicization

A11. Which judgment is correct?

A. Science is not a direct productive force of society

B. Problems that arose during the development of technology became the subject of scientific research. This is how new scientific disciplines emerged (for example, thermodynamics)

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

A12. For the needs of the EEC countries, a European Business School was created; its branches are located in Paris, Oxford, Berlin, and Madrid. Representatives of various European countries study there.

What trend in the development of education are we talking about?

1) humanization 3) internationalization

2) humanitarization 4) autonomization

A13. Which judgment is correct?

A. Science is thinking in artistic images

B. Science is thinking in concepts

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

A14. Students of the State Technical University now have the opportunity to receive a European-style diploma. What direction in the development of education are we talking about?

    humanization 3) nationalization

    humanitarization 4) internationalization

A15. Which judgment is correct?

A. The immediate goals of science are description, explanation and prediction of phenomena of reality

B. The language of science differs significantly from the language of other forms of culture and art in that it is more clear and rigorous

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

A16. Which judgment is correct?

A. Science is one of the areas of the political sphere of society

B. Science has a complex impact on social life, especially intensively affecting the technical and economic development and management of society

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

A17. Which judgment is correct?

A. Humanization of education presupposes great attention from society to the individual, his psychology, interests, and needs

B. Humanization of education is the creation of a single educational space for different countries

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

A18. The peculiarity of scientific knowledge is:

    their theoretical nature

    practical use


    their contents in books

A19. The type of human activity that is aimed at obtaining new knowledge about nature, society and man is called:

    education 3) socialization

    science 4) education

A20. A feature of scientific knowledge is

    their theoretical nature

    practical use


    they are contained in books

A21 Zoological scientists are studying the behavior of Himalayan bears in captivity. What function of science is illustrated by this example?





A22 Seismological scientists, having studied the state of the earth’s crust in the village of N., warned local residents about the possibility of an earthquake. What function of science is illustrated by this example?





A23 The development and distribution of hardy, disease-resistant and fast-growing poultry breeds reflects the function of science:





A24 Students of the State Technical University have the opportunity to receive a European-style diploma. What direction in the development of education are we talking about?





A25 For the needs of the EEC countries, a European Business School was created, its branches are located in Paris, Oxford, Berlin, and Madrid. Representatives of various European countries study there. What trend in the development of education are we talking about?





A26 Which judgment is correct?

A) Science is thinking in artistic images

B) Science is thinking in concepts

    Only A is correct

    Only B is correct

    Both statements are correct

    Both judgments are wrong

A27 The creation and practical implementation of frost-resistant, ripening grape varieties illustrates the function of science:





A28 When drawing up a new curriculum for first-year college students, the elective “World Artistic Culture” was introduced. What direction in the development of education does this innovation implement?





A29 Which judgment is correct?

A) Science is not a direct productive force of society

B) Problems that arose during the development of technology became the subject of scientific research. This is how new scientific disciplines emerged (for example, thermodynamics)

1) Only A is correct

2) Only B is correct

3) Both judgments are correct

4) Both judgments are incorrect

A30 The goal of modern education is not

    political orientation of the individual

    familiarization with national and world culture

    transfer of knowledge, skills, abilities

    socialization of personality

A31 Which direction is currently irrelevant for modern education7





A32 The essence of predictive science is to

    to understand and explain the world

    foresee the consequences of changes in the surrounding world

    improve social structure

    create additional resources on economics

A33 Does not correspond to modern development of education

    widespread use of computers and electronic learning tools

    increasing the volume of education content through the humanities

    strengthening the class structure of education

    creation of a continuous education system

A34 Humanization of education involves

    increasing public attention to the study of social sciences

    creation of a unified education system for developed countries

    strengthening society's attention to the individual, his psychology, interests, needs

    introduction of compulsory subjects for the study of religion

A35 Not mandatory for scientific knowledge

    discovery of objective laws

    presence of a conceptual apparatus

    experiment as a method of searching for truth

    logicality of theory construction

A36The sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective data about reality, is called




    public consciousness