Interesting tasks with the letter t. Presentation for a reading lesson (Grade 1) on the topic: Presentation for the study of the letters T and t

On the floor where the letter T lived, there was always a shadow, darkness. But it was not scary there, because bright lights and flashlights were flashing everywhere, because in the dark the light glows very brightly and beautifully! The letter T was responsible for all the clouds. She checked the weather and, if there was a drought, she sent clouds to that place.

And now she woke up and ran into the forest to check how things were going there. She merrily walked along the path and sang her favorite song:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

Clouds are beauty!

She saw a bush with berries and asked the berries:

How are you?

And the berries are all dry. They squealed plaintively:

Drink! We are hot! We dried up in the sun...

So-so-so, - said the letter T, - you have to call the clouds.

And then the magic began...

The letter T looked like a hammer, didn't it? And then she took out a small silver hammer from her pocket and began to knock on the ground with it and sing:

Knock-Knock! Clouds-clouds-clouds!

Knock-Knock! Right there, the clouds are coming!

And as soon as she said this, suddenly the wind blew from all sides and began to drive all the clouds from different places to the place where the letter T stood. Now the whole sky was covered with clouds, it became completely dark.

Bang! lightning flashed.

Fuck it! thunder boomed. These clouds in the sky collided with each other.

And it poured… Rain poured down from the clouds on the ground. Water ran from the sky, and the letter T barely managed to hide under a large poplar, and droplets dripped from branch to branch - drip, drip, drip ... And how delighted all the plants, all the flowers, berries, all the bushes and all the trees! After all, they cannot live without life-giving water, just as they cannot live without the sun! And the rain gave everyone a drink, washed away the dust, and everything around came to life, blossomed and smelled delicious ...

The rain had stopped falling hard and was drizzling a little. Then the letter T got out from under the poplar that covered it, and slowly walked along the path - top-top, top-top, top-top ... She walked and thought about how important it is to keep balance in this world. And wise nature always keeps everything in balance. It is light and sunny during the day - everyone warms up and grows, and at night it is dark and cool - everyone sleeps and rests. And the clouds always carry healing moisture.

But there are different clouds. There are also clouds that run into people, run into their inner little sun. And then you look at them, and you can’t see them at all, you can’t see the sun, but only the clouds swear, thunder and sparkle. But you and I know that these are just clouds! And behind all the clouds, the sun always shines! And if a cloud that got lost suddenly runs into you, then don’t be scared and don’t cry, but just blow as hard as you can! Like this:


Make the wind and help the cloud fly where it needs to go. Let go of your cloud!

So the letter T walked and thought. And slowly she reached her apartment, where she never turned on the light. Because she always had flashlights on everywhere. She entered, went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. There she had a magical inedible cake. No matter how much you cut off from it, it grew back in the morning. All letters, if they wanted a cake, then went to the letter T. And at the same time she helped them to inflate the clouds, if there were a lot of them. So, the letter T ate her cake, and went to sleep and rest, pleased with her work. And she had a dream, as if she was flying on a cloud high, high above the mountains, over forests, rivers and valleys, flying across the sky on a cloud, like on a ship ...


I hope that you have already started a notebook with your child, in a box, or in a ruler, and your baby has begun to write letters. Don't insist that he write until he gets it nice and neat. Don't rush things.

To learn letters with a child, use cubes with the image of letters, cards, loto, magnetic alphabet, it is convenient to use it on the refrigerator.

Remember, in order to quickly learn the letters, you need to simultaneously teach your child to write the letters that you are learning.

Now your baby knows enough letters. Teach letters with short words. You don't just have to learn the letters. The child should immediately understand that letters are needed to designate and write words, which in turn designate objects.

With these letters alphabet I already introduced you A, B, C, D, D, E, E, F, Z, I, Y, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S.

Next letter T.

Color the big letter T blue, and a small one in green. Put a dot in the letter T according to the sample. Find and color the letter T on right.

T is a consonant sound.

Connect with the letter T only those objects whose names begin with the sounds T or T.

Underline the same letter as on the bottom left side of the picture. Circle all the T's on the right side of the picture.

Make the squares the same on the left. What is the difference between the squares on the right?

Write the letter T on the left side of the picture. Cross out the letter that is different from the rest on the right.

Write according to the pattern.

You can copy all the pictures to your computer like this:

Right-click on the picture in the dialog box that appears, select "Save picture as" and save it to any convenient location (folder) on your computer. Then you can print all the pictures on the printer. You can also write all the tasks on a piece of paper according to these samples and work with your child.

Tell your friends who have kids preparing for school.

Sincerely, Lidia Vitalievna.

The topic of directly educational activity: "Sound (t), letter T".

Age: children of senior preschool age (4-5 years).

Integratable areas: cognitive-speech, social-communicative, artistic-aesthetic, physical development.

Purpose: to create conditions for children to get acquainted with the consonant sound (t), the letter T.


Educational: to teach children to distinguish sound (t) by ear, to consolidate the concept of “solid sound”, to consolidate the skill of dividing a word into syllables; exercise in determining the position of the sound: beginning-middle-end. Improve the ability to select words with a given sound.

Developing: development of the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, development of phonemic perception and hearing; development of general and fine motor skills; development of spatial orientation.

Educational: education of the ability to interact with each other.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures, illustrations on the topic.

Vocabulary work: reading proverbs, sayings, riddles.

Equipment: individual mirrors, subject pictures, toys (bear, hare, ball); large format letters, syllabary table; counting sticks, beans, peas, ropes of different lengths; blue chips, white stripes.

Developed and implemented:

Teacher Basova S.A.


  1. Ball game "Say the other way around."

Purpose: to exercise children in the selection of antonyms represented by different parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs).

The teacher throws the ball and says a phrase with one meaning, and the child who caught the ball - with the opposite. The teacher can give a sample: high - low.

Wet - dry; useful - harmful; sweet - sour; far close; winter - summer, etc.

2. A bear and a hare appear. They tell the story that happened to them.

Guys, a new house has appeared in our forest. We wanted to see everything in it, when we suddenly heard a loud rattling: “t-t-t-t-t”. A tractor pulled up to the house. Of course, we could not miss such an interesting event and ran to the tractor. The tractor was driven by a builder. He was carrying bricks in a wheelbarrow for the construction of a new house, and on the way he stopped here on business. The builder was kind and let us play with his tractor.

The hare was so impatient to ride the tractor that he even tried to push it from behind.


Guys, do you think he succeeded?

Why couldn't he move the tractor?

How did the engine of this tractor rumble?

Today we will get acquainted with the sound (t).

  1. Articulation analysis. Working with mirrors

Let's take a closer look at this sound. Take the mirrors, make a sound and say how the air jet behaves. (There is an obstacle in her way.) Which? (Language). So what is this sound? (Consonant).

Now say that sound again and say where the tip of the tongue is. (The tip of the tongue falls behind the lower teeth.) With a firm position, the tip of the tongue falls behind the lower teeth, and the back (middle) of the tongue is raised and prevents the exit of the air stream.

Listen and say after me: t-t-t.

3. - The sound (t) is indicated by the letter T.

T on the roof found herself

And turned into an antenna.

What does this letter look like?

4. Writing the letter T in different ways (writing in the air with a finger, elbow, toe.)

Teddy bear has prepared a task for you:

Read the syllables: that - that; te - ti; you - that; and here; you - yt - it.

On your tables there are counting sticks, beans, peas, strings of different lengths.

Choose the object you like and lay out these syllables from it.

5. Working with subject pictures.

Look carefully at the pictures. Find a picture with an object that has a sound (t) in its name. Show the picture (up). Name this item. What sound is heard at the beginning of a word? In the middle of a word? At the end of a word?

List the furniture whose name begins with the sound (t); transport; dishes, numbers, shoes; mustachioed insect living in the kitchen.

6. "Guess the riddle."

Fluffy cotton This animal lives only at home.

Float somewhere. Everyone is familiar with this animal.

The cotton wool is lower, He has a mustache, like knitting needles.

The closer the rain is. He, purring, sings a song.

(Cloud) Only the mouse is afraid of him ...

Guessed? This is a cat).

Floats quickly in the sky

Overtaking birds flight. He will knock on the ground with his nose.
The man controls it. He flaps his wings and screams.

What? ... (airplane) He screams even sleepy,

The screamer is restless.


What were the riddles about?

In what words is the sound (t) heard at the beginning, at the end, in the middle?

How many syllables are in the word aircraft?

Name the first syllable, second, third?

7. Bottom line.

What did you learn about the sound (t)?

What games with this sound did we play today?

Name the words with the sound (t).


  1. Adzhi A.V. - Abstracts of integrated classes in the senior group of kindergarten. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2006
  2. Bondarenko T.M. - Comprehensive classes in the senior group of kindergarten. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2005
  3. Varentsova N.S. - Teaching preschoolers literacy. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012.
  4. Grizik T.I., Timoshchuk L.E. - The development of speech of children 5-6 years old. - M .: Education, 2007.
  5. Novotortseva N.V. - Learning to write. Literacy education in kindergarten. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1998.

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