Planting peonies in the spring. When to plant peonies and how to care for them? Reproduction of peonies by root cuttings

The question of how to plant peonies in spring perplexes novice flower growers. Experienced experts argue that in certain cases such measures are even more productive than generally accepted norms.

Peony is the real king of the garden in spring and summer. Blooming with a lush hat, it emits a delicate, pleasant aroma. This is a real gem of any landscape design. The variety of shapes and wide color palette can impress the most sophisticated flower lover. This garden planting is unpretentious and even inexperienced gardeners can start it on their site. Planting and caring for it is very easy. Everyone knows that peonies are planted in the fall. But sometimes there are circumstances in which it is better to plant in early spring. The most common reason is the flooding of the garden plot with melt water during the spring.

Waterlogging, in this case, is a greater threat to peonies than planting ahead of time. But they also contribute to planting in the spring:

  • excessive growth of a bright representative of the flower bed and oppression of other "neighbors";
  • the need for rejuvenation; long growing season of peonies in one place; redevelopment of the garden plot and many other factors.

How to choose a site for spring planting a peony

The culture is planted in whole groups, solo compositions or as part of a mixborder. The right choice guarantees the growth of strong and healthy peonies.

  1. The best solution would be a sunny or shaded area in the afternoon. It is more favorable for the peony to assimilate the morning sun rays. In the shadow, he is not able to develop.
  2. The second, but no less important requirement is the absence of a close (less than 110 cm) location of groundwater. The root system grows rapidly and extensively. Constant contact with moisture will cause peonies to rot and die. In order not to disturb the weeds, they first deeply and scrupulously dig the ground, getting rid of all the weeds.

The most favorable soil for peony is loam. But, if there is heavy and dense soil in the free place, then additives will help to make it adapted - 10 liters of sand (for heavy clay), nutrient composition, 9 liters of clay (for pure sand). Fragments of stone or brick, pebbles, shards are suitable for drainage.

Acid soil is strictly prohibited for peony. Ash, dolomite flour and fluffy lime are added to each well. It is permissible to plant in cultivated land. Much depends on competent preparation for landing.

Landing should not take place near buildings whose walls are heated in the heat. They can cause peonies to overheat or dry out the air. It is better to avoid large trees and shrubs. Green "neighbors" will compete for water and food. The pet needs freedom and space. But the complete absence of other representatives of the flora nearby threatens the appearance of drafts that can cause harm. Everything should be in moderation.

Where does preparation begin?

As soon as the snow melts, and the thermometer in the daytime raises its column to + 10ºC, then you can start preparatory work. Plant if there is no frost at night.

A large planting hole is dug: about 60 cm in diameter and 65 cm deep.

If the soil is dense, the dimensions are increased by 15-20 cm. The reason for this is the need for a thick drainage layer and the application of a large amount of fertilizer:

  • humus, which is 3-4 years old, should be at least 9 liters;
  • about 4 liters of compost;
  • dolomite flour 250 grams;
  • superphosphate 50 grams. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed with the soil.

There should be space for the peonies themselves. After fertilizers, a layer (about 7-8 cm) of structured soil is poured into the hole. For its preparation, compost, peat, sod land, sand or clay are required. All ingredients must be taken in equal parts and mixed thoroughly.

The preparation ends with a light compaction and abundant moisture.

The pit is always prepared in advance, at least 15 days before the peonies are to be planted. During this time, the earth will sag and compact enough.

Planting peonies

If planting material has been purchased, then planting it becomes easier. But when landing from one place to another, difficulties arise. Extracting pions is not an easy process. The root system is fragile and extremely susceptible to damage. You need to make every effort to avoid this.

They use a little trick during planting - they dig around the soil around the bush with a pitchfork, being careful. After loosening, you can pull out the peonies without much effort.

Planting in the spring has its own characteristics: you do not need to rinse and disinfect the rhizome, you cannot divide the peony.

It slowly moves to a new "place of residence", the roots are evenly placed, the soil mixture is poured on top and slightly compacted. The depth of the buds during planting should be no more than 4 cm. Flowering depends on this. The process ends with abundant watering of the peony with settled water.

If there are several planted bushes, then the optimal distance between them is 150-170 cm. This distance is enough to create comfort, where each planted flower can develop. Flowering, after planting in the spring, may not be this year. Planting is a big stress for peonies.

Care after planting in the spring

Peonies have no special requirements for conditions. They need regular watering. It is held infrequently and moderately, once a week. After each "watering" the earth must be loosened to avoid the formation of a soil crust. It prevents the absorption of oxygen by pions. If there is no time for such manipulations, mulching will come to the rescue. It will help retain moisture and softness of the soil after planting. You can use tree bark. It is also the protection of the planted plant from weeds, and overheating. After it, the peony will grow for a long time in decent conditions.

Fertilizers are preferably applied at the time of planting. In this case, peonies do not need additional nutrients for the whole next year. But, if this was not possible, then nutrient support is the key to lush flowering. They accelerate growth and improve decorative qualities. Peonies are supported by foliar top dressing in 3 stages:

  1. urea. Enough 10 grams per 2 liters. Spray peonies in the spring, before sprouts appear. After 15 days, you can proceed to the next step.
  2. carbamide and trace elements. In the spring, peonies actively increase the green mass and potassium, magnesium and other useful substances contribute to this. In a duet with carbamide, they need a little - one tablet per 12 liters of water. After the seedlings have made their way, carry out the final dressing.
  3. trace elements. This time, only the nutrient substance is used. 2 tablets are thrown into a bucket of water. Spring peonies respond gratefully to such measures.

Planting peonies in spring has its drawbacks: the lower leaves may wither. As soon as this began, you must immediately pinch them. This way you can avoid infection of peonies with infections and bacteria.

Landing takes a lot of effort. For full adaptation and rooting, the buds that have appeared are removed so that the peonies do not waste their strength.

Diseases and pests

The most common cause of death of peonies is various viruses (strawberry ring spot, cucumber mosaic, etc.). In most cases, they appear along with the purchase of planting material. But even the acquisition of a healthy rhizome is not a guarantee of blooming peonies in the future.

Disease carriers are sucking insects that can transfer the virus from one bush to another in a matter of days, fruit and vegetable crops located nearby. For 4-5 years, bacteria and microbes can completely destroy the peony.

The first symptoms are the appearance of stripes and spots on the foliage. The immunity of the fragrant flower is reduced and new diseases are added to the existing ones, which are impossible to fight. Sick peonies are to be removed and burned.

The main method of struggle in this case is prevention:

  1. timely removal of weeds that can infect peonies;
  2. disinfection of all garden tools;
  3. insecticide treatment for pests.

Another common problem is fungal diseases. The most famous:

  • gray rot. The main reasons for the appearance of an "uninvited guest" are excessive humidity. If spring and summer are rainy, then you need to be more careful and more often carry out a routine inspection of peonies. The danger is that the spring trouble is quickly carried by the wind throughout the site. As soon as diseased peony leaves are noticed, they are immediately removed and burned. Plants are treated with a chemical agent - Bordeaux liquid 1%. In the spring it is used for preventive purposes.
  • rust. Characteristic spots appear on the back of the leaf. The struggle for a peony begins with cutting off all the affected fragments. Treatment continues for about 2 weeks. For 14 days, it is sprayed with a solution of Figon 0.3% twice. In critical cases, they land in another place.

Caterpillars and larvae also feed on peonies. Get rid of them mechanically - harvested by hand. If the case is neglected and there are too many of them, spraying with aconite in the spring will help.

Peonies don't bloom

In most species, the first buds open in spring or early summer. But, if this does not happen, then it is worth considering why. There can be many reasons:

  • landing in which the space is incorrectly chosen. Flowers love sunlight and do not tolerate plants next to them, with a sprawling crown and a powerful root system. Planting a crop next to an orchard is a crime.
  • water stagnation. Snowmelt or groundwater, even with good drainage, can destroy the king of the garden. In this case, an immediate landing in a safe place is necessary.
  • soil acidity. A preliminary check of the soil with a special device is required to eliminate such an error. Permissible pH level - 6.0.
  • low landing. Too deep a hole delays flowering. In spring or autumn, it is recommended to plant the rhizome so that the buds are deepened by 5 fingers. Otherwise, additional time will be required to strengthen the root system and "break through" the earth layer. Flowering time shifts, and peonies bloom in an unconventional month for them.
  • care violation. Improper watering, lack or excess of nutrients, lack of loosening and mulching - all this negatively affects the general condition of the flowers. Peonies are not capricious, but a small list of requirements is worth fulfilling.
  • wrong cut. Peonies in the spring acquire a lot of green mass. But molding and sanitary removal can only be carried out in the middle of autumn. Early pruning of withered parts leads to damage to the buds that are laid at this time.
  • freezing. A bush that was planted in the spring must be covered for the winter. Otherwise, frost will cause irreparable harm and there may not be buds for the next year. If for certain reasons it was necessary to plant a plant ahead of time, then before the onset of cold weather it is mulched and covered with spruce branches.

Now you know how to plant peonies in the spring, how to care for them so that there is a lush bloom in the summer.

Peonies are flowering decorative and deciduous perennials that easily overwinter in the open field, even in the northern regions. It is recommended to transplant them only in the fall, otherwise the plant will not have time to prepare for a long winter.

Features of the autumn transplantation of peony bushes

Most flower growers plant peony bushes only in the fall, this time is considered ideal. The need for an autumn procedure is due to the structure of the pion root system. Tuberous formations are formed on the adventitious roots of the plant, in which nutrients accumulate. They receive food through thin, thread-like suction roots. These microscopic root hairs actively develop at the end of the growing season.

Fine root hairs begin to form in late summer

Absolutely all varieties of peonies prefer autumn planting. In spring, plants disturb only in the most extreme cases, when there is no other way out.

In autumn, it is important to be in time before the formation of numerous thin suction roots, when the foliage stops growing, and the peony itself is at rest. In order for the flower to take root well and thoroughly in a new place, planting should be started no later than 35–45 days before the first severe frost. At this time, the heat subsides, the difference between day and night temperatures becomes significant. In addition, autumn rains come, carrying an abundance of moisture. In moist soil, the peony root system feels much more comfortable and develops better.

Peonies should be transplanted and planted in the fall

In regions with harsh climatic conditions (Siberia, the Urals), peonies are planted from mid-August to early September. Areas with a temperate climate (Moscow region) allow you to extend the deadline until the end of September. In warm southern regions, planting can be carried out throughout October and even in early November.

Peony seedlings with a closed root system (in containers) can be planted in open ground throughout the season.

Container seedlings can be planted throughout the growing season

A luxurious peony bush of a bright burgundy saturated shade grew on my site. It differed in that it bloomed earlier than the others, usually the buds opened already in the first days of June. A few years ago in the spring there was an urgent need to remove the plant. I dug up the bush and moved it literally a couple of meters away. It took root very badly, was sick for a long time and did not bloom. Despite all my efforts, the peony died. Roots remained in the old place and in the spring of next year leaves appeared, but there were no flowers. After 2–3 years, the bush grew again and recovered to its previous volume in the old place.

Video: when and how to plant peonies

The technology of transplanting peony bushes in the fall

Peonies develop well in open, well-lit places, protected from sudden gusts of wind, but with good circulation of air masses. The most preferred will be a site that is slightly shaded during the hot afternoon hours. Best of all, these flowers grow on permeable, loose and fertile soils with a close to neutral alkaline reaction (PH not higher than 6–6.5).

Peonies love well-lit sunny places.

The most suitable for peony will be light loams and sandy loams. Heavy wet soils are diluted with sand; clay is added to sandstones for better moisture retention.

A place for planting peonies should be prepared in advance, about 2-3 weeks in advance, so that the earth settles:

  1. A hole is dug with a size of 0.6 * 0.6 m and a depth of 0.7–0.8 m.

    The hole for the peony should be large enough, as its roots grow strongly.

  2. The distance between individual instances must be at least:
  3. A thick drainage layer (15–20 cm) of broken bricks, stones, pebbles, expanded clay, etc. is laid out at the bottom.

    Drainage of stones, pebbles, broken bricks, etc. is laid at the bottom of the pit.

  4. At 2/3 of the volume, the pit is filled with a soil mixture composed of the following components:
  5. It is well spilled with water (at least two buckets).

    The soil mixture in the planting pit is abundantly spilled with water.

For planting, purchased seedlings are used or the existing mother peony bushes are divided:

  1. All stems are shortened to 10–15 cm.

    Before transplanting, you need to shorten the stems of the peony

  2. Dig bushes around the perimeter.

    First, the peony bush is dug around the perimeter

  3. With the help of a garden pitchfork, they are carefully removed from the ground.

    Peony bush is removed from the ground

  4. Lightly tap, freeing from earthen lumps.
  5. For 2-3 hours, they are left to lie down in the shade and dry out so that the rhizomes become less fragile.

    The dug out peony bush is left to lie down in the shade so that it wilts a little and the roots become less brittle.

  6. Divide the bush with a knife into parts, each of which should contain at least 3-5 buds and several healthy viable roots.

    The peony bush is divided into parts with a sharp knife

  7. Planting material is placed for 20–30 minutes in a strong solution of potassium permanganate with the addition of copper sulfate (3–4 g).

    First, the rhizomes are disinfected in a strong solution of potassium permanganate

  8. Then the rhizomes are left for 12 hours in a solution of any root formation stimulator (Epin, Heteroacusin, etc.).

    Then the rhizomes of the peony are soaked in a solution of a root stimulator

The procedure for transplanting and dividing is extremely painful for plants, so it is carried out only when the bush has grown too much and needs to be planted.

  1. The seedling is placed in the prepared hole. It is necessary to ensure that the growth buds are 3–5 cm below ground level. Excessive deepening is dangerously increased leaf growth and poor flowering, with a close location to the soil surface, freezing of renewal buds is possible.

    We arrange the peony bush so that the buds are 3-5 cm below ground level

  2. The roots are carefully straightened and laid out along the bottom of the pit.

    Peony is mulched with humus or peat

Planting tree peonies is carried out in a similar way, with the only difference that the root neck is buried a little lower (8–10 cm from the soil level).

Video: we plant a peony in the fall correctly

If you choose the right time for planting a peony in open ground and follow all the rules of agricultural technology, then the bush will take root well and will delight you with abundant flowering next spring. It is important to properly prepare a place for him, because he will grow on it for many years.

Enchanting beauty, the joy of the garden, the magnificence of colors and shades - all these are peonies, which are recognized to be popular with most gardeners in Russia. These plants fit perfectly into the landscape design of the site, both planted singly and in ribbon rows, as well as as part of rose gardens and rock gardens. You can buy peony bulbs in a variety of varieties, and in addition to them, roses can be found in a specialized nursery.

And about how to plant in spring or autumn, those who wish will learn from the information below. Our article provides recommendations and advice from experienced flower growers. They will be a real help for those who are going to plant these flowers in their garden for the first time.

Peonies in the garden

Before planting, you need to choose the right

The correct planting of peonies in the spring is what we will come to later, but for now the question is the correct choice of rhizomes. Here, packaging will serve as an initial help for beginners. As a rule, manufacturers must indicate on it:

  • name of the variety and its description;
  • the number of bulbs in the package;
  • quality control;
  • instructions for transplanting into the ground.

But, the indicated information on the package is not enough; inspection of rhizomes should be mandatory.

A good rhizome has at least two roots in addition to the main one, each of which is at least 5 centimeters long, and 2-3 buds on the appendages. Normally no damage.

You should refuse to purchase if:

  • you smell rotten;
  • there are growths and nodes on the rhizome;
  • Roots are either wet or too dry.

How not to miscalculate with a variety

Many varieties sometimes cause many difficulties in choosing. We will tell you in more detail about the most popular and in demand in the Moscow region and the Moscow region. So, the following varieties are appreciated by the leading flower growers:

  • treelike;
  • herbaceous.

The former, in turn, are represented by the following varieties - European, Japanese, a hybrid of Delaway and Yellow.

yellow peony Japanese peony european peony

Among the herbaceous plants, they compare favorably with Maryin Root, medicinal (common), narrow-leaved, Mlokosevich, Milky-flowered.

medicinal peony milky peony

In addition, the varieties also differ in the shape of the buds and the ripening time - terry, non-double, semi-double, anemic, early, medium, late.

semidouble peony double peony
non-double peony

When choosing varieties, consider this information and be bolder when buying. By the way, in the nursery, in addition to peonies, you can also profitably purchase seedlings of ornamental shrubs .

Proper planting of peonies in spring - where to start

The popularity of this plant is due not only to the variety of shapes and shades, but also to the fact that bushes can grow for almost 50 years without transplanting to a new place. They are resistant to both frost and drought, and the duration of flowering (a month or more) does not leave anyone indifferent.

The lifespan of a plant directly depends on how the peony is properly planted in the ground. Landing dates in spring - from April to May, in autumn - from August to September.

For planting, you will need a standard set of tools - a shovel, a bucket, a chopper.

The stages of preparatory work include not only the choice of planting material, but also the preparation of the soil, as well as the competent selection of the future place of growth.

Planting peonies in spring

  1. Peonies do not like shade and excessive moisture.
  2. They feel comfortable in neutrally acidic soil and do not tolerate acidic soil at all.
  3. Peat should not be used as compost, nor is it suitable for mulching.
  4. The soil is prepared 3 weeks before transplanting the plants into the soil.
  1. Digging a landing pit 60 cm deep and wide.
  2. Drainage of the bottom of the landing pit with sand, broken bricks, expanded clay.
  3. Adding fertilizer over the drainage - a bucket of humus + superphosphate (1 cup) and ash (2 cups).
  4. Backfilling of fertilizers with fertile soil 10 cm thick.

Step-by-step instructions for planting peonies

After all the above manipulations are completed, the landing pit must be left for 2 weeks in order for the soil to settle. Here is the actual landing procedure:

  1. The rhizome is placed in the center of the hole, the roots are straightened along the perimeter of the entire planting pit. The rhizome must be deepened, taking into account the composition of the soil, in a light one - by 7 cm, and in a heavy one - by 5 cm. Failure to comply with the dimensional grid leads to freezing of the roots in winter, and untimely flowering in spring.
  2. After deepening, the remaining space in the hole is covered with soil, compacted by hand.
  3. Watering is in progress.
  4. In order to speed up the rooting process, it is recommended to mulch the soil with humus.

Proper care is the key to lush flowering and rapid growth of peonies. To get a lush bush with large and bright buds as a result of planting, you need to know about the nuances of loosening, watering and feeding.

Caring for peonies in the spring involves the following steps:

  1. Garden cleaning. All garbage accumulated during the winter is destroyed.
  2. Soil disinfection with potassium permanganate per 10 liters of 2 grams.
  3. The construction of supports for tying shoots.
  4. Abundant regular watering - 1 time in 10 days, 2 buckets for each bush.
  5. After each watering - loosening the soil.
  6. Foliar top dressing with a solution of carbamide (40 grams per bucket of water). It is carried out twice a season in the evening or cloudy weather.

Feeding peonies in spring

How to ensure the safety of peonies bought ahead of time for planting

How correctly attractive prices and assortment of peonies appear in the nursery in autumn. The question becomes natural, how to keep the rhizomes intact and safe in winter.

Before proceeding with the storage procedure, it is required to inspect the bush. Rotten roots are cut off, the cut points are processed with brilliant green or potassium permanganate. You can store the rhizomes in the refrigerator, basement or on the balcony after wrapping them in a damp flannel soaked in a phytosporin solution. After wrapping, the bushes are placed in polyethylene, having previously prepared holes in it for air circulation.

They give perfection and splendor to garden beds - huge fragrant caps of flowers of delicate pastel colors and bright saturated colors contrast pleasantly with delicate spring flowers. Traditionally, peonies are propagated and transplanted in August, but spring planting in open ground also gives good results, you just need to carefully follow the planting rules.

Peonies: botanical reference

The Peony family (Paeoniaceae) includes only one genus - Peonies, which combines tree-like and herbaceous perennial plants, their common feature is huge colorful flowers (single and double). The color of the petals can vary from white to maroon, among tree peonies varieties with yellow petals have gained immense popularity.

Spring planting of herbaceous peonies

Planting material for new varieties of peonies can also be purchased in the spring, so planting outdoors should be planned in the spring months, although the classic time for transplanting and dividing this crop is August.

Subject to certain rules, plants quickly take root and give good growth.

First you need to choose a site suitable for grassy peonies, taking into account the following requirements:

  1. Lighting - peonies prefer to grow in the sun, tolerate short-term light shading, so planting areas should be well lit.
  2. Neighborhood - the plant does not tolerate close proximity, this is due to the fact that the bush forms a branched root system, and numerous leaves grow on it. The thickening of plantings leads to starvation of plants and poor ventilation, which contributes to the development of infectious diseases.
  3. The soil is neutral, it is preferable to plant peonies on rich loam. The plant does not tolerate planting in wet lowlands, in marshy and saline areas. The groundwater level should be low, and the root system of peonies should not be allowed to rot during excessive precipitation and floods.
  4. Ventilation - be sure to leave enough free space between the plants, the leaves of neighboring bushes should not close.
  5. Wind protection - peonies are planted in calm areas.

Preparing the site for planting peonies

The site chosen for planting peonies is prepared in advance, garbage, stones and plant debris are removed from the surface, weeds are weeded out, which are better to burn.

A pit for planting bush peonies is prepared in advance by digging a recess measuring 60x60x60 cm, but these are average values. If the root system of seedlings is large enough, the pit is expanded to the required size.

In wet areas, it is worth laying drainage at the bottom of the pit, but planting peonies in wet soil is not recommended. Then the pit is filled with a mixture of garden soil, humus, sand with the addition of ash.

You can add to the soil:

  1. Granular superphosphate - 250 g.
  2. Bone meal - 0.5 kg.
  3. Iron vitriol - 1 tbsp. l.
  4. Potash -1 tsp

The pit is left to settle for about a month. The fact is that you need to wait for the soil in the pit to settle and compact, because grassy peonies prefer a high landing. In an unprepared planting hole, the soil may begin to settle along with the plant, which will lead to the deepening of the bush.

The distance between the landing pits is at least 1 m.

Planting peony rhizomes

After the soil settles in the pit, they proceed directly to planting divisions or adult bushes. There should be 3-4 buds on the rhizome, but even 1-2 buds can give life to luxurious bushes, only this will take more time.

The roots are straightened and the plant is planted in a hole. It is very important to plant correctly: on heavy soils - deepen the plant by 5 cm to the level of the buds, on loose soils - up to 7 cm.

The rhizomes of peonies are carefully sprinkled with soil, carefully compacted with their hands, you can not trample the ground in a flower bed with planted peonies with your feet. Around the plant make a side of the remaining earth, carefully watered. It is useful to mulch the soil surface with a mixture of peat and garden soil. Watering the first 2 weeks is carried out daily, this moisturizing regime is maintained until the plant takes root.

Too low or high planting of peony bushes will equally negatively affect the development of plants. In the first case, buds will not develop on the bushes, and in the second case, the plants will not survive the winter or will freeze.

Tree peonies: planting in spring

You can plant tree-like peonies in open ground in spring and autumn, but you can also purchase planting material in the spring. Many flower growers - fans of the spring planting of peonies, argue that before the fall, the plants have time to gain strength, so they are better prepared for wintering.

As well as for herbaceous peonies, tree varieties need bright sun and nutritious soil. The site for planting is chosen away from tall trees, fences and outbuildings.

Low-lying areas with wet soil are categorically not suitable - peonies can grow in one place for up to 25 years, so it is worth protecting the plant from the root system getting wet and damp.

Landing pits are prepared in advance, the average hole size is 70X70cm. The shape of the pit is a truncated cone - the width is reduced closer to the bottom.

As a drainage, pebbles, crushed stone, broken bricks or ceramics, sand are laid at the bottom of the pit. The thickness of the drainage layer is 20 cm. The soil must have a neutral reaction, with increased acidity of the soil, chalk, dolomite flour or lime are added to the pit at the rate of 200 to 300 g.

Young tree-like peonies are planted on a cone, for which purpose earth is first poured into the pit with a slide. A plant is placed on top, spreading the roots along the sides of the cone, after which the pit is filled with water. After absorbing moisture, the plant is sprinkled with earth, making sure that the neck is at the level of the soil.

The distance between the bushes is from 1.5 to 2 m.

Rules for the care of herbaceous and tree peonies

Name of the event


Watering adult bushes

1 time in 2 weeks, in extreme heat - more often.

Single dose of water for 1 bush

5 to 6 liters

Watering duration

From the beginning of August, watering is reduced, in September it is stopped.


At a shallow depth, loosening is carefully carried out several times per season.

top dressing

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the spring, and phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied during the summer. In early autumn, a single top dressing with nitrogen-containing compounds is carried out.


Spring planting time

In the event of foci of infectious diseases, plants are treated with special compounds.

Why peonies do not bloom and how to help them

Very often, novice gardeners complain that peonies planted in the garden do not want to bloom. What can cause the lack of full flowering? There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Violations of the planting rules - many factors affect the lack of flowering: incorrect dimensions of the planting hole, inappropriate soil, strong plant penetration into the ground, wet or salty mail, gross mechanical damage to the renewal buds when planting a plant in a flower bed.
  2. Wrong site selection - lack of good lighting, shade from mature trees, high groundwater levels, drafts, all these reasons can lead to a delay or complete absence of flowering.
  3. Imbalance of top dressing or insufficient amount.
  4. Too large peony bushes for planting (transplanting) - each division should have 3-5 renewal buds, if there are much more of them, it is worth carefully dividing the rhizome into two parts.
  5. Lack of moisture when planting - for about a month, do not forget to water the planted plants daily, while you should pay attention to the weather, in extreme heat, the number of waterings is doubled. Reduce watering only after the growth of new leaves.
  6. The first 2 years should not be allowed to bloom peonies, otherwise the bushes will subsequently bloom sparsely and reluctantly.

Take care of the peony properly, and he will delight you with luxurious armfuls of flowers!

There are a lot of beautiful flowers, but among them I especially want to highlight peonies. Genuine beauty, brightness, color saturation, graceful shape, pleasant aroma... All these qualities characterize this plant. If you are in doubt whether it is worth planting it on your plot of a private house or in the country, then do not hesitate! You will definitely fall in love with this beautiful flower when it decorates your garden with lush color. The most popular way to propagate a flower is to divide the bush, you can get the divisions yourself if you grow a plant in your garden or buy it.

The natural question of a beginner, inexperienced florist or a person who has not previously dealt with these flowers is when is it better to plant peonies, in spring or autumn? Experienced flower growers, relying on their many years of experience and knowledge about the characteristics of the plant, claim that best planted in autumn.

Planting in the spring has certain disadvantages. Spring is a period of rapid growth of the aerial part of the plant, which means that during spring planting, the aerial part of the peony will actively develop, to the detriment of the root system. And such a feature can lead to long survival, weakening of the plant, weak flowering in the future. But at the same time, many gardeners and gardeners successfully plant delenki in the spring. Therefore, the main thing is to plant the plant correctly.

When to plant peonies in autumn and spring: the optimal timing

It is necessary to plant a plant during the period when the growth of suction roots occurs. Plants planted during such a period take root and grow more successfully.

Planting time in spring

The optimal planting time in the spring - the moment of regrowth of the roots, as a rule, falls on April and May, so it is advisable to carry out the procedure at this time.

Planting dates in autumn

When is the best time to plant peonies in the fall? You need to choose a period 3-4 weeks before the first frost. During this time, the plant will have time to take root, it will grow roots. Otherwise, if the procedure is too late, the plant will not have time to take root, which can result in a weakening of the plant, lack of flowering, the development of diseases and even death.

The optimal timing for planting a peony in the fall in different regions is different:

  • In the Middle lane (Moscow region)- the whole of September;
  • In Siberia, in the Urals, in the North-West (Leningrad region)- the end of August and the first half of September;
  • In the South (Krasnodar Territory (Kuban), North Caucasus) end of September, first half of October.

You can also choose the optimal timing for planting a peony in the fall according to the Lunar calendar of 2019:

  • Auspicious days:
    • in August - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28;
    • in September - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24;
    • in October - 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27.
  • Bad days:
    • in August - 15, 16, 30, 31;
    • in September -14, 15, 28, 29;
    • in October - 14, 28.

What to do if you failed to plant peonies in the fall at the right time

It is not always possible to bring plans to life on time. A situation may also arise that you did not have time to plant a peony in the fall at the optimal time, for example, certain circumstances arose, there were a lot of things to do, or you could not get a seedling on time. You can successfully make a late landing in the fall (in October, in November), if you follow a certain technology:

  • It is necessary to plant a seedling in a pot and move it to a greenhouse or to a loggia, but it is required that a positive temperature be maintained in this room. In such conditions, the plant will have time to take root.
  • After about two weeks and after the temperature drops to 0 and below, the delenka should be planted in the open ground in the late autumn right in the pot.
  • The next year, in the fall, dig out a pot and transplant the plant to a permanent place in the ground.

Video: late planting peonies in the fall.

How to plant peonies in a flower bed

A person who strives for harmony and beauty in the garden, for sure, may have a logical question - with what can peonies be planted in a flower bed? To make the flowers look the most advantageous and beautiful, they should be planted next to suitable plants and according to the rules of landscape design:

  • An important point is the combination of colors. Do not plant a peony in front of or next to flowers of the same shade if they bloom at the same time (red with red, pink with pink).
  • It is also important what kind of flowers you plant next to the peony. Irises, delphiniums, lilies, bluebells, daisies, clematis look harmoniously. But they should have contrasting colors so as not to merge and mutually drown out the beauty.
  • Between flowers, a smooth green lawn or just green grass looks appropriate.
  • Flowers look great against the background of large trees and shrubs, including against the background of juniper and arborvitae.
  • Excessive proximity with other colors is not recommended, as they will interfere with normal care.

The photos below show options for placing peonies in a flower bed with other flowers and plants:

Step-by-step instructions for planting peonies in autumn and spring

There are two main types of peony: tree and herbaceous. Despite their differences, the landing scheme of the first and second types is no different. And in order to properly plant both a tree-like and a grassy peony in autumn or spring, which will look beautiful on the site, I advise you to use the step-by-step instructions that describe in detail all the necessary steps.

By the way! The gardener may wonder - when do tree and herbaceous peony bloom after planting in open ground? So, the plant blooms for 3-4 years after the procedure.

Seedling selection

The quality of the planting material plays a very important role in the successful flowering and cultivation of the plant. Therefore, the choice of seedlings must be taken responsibly. Below are recommendations for choosing a quality, right seedling:

  • The best option is a three- or four-year-old peony delenka, which has 3-5 buds.
  • You can also purchase a delenka of one or two years with a pair of kidneys.
  • It is necessary that the delenka has at least two or three kidneys (that is, growth points).
  • If the buds are dry and have a black tint, then they should not be planted.
  • It is recommended to choose seedlings with a root length of about 20 centimeters.
  • The seedling should not be dry or too wet.
  • You should not choose a seedling that exudes a putrid or moldy smell.
  • The root system of the seedling must be healthy, fresh, without suspicious growths.

Location selection

The tree and herbaceous peony has special requirements for the place of cultivation. The splendor and beauty of flowering largely depend on it. When choosing a place to plant a peony in your garden, consider the following recommendations:

  • The place should be sunny and well lit throughout the day. The plant critically tolerates shade and responds to it with weak flowering or a complete lack of flowering. Only a slight shade is allowed at lunchtime.
  • The flower bed should be protected from cold winds and drafts, but there should be no stagnation of air, fresh air should flow normally.
  • Between the flowers and the walls of buildings, the fence should be a distance of about 1-1.5 meters.
  • You should not choose lowlands where moisture stagnates or areas where high humidity is observed, it can provoke root rot and plant death.
  • The level of occurrence of groundwater is not less than 0.7-1 meters. If the level is higher, then it is imperative to make good drainage or make a high flower bed.
  • You should not choose a place under trees with a wide, spreading crown that will cast a shadow.

The ideal location for the peony would be a sunny, sheltered site on the south or southwest side of the garden.

Soil selection

In terms of soil, the culture is not capricious; with proper care, cultivation is possible on any soil. But still, the tree-like and grassy peony has its own preferences in terms of soil:

  • the earth should have a neutral or slightly alkaline acidity (6-7.5);
  • the soil should be moisture-intensive and well-drained;
  • the soil should be light and fertile.

Note! The ideal option is cultivated loamy soil.

How to prepare a planting hole

Planting hole preparation should be done in advance per month before the proposed work. It is recommended to dig a hole with the following parameters: depth — 70-80 centimeters, width - 60-70 centimeters. When making a deepening, set aside the top fertile layer of the earth in a separate pile!

Note! The recommended distance between the bushes of a herbaceous plant is one meter, the distance between tree peonies is one and a half or two meters. Consider the recommended scheme when preparing holes and when planting.

A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the pit, the recommended layer thickness is 10-15 centimeters. You can use crushed brick, gravel, coarse sand.

For planting peonies, it is very important to put fertilizer in the pit.. What is the best fertilizer to apply? The best option: half of the top fertile layer of the earth + compost or humus (one bucket) + ash (300 grams) + superphosphate (100 grams). Everything is thoroughly mixed in the pit.

Then fill the hole with the remaining half of the topsoil to form a mound. There should be a gap of 10 centimeters between the soil and the edge of the pit.

Advice! If your soil is sandy, then add a bucket of clay to the pit, and if clay, then a bucket of peat or sand. The problem of acidic soil can be solved by adding two cups of dolomite flour to the hole.

Seedling preparation

Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the division. To do this, you need to inspect the planting material. If traces of rot, any damage are found, then you need to eliminate these places with a sharp knife and then disinfected in solution potassium permanganate or drug "Maksim"(leave the division in the solution for twenty minutes). It is recommended to process slices wood ash.

For faster and more successful establishment in spring or autumn, it is recommended before planting in open ground. dip the roots in a solution of Heteroauxin. To do this, mix ten liters of water + two heteroauxin tablets + clay + 50 grams of copper sulfate. Mix to a creamy consistency, dip the roots into the solution. Then you need to dry the seedling before the event - just leave it in the shade for a day.

Landing instructions

Autumn or spring planting, in fact, do not have any significant differences, but still, as noted above, the plant does not really like the procedure performed in the spring, so this should be done as carefully as possible during this period.

The following step-by-step guide will help you properly plant a peony in spring and autumn:

  1. It is necessary to very carefully place the seedling in the hole, while you need to direct the roots to the sides or down. And also very carefully you need to straighten the roots, creases should not be allowed.
  2. An extremely important point in the procedure is the landing depth. The seedling buds need to be immersed in the ground by 3-5 centimeters(with heavy soil on the site, you need to deepen the plant by 3-4 centimeters from the beginning of bud growth, and with light soil, you can 5-6). If you leave the kidneys on the surface of the earth, they will freeze slightly, and excessive deepening can provoke rotting, all this will affect the flowering and health of the plant.
  3. Under the seedling and around it, you can pour a little river sand.
  4. Now we fill the division with soil. In this case, you need to carefully tamp the place with your palm so as not to damage the kidneys. Do not compact the soil with your feet.
  5. Now you need to form a watering circle and water the flower bed. It is recommended to do this with a solution of the Kornevin preparation (one gram of a substance per liter of water), the solution will stimulate a good and quick survival rate.
  6. When the earth settles, it is necessary to add soil.
  7. We do mulching. You can use peat, humus. The thickness of the mulching layer is 10-15 centimeters.

The photo below shows a diagram of planting and placing a seedling in a pit:

How to care for peonies after planting

The herbaceous and drain-like peony needs proper care after landing in open ground, because at this moment it is especially vulnerable and needs care. The following instructions will help you properly care for flowers after planting:

  • Watering after the spring procedure must be done regularly for faster rooting. In the first three days, you need to water every day. The optimal amount of water is two buckets under one bush. It is necessary to water under the root, while water should not fall on the stem or leaves. It is worth noting that the plant likes abundant, but not frequent watering. In hot weather, moisture should be applied about once every ten days.
  • Watering after fall planting must be carried out within 30 days after the procedure, that is, before the first frost. During this period, you need to water the plant two or three times. But if at this time there will be heavy rains, then watering is not necessary!

Important! It is better to water the plant in the morning or evening.

  • loosening. Garden manipulation improves air exchange in the soil and the root system of the plant receives oxygen in the optimal amount. Loosening the soil around the plant should be carried out after watering in about 2-3 hours.
  • . If during the autumn or spring planting you applied fertilizers to the pit, then you do not need to fertilize in the next two years, the plant has the necessary supply of nutrients. Then top dressing should be done in the spring, after all the snow has melted (nitrogen fertilizers with a low potassium content are used), at the time of budding (potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used, in which potassium predominates, you can also add a little nitrogen), and in the fall, after about three weeks after flowering (phosphorus-potassium fertilizing is carried out, with a predominance of phosphorus).
  • When planting a seedling at the age of one or two years, it is recommended to prevent the flowering of plants for the first two years. To do this, carefully cut off the buds. Thanks to the manipulation, the plant will successfully grow the root system, and in particular the suction roots. Because of this feature, many flower growers plant a 3-4-year-old seedling, since it is at this age that the plant begins to bloom.
  • After planting a tree or herbaceous peony in the fall, it is necessary to shelter before the winter cold, it will help the plant to winter normally and will not freeze in cold weather. Shelter is especially necessary in colder regions - in Siberia, in the Urals, in the Middle lane, the Volga region, so they should not be neglected. To protect young flowers, spud the near-stem circle. And then mulch, the thickness of the mulch is 15 centimeters. For mulching, you can use compost, peat, sawdust, humus, spruce branches.

The flower garden is a highlight of any kitchen garden and a garden. Planting flowers on the site of a private house, in the country, in the garden is a noble occupation, especially if you are planting a perennial peony. Because in this way you ennoble the territory, making a significant contribution to the transformation of the garden. And to do it right in spring and autumn, the scheme and rules of procedure given in the article will help you.