Miracle vegetable - daikon radish! Description and properties, varieties and specifics of cultivation, as well as other features. Daikon radish: benefits and harms for the body How sweet radish is useful for the body

Radish is a plant that has an annual root crop, which means that the seeds of this vegetable are formed in the first year of cultivation and planting. Radish is a plant that is related to cabbage and turnip. Today, there are several types of radish, namely the Chinese and European forms.

Considering the European form of radish, it can be noted that the vegetative growth period of this variety is 30 days, the radish rosette has 6 leaves, this vegetable reaches a height of up to 20 cm, and a weight of up to 30 grams. Root crops of this variety of radish are not long-term in their preservation.

But the Chinese radish has a growing season much longer, it reaches 50 days, the socket of the Chinese radish has up to 10 leaves, this type of radish can reach a height of up to 40 cm, the mass of which will be 200 grams. The shelf life of this radish lasts up to 60 days. These two types of radishes differ in their appearance, color, shape, taste and quality of the pulp. The root crops of these species have the following shapes: round, oval, spindle-shaped and cylindrical. The radish also has a different root color.

The color of a radish can be as follows: white, pink, red, raspberry, sometimes purple. The pulp of these varieties has excellent taste, it is mainly pink-white and white in color. Radish contains the following vitamins: C, B1, B2, PP, as well as many salts of potassium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus.

Basically, radishes are used in fresh food. Radish tolerates extreme cold very well. In order for radish seeds to germinate, the temperature must be at least 3ºС. The most optimal temperature for radish growth is 16ºС heat. At the same time, radish is able to survive temperatures down to -3ºС, while for adult plants the lowest temperature is -6ºС.

Basically, such radishes are grown in a greenhouse. It can be planted in a greenhouse for the winter, this will provide you with an earlier harvest. To ensure that the roots are always fresh, the seeds must be planted at intervals of 20 days.

Do not plant radishes at high temperatures, as this will lead to bitterness in the root crop, as well as to its coarseness. The worst time for planting this vegetable is the end of spring or the beginning of summer, this is due to the fact that during this period hot and prolonged, which will lead to the appearance of color.

During this period of time, practically no fruit is formed. For radishes, the best soil is fertile. But at the same time, radishes are very picky about moist soil. If there is no water in your soil, then most likely this will lead to small root crops, which will also tough. A high yield of these species can be obtained thanks to open sunny areas, but at the same time, daylight hours that last more than 12 are very harmful to them.

Have you ever met a radish longer than 50 cm and weighing over 5 kg? No, this is not a mutant from a science fiction movie. This is quite a common vegetable in our country. Meet the daikon. Its benefits and harms have been fully studied in laboratories and with the help of independent studies. But the townsfolk are not yet fully aware of the value of this root crop. We fill in the gaps.

Useful properties of daikon

Daikon is unique in one property. It does not absorb heavy metal salts, nitrates and pesticides from the soil. Therefore, it can be safely eaten without fear of harmful substances. Moreover, Japanese radish brings great benefits to the body.

Strengthens immunity. This property of daikon exists due to its high fortified composition. That is why many doctors recommend eating a small amount of lettuce every day. Of course, from a fresh root crop. This is especially important because phytoncides volatilize during heat treatment and protein denatures. But this couple contributes to the destruction in the body of many pathogenic bacteria and microbes.

By the way, daikon juice mixed with real honey traditional medicine successfully cures many diseases of the respiratory system. Bronchitis, cough, tracheitis - will not resist a powerful vitamin blow.

Improves the functioning of the nervous system. The same traditional medicine suggests treating aggression and nervous excitability with fresh daikon juice. By the way, the data are confirmed by research. Drinking root juice at night promotes good sleep and calms the nervous system.

After such treatment in the morning, a person wakes up in a good mood, rested and calm.

Helps to lose weight. Daikon is one of the lowest calorie foods. At the same time, it quickly saturates the body with coarse fiber. This makes the intestinal peristalsis actively work. At the same time, the fibers cleanse the body of deposits of harmful substances and all kinds of toxins.

This ability of the daikon allows you to safely include it in various diets for those who want to lose weight or just watch their figure.

Purifies the body. People have long noticed that the root vegetable has a powerful diuretic effect. And its laxative effect is mild and correct, unlike the usual black radish. Therefore, fans of cleansing diets and proper nutrition appreciate and respect the Japanese radish.

By the way, the diuretic effect is achieved due to the content of potassium and calcium salts in daikon juice. Therefore, traditional medicine treats them with stones and sand in the kidneys. According to reviews, the method has a stunning success. But only not during the period of exacerbation of the disease! For the inflamed kidneys do not cope well with their duty even without a diuretic, and then there is a strong push.

Advice. We still do not recommend self-medication. Despite all the folk wisdom, no one has canceled the knowledge of official medicine. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor or a competent specialist. (The neighbor's grandmother is not a specialist. A girlfriend is also.)

Cleanses the liver. The powerful ability to dissolve stones and sand has been noticed in the daikon for a long time. But that's not all. The root crop has a unique choleretic effect. Therefore, the daikon:

  • expels "bad" bile
  • stimulates the production of "good"
  • helps the liver work
  • removes toxins
  • stimulates the pancreas

As you can see, Japanese radish can be safely called a natural hepatoprotector.

the benefits and harms of radishes

Daikon in cosmetology

But not only in medicine, the Japanese radish is strong. Women actively use it for cosmetic purposes.

For hair. Fresh juice is rubbed into the roots to keep the mane healthy and strong. After literally 5-7 such procedures, a natural beautiful shine appears, dandruff disappears, and the hair itself grows faster.

By the way, the nails will not be deprived of attention when using Japanese radish. The pulp contains a high content of calcium. This allows the bones and nails to remain strong.

For skin. Daikon juice, along with a decoction of parsley, perfectly brightens freckles, age spots. They also lubricate problem skin prone to acne. There are cases when traditional medicine cured even chronic boils by applying bandages soaked in Japanese radish juice.

Diluted juice promotes the speedy healing of wounds, cuts and scrapes. You just need to lubricate the damage several times a day. Or just apply a loose bandage with a bandage soaked in juice.

By the way, not only external lubrication with juice is suitable for cosmetic purposes. There is a recipe for a salad made from daikon and other vegetables. It's called "Beauty Bomb". Those women who ate a portion of such a salad daily noted that after a week the skin condition improved markedly. Small wrinkles disappeared, complexion evened out. The skin itself has become matte and velvety, looks younger. Try and you become more beautiful, just by diversifying your own diet.

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What is harmful daikon

Despite a wide range of positive effects, daikon has contraindications. And very serious. It is strictly forbidden to eat it for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • gastritis
  • stomach ulcer
  • colitis
  • flatulence

Because even a small portion can cause severe harm to the body. Up to a fatal outcome, if you do not have time to help in time. Coarse fiber fibers are very irritating to already inflamed organs. Hence the harm. There are cases when a person simply did not have time to save the doctors who arrived in an ambulance.

By the way, even an absolutely healthy person is not recommended to get too carried away with daikon. Because overeating threatens:

  • pain in the abdomen
  • vomiting
  • pain in the stomach
  • rise in temperature
  • chills
  • diarrhea

In this case, all the symptoms occur very quickly and simultaneously. Although, gluttony without daikon only brings harm. Therefore, eat this beautiful root vegetable a little bit, and you will be happy.

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The latest research has found an interesting substance in the daikon - isorhodanic acid. It has a powerful anti-cancer effect. Therefore, for the prevention of cancer, it is worth including Japanese radish salad in your menu.

Daikon contains virtually no mustard oil, unlike radishes or radishes. Therefore, it can be safely eaten by people with cardiovascular diseases. It does not provoke jumps in the work of the heart, therefore it does not cause relapses or excitation of cardiac activity.

Everyone knows that vegetables and herbs contain practically no protein. The Japanese radish outperformed everyone here too. The protein compounds found in the pulp of the root crop are perfectly absorbed by the body. Vegetarians should take note of this fact. After all, it is protein that is the main problem in compiling the diet of people who do not eat meat, milk and eggs.

The raw root crop will bring the greatest benefit. Although in Asia it is used in cooking for both cold and hot dishes. What can I say, they even bake pies with daikon!

Our compatriots are not accustomed to such dishes. Therefore, Japanese radish is used as the basis for various salads. But still, they make a big mistake by filling the dish with fatty mayonnaise or sour cream. No, of course, such food will not bring harm, but it will be of little use. Daikon salad seasoned with any vegetable oil brings the greatest benefit to the human body. Linseed and olive oils are especially good in this regard. But sunflower is good too.

Did you know? It turns out that the daikon does not require special growing conditions. He feels great in any region of our country. Therefore, if you have a plot of land or a garden, you can not spend money on buying a wonderful root crop. It will be safer to grow it yourself.

Well, we learned a little closer what a daikon is. The benefits and harms of Japanese radish are also now no secret to you. To use all the valuable vitamins and minerals to the maximum, we will reveal a little secret to you. Daikon salads are best prepared in small portions and eaten immediately. It is advisable not to store or cook in reserve. Because after some time, the plate will no longer contain the useful composition that we described, but just a handful of fiber.

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Video: what is useful daikon

A root plant that has many names - Japanese radish, Chinese radish, bailobo - and belongs to the cabbage family, is popularly known as daikon. The benefits and harms of the product, depending on the field of application, are evaluated differently. But in most cases, this root crop will give good health to someone who will eat it regularly, although there are some contraindications.

Daikon: product brief

This product is native to East Asia. It was here that the first wild-growing daikons appeared. The main distinguishing features of this root crop:

  • a pleasant taste is ensured by the absence of mustard oil in the composition, unlike ordinary radish;
  • peculiar aroma;
  • low calorie;
  • unique mineral composition.

If translated from Japanese "daikon", then this word means "big root". In Russian literature, there are such names for this product as “muli”, “sweet radish” or “white radish”.

Daikon has a high yield: several crops can be harvested throughout the year. This is due to the vegetative mode of reproduction. Daikon grows up to 60 cm (sometimes more) in length, and sometimes weighs more than a kilogram.

Nutritional value of the product

Multiple useful substances and trace elements are present in a product such as daikon. The benefits and harms, their ratio are determined precisely by its nutritional composition. The white radish contains the following components, which are primarily valued by nutritionists:

  • vitamins: C, beta-carotene, group B;
  • minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, sodium, iodine, selenium, chromium, phosphorus, iron);
  • protein and protein compounds - lysozyme, characterized by antiseptic properties;
  • phytoncides - have an antimicrobial effect, increase the body's resistance to various kinds of harmful fungi and bacteria, infectious diseases;
  • antioxidants - are indispensable in the fight against a disease such as atherosclerosis (they also cleanse the body's vessels of cholesterol, make them more elastic);
  • fiber - helps to cleanse the body of a variety of contaminants and toxins;
  • isoiordanoic acid and ether prevent the development of cancer;
  • Daikon's lack of fat makes it an ideal product for people on a variety of diets.

In 100 gr. This root vegetable contains only 21 calories. Therefore, the daikon is perfect as the main product on fasting days.

Application of daikon

This root crop is widely used in cooking. The mild taste and pleasant peculiar aroma make it a versatile vegetable compared to its radish and radish relatives. Russian cuisine prefers mainly only daikon salads. And in Japan, for example, there are many more recipes from this product: pies stuffed with this vegetable, kimchi (sour (salted) daikon for the winter in fragrant hot spices). Soup from this root crop is also popular here. It is served with meat, fish, stewed with seafood.

Daikon has also found its use in dietetics. The health benefits and harms, their ratio, of course, is determined by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of each organism. The daikon diet is prescribed strictly by a doctor, since this vegetable has a number of contraindications.

In alternative medicine, this root crop is also actively used. Its composition has a beneficial effect on human health:

  • cleanses the liver and kidneys, removes stones and dissolves sand;
  • actively fights respiratory and other infectious diseases;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • helps to cleanse the skin from acne;
  • prevents the development of cancer in the body;
  • eliminates the symptoms of a hangover;
  • increases appetite;
  • activates the digestive system.

Daikon: benefits and harms, recipes

In Japan or China, there are many ways to cook daikon. The benefits and harms, given the composition of this root crop, are obvious, so it would be good for every housewife to have several recipes from this vegetable in reserve.

It should be noted that daikon is delicious in any form. It is eaten raw (salads), stewed with other vegetables, baked, boiled, fried. But still, it is better to use this root crop without subjecting it to heat treatment, since a high degree destroys vitamin C that is useful for the body.

white radish and carrot salad recipe

Finely chop the daikon and carrots (in equal strips), season with a special sauce. To prepare it, you need to take 15 ml of vinegar (rice), 5 ml of oil (sesame), 5 ml of sauce (soy) and a pinch of sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and season the salad with this mixture. The salad needs to be infused for several hours in the refrigerator.

Daikon and meat salad

Cut boiled meat into thin strips. Grate raw daikon on a large grater. Eggs and onions cut into small cubes. Dress salad with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Daikon: benefits and harms, terms of cleaning and storage

This root crop is very useful, despite some contraindications. And even in such cases, doctors recommend using daikon, but together with other products. For example, dilute its juice with water so that it is not so saturated, and then people with digestive system problems can use such a drink. Since the harm of the vegetable is so insignificant, this root crop is very popular among the population.

Daikon has the following features:

  • unpretentious when growing;
  • has a delicate peculiar taste and aroma;
  • stored for a long time;
  • helps to get rid of many ailments.

Daikon is grown in the same way as an ordinary radish. Harvesting is carried out approximately 80 days after it was planted in the ground. It is necessary to store the root crop in tightly closed boxes with sand.

In the refrigerator, this vegetable is stored for no more than 4 weeks.

Contraindications to the use of daikon

Not all people can eat a vegetable like daikon. The benefits and harms of it, based on the composition, are obvious, but there are still some contraindications to the use of such a root crop:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers and other diseases), since the organic acids contained in the daikon cause stomach irritation and flatulence;
  • kidney disease;
  • gout.

For a variety of daily diet, a vegetable such as daikon is perfect, the benefits and harms of which are obvious: the presence of a large amount of nutrients and a minimal list of contraindications. This root crop is an excellent tool for maintaining the health of the body!

Daikon (large root, white radish or daikon radish) is a large edible root vegetable, the closest relative of radish and radish. The taste is softer than that of radish, but more pronounced than that of radish.

It has an impressive size - from 20 cm to 70 cm.

It comes in white, pink, green and black. Cultivated, unpretentious, grown everywhere. What is remarkable about the daikon: the benefits and harms, composition and use will be considered below.

Chemical composition

Daikon contains many vitamins and minerals

The benefits of daikon for the human body are unique: with a low nutritional value, it has a rich mineral and vitamin composition. Daikon radish has only 21 calories.

In terms of the amount of BJU in 100 g of daikon radish, there are practically no fats - their percentage is close to zero; proteins - up to 1 g. How many carbohydrates are in daikon? Total - 4 g, of which 1.6 g of fiber, 2.5 g of sugars.

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper.

The beneficial properties of daikon radish are due to the presence of phytoncides, pectin, vitamins B, C, A, amino acids and fatty acids.

The glycemic index of daikon is only 15 units - this is an extremely low indicator. How useful is daikon radish for the body of diabetics? It stabilizes blood sugar levels. The root crop is recommended for use by patients with diabetes mellitus.

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Such a chic vitamin and mineral composition provides its beneficial properties; daikon, as a culture that originated and is popular in Asia, cannot be inert in relation to health.

Useful properties of daikon radish:

  • cleansing;
  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sedative;
  • antioxidant;
  • choleretic;
  • weak diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • antifungal.

Garlic also has an antifungal effect.

So what is the use of daikon for the human body?
The benefits of daikon radish for the body are noticeable both externally and internally:

  • The combination of antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of daikon provides considerable health benefits during diseases of viral, bacterial infections, influenza, acute respiratory infections. This vegetable is also effective in asthma;
  • The remedy will help with sore throat, tonsillitis, inflammation of the oral cavity (stomatitis). Daikon with honey will facilitate the discharge of sputum, having an expectorant effect, while saturating the weakened body with a shock dose of vitamin C and minerals;
  • The antifungal property manifests itself when used externally. Bitter oils and phytoncides as part of the Asian radish kill any pathogenic microflora;
  • The use of white radish effectively affects the nervous system: neurosis, depression, apathy, and stress disappear. Disturbed sleep normalizes, anxiety and excitement disappear;
  • By consuming white radish regularly, you can easily cleanse the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract from harmful substances, toxic compounds, and toxins. It cleanses the daikon and the liver, flushes the ducts with secreted bile, helps to digest fatty, heavy foods. Successfully removes cholesterol plaques;
  • The fatty acid esters that make up the root crop have an antitumor effect and are used to prevent cancer;
  • The Japanese highlight the anti-hangover effect of white radish: a natural remedy is used after drinking alcohol immediately and after a few hours, relieving the condition and removing toxins;
  • Its help in restoring the body after illnesses is invaluable: immunity is strengthened, well-being improves.

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What is useful daikon for women? The rejuvenating (antioxidant) property of the product has been used by Japanese beauties since ancient times: daikon allows you to preserve youth not only of the skin, but of the body as a whole. It is successfully used in home cosmetology.

Those small calories that daikon contains do not provide enough energy even to carry out the process of digestion of the product itself (this is one of the vegetables with the so-called "negative calorie content"). Those. the use of daikon radish for weight loss is very effective. In addition, a mild diuretic and laxative effect will help rid the body of harmful excess elements without causing dehydration and weakening.

Is daikon radish good for pregnancy? In the absence of contraindications, the use of 100 g of root crop 2 times a week will have a beneficial effect on well-being. The product helps to cope with edema due to the ability to remove excess water from the body.

You will learn more about the benefits of daikon from the video:

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A small amount of mustard oils in the composition of the root crop drastically reduces the list of its contraindications compared, for example, with radish:

  • Rarely there is an individual intolerance to a large root and an allergy to it;
  • Daikon is not recommended for gout, gastritis, ulcers and other lesions of the gastrointestinal tract due to its irritating effect;
  • With kidney stones, the use should also be limited;
  • Pregnant and lactating women should not get carried away with the root crop: if the consumption rate is exceeded, it can cause an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, cause flatulence.

Application in cooking

Eating a fresh vegetable will maximize its benefits, but nutritional diversity is essential.
In the homeland of culture, in Japan, the root crop is included in the daily diet. It should be noted that the root crop differs in taste: closer to the tops it is more tart, spicy, and its tip is the sweetest and most tender part.

How the root vegetable is prepared:

  • A large radish marinated in vinegar, cut into pieces, is a favorite spicy snack for the Japanese. Beetroot juice is also added to it to give color and increase the beneficial properties of the final product;
  • White radish is boiled and added to soups and sauces. Fried, using as an independent side dish for meat, fish, mushroom dishes. Stew a root crop with seafood;
  • The root for the winter is preserved, salted, dried in circles;
  • The leaves of the plant are also edible: they are added as spicy greens to salads;
  • Chopped daikon salad with parsley and olive oil is a godsend for those on a strict diet. It satisfies hunger for a long time, is extremely useful due to countless valuable elements in the composition;
  • You can also dress a white radish salad with sour cream and cream, which will give the finished dish an exquisite taste with a slight sourness;
  • It is useful in combination with starch-containing products: the enzymes that make up its composition help to break down and digest substances more easily;
  • The root crop is also used in combination with fruits and vegetables (apples, peppers, pomegranates, etc.).

    Recipes for simple and delicious salads with daikon you will learn from the video:

    Application in treatment

    All of the above healing properties of daikon are relevant when applied fresh. Heat treatment somewhat reduces the amount of nutrients in its composition.

    A good way to treat this root vegetable is to drink its juice. To do this, a large radish is washed, peeled, cut into cubes, squeezed with a juicer. Or, in its absence, rub the root on a grater and squeeze.
    This drink is best taken on an empty stomach in the morning before meals. If the taste seems too tart, it is useful to dilute it with carrot, beet or apple juice.

    Drinking this drink daily for 2 weeks will noticeably improve your well-being, tones, gives strength and energy. In lactating women, lactation increases.

    The oriental spice star anise also contributes to an increase in lactation.

    Grated root is applied to wounds, abrasions, bruises - it promotes their speedy healing, providing a regenerative effect.

    For joint pains, rheumatism, you can use pure daikon juice for compresses, or insist pieces of the root on alcohol (you will get a medicinal alcohol tincture). This tincture is effective against a wide range of diseases.

    In addition, the root crop is used in cosmetology. It is best to mix daikon gruel with olive, linseed or other base oil. Masks from the grated root brighten the skin, tighten, nourish and tone. It will help get rid of acne and rashes, providing an anti-inflammatory effect.

    You can apply the gruel not only on your hands: problem areas with cellulite (thighs, abdomen) will noticeably smooth out, tighten, the skin will acquire a healthier tone.

    Having studied the healing properties of the root crop, its effect on the body, its benefits in diets, you will certainly want to include it in your diet.

    This product is still rarely found in stores. However, it will not be difficult to grow it in the country: it is unpretentious, not afraid of frost (because it is planted in the middle of summer), and grows truly enormous. Store it like other root crops.

The Japanese are extremely sensitive to the state of their health - the country occupies one of the first places in the number of centenarians. In addition to rice and seafood, an important part of the diet of the population of the island state is daikon, a root vegetable with a delicate taste and delicate aroma. The Japanese use it raw and stewed, added to thick soups and sushi. The benefits of daikon and its harm are constantly being reviewed. Especially popular are freshly squeezed juices - a source of vitamins and mineral compounds. Daikon is valued not only for its nutritional properties, a vegetable with a delicate taste is also used in therapy and for the prevention of numerous pathologies.


The main advantage of daikon is that it can be stored for several months. Moreover, it does not lose its nutritional properties, and the concentration of biologically active substances in the root crop does not decrease at all.

The beneficial effect of Japanese radish for human health lies in its unique composition:

  • fat-soluble vitamins A and E;
  • the entire therapeutic line of B vitamins;
  • ascorbic and nicotinic acids;
  • minerals: molybdenum, iron, phosphorus, calcium, copper, potassium, fluorine, zinc;
  • carotene immunostimulants;
  • enzymes, enzymes, coarse fiber.

Interesting fact

An important feature of the daikon is its ability not to accumulate toxic compounds. Heavy metals and radionuclides do not penetrate from the soil into the root crop. Japanese radish is a completely safe food product.

The composition of the daikon includes a rare trace element selenium. It is responsible for the excellent mood of a person and the ability to resist viral and bacterial infections. The combination of selenium and iodine allows the use of the root crop in the treatment of hypothyroidism.


Endocrinologists recommend daikon radish for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus. The constant use of a vegetable in raw or baked form helps to normalize blood sugar levels. In addition, the root contains a lot of fructose, an indispensable biologically active compound in the diet of diabetics.

Daikon belongs to low-calorie foods (20 kilocalories per 100 g), so people who watch weight or want to lose weight quickly include it in their diet. And coarse fiber perfectly cleanses the intestines from accumulated toxins and toxins. Beneficial strains of bacteria settle in the vacated space.

Daikon reduces the content of bad cholesterol in the blood, helps to eliminate plaques. If you have a history of cardiovascular pathologies or atherosclerosis, you should include the root crop in your daily diet.

First at home, and then all over the world, the bactericidal and antiseptic properties of Japanese radish began to be used. If freshly squeezed daikon juice is applied to the skin every day, then after 1-2 months the number of acne, boils, small pimples is significantly reduced, the metabolism in all layers of the epidermis is normalized.

When rubbed into the scalp of the juice, the following changes occur:

  • hair growth is accelerated;
  • their appearance improves;
  • dandruff disappears.

It is quite possible to get rid of ugly age spots. To do this, wipe areas of dark skin with a slice of daikon. Japanese radish juice has bleaching and softening properties. After cosmetic procedures, the spots completely disappear or become less noticeable.

Indications for use and benefits

The beneficial properties of daikon make it possible to use the vegetable for the treatment and prevention of pathologies of all human life systems. The root crop strengthens the immune system by ridding the body of harmful substances:

  • metabolic products;
  • pharmacological preparations;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • toxic compounds of plant and animal origin.

This effect is possible due to the mild laxative and diuretic action of Japanese radish. Trace elements potassium and calcium contribute to the elimination of edema of various origins by removing excess fluid from tissue cells. The laxative properties of daikon allow a person to restore normal intestinal motility, get rid of chronic constipation. Nutritionists recommend including root crops in the diet to replenish vitamins and minerals in the body.

Interesting fact

Due to the presence of phytoncides in the composition, daikon is used for the prevention and treatment of colds. Japanese radish facilitates breathing, eliminates cough, removes accumulated mucus from the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Unlike black radish, the taste of daikon is not as tart and harsh. This is due to the absence of certain oils in the composition of the vegetable, which have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa.

The cleansing properties of the root crop can be used in the treatment of pathologies of the urinary system:

  • with the formation of foci of infection in one of the departments;
  • with glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis;
  • with hemorrhagic cystitis;
  • with urinary disorders.

If you drink half a glass of freshly squeezed daikon juice every day, then the work of the pancreas and liver is getting better. In hepatocytes, an increased amount of enzymes is produced, the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is accelerated.

The use of daikon also has a positive effect on the central nervous system. After the inclusion of Japanese radish in the diet, a person's nervous excitability and anxiety decrease, memory and ability to concentrate improve. It is especially worth noting the positive effect of the vegetable on sleep. Sleep phases are normalized, in the morning a person feels alert and well-rested. Just do not use Japanese radish just before falling asleep - heartburn may appear.

Contraindications and harm

White radish contains in its composition a lot of coarse fibers, which are a kind of "panicle" for all organs of the digestive system. But they also cause irritation of the inner lining of the stomach. Such food is digested for too long, it requires a lot of hydrochloric acid and pepsin to break it down. Therefore, gastroenterologists recommend excluding daikon from the diet for patients with the following diseases:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • duodenitis;
  • erosive or chronic gastritis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

The absence of mustard oils in the composition of the root crop allows it to be used even by people with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. But it is better to use daikon in a baked form or as an ingredient in thick soups, mashed soups.

Patients with pathologies of the urinary system should consult their doctor before using daikon. The positive property of the Japanese radish to speed up the metabolism has a negative side. The rapid metabolism of inorganic substances provokes increased crystallization of mineral compounds, as well as kidney and bladder stones.

Daikon is one of the healthiest and most nutritious root crops for all family members. It can be used not only by adults, but also by children. For proper growth and development, a child's body needs a lot of minerals and vitamins, which are found in excess in Japanese radish. The vegetable retains its beneficial properties even with prolonged heat treatment.

The daikon radish is also known as the sweet radish. This variety of radish is widespread in East Asia, so it is often called Japanese, Chinese and even Korean radishes. In these countries, Daikon is loved and eaten daily, adding to various dishes or making marinades and preservation from it. It is a healthy root vegetable containing many vitamins and minerals. The article will describe what kind of culture it is, what are its features, how to properly grow and store Daikon.

Characteristics and description of the Daikon variety

The daikon radish is a relative of the radish, cabbage, turnip, and other plants in the cabbage family. The growing season is from 40 to 200 days, depending on the variety. It is grown almost all over the world due to the mass of useful substances in the composition, as well as a pleasant delicate taste and versatility of use. It can be fried, stewed, boiled, eaten raw.

It has a rosette of dissected, green leaves. Usually they are from 12 to 40 pieces. Root crops are elongated. The color depends on the variety, but the most common is the white Daikon. The sizes also depend on the variety and on the cultivation - the better the conditions, the larger the root crop. The largest ones can weigh up to 5 kg and have a length of 60 cm. But this is not the limit - record holders reach a weight of 20 kg!

In 100 grams of the product there are only 21 kcal, 1.2 g of proteins, 4.1 g of carbohydrates, so this product is recommended for people who want to lose weight or maintain the existing one. Daikon radish contains the most vitamins C (30 mg), B5 (2.2 mg), E (2.1 mg), PP (2.08 mg), as well as minerals such as potassium (280 mg), phosphorus ( 28 mg), calcium (27 mg), sodium (16 mg), copper (10 mg), and magnesium (9 mg). The taste is more juicy, tender than the usual red radish, it does not have bitterness if it is grown correctly.

There are many different varieties of Chinese radishes, although most are only cultivated in East Asia. Among the most popular and sought-after varieties, it is worth noting:

Daikon radish, the most suitable for growing on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Poland, is, first of all, the varieties "Elephant's Fang", "Sakurajima", "Big Bull", "Japanese white long", "Tokinashi", "Aokabi-daikon ".

When choosing a variety, you should pay attention to where Daikon will be grown, or rather, in what land it will grow. This culture is not picky, it grows everywhere, but only if you choose the right variety.

  • "Siroogari", "Shigoin" - varieties for growing in clay, heavy soil.
  • "Tokinashi", "Miyashige" are recommended for loam.
  • "Ninengo" and "Nerima" should be planted on light soil.

When and where is Daikon planted?

Since Daikon radish is a heat-loving plant, it is not recommended to plant it in early spring. Usually planting time is in July, so that the root crops can be harvested before the first frost.

They usually plant it in place of any early ripening crops, which are harvested just at the end of June or at the beginning of July. It grows best after strawberries (strawberries), so if there are old bushes, they are uprooted and planted with Japanese radish. The place should be bright, sunny, not in the lowlands, since excess water, which always stagnates in lowland areas, will lead to rotting of the root crop.

Land for planting is always well fertilized. Daikon radish can deepen up to 60 cm deep into the ground, so digging must be thorough in order to provide nutrition (fertilizer) not only to the top layer of soil. Fertilize and dig the ground always in the fall, adding 1.5 kg of compost or humus, 40 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 20 g of ammonium sulfate per square meter.

How to plant a daikon radish?

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The beds for sowing seeds are made 30-40 cm wide. The length can be whatever the gardener needs. Between individual rows, a distance of 60 cm is observed.

Daikon radish can be sown in rows or in holes. If holes are made, they should be at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. Several seeds are sown in them, and when they all germinate, they pull out all the frail ones, leaving only one - the strongest. The embedment depth is 1.5-2 cm. Before planting, seeds should be dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes to disinfect.

If sown in ridges, then the seeds are sown in a sparse single file, and when they germinate, they begin to gradually thin out in several stages, leaving the strongest and most beautiful sprouts. Planting depth and seed preparation are exactly the same as when planting in holes.

After sowing the seeds by any convenient method, they are sprinkled with earth and slightly moistened with water from a spray bottle (so as not to wash the earth). Then the aisle is mulched, but the place around the sprouts themselves should be without mulch!

Between individual root crops during their full ripening there should be 40-50 cm of free space. Only then will each radish have enough space and nutrients to develop. In addition, such cultivation allows you to achieve full illumination of all plants - they will not obscure each other.

How to care for a Daikon?

Like any root crop, Daikon radish needs regular care, including weeding, watering, thinning, spraying from pests and diseases, as well as fertilizing.

How to avoid bloom?

The main problem that all gardeners face is Daikon flowering. When an arrow appears, the root crop deteriorates, so it cannot be allowed to develop! The problem is that in order for the Daikon radish to not bloom, almost ideal growing conditions are needed.

  • If you plant a daikon in early spring, it can survive frosts, but it will immediately shoot an arrow, and this will affect both the taste of the vegetable and the shelf life - the keeping quality will be low. Therefore, they plant it in the warm months, when the earth has warmed up.
  • In order for the plant not to bloom, you need to create a 12-hour day for it. With more prolonged illumination, the arrow will appear in any case. It is for this reason that Daikon is recommended to be grown in the second half of summer (when daylight hours are waning) or in greenhouses to control lighting time.
  • The lack of water "turns on" the defense mechanisms of the plant, and it immediately shoots an arrow in order to have time to "give offspring" - seeds.
  • Flowering also occurs when the crops are heavily thickened. The plant simply cannot develop a root crop, so the ground part grows and an arrow appears.

How to deal with pests and diseases?

Pests on daikon radish leaves are attacked by the same pests as on cabbage. Getting rid of them is quite simple - you need to sprinkle crushed ash on plants and the ground around from time to time, it repels harmful insects. Chemical or biological preparations can also be used if the pest has already been seen on the site or on the crop itself.

As for the root crop, that one is more complicated. Daikon can infect the scoop, wireworm, and larvae of the beetle. If the plant was affected by these pests, its shelf life is reduced by 2 times! Therefore, it is worth taking measures to treat the site with special preparations from pests even before planting the crop. But if they did appear, it is worth using Antikhrushch, Matador Grand, Masterpiece, Calypso, Prestige, Aktelik.

As for diseases, most often Daikon radish is attacked by slimy bacteriosis, wet rot, clubroot, blackleg, felt disease, mosaic, vascular bacteriosis. Protection against these diseases is such means as "Climate", "Mikosan", "Fitosporin", "Phytocid", "Thiovit Jet", "Fundazim". Use them according to the instructions.

So that diseases and pests do not annoy the crop, it is worth observing the rules of crop rotation, treating the seeds before planting with a solution of potassium permanganate, growing the most disease-resistant varieties, and always treating it from mold and fungi before laying it in the crop storage.


About a day before harvesting, the beds where the Daikon radish grows should be watered abundantly. This is done so that the root crop is saturated with water, as well as to make it easier to pull it out of the ground. After all, it can be difficult to get it just like that, often it goes 50-60 cm deep into the earth, so even digging does not always help. And the damage that can be done to a vegetable during harvesting significantly reduces its keeping quality.

Harvest the next day. It is advisable to knock out the harvest so that it is dry and sunny on the day of collection. Root crops are simply pulled out of the ground, like carrots, you can dig a little if it doesn’t work out.

How to store daikon radish?

When the crop is harvested, it must be determined for storage, but everything has its time. To begin with, the Daikon radish is laid out and dried. Then all the adhering earth is removed. After that, all side roots are cut off or cut off, and the lower one is cut by 2-3 cm. Now it remains to sort the root crops by size, integrity, and arrange them in storage boxes.

The boxes are placed in the cellar, basement, where it is dry, dark and cool. Can also be stored in the freezer. Sometimes radishes are placed in refrigerators, but in this case, each root crop must be wrapped with plastic wrap so that the crop does not begin to dry and wither prematurely.

VIDEO - How do I grow daikon

Daikon radish - benefits, cooking recipes

Today, on the shelves of vegetable shops you can find a rather large and oblong vegetable, which looks very much like a carrot, but it is white in color. This vegetable is called daikon, and its homeland is considered to be Central Asia and the Far East. In China and Japan, daikon is considered a very useful culinary product that can be prepared in a thousand and one ways.

So, it is fried, consumed baked and boiled, daikon is marinated and consumed even raw. Such a high popularity of the root crop is explained by the fact that the vegetable is somewhat similar to radishes and turnips, but at the same time it completely lacks a bitter taste. According to its taste, the vegetable resembles cabbage. In this article, we will talk about the beneficial properties of daikon and how you can use it.

Useful properties of the root crop

A distinctive quality of daikon is its very low calorie content - for example, it is only 21 calories per 100g of product. Unlike other vegetables, daikon is really low in calories, which is why it has a special benefit for the body.

It is noteworthy that this root crop is an excellent source of vegetable protein. The compounds that are part of the daikon help the body to saturate all cells and tissues. At the same time, there are practically no fats in the daikon, but there is an abundant amount of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, daikon promotes improved intestinal motility Helps to remove toxins and slags. Also, the root crop has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect on the body, which is useful in removing toxins from the body. Therefore, this product is often included in "detox programs" aimed at cleansing the body, as well as promoting weight loss.

Daikon contains a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid, vitamin C, and also includes a group of B vitamins. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the whole body, calming the nervous system, increasing attention and reaction, and normalizing sleep. Among other things, daikon improves the condition of the skin, hair, and also strengthens the walls of blood vessels, immunity and helps to prolong the youth of the body as a whole.

Daikon root calcium is good for bones, nails and hair. It contains phytoncides that destroy pathogenic bacteria and foreign microorganisms. Daikon enzymes improve digestion, and iron, which is part of the root crop, has a positive effect on immunity. Also, in the composition you can find:

- magnesium and sodium;

- potassium and phosphorus;

- a small amount of selenium.

Daikon has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gallbladder and liver. Unlike radish, which is heavy for the body, stomach, intestines and liver, daikon, on the contrary, protects the digestive tract and liver from overload, helps cleanse the liver and increase bile production. In addition, the root crop improves the digestion of fatty and heavy foods.

Regularly using daikon, the process of dissolving stones and salts begins in the kidneys, which eliminates diseases such as pyelonephritis. Improves root vegetable works the heart, helps get rid of bad cholesterol and to a large extent raises the general tone of the body. In addition, it allows you to recover from chronic fatigue, as well as contribute to a preventive product for diabetes, rheumatism and atherosclerosis.

As a rule, daikon is used exclusively internally, it is practically not used externally. However, compresses and lotions are rarely made from plant sap, which are relevant in the treatment of fungus and infectious diseases. Also, on the basis of daikon, face masks are made that whiten and rejuvenate the skin on the face, and help eliminate acne. As such, the daikon has no contraindications.

A daikon-based face mask looks like this - you need to squeeze the juice from the root crop and mix it with butter in equal amounts. Next, apply the composition on the skin of the face, for up to 20-25 minutes.

daikon meat salad recipe

This salad will be an excellent product both from the point of view of cooking and from the “healthy” side. Cooking Ingredients: 300g daikon radish, 200-300g boiled meat, 2-3 large onions.

Cut the onion into thin half rings and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil. Make the fire for frying lower than average. Fry with stirring until golden brown, being careful not to burn.

Wash the daikon, peel and cut into thin strips (or, better, grate for carrots in Korean). Cut the meat into strips, the thickness tending to the thickness of a match. Mix onion, meat and daikon. If desired, you can salt.

Fill to taste:

- mayonnaise;

- sour cream;

- vinegar (preferably apple) with vegetable oil;

- lemon juice with vegetable oil;

- soy sauce with vegetable oil.

Daikon salad with carrots

Ingredients: 6 cm daikon; 6 cm carrots; salt, 1 tsp powdered sugar; 2 tbsp. l. rice vinegar; 1 tsp sesame seeds.

Cooking: Peel the daikon and carrots, cut across after 5 cm, cut into slices along, then cut the slices into thin strips. Transfer the daikon and carrots to a bowl, salt, mix, let stand for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, mix powdered sugar with vinegar. Squeeze daikon and carrots slightly, drain excess liquid, pour vegetables with vinegar marinade, refrigerate for 12 hours, stirring from time to time. Mix again, serve, sprinkled with sesame seeds in bowls.

More useful products:


The white root (daikon) has already ceased to be exotic on the shelves of supermarkets and dining tables of Russians. But until now, the Asian vegetable is controversial among supporters of a healthy diet. To determine your position in relation to the "eastern upstart", you should find out what the health benefits and harms of daikon radish are, try to cook this root crop.

Features of daikon radish

"White Root" made a triumphant journey to Russia from the East, received several unofficial names in the new territory. As soon as the Russians do not call the brainchild of Japanese breeders: Japanese or Chinese radish, and white radish, and sweet radish. This is no coincidence.

The taste of daikon is similar to radish, but it does not have such a pronounced pungent odor. And this root crop differs from black radish in the absence of mustard oils. The daikon plant belongs to the cabbage family.

Not only the white root itself is used for food, but young above-ground shoots. The root crop looks like cabbage in its juiciness. Actually, the beneficial properties and contraindications of the daikon largely intersect with a related culture. On the benefits of white cabbage, including for weight loss,.

Depending on the variety, the “newcomer from the East” takes on a different shape: spherical, sinuous, cylindrical or cone-shaped. The juicy dense pulp of the vegetable is hidden under a thin white peel (in some varieties it takes on a green tint in some places). For those who first see the white long roots, similar to the fangs of an Elephant, the daikon vegetable arouses curiosity.

Ways to consume daikon

White radish is a favorite of Asian cuisine. Connoisseurs of the secrets of longevity highly appreciate the beneficial properties of daikon. The inhabitants of the East use this root crop in their daily menu, as Europeans use other vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, turnips). They pickle it, fry it, stew it, dry it and eat it raw. Dishes from the root crop are served as a side dish for fish and meat. On the European continent, fresh daikon salads are preferred (in this form, the vegetable is most useful). For medicinal purposes, for the prevention of various diseases, white radish juice is used.

Here's what you can cook with daikon:

  • Soups;
  • Side dishes for meat and fish;
  • Additive to sushi;
  • vegetable salads;
  • Snacks of dried vegetables and dried fish.

The benefits of daikon are most fully manifested in raw vegetable dishes. It works like an "intestinal brush" thanks to the tough texture of the root pulp. And fresh juice contains the maximum amount of vitamins. But the harm of daikon is also maximally manifested when using a raw product. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume a large amount of white radish at one meal or more than 300 grams per day. Coarse fiber can cause flatulence and indigestion.

What is useful sweet radish for the body?

The track record of the daikon is due to its components:

  1. Strengthening the immune system (thanks to vitamin C, which contains a daily dose of 300 grams of raw root).
  2. Positive effect on the nervous system (due to the presence of B vitamins).
  3. , bone tissue, teeth, hair (potassium does this).
  4. Removal of stones from the kidneys.
  5. Purification of the liver and blood.
  6. Prevention of cancer (due to the presence of isorhodanic acid).
  7. Protecting the body from infections and bacterial infections (phytoncides do this).
  8. Body detoxification.

External use of gruel from a fresh root helps to remove age spots on the skin, heal wounds, and strengthen hair follicles.

Harmless to most healthy people, Chinese radishes can cause serious problems for people with stomach ulcers. Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver, gastritis, gout - are also a contraindication for the use of root crops.

Japanese radish as an element of dietary nutrition

Most modern diets for weight loss can not do without daikon. This is explained by the following facts:

  1. The calorie content of daikon is very low, it is 21 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.
  2. Abundance leads to a rapid satisfaction of hunger.
  3. Enzymes contained in white radish actively break down starch, the excess of which is deposited in the body.
  4. Root juice has the ability to remove excess fluid from the body, and with it toxins.
  5. Daikon salad recipes are distinguished by a variety of ingredients, which makes the diet more complete.

Daikon Recipes

Fresh white radish salads

Daikon salad with carrots can be seasoned with mayonnaise, sour cream or vegetable oil. Of course, for a healthy diet, the latter option is preferable.

A good ingredient in such salads is a small amount of soy sauce.

The proportions of ingredients in salads are a matter of taste, there are no strict recommendations. It can be advised to take carrots 2 times less than radishes.

If the recipe, in addition to carrots, includes several vegetables and fruits, the amount of radish can be - 1/3 of the total volume, and 2/3 - the remaining fruits in equal quantities.

Onions for salad should be marinated beforehand. To do this, small onions are cut into thin half rings, poured over with boiling water, poured with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil, left for a while (at least 30 minutes). Such a blank can be kept in the refrigerator and used for various purposes.

Options for additional ingredients in recipes for daikon salad with carrots:

  • Green apple, onion or Sterling, sesame oil;
  • Beets, onions, sunflower oil;
  • Sweet peppers, sesame or walnuts, olive oil;
  • Onion, boiled eggs, sour cream, soy sauce, garlic;
  • A little garlic, mayonnaise or sour cream.

Variations on the theme of Korean cuisine

Fans of Asian cuisine will surely enjoy the Korean daikon dish, which is in no way inferior to Korean carrots.

The proposed daikon radish salad includes the following ingredients:

  • Daikon radish - 1 kg;
  • Onion (not small) - 2 pieces;
  • Vegetable oil - 100 grams;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Coriander - 1 tablespoon (with a slide);
  • A mixture of red peppers (paprika, chili or other that is available) - 1 teaspoon;
  • Dried ground ginger - ½ teaspoon;
  • Table vinegar - 50 grams;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon (without a slide);
  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Turn the daikon into long thin straws or shavings using a special grater or knife.
  2. Sprinkle chopped radish with salt and sugar. Leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Squeeze out the juice released from the root crop (half of the resulting amount can be drunk or poured immediately).
  4. Cut the onion into half rings and fry until golden brown in a pan in boiling vegetable oil. Use all the onion and all the oil.
  5. Take the onion out of the oil and use it in another dish or throw it away.
  6. Put the daikon in a deep bowl, put chopped garlic and spices on top.
  7. Pour the simmering onion-flavoured oil over the radish, directing the jet over the garlic and spices.
  8. Mix everything well. Drizzle with vinegar diluted with half the daikon juice.
  9. Keep under pressure in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  10. When serving, sprinkle with chopped .

White radish preparations

Despite the fact that there are varieties of daikon that are stored for a long time in winter (for example, "big bull"), any variety of Japanese radish can be harvested for future use. Dried root crops are useful for filling soups. To do this, the radish needs to be grated, squeezed out the juice and dried.

Fans of canned vegetables will like pickled daikon, which in this form resembles cucumbers, and is used in the homeland for making sushi. For pickling, white radish is cleaned and cut into sticks up to 10 centimeters long (depending on the size of the jar), placed in a vertical position in a sterile container and poured with marinade.

According to this recipe, for 300 grams of white root for pouring, you need to take: 150 grams of apple cider vinegar, which is mixed with turmeric (1/2 teaspoon), diluted with salted (1 teaspoon) boiling water (100 grams) with 1 teaspoon of sugar. Close jars tightly with lids.

You can pickle daikon in another way. The vegetable, peeled and cut into large bars, is placed in a tight plastic bag and poured with marinade.

To prepare the filling for 1 kg of radish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Vodka - 125 grams;
  • Salt - 15 grams;
  • Sugar - 100 grams;
  • Orange zest - optional
  • Red pepper - optional;
  • Turmeric - ½ teaspoon;
  • - 2 branches;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Dried cranberries - 1 tablespoon (without a slide).

All components of the marinade are mixed and brought to a boil, then cooled. The resulting mixture is poured into pieces of radish in a bag, the bag is tightly tied and put under oppression. In this state, the product is 3-5 days at room temperature.

Anyone who wants to improve their health with the help of Chinese radish should remember that daikon dishes should be consumed on time. When overeating fatty fried meat, radish will not save. And to digest a delicious steamed veal steak, white root salad will definitely help.

A glass of fresh radish juice before meals will also help. And if you drink white radish pomace at night, this will contribute to comfortable relaxation and.