Production of 3d floors. In step with the times: innovative floor coverings. How a photo is pasted and transferred

Time passes, everything around changes. Including finishing materials. There are new, more perfect, convenient, affordable. We will not lag behind, we will learn everything about modern flooring.

Of course, no one forbids laying well-known proven options on the floor. Wood, ceramic tiles, linoleum, laminate, carpet - each of them has its pros and cons, scope, fans and opponents. And what about the new ones?

TOP 9 innovative flooring

Warm tiles

The Japanese introduced an interesting development to the world - warm ceramics (foam ceramics).

This coating eliminates the main drawback of any ceramic floor - it does not feel cold to the touch.

And all due to the fact that the tile contains air bubbles that serve as thermal insulation. Everything ingenious is simple!

Marmoleum (natural linoleum)

Yes, linoleum can be natural. In fact, that's exactly what he thought.

It contains wood flour, jute, linseed oil and other components.

Take a closer look at it, a very, very worthy option.

carpet tiles

This is an evolved carpet. Now it is cut into perfectly even squares or rectangles, reinforced with reinforcement and a solid non-slip base. The material is convenient in transportation, installation, operation. In case of damage to a single module, it is no longer necessary to replace the entire coating. The possibilities for design are also increasing.

Tile LVT

If many have already met with vinyl and quartz vinyl tiles and have managed to appreciate their excellent performance, then LVT tiles (luxure vinyl tiles) are not known to everyone. This material is incredibly durable and resistant to any factors and damage. The manufacturer claims that even with the most severe use, LVT tiles do not lose their excellent appearance for decades.

Self-leveling floors

Many people like seamless polymer coatings, especially those with an illusory 3D effect.

Their popularity is growing, as is the scope.

Today, the head floor can be found both in the home interior and in the commercial space, both in production and in medical institutions.

glass floors

In some houses with an unusual design, hotels, clubs, museums and other places, you can find such coatings.

Most often, this is not a solid glass floor, but decorative inserts. The easiest way to install such a coating is with a raised floor system.

It looks very impressive and unusual, do you agree?

Live tile

The so-called living tile is a modular polymer coating filled with gel.

When in contact with the floor, the drawing seems to come to life and change, striking the person walking on it.

For this property, the tile was called the interactive floor.

cork floor

Resilient, warm, quiet and natural floor.

It can be rolled or in the form of boards.

Easy to install, looks good, even though the range of colors is small.

leather floor

Do you love leather goods? Shoes, handbags, furniture… Would you like to have a leather floor at home?

Unusual coating, which is high-density HDF boards covered with calfskin.

The option, of course, is not for everyone, but the coating looks quite original.

Here is a small selection of modern floor coverings. Can you expand the list? Do it in the comments, we'll be waiting!

Self-leveling floors 3d almost immediately became popular after the appearance on the market, despite the rather high price. This is a universal coating, which is used with the same degree of efficiency on objects with different interiors and purposes. All work can be done with your own hands, but you need to prepare a drawing, strictly follow the manufacturing technology, and control environmental conditions.

What is a 3d floor?

The coating of this type consists of several layers: base, pattern / texture, finish. The compositions for this task tend to harden quite quickly, so the option of making a 3D floor with your own hands is difficult to implement, but still possible. The drawing can be sketched directly onto the rough coating, but in domestic conditions it is preferable to use material with a fixed pattern. This is a less time-consuming process, and besides, it will also be cheaper.

Multicomponent compositions (polymer, mineral) are used as the basis of the coating. The 3D effect is provided by the top layer. To obtain a more pronounced volume of the image, you need to increase the thickness of the finish. But in this case, it will be necessary to use materials with a different ratio of components so that changing the parameters of the coating does not affect its strength.

Phased work

The technology of pouring a self-leveling floor includes three main stages: preparation of the base (rough screed); transferring a pattern or pattern / creating a textured surface (pebbles, sand, shells, etc.); finishing. But before starting the work with your own hands, it is recommended to pay special attention to the stage of choosing an image, as well as its preparation.

What to consider when choosing a picture

The first step is to determine your own preferences. It can be a drawing transferred to the screed, photo printing, abstraction and other creations. An important nuance is that the image must be of high quality (at least 1440 dpi). 3D floors on the marine theme, photos of the abyss, descent will look spectacular. For all other cases, it is recommended to equip a thicker finish layer to enhance the perception of volume.

Popular 3D drawings with depth effect: these are water, abyss, descent. Especially the marine theme, where, thanks to a special airbrushing technique, a truly impressive realism is achieved.

In order not to injure the psyche, it is better to avoid using photographs depicting danger (monsters, predators, creepy motifs). Another direction that should not be used is falling or moving objects (for example, a large wave), since dynamism in the image when arranging a 3D bulk coating is not the best option.

The most common mistakes in arranging 3D floors, selecting a pattern

Flashy photos with a lot of bright elements are also not suitable. All these images will constantly affect the subconscious in a negative way.

How to change perspective

If you plan to do all the work yourself, you need to understand a graphics program with sufficient functionality to fully change the characteristics of the image. The most popular option is Photoshop.

Detailed instructions for further actions:

  1. The room where the 3D floor will be poured with your own hands must be photographed, and this should be done from the right angle, for example, standing at the entrance;
  2. The graphic editor allows you to superimpose a pre-selected picture on the image of the room;
  3. The photo is cleaned up: nothing superfluous should remain on it, except for the floor with the picture fixed on it;
  4. Having received the outlines of the flooring in perspective (it resembles a trapezoid in shape), you need to correct the borders of the image with your own hands until you get a rectangle (tools in the Vanishing Point graphics editor, Create plane tool);
  5. It remains only to save the file (extension.png).

The quality of the image directly depends on how carefully the floor was cut in the photo.


A common option for transferring photos is through banner fabric. The popularity of this material is due to its resistance to moisture, sometimes even with aggressive components (rain, snow). Considering the high quality of the future coverage, the cost of banner fabric is quite acceptable - about 20 USD/sq. m. You can contact any organization that offers outdoor printing services to print the file.

It is recommended that you print a test print on a small paper size. This will allow you to evaluate the quality of the image and the product as a whole. It is also quite possible to order a full-size black and white print on paper, then it will be possible to evaluate the drawing on the floor of the room.

Foundation preparation

The concrete surface is cleaned. Moreover, you need to remove with your own hands not only dust, but also greasy stains (oil, grease, etc.). The surface is covered with a primer mixture; without this, the technology of laying materials will be disrupted due to low adhesion. An intermediate layer is formed (rough screed based on mineral or polymer compositions). Next, a decorative design is applied / attached.

How a photo is pasted and transferred

The canvas is spread over the surface with your own hands. Mounting method - adhesive composition. In this case, it is necessary to control that air bubbles do not appear between the canvas and the base. Careful smoothing of the material will avoid such shortcomings. In the case when a 3D drawing is transferred by hand directly to the base, the production of the floor will include one more step - applying a primer on top of the picture after the acrylic paint has completely dried.

The nuances of the filling process

The volume of the image is given by a sufficient thickness of the transparent layer of the polymer material. It is also necessary to apply a protective coating on top, which will ensure long-term operation of the floor without the risk of surface abrasion.

Filling with polymer composition

Material consumption depends on the layer thickness. For example, the production of a 3 mm coating requires material preparation at the rate of 4-4.5 kg/sq. m. You need to work as productively as possible, but at the same time with high quality, since the composition for laying the topcoat quickly sets.

Filling the protective layer

Coating thickness - 0.5 mm. The time of work with the finished mixture is no more than an hour (again, you should focus on a period of 40 minutes). For laying with your own hands, you need to prepare a spatula and a roller with a needle-like surface. A small amount of material is applied with a spatula and spread by means of a roller until the coating begins to slightly stick. The term of complete drying of the finishing layer is up to 7 days.

Pour the mixture onto the surface. The base is leveled by means of a rule and a spiked roller, the main purpose of which is to remove air bubbles from the thickness of the base.

Difficulties at different stages of work

The main enemies of a high-quality coating are unsuitable environmental conditions and an erroneous dosage of the mixture components. In the first case, the main role is played by humidity. With an increase in this indicator, bubbles appear on the surface of the floor.

You can check whether the working conditions are suitable using a piece of plastic film. It is straightened on the floor, gluing around the perimeter with adhesive tape. After waiting 3 days, you can remove this design.

If the color of the surface under the film changes and in case of condensation on its surface, do not start work until the air parameters are normalized.

Incorrect dosage of the components of the mixture will lead to a decrease in the quality of the floor. The production of a coating includes the step of determining sufficient thickness of the finish layer to provide the required level of surface reliability. The ratio of the number of components in this case may change.

What kind of curiosity this is, self-leveling 3D floors, for many remained a mystery until quite recently. It was possible to see this miracle only in expensive restaurants and some nightclubs. But today, Elakor-ED (Russia), which relatively recently appeared on the market, have become available to the general public, and everyone can use this amazing novelty to decorate the interior of their home.

In the manufacture of new self-leveling 3D floors, a surprisingly simple technology is used. The base of the surface is preliminarily prepared, then a two-dimensional graphic image is pasted on it, and the final step is the application of a special polyurethane composition. Installation of a warm self-leveling 3D floor "Elakor-ED" at the request of the customer will also not be difficult.

Thanks to the latest technologies that were used in the development of all Elakor-ED floor components, the quality of the product is not inferior to the best brands of foreign manufacturers. The advantages of 3D floors are as follows:
High wear resistance
Abrasive wear resistance
Excellent resistance to UV and visible light
Up to 2 mm depth of optical transparency of the floor layer
Ease of operation and maintenance

If we talk about the aesthetic appeal of the new 3D floors by Elakor-ED, no one will doubt this side of the issue. The proposed variants of the original design of the novelty create a stunning effect. How do you like the idea of ​​​​seeing a piece of a sea beach with a wave running ashore instead of the usual floor? Or a warm floor with an image of a flowering meadow, a globe or fluffy clouds with the effect of full presence? With the help of self-leveling 3D floors "Elakor-ED" you can realize any, the most and create a unique, original, amazing interior in the room. Just do not forget that all the beauty of the “picture” opens only in the space that is as free from furniture as possible.

Even today, new 3D self-leveling floors "Elakor-ED" can be purchased on the Russian market at quite affordable prices.

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3D floors are created in the same way as ordinary self-leveling floors, only the designers first design a computer image, the sheet with which is laid on the prepared base. After that, the entire surface is filled with a thick layer of polymer, in which coins, pebbles or sparkles can be added for an additional effect. About a week after pouring, the 3D floor dries out and is covered with a protective layer of varnish.

3D floor is a polymer filling of a decorative image, which, after hardening, forms a continuous coating without seams. This technology allows you to make the floor an exclusive interior detail. Floor design depends on the imagination of the customer and his financial capabilities. The most interesting thing about this technology is that if you look at the floor from a certain angle, the image appears three-dimensional, enhancing the aesthetic effect. Among other things, such floors have very high performance characteristics. It is thanks to the strength properties that such floors are made not only in residential premises, but also in commercial ones. This floor will be an excellent solution for the design of various entertainment venues.

With proper maintenance, a 3D polymer floor will look great even after a few decades.

Self-leveling floors have the following outstanding qualities: solidity, strength, health safety, dust-free, fire resistance, non-slip surface, excellent resistance to ultraviolet radiation.

The disadvantages include only points relating to manufacturing technology and care: the drying process is at least 5 days; the need for timely care; the cost is higher than the budget solutions.

During pouring polymer floor, specialists will take into account the following set of factors: the expected level of humidity in the room, the future temperature regime, the intensity of movement of people and mechanisms on the floor, the likelihood of chemically active substances entering the floor surface.

It is a careful study of the above nuances that characterizes a responsible approach to the creation polymer 3D floor. The basic component of this floor is polyurethane. The technology of pouring the floor involves obtaining the most smooth and even surface.

The main technological stages of pouring a 3D floor: proper preparation of the base surface (base); applying a decorative image; coating of bulk type; drying of the coating; giving the hardened surface a matte or glossy look. Competent observance of each of the technological stages guarantees a long service life of the floor. That is why it is important to attract only qualified specialists to carry out these works.

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But they say there are also glowing 3-D floors! Cool...

This is also a kind of 3D floor, only not painted, but real.

In a hotel in Mexico, in one of the penthouse rooms, designer Hernandez Silva recreated a magnificent interior in which the visitor feels at home. Being in this room, the residents did not feel any pressure from the furniture and the interior itself. The most unusual thing in this room was the toilet! It was the toilet that the designer placed in the elevator shaft. The floor of the toilet, oddly enough, was glass and allowed you to see the whole abyss under your feet. Yes, yes, exactly the abyss, since this room was located on the 15th floor of the hotel and not everyone could afford to calmly look under their feet.

Modern renovation in a house or apartment is always accompanied by a choice of finishing materials that are interesting in terms of design. Everyone wants the interior of his house to amaze the imagination and not be trivial. And here 3D floors are the best fit, the manufacturing technology of which we will consider.

What is 3d floors?

This floor will surprise many

For the first time, such coatings with a three-dimensional effect appeared on the Italian streets, and later they migrated to houses and other premises. With the development of industry and the creation of new polymeric materials, it became possible to decorate the interior space with original pictures and drawings, using the volume effect technology.

These coatings are based on polyurethane or epoxy resin. In addition, the technology includes a colored polymer, the color spectrum of which is represented by 12 different shades and colors. For better adhesion to the base, a primer and a leveling compound, also consisting of a polymeric material, are required. To protect the 3D floor, a special varnish is used.

The essence of the technology lies in the fact that a three-dimensional pattern is applied to the base and filled with a transparent polymer on top. The greater its thickness, the more beautiful and natural the drawing looks under it. It is more reminiscent of amber when various insects or plant remains are found in its thickness.

Natural materials can also be used as a pattern - dried flowers, shells, and so on. You can take photographs or a film with a finished drawing.

Preparation for the device 3d floor

Before proceeding with the manufacturing technology of a 3D self-leveling floor, it is recommended to watch a video that shows all the stages of work. After that, you can order a drawing from any company that has at its disposal the appropriate printers. Experts recommend making a drawing on a satin matte panel, reminiscent of that for stretch ceilings. You can also buy ready-made three D floors, since now there are a great many of them.

Having acquired a colorful base, you need to take care of the tools. To make a self-leveling floor with your own hands, according to the technology, you will need:

One of the most beautiful designs

  • A set of rollers and brushes for priming the base and leveling the polymer mass on the floor, a needle roller and a squeegee for even distribution of the same polymer mass.
  • An electric drill with a "mixer" nozzle for mixing different types of polymers and other components.
  • Blow gun, with which various elements of the decorative design of the floor are obtained.
  • Shoes that allow you to walk on a freshly poured floor without the risk of damaging it.

Professionals advise in the manufacture of the floor with their own hands to equip the forced ventilation of the room. After all, the polymers that are part of the 3D floor are very toxic and can irritate the respiratory organs of working people and their health in general.

Preparing the foundation

As with any floor covering, the subfloor must be rigid, sound, dry and clean. Its humidity should not exceed 4%. If there are grease stains, they should be removed and the place additionally degreased. If the base base is metal, then it is degreased with special care.

A concrete floor slab or sand-cement screed is ideal as a base. These surfaces are leveled by all possible methods and tools. Large dents or cracks are repaired with epoxy and silica sand based compounds or sealant.

After that, they are primed with a special composition using a roller or a wide brush. The role of the primer is to penetrate into all the pores of the concrete or cement screed in order to ensure better adhesion of polymeric materials to the base. It is recommended to apply 2 layers. After some time, as the latter dries, but no later than 24 hours, you can proceed to the next stage of work. It usually takes about 4-5 hours for the primer to dry.

Self-leveling floor technology

After the primer dries, the first base layer of the polymer composition is applied to the base. If you plan to create a panel on the floor from plants, sand, marble chips or other similar materials, then you need to carefully select the color of the first layer. It will be the background that will provide all the beauty of the laid out picture. If it is supposed to stick a banner with photo printing on the base base, then the color no longer plays any role.

The laid out polymer mass is leveled with rollers or a rule, after which the entire surface is rolled with a spiked roller so that as many air bubbles as possible come out.

decorative coating

The main feature in 3D floor technology is a pattern that will shine through the final transparent layer. Therefore, this stage must be carried out with special diligence and care. After all, mistakes can no longer be corrected.

Decor can be done by sticking a film with a finished pattern or using acrylic-based paints. But paints must be resistant to UV radiation. If you do not have a talent for painting, then it is better to invite a professional artist, although this will be very expensive. The price will include the work of the master and the paints themselves, which are also not cheap, unless, of course, they are of high quality.

After the paints are completely dry, you can start pouring the finish layer. If a film with a pattern is glued, then you need to make sure that no air remains under it. The best way to learn how to make a volumetric floor is to watch a video that shows the whole technology of work.

Please note that all work on the manufacture of a 3D floor with your own hands using this technology is carried out at a room temperature of at least +10 degrees.

The penultimate stage - finishing pouring

Floor Options

Here you will need an electric drill with a special nozzle for mixing the components of a transparent composition. It should be remembered that at least 4–5 kg of polymer mass will be needed per square meter of base if the layer thickness is 3 mm. From this calculation, the container for mixing is selected.

The finished mixture is poured onto a base with a pattern and leveled throughout the room. Here you will also need a spiked roller to remove air from the mass. Rolling with a roller is done until the mixture begins to thicken. In time, this can take from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the selected brand of polymer composition. To move on the flooded floor, they move with special shoes on their feet, on the soles of which there are high spikes.

The floor will gain strength within two days, but the time may increase or decrease depending on the temperature and humidity of the room. Experts advise covering the floor with foil or polyethylene film to speed up the hardening process of the 3D floor.

And as the final stage, a special varnish is applied to the finished base with a three-dimensional pattern. It will protect your beauty as much as possible from all influences - both mechanical and moisture. The floor will turn out smooth and slippery, so it makes sense to use a varnish with an anti-slip effect.

Care of the 3D floor consists in cleaning it with a soft, damp cloth or mop, where the nozzle is made of sponge cloth.


As you can see, you can make a 3D floor with your own hands, if you follow all the technology. The main thing here is to prepare an even, clean and solid foundation, choose a drawing for the future masterpiece, follow all the recommendations of experts and watch videos on this issue, of which there are a lot on the Internet.

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