Discharge in cats. Purulent discharge in a cat: causes and treatment

At your pet. You can often hear that the process of the birth of cubs almost necessarily must be accompanied by some complications and difficulties. Fortunately, this is far from being the case, and it is rarely necessary to provide real help to an animal. Other breeders are concerned about the discharge before childbirth: they also believe that the discharge from the external genital organs must necessarily speak of something unpleasant and deadly ... Is this really so, is it necessary to immediately contact the veterinarian?

Let's deal with one important nuance right away. There are discharges during pregnancy, and there are directly prenatal. If your cat has any “leaks” from the external genital organs, and there is still a month left before the birth, immediately take the pet to the veterinarian. Discharge during such a period is an unequivocal pathology, indicating the presence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the cat's reproductive system.

Allocations that appeared shortly before childbirth do not carry any danger. It is very likely that your pet is simply losing the mucous plug from the cervix. This can happen up to three days before delivery. If mucous discharge appeared much earlier than this period, you should contact your veterinarian. Earlier discharge of the cork does not bode well for either the cat or its offspring.

Mucus plug, what is it and what is it for?

Any animal lover who has at least once experienced childbirth in their pets probably knows about the existence of the cervix. This is a tubular part of an organ, the function of which can be compared with the sphincters of the intestine, for example. In the normal state (when the cat is not pregnant), the neck is always tightly closed due to the contraction of muscle tissue. This reliably prevents pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora from entering the organ cavity.

The uterus must always and in all cases remain sterile! Everything else is deviation from the norm.

At the time of childbirth, a certain amount of microbes can enter the organ cavity, but, as a rule, the body is able to cope with them on its own.

True, there is one caveat. During pregnancy, the cervix is ​​no longer closed so tightly. This is due to the fact that subsequently the body will still have to relax, because otherwise the cat will not be able to give birth. It is at this time that the mucous plug acquires special significance: it serves as a “plug” that does not let dirt and microorganisms into the organ cavity.

Cork is impervious to air and other environmental factors. Its damage during pregnancy is always fraught with a number of extremely unpleasant consequences. In cases where the integrity of the "plug" is broken in the last three to five days before childbirth (brown mucus), nothing bad will happen. This is a completely physiological phenomenon, and it does not pose a danger either to the cat itself or to its offspring.

But situations when the cork is damaged long before childbirth does not bode well: pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora, dirt and other negative environmental factors enter the cavity of the pregnant uterus. All this leads to the development of severe inflammatory processes.

Signs of discharge of the mucous plug before childbirth

If the cat is clean enough and regularly licks the genital area (and she does this all the time just before giving birth), then you may not notice anything. But the classic signs discharge is the appearance of mucous outflows from the external genitalia. Normally, they are pink, may have a reddish-pinkish or even brown color. We emphasize once again that this is a completely normal phenomenon, and it does not pose any danger to the health and life of the animal.

But with normal prenatal discharge, the behavior of the animal should also remain normal. Since the animal feels the approach of childbirth, it becomes restless, constantly running around the house in search of the most suitable place for kittens.

If something is wrong, the cat may “hysterically” meow, avoid contact with the owner, and respond inadequately to attempts to probe her stomach. If these signs appear, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Causes of pathological discharge

As a rule, in veterinary practice, the following causes of pathological, unnatural discharge in the prenatal period are encountered:

  • Any inflammatory processes localized in the uterine cavity.
  • With the threat of termination of pregnancy.
  • It happens that the body used too large volumes of a binder to form a mucous plug, which is why “leakage” of yellow (or brown) mucus can be observed throughout pregnancy. Hypothetically, such a phenomenon in itself does not pose a danger. Unfortunately, excessive "fluidity" of the mucous plug can lead to its complete, premature destruction. About what this is fraught with, we have already spoken above.
  • Quite rarely, but there are cases when, due to severe hormonal disorders, a pregnant cat develops signs of estrus, accompanied, among other things, by the excretion of eggs. At the slightest sign of this, you should immediately contact a veterinarian, since any hormonal disorders that occur during pregnancy (even in its last stages) are fraught with miscarriages, as well as the birth of weak and defective kittens.
  • Ruptures of the tissues of the uterus.
  • Pathologies of the placenta, including cases of its detachment.
  • Intrauterine death of kittens. Often, even the most inexperienced breeder will be able to find out about this, since the death of fruits is often accompanied by their putrefactive decomposition (maceration). The smell and appearance of the discharge is appropriate, in severe cases, even being near a pregnant cat can be extremely difficult. Thick, white or green purulent discharges may appear.

Pathological discharge in pregnant cats is often accompanied by other alarming signs: apathy, lack of appetite, inappropriate behavior. Note that the negative symptoms also include the unwillingness of the cat to lick the area of ​​​​the external genital organs in the presence of discharge from them. Since such behavior (thirst for cleanliness) is inherent in cats at the genetic level, the absence of this trait indicates a very serious condition of the animal.

What discharge should I call the veterinarian for?

The discharge of clear mucus in the first weeks of pregnancy is completely normal. At this time, the formation of a mucous plug in the cervix occurs, and the "technological surplus" from this process is discharged into the external environment.

Depending on the color, smell and consistency, as well as the time of appearance (immediately before the birth or long before them), the discharge can be both physiological and pathological, indicating the need for an urgent call to the veterinarian.

To accurately determine the nature of "leaks", you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • Bloody or bloody discharge that appeared a few days before the kittens were born is a bad sign. If more than a tablespoon of blood has been released, and its volumes continue to increase, we are clearly talking about intrauterine bleeding. At the slightest suspicion of this pathology, it is urgent to contact a veterinarian.
  • If, around the middle of pregnancy, a cat develops reddish-brown bloody discharge, this is a very bad sign. Most likely, it indicates placental abruption and intrauterine death of all offspring (the probability of this is very high). With well-prescribed treatment and a certain amount of luck, there is a chance to save offspring. In more severe cases, a decision may be made to surgically remove the entire uterus and ovaries.
  • expiration greenish color with a disgusting smell, it is very bad. The appearance of such signs clearly indicates not only the intrauterine death of all offspring, but also the putrefactive processes occurring in the mother's body. There is practically no chance of saving the kittens, with a high degree of probability it can be assumed that the treatment will require surgical removal of the entire uterus. However, here everything depends on the intensity of putrefactive-necrotic processes.
  • Appearance greenish, greenish white, yellowish discharge- a very alarming sign, as they indicate the development of purulent inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system.

Prevention is the key to health!

Thus, not all prenatal discharge in cats is the norm, and when they appear, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Even with timely treatment, there are no guarantees of saving the life of kittens (and even the cat itself), and therefore every effort must be made to avoid the development of such pathologies:

  • Remember that in healthy cats, the development of birth pathologies is almost impossible. In general, carefully monitor, choose only high-quality feed, bring it to the veterinarian for a preventive examination at least once a quarter.
  • In the second half of pregnancy, try to isolate the cat in a room where there are no high pieces of furniture and sharp corners so that the pet cannot injure her enlarged belly.
  • Be sure to do all the vaccinations prescribed by the veterinarian, as they will reliably protect the cat from many infectious diseases.
  • A pregnant cat should be protected from drafts, but at the same time, make sure that she does not sleep near heating appliances. Sudden changes in temperature have a bad effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus.
  • Get in the habit of at least ten minutes a day to carefully observe the behavior of the cat. The sooner you notice any deviations from the norm, the sooner you can help her.

Most importantly, remember that any discharge from a pregnant cat that appears no earlier than a couple of weeks before the “official” due date is potentially dangerous!

Of course, there are situations when they have a completely natural origin, but much more often their appearance is a consequence of severe pathological processes. Only an experienced veterinarian in a well-equipped clinic can save the life of a pet and its offspring.

In a cat, vaginal bleeding is not always bleeding. Normally, blood discharge can be in small quantities during estrus, pregnancy and after childbirth for up to 3 weeks. Otherwise, blood indicates a pathology of the reproductive or urinary system. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own. Finding symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian for qualified help.

Negative causes of discharge

Causes of intrauterine bleeding in cats can be various.:

  1. Inflammatory diseases, including endometritis, pyometra. In the reproductive system of a pet, the ovaries, uterus, vagina and external genitalia. Manifested by the anxiety of the animal, the appearance of aggressiveness, active licking of the external genital organs;
  2. Uterine damage. Accompanied by profuse bleeding. There are many blood vessels on the walls of this organ;
  3. Oncological diseases of cats. Cancer cells depress general immunity, including the genitourinary system. The danger is indicated by purulent spotting with an unpleasant odor. They are caused by the growth or destruction of the tumor;
  4. Decaying placenta. It is possible that after childbirth, part of the placenta will remain inside. This leads to its decomposition. As a result, blood comes out of the vagina. There is a high likelihood of surgery.


A disease in cats that occurs when the level of progesterone in the blood increases. Leads to purulent inflammation of the uterus. Affected cats have never given birth and receive anti-sex drugs to suppress estrus.

The disease is open and closed, depending on the open / closed cervix. The open variant is characterized by purulent or bloody discharge. It is more easily tolerated by the cat due to the fact that the secretions exit through the open lumen in the cervix. With the closed version, there are no discharges. Pus and blood accumulate in the uterus. And since closed pyometra is asymptomatic at an early stage, it will lead to intoxication, rupture of the organ and death of the cat.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • deterioration in general condition;
  • lack of appetite, vomiting;
  • increase in the volume of the abdomen;
  • active licking of the abdomen.

In most cases, the effective treatment is the removal of the uterus and ovaries of cats. After surgery, a course of antibiotic treatment is carried out, as well as maintenance therapy. In single cases, drug therapy is allowed. However, it should be borne in mind that it can lead to a temporary improvement with a further relapse.


Inflammation of the lining of the uterus. The cause is a genital infection. Animals walking on the street, young cats under 3 years of age, when using hormonal drugs from estrus, with an unbalanced diet, difficult childbirth, and a hereditary tendency are also at risk.

The disease is considered in acute or acquired form. Let's look at the symptoms. In the acquired form, the symptoms are mild. The cat looks healthy on the outside, but is often licked, so the cat does not see blood from the uterus. The danger lies in the fact that this form can flow into a purulent one. This is due to an overestimated accumulation of secretions during thickening of the uterine mucosa. The secret is a favorable environment for the development of infections. It is characterized by profuse discharge and an increase in body temperature. Urgent medical attention is required.

Symptoms in acute form:

  • temperature increase;
  • loss of appetite;
  • copious discharge from the genital slit;
  • often arches the back and adopts a position for urination;
  • an increase in the abdominal cavity;
  • inflamed external genitalia.

At an early stage, antibiotics and antimicrobials are used. With a purulent form, sterilization is carried out. To increase the body's defenses, immunomodulators are prescribed.

Symptoms of uterine bleeding

What symptoms indicate bleeding? With hidden bleeding, the cat becomes lethargic, inactive, her appetite is disturbed. There is severe shortness of breath and increased fatigue. The temperature on the skin of the paws is significantly lower than the body. The abdomen is dense, enlarged in size, the mucous membranes are pale. Symptoms develop gradually over a period of several days to several weeks.

The owner should not forget that with intrauterine bleeding, almost all of the blood remains in the cavity of the organ. And only in isolated cases spots on the external genitalia. Such blood secretions are very dangerous, as they are detected too late.

With obvious bleeding in a cat, when coughing, blood is released, vomiting appears, the stool becomes liquid with bloody streaks. There is bleeding from the loop and blood in the urine. It is important to see a doctor immediately if the above symptoms occur, if the bleeding lasts more than 15 minutes and the cat has a lot of blood loss after stopping.

First aid, when blood flows from the cat's vagina, prohibits any independent actions.

Diagnosis and treatment

Vaginal bleeding in cats is always a health hazard. If you do not stop him in time, the cat may die.

The veterinarian uses the following diagnostic methods to make an accurate diagnosis.:

  • general examination, palpation;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs, abdominal radiograph;
  • cytology of discharge from the uterus;
  • histological examination of biopsy material;
  • vaginoscopy;
  • analysis of urine and blood (general, biochemical, clotting);
  • sowing on nutrient media.

Depending on the results of the cat's tests, the type of treatment prescribed will depend. It includes:

  • Therapy with the use of antibiotics for infectious diseases and inflammatory processes;
  • Surgical intervention for oncology and endometritis;
  • With large bleeding, a blood transfusion is done;
  • Antishock therapy;
  • Corrective therapy for violation of blood clotting;
  • Chemotherapy to reduce the risk of recurrence after surgery.

Only a veterinarian prescribes treatment and selects the necessary drugs. Their use must strictly correspond to the purpose. Self-medication leads to irreversible consequences. After a successful course, preventive examinations once a month are recommended.


Poor health of a pet always worries its owners. For example, owners become very worried if they notice spotting in cats. However, one should not panic when faced with such a phenomenon. It is necessary to understand what the symptom is associated with.

How dangerous is it?

Many owners believe that spotting in cats occurs due to pathologies of the urinary system. Indeed, a symptom may indicate inflammation processes or the formation of calculi. These diseases are often fatal. Therefore, if you feel unwell, it is important to take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Often, spotting in cats occurs as a result of an improper diet.

The lack of iron and other important substances in food adversely affects the well-being of the pet, leads to a deterioration in the condition and metabolic disorders. However, there are cases when a similar symptom is the result of natural changes occurring in the animal's body. But this does not mean that you need to independently draw conclusions about the reason for its appearance. To establish the correct diagnosis, you need to consult a veterinarian.

Normal changes that occur in the body

In some cases, spotting is observed in a cat for reasons related to natural processes. Such circumstances do not pose a threat to the health of the animal. Such changes include the following:

  • Estrus. This process is accompanied by an increase in the activity of the pet. The female often arches her back, rolls on the floor, becomes playful. The presence of bloody discharge in a cat is considered absolutely normal during estrus. After the termination of this period (as a rule, this happens after a few days), the symptom disappears completely.

  • Bearing offspring. The presence of this sign in a pregnant female indicates a restructuring of the body and preparation for the birth of cubs. However, intense discharge indicates the development of serious pathological processes.

Dangerous diseases

There are situations when the outflow of blood signals serious illness. This symptom should not be left unattended, as it can manifest itself under the influence of the following circumstances:

  1. The process of decomposition of the placenta. After giving birth, the cat has spotting, which has a liquid consistency, indicating that the remains of the placenta have not left the body of the animal. Most likely, the pet will need surgery.
  2. Infectious processes occurring in the genitals. Thick light red discharge often occurs in females with pathologies of the organs of the urinary system, uterus.
  3. Malignant neoplasms. The outflow of blood and pus is a characteristic sign of cancerous tumors of the reproductive system. As a rule, with this pathology, the discharge has an unpleasant odor.
  4. Inflammatory processes occurring in the genitals, for example, in the vagina. Such diseases are accompanied by difficulty urinating, manifestation of aggression and anxiety. The cat often licks the lower part of the body. This symptom indicates that the animal feels severe discomfort.

Bleeding with vaginitis

The disease is an inflammatory process in the vaginal area. A female with a similar pathology attracts males. Therefore, many owners confuse vaginitis with estrus. In a cat, spotting with this disease is accompanied by frequent licking of the perineum and anxiety. If you suspect this disease, you should show the animal to a specialist as soon as possible.

A complication of vaginitis can be an inflammatory process in the bladder, pyometra, and pathology of the inner layer of the uterus.

Allocations with endometritis

This disease can have both acute and chronic course. The second form of the disease does not affect the well-being of the pet. The cat mates with males, but pregnancy in most cases does not occur. If, however, fertilization does occur, the cubs often die in the womb or almost immediately after delivery. An acute inflammatory process in the inner lining of the uterus is a serious ailment. Bloody discharge in cats with this pathology is accompanied by loss of appetite and general weakness. If you do not provide medical assistance to the animal in time, it may die.

The presence of pus in the uterine cavity

This inflammatory process is called pyometra. There are several types of illness. Sometimes fluid or blood accumulates inside the organ. If the disease proceeds in an open form, these substances come out of the genital tract. With a closed type of pathology, there is pus in the uterine cavity. This leads to the development of acute inflammation of the peritoneum, rupture of the tissues of the organ.

Symptom during gestation and after delivery

Excessive spotting in cats during pregnancy, which is bright red or light in color and lasts more than 10 minutes, indicates damage to the uterus. In this case, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible. Also, the appearance of brown liquid at 8-9 weeks of gestation should not be ignored.

Show the animal to a doctor. Laboratory tests are carried out in the clinic. The veterinarian performs an ultrasound examination for the presence of dead fetuses and makes a decision about therapy.

Not always such a phenomenon means the presence of pathology. For example, after fertilization, a pink fluid can be seen flowing from the animal's genital tract. Before the start of the delivery process, the discharge of dark blood is also considered quite normal. You can not ignore this symptom when the kittens have already been born.

In this situation, it may indicate mechanical damage to the tissues of the uterus. Injuries often occur during delivery. To eliminate this problem, drugs that stop the blood are used. In severe cases, surgery is necessary. Sometimes a female who has recently given birth has an infection of the genital organs as a result of a violation of the rules of sanitation. In this case, the cat has an outflow of blood and pus. To prevent infection, it is important to maintain cleanliness in the area where the mother and her cubs are located.

Symptoms after sterilization

Usually, such an operation assumes the absence of estrus. However, spotting in a neutered cat and sexual activity are sometimes observed, indicating the following conditions:

  1. Neoplasms in the adrenal or mammary glands.
  2. The presence of cysts in the uterus.
  3. Gradual cessation of hormone activity. These substances may be present in the animal's blood for some time after the operation. As a rule, after 8 weeks this period ends.
  4. The presence of gonadal tissue cells in other organs.

The presence of stones in the urinary system

This pathology is often found among pets.

Most often it affects males. However, sometimes stones in the organs of the urinary system are found in females. The exact reasons for the formation of stones have not yet been identified. However, experts say that the abuse of dry food, a deficiency of vitamin A and liquid in the diet, excess weight, gastrointestinal diseases and poor heredity can provoke an illness. Stones are one possible explanation for why a cat is spotting.

How to understand that the animal is unhealthy?

The phenomenon referred to in the article does not always indicate the presence of pathology. However, the following accompanying symptoms may indicate the presence of the disease:

  • Decreased pet activity.
  • Refusal of a cat from food.
  • Frequent, infrequent, or difficult urination.
  • Licking the crotch area.
  • Heat.
  • Accelerated heart rate, respiratory failure.

If such signs appear, it is urgent to show the animal to a specialist who will carry out the necessary diagnostics. A study using ultrasound and x-rays, laboratory analyzes of biological material will determine what causes the appearance of bleeding. With timely treatment to the doctor of a pet, as a rule, it is possible to cure.

Any health problems of a pet always sadden the owners. Especially when a cat is bleeding. Here, pet owners often panic and begin to frantically search for the cause of such difficulties.

The most correct decision would be an immediate appeal to the veterinary clinic, because it is it that can prevent deterioration and quickly bring the cat in order.

Blood discharge in urolithiasis

Speaking about why a cat has bloody discharge in general, diseases of the genital organs and bladder immediately come to mind. Indeed, they most often play a key role in such inflammatory processes.

Despite the fact that these ailments are treatable, they often lead to death, so it is important to make a decision on the intervention of specialists in time.

Bloody discharge in cats can be a consequence of a violation of the diet. Lack of sufficient amounts of iron or minerals in the diet can lead to very deplorable results for the overall metabolism. The balance in the body is disturbed, and it refuses to work correctly.

The causes of bleeding are very diverse. Here we are talking about violations of the kidneys. By the way, cats with hypodynamia are often prone to this problem. Therefore, one should understand whether a particular animal is at risk and use preventive measures.

Bleeding after pregnancy

If a cat has bloody discharge after pregnancy, this may indicate tissue rupture.

Often, specialists use hemostatic agents. Well, if the cat has lost a lot of blood, even surgery may be required.

Purulent bloody discharge with a greenish tinge may indicate inflammation of the cat's genitals. There are prerequisites here:

  • violation of sanitary standards;
  • infection;
  • internal diseases.

By the way, the cause may be a stuck fetus in the womb of a cat. A process of decay occurs, due to which the woman who has given birth is exposed to intoxication. Of course, these may be the usual remains of the placenta, the abundant release of which is not so terrible. Simple antibiotics will help here. However, in a more severe case, surgery will be required.

If you meet drops of blood along with milk that come out as secretions from the genitals, then you can judge the inflammation of the mucosa.

A cat’s body that is weak after pregnancy may not be able to cope with such a complication. However, with a calmer initial stage, the animal may not even be separated from the offspring.

Treatment of bleeding

Purulent-bloody clots should not be neglected in any case. It is important here to take all available measures to protect the cat from further complications. Any loving owner must understand that only his actions will be able to improve the condition of the pet and prevent death.

If vaginal discharge appears, except for the moment of estrus, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

There, actions will be taken to establish signs of such formations. The doctor will conduct tests, take a smear and do an ultrasound if necessary. Next, he will prescribe a treatment that will be based on the results obtained. Often these are complex methods that include a regimen, medication and procedures.

Despite the fact that bleeding may indicate a large number of diseases, it will not take a specialist much time to establish the cause.

And after the cat has been treated, the doctor will talk about preventive measures that will help avoid the recurrence of such problems. Their implementation is mandatory and very useful not only in the matter of blood discharge, but also for maintaining the general health of the pet.

Regardless of how the cat is treated, the main thing is to surround it with care and attention. Only in this case, blood secretions from the loop will be less difficult and burdensome for the animal. And after a while the cat will be able to return to normal life.

In many cases, bloody discharge in a cat is a physiologically normal phenomenon that does not require outside intervention. This is common during estrus, just before childbirth and the postpartum period. Intensive outflow of blood in other cases may be associated with the development of severe diseases of the genital organs and bladder.

Bloody discharge in urolithiasis

Urolithiasis (urolithiasis) is a disease accompanied by the formation and deposition of urinary stones or sand in the organs of the urinary system.

Most often, the development of urolithiasis provokes an unbalanced diet, when the animal is fed too salty or fatty food, leftovers from the table, or the pet is kept exclusively on dry food.

Urolithiasis disease can proceed very quickly and often leads to the death of the animal, therefore, if a problem is detected, in no case should you self-medicate. To minimize the suffering of a pet before a visit to the veterinarian, you can give him Baralgin M (solution). Dosage: 0.05 mg per 1 kg of animal body weight.

Baralgin M is contraindicated for use if the pet is less than six months old.

Signs of ICD

The following symptoms indicate the development of the disease:

  • the presence of blood in the urine;
  • restless behavior of the animal;
  • lack of appetite;
  • frequent urge to urinate, accompanied by plaintive meowing;
  • small amount of urine when urinating;
  • apathy.

In case of suspicion of urolithiasis, it is necessary to immediately consult a veterinarian. Surgery may be required.


  1. It is necessary to minimize the share of dry industrial feed economy class, because. they contain a large amount of salt, which provokes the development of urolithiasis.
  2. It is recommended to exclude fatty natural products from the diet, including food "from the table".
  3. Food should contain a minimum amount of sugar, salt, phosphorus and magnesium.
  4. The cat should always have fresh water freely available.

The risk of developing the disease can also be reduced by encouraging the pet to be active.


Vaginitis is an inflammation of the lining of the vagina.

Many owners mistake vaginitis for estrus due to the fact that cats suffering from this disease attract males. The cause of the disease is most often an unsuccessful mating.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • frequent urination;
  • swelling of the vulva.

If this bleeding does not stop, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.


The most common bleeding diseases in cats include pyometra is a form of purulent endometritis, in which pus accumulates in the uterine cavity. The disease is most often provoked by the rash actions of the owners themselves, namely:

  • abuse of hormonal drugs during estrus;
  • uncontrolled knitting;
  • infection in the vagina during childbirth.

There are two types of pyometra:

  1. Open form - blood clots come out of the vagina. In this case, the cat often licks itself, approximately every 15-20 minutes. The temperature of the animal rises, the cat often drinks water.
  2. Closed form - selections are not visible, because. blood accumulates in the uterine cavity. Symptoms of the closed form of pyometra: enlarged, tight abdomen, frequent urination, apathy, rapid breathing.

Of these two forms, the second one poses the greatest threat to health, because. excessive accumulation of pus in the uterus can lead to the death of the animal.

Discharge after pregnancy

The presence of bloody secretions in a pregnant cat is completely normal when they are presented as transparent, homogeneous, odorless clots.

However, a prolonged expiration of purulent-bloody discharge with a greenish tint after childbirth indicates a possible inflammation of the animal's genitals.

It often happens that the fetus gets stuck in the womb of a cat, or the placenta for some reason does not leave the uterus, as a result of which the process of decay begins. In both cases, it will be necessary to remove the foreign object surgically, because. prolonged decomposition inside the animal's body can lead to intoxication of the pet.

Sometimes bloody discharge in the postpartum period may be just the remains of the placenta. Usually, the placenta completely comes out of the uterus within 3 hours after birth, while the number of membranes should correspond to the number of kittens. In this case, the intervention of the surgeon is not required.

After mating

Blood discharge from the loop may appear in a cat after mating in case of resorption of the fetuses, which can occur at any stage of pregnancy. In most cases, the body of the animal copes with the problem on its own., expelling dead fetuses from the womb, however, in the same way, they can remain in the uterus for quite a long time.

As a result, fruit decay begins, which can lead to inflammation of the cat's genitals and blood poisoning. The resorption of the fruit is accompanied by blood discharge with pus and mucus. Blood clots have a rather pungent odor.

An ectopic pregnancy can also be a possible cause of bleeding after mating. In this case, urgent veterinary help is needed - belated surgical intervention can lead to the death of the pet.

From the eyes

The expiration of reddish-brown clots from the eyes of the animal indicates an ophthalmic disease. There are a number of side signs by which you can determine that the cat is sick:

  • eye rubbing;
  • depressed behavior;
  • lack of appetite.

A possible cause of the pathology may be a violation of the patency of the lacrimal canals due to the ingress of a foreign object or tumor into the eye. In this case, an examination by an ophthalmologist is necessary.

Bloody eye discharge in cats can also be triggered by heat or sunburn.. In this case, before providing professional assistance, it is possible to drip the eyes of the animal with a solution of sodium sulfacyl, after washing them for 5-10 minutes.