Stationary toilet for a summer residence. Comfortable country toilet: how to build with your own hands (22 photos). Types of country toilets: the advantages and disadvantages of each

A separate toilet is almost an obligatory part of the cottage. This is no longer an easy “birdhouse” with a hole in the floor and a kind of toilet seat, now quite modern and hygienic toilet bowls are being produced for country toilets. How to choose a country toilet for an outdoor toilet so that the “amenities” are comfortable?

Why do you need a street toilet in the country

An outdoor toilet in the country can be both main and spare. It can only be used in the summer so as not to enter the house, but it can unload the home bathroom, especially if guests have arrived at the dacha or if the family is large. Two toilets are more convenient for a large family and for the reason that the second one can be used when the main one is busy.

In a street country toilet, they no longer make a hole in a wooden floor or a small elevation. This option is inconvenient and unhygienic. For a country toilet, you can choose a comfortable toilet that is convenient for people of any age to use.

Types of country toilets

The main types of toilet bowls in the country for an outdoor toilet are porcelain and plastic. Some install ordinary toilets designed for an apartment, but there are also more practical varieties designed for the features of a toilet in the country, where there is often no full flush. The "apartment" option has significant drawbacks:

  • if it is placed on a wooden base, it may not withstand the weight of the structure, and reinforced concrete is quite expensive,
  • such a toilet can cost more than the toilet itself.


Special porcelain models for summer cottages are smaller than apartment options and do not have a drain tank. They also do not have a bottom, they are designed to be installed above a septic tank. The hole at the bottom of the toilet bowl should be wide so that sewage can easily fall into the pit, and it is easy to clean it.

An example is the toilet bowl of the Country model, shown in the photo. It has a seat, a cover, it is possible to supply water for flushing.

Attention! Even the country version of the toilet bowl is quite heavy, so it can only be installed on a concrete base.


You can also buy a plastic toilet bowl for a country toilet. They are lightweight, durable, easy to wash and remove to clean the pit (septic tank). They look neat, on sale there is a large selection of colors and shapes.

Such models can be both with a bottom and without it. To install above the septic tank, you need a model without a bottom, or you can cut it out.

However, there is a problem with installing such a toilet bowl for a country toilet on a plastic septic tank in the form of a barrel. The difficulty is that the toilet bowl is usually oval, and the barrel opening is round.

For installation, you will need additional materials:

  • mastic - automotive or silicone,
  • metal galvanized sheet,
  • boards.

For installation, the metal sheet is rolled into a cone, one base of which corresponds to the size of the hole in the barrel, and the other to the size of the toilet bowl. The cone is placed in the hole of the barrel with one end, and the other end is fixed to the base of the floor. The joint of the cone with a plastic barrel is covered with mastic. Next, lay the wooden floor. They put a toilet bowl on it and circle it with chalk. This hole must be cut, for example, with a jigsaw.

Advice! For a more aesthetic appearance, the toilet seat for the country toilet is attached to the subfloor, and after installing the toilet bowl, it is finished.


The simplest wooden version of the toilet with a plastic seat can be made independently. To do this, you need a toilet seat from a regular toilet and a board. If the toilet does not have a floor yet, then half is covered with boards, then a horizontal beam is installed at a height of 40 cm from the floor and the boards are nailed from it to the floor and horizontally to make a kind of “counter”. A hole is cut in it to fit the toilet seat and the seat is fixed. This option is more hygienic than the traditional hole in the floor, the plastic seats are easy to clean and disinfect.

You can adapt an unnecessary but durable chair for the toilet. This is rather a temporary option, but if you use an unusually shaped chair, the bathroom will turn out to be quite creative. The seat is removed, thick plywood is put in its place and a hole is cut out. From above, you can screw a plastic toilet seat. Around the legs, the chair is sheathed with plastics or plywood. The legs of the chair are attached to the floor with metal corners.

Another cheap option is to use a metal pipe. It should be galvanized and 30-35 cm in diameter. The height of the pipe is about 40 cm. The upper part is cut with metal scissors in the form of petals. Next, a seat is cut out of thick (from 8 mm) plywood and fixed to the pipe. The resulting structure is installed above the pit. The pipe for such a toilet can be rolled up on its own, then it is better to make it oval.

Dry closets

Another option for a bathroom for a summer residence is a dry closet. It can be placed both outdoors and indoors.

Peat dry closet

The cleanest option is a peat dry closet. It is a toilet in the form of a container, and not over a cesspool, which is convenient when there is no sewer or septic tank.

After each visit, the contents of the container are sprinkled with peat using a special mechanism located where a conventional toilet has a tank. Therefore, this option is also called powder closet. Peat absorbs moisture and odor, accelerates the decomposition of waste.

A peat dry closet can be either small, slightly larger than a standard toilet bowl, or large, with a bulky container that can have wheels for ease of transportation.

Mounting such a toilet is easy, you just need to assemble it from separate blocks. It is comfortable, it does not smell, but it is not very cheap, in addition, you will have to buy peat from time to time. Such a toilet can be made independently, for this you can use containers with a volume of 10 liters or more with replaceable liners made of plastic bags.

Important! For a peat dry closet, it is necessary to install a ventilation pipe.

portable dry closet

This option involves the processing of waste under the action of chemical reagents. It also needs water.

In the upper part there is a seat and a container for clean water. At the bottom is a waste tank where they are recycled. The processed sewage in the form of a liquid devoid of an unpleasant odor is then drained through a special plug-in pipe.

The problem with this variety is that the reagents can harm the environment, the ammonium compounds that they contain are harmful. Therefore, chemical dry closets are replaced with biological ones - in them, waste is processed by bacteria into fertilizer that can be safely used in the garden.

When choosing a dry closet for a summer cottage, pay attention to the flushing method. It can be piston, pump-action.

The piston version requires some physical effort, but it is simpler in design, allows you to get a metered portion of water, and you can repair it yourself.

The pump version is more complicated, it requires less effort when using, but water is not dosed, and repairs are carried out only by a specialist.

The electric dry closet is powered by batteries, they will have to be changed regularly. This is the most convenient option, for flushing, just press the button.

Electric dry closet

A more expensive and complex type of electric dry closet is connected to a 220 V network. Electricity is needed to operate a compressor that dries solid waste. Liquid waste is disposed of into the sewer. The ventilation is also powered by electricity.

This type of dry closet does not require any liquids and reagents. Solid dried waste can be composted.

How to choose a toilet

  • The bottom of the toilet should have fasteners that allow it to be firmly fixed to the floor.
  • Installation should be easy.
  • The hole at the bottom should be wide so that it is easy to clean the country toilet with a toilet bowl.
  • For installation above the pit, choose a model without a bottom.
  • The price should not be too high or too low. The best option is the average price category or slightly lower. Domestic-produced ceramic models cost about 2,000 rubles, while plastic ones are cheaper.


In the country, you can install both a regular toilet above a cesspool or a septic tank, and a dry closet in which all waste is processed in a container. Toilet bowls can be plastic and porcelain, you can also make your own wooden or metal ones. It is important that it can be easily installed and removed, and most importantly, washed.

Each summer resident wants to provide the most comfortable conditions of stay on his site. One of the main conditions is the presence of a toilet. Therefore, this structure can be considered the main one and, as a rule, it build the very first on an empty garden plot.

The easiest option- this is an ordinary pit with a cubicle installed on top, but such a typical wooden toilet has two significant drawbacks: strong smell and the need for periodic cleaning of the toilet.

Therefore, today we will try to discuss how to make a toilet for giving an odorless and pumping sewage.

Ordinary closet

A typical country toilet with a cesspool

A standard rustic pit latrine cannot eliminate bad odors and needs to be cleaned periodically or relocated to a new location. But with the right setup, you can reduce these negative factors to a minimum.

  • First, it is desirable to a bigger hole. Many dig a hole up to 2 meters deep or even more. 🙂 This noticeably delays the moment when cleaning the pit is necessary. Some toilets with a large pit during seasonal living in the country, and even more so when they drive over, only on weekends without a large number of people work right up to 20 years! And so that the pit does not sprinkle, some summer residents put concrete rings there.
  • Secondly, the pit should be located, as it were, behind the toilet. That is, the booth is not placed directly in the center of the pit, but, as it were, in front of it with a small entry. The seat with the hole is located at the rear of the toilet cubicle.
  • And thirdly, you must good extract from the pit. If there is a constant draft in the exhaust pipe, there will be no smell in the booth due to proper ventilation of the toilet. The exhaust pipe is located behind the booth and runs from the top of the pit to a level above the booth by about half a meter. The air is drawn out through the hood, and enters the pit through the hole in the toilet. At the same time, in the booth there is always clean supply air from the street, and there is almost no smell.

Now they often sell ready-made toilets for summer cottages - wooden cabins. Which only need to be installed on the pit and the toilet is ready for use. The installation of the toilet itself does not require special knowledge and skills. The main thing is to put the booth evenly and securely fasten it.

Powder closet

Homemade powder closet for giving

This is an outdoor toilet in the country without a cesspool.

Works by analogy with a peat dry closet.

A waste container (usually a bucket) is placed under the seat, and after a bowel movement sprinkle waste with sawdust, ash, peat or tyrsa from a special container using a scoop.

The waste container itself is periodically taken out and used as fertilizer.

Plastic toilet for giving

Standard portable plastic toilet

This option is often used in various street cafes and at various events with a massive gathering of people in the open air. It is a plastic cabin with a waste container, where a special container is filled with chemicals for processing and disinfection of sewage.

Requires periodic cleaning. There are companies that are engaged in the replacement of such booths.

This option has the right to life within the suburban area, but is not very popular.

Toilet inside the house

bucket toilet

Plastic bucket-toilet

Perhaps this is the easiest version of the toilet in the country. Different from normal baby potty the presence of a full-fledged seat with a cover.

Inside it is desirable to put a disposable bag, which must then be thrown away. But many do not do this and just wash the bucket-toilet. The package must be strong and not leak.

This bucket is often used as night toilet. During the day, a street closet is used, and at night it is too lazy and cold to go outside, and such a bucket is brought into the house. It is popular with the older generation of gardeners.

Dry closet based on microorganisms

Dry closet-bucket

This is a bucket-toilet 2.0 :), that is, a more advanced unit that does not emit an unpleasant odor. Also can be used indoors. Periodically requires backfilling of special biomass with bacteria that recycle waste. A special removable container allows you to pour already processed waste into the garden as fertilizer.

Peat dry closet

Peat toilet for a summer residence

One of the types of dry closet, where waste is sprinkled with peat from a special tank. Therefore, there is almost no smell. This type of toilet is also called Finnish toilet.

To the toilet it is desirable to connect ventilation.

The principle of operation of a peat toilet is as follows: waste is sprinkled with peat, then liquid waste is poured into a special container, or into a drain pit, and solid waste with peat must be periodically removed and used as fertilizer.

Finnish peat toilets have recently been very popular with summer residents. The most popular models: Ekomatic (Ekomatic), Piteko (Piteco), Biolan (Biolan).

Portable toilet based on chemicals

portable toilet

Another option for a toilet bucket. But in this case waste recycles a special mixture of chemicals that falls asleep inside. As well as a dry closet with bacteria, it does not have a bad smell, but unlike it, in this case do not pour recycled waste into the beds because they are not harmless.

Electric dry closet

Electric dry closet

Outwardly similar to a portable dry closet, but unlike it is not mobile and requires connection to engineering systems.

The principle of operation is that solid waste is separated from liquid, dried and moved to a special container.

The liquid component is drained into the sewer (an underground drain pit is enough without a full-fledged septic tank).

In addition, ventilation is required to eliminate odors.

At its core is almost a normal toilet, but is used in cases where there is no possibility of arranging a full-fledged sewerage system.

Full bathroom

Country bathroom in the house

Perhaps this the best option for a country house, but also the most expensive.

It requires a separate room in the house and utilities. In the bathroom there is a toilet bowl, to which water supply is supplied. The drain from the toilet is done either in a drain pit or in a septic tank.

  • drain hole will require periodic pumping of waste using a sewage truck.
  • septic tank does not require pumping, or requires it much less frequently, since in it the waste is processed in several containers.

In addition to the complexity of arranging a separate bathroom, it should also be remembered that a house with a bathroom needs heating in winter, otherwise, at sub-zero temperatures, you can defrost the water supply and the toilet.

In extreme cases, it is possible to drain the entire system for the winter and fill the toilet with non-freezing liquid.

But All difficulties are compensated by ease of use., therefore, this option has become increasingly common in dachas, even in small houses.

Warm toilet in the country

Many summer residents are increasingly going to the country in the winter. This is due to the fact that country roads began to be cleaned more often in winter, and the accessibility of the site has improved. Not a small role in this belongs to those who have chosen for themselves year-round living in the country. It is not uncommon to see full-fledged residential buildings in the country.

Heated outdoor toilet

It is cold in winter, and the question arises how to equip warm toilet in the country.

If the toilet is inside the house, then the issue is resolved by itself - it will be warm in the bathroom.

And what about the outdoor toilet? But this issue is also solvable.

  • First, winter toilet in the country can be insulated. For example, use extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex). It is inexpensive, holds heat well and is not afraid of moisture. In an insulated toilet, the temperature is always higher than outside. Yes, and elementary wind protection will already create more comfortable conditions in an outdoor toilet in winter.
  • Secondly, you can warm up the toilet. Yes, don't laugh. Many people do just that. Any heat source is placed in the outdoor toilet. It can be both an electric heater and a heater on any fuel. As a result, the cabin becomes warm and cozy on long winter evenings. 🙂

Which option to choose?

What should be considered when choosing one or another option? Consider the following factors:

Waste volume

Try to estimate how often you will use the toilet? How many people going to the restroom? The amount of waste depends on this, and, accordingly, the method of their disposal. This is perhaps the main factor influencing the choice of toilet.

Groundwater depth

With a high level of groundwater, pit toilets, and in some cases septic tanks, are excluded.

Check the groundwater level in spring.


How much are you willing to spend for a toilet? There are options from the cheapest to super expensive septic tanks. It all depends on your wallet and wishes.


Any toilets require waste disposal Sooner or later. Think about all this in advance, choosing one or another version of the toilet. You must understand how to clean your toilet option, how difficult and expensive it is.


Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Lovers of pastime in the country are faced with the problem of arranging a toilet. Many people build a small booth with a cesspool in the old fashioned way, but times are changing, and new technologies are replacing ancient structures that allow you to buy and use a dry closet for a summer residence without pumping out.

What is a dry closet

In appearance, the dry closet in the country is similar to the usual toilet in the apartment. The only difference is that it is enclosed in a plastic container. The design consists of a small drain tank and a reservoir that contains microorganisms. The dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out is eco-friendly. This is its main advantage. Waste that gets inside is recycled, for which special bacteria are responsible.

An odorless toilet in a country house also has its drawbacks - sooner or later it has to be cleaned. Fortunately, this is not done so often, and depends on the volume of the container and the number of visits. In addition, recycled waste products do not have a specific smell, and, depending on the processing method, which will be discussed in more detail below, they can be used in household needs as fertilizer.

How does a dry closet work for a summer residence

The design is completely independent and does not need sewerage and water supply. The principle of operation of a dry closet for odorless and pumping out is simple: clean water is poured into a special tank, which is used to flush sewage. All this is diverted to a special tank located at the bottom of the structure, where special bacteria are taken to work. They not only decompose waste products, but also relieve them of the smell. In addition, the dry closet is equipped with a non-return valve that does not allow odors to penetrate outside.

Types of dry closets

Devices are performed in different versions, so they can be divided into several types. According to the method of mobility, it is customary to distinguish the following types of dry closets without pumping:

  • Mobile. Structures consisting of two modules, the first of which is a container with water and the seat itself, and the second is a drive.
  • Semi-stationary. Outwardly, they have the same dimensions as the usual toilets, with the only difference being that they use a storage tank, and not a sewer outlet.
  • Stationary. Rarely seen in home gardens. They are installed in places with a large crowd of people: in markets, parking lots, in places of mass celebrations, etc.

According to the type of functioning, three groups of dry closets can be distinguished:

  • peat;
  • chemical;
  • electrical.

Peat dry closet

Environmentally friendly components are used to process waste products. It can be peat (moreover, the usual one will not work - you need to use a special one with a large number of microorganisms), sawdust, etc. The essence of its work is simple: a peat mixture is scattered on the waste, the organisms inside which force it to be processed. Recycled material can be used as plant food, after preparing it in the compost pit.

The dry closet peat is also called composting. It does not require pumping and can be installed indoors or outdoors. If it is assumed that more than two people will continuously use it, then it is advisable to make a drain for the outflow of liquid and install a ventilation window or a vent pipe to remove specific odors. The toilet is emptied as it accumulates, although you can do it at your own discretion.

Electric dry closet

He managed to win fame not only abroad, but also in Russia. To power an electric dry closet, you need a voltage of 220 V and a grounded socket. The principle of operation of the device is simple: the waste is separated into liquid (discharged through a special hose) and solid, which are dried and, as the tank is filled, disposed of or used as fertilizer. The installation of a bio-toilet bowl implies the arrangement of exhaust ventilation without fail.

Chemical dry closet

In most cases, a chemical dry closet is a small device that is very comfortable to use, since it does not require ventilation and pumping. It consists of two compartments, a chemical reagent is poured into the lower one, disinfecting waste products and blocking odors. Among chemical dry closets, a cassette version is distinguished. It is installed permanently, and the sewage container is located in the rear compartment of the cabin behind the door.

How to use a home dry closet

A simple layman should not have a question about how to use a dry closet for a summer residence, since the process is practically the same as using an ordinary toilet bowl. Immediately after using the dry closet, you need to wash off the sewage. For this, an electric pump or damper is used that supplies water. In a compost peat toilet, a mixture of peat or other natural absorbent is used for this purpose.

When filling the waste container, it must be emptied, since pumping is not provided here. The frequency of this action, judging by the reviews, depends solely on the size of the receiver and the number of people using the device. In liquid models, a special indicator is used to indicate that the drive is full. After draining the sewage, the bio-toilet must be washed and reinstalled.

How to choose a dry closet for a summer residence

Each model has both undeniable advantages and disadvantages. When buying a dry closet, you should choose the recycling method that suits the available opportunities. This indicator depends on the presence of water supply, sewerage (septic tank) on the site. It will also be important to have ventilation in the room where the toilet will be placed. Reviews indicate that when purchasing a peat or compost option, it is worth considering whether it will be possible to deliver the absorbent to the location of the toilet.

In addition to width, height, depth and color, the choice of a dry closet for giving without pumping out is also influenced by other characteristics that should be paid attention to. It is necessary to decide on the installation site, since different types of bio-latrines require different communications. So, for peat, you only need to arrange ventilation, when an electrical outlet will be required. Portable ones are easy to move, while stationary ones require a permanent place - you need to take care of this. With regards to manufacturers, Finnish and Norwegian ones have proven themselves well, although domestic ones are also not far behind.

Types of dry closets

There are many parameters based on which dry closets can be divided into types and types. However, from all the characteristics, one main one can be distinguished, according to which all toilets can be delimited into bio-toilets with water flush and devices that do not use water. The first type includes all devices consisting of two parts, the upper of which is designed for water. The second group of devices is suitable when it is not possible to equip the sewer. Peat or the like is used as the absorbent element.

Processing method

The main parameter that affects not only the price of a dry closet, but also the choice is the method of processing human waste. There are several types:

  • compost;
  • mechanical with biofilm;
  • peat;
  • chemical;
  • electrical.

How many people is it for

When choosing a particular model, it is important to pay attention to how many people the device is designed for. This parameter will determine how often the device will have to be emptied, and whether it will cause trouble, because pumping is not provided for in the designs. After all, as you know, the larger the receiver, the less often it will have to be serviced and the more people will be able to use it. Therefore, giving preference to one or another model, it is important to be aware of the amount of work that will have to be done when servicing the device.

Type of electric dry closet

The most expensive device on the market today is an electric dry closet. Its lower tank is divided into two parts, one of which is designed to collect liquid waste, and the second is used for solid waste. Liquid waste goes through a hose into the sewer, while solid waste is recycled. Thanks to such a system, this type of dry closet does not have to be serviced and emptied frequently. This will need to be done 2-3 times a year. The big plus of the toilet is the absence of the need to buy consumables for waste recycling - electricity will take care of this.

All electric bio-toilets can be divided into the following groups:

  • cassette;
  • with waste freezing;
  • compost;
  • with combustion chamber;
  • with separate waste collection.

Period of use

This indicator will directly depend on the number of people who will use the dry closet, therefore, if there are a large number of visits to the restroom in the family or where the device will be used, then you should choose a model with a large storage tank in advance, otherwise you will have to clean it very often, because there is no pumping in it. It is worth remembering that manufacturers indicate in the instructions the period of use, calculated per person with an average number of visits. This indicator ranges from 30 to 140 days.

Top tank volume

Bio-toilet consists of two tanks connected to each other. In the upper, which is in most cases a seat, liquid is poured or peat is poured. In addition, the container is equipped with a pump, with the help of which sewage is washed away. There are models in stores, the volume of the upper tank of which varies from 7 to 33 liters. This is enough to maintain the structure.

Bottom tank volume

When choosing a stationary dry closet, this parameter is of no fundamental importance, but if you take a portable option, then you should think about it. One of the main points will be the weight of the filled apparatus, because you will have to carry it out yourself. On the other hand, if the volume is insufficient, then you will have to clean the toilet bowl too often, which can create discomfort.


When buying a toilet, you should pay special attention to the flushing system, since this component of the system affects the hygiene and cleanliness of the device itself. In addition, it blocks the spread of odors. Many samples are equipped with a water flush. This is very convenient, especially since some models can be connected to the water supply, while others are filled autonomously.

flush mechanism

To ensure flushing in bio-toilets, a pump is used, located in the upper tank. There are three types:

  • piston;
  • bellows;
  • electric pump.

Rating of dry closets for summer cottages

Model name:

  • Thetford Porta Potti 365.
  • 5440-9340 rubles.

Product Features:

  • top tank 15 l;
  • flushing with water;
  • liquid;
  • lower tank full indicator;
  • storage tank 21 l;
  • portable;
  • piston pump;
  • chemical toilet;
  • 38.3×41.4×42.7 cm.
  • inexpensive.
  • the need to use expensive liquids.

Model name:

  • Piteco 506.
  • from 5590 rubles.

Product Features:

  • storage tank 44 l;
  • stationary;
  • dry flush;
  • 39×59×71 cm.
  • inexpensive;
  • comfortable in using.
  • not a very reliable peat spreading mechanism.

Model name:

  • Thetford Porta Potti Excellence Electric.
  • 9030-13995 rubles.

Product Features:

  • dry closet chemical;
  • top tank 15 l;
  • flushing with water;
  • liquid;
  • pressure relief valve;
  • storage tank 21 l;
  • portable;
  • electric pump;
  • 33.8×44.8×45 cm.
  • Beautiful design;
  • compact.
  • the receiving tank fills up quickly.

Model name:

  • Bioecology Ecolight Summer resident.
  • 14900-15900 rubles.

Product Features:

  • dry closet compost peat;
  • body made of polyethylene;
  • storage tank 225 l;
  • toilet cabin;
  • 115×230×115 cm.
  • large receiving tank.
  • big sizes.

Model name:

  • Separett Villa 9011.
  • 31980-34800 rubles.

Product Features:

  • dry closet electric;
  • body made of polystyrene;
  • storage tank 23 l;
  • with separate collection of waste;
  • stationary;
  • 45.6×54.1×67.2 cm.
  • large storage tank;
  • year-round use.
  • can only be used in a seated position.

Model name:

  • Enviro 20.
  • 4773-5180 rubles.

Product Features:

  • dry closet chemical;
  • top tank 10 l;
  • flushing with water;
  • storage tank 20 l;
  • portable;
  • bellows pump;
  • 36.5×42×41.5 cm.
  • cheap.
  • for full use, special fillers for splitting waste are needed.

Model name:

  • BioLet 25.
  • 95800-104500 rubles.

Product Features:

  • automatic mixing of compost;
  • dry closet electric;
  • built-in fan;
  • compost;
  • stationary;
  • 55×65×71 cm;
  • Ease of use.
  • high price.

Model name:

  • Kekkilä Ekomatic/Ekomatic 50.
  • 9500-18500 rubles.

Product Features:

  • dry closet compost peat;
  • storage tank 50 l;
  • period of use 30 days;
  • stationary;
  • 50×47×51 cm.
  • great quality.
  • not quite reliable components for models made in Russia.

Model name:

  • Cinderella (Cinderella).
  • from 200,000 rubles.

Product Features:

  • top tank 15 l;
  • storage tank 21 l;
  • portable;
  • toilet electric;
  • 38.5×59×58.5 cm.
  • easy to install;
  • small-sized.
  • high price.

Model name:

  • from 10000 rubles.

Product Features:

  • top tank 12.5 l;
  • storage tank 40 l;
  • portable;
  • peat, composting;
  • lower tank full indicator.
  • large volume of the receiving tank.
  • short service life.

It is not difficult to build a small toilet house in the country, but in order to bring it as close as possible to urban standards of comfort, you will have to equip this “toilet for summer cottages” with a convenient toilet bowl, factory-made or hand-made.

The comfort of a country toilet is determined by several things: lack of smell, water access, reliability, the appearance of the building itself and, of course, a seating position, which is intended to replace the notorious home toilet here. You can call it in different ways a pedestal, a podium, a throne, but no matter how you call it, the functionality remains the same, but there are several ways to arrange it.

Country toilet equipped with a factory toilet

A toilet for an outdoor toilet in the country can be purchased ready-made, or you can save money by building an equally practical design with your own hands. The choice always remains with the owner, but before making a decision, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the possible options.

Special toilet for country toilet

Some summer residents do not build any extra fixtures inside the toilet cubicle at all and manage only with a hole in the floor. It is worth saying that such a decision is quite justified if a lot of people use the closet and personal hygiene is out of the question, but in other cases, a home-made or factory-made toilet bowl will undoubtedly provide comfort in a simple building and is worth the money and effort spent on installation.

What are toilet bowls for street toilets

All toilets that can be installed in a country toilet are conditionally divided into two large groups: ready-made (factory) and home-made.
Factory-made toilets are made of sanitary ware, porcelain and plastic.

  • Ceramic products have a pleasant appearance, are easy to clean, do not absorb odors and are suitable for installation in unheated rooms, but their cost leaves much to be desired, and besides, they have a lot of weight, which not every building of this type can withstand.

Ceramic toilet bowl
  • Plastic toilet bowls are an economical and functional option. They are light and quite reliable, and the model range and colors can be very diverse.

Plastic toilet for giving
  • There are many options for making a homemade toilet. Summer residents make toilet bowls from the most unexpected improvised means, showing all their imagination and skill. And yet, several of the most popular and practical options can be distinguished: a toilet from an old chair, made of galvanized steel or a wooden counter with a toilet seat.

An example of a homemade toilet bowl for a country toilet

Installing a traditional toilet

Installation of a ceramic pot does not require special skills. A hole is made in the floor corresponding to the inner diameter of the toilet outlet. Along the perimeter, it is recommended to strengthen it with bars on which the product will be installed. The pot is put in place, the attachment points are marked, the corresponding holes are removed and drilled, after which a layer of sealant is applied to the base. The toilet is installed and bolted.

Ceramic toilet is very easy to install

Installing a plastic toilet

There are several models of plastic toilet bowls, depending on which the installation method may differ slightly. One of the simplest is a plastic toilet that resembles an ordinary bucket in shape. It is made of durable plastic, which can easily withstand a person weighing up to 150 kg.

There is already a ready-made plastic toilet seat on top. The toilet bowl is installed on a regular hole in the floor of the appropriate size. Some difficulties may arise if a barrel was dug into the ground instead of a cesspool to collect sewage. The problem is that its plastic neck is usually smaller than the inside diameter of the toilet, plus it's round in shape, and toilet bowls are often oval.

Stages of installation of a plastic toilet bowl

To connect them, you can use a galvanized sheet, which is folded into a funnel. The lower part of the cone should correspond to the neck of the barrel, and the upper part to the hole in the floor, which is adjusted to the shape and size of the toilet outlet. The top of the funnel is cut in the form of a camomile and fixed to the floor with self-tapping screws.

All joints between galvanized and wooden floor, plastic toilet bowl and floor are sealed with ordinary silicone or automotive mastic.
To make the installation look as neat as possible, the toilet is attached to the rough flooring, and the final coating is already laid around the pot.

Advice! On some models of country toilets there is no hole for attaching to the floor, in which case you can make narrow corners from galvanization and use them to attach the toilet to the floor.

Homemade toilet from an old chair

This is probably the easiest do-it-yourself solution. In principle, any sufficiently strong chair will do. Instead of sitting, a plywood sheet is twisted. A hole is cut in it with a jigsaw, and an ordinary plastic toilet seat for a standard toilet is screwed onto the plywood on top. Along the perimeter of the legs from the inside, the chair is sometimes sheathed with plastic and installed over the hole.

Wooden toilet equipment for a country toilet

If desired, the legs can be fixed with corners. And if you can find a wooden chair with a high back, you can build a royal toilet in the style of the Middle Ages. A creative and inexpensive design turns out to be quite compact, but more temporary than permanent.

How to make a galvanized steel toilet

One of the simplest and cheapest options is a galvanized steel toilet. The use of this material is due to its availability, flexibility and ease of processing. The galvanized toilet bowl is a cylinder of comfortable seating height with two allowances at the bottom and top.

On the allowances, cuts are made in increments of about 5 cm and they are bent, a kind of chamomile is formed. Its lower “petals” are fixed with screws to the floor, and a sheet of plywood is screwed to the upper ones. It is better if the thickness of the material is at least 1 cm. The plywood base is adjusted to the required dimensions, a plastic toilet seat is fixed on top.

Installation of a toilet bowl from steel sheets

In order for the toilet to take on its final form, a frame is made around the toilet, sheathed with any convenient material. A door can be made in the front wall, so the place under the skin can serve as a pantry for household chemicals.

Bench with a chair

The implementation of such a variant of the toilet is possible only if it was conceived at the initial stages of construction. The design feature of the toilet is that 2/3 of the floor is covered with boards, for the remaining area around the perimeter, reinforcement is made even at the stage of foundation construction. After the construction of the house, a wooden or metal frame is built over the open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor and sheathed with the selected material. A round hole is cut out from above and a regular plastic toilet seat is screwed on.

Installation of a wooden bench with a toilet seat

Advice! A wooden bench does not have to be made in the form of a rectangular box; many consider a triangular shape to be more practical and convenient.

So that the walls of the box do not get dirty, you can lower and strengthen an ordinary plastic bucket with a cut bottom into the hole.

Construction of a toilet in a summer cottage: video

In the sanitary room for the whole day, probably, we are the most often. Therefore, it should have the same convenience requirements as the rest of the premises in the apartment. The main piece of equipment in this room is the toilet. Concepts such as convenience, comfort and savings are also applicable to it. If you want to get just such an option, then you should buy a vacuum toilet for your home.

What is this device

The name itself may confuse someone, but in fact, a vacuum toilet is practically no different from the designs we are used to. All its most important difference lies in the amount of water that it spends on flushing and the mechanism of this flushing. The fact is that such devices in their work for flushing use not only water, but also air masses, so the amount of necessary liquid is reduced significantly.

Usually vacuum models have wall or floor installation. They appeared quite recently, but have already managed to gain popularity. Typically, these toilets can be seen in the following places:

In all other respects, such a device does not differ from others and has all the components that all other models of toilet bowls have.

Working mechanism

Based on the fact that such equipment has a very simple mechanism of operation, it is installed even in transport, and there, as you know, there is no running water. Vacuum toilets include:

  1. Vacuum pumps that create a discharged space.
  2. Push button valve.

The water valve is connected to the flush hole with a hose. After pressing the button, the flushing mechanism is activated. After a set period of time, the vacuum valve closes, and the water valve closes after a set time, it can be adjusted by a screw on the button.

The drain is finished and the water refills the tank. If you press the button, the valve opens and air begins to be sucked into the toilet. It is able to remove not only all waste, but also unpleasant odors. Only after that, the water supply control flushes the toilet bowl with a very small amount of liquid. After this procedure, the valve returns to its original position.

It turns out that air and water work in tandem and in the end everything is done efficiently and at minimal cost.

Positive qualities of vacuum toilets

The great popularity of such equipment is caused by the mass of its advantages, the main advantages include:

  1. High environmental friendliness. This is one of the most environmentally friendly toilet bowls.
  2. Installing a vacuum toilet allows you to use pipes of a smaller diameter.
  3. You can arrange the sewer pipes as you like, this will not affect the quality of work.
  4. It is possible to exercise autonomous control over the system.
  5. Most often they are made of corrosion-resistant alloys, so they can be used in aggressive environments.
  6. The entire sewer system reduces its weight due to the small mass of the pipeline.
  7. If such a toilet is on the first floors of the building, then there is no need to install a pumping station.
  8. Due to their features, they can be installed on any type of transport.

It is not difficult to install such equipment with your own hands, since it has a simple device that is practically no different from ordinary toilet bowls.

Since the water supply is controlled in such a toilet, very little is required for flushing. Depending on the manufacturer and the place where you put it, the amount of liquid required may vary, but it is still many times less than in conventional devices.

How to install a toilet

Many masters will tell you that it is best to start a major overhaul not from the bedroom or living room, but from the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. Why is that? Yes, because the bulk of all communications are located here. Their installation will require from you not only skills, but also time and money.

With a little effort and diligence, installing a new toilet will not cause you any difficulties. All work consists of only two stages:

  1. It is necessary to remove the old equipment, clean all the garbage, purchase a new toilet.
  2. Install a new toilet and check its operation.

In order to carry out all these plans, you will definitely need tools: a hammer, a chisel, keys, and possibly a grinder.

It is necessary to start dismantling the old toilet when you are all set. It is worth considering that this is a very important stage, since the most important thing here is to do everything without damaging the sewer system. All work can be done in this order:

  1. Disconnect the system from the water supply and drain the water from the tank.
  2. Disconnect the flush column if it is attached directly to the toilet.
  3. Carefully remove all toilet bowl fasteners if necessary to remove putty or cement mortar.
  4. Carefully remove the toilet and remove all debris.

After the place is freed, you can proceed with the installation of new equipment. Only for installation you will additionally need a drill, sealant and material or cardboard.

The most important thing when installing it is to place it symmetrically, and for this you need to measure everything beforehand. Faience toilet bowls are very fragile, so it is advisable to place cardboard or a rag during fitting.

Having installed the toilet in the right place, it is necessary to mark the holes for the bolts. Then we remove it and drill holes for the dowels. Included with the toilet should be a gasket on which you need to install it. If it is missing, then you will have to use silicone. After installing the toilet, you should screw it with bolts and you can install the drain tank.

The drain column is attached to the toilet with bolts and a rubber gasket is placed between them to reduce friction. When the tank is installed, you can start connecting the water supply. After that, it remains only to put the filling valve, adjust the float and the drain-overflow system. If after all the manipulations the system works fine, then the instruction helped you, and after a couple of hours you can use the toilet.

If you decide to install a vacuum toilet at home, then in these models, to ensure tightness and increase installation speed, a quick-release connection is made movable. Such toilets are quickly installed and also dismantled without problems.

Variety of vacuum toilets

Despite the same mechanism of operation, such toilet bowls may differ in their appearance, the material from which they are made. For example, you can name the following options:

  • Fully pneumatic model, this variety is quite new. It uses a single-nozzle flush system, which is built into the drain mechanism. Most of the parts are firmly connected to each other, which greatly simplifies installation.
  • Ceramic toilet. The seat and lid are made of antibacterial material, which is even more hygienic compared to other models. This surface is resistant to damage, even arson with a cigarette.
  • Toilet bowl made of stainless steel. It was originally developed for the military, it is so durable.
  • Embedded model. It can be built into the floor.

Toilet selection

When choosing plumbing, the convenience of its use should be taken into account, first of all. It should fit the size of your washroom and work efficiently and effectively.

The range of this equipment is now large, so it can be difficult to make a choice. A large selection of toilet bowls in a wide variety of materials will help you choose the model that best suits your bathroom style.

Be sure to take into account the design of the flush, it can be: vertical, horizontal and inclined. Based on your sewer system, you must also choose a model.

When it comes to vacuum toilets, many problems disappear by themselves. In principle, you just have to choose the material from which the toilet is made, the one that you prefer. In all other respects, a vacuum toilet for the home is just perfect.