Building houses from sip panels with your own hands, on your own, video, instructions, step by step guide. How to build a house from SIP panels with your own hands Composition and installation methods for sip panels

The construction industry is gaining momentum every day and improving. Thanks to these processes, it is possible to build a massive house of any number of storeys at minimal cost. Moreover, such a building will be of high quality. In addition, you can evaluate the high level of strength of the SIP video panel by watching the video in this article. In our article, we will get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of such a material, and how to build a house from sip panels.

The main advantages of SIP panels

Do-it-yourself construction of houses from sip panels is gaining momentum in popularity. Why is this happening? Sip panels in relation to other materials have the following advantages:

Attention! Such unique features make it possible to make almost any type of building out of Sip, from warehouses to country cottages.

The main disadvantages of buildings from Sip

In this section, we need to consider all the shortcomings of the material for building a house from vulture products passed without unforeseen problems:

  • Sip buildings are usually not oxygen-permeable, so they keep the air inside the building. The problem can be solved by regular airing of the rooms.
  • Construction work takes less than 7 days, during which the weather can change, so think about the drainage system in advance.
  • A low level of fire resistance requires high-quality electrical wiring and fire alarms.
  • In addition, the blind area should be made wider so that in winter it is easy to clean the path.

If you have already decided on the material, and this is Sip panels, then below we will consider how to build a house using Canadian technology with our own hands.

Building a house with your own hands

The construction of buildings from such material includes some stages of construction:

  • Preparatory stage;
  • Arrangement of flooring;
  • Wall installation;
  • Roof arrangement;
  • Finishing work.

Let's look at each stage of the work in more detail.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding with the construction of an object from SIP panels, it is necessary to perform the following series of actions:

  • The first thing we do is drafting a project. To do this, you can use a ready-made project or do it yourself: a video on how to do this can be viewed below;
  • To perform the work, you need to purchase a hacksaw and a screwdriver.
  • For the construction of this type, the usual type of foundation is suitable, for example, a screw foundation.
  • Next, we perform waterproofing. To do this, you can use a two-layer roofing material.
  • We lay the laying of the strapping beam, which will serve as the basis for the floor.

We equip the floor

Now we can start laying the floor base. To do this, you need to use panels. We put them over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, but before that, waterproofing should be performed. Either bituminous mastic or roofing material will help us with this. Each groove should be treated with a sealant - this is necessary for splicing the panels.

Attention! In order to fix the parts more strongly, you can use self-tapping screws, and then lubricate all the ends with a special agent.

We mount the walls

After the previous stages are completed, you can start building a frame house. To do this, follow these steps:

  • We mount the frame horizontally along the entire perimeter of the building. The lower strapping must be carried out in accordance with all existing standards.
  • Next, we install the corner panels, from which the following Sip products are attached in different directions.
  • In order to avoid distortions, it is necessary to use the building level.
  • The upper selections of panel elements must be treated with sealant.
  • After we proceed to the upper strapping.

Roof installation

With such a construction, there is no need to create a truss structure, since the structure is able to withstand heavy loads. Also, for this stage, it is not necessary to additionally perform steam and waterproofing. You can see in more detail on the video of building a house from sip panels. In general, the installation process of the roof is carried out in the same way as the installation of walls.

Finishing work

If the walls are made of Sip panels, then the building receives a large number of advantages in relation to other types. So, they are characterized by a smooth and even surface. That is why finishing work is much easier than for other materials. To do this, you can use drywall, while not mounting the frame. You can also use clapboard, siding, tiles or stones. You can attach finishing products using building glue.

Attention! Flooring can be created using parquet, tiles, linoleum and other options.

Having completed the construction of a building from sip panels, you can achieve a very stable and reliable result. Plus, the price will pleasantly please you.

Gone are the days when the owner of a private house could afford not to worry too much about the cost of heating, condescendingly laughing at economical Europeans. Since then, not only prices have changed, but also attitudes towards classic, proven technologies. Wooden and stone (made of bricks and concrete of various grades) country houses require not only significant finances for construction. Much more unpleasant is the fact that considerable funds continue to be spent on their maintenance, most of which falls on heating.

Thrift is at the height of fashion today, so all kinds of energy-saving technologies, systems and methods are of great interest to the general public. For people who decide to build a country house, SIP technology is an attractive option, since it allows solving the issue of energy saving already at the stage of housing construction.

SIP project with a large glazing area Source

Technology evolution

Before appearing in Russia, SIP technology managed to gain a foothold in most of the developed countries of the world, confidently pushing the usual methods of housing construction. The history of its existence is slowly approaching the centenary mark. The main milestones of development are the following events:

    1935, USA, Wisconsin. The specialists of the Forest Industry Laboratory proposed a new concept: a building panel consisting of two layers of plywood and a layer of thermal insulation between them. According to engineering calculations, the prototype, which reminded the creators of a sandwich, not only participated in the distribution of the load, but also retained heat well. Two years later, a trial house was built (it has survived a small restoration and is still standing).

    1952. After a decade and a half of research, testing and invention in Germany of a new heat-insulating material (a type of expanded polystyrene), a panel appeared that can be safely considered the progenitor of modern material.

One of the first houses built using the new technology Source

    1958 Detroit. The decline of the automotive industry made it possible to convert one of the factories into a line for the production of innovative panels. They had good performance, but were uncompetitive. The reason was the low speed of production and the resistance of the union. The workers decided that prefabricated housing would leave them without work, and therefore deliberately (twice) delayed construction.

    1982 Canada. In the city of Alberta, the production of a new material with excellent physical and mechanical characteristics, chipboard, has begun, which has become a successful replacement for plywood. SIP (structurally insulated panels) have acquired a modern look.

    2003, Russia. SIP technology for building houses was brought in by a Canadian company and therefore began to be called (alas, not quite correctly) Canadian. The first demonstration house was erected on the territory of the "City of Masters at the All-Russian Exhibition Center" (in Moscow) under the motto "House in 24 hours", which meant - in three work shifts. Today, workshops specializing in the production of SIP panels operate throughout the country.

House from SIP in the suburbs Source

Technology: features and characteristics

The warmer you can make your home, the lower your subsequent heating costs will be. The funds invested in well-arranged thermal protection will pay off in the first three to five years of operation. One of the best ways to insulate is SIP technology.

The SIP panel, widely used in construction, is a composite (with a complex structure) three-layer material. A heater is placed between the two outer layers; the structure is glued and pressed. The composition of the material can be described in the following statements:

    OSB boards(OSB, oriented strand). For the manufacture of moisture-resistant boards, high-quality wood is used, which is previously split into fibers (chips, chips) of a certain size. In order for the material to have a given strength, the chips are laid in perpendicularly oriented layers and glued together under pressure.

    insulation. As a heat-insulating material, solid polystyrene foam (glued under pressure) or polyurethane foam (pumped under pressure) is used. Expanded polystyrene does not allow moisture and steam to pass through, and will not crumble over time, like polystyrene. Foamed polyurethane foam has improved characteristics, but is used less frequently due to the high cost.

Varieties of panels Source

    Glue. The layers are joined with a certified adhesive that is completely safe for health.

Everyone at least once heard about warm Canadian houses and about the technology of SIP panels, the reason for their remarkable energy-saving properties. High-quality SIPs can only be obtained in industrial production, the stages of which are as follows:

    The first facing plate is laid on the table, it is covered with an even layer of glue through automatic sprinklers.

    The plate is covered with polystyrene foam, sprayed with glue again, and a second plate is placed on top.

    The workpiece enters the industrial press and is kept there until the adhesive polymerizes (sets) completely. Computer controls time, pressure and humidity; the result is a material with standard properties.

Workshop for the production of panels Source

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of houses from SIP panels from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Panel Standards

In the Russian Federation, the norm for the manufacture of SIP (defined by GOST) is the use of OSB boards with a thickness of 9 mm and expanded polystyrene with a thickness of 100 mm and a density of 25 kg / m 3. Despite the demands, the market is overflowing with building materials of low quality and low prices. Such a "budget" is often based on the use of foam, a good material, but not very suitable for the role of a heater due to its technical properties.

    Length. 2500 (2800) mm.

    Width. 1250 mm.

    Thickness. Two panels of 9 mm each (minimum), insulation from 100 mm.

    The weight. From 39 to 44 kg per 1 m 3. German-made panels weigh from 15 kg; they have slightly lower thermal conductivity, but higher price.

Preparing the floor for the house kit Source

Advantages and disadvantages

Traditional technologies with their multi-layer wall structure seem familiar and therefore reliable. Somehow it is forgotten that a house made of timber is warm when compared with a stone building (and if you make the wall thickness recommended by SNiP, and not your own ideas). And in order for a house made of brick or concrete to be warm, it is carefully insulated. A house made of SIP panels, without encroaching on tradition, has its own advantages:

    Short construction time. The house kit is manufactured in factory conditions, walls, ceilings and roofing ready for installation (if the project provides for an attic floor) get to the construction site. The box of the house is erected in 10-20 days; assembly technology is simple due to a single connection standard and lightness of the material.

    year-round. Installation is carried out at any time of the year, and the house does not shrink.

    Increase in usable area. A small (compared to traditional housing) wall thickness allows you to win 10-15% of the usable area.

The device of a house built using SIP technology Source

    Savings in construction. For a house with low weight, there is no need to equip an expensive buried foundation (a screw foundation, which is installed in 1 day, will be sufficient). To deliver a finished house kit, you need 1-2 trucks.

    Savings in operation. Walls made of SIP panels have high heat-saving characteristics (a 175 mm thick wall retains heat as well as a brick wall half a meter thick). Such qualities allow you to save on heating.

    Life time. Houses built using SIP technology demonstrate reliability and good performance (which has not declined for decades) around the world.

    Environmental friendliness. The properties of the materials used in production have long been known, tested and safe for health.

Video description

What is the price of a turnkey sip panel house? See in this video:

house construction service from SIP panels
The disadvantages include:

    Material price. The price of SIP, as a technological product, is quite high, but it is offset by savings during construction.

    Design challenges. It is impossible to build a complex architectural house from panels, and certain difficulties arise when laying engineering communications.

    Small thermal inertia. A feature of all frame buildings is that they warm up quickly.

    Ventilation. A house made of panels resembles a thermos - it perfectly retains heat, but this happens due to the stopping of air circulation. The disadvantage is easily corrected by installing forced ventilation.

    Health impact. During operation, panels produced in violation of technology and using non-certified materials can become a source of phenol and formaldehyde. Such panels are combustible, and when burned, they emit a bunch of toxic substances.

To the question of reliability Source

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house design services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Construction using SIP technology: myths and reality

There is no perfect technology, but this one probably gets the most. On the Internet and in a normal conversation, you can find a lot of criticism about the construction of SIP panels. Such arguments seem, at first glance, reasonable, but are easily refuted by the facts. The most common myths include the following:

    SIP houses are short-lived. No more than other frame buildings. The technology looks too simple, but this is its advantage - the quality (and, consequently, the service life) depends on a small number of components. Quality slabs, produced to a standard, a responsible team - and the house will serve you as well as some farmer in South Dakota (though you have the advantage of not being threatened by a tornado).

Video description

In this issue, we will analyze in detail the common mistakes in building a house from sip panels. A sip house is the same frame house, but inside with a wooden skeleton, inside of which panels are laid. What should the frame of the house be made of? How to know the moisture content of a material? About all this: in the next video?

    Poor environmental friendliness SIP-technologies of the Canadian house. The concern is the realization that the bulk of the panels is of artificial (not natural) origin; this automatically alarms most consumers. Just not in the US, Canada or Europe. There, SIP is considered a safe standard, and not only residential buildings, but also hospitals, schools and office buildings are being built from the material. Low environmental friendliness (formaldehyde emission) appears where the technology was violated and low-quality raw materials were used.

    Styrofoam is hazardous to health. This accusation came after the technology (and with it the material) began to gain popularity. It has become the main trump card of unfair competition started by manufacturers of alternative insulating materials. Authoritative organizations in a number of countries conducted a series of studies, as a result of which the safety of expanded polystyrene was confirmed. Today, the material is used not only in construction; it is widely used in everyday life, from disposable tableware to stuffing in teddy bears.

Installation of a house from SIP Source

    SIP houses are combustible. Wooden houses are also combustible, but this does not stop anyone. A fire can happen in any home, and according to statistics, the cause of fire and death in 90% of cases is what is inside the house - a lot of things with a high degree of flammability and the formation of toxic smoke. Due to the dense pressed structure of the cladding, SIP panels have significant resistance to open fire. Within 15-20 minutes, the material will only smolder; this is enough time to leave the house.

    Buildings from SIP panels are not prestigious, they are preferred due to limited funds. You will not find such a thesis on foreign resources dedicated to SIP topics. In other countries, the technology is positioned as energy-saving, green (environmentally safe) and waste-free; and no one says it's cheap.

The technology is designed for a long winter Source

Handicraft production: what you can not save on

Unfortunately, the construction of SIP-panel houses is not the cheapest event. Some types of building boards at a price per m 3 are superior to glued beams. This circumstance gives rise to many attempts to independently manufacture cheaper plates; which looks like this:

    Styrofoam cut into blocks required size.

    Glue (economy option) is applied with a spatula or (the top of engineering) is distributed through some kind of pipe with holes, which, according to the idea, should correspond to the industrial process.

    Press - expensive and therefore unnecessary pleasure. It is successfully replaced by screeds or cargo. Sometimes panels stacked in stacks are pressed simply under the weight of their own weight. Such material has poor geometry, which is easy to check with a level.

A typical project from SIP, supplemented by a carport Source

The quality of handicraft panels often shows up on the construction site already during unloading, when the top sheets of OSB begin to come off. Even a house successfully assembled from such panels will not be warm, and poorly glued polystyrene foam will allow wall structures to deform under load. In addition, the air gaps left between makeshift SIPs lead to thermal bridges and many tales of shoddy technology.

Homemade materials appeared almost immediately behind the first SIP houses. According to experts, at least half of the houses in the Moscow region are built from handicraft panels - a situation that is impossible anywhere in Germany or Canada. Handicraft workshops reduce production costs tenfold; The end consumer can also feel the savings, but it is unlikely to please him.

You can avoid buying low-quality building materials if you use the services of a trusted manufacturer (or a construction company that has been cooperating with him for a long time). As a rule, such companies are allowed to visit the production so that the customer can personally verify the quality of the panels. Failure to show a product certificate speaks volumes and is the most reliable indicator of quality.

The project of a house from SIP in a classic style Source

Turnkey construction of houses using SIP technology

The cost of construction largely depends on the type of house kit (project features and degree of readiness). The construction of a house from turnkey SIP panels goes through several stages:

    Design. The customer chooses a ready-made (standard project) or orders an individual design (an option that is unpredictable in terms of timing). The company can undertake documentary support of construction.

    Training. At this stage, according to the approved drawings, a house kit is manufactured, and a zero cycle begins at the construction site - the foundation is poured. The weight of a house kit with an area of ​​130-150 m 2 is about 20 tons; 2 trucks are used for its delivery.

    Installation of a house kit. A feature of the technology, which especially pleases customers and their families, is the high speed of construction. The installation of the first floor begins two weeks after the foundation is poured, it takes from 2 to 4 weeks to assemble the entire frame.

Video description

For details about the technology, what are the pros and cons of sip panel houses, myths about the construction of frame, prefabricated houses, see the following video:

    After assembling the box. The turn of the roof comes, then the windows are mounted, and the facade is finished. Any material you like can be used for decoration: siding, plaster, decorative brick.

    Internal work. The final stage, during which engineering communications (including ventilation) are laid, fine finishing is performed.

If the project provides for high-quality ceilings, energy-saving windows and doors, and a well-thought-out ventilation system, then heating costs will be 3-5 times lower than in housing built from traditional materials (wood and brick). Construction companies offer different readiness options:

    Box + outer trim. From 10-13 thousand rubles / m 2.

    house for finishing. From 15-18 thousand rubles / m 2.

    turnkey house. From 19-25 thousand rubles / m 2.

A house built using SIP technology in a country style with a bay window Source

Facade styles

Despite some limitations in architectural solutions, the facade of a Canadian house can be designed in many ways. Among the popular options are the following facade styles:

    Classical. Recreates the appearance of the estate, Russian or English, to the taste of the customer.

    European. The house resembles a respectable cottage somewhere in France or a brighter and more contrasting Mediterranean housing.

    Scandinavian. The style stood out thanks to strict forms, the use of natural colors in the design and love for the large glass area.

    Folk. Houses with elements of the Russian style, as well as country and Provence, are consistently popular in suburban housing construction.

    Modern. This includes eternally young minimalism and hi-tech.

Canadian SIP house with scandinavian facade Source

Projects and prices

In absolute terms, building a house using SIP technology is one of the least expensive ways to acquire high-quality suburban housing. Comparison of operating costs makes such a house also the most economical option. The average price of turnkey SIP projects (in the Moscow region) is determined in the following figures:

    Houses with living space dabout 100 m 2 : 0.95-1.25 million rubles

    Housing from 100 to 200 m 2 : 1.3-1.9 million rubles

    Houses from 200 to 300 m 2 : 2.25-2.7 million rubles

Video description

Let's consider how much each of the stages of construction and a turnkey house from sip panels cost in the following video:


A house made of SIP panels is great for permanent residence, which has been tested by time and tens of thousands of families around the world. Becoming the owner of modern, economical and comfortable housing without spending months and years on the process is a reality. It can be carried out by a construction company with a large number of completed projects, a qualified and responsible team and an impeccable reputation.

Below we list the pros and cons of using the technology of building houses from SIP panels.


  • due to the high heat-saving characteristics of enclosing structures.
  • More usable area - due to the small thickness of the walls, you can get 15-20% more usable area.
  • Accelerated installation of the box at home (1-2 weeks).
  • No need for an expensive foundation (enough, for example, installed in 1 day).
  • Savings on heavy lifting equipment can significantly reduce construction costs.
  • You can build houses all year round - they do not shrink, so finishing work can begin immediately after assembly.
  • The assembly technology is simple, you can even build a house from a SIP panel with your own hands - this is within the power of anyone who follows the instructions and knows how to hold a screwdriver and a saw in their hands.


  • A small thermal inertia of the enclosing structures is characteristic of any frame houses.
  • The high price of the material - however, this is more than offset by savings in foundation costs and a reduction in construction time.
  • Enclosing structures do not breathe, and, therefore, an efficient device is needed - this drawback is also inherent in all frame houses.
  • Flammability of building envelopes - but it is not higher than that of any wooden buildings.
  • Emission during combustion of harmful substances - indeed, during the melting of polystyrene foam, styrene is released with a specific sweetish odor. When its concentration in the air is more than 600 ppm (1 ppm = 4.26 mg / m3), it is dangerous to humans. But the smell of styrene becomes unbearable already at concentrations above 200 ppm, and this is an unambiguous signal for urgent evacuation.
  • Amenable to rodents - although these animals are bred anywhere, there are cases when, in search of food, rats even gnawed through concrete.

How to choose SIP panels

Structural Insulated Panel (SIP), or structural insulating panel (SIP), is universal for walls, ceilings and roofs of low-rise residential buildings. It is three-layer, consists of linings (two moisture-resistant oriented strand boards - OSB) and a core (expanded polystyrene sheet), glued together under pressure with polyurethane glue.

Standard panels have a height of 2.8 or 2.5 m (with a width of 1.25 m) - they are used respectively for the walls of the first and second floors. With classical technology with platform ceilings, the height of the panel is equal to the height of the premises without finishing. However, if a channel ventilation, air conditioning and air heating system is planned in the house, and floors on logs, then the ceilings will drop by 15-20 cm. Therefore, it is advisable to order panels 3 m high for the first floor (alas, only some companies make them), and for the second - 2.8 m.

Products are produced with a thickness of 224 (12 + 200 + 12), 174 (12 + 150 + 12) and 124 (12 + 100 + 12) mm. Of the first, floors and a roof are erected, the second in central Russia are optimal for external (as well as internal load-bearing) walls, and the third are suitable for.

Also on the market are cheaper products with linings 9 mm thick, but they are only suitable for walls and partitions of small one-story buildings.

Differences of the factory SIP panel

  1. Inaccurate geometry. The shift of the plates relative to each other, the rhomboid or trapezoidal panels are easily detected using a square and a tape measure.
  2. The use of low-quality OSB with low moisture resistance. Wet the surface of the panel liberally for an hour or two. If the chips begin to flake off, you have a defective product.
  3. Low bond strength. This is perhaps the main feature of goods produced in a semi-handicraft way. You can check the product only by tearing off one of the plates from the insulation. A high-quality panel is torn not at the seam, but along the foam sheet.
  4. Execution of the middle part of the panel from fragments of polystyrene foam plates. In order to reduce the amount of waste, artisanal enterprises start cutting insulation, which negatively affects both strength and heat-insulating properties. The joints of the expanded polystyrene boards are easy to see at the ends of the panels.

Step-by-step construction of a house from SIP panels


Firms that are engaged in the construction of houses from SIP panels recommend doing that fully meets the concept of a prefabricated building. Piles under a house with an area of ​​up to 150 m² can be installed in two or three days, and with the help of a special installation - in one day; assembling a grillage from a channel or timber strapping will also not take much time.

The force of frost heaving many times exceeds the load from light walls made of SIP panels. In such conditions, pile and insulated shallow foundations work best.

(their most common diameter is 108 mm, length - 2.5 and 3 m) are located under the outer and inner main walls, as well as crossbars (they are needed to reduce the spans of the beams) in increments of 1.5–2 m. Such a base leads well itself on heaving soils and practically does not settle under light walls - provided that the laying depth was not determined randomly, but as a result of trial screwing with force measurement: the pile blades must rest on dense soil layers.

To serve for more than 50 years, you need to purchase piles of steel with a thickness of at least 4 mm with cast tips that resist corrosion much better than welded ones; after installation, they should be filled with concrete. One support, including installation, will cost 2400–2700 rubles, that is, the cost of a foundation for a house measuring 8 × 10 m will not exceed 100 thousand rubles. True, finishing the basement will require additional costs: you will have to pick up cement-bonded or glass-magnesite sheets (for tiling or stone cladding) or decorative panels on the frame.

The main alternative to a pile-screw foundation is a shallow-depth tape 0.3–0.4 m wide and 0.6–0.8 m high, traditional for summer cottage construction. If you prepare concrete yourself, and not buy it at the factory, then such a foundation will cost a little less pile, but construction time will increase by at least 3 weeks. The key to the reliability of a strip foundation is a correctly made reinforcing cage, it should be designed in accordance with SP 63.13330.2012 (the main requirements are the presence of at least two reinforcing belts and a reinforcement ratio of at least 0.1%). The base of this foundation cannot be erected on heterogeneous soils with quicksand. Lightweight is optimally suited for swampy areas with strongly heaving and weakly bearing soils. The slab is poured over a sand and gravel drainage pad, a layer of extruded polystyrene foam with a thickness of at least 100 mm and a waterproofing substrate. The minimum thickness of the slab is 200 mm, and it must be reinforced with a two-level frame made of a bar with a diameter of 12 mm or more. To protect the walls from water (mainly melted water), a reinforced concrete plinth 0.3–0.5 m high should be erected along the contour of the slab. It is advisable to insulate the blind area and the plinth with 50 mm thick EPS sheets.

It is advisable to strengthen the foundation of steel piles with a grillage from a channel or an I-beam. The grillage rand beams must be welded to each other and, in addition, welded to the piles. Metal parts must be protected from corrosion and isolated from the wooden piping with rolled waterproofing.

When constructing a floating strip foundation, it makes no sense to go deep into clay soil - it is better to build up the above-ground part, which will serve as a base. The reinforcing cage should be knitted with galvanized wire. Connections must be strong and durable, because the frame must work as a whole throughout the entire life of the foundation.


Despite the fact that the technology is considered unified, each company and even the team has its own methods of assembling building envelopes - successful and not very successful.

For construction, products of both standard and non-standard sizes are needed - lintels over openings, piers, roof elements, etc. Large companies with their own production line carry out cutting only in the factory. Small firms and "autonomous" teams often cut out the necessary fragments on the site using a circular saw and a foam grater (using this tool, grooves are selected along the perimeter of the panels). With this method, there is a high risk of violation of the geometric dimensions of rooms and openings, the appearance of gaps at the joints of parts.

The construction technology provides for the installation of a hidden frame, the details of which are inserted into the grooves of the panels. For the frame, selective chamber-drying lumber impregnated with an antiseptic composition should be used, and for floor beams it is desirable to use either a wooden I-beam. Alas, sometimes under-dried products are used, which can warp, which will lead to the appearance of cracks and deformation of walls and ceilings. The junction of panels with frame elements is always sealed with polyurethane foam. However, some teams are accustomed to assembling racks from two boards, simply pulling them together with self-tapping screws without any seam sealing. At the same time, a beam of 150 × 100 mm can be installed in the corners. It seems that this should increase the strength of the box at home, but in practice, such a solution only guarantees the freezing of the corner in a harsh winter.


An attic or semi-attic floor can be built both with the help of SIP panels, and according to traditional technology with insulation with mineral wool or other materials.

Sometimes you can hear that a roofing cake based on SIP panels is more resistant to moisture (after all, polystyrene foam has extremely low water absorption). However, the constant presence of moisture (which may seep through the roofing or enter from below in the form of steam) leads to the destruction of the panel facings (OSB). In addition, at temperatures above 80 ° C, the process of thermal destruction of expanded polystyrene begins.

Therefore, between SIP panels and roofing material, it is necessary to provide a ventilation gap. You can not do without a layer of vapor barrier from the side of the premises, as well as a ventilated ridge.

The load-bearing part of the roof made of SIP panels includes a ridge beam, purlins (bearing beams parallel to the ridge) and layered rafters, the function of which is performed by the beams between the panels. The installed panels are covered with a continuous carpet of rolled vapor-permeable waterproofing, then a rack lath is mounted, to which the roofing is attached (for example, profiled steel sheets) or another layer of OSB, which serves as the basis for flexible bituminous tiles.

The basis of the roof of a traditional design is usually hanging rafters (rafter trusses), between which mineral wool slabs are placed, then a layer of rolled waterproofing, and so on - according to the scheme described above. A roof of a traditional design will cost 15-20% less and will provide somewhat better noise protection, but is more laborious in execution. Other roofing options are also possible, for example, with insulation with tongue-and-groove plates made of extruded polystyrene foam located on top of the rafter system and plank or sheet rolling . The advantage of such a scheme is that a continuous layer of insulation blocks the cold bridges created by the rafters.

Only a forced supply and exhaust system with heat recovery, which will provide zonal air exchange, can radically change the situation for the better. The main element of such a system is the recovery unit. For a cottage with an area of ​​about 120 m 2, where a family of three or four people lives, an installation with a capacity of 180-250 m 3 / h is enough, the price of which will be 60-250 thousand rubles. depending on the design and manufacturer. The cost of the system with installation varies between 350-700 thousand rubles. without taking into account the cost of creating hidden cavities for laying ventilation ducts.

Finishing SIP panels

From the inside, the walls of SIP panels are in the vast majority of cases sheathed with drywall, the sheets of which can be attached directly to the internal OSB. The sheathing is made two-layer, providing channels for electrical wiring in the first layer (cables must be placed in protective corrugated pipes or PVC boxes). With the traditional method of installing gypsum boards (using lathing or steel lathing), pipes and cables are laid in cavities under the skin.

Outside, a hinged facade is most often mounted. In addition, plastering is possible, but in order to avoid cracks, it is advisable to use wet facade technology, with wooden planks, composite panels.

The construction of houses from sip panels has become widespread in Canada and Europe. Today this method enjoys well-deserved popularity in our country. Many companies provide these services, but due to the ease of use, it is possible to build a house from sip panels on your own, without involving qualified performers. If you follow a simple technology, you can get a decent result in a short time.

SIP (Structural insulated panel): characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

Sip panels are three-layer sandwich panels. Between two layers of solid sheet material, there is a heat-insulating and sound-proofing layer. OSB boards are most often used as external layers, polystyrene foam acts as a filler. Less commonly, mineral wool is used for filling, since this significantly increases the weight and cost of the elements. Outside, they are treated with fire-fighting and antiseptic impregnations. Sip sandwiches are produced in various thicknesses - 124; 174 and 224 mm, depending on the destination. The main linear dimensions are 2500 * 1250 mm and 2800 * 1250 mm, although products of other sizes can be ordered.

The popularity of this product is due to a large number of advantages:

  • Factory readiness. When ordering prefabricated elements at the factory, the assembly takes place in such a way as to take into account all the features of the project and reduce assembly errors to a minimum. Also, many manufacturers complete products with a studded board, which ensures a reliable tenon-groove connection. In other cases, the complete set with a bar is made at the place of assembly.
  • Ease of use. The technology is so simple that the building can be assembled by hand. At the same time, the set of tools for work is minimal.
  • Wide application. From SIP it is possible to build country cottages, office and warehouse premises, garages and carry out the installation of other buildings and structures.
  • High heat and noise insulation. The presence of foam or mineral wool provides excellent thermal properties.
  • Strength. Manufacturers give a guarantee of at least 50 years.
  • Ease of construction. Light weight allows the use of lightweight types of foundations.
  • Construction speed.
  • All season. The absence of "wet" processes allows you to carry out the installation yourself, regardless of weather conditions.
  • Saving. The use of this technology at all stages of construction from floor to roof, reduces material costs.
  • Reducing the cost of heating.

The disadvantages include:

  • Synthetic materials.
  • Full tightness of buildings. For normal operation of such an object, a good forced ventilation system is required.
  • Flammability. There are heated debates about this, although manufacturers promise a high class of fire safety.

It is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of SIP so that they meet all the specified requirements. The presence of impregnation for biological protection, fire-resistant and moisture-resistant coatings, the thickness of the frame coating and the density of the insulating layer.

Preparatory stages of work

  • Project selection. If the appearance of the building, its size, number of floors and design depends only on the wishes of the customer, then the preparation of project documentation and the calculation of the number of sandwiches should be entrusted to professionals. This will help you avoid mistakes and save money.
  • Manufacturer's choice. You should first study the supply market and choose a company that is trusted and follows the technological process of manufacturing and packaging.
  • Purchase and delivery of the order.

The main works on the construction of the building


The most important step is the selection and proper arrangement of the foundation. The light weight of the structure will allow the use of any type of base: tape of small depth, monolithic or columnar type. Most often, screw piles are used, which reduces the construction time to 2-3 days. This process is carried out as carefully as possible, avoiding errors and inaccuracies. The device of the pile foundation can be done by hand. The site is marked according to the project, starting from the corners. Axial threads are stretched between the corner pegs and seats for piles are marked. The distance for neighboring supports is 2-2.5 m. After that, the piles are twisted to the desired depth, below the freezing point of the soil for this climatic zone.

With the help of a level, a single level is found for the entire frame. Horizontal leveling can be done by additional twisting or cutting off excess. The twist fitting method is not recommended, as this loosens the soil. After that, we connect the “heels” of the piles using a metal channel, lay a waterproofing layer, for which we use roofing material, and mount a strapping beam on top using bolted connections.

Floor arrangement

From sip panels, you can assemble a full-fledged floor with your own hands. To do this, frame slabs are laid over the area, having previously treated them with waterproofing mastic. A connecting beam is used as a lag. For better sealing, polyurethane foam sealant is applied to all joints. After that, to improve strength, all joints are fastened with self-tapping screws in increments of 10-15 cm. Often, boardwalk is additionally mounted on top of the “pie” using self-tapping screws. In conclusion, a strapping device is carried out, along which the walls of the future dwelling will be directly assembled.

We raise the walls

Despite the apparent complexity, building walls is also quite doable with your own hands. We start assembling the structure from the corner, for which we set the corner panels horizontally and vertically, using the building level for quality control. Further, from the exposed corner multilayer slabs, we ourselves mount the subsequent ones, heading in two directions to the next corners. We glue each connecting groove with a mounting sealant. At the end of the construction of the walls of the first floor, we lay the strapping board on top, which will serve as the basis for the interfloor overlap.

We carry out the installation of floors by analogy with the floor, performing step by step the technology of laying plates. If necessary, we strengthen the structure with an additional beam. In the ceilings, it is necessary not to forget the technological openings for ventilation ducts and other communications. With the help of releases of the connecting board, it is possible to form the basis for balconies, loggias, various decorative structures.

The fastening of the structural elements of the second floor is similar in execution to the installation of sip-sandwiches on the first level.

When arranging the roof, for small volumes, you can do without installing a truss system, since the panels have the necessary margin of safety. This method saves a significant amount of money. For large roof areas, it is necessary to mount rafters. But even in this case, the savings are noticeable, because the use of additional waterproofing films and other coatings is excluded. On top, for ventilation, a rack lathing is arranged and the final finishing of the roof is carried out with any chosen material: metal tiles, ondulin, etc.


With the right work, we get smooth and even surfaces that can be easily finished with any material. For interior space, drywall is most often used, in bathrooms and kitchens - ceramic tiles. For the street, siding, decorative plasters are suitable.

Thus, the widespread use of sip sandwiches for the construction of buildings is due to the undoubted advantages of the material, the ability to do the whole range of work with one's own hands, as well as significant savings in the construction process and subsequent operation.

How are panel-frame buildings heated?

Assembly of vulture houses

Buy a house from SIP panels

Building houses from sip panels with your own hands, on your own, video, instructions, step by step guide

Step-by-step video instruction - how to build a house from a sandwich - SIP panels yourself

How is the assembly of sip at home. Video

Each instruction is a very detailed manual, study everything carefully, carefully, pay attention to all the nuances and details!!! Be sure to read and study both documents, as this is the only way you will get a complete understanding of the entire construction process yourself! Remember that SIP at home is just one option among types of prefabricated buildings.

In the documents, you will learn EVERYTHING about how to make a panel-frame building with your own hands, what materials are used for this, what you need to know, and, of course, you will find and get acquainted with practical skills in the construction of prefabricated buildings.

Stages of building a frame house from SIP panels - a step-by-step sequence of actions

Any construction of a panel-frame structure is a phased process that involves a sequence of construction work. When we build a house from sip panels with our own hands, we have to not only pour the foundation ourselves, but also insert windows, doors, and also carry out interior wall decoration, conduct electrical networks and communication, without forgetting attic floor construction and facade decoration.

Construction - manufacturing, pouring the foundation

Foundation construction - This is the foundation of your future home. The most common types of foundations are shallowly recessed strip foundations and foundations on screw piles. It's no secret that prefabricated houses are relatively light in weight, good environmental friendliness and do not require massive foundations.

Foundation on screw piles with strapping for vulture houses. A photo

The foundation of screw piles with their own hands, on their own. Video

This significantly reduces construction costs and increases its speed. Through this link you can learn in detail about all types of foundations for houses from SIP panels.

Planning and choosing the foundation of the house will depend on the type of soil, the slope on your land, as well as directly on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building itself. If the foundation is made of monolithic concrete. Then you definitely need to make a waterproofing layer. Details are at the link above. It happens that if the soil is loose, sandy, then it makes sense to use a monolithic slab as a foundation.

The foundation for a sip house is a monolithic slab. A photo

Strapping beam - subfloor

The next stage in the construction of a sip house with your own hands is the arrangement of the base of the floor and walls of the first floor. If the building has two floors. As a rule, a dry strapping beam is used for this, which is pre-treated with antiseptic compounds - this significantly improves fire safety.

Laying the strapping beam on the foundation. A photo

Laying is carried out along the perimeter of the house and along the contours of the bearing internal partitions. If the foundation is on screw piles, then you should first equip the base from a steel channel.

Installation of SIP panels - assembly of a house kit

So you bought SIP panels and your next action is to install them yourself. Assembling a house from SIP panels is a process that requires special attention! If you are a beginner, then it is best for you to install the walls of the house according to the instructions that you can download at the beginning of the article. It should be understood that making a house kit happens individually for each project.

Assembling a house from sip panels on your own, on your own. Video

Preparing a set of houses from sip panels for assembly. A photo

When the house kit was delivered to you, you need to pay attention to the assembly sequence. All panels must be numbered, and the numbering must clearly correspond to the assembly scheme of the house kit. Your task is to lay out all SIP panels according to the numbering along the perimeter of the foundation. If the building consists of two floors, then the set of the first floor is laid out first.

Do-it-yourself installation of sip panels. Video

SIP panels have a fairly large weight, which provides good sound insulation. You will definitely need help, at least two people, be sure to take care of it. The panels are mounted by splicing them together, as well as tying the lower base to the strapping beam.

Do-it-yourself SIP panel installation. Photo courtesy of

The connecting element between the SIP panels is the frame elements - this is a wooden antiseptic beam. Also, to enhance the fastening properties, mounting sealant is used - this is a one-component material based on polyurethane foam, in the common people mounting foam.

This connection scheme is called "thorn-groove", it is reliable enough to provide a long service life of prefabricated buildings. After connecting the panels with a wooden beam, it is necessary to screw in self-tapping screws on both sides, which greatly enhances the rigidity of the entire structure.

Installation of wall panels occurs only when the lower trim is completely done. First, the corner components of the house kit are installed, and only then the rest of the supporting racks and the panels themselves are attached (installation is carried out from the first corner panel and simultaneously performed immediately in both directions, to the second corner sandwich panel).

Proper installation of a set of houses from sip panels. Video

After installation, each panel must be adjusted using the building level. This approach allows you to correctly expose all the walls of the kit in space on your own. During the detected deviation and adjustment - the key to the correct installation.

Assembling the walls of the house from SIP panels. A photo

Strictly adhere to the scheme for assembling SIP panels and carefully monitor the sequence of actions. Remember that all joints and gaps between SIP panels must be treated with mounting foam!

Assembly, installation, installation of ceilings

There are the following types of floors- zero overlap, interfloor overlap and attic overlap.

Zero overlap of sip panels. Photo from

You can organize any of these floors, both from SIP panels, and using a wooden frame made of T-beams or two T-beams. Just like it is pros and cons of sip panels, and there are advantages and disadvantages for each type of overlap.

Interfloor ceiling made of sip panels. Photo from

If you decide to assemble floors from sandwich panels, then this is done by analogy with assembling walls. This is a completely acceptable approach, since the heat-insulating properties justify the laboriousness of the process. Of the minuses, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is large. You may need heavy equipment.

Assembling the frame floor of the house in the vulture house. A photo

The assembly of ceilings using T-beams or two T-beams (depending on the bearing loads) is reliable, inexpensive and efficient. This approach is also justified from the point of view of laying engineering networks - ventilation,sewerage systems, water supply and heating system.

Upper timber trim

The upper strapping around the perimeter of the sip at home is required. It serves to securely fix the entire structure and increase the overall seismic resistance of the building. The strapping wooden beam, which is laid on top, is also at the same time the basis for overlapping, either inter-storey or under-roofing.

Upper wall cladding made of SIP panels. A photo

Construction of the roof of a SIP house - do-it-yourself roof

Arrangement and construction of the roof is the final stage of installation of a set of SIP panels. Your next steps will depend on what type of roofing is included in the house kit.

do-it-yourself roofing of a house from sip panels. Photo from

In most cases, the roof is built directly from SIP panels. With this approach, the organization of the rafter-transom system is not required. The performance of sandwich panels is quite enough to withstand all load-bearing loads with a margin. The roof of SIP panels is assembled on the same principle as wall panels, according to the drawing of the house kit.

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