SP 11 01 95 updated edition. List of basic data and requirements

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SNiP 11-01-95

Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation

(Ministry of Construction of Russia)

Moscow 1995


1. Developed by the Main Directorate of Design and Engineering Surveys of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the Main Directorate of State Non-Departmental Expertise under the Ministry of Construction of Russia with the participation of the Main Directorate for Improving Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction of the Ministry of Construction of Russia and the State Enterprise - Center for Scientific and Methodological Support of Engineering Support of Investments in Construction (SE CENTRINVESTproject ) Ministry of Construction of Russia.

Introduced by the Main Directorate of Design and Engineering Surveys of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the Main Directorate of State Non-Departmental Expertise under the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

2. Adopted and put into effect by Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated June 30, 1995 No. 18-64.

3. Instead of SNiP 1.02.01-85.

1. Introduction

2. General provisions

3. The procedure for development, coordination and approval of project documentation

4. Composition and content of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures

4.1. Project for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures for industrial purposes

4.2. Project for the construction of housing and civil facilities

4.3. Working draft

5. Composition of working documentation

Appendix A. Assignment for the design of industrial facilities

Appendix B. Assignment for the design of residential and civil facilities

Appendix B. Approximate list of technical and economic indicators for industrial facilities

Appendix D. Approximate list of technical and economic indicators for public buildings and structures

Appendix D. Approximate list of technical and economic indicators for residential buildings

Appendix E. List of samples of calculation and analytical tables (tables 1-11)


The instructions on the procedure for the development, coordination, approval and composition of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures are developed on the basis of legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and cover a range of issues considered at the design stage of the investment process in construction.


on the procedure for development, coordination, approval
and the composition of design documentation for construction
enterprises, buildings and structures

on the procedure of development, coordination, approval and
composition of design documentation, for construction of
enterprises, buildings and structures

Date of introduction 1995-07-01


1.1. This Instruction establishes the procedure for the development, coordination, approval and composition of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures on the territory of the Russian Federation and is intended for use by customers (investors), government and supervisory authorities, enterprises, organizations, associations, other legal entities and individuals (including foreign) - participants in the investment process.

1.2. The procedure for developing urban planning documentation, justification for investments in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, as well as design documentation for the construction of facilities abroad, is established in separate regulatory documents.


2.1. Development of design documentation for the construction* of facilities is carried out on the basis of approved (approved) Justifications for investments in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures. The design documentation details the decisions made in the justifications and clarifies the main technical and economic indicators.

2.2. When developing project documentation, it is necessary to be guided by the legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, this Instruction, as well as other government documents regulating investment activities for the creation and reproduction of fixed assets.

2.3. If necessary, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, based on the provisions of this Instruction, can develop and approve territorial and sectoral regulatory documents, taking into account regional characteristics and sectoral specifics of the facilities being designed.

* the concept of construction includes new construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment.

2.4. The main project document for the construction of facilities is, as a rule, a feasibility study (project)* of construction. Based on the duly approved feasibility study (project)** of construction, working documentation is developed.

2.5. For technically and environmentally complex objects and under special natural construction conditions, by decision of the customer (investor)*** or the conclusion of the state examination of the considered project, simultaneously with the development of working documentation and construction, additional detailed elaborations of design solutions for individual objects, sections and issues can be carried out .

* double designation of stages, uniform in composition and content, was adopted for the purpose of continuity of the current legislative and regulatory framework and compatibility with terminology used abroad.

2.6. For objects built under mass and reuse projects, as well as other technically simple objects, on the basis of approved justifications for investments in construction or urban planning documentation, a working draft (approved part and working documentation) or working documentation can be developed.

2.7. The main document regulating legal and financial relations, mutual obligations and responsibilities of the parties is the agreement (contract) concluded by the customer with the design, design and construction organizations, other legal entities and individuals involved in the development of project documentation. An integral part of the agreement (contract) must be a design assignment.

2.8. The design of construction projects must be carried out by legal entities and individuals who have received the right to the corresponding type of activity in the prescribed manner.

2.9. The customer, on a contractual basis, can delegate the corresponding rights to legal entities or individuals, entrusting them with responsibility for the development and implementation of the project.

2.10. In cases where the agreement (contract) does not stipulate special requirements for the composition of the design documentation issued to the customer, it does not include calculations of building structures, technological processes and equipment, as well as calculations of the volume of construction and installation work, requirements for materials, labor and energy resources.

These materials are stored by the developer of the design documentation and are presented to the customer or state examination bodies upon their request.

2.11. Customers of design documentation and designers are obliged to promptly make changes to the working documentation related to the introduction of new regulatory documents.

2.12. The use of inventions in the design of construction projects and the legal protection of inventions created in the process of developing design documentation are carried out in accordance with current legislation.


3.1. Development of design documentation is carried out in the presence of an approved decision on preliminary approval of the location of the facility, on the basis of approved (approved) justifications for investments in construction or other pre-design materials, a contract, design assignment and engineering survey materials.

When designing enterprises, buildings and structures for industrial purposes, decisions made in regional planning schemes and projects, master plans for cities, towns and rural settlements, planning projects for residential, industrial and other functional areas should be taken into account.

The design of housing and civil facilities is carried out in accordance with the duly approved master plans of cities, towns and rural settlements, district planning schemes and projects and development projects developed on their basis.

3.2. Project documentation is developed primarily on a competitive basis, including through contract bidding (tender).

3.3. When designing particularly complex and unique buildings and structures, the customer, together with the relevant research and specialized organizations, must develop special technical conditions that reflect the specifics of their design, construction and operation.

3.4. Project documentation for the construction of an enterprise, building and structure, developed in accordance with state norms, rules and standards, which must be certified by the corresponding record of the person responsible for the project (chief engineer of the project, chief architect of the project, project manager), agreement with state supervisory authorities and is not subject to other interested organizations, except for cases provided for by the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.5. Justified deviations from the requirements of regulatory documents are allowed only with permission from the authorities that approved and (or) put these documents into effect.

3.6. Project documentation developed in accordance with the initial data, technical conditions and requirements issued by state supervision (control) bodies and interested organizations when agreeing on the location of the facility, is not subject to additional approval, except in cases specifically specified by the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.7. Projects and detailed designs for the construction of facilities, regardless of sources of financing, forms of ownership and affiliation, are subject to state examination in accordance with the Procedure established in the Russian Federation.

3.8. Approval of projects and working designs for the construction of facilities, depending on the sources of its financing, is carried out:

during construction at the expense of government capital investments financed from the republican budget of the Russian Federation - in the manner established by the Ministry of Construction of Russia together with interested ministries and departments;

during construction at the expense of capital investments financed from the relevant budgets of the republics of the Russian Federation, territories, regions, autonomous entities, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg - by the relevant government bodies or in the manner established by them;

during construction at the expense of own financial resources, borrowed and attracted funds from investors (including foreign investors) - directly by customers (investors).


4.1. The project for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures for industrial purposes consists of the following sections:

General explanatory note;

Master plan and transport;

Technological solutions;

Organization and working conditions of workers. Production and enterprise management.

Engineering equipment, networks and systems;

Organization of construction;

Environmental protection;

Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Measures to prevent emergency situations;

Estimate documentation;

Investment efficiency.

If it is necessary to create housing and civil facilities for the needs of an enterprise or structure, the design documentation includes the “Housing and Civil Construction” project, which is developed in accordance with paragraph 4.2 of this Instruction and the provisions of the Instruction on the composition, procedure for development, coordination and approval of urban planning documentation.

For relatively small volumes of housing and civil construction (one or several buildings) as part of the project of an enterprise or structure, the section “Housing and civil construction” is developed in a reduced volume.

4.1.1. General explanatory note.

Basis for the development of the project, initial data for design, brief description of the enterprise and its production facilities, data on design capacity and product range, quality, competitiveness, technical level of products, raw material base, requirements for fuel, water, thermal and electrical energy, comprehensive use of raw materials, production waste, secondary energy resources; information about the socio-economic and environmental conditions of the construction area.

Key indicators for the master plan, engineering networks and communications, measures for engineering protection of the territory.

General information characterizing the conditions and labor protection of workers, sanitary and epidemiological measures, basic solutions to ensure labor safety and living conditions for people with limited mobility.

Information about the inventions used in the project.

Technical and economic indicators obtained as a result of project development, their comparison with the indicators of the approved (approved) justification for investment in the construction of the facility and established by the design assignment, conclusions and proposals for the implementation of the project.

Information on the approvals of design solutions; confirmation of compliance of the developed project documentation with state norms, rules, standards, initial data, as well as technical conditions and requirements issued by state supervision (control) bodies and interested organizations when agreeing on the location of the facility. Approvals on deviations from current regulatory documents drawn up in the prescribed manner.

4.1.2. Master plan and transport.

Brief description of the area and construction site; decisions and indicators on the master plan (taking into account zoning of the territory), on-site and external transport, choice of mode of transport, basic planning decisions, measures for landscaping the territory; solutions for the location of utility networks and communications; organization of enterprise security.

Main drawings:

situational plan for the location of an enterprise, building, structure indicating existing and projected external communications, utility networks and residential areas, boundaries of the sanitary protection zone, specially protected areas. For linear structures, a route plan is provided (off-site and on-site), and, if necessary, a longitudinal profile of the route;

cartogram of earth masses;

a master plan on which existing and designed (reconstructed) and subject to demolition buildings and structures, environmental protection and landscaping objects, landscaping of the territory are plotted in fundamental decisions on the location of on-site utility networks and transport communications, planning marks of the territory. The objects, networks and transport communications included in the launch complexes are highlighted.

4.1.3. Technological solutions.

Data on the production program; a brief description and justification of decisions on production technology, data on the labor intensity (machine intensity) of manufacturing products, mechanization and automation of technological processes; composition and justification of the equipment used, including imported; solutions for the use of low-waste and waste-free technological processes and production, reuse of heat and captured chemicals; number of workplaces and their equipment; characteristics of inter-shop and shop-floor communications.

Proposals for organizing product quality control.

Solutions for organizing repair facilities.

Data on the quantity and composition of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and discharges into water sources (for individual workshops, production facilities, structures).

Technical solutions to prevent (reduce) emissions and discharges of harmful substances into the environment; assessment of the possibility of emergency situations and solutions to prevent them.

Type, composition and volume of industrial waste subject to disposal and disposal.

Fuel, energy and material balances of technological processes.

The need for basic types of resources for technological needs.

Main drawings:

schematic diagrams of technological processes;

technological layouts for buildings (workshops) indicating the placement of equipment and vehicles;

cargo flow diagrams.

4.1.4. Management of production, enterprise and organization of conditions and labor protection of workers and employees.

This section is carried out in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Russian Ministry of Labor.

This section covers:

Organizational structure of enterprise and individual production management, automated management system and its information, functional, organizational and technical support; automation and mechanization of labor of management workers; results of calculations of the number and professional qualifications of workers; number and equipment of workplaces. Sanitary and hygienic working conditions for workers. Occupational health and safety measures, including solutions to reduce production noise and vibration; gas contamination of premises, excess heat, increasing the comfort of working conditions, etc.


Information about engineering-geological, hydrogeological conditions of the construction site. Brief description and justification of architectural and construction solutions for the main buildings and structures; justification of fundamental decisions to reduce production noise and vibration, household and sanitary services for workers.

Electrical, explosion and fire safety measures; protection of building structures, networks and structures from corrosion.

Main drawings:

plans, sections and facades of the main buildings and structures with a schematic representation of the main load-bearing and enclosing structures.

4.1.6. Engineering equipment, networks and systems.

Solutions for water supply, sewerage, heat supply, gas supply, electricity supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

Engineering equipment of buildings and structures, including: electrical equipment, electric lighting, communications and alarms, radio and television, fire-fighting devices and lightning protection, etc.

Dispatching and automation of control of engineering systems.

Main drawings:

schematic diagrams of heat supply, electricity supply, gas supply, water supply and sewerage, etc.;

plans and profiles of utility networks;

drawings of main structures;

plans and diagrams of in-shop heating and ventilation devices, power supply and electrical equipment, radio and alarm systems, automation of control of engineering systems, etc.

4.1.7. Organization of construction.

This section is being developed in accordance with SNiP “Organization of construction production” and taking into account the conditions and requirements set out in the contract for the execution of design work and available data on the construction services market.

4.1.8. Environmental protection.

This section is carried out in accordance with state standards, building codes and regulations approved by the Russian Ministry of Construction, regulatory documents of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and other regulations governing environmental activities.


4.1.10 . Estimate documentation.

To determine the estimated cost of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (or their queues), estimate documentation is drawn up in accordance with the provisions and forms given in the regulatory and methodological documents of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

The main provisions for compiling this documentation are given in this section.

The composition of the documentation developed at the project stage should contain:

summary construction cost estimates and, if necessary, cost summaries*;

object and local estimate calculations;

estimates for certain types of costs (including design and survey work).

As part of the working documentation:

object and local estimates **.

* are compiled in the case when capital investments are provided from different sources of financing.

** are drawn up if this is provided for in the contract for the execution of working documentation.

It is recommended to present the cost of construction in the customer’s estimate documentation in two price levels:

at the basic (constant) level, determined on the basis of current estimated norms and prices.

at the current or forecast level, determined on the basis of prices prevailing at the time of drawing up estimates or forecast for the period of construction.

The estimate documentation for construction projects also includes an explanatory note, which provides data characterizing the applied estimate and regulatory (regulatory and information) base, the price level and other information that distinguishes the conditions of this construction.

Based on the current (forecast) cost level determined as part of the estimate documentation, customers and contractors form free (negotiable) prices for construction products.

These prices can be open, that is, specified in accordance with the terms of the agreement (contract) during construction, or firm (final).

As a result of the joint decision of the customer and the contracting construction and installation organization, a protocol (statement) of the free (negotiable) price for construction products is drawn up in the appropriate form.

When drawing up estimate documentation, as a rule, a resource (resource-index) method is used, in which the estimated cost of construction is determined on the basis of data from design materials on the required resources (labor, construction machines, materials and structures) and current (forecast) prices for these resources.

In the summary estimate, a separate line provides for a reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs, calculated from the total estimated cost (at the current price level) depending on the degree of elaboration and novelty of design solutions. For construction projects carried out using capital investments financed from the republican budget of the Russian Federation, the amount of the reserve should not exceed three percent for industrial facilities and two percent for social facilities.

Additional funds for reimbursement of costs that emerged after the approval of project documentation in connection with the introduction of increasing coefficients, benefits, compensation, etc., by decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, should be included in the consolidated estimate calculation as a separate line, with a subsequent change in the final construction cost indicators and approval of the clarifications made. authority that approved the design documentation.

4.1.11 . Investment efficiency.

Based on quantitative and qualitative indicators obtained during the development of the relevant sections of the project, calculations of investment efficiency are performed.

The generalized data and calculation results are compared with the main technical and economic indicators determined as part of the justification for investments in the construction of a given facility, the design assignment, and on its basis the final decision on investment and implementation of the project is made. An approximate list of technical and economic indicators is given in Appendix B.

This section is carried out in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects and their selection for financing, approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia, the Ministry of Economy of Russia, the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the State Committee for Industry of Russia (No. 7-12/47 dated March 31, 1994).

It is recommended to present calculations and analysis of the main economic and financial indicators in the form of tables (Appendix E).

4.1.12. The relevant sections of the project should include:

equipment specifications drawn up in accordance with the form established by state SPDS standards;

initial requirements for the development of design documentation for individually manufactured equipment, which is stipulated in the agreement (contract).

4.2. The project for the construction of housing and civil facilities consists of the following sections:

General explanatory note;

Architectural and construction solutions;

Technological solutions;

Solutions for engineering equipment;

Environmental protection;

Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Measures to prevent emergency situations;

Organization of construction (if necessary);

Estimate documentation;

Investment efficiency (if necessary).

4.2.1. General explanatory note.

Basis for the development of the project; initial data for design; information on the rationale for choosing a construction site; brief description of the facility: data on the design capacity of the facility (capacity, throughput); results of calculation of the number and professional qualification composition of workers, information on the number of workplaces (except for residential buildings); data on the need for fuel, water and electrical energy; information about the priority of construction and urban planning complexes; main technical and economic indicators of the project*; information about the approvals of design solutions; confirmation of compliance of the developed documentation with state norms, rules and standards; measures for technical operation (based on materials developed for a series of residential buildings for mass use); basic decisions to ensure living conditions for people with limited mobility.

* An approximate list of technical and economic indicators for public buildings and structures is given in Appendix D, and for residential buildings - in Appendix D.

4.2.2. Technological solutions.

Functional purpose of the object; a brief description and justification of decisions on technology, mechanization, automation of technological processes and their compliance with the level specified by the customer and standards for safety and labor comfort.

4.2.3. Architectural and construction solutions.

Information about engineering-geological, hydrogeological conditions; decisions and main indicators for the general plan and landscaping of the site, justification of architectural and construction solutions and their compliance with the architectural design, functional purpose, taking into account urban planning requirements; protection of historical and cultural monuments, compliance of space-planning and design solutions with the requirements and technical specifications established by the customer; considerations for organizing construction (if necessary, a separate section is developed); measures for explosion and fire safety of the facility, protection of building structures from corrosion, data on ensuring the required comfort in the premises; measures to protect the health of workers and ensure living conditions for people with limited mobility.

4.2.4. Solutions for engineering equipment.

Justification of fundamental decisions on engineering equipment - heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply, water supply, sewerage; solutions for dispatching, automation and management of engineering systems; fundamental solutions for electrical equipment, electric lighting, lightning protection, security and fire alarms; measures to protect utility networks and equipment from stray currents and anti-corrosion protection; solutions for communications and signaling, radio, television; equipment for creating favorable working conditions; design solutions for fire safety measures.

4.2.5. Environmental protection.

The section is developed in accordance with state standards, building codes and regulations approved by the Russian Ministry of Construction, regulatory documents of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and other regulations governing environmental activities.

4.2.6. Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Measures to prevent emergency situations.

This section is carried out in accordance with the rules and regulations in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies.

4.2.7. Organization of construction.

This section is being developed in accordance with SNiP “Organization of construction production” and taking into account the conditions and requirements set out in the contract for the execution of design work and available data on the construction services market.

4.2.8. Estimate documentation.

Compiled in relation to the provisions of clause 4.1.10.

4.2.9. Investment efficiency.

Developed in relation to the provisions of clause 4.1.11.

Main drawings:

situational plan on a scale of 1: 5000, 1:10000;

master plan diagram or master plan of the site on a topographic basis on a scale of 1: 500, 1: 1000;

floor plans, facades, sections of buildings and structures with schematic representations of the main load-bearing and enclosing structures (according to individual and reused projects);

catalog sheets of linked projects for mass use;

interiors of the main premises (developed in accordance with the design specifications);

schematic representation of individual design solutions;

examples of furniture arrangement for residential buildings;

schematic diagrams of engineering equipment;

diagrams of external engineering communications routes;

plans for routes of intra-site networks and structures for them;

facility power supply diagram;

schematic diagrams of automation of control of engineering equipment, sanitary devices;

communication and signaling schemes;

waste disposal schemes.

4.3. Working draft.

The working draft is developed in a reduced volume and composition, determined depending on the type of construction and functional purpose of the object, in relation to the composition and content of the project.

The working design includes working documentation.


5.1. The composition of the working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures is determined by the relevant state SPDS standards and is specified by the customer and the designer in the design agreement (contract).

5.2. State, industry and republican standards, as well as drawings of standard structures, products and assemblies, which are referenced in the working drawings, are not included in the working documentation and can be transferred by the designer to the customer if this is stipulated in the contract.

Appendix A



(name and location of the designed enterprise, building and structure)

List of basic data and requirements

1. Basis for design

2. Type of construction

3. Staged design

4. Requirements for variant and competitive development

5. Special construction conditions

6. Main technical and economic indicators of the facility, including power, productivity, production program

7. Requirements for the quality of competitiveness and environmental parameters of products

8. Requirements for technology, enterprise mode

9. Requirements for architectural, construction, space-planning and structural solutions

10. Identification of queues and launch complexes, requirements for the future expansion of the enterprise

11. Requirements and conditions for the development of environmental measures and activities

12. Requirements for occupational safety and health

13. Requirements for assimilation of production

14. Requirements for the development of engineering and technical measures for civil defense and emergency prevention measures

15. Requirements for carrying out development and research work

16. Composition of demonstration materials

The composition of the design assignment is established taking into account the industry specifics and type of construction.

Along with the design assignment, the customer provides the design organization with initial materials *:

* nomenclature, order and timing of submission of materials are specified in the agreement (contract) for the implementation of design work.

justification for investment in the construction of this facility;

decision of the local executive authority on preliminary approval of the location of the facility;

the act of selecting a land plot (route) for construction and the materials attached to it;

architectural and planning assignment drawn up in accordance with the established procedure;

technical conditions for connecting the designed facility to supply sources, engineering networks and communications;

information about discussions held with the public regarding decisions on the construction of the facility;

initial data on equipment, including individually manufactured equipment;

necessary data on completed research and development work related to the creation of technological processes and equipment;

inventory materials, appraisal reports and decisions of local administration bodies on demolition and the nature of compensation for demolished buildings and structures;

materials received from the local administration and state supervisory authorities, including characteristics of the socio-economic situation, natural conditions and the state of the natural environment, data on existing sources of pollution and other information in accordance with the requirements of environmental authorities, sanitary and epidemiological conditions in the construction area ;

available materials from engineering surveys and surveys, measurement drawings of buildings and structures existing at the construction site, underground and above-ground networks and communications;

drawings and technical characteristics of the company's products;

assignment for the development of tender documentation for construction (if necessary);

conclusions and materials made based on the results of inspection of existing production facilities, structures of buildings and structures;

technological layouts of existing workshops, areas with specifications of equipment and information about its condition, data on working conditions in the workplace;

conditions for the placement of temporary buildings and structures, lifting and transport machines and mechanisms, storage areas for construction materials;

other materials.

Appendix B



(name and location of the object)

List of main
data and requirements

1. Basis for design

2. Type of construction

3. Staged design

4. Requirements for variant and competitive development

5. Special construction conditions

6. Basic technical and economic indicators, including residential or public buildings, their purpose (number of floors, number of sections and apartments, capacity or throughput)

7. Purpose and types of public service enterprises built into residential buildings, their capacity, capacity, throughput, composition and area of ​​premises, construction volume

8. Basic requirements for the architectural and planning solution of the building, blocking conditions, finishing of the building

10. Basic requirements for design solutions and materials of load-bearing and enclosing structures

11. Basic requirements for engineering and technological equipment

12. Requirements for ensuring living conditions for people with limited mobility

13. Requirements for site landscaping and small architectural forms

14. Requirements for the development of engineering and technical measures for civil defense and emergency prevention measures

15. Requirements for the need for: implementation of demonstration materials, their composition and form; performing research and development work during the design and construction process; compliance with environmental and sanitary-epidemiological conditions for the facility

Along with the design assignment, the customer issues the following documents and materials to the design organization *:

* the nomenclature, procedure and deadlines for submitting materials are specified in the agreement (contract) for the implementation of design work.

justification of investments in the construction of this facility;

decision of the local executive authority on preliminary approval of the location of the facility;

architectural and planning task;

available materials of the approved detailed planning project for the construction site;

available topographic survey materials of the construction site and geological and hydrogeological survey data;

materials on existing and preserved buildings and green spaces;

information about above-ground and underground engineering structures and communications;

inventory materials, appraisal reports and decisions of the local administration on demolition and the nature of compensation for demolished structures;

data on the type of fuel released;

technical conditions for connection to external engineering networks and communications;

information about the background state of the natural environment, the comfort of living of the population, the presence of man-made objects near the construction of residential and civil facilities and the zones of their influence in possible emergency situations;

other materials;

Appendix B


Indicator name

Unit measurements

1. Enterprise capacity, annual production:

in value terms

in kind

accordingly units

2. Total area of ​​the site

3. Building coefficient

4. Specific consumption per unit of power:


natural gas

thousand cubic meters m

5. Total number of employees

6. Annual output per employee:

in value terms

thousand rubles/person

in kind

7. Total cost of construction, including construction and installation works

million rubles
million rubles

8. Specific capital investments

rub./unit power

9. Duration of construction

10. Cost of fixed assets

11. Product cost

thousand rubles/unit

12. Balance sheet (gross) profit

13. Net profit

14. Level of profitability of production

15. Internal rate of return

16. Payback period

17. Repayment period of the loan and other borrowed funds

Appendix D


Name of indicators

Unit measurements

1. Power capacity, throughput

acc. units

2. Total area of ​​land

3. Total area of ​​buildings and structures

4. Construction volume

5. Specific consumption of energy resources per unit area

6. Total construction cost,


construction and installation works

7. Duration of construction

8. Qualitative characteristics of the object

9. Balance sheet (gross) profit (if necessary)

10. Net profit (if necessary)

11. Payback period

Appendix D


Name of indicators

Unit measurements

1. Number of apartments, capacity

2. Construction volume

3. Total area

4. Living area

5. Ratio of living space to total space

acc. units

6. Total cost of construction, including the cost of construction and installation work

7. Cost of 1 sq. m of area (total, residential)

8. Average cost of one apartment

9. Specific consumption of energy resources per 1 sq. m of total area

10. Natural light

11. Duration of construction

Appendix E


1. Production program

2. Calculation of revenue from product sales

3. Summary statement of investment costs

4. Composition of investors and expected sources of financing during the pre-production and production periods

5. Terms and volumes of repayment of bank loans

6. Overhead summary sheet

7. Summary statement of production costs

8. Product cost structure (by economic elements)

9. Calculation of net profit and income tax

10. Cash flows (project balance sheet of income and expenses) during the construction and operation of the enterprise

11. Generalized data on the effectiveness of investments in the creation (development) of an enterprise

Table 1


Name product

Unit measured

Production volume by year

% of design power.

% of design power.

% of design power.

Table 2


Product name

Unit measured

Note: sales (sales) volume is given in natural units, revenue (income) from sales - in monetary terms.

Table 3


Cost items

Costs *




1. Land

2. Machinery and equipment

3. Industrial buildings and structures

4. Intangible assets (licenses, patents, know-how, etc.)

5. Other fixed assets

6. Total costs for fixed production assets

7. Housing and civil facilities

Note: the following designations are used in the table:

NV - national currency

IV - foreign currency

* by year of the investment period - construction, production development, operation at full capacity

Table 4


(in million rubles)

Sources of funding

Pre-production period

Production period

Total amount of funds, including:

Own financial resources and on-farm reserves of the enterprise

Share capital

Allocations from republican and local budgets, extra-budgetary funds

Bank loans

Government loans and credits

Foreign capital (in dollars)

Raised funds

Composition of investors and their share participation

Table 5

(in appropriate monetary units)

Note: the calculation is carried out separately and according to the repayment periods of bank loans

Table 6


Expense items

production maintenance



1. Labor costs (including contributions for social needs) of workers not directly involved in production

2. Compulsory insurance of property and certain categories of employees

3. Annual payments for land (land tax, rent, etc.)

4. Enterprise property tax

5. Payments for the use of subsoil and deductions for the reproduction of the mineral resource base

6. Payment of loan interest within the established rate

7. Low-value and high-wear items

8. Repair and maintenance of buildings and equipment

9. Payments for maximum permissible emissions (discharges) of pollutants

10. Waste disposal costs

11. Contributions to the enterprise repair fund

12. Depreciation of fixed assets, including buildings and structures, equipment

13. Depreciation of intangible assets

14. Other expenses

NOTES to Table 6:

1. Expenses associated with administrative and financial activities can be combined into one category “administrative and financial costs”.

2. The table is compiled with a breakdown of overhead costs by cost item for each option of the organizational structure of enterprise management, financing scheme and other decisions that affect the level of overhead costs.

Table 7


(in million rubles)

Cost items


1 2.....t

Table 8


Economic elements

(thousand rubles)

Ud. element weight, %

1. Material costs, including for the main types of raw materials and materials

2. Labor costs

3. Payroll taxes

4. Contributions for social needs

5. Overhead

6. Depreciation of fixed assets

7. Enterprise property taxes

8. Other costs


Table 9


(in million rubles)



1. Revenue (gross income) from sales of products, including value added tax (VAT)

2. Revenue from sales of products excluding VAT

3. Costs of production of sold products

4. Profit (+), loss (-) from non-operating operations

5. Balance sheet profit

6. Taxes

7. Net profit (cumulative)

8. Net present value

9. Discounted profitability

Table 10


Investment period stage


Mastering production

Operation at full capacity.


7 8 9 ...

Production program

55% 75% 80%

100% 100% 100%

A. Cash inflow

1. Sources of funding

1.1. Allocations from the republican and local budgets

1.2. Off-budget funds

1.3. Own resources and on-farm reserves

1.4. Borrowed funds

2. Revenue from product sales

3. Other income

B. Cash outflow

1. Capital investments

2. Cost of goods sold

3. Payments on obligations

4. Repayment of loan debt

5. Payment of loan interest

6. Income tax

7. Dividends paid to shareholders

8. Other expenses

Excess of income over expenses (+), deficit (-)

Table 11




1. Performance indicators from the point of view of the interests of the entrepreneur:

1.1. Net profit (income)

1.2. Annual profitability of HF

1.3. Average annual profitability of CV

1.4. Payback period

1.5. Integral effect

1.6. Internal rate of return on costs for creating and operating an enterprise

2. Performance indicators from the perspective of the national economy:

2.1. Improved use of natural resources

2.2. Job growth

2.3. Saving foreign exchange costs on imported goods

2.4. Other economic and social benefits

Main benefits (advantages) of investment decision options ____________

Main disadvantages of investment decision options _______________________


General conclusion ______________________________________________________________

That is, a prototype, a prototype of a supposed or possible object, state; a set of documentation intended for the creation of a certain object, its operation, repair and disposal, as well as for checking or reproducing intermediate and final solutions on the basis of which this object was developed.
When developing design documentation for industrial and civil construction projects, they are guided by building codes (SN) and building codes and regulations (SNiP), departmental building codes (BCN), state and industry standards.
The main document defining the general requirements for projects is the “Instruction on the composition, procedure for development, coordination and approval of the design
- estimate documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures"
SNiP 1.02.01
Since 2003, acts as a recommendation
SNiP 11
“Instructions on the procedure for development, coordination, approval and composition of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures”, it was planned to replace this document
SNiP 1.02.01
However, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation did not approve it, and currently these documents are in force in parallel, but one of them is advisory.
The composition, volume, and content of communication system projects are determined
GOST 24.201
, standards of the “Construction Design Documentation System” (SPDS), in particular:
GOST 24.408
“Rules for the implementation of working documentation for automation of technological processes”; guidance materials
RM 4
“Composition, design and completion of working documentation”
- allowance for
GOST 24.408
; standards of the “Unified System of Program Documentation”, “Instructions for the design of electrical installations of technological process automation systems” VSN 205
84/ Ministry of Montazhspetsstroy USSR.
When designing communication systems, one way or another, you have to refer to the entire system of standards of the Russian Federation, as well as various guidance and methodological materials and documents, rules and regulations. The following document systems are in effect in the Russian Federation:
(systems of standards) regulating design, construction, installation and operational work on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Types of regulatory documents
According to regulatory documents, they are divided into four groups:



subjects of the federation

- industry
International The documents include recommendations:

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Telecommunication Standardization Sector
G.). ITU-R
Radiocommunication sector.
Telecommunication Development Sector.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- IEEE 802 - family of standards
concerning local area networks (
) and metropolitan networks
documents include four types of standards:

State standardization system;

Unified system of design documentation;

Unified system of technological documentation;

System of product quality indicators;

Unified documentation systems;

System of standards for information, library and publishing;

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements;

A unified system of protection against corrosion and aging of materials and products;

Occupational safety standards system;

Unified system of technological preparation of production;

Unified system of program documentation;

System of design documentation for construction;

Building codes and regulations;

Sanitary rules and regulations.

- Russian state standards in the field of construction

- set of rules for design and construction

- governing documents of the system
Regulatory documents
subjects of the federation
include one type of document:

- territorial building codes
industry documents include:

- production standard

- association standard
Communication system projects are carried out on the basis and in accordance with the design specifications.
The main technical decisions taken in the design of communication systems by specialized design organizations must be considered and agreed upon with the general designer
(customer) during the project development process.
If a communication systems project is developed by a division of an integrated design organization that also develops other parts of the project, then the main technical decisions taken are coordinated with the relevant divisions of the design organization.
When developing a project, it is necessary to take into account the experience of installing elements of communication systems in large blocks and using standard standardized structures, materials, as well as rationalization proposals. Therefore, the development of a communication systems project should be carried out in close collaboration with organizations that will carry out work on the installation of communication systems
Fundamental technical decisions on the execution of pipe and electrical wiring, the use and placement of cross-connect and other devices must be made at the technical councils of the design organization with the participation of a representative of the installation organization.
Design materials (drawings, explanatory notes, estimates, etc.) must have the minimum required volume and must be drawn up clearly and clearly so that their use does not cause difficulties.
When developing a communication systems project, the contractor draws up a task for performing work related to construction, technological, electrical solutions and other parts and sections of the project.
The general designer (customer) is obliged to ensure the fulfillment of the specified tasks.
Composition and content of design documentation for structural
- algorithmic part of communication systems with

the use of computer technology (information and mathematical support),
developed by specialized scientific
- research, design or design organizations, taking into account the results of scientific
- research works or standard design solutions are determined by regulatory documents. Tasks for providing energy carriers to technical equipment complexes and their grounding (protective grounding) are issued to the general designer in accordance
RTM 25.298
83, part 2 of the USSR Ministry of Instrumentation.
Design stages and design composition
The process of creating design documentation
is a set of works ordered in time, interconnected, combined into stages and phases, the implementation of which is necessary and sufficient to create a design and estimate documentation that meets the specified requirements.
Stages and stages of creating design documentation
are identified as parts of the creation process for reasons of rational planning and organization of work that ends with a given result.
Work on the development of design and estimate documentation
carried out according to the stages and stages used to create design and estimate documentation
The composition and rules for performing work at the stages and stages established by this standard are determined in the relevant documentation of organizations participating in the creation of specific types of design and estimate documentation.
Stages and stages of creating design documentation:
Technical specifications (TOR, terms of reference
) - source document for development
PSD. Terms of reference
- initial document for the design of a technical object (product). The technical specification establishes the main purpose of the object being developed, its technical characteristics, quality indicators and technical
- economic requirements, instructions for completing the necessary stages of creating documentation (design, technological, software, etc.);
and its composition, as well as special requirements.
We can say that TK
- a document that describes WHAT the customer needs, in contrast to subsequent project documentation, in which the emphasis shifts to answering the question HOW to achieve this.
The technical specification is a legal document
- how the application is included in the contract between the customer and the contractor for design work and is its basis: it determines the procedure and conditions of work, including the purpose, objectives, principles, expected results and deadlines.
All changes, additions and clarifications of the wording of the technical specifications must be agreed with the customer and approved by him. This is also necessary because if inaccuracies or errors in the initial data are discovered in the process of solving a design problem, it becomes necessary to determine the degree of guilt of each party
- participants in the development, distribution of losses incurred in connection with this.
2) Technical requirements (TT)
- are the primary document from which design work begins. These requirements can be specified for each design phase and for each designed system and subsystem. In accordance with reality

Today, the customer’s technical requirements are quite often drawn up in the form of an appendix to the technical specifications.
Pre-project inspection (PPO)– this is a process of technical research carried out in 3 stages. Documentary survey is the process of cartographic and planned survey of an object or local area.
Cartographic materials are selected, the natural conditions of the areas where the route passes are studied using literary and other sources, for example archival materials, existing designs of highways and railways, pipelines and other engineering structures, the route of which coincides with the direction of the designed highway. On-site surveys are a process of sequential visual and instrumental examination of the areas of the proposed route. Or visual and instrumental inspection of a fixed object. The purpose of which is to obtain planning material, completed projects, coordinate the placement of equipment and laying of utilities, conduct photo and video shooting. The PPO report is a document promising the results of the survey, presenting a complete picture of the object or local area. The report also indicates instructions for further design.
Basic technical solutions (OTR)- the stage of preliminary conceptual design decisions for the designed system or its parts.
Contains: an explanatory note describing the proposed design solutions; a list of designed communication systems and an enlarged composition of each of the designed communication systems; directions for organizing communication channels (in the form of a table of information flows) indicating the type, capacity and purpose of the organized communication channels and communication systems through which these channels are organized; linear and structural diagrams of communication organization for the designed communication systems (separately for each of the systems) indicating the type, capacity of communication systems, capacity of communication channels for voice and data transmission (TM, TLF, etc.) to central nodes and dispatch centers and for transmitting signals/commands, including line-cable structures over the designed communication systems, indicating the distances and number of optical fibers (OF). The composition of materials and equipment is not specified at this stage.
Stage Project (P)- is developed on the basis of the design assignment, initial data and the previous stage approved during the three-stage design. Sections of stage P are given in a clear and concise form, without excessive detail, in a composition and volume sufficient to justify design decisions, determine the volume of basic construction work, the needs for equipment, building materials and structures, provisions for organizing construction, as well as determining the estimated cost construction. Contains: an explanatory note describing the proposed design solutions; list of designed communication systems and the exact composition of each of

designed communication systems; directions for organizing communication channels (in the form of a table of information flows) indicating the type, capacity and purpose of the organized communication channels and communication systems through which these channels are organized; linear and structural diagrams of communication organization for the designed communication systems (separately for each of the systems) indicating the type, capacity of communication systems, capacity of communication channels for voice and data transmission (TM, TLF, etc.) to central nodes and dispatch centers and for transmitting signals/commands, including line-cable structures over the designed communication systems, indicating the distances and number of optical fibers (OF). At this stage in the composition
The PP provides calculations of fiber-optic lines and power supply installations, and provides an enlarged specification of materials and equipment.
Stage Working documentation (P)- Developed based on the approved previous stage. After approval of stage P, by decision of the customer, working documentation can be developed by the author of the project or another designer. The development of working documentation by other designers is carried out in compliance with the author's decisions of the approved P and in compliance with copyrights. Contains: a list of designed communication systems and the exact composition of each of the designed communication systems; directions for organizing communication channels (in the form of a table of information flows) indicating the type, capacity and purpose of the organized communication channels and communication systems through which these channels are organized; linear and structural diagrams of communication organization for the designed communication systems (separately for each of the systems) indicating the type, capacity of communication systems, capacity of communication channels for voice and data transmission (TM, TLF, etc.) to central nodes and dispatch centers and for transmitting signals/commands, including line-cable structures over the designed communication systems, indicating the distances and number of optical fibers (OF). In general, the composition of the working documentation is determined by the needs of the project and the decisions of the chief engineer of the project. A complete and accurate specification of materials and equipment is provided.

The concept of building codes and regulations
In the modern sense
building codes and regulations
SNiP becomes a set of only mandatory requirements, but at the same time, all chapters of SNiP must lose their former specificity and define only “the goals that must be achieved and the principles that must be followed.” In this regard, a gradual revision of all current SNiP chapters that do not comply with these conditions will be carried out (contain, for example, detailed statements of calculation methods, reference data, etc.). Despite its name, which does not correspond to the terminology of International ISO/IEC documents, SNiP, in its new content and purpose, fully complies with the concept
technical regulations
For this reason, there are no plans to develop special “construction regulations” in the Russian Federation, because
SNiP is already such a regulation. When translated into other languages ​​(primarily English), SNiP will be translated as “building regulation”.
The classifier, which divides all SNiPs into six parts, each of which consists of groups, is intended to determine the composition and corresponding designation (code) of building codes and regulations. The code includes SNiP designations, part number (one digit), group number (two digits) and document number (two digits), separated by dots, and the year of approval of the document, separated by a dash.
For example, SNiP 2.08.02
When registering, documents are assigned end-to-end numbers within each group or in accordance with the documents developed for this group. Below is the division of SNiP into parts and groups.
Organization, management, economics.
System of regulatory documents in construction.
Organization, methodology and economics of design and engineering surveys.
Organization of construction. Construction management.
Design and construction duration standards.
Economics of construction.
Regulations on organizations and officials.
Design standards.
General design standards.
Foundations and foundations.
Building structures.
Engineering equipment of buildings and structures. External networks.
Transport structures.
Hydraulic and energy structures, reclamation systems and structures.
Planning and development of settlements.
Residential and public buildings.
Industrial enterprises, industrial buildings and structures, auxiliary buildings.
Inventory buildings.
Agricultural enterprises, buildings and structures.
Land allocation norms.
Organization, production and acceptance of work.
General rules of construction production.
Foundations and foundations.
Building structures.
Protective, insulating and finishing coatings.
Engineering and technological equipment and networks.

Transport structures.
Hydraulic and energy structures, reclamation systems and structures.
Mechanization of construction production.
Production of building structures, products and materials.
Estimated standards.
Composition and designation of estimated norms and rules established by the State Construction Committee of Russia.

    Appendix A (recommended). Assignment for designing industrial facilities Appendix B (recommended). Assignment for the design of residential and civil facilities Appendix B (recommended). Approximate list of technical and economic indicators for industrial facilities Appendix D (recommended). Approximate list of technical and economic indicators for public buildings and structures Appendix D (recommended). Approximate list of technical and economic indicators for residential buildings Appendix E (recommended). Composition and content of the approved part of the detailed design for the construction of industrial facilities Appendix G (recommended). Composition and content of the approved part of the detailed design for the construction of housing and civil facilities

Construction codes and regulations of the Russian Federation
SNiP 11-01-2003
"Instructions on the procedure for development, coordination, approval and composition of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures"
(adopted and put into effect by Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated June 16, 2003 N 59)

Instructions on the procedure of development, coordination, approvai and composition of design documentation, for construction of enterprises, buildings and structures


The Instructions on the procedure for the development, coordination, approval and composition of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) were developed in accordance with the legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of regulation of investment activities in the form of capital investments, taking into account the requirements of state standards and regulatory and technical documents in construction and covers the range of issues considered at the design stage of the investment process in construction.

I. Scope of application

1. This Instruction establishes the procedure for the development, coordination, approval and composition of project documentation for the construction, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment (hereinafter - construction) of enterprises, buildings and structures on the territory of the Russian Federation and is intended for use by subjects of investment activities carried out in the form of capital investments, regardless of the organizational and legal form, individual entrepreneurs, other individuals and legal entities (including foreign ones), government bodies and local governments, as well as state examination and state supervision bodies that, in accordance with the law, carry out control and supervisory functions in capital construction.

II. General provisions

2. Development of design documentation for the construction of facilities is carried out, as a rule, on the basis of a justification of investments in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures approved in the established manner (hereinafter referred to as the Justification). The design documentation details and substantiates the decisions made in the Justification and clarifies the main technical and economic indicators.

3. When developing project documentation, it is necessary to be guided by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, standards (norms and rules) approved in the prescribed manner, as well as this Instruction.

4. Federal executive authorities, as well as executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the provisions of this Instruction, can develop and, in the prescribed manner, approve sectoral and territorial regulatory documents, taking into account the sectoral specifics and regional characteristics of the facilities being designed.

5. Design is usually carried out in two stages:

working documentation.

For objects whose construction is supposed to be carried out on the basis of basic (standard) designs intended for mass use, re-use projects, as well as for technically simple objects, the design can be carried out in one stage - a detailed design.

6. When designing particularly complex and unique facilities, in order to take into account special requirements for the design, construction, testing, safe operation of facilities and equipment maintenance in relation to specific conditions and construction sites, as well as in order to use international achievements and standards, special technical conditions (STU) are developed ), reflecting the specifics of their design, construction and operation. The specified STUs are subject to agreement with the interested federal executive authorities in accordance with current legislation.

7. The compliance of the developed design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures with current norms, rules and standards must be certified by the corresponding record of the person responsible for the project (chief engineer and / or chief architect of the project).

8. The design documentation transferred to the customer does not include calculations of building structures, equipment, emissions and discharges of harmful substances from pollution sources, calculations of the volume of construction and installation work, requirements for materials, labor and energy resources, etc. if these requirements are not established in the contract (government contract). These materials are stored in the design organization in accordance with the requirements of the standards of the design documentation system for construction (SPDS) and can be presented to the customer or expert body for temporary use upon their request.

9. For enterprises, buildings and structures, the construction of which is carried out according to individual projects using basic (standard) designs intended for mass use, catalog sheets of these projects are included in the design documentation (project, approved part of the detailed design).

III. The procedure for development, coordination and approval of project documentation

10. Project documentation is developed in accordance with urban planning documentation, building codes and regulations, and is coordinated with the relevant architecture and urban planning authorities, state control and supervision authorities in accordance with federal legislation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.*(1)

11. The design of construction projects is carried out on the basis of a contract for the performance of design and survey work.

12. Under a contract for design and survey work, the customer is obliged to transfer to the contractor the design task, as well as other initial data for the preparation of technical documentation. The task for performing design work can be prepared by the contractor on behalf of the customer. In this case, the task becomes binding on the parties from the moment it is approved by the customer.

The contractor is obliged to comply with the requirements contained in the assignment and other initial data for performing design and survey work, and has the right to deviate from them only with the consent of the customer. *(2)

The recommended composition and content of the assignment for the design of industrial facilities and other initial data necessary for design are given in Appendix A, and for residential and civil facilities - in Appendix B.

13. Contract design and survey work intended to meet the needs of the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and financed from budgets and extra-budgetary sources are carried out on the basis of a state contract for the performance of contract work for state needs. *(3) (hereinafter referred to as the state contract ).

14. The state customer places orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services (hereinafter referred to as the supply of goods (work, services)) for state needs through competitions, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.*(4)

15. In the process of developing project documentation, deviations from the requirements of regulatory documents are allowed only if there are appropriate justifications and permissions from federal executive authorities, which, in accordance with the established procedure, are granted the right to issue regulatory legal acts within their competence.

For hazardous production facilities, deviations from the standards are also agreed upon with the federal executive body specially authorized in the field of industrial safety.

16. Under a contract for design and survey work, the contractor is obliged to coordinate the finished technical documentation with the customer, and, if necessary, together with the customer - with the competent state bodies and local governments. *(5)

17. Project documentation developed in accordance with the initial data, technical conditions and requirements is not subject to additional approval by the authorities and organizations that issued them, except in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.*(6)

18. Project documentation before its approval is subject to state examination, regardless of the sources of financing and forms of ownership of enterprises, buildings and structures (hereinafter referred to as objects), with the exception of documentation for objects, construction work on which does not affect their structural and other characteristics of reliability and safety and for construction, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, which do not require permits.*(7)

19. Based on the results of the examination, a summary conclusion is drawn up. The summary conclusion is approved in the manner established by the body carrying out the state examination and is sent to the customer (investor).*(8)

20. A positive summary conclusion is drawn up in the presence of positive conclusions from specialized examination bodies and includes conclusions about the compliance of the project documentation with the requirements and recommendations for its approval (coordination) indicating the main technical and economic indicators.

Without a positive summary conclusion, approval of project documentation, financing and construction of facilities, regardless of sources of financing and forms of ownership, are not allowed.*(9)

21. Project documentation is approved:

a) for objects the construction of which is carried out at the expense of the federal budget - by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Sector or in the manner established by this Committee jointly with the interested federal executive authorities;

b) for objects the construction of which is carried out at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - in the manner established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

c) for objects the construction of which is carried out at the expense of the customer’s (investor’s) own funds, including borrowed funds, including funds from foreign investors, - by the customer (investor).*(10)

An approximate list of technical and economic indicators included in the administrative document on approval of design documentation for the construction of industrial facilities is given in Appendix B, for public buildings and structures - in Appendix D, for residential buildings - in Appendix D.

22. Design documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure is the basis for issuing a construction permit.*(11)

23. Construction permits and approved project documentation are subject to registration by local government bodies.*(12)

24. Based on the technical solutions of the approved project documentation, working documentation is developed in accordance with the requirements of SPDS standards.

International and national standards, standards of organizations, as well as drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies, which are referenced in working drawings, are not included in the working documentation and can be transferred by the contractor (designer) to the customer if this is stipulated in the contract and (or ) government contract.

25. The customer is obliged to promptly make changes to the working documentation related to the publication of new legislative and regulatory legal acts, as well as new standards, norms and rules.

These changes are made by the design organization on the basis of the customer’s instructions and at his expense, taking into account the actual state of construction.

Capital investments in objects, the creation and use of which do not comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and duly approved standards (norms and rules), are prohibited. *(13)

26. Changes to fundamental technical solutions are carried out by the design organization on a contractual basis based on an addition to the design assignment (or a new assignment). These changes are made to the design documentation, which is subject to re-approval with the authorities that approved the previously approved design documentation, as well as examination and approval in the prescribed manner.

27. If the types and parameters of real estate objects, the conditions for their construction and the permitted use of land plots and other real estate objects are changed in the prescribed manner, permits (special permits) for the construction of these objects are subject to re-registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning and these Rules.* (14)

IV. Composition and content of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures

28. The project for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures for industrial purposes includes text and graphic materials and consists of the following sections:

General explanatory note;

Master plan and transport;

Technological solutions;

Production, enterprise management and labor protection;

Engineering equipment, networks and systems;

Organization of construction;

Estimate documentation;

Basis for project development, initial data for design. Brief description of the construction site of the enterprise and its constituent industries, data on the design capacity and nomenclature, quality, competitiveness, technical level of products, raw material base, demand for fuel, water, thermal and electrical energy, integrated use of raw materials, production waste, secondary energy resources , information about the socio-economic and environmental conditions of the construction area.

Key indicators for the master plan, engineering networks and communications, measures for engineering protection of the territory.

General information characterizing the conditions and labor protection of workers, sanitary and epidemiological measures, basic solutions to ensure labor safety and living conditions for people with limited mobility, as well as the protection of workers in emergency situations.

Information about the inventions used in the project.

Technical and economic indicators obtained as a result of project development, their comparison with the indicators of the approved Justification (if it was developed) and with the established design tasks, conclusions and proposals for the implementation of the project.

Information on the approvals of design solutions; confirmation of compliance of the developed project documentation with state norms, rules, standards, initial data, as well as technical conditions and requirements issued by state supervision (control) bodies and interested organizations when agreeing on the location of the facility. Approval of deviations from current regulatory documents completed in accordance with the established procedure.

2) General plan and transport.

Text materials:

brief description of the area and construction site;

decisions and indicators for the master plan, internal and external transport, choice of mode of transport, basic planning decisions, measures for engineering protection and landscaping of the territory; solutions for the location of utility networks and communications;

solutions for organizing enterprise security.

Graphic materials:

situational plan for the location of an enterprise, building, structure indicating existing and projected external communications, utility networks and residential areas, boundaries of the sanitary protection zone, specially protected areas. For linear structures (off-site and on-site) - route plan, longitudinal profile of the route and transverse profiles of the earthen structure;

a master plan indicating existing and designed (reconstructed) and subject to demolition buildings and structures, environmental protection and improvement objects, landscaping of the territory and fundamental decisions on the location of on-site engineering networks and transport communications, planning marks of the territory, with a cartogram of earth masses (except for linear structures ), highlighting the objects, networks and transport communications included in the queues and launch complexes.

3) Technological solutions.

Text materials:

data on the production program, a brief description and justification of decisions on production technology, data on the labor intensity (machine intensity) of manufacturing products, mechanization and automation of technological processes;

composition and justification of the equipment used, including imported;

solutions for the use of low-waste and non-waste, as well as energy-efficient technological processes and production, heat reuse;

number of workplaces and their equipment;

characteristics of inter-shop and shop communications;

proposals for organizing product quality control;

decisions on organizing repair facilities;

data on the quantity and composition of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and discharges into water sources (for individual workshops, production facilities, structures);

technical solutions to prevent (reduce) emissions and discharges of harmful substances into the environment; assessment of the possibility of emergency situations and solutions to prevent them;

type, composition and volume of industrial waste subject to disposal and disposal;

fuel, energy and material balances of technological processes. Energy saving measures;

the need for basic types of resources for technological needs;

Declaration of industrial safety for hazardous production facilities.

Graphic materials:

schematic diagrams of technological processes;

technological layouts for buildings (workshops) with the placement of main equipment and vehicles;

cargo flow diagrams.

4) Production management, enterprise management and labor protection.

Text materials:

organizational structure of enterprise and individual production management, automated management system and its information, functional, organizational and technical support;

automation and mechanization of labor of management workers;

results of calculations of the number and professional qualifications of workers;

number and equipment of workplaces;

sanitary and hygienic working conditions for workers;

occupational health and safety measures, including solutions to reduce production noise and vibration, gas pollution in premises, excess heat, improving the comfort of working conditions, etc.

5) Architectural and construction solutions.

Text materials:

Architectural part:

a brief description of volumetric-spatial and architectural-planning solutions for production and auxiliary buildings and structures;

justification of the decisions made, taking into account the functional purpose of the facility, consumer and sanitary services for workers and the restrictions determined by the current urban planning documentation and the requirements established by the architectural and planning assignment.

Construction solutions:

information about engineering-geological, hydrogeological conditions of the construction site; for complex and critical objects - a summary report on the engineering surveys carried out;

a brief description and justification of construction decisions for buildings and structures (structural diagrams of buildings and structures, foundations, load-bearing and enclosing structures, floors and coverings of buildings, structure structures);

justified fundamental decisions to improve the heat-protective properties of enclosing structures, to reduce production noise and vibration, and to provide household and sanitary services to workers;

electrical, explosion, and fire safety measures; protection of building structures, networks and structures from corrosion.

Graphic materials:

plans, sections and facades of buildings and structures showing the main load-bearing and enclosing structures; complex and critical components of building structures.

The section may include other graphic and exhibition materials, including scans, layouts, photographs, slides, videos, etc.

6) Engineering equipment, networks and systems.

Text materials:

solutions for water supply, sewerage, heat supply, gas supply, electricity supply, heating, air supply, communications and facility security systems;

engineering equipment of buildings and structures, including: ventilation and air conditioning, electrical equipment, electric lighting, communications and alarms, radio and television, fire-fighting devices, lightning protection, equipping engineering systems with devices for monitoring, accounting and regulating the supply of electricity, gas, water and heat;

dispatching and automation of control of engineering systems.

Graphic materials:

schematic diagrams of engineering support;

plans and profiles of external engineering networks;

floor plans and diagrams of engineering equipment systems of buildings and structures (heating and ventilation devices, power supply and electrical equipment, radio and alarm systems, security and television surveillance, automation of control of engineering systems, etc.).

7) Organization of construction.

This section is carried out in accordance with state standards, building codes and rules governing construction production, approved in the prescribed manner.

8) Solutions for environmental protection.

This section is carried out in accordance with state standards, building codes and regulations approved in the prescribed manner, regulatory documents of specially authorized federal executive bodies in the field of environmental protection and other regulatory legal acts and regulatory and technical documents regulating environmental activities.

9) Civil defense and emergency prevention.

This section is carried out in accordance with the tasks established by the territorial bodies of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and the regulatory documents of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the development of the section itself.

10) Estimate documentation.

The procedure for determining the cost of construction, the composition of estimate documentation, the forms of estimate documents, the basic concepts used in the pricing and estimate standardization system are adopted in accordance with the regulatory and methodological documents of the Gosstroy of Russia.

11) Investment efficiency.

This section is carried out in accordance with the current regulatory and methodological documents for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects and includes:

quantitative and qualitative indicators obtained during the development of the relevant sections of the project used in calculating the effectiveness of investments;

analysis of upcoming costs and results obtained during construction and the estimated period of operation of the designed facility with the determination of integrated indicators;

comparison of generalized data and calculation results with the main technical and economic indicators defined in the Justification (if it was developed), as well as established by the design assignment, recommendations on the final decisions of the investment project and its design indicators.

12) The relevant sections provide:

equipment specifications drawn up in relation to the form established by state standards;

initial requirements for the development of design documentation for custom-made equipment.

30. The project for the construction of housing and civil facilities includes text and graphic materials and consists of the following sections:

General explanatory note;

Technological solutions;

Architectural and construction solutions;

Engineering solutions;

Environmental Solutions;

Civil defense and emergency prevention;

Organization of construction;

Estimate documentation;

Investment efficiency (if necessary).

1) General explanatory note.

Basis for the development of the project; initial data for design; information on the basis for choosing the construction site; brief description of the facility: data on the design capacity of the facility (capacity, throughput); results of calculation of the number and professional qualification composition of workers, information on the number of workplaces (except for residential buildings); data on the need for fuel, gas, water and electricity; information about the priority of construction and urban planning complexes; main technical and economic indicators of the project; information about the approvals of design solutions; confirmation of compliance of the developed documentation with state norms, rules and standards; measures for technical operation (for materials developed for a series of residential buildings for mass use); main decisions to ensure the health of workers and living conditions of people with limited mobility.

2) Technological solutions.

Text materials:

functional purpose of the object; a brief description and justification of decisions on technology, mechanization, automation of technological processes and their compliance with the level specified by the customer and standards for safety and labor comfort; energy saving measures.

Graphic materials:

technological layouts or floor plans, equipment layout plans.

3) Architectural and construction solutions.

Text materials:

Architectural part:

a brief description of the space-planning and architectural-planning solutions of the building, complex of buildings; main indicators for the master plan of the site; justification of the decisions made, taking into account the functional purpose of the object, urban planning requirements and restrictions established by the approved urban planning documentation and architectural planning assignment.

Construction solutions:

information about engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions of the construction site; a brief description and justification of construction solutions for objects (structural diagrams, foundations, load-bearing and enclosing structures, etc.); engineering protection of the territory; justification of decisions on the heat-protective properties of enclosing structures, reduction of industrial noise and vibrations, electrical, explosion and fire safety, protection of building structures and networks from corrosion; data on ensuring the required comfort in the premises; measures to protect the health of workers and ensure living conditions for people with limited mobility.

Graphic materials:

situational plan;

master plan diagram or master plan of the site on a topographic basis;

plans of foundations and floors, facades, sections of buildings and structures showing the main load-bearing and enclosing structures, complex structural units;

catalog sheets of linked basic (standard) projects for mass use;

interiors of the main premises (developed in accordance with the design specifications);

image of individual design solutions.

If necessary, in agreement with the customer, other graphic and exhibition materials can be included in the section: scans, layouts, color schemes of facades, photographs, slides, videos, etc.

4) Engineering solutions.

Text materials:

justification of decisions on engineering support: heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply, water supply, sewerage; solutions for dispatching, automation and management of engineering systems; equipping engineering systems with devices for monitoring, accounting and regulating the supply of gas, water and heat;

solutions for electrical equipment, electric lighting, lightning protection, security and fire alarms; measures to protect utility networks and equipment from stray currents and anti-corrosion protection; solutions for communications and signaling, radio, television; equipment for creating favorable working conditions; design solutions for fire safety measures and facility security.

Graphic materials:

schematic diagrams of engineering support systems;

plans for external and on-site engineering communications and structures thereon;

floor plans of engineering equipment systems (water supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, power supply, communications and radio, alarm and security, etc.);

schematic diagrams of automation of control of engineering support means;

scheme of external security and control of the territory; waste disposal scheme.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2000 N 1008 “On the procedure for conducting state examination and approval of urban planning, pre-design and design documentation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 1, part II, art. 135).

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I SP 11-101-2003
SNiP 11-01-95 "Instructions on the procedure for development, coordination, approval and composition of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures" and SP 11-101-2003 "Procedure for development, coordination, approval and composition of justifications for investments in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures" were canceled by Decrees of the USSR State Construction Committee dated February 17, 2003 N 18 and dated November 17, 2003 N 190.
In the Russian Federation, for the preparation of project documentation, one should be guided by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 48, 49) and Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008 “Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content” and No. 145 of 03/05/2007 “On the procedure for organizing and conducting state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results” (as amended on 12/29/2007, 02/16/2008).

Initial data for the preparation of design documentation must be presented in accordance with Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation N 840 dated 02/29/2005 “On the form of an urban planning plan for a land plot”, N 20 dated 01/19/2006 “On engineering surveys for the preparation of design documentation, construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects", N 83 dated 02.13.2006 "On approval of the Rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction project to engineering support networks and Rules for connecting a capital construction project to engineering support networks."