Buyer's risks when purchasing an apartment from a contractor: what is important to know. Marketing management in the construction complex Subcontractor - who is this in construction

Buying an apartment from a contractor involves risks; it is worth understanding the specifics of such a transaction. Although such an offer is not on the real estate market and will be 5-15% more profitable in cost, the risks also increase. It’s worth knowing how to minimize them if you want to get housing at a more affordable price.

Where does the contractor get the apartment from?

A contractor is a construction organization with which the developer will enter into an agreement for the construction of a facility, that is, this is actually the company that builds the house. The contractor can also be a supplier of building materials or a company that carries out communications. That is, any company that takes part in the construction of a house is considered a contractor.

Important! The contractor receives apartments as payment for his work, a kind of barter on mutually beneficial terms.

Apartments from the contractor will cost less, and that’s all, because the settlement with him is under an agreement. Naturally, the apartment “costs” him less and they are interested in selling it as quickly as possible. After all, what is needed is not apartments, but free funds, and besides, the contractor has enough apartments from previous projects.

This widespread decision is connected with the crisis, since the developer simply has nothing to pay for the services of the builders, and in order not to delay the delivery deadline, they are looking for any possible options to still complete the construction of the house and put it into operation.

As a result, a vicious circle closes:

  1. The developer does not have the money to pay the contractor.
  2. It is calculated by apartments.
  3. Builders need free money, so they sell the resulting property at a dumping price.
  4. Cheap apartments from contractors are entering the market. This means that the developer cannot sell his more expensive ones in the same house.
  5. As a result, the developer again has no money and so on in a circle.

Where to find cheap options

Of course, it is relatively cheap; the cost will be 5-15% lower than that of the developer. Of course, you won’t be able to find such apartments on bulletin boards. Contractors build rather than look for buyers, so they most often use the services of realtors and real estate agencies. You can find such desirable real estate through familiar realtors; they show such square meters with great desire, since they are quickly snapped up, which means they get their profit from the transaction faster.

Benefit or risk

It would seem that in such a situation the buyer wins, since the apartments are offered at a lower price. But it’s not that simple; there are risks, and they are quite serious. First, it’s worth understanding the essence of the relationship between the developer and the contractor. The first, unable to pay for construction work, offers the builders payment by providing them with an apartment. This is often discussed at the stage of signing cooperation agreements.

Two agreements are concluded between the parties at the same time:

  1. Contract work agreement. According to it, the contractor is obliged to build the house within the agreed time frame and put it into operation.
  2. DDU on the contractor, according to which the developer is obliged to transfer the apartment to the contractor.

At the same time, the main task of both is to attract a third party to the transaction - the buyer, in order to receive real money.

Main danger

Based on the mutual agreements between the developer and the contractor, the main catch and risk arises for the buyer. It consists in the fact that the contractor urgently needs free money to carry out his work and fulfill his obligations to the developer. The organization is looking for buyers, offering to verbally agree to receive an apartment with a discount of up to 15%, provided that the entire amount is paid at once. The contractor promises that when the house is put into operation, the transaction will be formalized and the apartment will become property.

Many buyers agree to this, because what’s the point of deceiving those who are building the house. They are in no hurry to draw up the assignment agreement. Because I simply cannot do this, because they have not yet fulfilled their obligations to the developer.

As a result, the buyer of such real estate faces a double risk - failure by the developer to fulfill its obligations, as well as by the contractor. Theoretically, it is possible to solve the problem with the developer, but with the contractor it is impossible even in court, much less prove the fact that he received the funds.

How to avoid problems and save money

Not all apartments are sold before the building is put into operation; often, after several years from the commissioning of the property, apartments are unsold. In this case, that is, when the living space is registered as a property, you can buy it. The discount, of course, will be lower, but risks are practically eliminated, since a purchase and sale transaction is being completed.

In addition, there are a number of factors that need to be taken into account in the process:

  1. It is worth checking the reputation of the developer, how intensively the properties are being delivered, whether there are cases of non-delivery, financial situation, etc. You need to check all permits to see if there are any debts.
  2. The DDU must be registered; only in this case will it be possible to exclude double or triple sales.
  3. The contractor must have a certificate of full payment for the apartment, copies of the document on offset for the real estate. This will mean that mutual obligations have been fulfilled.
  4. If the apartment is registered as a property, this is an ideal option.
  5. You need to request a document about ownership and equity participation in the unified register.
  6. If the contracting organization is a joint-stock company, it is worth checking whether the person offering the apartment has the authority to take such actions.

Registration procedure

Such a transaction with the contractor must be formalized, and after the transaction the following papers must remain in hand:

  • Contract of sale. It must include mandatory items: the date of preparation, details of the parties, the price paid for the apartment, its description, by which an unambiguous identification can be made. Signatures of the parties.
  • An act of acceptance and transfer of real estate with signatures of both parties.
  • Documents confirming payment of the state duty, which is paid by both parties in equal parts when registering the contract.

The following documents are required from the contractor:

  1. Certificate of absence of registered persons in the apartment.
  2. A certificate confirming the absence of debt on utility bills.
  3. An extract from the unified register, which should indicate that the property has no encumbrances or arrests.
  4. Payment document.

Registration with Rosreestr upon completion of the transaction is mandatory.


Anyone looking for real estate has a desire to buy an apartment with a price significantly lower than the market price. But in pursuit of low prices, one should not forget about the risks, because you can be left without money and without an apartment. Only careful checking and balanced decisions will make it possible to save money and not be left in the cold.

A contractor is an organization or enterprise, a legal entity that enters into an agreement with the customer, i.e. contracted to do some work. By and large, what is important to the customer is the final result and the compliance of the object of the contractual relationship with all the requirements that apply to this type of product, be it a building being constructed or a software product. If the contract does not stipulate that all types of work will be performed only by the contractor, he has the right to involve third parties and other enterprises in their implementation, which in this case will be subcontractors.

Construction, and many other types of activities, are licensed, i.e. To perform a certain type of construction and installation work, a special permit is required, obtained after joining a self-regulatory construction organization. To obtain this approval, the company must have the required number of certified specialists with this qualification, as well as special equipment to perform this type of work.

Since the construction process includes many different technologically separate types of work, the contractor may not have permission to perform each of them. In this case, it is advisable to involve one or more subcontractors who have permits for those types of work for which the contractor does not have official permission. The subcontractor, who has permission, qualified specialists and special equipment, performs the part of the work assigned to him in accordance with an additionally concluded subcontract agreement.

The main agreement in accordance with which the work is performed is the one concluded between the customer and the contractor. It is the contractor who bears full responsibility for the obligations specified in this document. Only he is responsible to the customer for fulfilling the terms of the contract and compliance of the object with established norms and rules. The difference between him and a subcontractor is that all guarantees are provided by the contractor and all responsibility, administrative and financial, rests with him.

In turn, a separate subcontract agreement is also concluded between the contractor and the subcontractor, which is subject to the same rules established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for construction contracts. It, like any contract, determines financial responsibility for failure to fulfill contractual obligations, stipulates the composition, timing and cost of the work performed.

General contractor is a construction company that provides a range of measures to perform construction, installation and finishing works during the implementation by the Developer of a residential complex project

General contractor is a construction company that provides a range of measures to perform construction, installation and finishing works during the implementation of a residential complex project by the Developer. It is the general contractor who is responsible for delivering the project on time and with proper quality. As a rule, to carry out assigned tasks, the General Contractor organizes a general headquarters at the construction site. The general contractor himself decides in what ways he will carry out certain construction and installation work. This is either done on your own (by your own staff) or by outsourced contractors (based on a subcontract agreement). Also, the general contractor controls the entire process of work. For this purpose, there is technical supervision either in the state or for hire. This service checks all work for compliance with all regulatory indicators, as well as in accordance with design documentation, GOST, SNIP and other technical requirements. The general contractor's staff must have extensive experience and knowledge in this branch of the construction industry. It is through the general contractor that the flow of funds aimed at its implementation passes. The delivery of work by the General Contractor is confirmed by the presence of all as-built documentation for each type of work performed, as well as accounting documents (certificate KS-2, KS-3). Payment for work and services is made on the basis of these documents. The general contractor coordinates the execution of work, monitors the schedule of completion, maintains reports and logs. The general contractor is responsible for the safety of the facility and its components on the site. Also, the general contractor is obliged to strictly adhere to safety regulations at the site. The general contractor coordinates design departments with executive departments. Construction work must strictly comply with the work plan. The general contractor is required by law to be a member of a self-regulatory organization (SRO). Also, the general contractor is obliged to monitor the quality of intermediate work on an ongoing basis. The General Contractor submits all completed work in the form of as-built documentation. As-built documentation consists of a title page, contents, acts of hidden work with signatures of those responsible, as-built diagrams, and certificates for materials. The general contractor does not have the right to independently deviate from the project and must strictly comply with the working documentation. Changes to the working documentation are possible only with written consent from the design company developing this project for the development of a residential complex or house. In order to monitor compliance with the project, the General Contractor creates a production and technical support department. This department constantly monitors the correctness of the as-built documentation and compliance with the working design of the development. Also, the general contractor is obliged to keep records of the materials used and their quality compliance. The general contractor bears all financial responsibility for the construction site within the boundaries of the entire construction site

How to become a contractor or subcontractor in construction from scratch -

In this article we will tell you about the features and nuances of the question “how to become a contractor for a construction company.”

The widespread and constantly growing construction business seems attractive to many professional managers and investors. But what is needed to start this activity, and how to become a contractor or subcontractor in the construction or repair of newly created or modernized facilities? To understand the aspects of this type of employment and earnings, you need to more systematically understand how the construction process works, how the distribution and further production of construction contract work is carried out in the construction services market. To begin construction work, it is most logical to become a partner of a construction organization that already has sufficient volumes of work and established experience in relations with key customers.

How do contractors and subcontractors work in construction?

In construction, with rare exceptions, there are no enterprises that independently carry out the full range of work undertaken. Therefore, the concepts of a general contract for construction work and partial or full subcontracting have emerged. To understand how contractors work, it is advisable to study open competitive procedures announced on trading platforms for the construction of objects for various purposes and analyze the documentation offered by Customers. The package of competitive materials often contains special individual parameters that the selected contractor must meet. Often, in order to win a tender or competition, not only experience, the presence of a specified number of completed and delivered objects, but also the possession of specific resources are required. This could be: special construction equipment, human resources, contracts with manufacturers of building materials. To understand how subcontractors work in construction, in the documentation for the site you can look at separate lists of work, which, as a rule, are not related in execution and timing to other sets of work that can be transferred to other contractors. Often the general contractor selects subcontractors through competitive procedures. In this case, you can familiarize yourself with the documentation and basic parameters specifically for subcontracted work.

What do you need to become a contractor or subcontractor?

In order to become a contractor in construction from scratch, you need only three important conditions: Availability of resources; Having proven experience; Competitive price of the proposed work. In addition to these conditions, in order to undertake certain types of work, permits may be required. For a whole set of certain types of construction work, this is membership in SROs (self-regulatory organizations), which carry out the statutory control over the availability of the required qualifications and competencies of performers, and also issue permits for these types of work. Some types of work, such as handling certain hazardous substances, high voltage work, and other hazardous work, must be carried out under the supervision of specialized government organizations. This also requires certificates and permits for both personnel and the organization as a whole. Many types of construction work are not subject to legal regulation and their implementation only requires organization of compliance with work and safety regulations. Customers, when choosing an organization for the construction or repair of an object , pay great attention to the experience of successfully performing similar work. Therefore, the easiest way to get involved in such a business is to start by partnering with an experienced organization as a subcontractor. Subcontracted work performed with high quality and on time will also be included in the portfolio of successful projects and, over time, will become a calling card for obtaining independent orders.

How do construction contractors earn money?

It will be easy for a manager from any business segment to understand how contractors earn money in construction, since the main task of a contractor is the competent organization of all construction processes and their provision with materials. The contractor may formally not carry out any volumes of direct construction at all, transferring them to subcontracting. Very often, organizations retain only the functions of supplying construction materials and providing special construction equipment. All other work can be transferred to other organizations. The construction business is a very structured type of activity, therefore, in order to become a contractor or subcontractor in construction, it is recommended to start the first steps with some specific types or compositions of work. This could be: electrical installation work of low-current networks, construction of walls, finishing or plumbing work, etc. In addition, it is extremely useful to become a subcontracting partner with a large construction organization, taking on a feasible list of works from the general order.

Subcontractor - who is this in construction?

Subcontractor or subcontractor are terms of relationship accepted in construction. The prefix sub- means about.

Who is a subcontractor - definition

A subcontractor is usually a highly specialized enterprise whose employees have the right of access to a certain type of work.

For example, the following act as a subcontractor:

  • an electrical installation company responsible for wiring and lighting;
  • another company is installing water supply and sewerage systems;
  • a company that installs ventilation;
  • an enterprise that installs gas pipelines and installs slabs;
  • a carpentry shop or factory becomes a subcontractor for the installation of carpentry products - doors, windows, cornices.

A larger number of subcontractors are involved in the construction of enterprises. For example:

  • installation of machines and equipment,
  • telephone and internet,
  • instrumentation and automation, and much more.

The list of possible subcontractors could be continued; in each area of ​​construction, some organizations are added, while others, on the contrary, are not necessary.

All these functions are highly specialized and represent separate production units - installation organizations, companies, enterprises.

It is difficult, and from an economic point of view, it is not practical to combine all existing types of work within one construction company. Therefore, the generally accepted scheme of the general contractor-subcontractor relationship is more justified.

And since any building certainly consists of a foundation, walls and a roof, the general contractor is the organization that builds it all.

How is it different from a contractor?

Before construction of a facility can begin, an order must appear. The customers are city and district municipal authorities, industrial and trading companies.

The construction organization becomes the executor of the order or contractor.

Large construction companies have their own designers. Smaller companies order projects from architectural design organizations based on the same contracting relationships.

On large construction projects, where there may be several contractors, one is allocated - the general contractor, who can be selected from several companies on the basis of a competitive tender. The general contractor, within the framework of the contract, is responsible for the execution of the order directly to the customer. The subcontractor interacts with the general contractor.

It is important to know: the subcontractor is responsible only for the execution of his scope of work, while the general contractor is responsible to the customer for the entire project. This is the main difference between them.

What is a subcontract agreement

The general contractor enters into contracts with other organizations (subcontractors), is responsible to the customer for the entire final result, and therefore has the right to independently select and attract subcontractors to work on site.

The subcontractor is responsible to the general contractor for the timing and quality of work, and receives payment for the execution of work from him.

A subcontract agreement, therefore, is an agreement concluded between the customer and the contractor. In this case, the customer is the general contractor. The subcontract agreement includes contracts for the manufacture and supply of equipment and materials used at the construction site. The supplier company in this context is a subsupplier of the customer.

Thus, a subcontractor is a contracting organization that works near the main, or general, contractor on the basis of contractual relations and is responsible for a clearly defined scope of work, determined by the same contract.

Watch the video in which a specialist explains the essence of the relationship between the general contractor and the subcontractor:

In contact with

In contact with

A building contractor is... What is a building contractor?

 Construction contractor (building contractor) - an entrepreneur in the real estate market, an organizer of all types of construction work. Contractors undertake construction, restoration, alteration or improvements on a property to generate income within the limits of local municipal regulations and rules. They turn plans and architectural designs into reality, for both small residential buildings and multi-story buildings. Careful costing and control of materials and labor costs is essential to generating revenue. The work is creative and rewarding, although at times there is a lot of pressure on the contractors. Successful contractors have enormous prestige. In the work of a contractor, there are often opportunities to organize capital investments and risky operations in the real estate market.

Glossary of terms for examination and management of real estate. - Kemerovo: State University KuzSTU. O. M. Skomorokhova, A. V. Uglyanitsa. 2008.

  • Construction loan
  • Construction of an urban development project

See what a “Construction contractor” is in other dictionaries:

    Construction engineering - Construction engineering engineering in the construction industry, engineering support for construction, covering all phases of the implementation of investment construction projects: design, construction, operation of facilities. In a narrower... ... Wikipedia

    Construction contract - A type of construction contract. Under a construction contract, the contractor undertakes, within the period established by the contract, to build a certain object on the instructions of the customer or to perform other construction work, and the customer undertakes to create... ... Dictionary: accounting, taxes, business law

    Construction contract - Under a construction contract, the contractor undertakes, within the period established by the contract, to build a specific object on the customer’s instructions or to perform other construction work, and the customer undertakes to create the necessary conditions for the contractor to... ... Accounting Encyclopedia

    Leningrad Construction Committee - (LSK) (Nevsky Prospekt, 1), a non-departmental association of state-owned construction enterprises of Leningrad and the Leningrad region (the first organization of its kind in the USSR). Formed in 1989 on a voluntary basis by associations... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    Jardine Matheson - Holdings Limited ... Wikipedia

    ALL AGAINST ONE - “ALL AGAINST ONE”, USSR, LITHUANIAN film studio, 1986, color, 141 min. Detective. Based on the novel “Lawyer Perry Mason” by E. S. Gardner. Major businessman Meredith Borden was killed. Two innocent people fall under suspicion: the secretary's wife... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

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    Lysacek - Lysacek, Evan Olympic awards Figure skating (men) Gold Vancouver 2010 Single skating ... Wikipedia

Construction crews, renovation of premises, construction of buildings

  • Design and estimate work
  • Design
  • Civil works
  • Construction of buildings and structures
  • Installation work
  • Civil works
  • Installation work

Integrated design Design of industrial buildings and structures Design of multi-storey buildings, including residential Design of low-rise buildings, including cottages, bathhouses, garages, etc. Design of wooden houses, including those made of laminated veneer lumber and rounded logs Design of roads Design of factories, technological processes Design of engineering systems, including Smart Home systems Design of gasification systems Estimation work Calculations of the cost of work (by private teams and craftsmen) Other types of design Design interiors Exterior design Landscape design Other types of design Other types of design Earthwork Construction of concrete and reinforced concrete monolithic structures Piling work and soil consolidation Stone work, including brick and block laying Facade work Plaster work Painting work High-altitude work, including industrial mountaineering Welding work Carpentry and joinery work Installation work, including windows, doors, roller shutters, roller shutters, gates, etc. Work on installing floors Work on installing ceilings Work on landscaping Other general construction work Integrated construction Construction of industrial buildings and structures Construction of multi-storey buildings, including residential Construction of low-rise buildings, including cottages, bathhouses, garages, etc. Construction of wooden houses, including those made of laminated veneer lumber and rounded logs Construction of prefabricated houses Road construction Construction of capital fences Construction of swimming pools Construction of power supply facilities and external electrical networks Construction of telecommunications facilities Construction of oil and gas industry facilities Construction of external water supply, sewerage, heat supply and gas supply networks Construction bridges, overpasses and overpasses Construction of tunnels, subways and mine structures Construction of railway and tram tracks Electrical installation work, including installation of “Heated floors” Installation of air conditioning and ventilation systems Installation of water supply and drainage systems Installation of heating systems Insulation work Installation of alternative energy sources (electric generators, wind farms, solar panels, heat pumps, etc.) Installation of gasification systems Installation of video surveillance and security systems Installation of fire safety systems Installation of the Smart Home system Installation of low-current telecommunication systems (Internet, television, communications, computer networks, etc. ) Installation of metal structures Installation of fences and fences Installation of stairs Installation and laying of fireplaces, stoves Installation of ceilings, including suspended and suspended Other installation work Earthwork Installation of concrete and reinforced concrete monolithic structures Piling work and consolidation of soils Stone work, including laying bricks and blocks Facade work Plastering work Painting work High-altitude work, including industrial climbing Welding work Carpentry and joinery work Installation work, including windows, doors, roller shutters, roller shutters, gates, etc. Floor installation work Ceiling installation work Territory landscaping work Other general construction work Electrical installation work, including installation of “warm floors” Installation of air conditioning and ventilation systems Installation of water supply and drainage systems Installation of heating systems Insulation work Installation of alternative energy sources (electric generators, wind stations , solar panels, heat pumps, etc.) Installation of gasification systems Installation of video surveillance and security systems Installation of fire safety systems Installation of the Smart Home system Installation of low-current telecommunication systems (Internet, television, communications, computer networks, etc.) Installation metal structures Installation of fences and fences Installation of stairs Installation and laying of fireplaces, stoves Installation of ceilings, including suspended and suspended Other installation work Complex landscaping Territory planning, earthworks Installation of paths, drainage, watering systems Laying out lawns and flower beds Planting trees and seedlings Installation of sculptures, fountains, decorative elements Other landscaping, landscaping and landscaping services Services of self-regulatory organizations Transport services Geodetic work Surveying and cadastre services Technical supervision Services of the General customer and services of the General contractor Legal services Environmental services Information services Exhibition services Redevelopment and approvals Drilling wells Software for design and construction Education, advanced training Recruitment of personnel in the construction sector Maintenance of construction machinery and equipment Rental of construction machinery and equipment Artistic wall painting Artistic forging and casting Demolition (dismantling) of buildings and structures Cleaning of territories and premises Garbage removal Other related services “Husband for an hour” service Repair windows, including glazing of windows Connecting household appliances Restoration of bathtubs (enamel, liners) Installation and replacement of locks Cleaning of apartments and houses Installation of water, heat and electricity meters Furniture assembly Other small household services


Nine questions for a construction company. When choosing a construction company for reconstruction or construction work, many factors should be taken into account. Don't be afraid to ask questions of your future contractor. Here are 9 questions for a construction company.

1. Can you do it? Most contractors offer a wide range of services, it often happens that the contractor cannot complete any part of your construction project. Many construction jobs require specially trained specialists, as well as special equipment. Therefore, it is important from the very beginning at the stage project to determine what a specific construction company can do, and what will be subcontracted, within what time frame and who will control it?

2. What completed and ongoing projects does the company have? Good construction companies always have work to do. Therefore, be prepared to wait. In any case, you have the right to ask the construction company what projects were built by the company. Which of these objects are similar to your project and where can they be seen? It is better not to rely on galleries in the company's showroom, rather than be lazy and visit ready-made objects.

3. Do you have permission to carry out construction work? Do your company and the company’s specialists have all the permits?

You should never work with a contractor who does not have any construction permits, even if the contractor is your friend or family member. Since there are no guarantees that the constructed building or structure will be reliable.

4. What certificates does the construction company have?

Certificates are important documents for any construction organization. They prove that the company was allowed to construct complex, diverse objects, and the construction company’s specialists are highly qualified. This means that construction work will be carried out in accordance with technology and on time. A number of works require special certificates, such as welding work, some plumbing work, supply of communications, etc.

5. In what time frame are you ready to complete the construction of the facility? The construction of any facility is carried out within a certain time frame. The customer is interested in the construction being completed as quickly as possible. Therefore, ask a question about the construction time frame. How long does it take for similar projects? This may lead to an increase in construction time.

6. What does a construction company have with insurance? Do you have insurance? Insurance is mandatory for any construction company. This will include workers compensation in the event of an accident.

7. Will the manager be nearby? The answer should be “yes.” There should always be someone to manage the construction every day. Foreman This is a guarantee that the work will be completed on time and in good quality. The foreman must know the project very well, from the foundation to the roof. Responsibilities of the foreman

8. What are your guarantees? Ask what guarantees are given by the construction company performing the work.

Buying an apartment in a rented house from a contractor What layouts will the apartments have during renovation?

Marketing, as a management concept for the functioning of market entities in a competitive environment, has become known throughout the world due to the effectiveness of its application in both the commercial and non-commercial spheres. Having formed into an independent science at the beginning of the outgoing century, it took its place among the achievements of economic theory and business practice, which influenced the worldview of not only entrepreneurs, but also politicians, government, public, religious figures and many others. The successful activity of each of them in a competitive environment, positively affecting the well-being of millions of people, the well-being of countries and, to a certain extent, the progress of civilization, largely depends on the effectiveness of marketing management of the relevant entities.

It is characteristic that the objective need for the use of marketing in Russia has long been obvious to both scientists and practitioners, who actively adopted its most famous individual techniques from the first years of market reforms. However, marketing is one of those generally recognized economic sciences, the holistic and effective application of which still requires independent research.

The fact that marketing belongs to management also justifies the concept of “marketing management,” i.e., management built on the principles of marketing.

The organization of marketing in a contract construction company has a number of features determined by the specifics of the activities of this type of enterprise. Being, at its core, a production organization, the end result of its production process is a completed construction object; it is not considered as a product; it acts mainly as an image and advertising element. In the form of a product, a contract construction organization offers the buyer (customer) a certain range of production services, acting in a specific segment of the construction market as a service company.

Thus, a contract construction organization simultaneously combines the characteristic features of an industrial enterprise and a service enterprise. The consequence of this is the borderline nature of marketing management, which necessitates an integrated approach to its organization, and gives it specific features that are not typical for most manufacturing enterprises.

The main goal of marketing management in a contract construction organization is to create a permanent system for collecting, processing and exchanging objective information between all structural divisions of the company to ensure a sustainable, predictable and manageable sales process for a range of construction services.

The effectiveness of marketing management depends entirely on the ability of the management team to combine an understanding of trends in economic processes in all departments of the enterprise.

In accordance with the classical scheme of organizing such management at an enterprise, it is advisable to divide marketing into internal and external. In relation to a contracting construction organization, the following structural elements can be distinguished: marketing management allows you to analyze the compliance of the existing management system, planning and organizational structure of the enterprise with the level of current and future tasks being solved. Sales marketing studies and analyzes the processes of organizing sales of construction services, advertising effectiveness, quantitative and qualitative sales indicators, and the progress of implementation of construction contracts. Marketing of the production process is carried out to assess the state of the technical and technological level, the efficiency of the organization of work, study and analyze the interaction of the structural divisions of the enterprise. personnel marketing evaluates the quantitative and qualitative indicators of personnel (educational, professional level, qualifications), psychological climate, salary level, motivation system, social benefits. financial marketing allows you to analyze and develop a pricing policy, determine the level of profitability of each structural unit and the enterprise as a whole. Marketing control (audit) is aimed at a comprehensive analysis of the implementation of the enterprise’s marketing concept, tactical and strategic development plans. general marketing of the external environment is carried out with the aim of identifying factors that can influence the economic activity of the enterprise (political, economic, social, legal situation). Marketing of the construction market is engaged in identifying priority areas, dynamics, structure and general development trends, and selecting target markets. Marketing of construction projects is designed to segment and analyze real and potential consumers of construction services, study the requirements and conditions of the customer. marketing of construction technologies, materials and equipment (marketing of innovations) involves the study, analysis and determination of the economic feasibility of the development, development and use of new construction technologies and materials at current and future sites. marketing of competitors and subcontracting construction organizations is carried out to analyze the state of contractual relations, pricing policy, technologies used, methods of financing, methods of organization, quality, guarantees and deadlines for completing work. labor marketing is necessary to study and analyze labor supply and demand, monitor wage levels, and the existing system of material incentives for personnel. Information communications marketing allows you to analyze existing and search for new sources of obtaining commercial information, study the advertising market, obtain initial data for developing an advertising strategy and tactics for an enterprise. marketing of banking and insurance services is designed to analyze the conditions for the provision of bank loans, guarantees, investment policies of banks, conditions and procedures for insuring construction risks. Supplier marketing helps analyze the range, prices, quality, terms and conditions of delivery of construction materials and equipment.

A clear structural design of marketing management makes it possible to correctly understand and prioritize work, rationally distribute functional responsibilities between departments of the enterprise and exercise control over their implementation.

The marketing concept for managing construction organizations is a set of targeted and fundamental principles for managing the business activities of construction organizations, focused on the production and sale of construction goods, services and works, depending on the characteristics of consumer demand and the state of market conditions. Of all types of entrepreneurial orientation, the most interesting is the management concept based on modeling effective demand. This concept expresses the modern content of marketing in relation to the conditions of a saturated market and an active competitive environment, protected from a monopoly position by government regulation.

The marketing concept in the management system of a construction organization involves managing all aspects of the organization’s activities: from the formation of the project idea and primary engineering and architectural developments to the sale of construction products to end consumers. Such management is based not simply on the introduction of individual functions that allow taking into account changes in the market environment, but involves the establishment of a market concept for managing the creation, production and sale of construction products based on comprehensive information about the market.

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The deadlines for completing government contracts are very strict. The winning bidders will gladly agree to your promptly offered assistance in fulfilling the contract. Call the winners of construction tenders in the Kirov region and invite them to subcontract the work.

Need reliable subcontractors?

We invite you to place an application for subcontracting work. It will take no more than a minute and does not require mandatory registration.

Winners of construction tenders in the Kirov region. Contact database.

Performers for any work

Foreman, teams of workers, organizations with SRO

Subcontract applications

Get a subcontract for construction work

Builder's Day is approaching - a professional holiday for both you and our group. And on holidays it is customary to give gifts, so we decided to please you with a drawing of 6 prizes at once!

General contracting construction organizations, as a rule, do not fulfill orders alone, but involve subcontractors. Using the directory of general contractors of the Subcontracting Exchange “Everyone in a Row,” you can easily find a subcontract for construction work in the Kirov region by calling them and offering them your services.

Very often, general contractors win tenders without planning to conduct construction themselves. The most characteristic features of such organizations are:

  • low turnover of the general contractor, small number of competitions won;
  • indication of mobile, rather than landline, telephone numbers in contacts;
  • discrepancy between the customer’s region and the address of the construction site;
  • The legal general contractor is located at the mass registration addresses or at the registered address of the manager.

The subcontracting exchange “Everyone in a row” will show you the phone numbers and emails of tender winners.

If an organization meets these criteria, then the likelihood that they will outsource the work to you as a general contractor increases significantly.

If the construction project is small, then you need to call quickly, without waiting for the contract to be signed. As a rule, for such objects, by the time the contract is concluded, construction work may already be close to completion.

Large construction projects can last for several months or even years. For such projects, there is a constant demand for general contractors, as well as builders and construction teams of various specializations.

Large construction companies in Moscow - 7 well-known general contracting companies.

Large construction companies in Moscow - 7 well-known general contracting companies and their projects under construction.

1. Monarch

GC MonArch is a well-known general contracting company, part of large construction companies in Moscow, its main specialization is monolithic construction of unique and complex construction projects from an engineering point of view.

Over its history, MonArch Group has implemented more than 150 construction projects in Moscow and Russia.

We wrote earlier about the general contractor Monarch, you can see here 5 large-scale construction projects of the general contractor Monarch in Moscow.

2. Tashir

Tashir Group is a Russian construction holding, created in 1999. Today Tashir Group consists of more than 200 companies in various business areas; the general contracting company Tashir is one of the large construction companies in Moscow

The main direction of the general contractor Tashir is the development, construction and management of commercial real estate, namely retail real estate.

More details about the projects under construction by the general contractor Tashir can be found here.

3. Eurostroy

Today, JSC EUROSTROY is a construction corporation with an integrated approach, performing comprehensive design of engineering systems, architecture and construction of buildings and structures for various functional purposes on a general contract basis. Part of large construction companies in Moscow. It has an independent design division, ZAO InzhStroyExpert.

4. heating element

The main business direction of the TEN company is the construction and implementation of projects in the field of commercial real estate: planning, design, construction and long-term management of facilities.

Since the formation of the company in 1994, more than 1 million square meters of real estate have been built in Moscow and the Moscow region.

5. Ingeocom

JSC "Engeocom Association" was founded in 1989. Now INGEOKOM is a leading construction and investment company in Russia. It has long been a member of large construction companies in Moscow.

The main direction in construction: transport infrastructure, residential areas, commercial facilities. Ingeocom acted as the general contractor for such an important facility as the FISHT central Olympic stadium. Main construction projects at the moment.


PSP is one of the first private construction companies in Russia, founded in 1987. The PSP-FARMAN holding today is the largest multifunctional construction corporation with a comprehensive structure of divisions; it uses the most modern, advanced forms of construction and production management at all stages of project implementation.

7. Crocus Group

Crocus Group is the main leading development company in Russia. The total area of ​​completed projects exceeds 4 million m2.

More details about the objects under construction can be found here

Construction contractors in Moscow

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Our website will help you quickly find a private craftsman or team to perform any repair work. Just place your request, and within a few minutes you will receive offers with prices from available craftsmen ready to fulfill your order.

Home visit – Moscow Region, Fryazino

Feedback on the task

The work was done at the highest level! I invite you to further cooperation.

Home visit – Kronstadt Boulevard, Moscow

Feedback on the task

Home visit – urban-type settlement Nakhabino, Krasnogorsky district, Moscow region

Feedback on the task

A very adequate, worthy person.

Home visit – Brekhovo village, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region

Feedback on the task

Everything was done as agreed, professionally and quickly. Thank you.

Home visit – Moscow, Peredelkino, 3rd Lazenki, building 4

  1. Compare conditions and choose the best
  2. Feedback only from interested specialists
  3. Don't waste time communicating with intermediaries

The construction sector in Moscow, like many others, is developing at a rapid pace. In particular, this is expressed as follows:

  • New materials and technologies are appearing on the construction services market, which can significantly reduce costs and fundamentally improve the quality of construction.
  • The pace of development in Moscow and the Moscow region is significantly increasing. Construction work is especially active in areas that are annexed to Moscow.
  • Organizations and citizens are increasingly seeking to order the services of construction contractors in Moscow. Thus, various advertisements and offers are submitted, catalogs of services provided by contractors and subcontractors in Moscow are studied
  • Accordingly, new organizations are appearing that carry out various contract work. Such contractors offer clients a flexible pricing policy, allow them to familiarize themselves with the price list and catalog of services, as well as calculate the approximate cost of the work.

Accordingly, it is obvious that in the conditions of a large choice, it is necessary to take a particularly careful approach to choosing a contractor who is ready to carry out all construction work in Moscow professionally, efficiently and inexpensively.

How to find construction contractors in Moscow.

First you need to understand which contractors operate in Moscow. There are several types of performers:

  • Contracting organizations. They carry out construction work in Moscow independently and usually do not outsource part of the work to other organizations - subcontractors. As a rule, these are not the largest organizations, which, nevertheless, provide all guarantees of high-quality implementation of the result. By contacting a contractor in Moscow or the Moscow region, you can familiarize yourself with the price list, study the catalog of services offered and calculate the approximate cost of the work
  • A subcontractor who usually works for a general contractor. Accordingly, you can hire subcontractors in Moscow through large construction companies that carry out complex construction and installation work. The advantage of this approach is that the subcontractor, as a rule, specializes in a fairly narrow area of ​​construction in Moscow, which allows him to carry out the relevant work with high quality. You can also get acquainted with the catalog of subcontractor services through the general contractor in Moscow and the Moscow region
  • General contractor. As a rule, we are talking about large organizations that transfer part of the work to smaller ones - subcontractors. Finding a general contractor is quite easy: for example, you can submit a corresponding ad on the specialized Yudu service

How much does contract work cost in Moscow?

The cost of construction work in Moscow depends on a number of factors:

  • Contractor. As a rule, the general contractor's prices are higher because he is essentially an intermediary. Therefore, it is more profitable to turn to private teams
  • Construction site. Construction prices in Moscow and the Moscow region are different
  • Difficulty of work

You can hire a suitable contractor who carries out high-quality and inexpensive work in Moscow and the Moscow region using the Yudu website.

List of companies – Contractors for the construction of buildings and structures – Moscow region

Contractors for the construction of buildings and structures

Moscow region


Selo Yudino, Russia


Sergiyev posad, Russia



Sergiyev posad derevnja turakovo, Russia


Poselok vniissok, Russia






Derevnja martemjanovo, Russia


Derevnja hlopovo, Russia




Derevnja kuznetsovo, Russia



Ruza derevnja krivosheino, Russia










Derevnja dubinino, Russia













Closed Joint Stock Company “MIG”

Sergiyev posad, Russia



Selo Baranovskoe, Russia



Derevnja mihaylovka, Russia

Limited Liability Company “Nikola – Master”

Sergiyev posad, Russia




Pavlovsky posad, Russia


Poselok Kraskovo, Russia



Pavlovsky posad, Russia


Sergiyev posad, Russia


Rabochiy poselok bogorodskoe, Russia


Sergiyev posad, Russia




Derevnja kuznetsovo, Russia




Podolsk poselok selhoztehnika, Russia



Derevnja sichevo, Russia









Rabochiy poselok mihnevo, Russia



Selo Shemetovo, Russia


Korolyov mikrorayon yubileyniy, Russia







Dachniy poselok kratovo, Russia




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Construction contractors

The company MB-STROY LLC has been in the construction and installation work market for more than 5 years. During this time, it has established itself as a professional market participant, effectively carrying out its activities, has an impeccable reputation and is a reliable partner in the field of construction and installation work.

  • foundation construction.
  • finishing of apartments and houses.
  • laying heating mains.
  • turnkey water supply.
  • heating systems.
  • turnkey roofing works.
  • installation of low-current systems, fire extinguishing systems, electrical installation work;
  • major repairs of buildings and structures;
  • installation and production of metal structures of any configuration and any complexity, incl. and forging;
  • carrying out a full range of earthworks;
  • landscaping and landscaping.
  • turnkey construction of houses.
  • construction of pits.
  • Manufacturing of fences.
  • Digging pits

frame carport

The company has its own vehicle depot with specialized construction equipment (derrick, backhoe loaders, loader cranes, GAZELLE, MAZ vehicles), and also has its own production base for the manufacture of metal structures.

In 2012 alone, our company carried out work at the following facilities:

  • Reconstruction of sewer networks at OJSC NKB Kosmos
  • Reconstruction of heating networks in Khotkovo Moscow Region;
  • Major renovation of 3 residential buildings (Maryina Roshcha district), a kindergarten, a children's youth center (Voikovsky district), MBUK “Center for Culture and Family Leisure” in the village of Tomilino Moscow Region;
  • Improvement and landscaping of 35 courtyards in the Biryulyovo-Vostochnoe district of Moscow.

Our company works with commercial and government customers, among which are: the Department of Capital Repairs of Moscow, the Department of Housing, Communal Services and Landscaping. Department of City Order for Major Repairs, Department of Fuel and Energy Economy of Moscow.

MB-STROY LLC is a regular participant in electronic bidding for construction and major repairs of both private and public facilities with any level of complexity, taking into account all the necessary requirements and conditions, building codes and regulations.

The company has a Certificate of admission to work that affects the safety of capital construction projects, as well as a License for installation, repair and maintenance of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures, issued by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Consequence Elimination natural disasters, Moscow.

Like any company operating in the construction industry, SMU-305 strives to increase production volumes and expand its order portfolio. We are confident that our many years of experience and professionalism, the use of high-quality materials, knowledge of modern technologies and attention to the requirements and wishes of the Customer will be the foundation on which we can build mutually beneficial and long-term partnerships. Our company invites you to consider the following cooperation schemes in the field of design and construction:

Investors and Clients-customers

We are ready to offer cooperation on the basis of a general contract for construction and design, under which we assume responsibility for organizing and monitoring the entire construction process. Having provided General Contracting services for more than fifteen years, we know exactly how to reduce time costs for the entire range of activities, ensure guaranteed compliance with deadlines and minimize the construction budget. When concluding an agreement to perform the functions of a Technical Customer, we undertake the entire range of organizational and managerial work provided on your behalf and aimed at protecting your interests at all stages of pre-design, design and construction work, including turnkey delivery of the facility.

Construction organizations managing construction as a General Contractor or Technical Customer

We offer subcontracting services, which implies clear, coordinated interaction during construction, installation and other work with the services of the General Contractor or Technical Customer. Having extensive experience in executing orders as a General Contractor, we perfectly understand all the responsibilities that are assigned to the subcontractor, and with full confidence we guarantee the most efficient implementation of assigned tasks in strict accordance with the approved design and technical documentation and within the agreed budgetary estimate of financing.

Design organizations, architects and designers

Considering the rapid development of the construction industry, the emergence of new technologies and architectural solutions, we are interested in cooperation with architectural design bureaus that keep their finger on the pulse and successfully use new solutions in the development of their projects. We will also be glad to see creative, imaginative and professional designers and architects in our team.

Construction organizations

Carrying out construction work as a General Contractor, SMU-305 engages construction companies for certain types of work under a subcontract agreement. We will be glad to cooperate with professional, reliable and responsible companies that are result-oriented. Send information about the company in free form and your proposals to so that we have the opportunity to invite you to participate in the tender.

Suppliers of construction materials and equipment

Providing logistics for the construction site, our company purchases building materials, structures, installation fittings and technological equipment. We work only with reliable suppliers and will be happy to consider your commercial proposals, which should include:

  • Company information
  • Detailed descriptions of the products offered, with the provision of certificates
  • Price list
  • Terms of cooperation (form of payment, delivery, discount system)
We will answer any of your questions if you contact us by phone