"The Rules" by Janet Switzer, Jack Canfield. Janet Switzer, Jack Canfield “Rules Jack Canfield Janet Switzer Rules for Success

Rules Janet Switzer, Jack Canfield

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Title: Rules

About the book "Rules" by Janet Switzer, Jack Canfield

“The Rules” is a book by Jack Canfield and Janet Switzer, first published in 2013. The work is dedicated to the laws of achieving success in the modern world. It is a kind of methodological guide.

How to achieve success and gain popularity? The authors of the book know a clear answer to this question. Forget about the numerous books on motivation and self-development. “The Rules” is a collection of real methods that will change your consciousness and direct it to achieve your goals. A well-paid job, fame, a successful career - all this becomes a reality if you wish it.

Authors Jack Canfield and Janet Switzer are not offering a million dollars in one day and a villa in the Canaries to boot. Nothing can be achieved without effort and labor - in their understanding, success is possible only through diligence and diligence. So, you need to set yourself up for positive thinking and learn a few basic rules for success. The most important thing is to set a clear goal and stay on track. Can't decide on a goal? The book will help you with this.

In the modern understanding, success is not only money and fame. It is also happiness in your personal life, family and love. If you set such a goal for yourself, your dream can be realized. The authors are convinced that the “Rules” will help you achieve what you want not only in business, but also in any other area of ​​life.

The work by Jack Canfield and Janet Switzer is divided into six parts. The first chapter is devoted to the basics of success and its understanding. The second part reveals the secrets of removing internal emotional and psychological barriers that prevent us from achieving what we want. Then the authors talk about creating their “success team.”

The fourth part shows the writers' point of view on the issue of human relations. The fifth is devoted to the sore point - money and how to “attract” it rather than “repel” it. The final chapter of the book is a summary, motivation, and an explanation of how to put the acquired knowledge into practice. The work is truly complete and comprehensive.

What efforts do you need to make to realize your dream? Someone needs to adjust their behavioral tactics. And for some, just use the special secrets that are hidden on the pages of this book. Ready to change your life? Then start reading!

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Quotes from the book "Rules" by Janet Switzer, Jack Canfield

However, the formula is simple - do more of what is effective, less of what is ineffective, and constantly try new things, seeing if this new one will give better results.

If you intend to regain your strength and get what you really want from life, you will have to remove the expressions “I don’t know” from your vocabulary; "I don't care"; "it doesn't matter to me"

The material for building your future should be taken from the future, and not from the past.

Set a goal that is significant enough that in the process of achieving it you yourself will become more significant.

We would be shocked to the core if we were to achieve everything we are capable of.


If a person has the opportunity to lead an unusual life, he has no right to refuse it.

Whoever writes a book should only state what he knows. I have enough guesses myself.

This book is dedicated not just to useful thoughts, but to those enduring principles, those eternal truths that have been followed throughout human history by people who have achieved success. For 30 years I have researched these rules of success and applied them to my own experience. The phenomenal success that I am now enjoying is due to the fact that I have put these rules into practice every day and continuously since I began studying them in 1968.

My success includes the fact that I am the author and editor of more than 60 bestsellers, which have sold 80 million copies worldwide in 39 languages ​​(7 books published by May 24, 1998 were included in the New York Times bestseller list, thanks to for which my name is included in the Guinness Book of Records), I live in a beautiful estate in California, regularly participate in every significant talk show - from Oprah's Talk Show to Good Morning America, receiving $25,000 for this, and my annual income amounts to more than one million dollars. I also write a column for a reputable weekly newspaper that is read by millions of people, have won numerous awards, and have the most loving relationship with my sweet wife and wonderful children. In general, I achieved true material well-being, harmony, happiness and inner peace. I interact with the presidents of Fortune 500 companies, film, television and video stars, famous authors and the most sophisticated spiritual teachers and leaders. On numerous occasions, I have had the opportunity to interview members of Congress, professional athletes, corporate executives, and prominent businessmen, in some of the world's most aristocratic resorts and leisure centers, from the year-round resort on the island of Nevis in the British West Indies to the finest hotels in Acapulco and Cancun. I ski in Idaho, California and Utah, raft the Colorado Rivers, and climb mountains in California and Washington. And I spend my holidays at the best resorts of the Hawaiian Islands, Australia, Thailand, Morocco, France and Italy. In general, not life, but a complete thrill!

My life started off quite averagely. I grew up in Wheeling, West Virginia. My mother was an alcoholic, and my father was a workaholic who worked in a flower shop for $8,000 a year. To help him make ends meet, I worked part-time during the summer holidays (as a lifeguard in the pool and at the same time in the same flower shop as him). I went to college with a scholarship, and in order to pay for textbooks, clothes and somehow have fun, I continued to earn extra money, serving breakfast in one of the student dormitories. No one has ever brought me anything on a silver platter. During my senior year, I managed to get an hourly teaching job that paid me $240 a month. The apartment cost $79, leaving $161 for the rest of the “luxury life.” By the end of the month, I was eating the so-called “21-cent lunch” - an 11-cent bag of noodles, poured hot water, 10-cent worth of garlic salt and tomato paste. So I know firsthand what it’s like to be on the bottom rung of the economic ladder, always scraping together the last pennies in your pocket.

After finishing my master's degree, I began working as a history teacher at a high school on the South Side of Chicago. And then I met my wonderful mentor, W. Clement Stone. Stone, a self-made multimillionaire, invited me to work for his Foundation.

Jack Canfield, Janet Switzer

Rules for success

Life is like a combination lock: your task is to choose the right numbers, and then you will get everything you want.

Brian Tracy

We would be shocked to the core if we were to achieve everything we are capable of.

Thomas A. Edison


If a person has the opportunity to lead an unusual life, he has no right to refuse it.

Jacques Cousteau, legendary underwater explorer and director

Whoever writes a book should only state what he knows. I have enough guesses myself.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet, novelist, playwright and philosopher

This book is dedicated not just to useful thoughts, but to those enduring principles, those eternal truths that have been followed throughout human history by people who have achieved success. For 30 years I have researched these rules of success and applied them to my own experience. The phenomenal success that I am now enjoying is due to the fact that I have put these rules into practice every day and continuously since I began studying them in 1968.

My success includes the fact that I am the author and editor of more than 60 bestsellers, which have sold 80 million copies worldwide in 39 languages ​​(7 books published by May 24, 1998 were included in the bestseller list New York Times, thanks to which my name is included in the Guinness Book of Records), I live in a beautiful estate in California, regularly appear on every major talk show - from Oprah's Talk Show to Good Morning America, getting paid $25,000 for it, and my annual income is more than one million dollars. I also write a column for a reputable weekly newspaper that is read by millions of people, have won numerous awards, and have the most loving relationship with my sweet wife and wonderful children. In general, I achieved true material well-being, harmony, happiness and inner peace. I talk to the presidents of 500 companies on the list Fortune, film, television and video stars, famous writers and the most sophisticated spiritual teachers and leaders. On numerous occasions, I have interviewed members of Congress, professional athletes, corporate executives, and prominent businessmen, in some of the world's most aristocratic resorts and leisure centers, from the year-round resort on the island of Nevis in the British West Indies to the finest hotels in Acapulco and Cancun. I ski in Idaho, California and Utah, raft the Colorado Rivers, and climb mountains in California and Washington. And I spend my holidays at the best resorts of the Hawaiian Islands, Australia, Thailand, Morocco, France and Italy. In general, not life, but a complete thrill!

My life started off quite averagely. I grew up in Wheeling, West Virginia. My mother was an alcoholic, and my father was a workaholic who worked in a flower shop for $8,000 a year. To help him make ends meet, I worked part-time during the summer holidays (as a lifeguard in the pool and at the same time in the same flower shop as him). I went to college with a scholarship, and in order to pay for textbooks, clothes and somehow have fun, I continued to earn extra money, serving breakfast in one of the student dormitories. No one has ever brought me anything on a silver platter. During my senior year, I managed to get an hourly teaching job that paid me $240 a month. The apartment cost $79, leaving $161 for the rest of the “luxury life.” By the end of the month, I was eating the so-called “21-cent lunch”—an 11-cent bag of noodles, hot water, garlic salt, and 10-cent tomato paste. So I know first-hand what it’s like to be on the bottom rung of the economic ladder, always scraping together the last pennies in your pocket.

After finishing my master's degree, I began working as a history teacher at a high school on the South Side of Chicago. And then I met my wonderful mentor, W. Clement Stone. Stone, a self-made multimillionaire, invited me to work for his Foundation. It was he who taught me the basic rules of success that I still use to this day. My job was to teach these rules to others. Over the years with Stone, I have interviewed hundreds of people who have achieved success - Olympic champions and professional athletes, famous artists and best-selling authors, business executives and political leaders, successful entrepreneurs and top businessmen. I have read literally thousands of books (an average of one book every 2 days), attended hundreds of seminars, and listened to thousands of hours of audio programs to uncover these universal rules for success and happiness. Then I applied them to my own life. And he began to preach those that “worked” in his lectures, at seminars and symposiums, which he conducted with more than a million people in all 50 US states and 20 countries around the world.

These rules and methods have proven effective not only for me, but have also helped hundreds of thousands of my students achieve financial well-being and extraordinary career success, find greater vitality and joy in their relationships with others and loved ones, fulfill their life goals and become happy. Some of my students started their own successful business and even became a millionaire, others achieved sports fame or received lucrative contracts, became film and television stars, famous political figures, gained enormous influence in their community, wrote many bestsellers, and were named teacher of the year. in their school districts, broke every sales record possible for their sales companies, wrote award-winning screenplays, became presidents of their corporations, received recognition for their outstanding contributions to philanthropy, created fabulous family relationships, and raised incredibly happy and successful children.

Rules always apply if you act by the rules

All these results, so enthusiastically described by me, are available to you. I know for sure that you too are capable of achieving unimaginable success. Why? Yes, because rules and methods always apply - you just need to make them work for you, that's all.

Several years ago, I appeared on a TV show in Dallas, Texas, and stated that using the rules and principles I proposed, you could double your income and halve your working hours in less than 2 years. The presenter was very skeptical about my statement. And then I offered her a bet: if she, applying my principles and methods for 2 years, did not double her income and leisure time, I would return to her show and write her a check for $1000 in front of everyone. If I turn out to be right and everything works out, she will have to invite me again herself and announce this to the TV viewers and participants. Just 9 months later I met her at the National Broadcasting Association convention in Orlando, Florida. She reported that not only had she already doubled her income, but she had also moved to a larger television station with a significant increase in salary, created her own program and published a book - all in just 9 months!

The point is that anyone can achieve these results—and achieve them consistently. All you have to do is decide what you want, believe that you deserve it, and begin to put into practice the rules that I talk about in this book.

The basic rules are the same for all people and professions, even if you are currently unemployed. It doesn't matter whether your goal is to become a top salesperson at your retail firm or a top architect, to get straight A's in school, to lose weight, to buy the home of your dreams, to become a world-class professional athlete, a rock star, a journalist earning prestigious awards. awards, multimillionaire or successful businessman - the rules and strategic approaches are the same. And as soon as you study them, accept them with your soul and mind, and begin to systematically and consistently put them into practice every day, your life will change in ways you never even dared to dream of.

“No one can do exercises for you”

As motivational philosopher Jim Rohn so aptly put it, “No one can do your exercise for you.” You must do it yourself if you want to achieve the desired effect. It doesn’t matter whether it’s physical exercise or meditation, reading, thinking, studying, mastering a new language, setting measurable goals, visualizing success, repeating affirmations or acquiring new skills - you must do it all yourself. No one can do this for you. I will give you a road map, but you will have to drive the car yourself. I will teach you the necessary rules, but you will have to apply them in practice. If you decide to make independent efforts, I promise that they will be rewarded a hundredfold.

Do you want to visit the most aristocratic resorts in the world? Vacation in the best hotels in Hawaii. Australia, Thailand, Morocco, France and Italy? Achieve success, make a brilliant career, establish warm relationships with loved ones, gain popularity, earn a lot of money and at the same time maintain peace of mind? What do you need from life? What is the reason for your failures? What do you need to be completely happy? Jack Canfield is confident: “The Rules” will help you achieve what you want both in business and in your personal life! A positive thinking strategy will help you articulate what you want out of life and tell you how to get it. The author does not promise manna from heaven and a villa in the Canaries to boot: you will have to make some efforts, for example, adjust your behavioral tactics and put into practice the special secrets found on the pages of this book. But maybe that’s why the “rules of success” work even then...

On our literary website vsebooks.ru you can download for free the book “Rules” by Janet Switzer, Jack Canfield in a suitable format for different devices: epub, fb2, txt, rtf. A book is the best teacher, friend and companion. It contains the secrets of the Universe, human mysteries and answers to any questions. We have collected the best representatives of both foreign and domestic literature, classic and modern books, publications on psychology and self-development, fairy tales for children and works exclusively for adults. Everyone will find here exactly what will give them a lot of pleasant moments.

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Do you want to visit the most aristocratic resorts in the world? Spend your holidays in the best hotels in Hawaii, Australia, Thailand, Morocco, France and Italy?
Achieve success, make a brilliant career, establish warm relationships with loved ones, gain popularity, earn a lot of money and at the same time maintain peace of mind?
What do you need from life? What is the reason for your failures?
What do you need to be completely happy?

Jack Canfield is confident that “The Rules” will help you achieve what you want both in business and in your personal life! A positive thinking strategy will help you more clearly articulate what exactly you want to get out of life and tell you how to achieve it.

The author does not promise manna from heaven and a villa in the Canaries to boot: you will have to make some efforts, for example, adjust your behavioral tactics and put into practice the special secrets found on the pages of this book. But maybe that’s why the “rules of success” work even when many other strategies for achieving what you want are powerless. Because in this case the game begins to follow your rules!

This book is dedicated not just to useful thoughts, but to those enduring principles, those eternal truths that have been followed throughout human history by people who have achieved success. For 30 years I have researched these rules of success and applied them to my own experience. The phenomenal success that I am now enjoying is due to the fact that I have put these rules into practice every day and continuously since I began studying them in 1968.

My success includes the fact that I am the author and editor of more than 60 bestsellers, which have sold 80 million copies worldwide in 39 languages ​​(7 books published by May 24, 1998 were included in the New York Times bestseller list, thanks to for which my name is included in the Guinness Book of Records), I live in a beautiful estate in California, regularly participate in every significant talk show - from Oprah's Talk Show to Good Morning America, receiving $25,000 for this, and my annual income amounts to more than one million dollars. I also write a column for a reputable weekly newspaper that is read by millions of people, have won numerous awards, and have the most loving relationship with my sweet wife and wonderful children. In general, I achieved true material well-being, harmony, happiness and inner peace. I interact with the presidents of Fortune 500 companies, film, television and video stars, famous authors and the most sophisticated spiritual teachers and leaders. On numerous occasions, I have had the opportunity to interview members of Congress, professional athletes, corporate executives, and prominent businessmen, in some of the world's most aristocratic resorts and leisure centers, from the year-round resort on the island of Nevis in the British West Indies to the finest hotels in Acapulco and Cancun. I ski in Idaho, California and Utah, raft the Colorado Rivers, and climb mountains in California and Washington. And I spend my holidays at the best resorts of the Hawaiian Islands, Australia, Thailand, Morocco, France and Italy. In general, not life, but a complete thrill!

My life started off quite averagely. I grew up in Wheeling, West Virginia. My mother was an alcoholic, and my father was a workaholic who worked in a flower shop for $8,000 a year. To help him make ends meet, I worked part-time during the summer holidays (as a lifeguard in the pool and at the same time in the same flower shop as him). I went to college with a scholarship, and in order to pay for textbooks, clothes and somehow have fun, I continued to earn extra money, serving breakfast in one of the student dormitories. No one has ever brought me anything on a silver platter. During my senior year, I managed to get an hourly teaching job that paid me $240 a month. The apartment cost $79, leaving $161 for the rest of the “luxury life.” By the end of the month, I was eating the so-called “21-cent lunch” - an 11-cent bag of noodles, poured hot water, 10-cent worth of garlic salt and tomato paste. So I know firsthand what it’s like to be on the bottom rung of the economic ladder, always scraping together the last pennies in your pocket.

After finishing my master's degree, I began working as a history teacher at a high school on the South Side of Chicago. And then I met my wonderful mentor, W. Clement Stone. Stone, a self-made multimillionaire, invited me to work for his Foundation. It was he who taught me the basic rules of success that I still use to this day. My job was to teach these rules to others. Over the years with Stone, I have interviewed hundreds of people who have achieved success - Olympic champions and professional athletes, famous artists and best-selling authors, business executives and political leaders, successful entrepreneurs and top businessmen. I have read literally thousands of books (an average of one book every 2 days), attended hundreds of seminars, and listened to thousands of hours of audio programs to uncover these universal rules for success and happiness. Then I applied them to my own life. And he began to preach those that “worked” in his lectures, at seminars and symposiums, which he conducted with more than a million people in all 50 US states and 20 countries around the world.