Public management of dhows. State and public management of preschool educational institutions as a resource for the development of education - PowerPoint PPT Presentation The application of the principle requires

Tarasova N.V., head of the center of the Federal State Autonomous Institution “FIRO”, Ph.D. Moscow May 20, 2013 State-public management makes it possible to solve the most important tasks facing the preschool education system - quality, accessibility and efficiency. Successful relations between state and public administration are built on the basis of openness, completeness and reliability of information, mutual understanding and trust. The preschool educational institution is financed by the state and managed by its representative - the head. Preschool educational institution is financed by the state and other interested persons and organizations (parents of pupils, commercial organizations). Additional, extra-budgetary funding is provided legally, through charitable foundations and trusteeships. Management, in general, remains the function of the manager. Representatives of the non-state component manage only extra-budgetary finances. DOW - is managed through a governing board, which is a separate legal entity. Financing is carried out from budgetary funds and funds sought by the governing council (see clause 3). The preschool educational institution becomes autonomous and can conduct its own financial activities. Preschool educational institution is a private preschool educational institution, the founder of which is not the state. The goal of state-public education management is the optimal combination of state and social principles in the interests of the individual, society and the state. Main objectives: – implementation of the legally defined rights of teachers, students and their parents to participate in the management of an educational institution; democratization of public administration of education; – meeting the needs and interests of participants in the educational process; development of conciliatory mechanisms for resolving contradictions and conflicts between all subjects. 1. Ensuring the functioning of the educational sphere: participation in the preparation, adoption and implementation of the regulatory framework; interaction between state and public bodies that contribute to the harmonization and humanization of relationships between participants in the educational process; attraction of forces and resources of legal entities and individuals; representation and protection of educational interests. 2. Development of the education system: development and implementation of relevant programs, including those aimed at its modernization; improving the content, forms and methods of educational activities; preparation, adoption and implementation of documents on measures to stimulate the activities of educational institutions and their management bodies, etc. The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania adopted a Program for Expanding Public Participation in Educational Management. The Government of the Republic of Buryatia approved the Concept for the development of the trustee movement in the Republic of Buryatia for 2003-2010 (Resolution No. 307 of October 13, 2003). In 2009, the Concept of State and Public Management in the Vologda Region was developed and held public discussion. Laws on state and public management in the field of education: – KhMAO-Yugra - Law “On state and public management in the field of general education of KhMAO-Yugra” dated 10.16.2006 N 104-oz; – Penza region - Law “On state and public management in the general education system of the Penza region” dated September 4, 2007 N 1351-ZPO; – Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - Law “On state and public management in the field of preschool and general education in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)” dated 19.02. 2009 Z N 215-IV; – Astrakhan region - Law “On state and public management in the field of education in the Astrakhan region” dated May 8, 2009 N 25/2009-OZ. Most constituent entities of the Russian Federation have approved Regulations on public administration bodies at various levels, public reporting in the field of education, and public monitoring. Perm, Tambov, Moscow, Sverdlovsk regions, the Republic of Chuvashia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, the Republic of North Ossetia Alania. the model has been implemented in 52% of preschool educational institutions in the regions listed above 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The management system has become more open The orientation of education towards the interests of consumers has increased The resource base of the educational institution has been strengthened The transparency of spending funds has increased The number of conflicts has decreased The influence of parents on life of an educational institution Other Model of organizing trusteeship activities in the form of charitable foundations and non-profit organizations (opportunities for using charity in preschool educational institutions) The main form of charitable assistance in preschool institutions is voluntary donations and targeted contributions from parents (legal representatives) Board of Trustees - non-state, non-governmental, non-profit , a public organization that unites on a voluntary basis everyone who is interested in the development of quality education in a particular institution. The main task of creating Boards of Trustees is to generate interest among potential trustees. The most effective are Boards of Trustees that develop a model of managing an educational institution with public participation. The main task of the council is the development of the institution. The board of trustees is able to formulate the order of the parent community to the educational institution, helping not only to build the content of the educational process, but also to provide the necessary resources. fund - a non-profit organization that does not have membership, established by citizens and (or) legal entities on the basis of voluntary donations by citizens and (or) legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions and pursuing social, charitable, cultural, educational and other socially beneficial goals; non-profit partnership – a membership-based non-profit organization established by citizens and (or) legal entities to assist its members in carrying out activities aimed at achieving non-commercial goals; autonomous non-profit organization - a non-profit organization that does not have membership, established by citizens and (or) legal entities to assist its members in carrying out activities aimed at achieving non-commercial goals. a charitable foundation with the status of a legal entity, all benefactors have tax benefits. From the moment of state registration, the fund acquires the right of a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, a bank account, its own seal, stamp, and forms. Sources of formation of the fund's property are contributions from the founders: voluntary property contributions and donations, including those of a targeted nature, provided by citizens in cash and in kind. “Best practices of public participation in the formation and implementation of policy in the field of education” (in 2 volumes under the general editorship of S.G. Kosaretsky, E.N. Shimutina), prepared by the Institute of State and Public Management of Education (21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation): the opportunity to more specifically, more substantively discuss the state of affairs in the field of state and public management and, as a consequence, changes in the preschool institution itself and its relations with society; reasons to talk about some typical difficulties, problems, organizational errors in the development of public and public management; best practice materials for formulating practical recommendations for: creating and organizing effective work of governing councils, implementing mechanisms for public participation in assessing the quality of education, preparing and distributing public reports, etc. The introduction of state-public management becomes possible only if there is a legislative framework at the regional level. Creating and ensuring the activities of collegial representative bodies in preschool educational institutions, endowed with a set of managerial powers (the right to make management decisions on a number of significant issues of the functioning and development of a preschool institution), will help expand opportunities for meeting the public order for preschool education, attracting people to preschool educational institutions additional resources. It is necessary to more actively involve heads of educational institutions and teaching staff in practical activities for the development of public administration, including PC courses. Thank you for your attention! FGAU "FIRO", tel. 8-495-673-54-31

“Social insects” - Termites. Ants. Insects of the Red Book of the Moscow region. Bee venom Royal jelly Propolis Pollen. Which order is classified as social insects? Bees. Bee larva. Hive. Bee products. Sense organs of a bee. Multicolor black-red. Silkworm. Dance of the bees. Bees feed the future queen.

“Work experience in a preschool educational institution” - Main directions. Goal: mastering the socio-game style at work. "Flash drive" is a creative laboratory. "Sitting on the fence." Teachers who have completed advanced training courses on the topic “Socio-Game Technology”. Angarochka. Methodological associations of teachers in preschool educational institutions. Goal: a system of work on patriotic education, taking into account the regional component.

“Social consciousness” - Insert the missing forms of social consciousness. The science. Compare the categories of social psychology and ideology. Expresses an attitude towards law as a social value. Includes moral principles of society, norms of behavior. Religion. Performs an ideological, cognitive function. Forms aesthetic consciousness.

“Society and public relations” - Society and public relations. Functions of society. Society and nature. Society. Spheres of public life. Society is a dynamic system. What is society? Social relations Spheres of public life Society is a dynamic system Society and nature.

“Catering establishments” - Classification of restaurants. Definitions. The origins of the restaurant business. Restaurant business. You are only a place. "Tavern Bazar" Do you like it? Sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks. CLASSIFICATION OF RESTAURANTS Marciano Palli.

“Children’s public reception” - Consultative response to an appeal. Head of additional Personal appeal from a minor. If your rights are violated and you have no one to turn to for help and protection... Help from volunteers in resolving problems of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of minors. Representatives of the council of high school students of municipal educational institutions.

Management is the purposeful activity of a leader to create the necessary conditions for the optimal functioning and development of a preschool educational institution, which is why improving management should become a priority in every educational development program. The head of a preschool educational institution faces many questions at the same time, so he must be aware of the importance and content of the main management functions.

Information acts today as one of the main resources, along with material and personnel. The head of a preschool educational institution must not only possess up-to-date, accurate information, but also analyze and effectively use it in management decisions. It is possible to really ensure the effectiveness of this activity, firstly, by the timely receipt of a set of necessary reliable information, secondly, by analyzing this information, thirdly, by making management decisions based on the analysis and, fourthly, by implementing the decisions made. Any control action goes through management information, therefore the collection of information, its analysis and decision-making are fundamental in the management process and are present in each of the management functions.



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Project goal: To form a model of interaction between public authorities in preschool educational institutions. Project objectives: To determine the functions of public administration bodies in preschool educational institutions. To delineate the powers and competencies of public administration bodies. Determine the levels of management of preschool educational institutions by public authorities Expected results: Realization of the interests of all participants in the educational process, incl. social partners. A steady increase in the activity and interest of leaders of various organizations, manifested in the desire to help preschool educational institutions. Increasing the level of professional competence of a manager, management skills in conditions of cooperation and interaction

“...The interests of society and the state in the field of education do not always coincide with the sectoral interests of the education system itself, and therefore the determination of directions for modernization and development of education cannot be confined to the framework of the educational community and the educational department... All citizens of Russia, family and parent community, federal and regional government institutions, local governments, professional and pedagogical community, scientific, cultural, commercial and public institutions.” (From the “Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010”)

PUBLIC MANAGEMENT OF PRE-School Educational Institution General Meeting Pedagogical Council Parent Committee Board of Trustees Regulatory and legal framework Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” Model Regulations “On a Preschool Educational Institution”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from “On approval of the Model Regulations on the Board of Trustees of a General Educational Institution”; Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 30, 2000 “On boards of trustees of educational institutions”; Letter from the Ministry of Education on work with the “Model Regulations on the Board of Trustees of the Education Development Fund under the Education Management Body”; Local acts of preschool educational institutions

Functions of the public administration bodies of the preschool educational institution GENERAL MEETING PARENTS COMMITTEE PEDAGOGICAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES Determines the directions of the pedagogical activities of the preschool educational institution, contributes to the improvement of the educational process. Represents the powers of teaching staff of preschool educational institutions. Contributes to the formation of a sustainable extra-budgetary fund, exercises public control over the intended use of donations. Represents the powers of philanthropists; Provides general management of the activities of the preschool educational institution; Represents the powers of the labor collective; Coordinates the activities of the parent community and the teaching staff on the issues of upbringing and education of preschool educational institution students. Represents the powers of parents of pupils

An approximate model of interaction between public management bodies of a preschool educational institution in preparation for the new school year. Parents Committee Teachers' Council General Meeting Hears a report from the head of the preschool educational institution on the results of work for the past school year. year Makes proposals for improving the educational process. Makes proposals for planning joint events with parents Makes suggestions for organizing additional education and its types Makes suggestions for planning work with children for the new school. year Reviews and approves children's education programs, incl. and additional education Develops and approves programs for the targeted use of charitable funds. Considers issues of organizing additional paid services at school. year. Makes proposals for improving work in the new academic year. The Board of Trustees Hears a report from the head of the preschool educational institution on the results of work for the previous academic year. year Considers issues of advanced training for teachers Forms an extra-budgetary fund that promotes the organization of the educational process and professional growth of teachers Monitors the targeted use of donations. Creating conditions to ensure the educational process in preschool educational institutions in the new academic year

Sections: School administration

“...The interests of society and the state in the field of education do not always coincide with the sectoral interests of the education system itself, and therefore the determination of directions for modernization and development of education cannot be confined to the framework of the educational community and the educational department... All citizens of Russia, family and parent community, federal and regional government institutions, local governments, professional and pedagogical community, scientific, cultural, commercial and public institutions.”

(From the “Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010”)

Relevance of the problem

The changing social and political environment has an impact on all institutions of life and, above all, on education and culture.

Education goes beyond departmental affiliation and becomes a sphere of direct interests of various social groups and public structures. Real life has proven more than once that the institution of education in no case can exist separately from state institutions of economics, law, mass communication, and demographic development. Therefore, education develops taking into account all the changes and trends that occur in society and receives a social order for a new quality of education.

One of the main problems of a modern preschool institution is the gap between the changing educational needs of society and the real capabilities of the education system. The path to a new state and a new quality of education is impossible without organizing a dialogue between the education sector, guardianship institutions and the parent community. Recently, much attention has been paid to state and public management in educational institutions.

Objective of the project:

To form a model of interaction between public authorities in preschool educational institutions.

Project objectives:

  • Determination of the functions of public administration bodies in preschool educational institutions.
  • Delimitation of powers and competencies of public administration bodies.
  • Determination of levels of management of preschool educational institutions by public authorities.

Expected results

  • Changes in the educational environment that will ensure the implementation and satisfaction of educational needs.
  • Realization of the interests of all participants in the educational process, incl. social partners.
  • A steady increase in the activity and interest of heads of various departments, organizations, and representatives of associations, manifested in the desire to help preschool educational institutions.
  • Increasing the level of professional competence of managers, management skills in conditions of cooperation and interaction.

Modern education cannot be closed and self-sufficient. Educational practice must correspond to the processes occurring in society and the real needs of life.

Preschool education is the first stage of the general pedagogical system, and the preschool educational institution itself, like the school, can be considered as a socio-pedagogical system. Being a state or state-public institution, a kindergarten is created by society to fulfill specific goals and therefore fulfills its social order.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” educational institutions carry out their activities in the interests of the individual, society and the state. Each of the subjects of educational legal relations should have the opportunity to influence the functioning and development of the education system, but at the same time bear their share of responsibility for creating the conditions necessary for the education system to fulfill its social and educational functions.

The totalitarian unity of command in all spheres of life of educational institutions has been replaced by a public-state form of governance (page 3). According to the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010, “All citizens of Russia, the family and parental community, federal and regional government institutions, local governments, the professional, pedagogical community, scientific, cultural, commercial and public institutions should become active subjects of educational policy "

Sl. 4. State-public management in the education system, namely in the system, as defined by Article 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, consists of two components, when in reality there are two different subjects of activity and management of this activity: on the one hand, the state subject and municipal, on the other hand, is a public subject.

Sl. 5. Based on the norm of Article 35 of the Federal Law “On Education”, the management of state and municipal educational institutions is based on the principles of unity of command and self-government. The procedure for electing self-government bodies of an educational institution and their competence are determined by the charter of the educational institution.

Regulatory legal framework of public administration.

  1. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 2).
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 No. 196 “On approval of the Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution.”
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 1999 No. 1379 “On approval of the Model Regulations on the Board of Trustees of a General Educational Institution.”
  4. Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 30, 2000 No. 22-06-378 “On boards of trustees of educational institutions.”
  5. Letter of the Ministry of Education dated December 27, 1999 No. 22-06-1211 On work with the “Model regulations on the board of trustees of the education development fund under the education management body.”

Sl. 6. In preschool institutions of ZATO Seversk, public administration is represented by the following bodies:

  1. General meeting.
  2. Pedagogical Council.
  3. Parent meeting.
  4. Board of Trustees.

The general meeting carries out the general management of the institution and represents the powers of the labor collective. Decisions of the general meeting of the institution, adopted within its powers and in accordance with the law, are binding on the administration and all members of the team.

The General Meeting includes all employees of the Establishment.

Representatives of the Founder, public organizations, municipal and state government bodies may be invited to the meeting of the General Meeting. Persons invited to the meeting enjoy the right of an advisory vote, can make proposals and statements, and participate in the discussion of issues within their competence.

The Pedagogical Council determines the direction of educational activities, the prospects for the development of the institution, and contributes to the improvement of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of modern science and best practice. Taking the main directions of activity in organizing the educational process, incl. and additional services, the teaching council thereby determines their supply on the educational services market. The pedagogical council interacts with self-government bodies of preschool educational institutions on the functioning and development of the institution, makes proposals on the content, methods, system of means of education and training, and the mode of its functioning in the self-government system.

The parent meeting is a collegial body of public self-government of a preschool educational institution, acting for the purpose of developing and improving the educational and educational process, interaction between the parent community and the preschool educational institution. The Parents' Assembly includes all parents (legal representatives) of pupils attending preschool educational institutions. The parent meeting carries out the joint work of the parent community and the preschool educational institution on the implementation of state and municipal policies in the field of preschool education, reviews and discusses the main directions of development of the preschool educational institution, coordinates the actions of the parent community and the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution on issues of education, upbringing, health improvement and development of students.

The Board of Trustees is one of the forms of public management of a preschool educational institution, created on the initiative of the administration or interested parties. The Board of Trustees contributes to the formation of a sustainable financial extra-budgetary fund for the development of the institution, promotes the organization and improvement of the educational process, monitors the intended use of donations, and ensures public control over compliance with current legislation, the individual rights of students, parents and teachers.

The board of trustees may include parents (legal representatives) of students, teaching staff of the institution, and representatives of various forms of ownership. The activities of members of the board of trustees are carried out on a voluntary basis.

Public governing bodies are vested with the right to make certain decisions. They are real representatives of the customer (society) and have leverage on the strategic directions of the activities of administrative bodies.

Sl. 7. This project highlights the most common public authorities that operate in many preschool institutions in the city. Their functions and powers are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and local acts of preschool educational institutions.

The proposed model of interaction between public authorities allows us to trace their interaction and mutual influence, and also helps to strengthen the role of the public in solving educational problems, which is one of the main trends in the development of education as an open state-public system.

Thus, society, acting as a partner in the diverse process of educating and training preschoolers, not only formulates a social order for education, but also shares responsibility for the state of the educational process in a preschool institution. The partnership of the preschool educational institution team, parents, and trustees for the purpose of education has a long-term educational impact on preschoolers, setting a practical example for children and formulating the values ​​and traditions of a socially oriented initiative.