Diverse and charming nature of the Voronezh region. Voronezh region. Reference information about the Voronezh region Basic information about the surface of the Voronezh region briefly

On the expanses of the Russian Plain there is a picturesque region - the Voronezh region. The temperate continental climate prevailing in these parts allows you not only to enjoy the summer heat, but also to admire the snow-covered steppes of the region, stretching beyond the horizon. These steppes are mostly covered with impenetrable thickets of shrubs. Turn, dereza and steppe cherry entangle the traveler with their powerful networks, through which not every brave explorer will make his way.

The flora of the Voronezh region

The territory of the Voronezh region is almost equally divided by two natural zones. The presence of certain plants is determined by which zone we are considering, steppe or forest-steppe. Most of the territories are occupied by the forest-steppe zone. Once upon a time, in time immemorial, a person did not have such a wide range of opportunities to change the world around him, as it happens now.

About 250 years ago, forests occupied half of the entire territory of the region. Today, the area of ​​forests is only 8 percent of the total area. Forests are mostly represented by large forest tracts. These are mainly oak forests, occupying almost half of the area of ​​all regional forests. Most of all, in oak forests, trees such as pedunculate oak and small-leaved linden grow.

Even in the ancient oak forests grow Norway maples, common ash and two types of elm - smooth and rough. The rest of the forest-steppe zone is occupied by pine forests, covering about 24 percent of the total forest area, as well as artificial plantations, occupying 30 percent of the area. Pine forests usually have admixtures of birch, aspen and oak. Sometimes there are black alder and poplar groves. A plant of the steppe zone, it is most often a feather grass, in addition, there are forb areas. Wetlands are represented by sedge, reed, cranberries. There are also such herbs as cattail, reeds. Sphagnum mosses are very common.

Fauna of the Voronezh region

The zoogeographic zones of the region, as in the case of vegetation, are divided into steppe and forest-steppe. The animal world has about 70 species of mammals. Squirrels, hedgehogs, foxes, as well as raccoons, deer and wild boars are found in the forest zone. Muskrats and beavers can be found in meadow and marsh natural complexes. It is especially worth highlighting the fact that the muskrat lives in this complex, the population of which is on the verge of extinction and is listed in the Red Book.

About 290 species of birds live in the Voronezh region. In the forests, these are crows, jays, orioles. You can also name such birds as woodpecker, cuckoo and owl. Ducks, gray herons, waders and corostels are quite common in meadow and marsh lands. There are also birds listed in the Red Book of Russia, for example, bustard, white-tailed eagle and golden eagle. There are about 10 species of amphibians in the region. Green toads, forest frogs and spadefoots are found in the forests. Newts and moor frogs are found in meadows and swampy areas. Present in the Voronezh region and reptiles.

The forest areas abound with lizards and vipers, and common snakes also live in the forests. Marsh turtles settle in meadow and marsh zones. As can be seen from this impressive list, the fauna of the Voronezh region is rich and diverse. And once, in ancient times, even mammoths and woolly rhinos inhabited the territory of the region, the remains of which are still found by archaeologists.

Climate in the Voronezh region

The seasons in the region are characterized by an extremely clear expression, which is typical for a temperate continental climate.


Only 2 months lasts spring in the Voronezh region. It begins with a rise in the average daily temperature above 0°C. The April average daily temperature ranges from +5°С to +10°С. Precipitation in the spring is extremely low, only about 22 percent of the average annual values.


Summer comes immediately after the average daily temperature passes the mark of +15°C. This season lasts up to 4 months. The average temperatures in July are around +19.6°С - +21.8°С. The highest temperature recorded in the region is +43°С.


At the beginning of September, summer gives way to autumn, which lasts 67 days. When this cloudy time comes, the average daily temperature gradually drops from + 15 ° C to 0 degrees. Very often in autumn the steppes and forests are shrouded in fog. 85 percent - up to such indicators the relative humidity of the air can rise.


Winter lasts for 5 months in the region. The temperature in the coldest month of December drops to -5°С, -8 degrees. Sometimes frosts reach unprecedented values, up to -31°C. It is good that such low temperatures are recorded every 3-4 years, however, the absolute minimum is -42°C. Although such a temperature is extremely unlikely, only 5 percent of the time the thermometer can drop to such values.

The Voronezh region is a subject of the Russian Federation, an area in the center of the European part of Russia. Formed June 13, 1934. It is part of the Central Federal District. The administrative center of the region is the city of Voronezh. Head of the Administration of the Voronezh Region - Alexei Vasilyevich Gordeev.

The territory is 52.6 thousand square kilometers. The operational length of the railway lines passing through the territory of the region is 1,060.1 km. The total length of roads in the region is 11,443.3 km, including: federal significance - 802.9 km; regional significance - 7418.4 km; - local significance - 1960 km; departmental and private roads - 1,262 km. The population of the region is 2,335,789 people.

The Voronezh region is part of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation and borders on the Belgorod, Volgograd, Kursk, Lipetsk, Rostov, Saratov and Tambov regions of the Russian Federation, as well as on the Lugansk region of Ukraine.

The Voronezh Region is located in the central part of the Russian Plain. The average height of its surface above sea level is about 180 m. The nature of the relief of the region is not the same. It includes high and low areas.

The climate is temperate continental with well-defined seasons. Winter is rather cold, summer is warm. In general, western, northwestern and southeastern winds prevail in the region. Winds have the highest frequency, the speed of which varies from 1 to 3 m/s. Atmospheric precipitation in the region is unevenly distributed.

The region is among the forest-deficient, as evidenced by the average forest cover in the forested area, equal to 501.69 thousand hectares (9.62% of the region's territory). Oak forests (oak, ash, maple, linden) and coniferous plantations predominate along the river banks, occupying 103.395 thousand hectares (20.4% of the total forest area), which determine the fire danger of forests. Large forests (Shilov Forest along the Osered River, Tellerman Ship Grove along the Vorona River, Usmansky Forest along the Usman River, Khrenovsky Forest along the Bityug River) and preserved areas of indigenous steppes are protected areas. Reserves of federal significance have been created, the total area of ​​which in the region is 34,572 hectares.

There are 738 lakes and 2408 ponds on the territory of the region, 1343 rivers with a length of more than 10 km flow. The main river is the Don, 530 of its 1870 km flows through the territory of the region, forming a basin with an area of ​​422,000 km².

Branches of specialization in the Voronezh region

The mineral resource base of the Voronezh region is represented by deposits of non-metallic raw materials, mainly building materials (sands, clays, chalk, granites, cement raw materials, ocher, limestone, sandstone), especially in the western and southern regions of the region. On the territory of Semiluksky, Khokholsky and Nizhnedevitsky districts of the region there are reserves of phosphorites. The region has practically unlimited chalk reserves. The Voronezh region has significant reserves of nickel, copper and platinum.

The city of Voronezh is the administrative center of the Voronezh region.

Administratively, the region includes:

1) 3 urban districts - Voronezh, Novovoronezh, Borisoglebsk;

2) 31 municipal districts,

3) 29 urban and 462 rural settlements.

According to the structure of the economy, the Voronezh region is industrial-agrarian. The industry is dominated by mechanical engineering, electric power, the chemical industry and the processing of agricultural raw materials. They account for 4/5 of the total industrial output. The branch of specialization of the region is the food industry (27%), the second place is occupied by mechanical engineering and metalworking (23%), the third place is the electric power industry (18%).

The industry of the region specializes in the production of machine tools, excavators, metal bridge structures, forging and pressing and mining and processing equipment, electronic equipment (including televisions), passenger airplanes-airbuses, synthetic rubber and tires, refractory products, granulated sugar, oil mills. fat and meat products.

The Voronezh Region is a major supplier of agricultural products: it produces grain (mainly wheat), sugar beets, sunflowers and other industrial crops, potatoes and vegetables. In general, the profile of agriculture is sugar beet with sunflower and grain crops, dairy and meat cattle breeding, pig breeding and sheep breeding. The average per capita coefficient for the production of cereals is 2.4.

An important competitive advantage of the region is the presence of a powerful intellectual potential in the scientific and technical sphere. Scientific research is carried out by 65 scientific organizations, research institutes, design bureaus, where more than 700 doctors and 3,500 candidates of sciences work.

In total, 107 economic facilities operate on the territory of the Voronezh region, which have significant reserves of chemically and fire-explosive substances. The largest number of chemically hazardous facilities is located in the following cities: Voronezh (17 facilities), Rossosh (4 facilities). The population living in these cities is about 1 million people. Stocks of emergency chemically hazardous substances amount to over 6 thousand tons.

Every year an increasing number of our compatriots come to the conclusion that it is good to be away, but better at home. We are talking about the development of the domestic tourism market in Russia. Indeed, why spend money on air travel and face the difficulties of a language barrier if there is something to see in our country? The nature of the Voronezh Territory is amazing, and the variety of natural landscapes will allow everyone to find a place to relax here.

General information

The Voronezh Region is located in the central part of the East European Plain. This region is characterized by a temperate continental climate with a pronounced change of seasons. Voronezh and its environs are a zone of forest-steppes, but a significant area of ​​it is occupied by cultivated fields. You can admire animals and plants in natural conditions in local reserves.

The nature of the Voronezh Territory is diverse and many-sided. There are also forests (no more than 10% of the total territory), mostly mixed. The largest river in the region is the Don, and many of its tributaries also flow in the region.

Nature reserves of the Voronezh region

In the vicinity of Voronezh there is a large number. Here you can find rare plants and animals that are under protection. In total, there are 172 protected natural areas in the region today, the most famous of which are: the Voronezh and Khopersky reserves. In such areas, the natural landscape and vegetation are maximally preserved. Forests in protected areas are mostly natural plantations created by nature without human intervention.

Due to the proximity of forest, steppe and swampy areas in the reserves, there are about a thousand species of plants, including very rare ones. The animal world is also diverse: the greatest interest of scientists is caused by the populations of muskrat and giant nocturnal, living here in natural conditions. The nature of the Voronezh region in its original form is a peaceful neighborhood of the most diverse species of birds, mammals and reptiles. Moose, roe deer, wolves, foxes, martens, hedgehogs and a huge number of birds successfully coexist in protected areas.

Flora and fauna

The Voronezh Territory can also be appreciated beyond the boundaries of the reserve. Rare and incredibly beautiful bustards and steppe eagles are found throughout this region. In an ordinary forest or planting, you can meet a roe deer, a hare, a wolf or a fox. In some places there are wild boars and spotted deer. Beavers live near ponds.

If we talk about the green world of the surroundings of Voronezh, forests and oak forests are of the greatest interest. It is noteworthy that all forests are multi-tiered. The steppes also deserve attention; in this region they are divided into cereal and mixed herbs. Today, in its original state, the steppe areas have been preserved only in small pieces outside the reserves. The reason for this is the favorable climate of the Voronezh region, which is ideal for agriculture. There are also natural forage meadows, their vegetation cover usually consists of a mixture of meadow, steppe, forest, weed and marsh plants.

Voronezh wonders

The nature of the Voronezh Territory can boast of unique monuments erected without human help. If you move from the village of Kostenki along the bed of the Don to the south, you can see unusual chalk ledges on the right side of the bank. The most interesting relief of these hills delights in the place where the river expands. Fans of unusual landscapes should also visit Divnogorye. Here today you can see two groups of chalk pillars, formed naturally under the influence of moisture and winds.

If you ever have to make a presentation-project "Nature of the Voronezh Territory", do not forget to tell about Krivoborye. This is a unique place where the Don takes a sharp turn. The picture is complemented by a steep sandy shore overgrown with forest. In the Voronezh region, there is another similar place - Bald Mountain, this natural landmark is located near the village of Dukhovoe.

1. Chernozem soils

More than 80% of the territory of the Voronezh region is covered with chernozems - the most fertile soils on Earth. The land fund of the region is 5.22 million hectares. These soils are the main wealth of the Voronezh region.

2. "Voronezh Sea"

"Voronezh Sea" - this is how the locals call the Voronezh reservoir, was built in 1972, and became the first man-made reservoir of such a scale in the history of our country within the city. The Voronezh Sea was conceived for the water supply of the industrial organizations of the city. The reservoir is located within the city, dividing it into two banks, left and right.

3. Homeland of the Orlovsky trotter

The Oryol trotter breed was bred at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century at the Khrenovsky stud farm in the Russian Empire, Voronezh province, in the village of Khrenovoye. Named Orlovskaya in honor of its creator - Count Alexei Orlov-Chesmensky. The best representatives of the breed have been awarded gold medals at the World and Russian exhibitions more than once, won the highest awards at many prestigious competitions.

4. Voronezh "Katyusha"

For a long time, the formidable weapon of the Great Patriotic War - rocket launchers, known under the name "Katyusha", will remain in the memory of our people. The first rocket launchers, called BM-13 in official documents, were manufactured at the Voronezh excavator plant named after the Comintern. The development of their production was started at the plant in the first days of the war, and already on June 27, 1941, the first two rocket launchers were assembled. The production of Katyushas in Voronezh continued until late autumn, until the plant was moved to the Urals.

5. Motherland of the Airborne Forces

The date of birth of the Airborne Forces is considered to be August 2, 1930. On this day, during the pilot exercises of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District on the outskirts of the city of Voronezh, for the first time in the USSR, a full-fledged landing of a combat group was carried out.

6. Il-2 aircraft

Aircraft designed by S.V. Ilyushin was recognized during the Second World War as the best attack aircraft in the world. For the ratio between speed, maneuverability, armament and armor protection, the Il-2 was called the "flying tank", and the Germans - the "black death".

Serial production of Il-2 attack aircraft began in 1940 in Voronezh, and before the start of World War II, about one and a half thousand of them were manufactured at the Voronezh Aviation Plant. In memory of the labor feat of workers and engineers of the Voronezh Aviation Plant, the "flying tank" Il-2 in 1979 stood up for eternal parking on the square in front of the plant.

7. Homeland of the first domestic video recorder

"Electronics VM-12"- the first Soviet cassette video recorder. It was produced in 1984-1995 at NPO Elektronika (Voronezh), Videofon (Voronezh), Spektr (Novgorod), Plant named after the 24th Party Congress (Novgorod), Tantal (Saratov) and Positron (Leningrad). Different parts of the VCR were made in different cities.

8. Cradle of the Russian Navy

The Voronezh province acquired historical significance with the decision of Peter I to build its own fleet to defend against the Ottoman Empire. It was in our area in 1696 that the tsar found the most convenient place for building sailboats - here are suitable rivers and oak and pine forests.

About 215 ships were built at the Voronezh shipyard alone, including Goto Predestination, the first Russian battleship, a historical copy of which was recreated in 2014 as a museum ship on Admiralteyskaya Square in Voronezh.

9. Artistic crafts of the Voronezh region

Voronezh land has long been famous for its craftsmen. Already in the middle of the 19th century, folk art crafts developed in different villages and cities of the Voronezh province. Embroidery, lace-making, pottery, making clay toys, wood carving, knitting, carpet making and many others are famous.

10. Voronezh sweets

"Voronezh", "Songs of Koltsov", "Nikitinsky"- branded sweets of the Voronezh confectionery factory, which are made only in our city. For more than 80 years, the factory, producing more than 100 types of confectionery products: various types of sweets, caramel, dragees, cookies, waffles, marshmallows and marmalade, pleases residents and guests of the city with its sweet products.

11. Voronezh universities

Land of students. There are more than 30 universities in the regional center. Among the oldest is the Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I (celebrated 105 years) - the second higher agricultural educational institution opened in the Russian Empire. Voronezh State University will celebrate its centenary in 2018.

12. Culture and art

The Voronezh land gave birth to and inspired many world-famous personalities. These are poets and writers Alexey Koltsov, Ivan Nikitin, Gavriil Troepolsky, Samuil Marshak, Yuri Goncharov, Andrey Platonov and Nobel laureate Ivan Bunin, collector of fairy tales Alexander Afanasiev. Masterpieces of painters Ivan Kramskoy and Nicholas Ge dream to own museums and galleries all over the world. Thanks to the collector of Russian folk songs Mitrofan Pyatnitsky and composer Konstantin Massalitinov everyone knows the original Voronezh folklore.

13. Russian folk choir. M.E. Pyatnitsky

Mitrofan Efimovich Pyatnitsky (1864 - 1927) was born in the village of Alexandrovka, Bobrovsky district, Voronezh province. He was a connoisseur of singing art, a famous "collector" of Russian folk songs, and for the first time in Russia, in 1911, he organized a peasant folk choir, which today is known far beyond the borders of our country.

14. Chalk caves

Almost all caves of the Voronezh region are places of worship. These are underground churches and monasteries. The caves were carved in the high banks of the Don, Quiet Sosna, Bityug and other rivers. This was done by the hands of monks and other pious people.

In total, there were more than 40 chalk cave temples on the Voronezh land, many of which were destroyed. Today you can visit 3 chalk cave temples: , and .

15. Festivals

Festivals are held annually in Voronezh: the International Festival (since 2003), the All-Russian Festival of Japanese Animation (since 2000), the Poeteh Open Poetry Festival (since 2007).

Since 2011, Voronezh has been hosting the annual international since 2014 open-air, which has become one of the most beloved musical events of the Central Black Earth Region for the whole family. Since 2015, during the autumn school holidays,

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Learn more about Voronezh, the Voronezh region and the Central Chernozem region with us!

Voronezh region is located in the southwest of the European part of Russia between 49°34" and 52°06" north latitude and 38°09" and 42°54" east longitude. The area of ​​the Voronezh region is 52,400 km 2 and exceeds the size of the territories of many European countries - Albania, Denmark, Macedonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Switzerland. But among the regions-subjects of the Russian Federation, the region is in 54th place in terms of size and area, yielding to the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory by 45 times, the Tyumen Region - 27 times, the Arkhangelsk Region - 11 times, the Magadan Region - 9 times. From north to south, the Voronezh region stretches for 278 kilometers, from west to east - for 354 kilometers. The region includes 32 administrative districts, 15 cities, 4 urban-type settlements, 15 workers' settlements, 471 rural settlements with a total of 1,717 rural settlements. The total population is 2,333,477 people (01/01/2016). The administrative center of the region is the city of Voronezh.

Physical and geographical position. The Voronezh Region is located in the central part of the Russian Plain. Three main orographic elements are presented in its relief. In the west - the Central Russian Upland, in the east - the Kalach Upland and the Oka-Don Plain. A feature of the modern relief is a lot of ravines. The climate is temperate continental. The main waterway is the Don River. All other rivers belong to its basin. Three quarters of the territory is covered with fertile chernozem soils. According to natural zoning, the Voronezh region is a typical forest-steppe and steppe, the border between them conditionally runs along the Rossosh-Kalach line.

Economic and geographical position. The Voronezh Region is part of the Central Black Earth Economic Region. In the north, its neighbors are the Tambov region and the Lipetsk region, in the west - the Kursk region and the Belgorod region. Neighborly position contributes to the formation of intense ties between them. Voronezh Region is part of "Central Black Earth" associations of economic interaction. In the east, the Voronezh region borders on the Volgograd region and the Saratov region, in the southeast - on the Rostov region. In the southwest there is a border with Ukraine (Lugansk region). The territory of the region is crossed by the most important transit transport routes of the meridional and latitudinal directions, including those of international importance. This is the shortest route from the industrial center to the North Caucasus and Ukraine.

geopolitical position. The Voronezh region is one of the 46 regions of the Russian Federation (among 83 subjects, in addition to regions, 9 territories, 1 autonomous region, 21 republics, 4 autonomous regions, 2 cities). The Voronezh Region occupies a border position and is the center of the Western Border District. A large military grouping is located on its territory. Customs and border posts arose on the border with Ukraine, which complicated economic and cultural ties with this republic. The region also borders on the politically unstable multinational North Caucasus region.

In general, the Voronezh region occupies an advantageous economic and geographical position. However, its geopolitical position has recently become more complicated, as a single economic, political and cultural space with Ukraine and other republics of the former USSR has been violated.