Professional retraining. Professional retraining in the direction of “Pedagogy Retraining experts in the field of higher education

The education received as a student does not always help you find your place in life. Often, schoolchildren, when choosing a profession for further study at a university, make the choice unconsciously or under the influence of their parents, and upon completion of their studies they do not want to work in the specialty they have mastered.

In such a situation, you should not despair: it is not necessary to spend large sums on obtaining the second higher education you desire. It is enough to take professional retraining courses, which will allow you to effectively master a new specialty and receive all the necessary documents for employment in the shortest possible time. Professional retraining will allow you to receive a new professional education and find a job that interests you.

Who can undergo professional retraining?

You can take professional retraining courses specialists of any field with a diploma of secondary vocational or higher education.

On our website you can read in more detail about the areas of professional retraining implemented by our Center for specialists in such fields as medicine, construction, mining and mineral extraction, economics and management, automation, environmental safety, oil and gas business, information technology, pedagogy and psychology, logistics, engineering, engineering systems, geodesy and cadastre, etc.

If you have not found the direction you need, call us and we will create a professional retraining course individually for you!

Duration and form of training in professional retraining courses

The volume of training courses for professional retraining of personnel may differ for different areas, but is at least 250 academic hours.

It is much more convenient to study at professional retraining courses remotely- then you won’t have to take time off from your current activities or go to another city to study. Our Center provides the opportunity remote completion of professional retraining courses. During training, students are given access to a learning portal with all the necessary materials to complete the course. This allows you to independently choose the time and place for your classes.

Issuance of documents and validity period

After successfully completing professional retraining courses, the student receives professional retraining diploma of the established form. This document officially gives the right to conduct professional activities in a new profile. The validity period of the professional retraining diploma is indefinitely.

For medical workers is also issued specialist certificate.

Students of our courses receive all required documents in the shortest possible time without any problems. (from 1 day) after graduation.

How to enroll in professional retraining courses at the EC DPO?

In order to begin training in professional retraining courses at the EC DPO, you need:

  1. Leave your contact details and information about the chosen course in a special application form on our website. Attention! When applying online, our listeners receive guaranteed discount on tuition! Professional retraining will become cheaper for you.
  2. Provide the Center with a copy of your existing diploma and a document on change of surname (if necessary) in the form of scans to our email.
  3. Wait for a call from the operator, pay for the courses and start retraining!

Professional retraining programs for teachers are an excellent option for mastering a new direction in the profession, which is equivalent to obtaining a second higher education. The advantage is that students receive additional education in a short time by studying exclusively specialized disciplines, bypassing general ones.

Students enrolled in professional retraining courses will:

  • consideration of pedagogical activity from legal, economic and other aspects;
  • studying the necessary, advanced methods of work in teaching;
  • learn to be a competent leader for the teaching staff and be able to effectively use your working time.

The Modern Scientific and Technological Academy (SNTA, license No. 034268 dated October 25, 2013) offers primary specialization in the field of Pedagogy. This direction is available to specialists of any position working in the pedagogical field (from heads of educational organizations to kindergarten teachers).

Learning Objectives

Completion of primary specialization in the direction of “Pedagogy” is aimed primarily at students mastering knowledge, skills and abilities in a new area of ​​​​pedagogical activity. Also, the formation of the necessary competencies in newly minted specialists, with the help of which they can solve professional problems.

Training format

Full-time and distance learning format using distance technologies. This type of training has long been used in practice and has a huge number of fans. The fact is that students do not need to visit the academy in person. There is no need to break away from the production process - training is carried out from home (you determine the time for classes yourself).

Once enrolled in a course, students are given 24/7 access to all necessary course materials.

If there is a need for individual consultation to clarify certain educational issues, a meeting is held with the course teacher via video communication.

At the end of the training, all students defend their thesis and take an online test to check their mastery of the material covered.

Learning outcomes

After the student has successfully passed all the required work, a standard diploma in the completed specialty is issued. The Academy also issues additional documents, such as books, certificates, etc. (provided that the provision of these documents is required by departmental regulations).

We send the diploma by Russian Post to each customer.

Requirements for students:

Enrolling in professional retraining courses at the Modern Scientific and Technological Academy (SNTA) is quite simple; for this you need:

  • have a higher or secondary vocational education in the relevant specialty and confirm it by sending us a copy of your diploma;
  • You also need to send a scan of your passport and an application for admission;
  • Then we draw up an agreement and issue an invoice for payment.

It should be noted that the academy provides training programs in strict accordance with all state standards. All information on the courses is relevant and updated on time.

In addition to professional retraining courses, the academy invites you to take advanced training courses.

To get all the complete information, just use the feedback form on our website. Our managers will contact you shortly for a detailed consultation.

Many people feel out of place doing work every day that they don't like. It is not surprising, because according to statistics, the majority of boys and girls go to get higher education immediately after school, guided not by their conscious choice, but rather by inertia, for the sake of acquiring some prestigious profession to please their parents’ will or the fashion trends of the time. Having matured, a person often realizes the error of his chosen path. He finds joy in a completely different field of activity than his current job, which ceases to bring any satisfaction. At this point, professional retraining courses come to the rescue. In order to master a new specialty and acquire a package of necessary documents to start working, it is not at all necessary to spend a large amount of money and several years of your life on a second higher education. A key feature of professional retraining courses is the absence of unnecessary information. By focusing on studying the specifics and intricacies of your chosen specialty, you will spend only a few months on this, depending on the chosen training program, and will receive a high-quality and inexpensive education that will allow you to confidently start in a new profession.

Professional retraining at MASPC

The Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex is ready to help you with this today. We provide professional retraining courses of consistently high quality. Original educational programs were developed by a team of professionals working at the Academy, together with leading specialists from RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, MSTU. Bauman, MGSU and cover all key sectors. In addition, we monitor the timely updating and adjustment of educational materials taking into account changes in the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Every year, tens of thousands of satisfied students from all regions of Russia master new professions in professional retraining courses at MASPC. The opportunity to take courses remotely without interrupting your main activity is in particular demand.

ANO DPO MASPC is a certified organization of additional professional education, the right to conduct educational activities is confirmed by license No. 035298 dated July 14, 2014:

Professional retraining programs

Professional retraining courses on the basis of higher education are conducted in various variations. This may be a traditional face-to-face format, when you are personally present at classes in the Academy’s classrooms. And also a fairly popular format is distance learning. In this case, modern remote education technologies are used. You don’t have to leave your city and be separated from your family and current activities. Classes are held on the educational portal of our website according to an individual schedule, tailored to your main workload.

All educational programs and teaching materials of our Academy were developed by the experienced teaching staff of MASPC. They have a well-thought-out structure for presenting the necessary educational material for a comprehensive and consistent study of current issues in this profession. The content and scope of professional retraining courses fully meet the qualification requirements and professional standards established in accordance with the legal acts of the Russian Federation.

In order to take professional retraining courses at our Academy, simply leave your contact in the application form, online consultant or call our managers. The cost of training is determined individually and depends on the region of the student, the topic and duration of the program, as well as on the number of students from one organization.

Please note that only citizens who have already completed secondary or higher professional education, confirmed by the presence of the necessary documents, can study at MASPC.

Sample of a diploma of professional retraining

Upon completion of the courses, you will be issued an appropriate diploma of the established form, which allows you to officially work in a new specialty:

By choosing ANO DPO MASPC, you get:

  • More than 420 professional retraining and advanced training programs;
  • Comfortable prices. Your capabilities are our priority;
  • Highly qualified teaching staff and unique teaching methods;
  • The opportunity to study remotely, without interruption from family and work (distance education);
  • Impeccable service. Constant support of a personal manager;
  • Individual training schedule;
  • Modern material and technical base;
  • Free consultations and assistance at all stages of training.

Enrollment continues at the Academy of Informatics for Schoolchildren. Classes start on September 16!
Enrollment for vocational training programs continues. Classes start on October 1st!

For students

Why you need to study with us

The SPbPU Higher Engineering School provides students with ample opportunities for additional training in the field of IT technologies. You can get a new specialty in less than 1 year in programs or master the latest technologies in short-term programs.

  • 25 years in the professional IT education market.
  • Experienced teachers are specialists and industry experts, certified instructors from Microsoft, Cisco, Adobe and Autodesk.
  • Author's and authorized training programs.
  • Unique technical equipment of classrooms and laboratories.
  • Different forms of training: daytime, evening, distance learning.
  • Diplomas, IDs and certificates of SPbPU.

Professional retraining

New specialty in 1 year

Program concept

Professional retraining programs allow you to quickly gain only the most important and necessary knowledge for a specialist in a specific field, “without water” and disciplines “for general development.”

The discipline programs are developed in close cooperation with industry experts and leading IT companies. They are based on current qualification requirements of state professional standards and employers for specific professions and positions.

You will study in comfortable classrooms and laboratories, on state-of-the-art equipment, and under the guidance of experienced faculty and industry mentors.

Benefits of professional retraining

  • Short training periods. Fast and high-quality entry into the industry.
  • Only practice-oriented subjects, original and authorized training programs.
  • Evening training.
  • Flexibility and scalability of training.

Our programs by area

Administration of computer systems and networks

  • Administration of corporate IT infrastructure New!
  • Protection of information in computer systems and networks New!



  • Application Software Developer (Java Language)
  • Application software developer (C and C++ languages)
  • Application Software Developer (Python)

Computer design

  • Motion design New!

Admission rules and cost

Additional information about admission rules, costs and discounts is provided

Computer courses

More than 150 courses of varying levels of complexity, duration and focus

Author's training programs

Our courses were developed by highly qualified teachers; the training programs for all courses combine theory and practice. Fundamental knowledge is presented on a par with modern computer technologies.


All our teachers are experts in their fields and competent teachers. This is confirmed by various international certificates and positive feedback from listeners. Currently, our team includes certified specialists from Microsoft, 1C, Adobe, Autodesk, Cisco.

Status of an authorized training center

The Higher Engineering School has many certifications, which indicates recognition from leading IT companies. The advantages of training in an authorized center are obvious: licensed software, courses developed according to proprietary documentation, certified teachers.

Generally recognized certificates of completion of studies

We issue our students with a certificate of advanced training from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and an international certificate.