Cabbage rolls with savoy cabbage. Savoy cabbage rolls. We collect lazy cabbage rolls

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

A delicious dish - cabbage rolls - has its counterparts in the cuisines of different peoples of the world. So analogues of this dish are found in Georgian, Asian cuisines.
Stuffed cabbage is a meat dish consisting of minced meat with the addition of vegetables, boiled rice, sometimes mushrooms and other additives. A cutlet is formed from such minced meat, which is wrapped in cabbage leaves. In other countries, a grape leaf is used instead of a cabbage leaf - it turns out. Stuffed cabbage languish over low heat until soft. The liquid level during languor should also be controlled. It should be enough so that the cabbage rolls can cook evenly. Our grandmothers languished cabbage rolls in cauldrons, in large Russian ovens. Such cabbage rolls could be eaten with lips, they were so tender and soft. Let's try and cook cabbage rolls at home.
I will cook cabbage rolls using savoy cabbage leaves. It differs from white cabbage in that its leaves are more corrugated, and Savoy cabbage itself is softer and juicier. Savoy cabbage leaves are easily removed from the head even without pre-cooking. See my recipe with a photo of cabbage rolls from savoy cabbage and repeat it in your kitchen. As a result, you will not be disappointed!

- Savoy cabbage - 1 head (1.5 kg),
- onion - 3 pcs.,
- carrots - 1 pc.,
- round rice - 1 cup,
- salt - to taste,
- ground black pepper - to taste,
- minced meat - 700 gr.,
- tomato or tomato paste - to taste,
- drinking water - 1.5 liters,
- vegetable oil - 100 ml.,
- sour cream for serving.

Recipe with photo step by step:

2. Prepare the minced meat. I will use homemade minced meat, freshly cooked in a meat grinder. Put the mince into a bowl.

3. Rinse the rice separately. Pour boiling water over it and cook for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling. Salt. Drop the rice into a sieve. Let the water drain. Cool down. Add rice to minced meat. Finely chop the peeled onion.

4. Add salt and spices to the meat to taste. I only use ground black pepper and salt. Stir the minced meat well so that the spices, rice and onions are evenly distributed.

5. Put the cooled cabbage leaf on the board. The leaf always has a hard vein. I got a lucky head of cabbage. I did not have to get rid of the rigidity of this vein. If your leaf has a rough vein at the base, beat it with a meat mallet.

6. Dial a small part of the prepared minced meat. From this stuffing, form a cutlet and put it on the edge of the sheet.

7. Cover the cutlet with the edge of the sheet and wrap the cutlet in a cabbage leaf with an envelope. We do this with all cabbage leaves and minced meat.

8. Place the formed cabbage rolls in a deep pan. It is important to lay so that the cabbage rolls lie tightly, but evenly. Sharp distortions will lead to the fact that during cooking the cabbage rolls will burst, the cabbage leaf will tear and the filling will come out.

9. Fry a finely chopped onion in vegetable oil. When it is fried, add the grated carrots. When vegetables become soft, add tomato juice (1 cup) or tomato paste (2 tablespoons). Stir. Pour in water. Let it boil.

10. Pour the cabbage rolls in a saucepan with boiling gravy. Put on a slow fire. Add some salt and simmer until done. Readiness will come in 40-50 minutes.

Put the finished cabbage rolls in portions on plates at the rate of 2-3 pieces per serving. Pour the stuffed cabbage with sour cream and serve.
Delicious and

1. For the filling, it is better to use minced meat cooked at home. To do this, the meat must be washed, dried and passed through a meat grinder. You can use beef or pork for cabbage rolls.

2. The recipe for making cabbage rolls from savoy cabbage is similar to the standard one. Cabbage must be carefully divided into leaves, removing the hard part, and dipped in boiling water for literally one minute to make them softer. Then put in a colander so that the excess liquid is drained and the leaves cool slightly.

3. Peel and chop the onion with a knife or pass through a meat grinder after the meat. Garlic can also be rolled with minced meat or squeezed through a press.

4. For juiciness, you can add a little tomato sauce to the minced meat or chopped fresh tomato, peeled and passed through a blender (you can chop with a knife).

5. Combine meat with onion and tomato sauce. Salt and pepper to taste, mix everything thoroughly. To make this simple savoy cabbage roll recipe more original, you can add a few sprigs of thyme during cooking.

6. Put about 1 tablespoon of minced meat into slightly cooled leaves and wrap gently. For reliability and beauty, you can tie up with green onion feathers. Put in a heat-resistant form and, covered with foil, send to a preheated oven or double boiler. To make the cabbage rolls more juicy, you can pour a little water on the bottom of the mold. Bake until ready for 25-30 minutes.

I propose to cook lazy cabbage rolls for the whole family according to a completely new proven recipe. Such a dish cooks faster than classic cabbage rolls, and the end result is almost the same in taste as your usual dish. Moreover, lazy cabbage rolls according to this recipe are much tastier! We will go through all the cooking steps step by step, and at the end we will bake them in the oven with tender savoy cabbage and a delicious tomato sauce.

At the very end of the recipe, you will find several links to sauce recipes that lazy cabbage rolls can be served with. So let's get ready!

  • Tomatoes 500 g
  • Savoy cabbage - 400 g
  • Minced meat - 350 g
  • Long grain rice - 300 g
  • Onion - 180 g
  • Tomato paste - 100 g
  • Sunflower oil - 70 ml
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Spices - to taste
  • Salt to taste

Lazy cabbage rolls - step by step recipe with photo

For cabbage rolls, take a small head of Savoy cabbage. Rinse thoroughly under running water. Separate carefully into individual leaves. Cut off the coarse vein in the center of the leaf. If the sheets are very large, they can be cut into two halves.

Boil water in a large saucepan and add a little salt.

Dip the cabbage leaves and boil for 2-3 minutes. Drain in a colander and rinse with cold water. Leave in such a position that the glass liquid.

Preparing the filling to start the step-by-step cooking of lazy cabbage rolls in the oven

The taste of baked lazy cabbage rolls cooked in the oven largely determines the quality sauce that you add to the filling.

Peel the onion and cut into arbitrary pieces (you can half rings). Pour most of the sunflower oil into a frying pan, heat it up. Fry the chopped onion until golden brown.

Rinse the tomatoes, cut into small pieces.

Add tomato paste and tomato slices to the fried onion.

Saute vegetables over medium heat until soft and juicy. Season to taste with salt, spices and ground black pepper. You may need a little sugar if the tomato mass seems sour.

Rinse the rice for cabbage rolls and boil almost until tender in plenty of salted water. Drain in a colander and let the water drain. The next step is to cook the rice.

Add minced meat to rice, salt, pepper and mix until smooth.

We collect lazy cabbage rolls

Choose a suitable deep baking dish, grease it with the remaining sunflower oil. Lay 4-5 boiled Savoy cabbage leaves on the bottom of the dish.

Put a piece of rice with minced meat on the sheets and spread over the entire form.

Put a little tomato sauce on the filling.

Collecting lazy cabbage rolls in the form, repeat this procedure step by step with the remaining ingredients. The top layer is cabbage leaves. In this recipe, it turned out 3 layers of cabbage and 2 layers of rice-meat filling with sauce.

Cover future lazy cabbage rolls with foil and send to a hot oven for 1-1.5 hours. Bake at temperature 180 degrees.

Lazy cabbage rolls are ready!

Delicious served hot with sour cream, mayonnaise,

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Stuffed cabbage is a very tasty and satisfying dish. But, unfortunately, many housewives do not want to cook them, believing that this is a laborious process. And the most that scares them is the preparation of cabbage leaves. Well, in this case, you can make cabbage rolls from Savoy cabbage - its leaves are separated much more easily than white cabbage. And the taste of such cabbage will be softer, not so sharp. So, having tried Savoy cabbage rolls once, the recipe with a photo of which you will find below, you will cook them further from it, I'm sure. Very tasty and so.


- 6-8 cabbage leaves;
- 300 g of mixed minced meat (pork and beef);
- 30-40 g of rice;
- 0.5 onion;
- 1 medium-sized carrot;
- salt, black ground pepper;
- spices to taste;
- 200 - 300 ml of broth or water;
- sour cream, greens - for serving.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Preparing cabbage. We remove the upper, rough, often torn leaves. Rinse the head with water, shake off excess moisture and separate the leaves. Since Savoy cabbage is loose, the leaves are easily removed without tearing.
There are 2 ways to prepare the leaves. You can dip them in boiling salted water and cook for 2-4 minutes. Then you should throw them in a colander and immediately cool them in cold running water - so that the leaves do not become softer. The second method is much faster and easier, but only if you have a microwave. In this case, the removed cabbage leaves are placed in a microwave oven and kept at maximum power for 1-2 minutes. The leaves become soft, as after cooking, but remain denser, do not tear. Microwave baking times may vary slightly depending on the number of leaves and oven power. In any case, this process is much easier and faster than boiling.

Stuffing for cabbage rolls is best done at home. It is best if it is from pork and beef, taken in equal proportions.

Rinse rice several times with cold water and pour into a pot of boiling salted water. Cook until cooked - 15-20 minutes after boiling, over low heat. Cool cooked rice to room temperature. Peel carrots and onions and wash thoroughly. Three carrots and onions on a grater: large and medium, respectively. Add onions, carrots, rice, salt, ground black pepper and spices to the minced meat - to taste.

Mix thoroughly.

Cut off the thickened part of the prepared leaves. We lay out the leaves one by one and cut them into 2 - 4 parts - if you want the cabbage rolls to be small in size and the leaves to be large. We put a little minced meat on each piece of cabbage leaf.

And we carefully fold the envelope, we try to make the cabbage rolls neat, all the stuffing was covered with cabbage. Prepared cabbage leaves are soft, so stuffed cabbage rolls easily.

At the bottom of the pan, pour a little broth (any: meat or vegetable, or just water). We cover the bottom with cabbage leaves - if all the liquid suddenly boils away during cooking, the cabbage rolls will not burn. Lay out the blueberries tightly.

Fill the cabbage rolls with broth or water - to the level of the cabbage rolls, and put a plate on top so that the cabbage rolls do not float. If we fill cabbage rolls with water, it should be salted. If you prepared cabbage leaves by boiling them, you can use this water to fill the cabbage rolls, but then do not add salt to it.

We put the pan on the fire, bring the liquid to a boil over high heat. Then we reduce the fire to a minimum level and, having covered with a lid, cook the cabbage rolls for 50 minutes.

Cabbage rolls are good warm or hot, cold they are completely tasteless. Many people like to supplement them with sour cream, mayonnaise or ketchup. Pay attention to this one too.

Finely chopped parsley or dill can be added to the stuffing for cabbage rolls.
If you want to cook more diet cabbage rolls, use ground beef, chicken or turkey. In this case, stuffed cabbage should be filled with either water or vegetable broth.

The smell of hot cabbage rolls in thick tomato sauce cannot be compared to anything else. The use of thin blistered savoy cabbage leaves makes the dish more elegant and interesting.

Blanching a whole head of cabbage should be carried out masterfully - each leaf should become flexible enough, but at the same time retain strength sufficient to hold the filling. To shorten the cooking time, pre-soak the rice for at least half an hour.

Since the dish is not mixed during the cooking process, the poured broth must be immediately seasoned to taste. Do not be upset that the last darlings come out very small - all housewives face this.


  • Savoy cabbage 1 fork (large)
  • rice 2 tbsp.
  • minced meat 400 g
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • carrots 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil
  • ground black pepper
  • bay leaf 2-3 pcs.
  • tomato paste 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • water 1-1.5 l (boiling water)
  • sugar 0.25-1 tsp


1. Peel and rinse the onion and carrot. Cut the onion into small cubes, and grate the carrots on a medium grater. Pour oil into the pan, put on fire to warm up. Fry the vegetables over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally with a spatula.

2. Add tomato paste to vegetable frying, mix. Continue frying over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.

3. Sort the rice and rinse well. Boil about 2 liters of water in a large saucepan. Pour washed rice into boiling water. Stir and let boil. Cook for 7-10 minutes over moderate heat. After turn off the heat, cover with a lid, leave to swell for 10-15 minutes.

4. Rinse and cool the rice. Leave in a colander to drain excess liquid.

5. In a separate bowl, transfer 4-5 tablespoons of frying from the pan. Pour boiling water into the remaining frying pan. Stir and boil. Season with salt, ground pepper, bay leaf. Stir and bring to a boil. If the filling is sour, add some sugar.

6. Rinse the cabbage, transfer to a deep saucepan with boiling water. Hold the head with a fork, meanwhile cut off the cabbage leaves with a knife. Boil the leaves for 2-3 minutes and remove to a separate bowl.

7. Add minced meat to the cooled rice. Stir.

8. Add the roast, salt, black pepper to the rice filling. Stir until smooth.

9. Move the cabbage leaves to a colander and rinse with cold water. Shake off excess moisture. Cut off the thick vein in the center.