Personal income tax is more listed on what to do for accounting records. What is the wiring if personal income tax is withheld? Calculation of personal income tax on dividends

For settlements with the budget for taxes and duties, the Chart of Accounts provides for account 68 “Calculations for taxes and duties”, to which you need to open the corresponding sub-account (for example, “NDFL”).

Personal income tax accrued: posting

When calculating personal income tax on an individual’s income, no entries are made.

Personal income tax withheld: posting

The entries drawn up when withholding personal income tax from the income of employees (other individuals who received payments from a tax agent) depend on the specific situation.

Personal income tax withheld from wages: posting

The deduction of personal income tax from employees' salaries is reflected in the debit of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” and the credit of account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”, subaccount “Personal Income Tax”.

Personal income tax withheld from vacation pay: posting

When withholding personal income tax from vacation pay paid to an employee, the same entry is drawn up as when withholding tax from his salary - Debit of account 70 - Credit of account 68-NDFL.

Personal income tax withheld from financial assistance paid to the employee

In this case, a posting is made Debit of account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other transactions” - Credit of account 68-NDFL.

Personal income tax withheld when paying money to individuals who are not employees

For example, when paying for work or services under the GPA. Then you need to make a wiring Debit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” - Credit of account 68-NDFL.

Personal income tax withheld from the amount of dividends: posting

When withholding personal income tax from the amount of dividends paid, the entries will depend on whether the recipient of the dividends is an employee of the organization or not.

Personal income tax transferred to the budget: posting

Regardless of what income (salary, dividends, etc.) the personal income tax is transferred to the budget, the following entry is drawn up: Debit of account 68-NDFL - Credit of account 51 “Current accounts”.

The salary amounted to 10,000.00 rubles. The limit amount is = 8,700.00 * 0.2 = 1,740.00 rubles. Postings withholding the loan from the salary of Vasilkova A.A.: Dt Ct Amount, rub. Description of transaction 26 70 10,000.00 Wages accrued 70 68 1,300.00 Personal income tax withheld 70 73.1 1,500.00 Withholding for loan repayment At the request of the employee At the request of the employee, the manager may withhold the necessary amounts from wages, but the manager may also refuse in such holds. At the same time, the amount of deductions at the request of the employee is not limited. Deduction from wages at the request of an employee posting: Dt Kt Description of transaction 70 76 Amount withheld at the request of an employee Let's look at an example: Employee Vasilkov A.A. wrote an application to withhold union dues in the amount of 2%. The salary amounted to 10,000.00 rubles.

Personal income tax withheld from wages - posting

  • tax deduction;
  • resident or non-resident status.
  • their income is subject to a personal income tax rate of 13%;
  • belong to the category of disabled people (disabled people), Chernobyl survivors, veterans, relatives of disabled people and veterans, parents with children under 18 years of age and others;
  • their income, cumulatively since the beginning of the year, does not exceed 280,000 rubles.

For residents, the personal income tax rate is 13%, and for non-residents - 30%. A non-resident who resides in the country for more than 183 days becomes a resident.

A tax deduction is an amount by which the taxable amount or tax base can be reduced. There are many types of tax deductions; let's look at the standard type of tax deduction as an example.

Accounting entries for withholding personal income tax from wages


Then you need to make a posting Debit account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” - Credit account 68-NDFL. Personal income tax withheld from the amount of dividends: posting When withholding personal income tax from the amount of dividends paid, the postings will depend on whether the recipient of the dividends is an employee of the organization or not.

Situation Posting The recipient of dividends is an employee of the company paying dividends Debit of account 70 - Credit of account 68-NDFL The recipient of dividends is not an employee of the company paying dividends Debit of account 75 “Settlements with founders” - Credit of account 68-NDFL Personal income tax is transferred to the budget: posting Regardless In order to determine from which income (salaries, dividends, etc.) personal income tax is transferred to the budget, a posting is drawn up: Debit of account 68-NDFL - Credit of account 51 “Current accounts”. Subscribe to our channel in Yandex.

Accounting for deductions from wages: postings and examples

Return to Personal Income Tax Withholding The calculation and withholding of personal income tax is accompanied by the implementation of the corresponding entries in accounting.

The article provides a table with entries for calculating tax payable, as well as examples of calculating personal income tax on dividends, interest on a loan and employee wages.
After considering this topic, we will deal with personal income tax reporting. Postings for personal income tax To account for personal income tax, account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” is used, on which the “personal income tax” subaccount is opened.

When calculating personal income tax for payment to the budget, it is reflected on the credit account. 68 in correspondence with the income accounts of an individual. Tax payment is reflected in the debit of account 68. Postings for the withholding and payment of personal income tax: Debit Credit Name of transaction 75 68 Personal income tax withheld from dividends of founders and shareholders.

70 68 Personal income tax withheld from employees' wages.

Add to favoritesSend to mail Personal income tax withheld - the entry reflecting this operation is contained in correspondence with account “68” - an account that characterizes the recipient of the payment, as well as its type. What kind of payments there are and how to reflect the withholding of tax on them in accounting will be discussed in our article.

What does it mean to withhold personal income tax from wages? On what payments can personal income tax be withheld? Which entry reflects the withholding of personal income tax? Results What does it mean to withhold personal income tax from wages?

Examples of personal income tax calculation

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, companies are forced to withhold (in other words, withdraw) tax when they make payments in favor of an employee. Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation consists of a list of transactions exempt from taxation. For tax exemption, see

Personal income tax withheld (accounting entry)

Personal income tax (TC RF, part 2, chapter 23, article 210) Download tax explanations on standard tax deductions (TC, RF, part 2, chapter 23, article 218) Download tax explanations on standard tax deductions (TC, RF, part 2, chapter 23, article 218) Download tax explanations on social tax deductions (TC, RF, part 2, chapter 23, article 219) Download tax explanations on investment tax deductions (TC, RF, part 2, chapter 23, article 219.1) Download tax explanations on the personal income tax declaration ( Tax Code, Russian Federation, Part 2, Chapter 23, Article 229) Postings for withholding personal income tax on dividends Amount Debit Credit Name of transaction 50000 84 75 Dividends accrued to Ivanov 4500 75 68 Dividend tax withheld 45500 75 50 Dividends paid to Ivanov 4500 68 51 Tax payable, transferred to the budget Example of calculating personal income tax on interest received on a loan The company received a short-term loan from Ivanov I.A. in the amount of 200,000 rubles.

Personal income tax postings

We will calculate the amount of tax to be withheld and make accounting entries. KBK personal income tax for employees 2017 personal income tax amount = (47000 – 1400) x 13% = 5928 rubles.
There are 41,072 rubles left to hand over to Pankratov. Postings:

  • D 44 K 70 for 47,000 rubles. – earnings for January have been accrued.
  • D 70 K 68.1 for 5928 rub. – personal income tax withholding is reflected.
  • D 70 K 50 for 41072 rub. – reflects the cash payment of earnings from the company’s cash desk.
  • D 68.1 K 51 for 5928 rubles. – the tax amount has been transferred to the budget.

Let's add the conditions of the example. Suppose Pankratov I.M. provided a loan to his organization in the amount of 150,000 rubles. with interest payment in the amount of 8,000 rubles. We will charge personal income tax on interest at an estimated rate of 13%. Personal income tax amount = 8000 x 13% = 1040 rubles. Postings:

  • D 50 K 66 for 150,000 rubles. – the loan is reflected.
  • D 91 K 66 for 8000 rubles.

Posting when deducting personal income tax from wages

Dt - 51 “Current accounts” Kt - 66 “Settlements on the principal debt” - 500,000 rubles.

  • The interest on the loan for the month was calculated: Dt - 91 subaccount “Other expenses” Kt - 66 subaccount “Interest calculations” - 4931.51 rubles.
  • Personal income tax is withheld from the amount of interest on the loan: Dt - 66 subaccount “Calculations of interest” Kt – 68-1  641.1 rub.
  • Interest was paid on the loan while withholding personal income tax: Dt - 66 subaccount “Calculations of interest” Kt - 51 - 4290.41 rubles.
  • The amount of personal income tax payable has been transferred to the budget: Dt - 68-1 Kt - 51 - 641.1 rub.
  • Example of calculating personal income tax on wages Unlike other types of income, the amount of personal income tax on earnings is influenced by the following factors:
  • the amount of wages, benefits, bonuses, vacation pay, etc.

What is the wiring if personal income tax is withheld

In some cases, the amount of deductions may be increased. For example, deductions based on writs of execution. These deductions are subject to a 70% limit:

  • On alimony for minor children;
  • Compensation for damage caused to health, death of the breadwinner;
  • Compensation for criminal damage.

Also, when calculating deductions, you should take into account:

  • If the amount of mandatory deductions exceeds the limit (70%), then the amount of deductions is distributed in proportion to the mandatory deductions.

    No other deductions are made;

  • The amount of limitation on deductions initiated by the employer is 20%;
  • At the request of the employee, the amount of deductions is not limited.

An example of calculating deduction from wages In the name of employee Vasilkov A.A.

  • Financial assistance over 4000 rubles. employee, 50,000 rub. at the birth of a child.
  • Income in kind.
  • Dividends.
  • Credit interest.
  • Payments for material benefits (the procedure for determination in Article 212 of the Tax Code).

Personal income tax is withheld - posting is carried out in various ways, examples are given below. The credit of the account will always be 68, the debit changes depending on the types of deduction. Analytical accounting is carried out according to tax rates, employees, and payment grounds. Personal income tax – postings:

  • Personal income tax is withheld from wages - posting D 70 K 68.1 is carried out when making payments to employees employed under employment contracts.

Personal income tax at a rate of 13%, since Vasilkov A.A. is a resident. Postings for mandatory withholding of personal income tax: Dt Ct Amount, rub.

Description of the transaction 26 70 30,000.00 Wages accrued 70 68 3,900.00 Personal income tax withheld According to writ of execution The amount according to the writ of execution is withheld from wages, taking into account personal income tax. The amount of additional expenses under the writ of execution (for example, transfer fees) is debited from the employee.

Let's look at an example: Employee Vasilkov A.A. wages were accrued in the amount of 20,000.00 rubles, of which 25% was withheld according to the writ of execution. Amount of deduction under the writ of execution = (20,000.00 – 13%) * 25% = 4,350.00 rub.

Deduction from wages of Vasilkov A.A. According to the writ of execution, it is reflected by the posting: Dt Kt Amount, rub.


As you know, any facts of the economic life of an economic entity, its assets and liabilities, along with income, expenses and sources of financing activities are objects of accounting and must be reflected in this accounting.
Amounts of personal income tax are no exception - personal income tax amounts calculated and paid to the budget must also be reflected in accounting.
You will learn about which accounting accounts the personal income tax amounts should be reflected in from the material below.

Payers of personal income tax (hereinafter referred to as personal income tax) in accordance with Article 207 of Chapter 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) are recognized as individuals who are tax residents of the Russian Federation, as well as persons who are not tax residents of the Russian Federation, but receive income from sources in the Russian Federation.
The organization from which or as a result of relations with which the taxpayer received income is called a tax agent and is obliged to calculate, withhold from the taxpayer and pay the amount of personal income tax to the budget (clause 1 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
Tax agents are required to withhold the accrued amount of personal income tax directly from the taxpayer’s income upon actual payment.

Postings for withholding and transferring personal income tax

In the Letter of the Federal Tax Service dated April 29, 2016 No. BS-4-11/7893 “On the taxation of income of individuals” it is concluded that the withholding from the taxpayer of the amount of tax calculated at the end of the month is made by the tax agent from income when they are paid at the end of the month, in in which the income taken into account when determining the tax base on an accrual basis was received, that is, on the last day of the month or the next month.
When paying a taxpayer income in kind or receiving income in the form of a material benefit, the tax agent withholds the calculated amount of tax at the expense of any income paid by him to the taxpayer in cash.

The tax agent withholds the accrued amount of tax from the taxpayer at the expense of any funds paid by the tax agent to the taxpayer upon actual payment of these funds to the taxpayer or on his behalf to third parties. In this case, the withheld tax amount cannot exceed 50 percent of the payment amount. To account for accruals and transfers of personal income tax to the budget, forms of primary accounting documents are used, according to which accounting is kept. Let us recall that today organizations (with the exception of public sector organizations) on the basis of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 402-FZ) have the right to use both independently developed forms of primary accounting documents and and unified.

Personal income tax: accounting account

Despite the fact that from January 1, 2013, the forms of primary accounting documents contained in albums of unified forms of primary documentation are not mandatory for use, these forms and the principles laid down in the Instructions for their use and completion remain in force and are actively used organizations are included as basic documents in many accounting programs, and are also required by control authorities when conducting inspections.

Personal income tax accrued (accounting entry)

Interest on the loan amounted to 10,000 rubles. Let's calculate the personal income tax in this example and make the necessary entries. A personal income tax rate of 13% is applied to income in the form of interest from a short-term loan.

Personal income tax = 10,000 * 13 / 100 = 1,300 rubles. Postings for withholding personal income tax on interest on a loan Amount Debit Credit Name of transaction 200,000 50 66 Short-term loan received from Ivanov 10,000 91 66 Interest accrued for using the loan 1300 66 68 Personal income tax accrued for payment on interest 208,700 66 50 Borrowed funds returned including interest 1300 68 51 The tax payable is transferred to the budget Example of calculating personal income tax from wages Ivanov’s salary was calculated taking into account a bonus in the amount of 30,000 rubles. Ivanov has the right to a deduction of 500 rubles, and he also has one child.

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0 likes dislike accounting personal income tax personal income tax tax code of the Russian Federation Federal Tax Service of Russia debit 7971 accounting personal income tax Any operation carried out by an organization in the course of business activities must be reflected in accounting. Amounts of personal income tax are no exception, that is, personal income tax amounts calculated and paid to the budget must also be reflected in accounting.

Personal income tax postings

You will learn about which accounting accounts the personal income tax amounts should be reflected in from the material below.

Accounting for personal income tax payments, postings, examples

Then don’t you think that, by analogy with PBU 18/2, we are dealing with temporary differences and a deferred tax liability for personal income tax? But unlike income tax, the situation with deferred personal income tax is not regulated in any way by any rules or standards. Question: why create confusion and divide one single business transaction into two that do not exist separately from each other? After all, it is clear that in the absence of an object of taxation (that is, income received by taxpayers - see Article 209 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), there can be no talk of tax! This means that the source of personal income tax can only be the income of the taxpayer, only the operation of withholding tax from this income. The rule is the same for accounting and tax accounting: no income - no tax, but if there is income, tax is calculated by withholding from this income.

Accounting for personal income tax payments (postings). examples of personal income tax calculation.

It is paid either at the end of the calendar year or quarterly in the form of advance payments (if any) to the local budget. It is better to consider the tax as part of other expenses. Reflected by wiring:

  • Debit 91.2 Credit 68 “Property”.

Example: An organization must transfer an advance payment for property tax for the second quarter in the amount of 27,545 rubles. Postings for the transfer of property tax: Account Dt Account Kt Description of the posting Amount of the posting Document-basis 91.2 68 “Property” Advance payment for property tax accrued 27,545 Accounting statement-calculation 68 “Property” 51 Advance payment transferred 27,545 Ref.

Paying taxes - how to reflect them in accounting entries

In such a situation, the organization itself must determine on which accounting accounts the personal income tax amounts will be taken into account, and consolidate the chosen procedure in the accounting policy order. In accounting, operations related to personal income tax calculations are carried out in accordance with the Instructions for the application of the Chart of Accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia on October 31, 2000 No. 94n “On approval of the Chart of Accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and Instructions on its application" (hereinafter referred to as the Chart of Accounts). To summarize information about settlements with budgets for taxes and fees paid by an organization, account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” is intended.

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According to the norms of current legislation, companies and individual entrepreneurs that hire specialists in labor and civil law contracts perform the functions of fiscal agents: they calculate, withhold and transfer to the state budget income tax on payments to employees. Carrying out the above operations involves the formation of appropriate entries in the accounting program of a commercial structure. Let us say right away that a special personal income tax account is not provided for by the current chart of accounts. To reflect it separately, a subaccount is opened to account 68.

What transactions are used to reflect personal income tax?

When an accountant calculates income taxes, he does not make any entries. Entries in the accounting program are necessary only when withholding and transferring personal income tax to the state treasury. Depending on the situation, do the following lines:

Wiring What does it reflect?
Dt 70 – Kt 68.01 Withholding income tax from the salary of a hired specialist, from the amount of his vacation pay
Dt 70.01 – Kt 68.01 Withholding personal income tax from dividends paid to the company's shareholders.
Dt 73 – Kt 68.01 Withholding of income tax on other types of payments transferred to the employee by the employer.

For example, the cost of gifts exceeding 4,000 rubles, financial assistance in excess of limits, etc.

Dt 76 – Kt 68.01 Accrual of personal income tax on payments in favor of individuals who are not employees of the company.

For example, citizens providing services to a company under a civil contract.

Dt 75 – Kt 68.01 Withholding income tax on dividends paid to non-employee shareholders
Kt 67 – Dt 68.01 Withholding personal income tax on interest paid on a long-term loan previously received from an individual
Kt 66 – Dt 68.01 Calculation of income tax on interest paid to an individual for the use of short-term borrowing
Dt 68.01 – Kt 51 Transfer of the calculated tax amount to the state budget from the company's current account

As you can see, the main personal income tax accounting account is 68.01.

The general logic of reflecting personal income tax on accounting accounts is that when accruing it, it is shown on the credit account. 68.01 in correspondence with an account intended to reflect the corresponding type of income of individuals. When the total tax calculated by the accountant is transferred to the state treasury, the account is credited. 51.

Reflection of personal income tax in accounting: examples

To understand the principles of income tax reflection, let's look at practical situations.


Economist Ivanov is a shareholder of Romashka LLC. At the end of the year, he is due the amount of dividends - 50 thousand rubles. What accounting entries need to be made?

Here are the ones:

  • Dt 84 – Kt 75 in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. – accrual of dividends;
  • Dt 75 – Kt 68.01 in the amount of 4.5 thousand rubles. (13% of 50 thousand) – income tax withholding;
  • Dt 75 – Kt 51 – in the amount of 55.5 thousand (50 – 4.5) – transfer of dividends to Ivanov on a bank card;
  • Kt 68.01 – Dt 51 – payment of tax to the state treasury.

According to the law, various deductions can be made from employees' wages. For proper deduction, you need to know the nuances of the types of deduction and their accounting. Let's consider an example of calculating deduction from wages, as well as accounting entries generated when withholding personal income tax, according to writs of execution, when repaying a loan issued to an employee and withholding union dues.

Types of possible deductions from an employee’s salary:

Income not subject to withholding

These types are established by Art. 101 of Law No. 229-FZ. The main types of such income:

  • Compensation for damage caused to health or in connection with the death of the breadwinner;
  • Compensation for injury to an employee and family members if they die;
  • Compensation from the budget as a result of disasters (man-made or radiation);
  • Alimony;
  • Amounts of business travel, moving to a new place of residence;
  • Financial assistance in connection with the birth of a child, marriage, etc.;

Deduction order

Deductions from an employee's salary are made in the following sequence:

  1. personal income tax;
  2. Writs of execution for alimony for minor children, for compensation for harm to health, death of the breadwinner, crime or moral harm;
  3. Other writs of execution in the order of receipt (other mandatory deductions);
  4. Retentions at the initiative of the manager.

Limiting the amount of deductions

The amount of mandatory deductions cannot exceed 50% of the wages due to the employee. In some cases, the amount of deductions may be increased. For example, deductions based on writs of execution. These deductions are subject to a 70% limit:

  • On alimony for minor children;
  • Compensation for damage caused to health, death of the breadwinner;
  • Compensation for criminal damage.

Also, when calculating deductions, you should take into account:

  • If the amount of mandatory deductions exceeds the limit (70%), then the amount of deductions is distributed in proportion to the mandatory deductions. No other deductions are made;
  • The amount of limitation on deductions initiated by the employer is 20%;
  • At the request of the employee, the amount of deductions is not limited.

Example of calculating salary deduction

In the name of employee Vasilkov A.A. 2 writs of execution were received: alimony for the maintenance of 3 minor children - 50% of earnings and compensation for damage to health in the amount of 5,000.00 rubles. The salary amount was 15,000.00 rubles. The personal income tax deduction for 3 children amounted to RUB 5,800.00.

We will calculate deductions based on writs of execution:

  • Personal income tax tax base = 15,000.00 – 5,800.00 = 9,200.00 rubles;
  • Personal income tax = RUB 1,196.00;
  • Amount of earnings for calculating deductions = 15,000.00 – 1,196.00 = 13,804.00 rubles;
  • Limit amount = RUB 9,662.80.

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Deductions in the amount of =11,902.00 rubles, of which:

  • For alimony = 6,902.00 rubles. (58% of the total withholding amount);
  • Compensation for damage = 5,000, rub. (42% of the total withholding amount).

As a result, deductions are made according to writs of execution in the amount of:

  • For alimony – 9,662.80 *0.58 = 5,604.42 rubles;
  • Compensation for damage – 9,662.80 *0.42 = 4,058.38 rubles.

Deduction from wages: postings and examples

Mandatory deductions

Personal income tax is withheld from each employee’s salary at the following rates:

  • 13% - if the employee is a resident of the Russian Federation;
  • 30% - if a non-resident of the Russian Federation;
  • 35% - in case of winning, savings on interest, etc.;
  • 15% - from dividends of a non-resident of the Russian Federation;
  • 9% - from dividends until 2015; interest on mortgage-backed bonds until 2007, from the income of the founders of the trust management of the mortgage coverage.

It does not matter in what form the income was received, cash or in kind. Let's look at an example:

Employee Vasilkov A.A. wages of 30,000.00 rubles were accrued, personal income tax was withheld from it at a rate of 13%, since Vasilkov A.A. is a resident.

Postings for mandatory withholding of personal income tax:

According to executive documents

The amount under the writ of execution is withheld from wages, taking into account personal income tax. The amount of additional expenses under the writ of execution (for example, transfer fees) is debited from the employee.

Let's look at an example:

Employee Vasilkov A.A. wages were accrued in the amount of 20,000.00 rubles, of which 25% was withheld according to the writ of execution. Amount of deduction under the writ of execution = (20,000.00 – 13%) * 25% = 4,350.00 rub.

Deduction from wages of Vasilkov A.A. according to the writ of execution is reflected by posting:

At the initiative of the employer

Deductions for the purpose of debt repayment are regulated by the Labor Code and other federal laws. In this case, it is necessary to issue an order no later than a month from the date of payment and obtain written permission from the employee.

If upon dismissal the amount of deductions is not completely written off, then, by agreement with the employee, the amount can be repaid:

  • Judicially;
  • By depositing funds into the cash register;
  • Gift to an employee (in this case, expenses are not taken into account when calculating income tax);
  • At the request of the employee, write off 20% of the salary monthly.

Typical entries for deductions from wages at the initiative of the employer:

Let's look at an example:

From employee Vasilkov A.A. RUB 1,500.00 was deducted from wages to repay the loan. The salary amounted to 10,000.00 rubles. The limit amount is = 8,700.00 * 0.2 = 1,740.00 rubles.

Posting the deduction of a loan from the salary of Vasilkova A.A.:

According to the employee

At the request of the employee, the manager can deduct the necessary amounts from wages, but the manager can also refuse such deductions. At the same time, the amount of deductions at the request of the employee is not limited.

Deduction from wages at the request of an employee posting:

Let's look at an example:

Employee Vasilkov A.A. wrote an application to withhold union dues in the amount of 2%. The salary amounted to 10,000.00 rubles. The amount of the union contribution is (10,000.00 – 1,300.00) *2% = 174.00 rubles.

Withholding of trade union dues from the wages of Vasilkova A.A. wiring.

As you know, after calculating personal income tax, it is necessary to make the appropriate entries in accounting. Personal income tax is deducted before the salary is paid, so employees receive the amount in their hands, taking into account the reduction made. Responsibility for carrying out this operation lies with the employer. When personal income tax is withheld from wages, the posting must also be made at the appropriate time so as not to violate the established procedure.

Features of tax calculation

The main types of income for which personal income tax must be withheld are all kinds of accruals under an employment and civil service agreement. This list includes not only direct wages, but also bonuses, allowances, and some compensation received. Special formulas are used to calculate payments.

However, personal income tax postings are made in the following situations:

  • when calculating salaries;
  • when deducting tax;
  • when issuing wages;
  • after transferring the personal income tax amount to the budget.

If an organization has employees who are periodically sent on business trips, they are entitled to appropriate travel allowances, which are also taxed (subject to the legal limit).

So, after deduction of personal income tax, the posting is completed in accordance with the appropriate procedure.

In the situation with travel expenses, several types of postings are provided:

  • when issuing an advance to an employee for travel expenses;
  • when calculating expenses;
  • if personal income tax is assessed on amounts for business trips that exceed the norm;
  • After the personal income tax is transferred to the budget, the posting is also done.

If you purchase any services from an individual, you may also need to make tax payments. In this case, the organization must deduct the appropriate amount and provide the seller with funds, taking into account the payment of personal income tax. In such a situation, wiring is also done:

  • when the product or service was purchased from an individual;
  • posting when withholding personal income tax;
  • when transferring personal income tax to the budget;
  • when transferring the amount for services or goods to the seller.

When personal income tax has been assessed on the amount, the posting of its deduction and transfer to the treasury is mandatory. After all, entities that transfer income to individuals, as a general rule, simultaneously become tax agents. Accordingly, their responsibilities include withholding and remitting tax payments.

Postings and accounts

After personal income tax is calculated, postings are made according to Kt account 68, if we are talking about withholding. For debit turnovers there is a different numbering:

  • for payment of dividends to shareholders and founders - account 75;
  • when withholding tax from wages – 70;
  • if we are talking about material assistance – 73;
  • for deductions from civil law income – 76;
  • for short-term loans from individuals – 66;
  • long-term loans – 67;

When transferring the total personal income tax to the budget - Dt 68 and credit turnover on the 51st account.

Payroll postings are typically made on the last day of the month. If we are talking about other income, then postings are made on the same day. This accounting manipulation is mandatory and is reflected in the relevant registers. Account identification numbers are also always used to make documentation and reporting clear.

The implementation of such operations is prescribed by law and is mandatory for various organizations and individual entrepreneurs paying income to individuals. It is important to consider that personal income tax can be withheld not only from the wages that employees receive, but also from other income received and payments made. For example, when purchasing a service or product from an individual.