What is the name of the pet. Tips for choosing pets for children - an overview and descriptions of all options. Turtle is a calm long-liver

If you have children, sooner or later they will start asking for a pet. Which one to choose, so that it would be good for both people and pets?

If your child already understands that birds, dogs, cats, fish, mice can live in a house or apartment, then naturally the question will be asked: why don't we have a bird, dog or cat? Well, the question will be followed by such familiar words for parents as “Mom, buy it!” or “I want, I want, I want!” Which pets are the most attractive, useful and safe for children? Let's get to know everyone.

What is important to consider when choosing a pet

In this case, first of all, parents should focus on the age of the child. Doctors and psychologists do not recommend getting a pet for children under 6 years old, since only by this age the child begins to understand that an animal is not an insensitive toy, it, like a person, feels pain, needs care, nutrition, rest, etc. .

If the age of the child allows you to have a pet, then you should pay attention to the choice of a pet. You should not make a decision in a hurry or buy at the pet store the animal that the child pokes his finger at. Take enough time to choose an animal, study information about pets for children from various sources, consult with your pediatrician so that later you do not have to give the animal back or there are no unexpected troubles.

When choosing an animal for a child, consider the gender, age, temperament, health of the baby, as well as your physical abilities and the size of the living space. The most common types of pets may not always be suitable for one particular child, so pay attention to exotic types as well.

Who needs a kitten

In the descriptions of pets for children, there is no division among pets into female and male, only cats deserve special attention here. No, cats are not contraindicated for either girls or boys, but for girls they are more useful. If a girl grows up in the city and never spends time in a house where a cat lives, then it makes sense to have a kitten.

The secret here is in the strange and rare but dangerous disease toxoplasmosis. It is dangerous mainly for unborn children, that is, for the fetus of a pregnant woman. And it is precisely in order for the fetus not to die from toxoplasmosis that a woman in her childhood should spend at least some time with a cat or a cat, play, stroke, live in the same room. In this case, Toxoplasma, having entered the child's body, stimulates the production of antibodies that in the future will protect the baby of this girl from a rare disease. We have already written about the other one.

If you are considering getting a cat, there are several factors to consider. Allergy is the first thing that can make you give the kitten back to the store or, God forbid, leave it on the street. Also, the aggressive temperament of the child will not allow the cat to take root in your home. If you understand that a son or daughter is likely to pull the unfortunate kitten by the tail, tie rattles to it, or cause inconvenience in other ways, then it is better to refrain from acquiring.

Yet, for the most part, cats are independent and proud animals who are not used to enduring anything. In case of a bad attitude towards themselves, they will be able to stand up for themselves or they will live in constant fear. But there are also cat breeds that are suitable for an active child, these can be patient Scottish Folds or playful Abyssinians. At the same time, cats of different breeds will be ideal for a child prone to tantrums, such children need animals in the first place, as they have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

The best devoted friend is a dog

The dog is man's best friend. An old but very accurate and wise phrase. But by bringing a puppy into the house, you are essentially having another child. After all, the dog needs a lot of attention, these are vaccinations, and walks, and feeding, and training, and bathing. Therefore, having chosen a dog of a suitable breed, immediately prepare the child for the fact that caring for the animal will be his responsibility.

Safety is also very important, you should teach the child to treat the puppy so that in the future, when the little animal grows up, he does not remember the baby's past grievances. Another disadvantage of keeping a dog is the financial side, since you will have to buy food if you want to raise a healthy animal. And, accordingly, the larger the dog, the more food it needs, and the more expensive the muzzle and collar, that is, the more money it will take, consider this when choosing a breed.

But the advantages of dogs, of course, are invaluable. What are some walks in the fresh air, and even with a four-legged partner, if, of course, your child will participate in this. As well as boundless devotion and readiness to protect their owner - these are the undeniable advantages of dogs. In a child, a dog will bring up a sense of responsibility, devotion, courage, teach you to be friends. The main thing is to choose the right breed.

Little rodents for babies

A small child, if he has already persuaded you to buy a pet at the age of 4-5, you can buy a hamster or a mouse. They do not require special care, just feed the rodent twice a day and clean the cage a couple of times a week. Perhaps breeding small animals will be training to get a more serious animal.

The downside is that rodents do not live long, 2-4 years, so be prepared to explain to the child what happened to his pet. This will not be a big trauma for your little one at an early age, but it can seriously injure an older child.

A domestic or laboratory rat is perhaps the most unloved creature by mothers, but a suitable animal for preschool children. But only at first glance. When this animal appears in the house, sooner or later the mother decides to get to know him, and the rodent will certainly win the favor of even the most strict parent. Like hamsters, rats are picky in care, omnivores, do not require much attention from humans.

Leaving for a couple of days, you don’t have to worry about the rat, it won’t get bored very much, just give it enough food and fill the drinker. Of course, rats have an unpleasant smell, but not as strong as, for example, guinea pigs. If you periodically bathe the animal and often clean the cage, then the smell is practically not felt.

The rat is a very intelligent and sociable creature. Having become attached to a person, she will play with him, you can even let her run around the apartment, at the first call she will come running to you, as she easily remembers the sound of her name.

But when buying a rat, you need to check it with a veterinarian, since these animals are the carriers of the greatest number of infections that are also dangerous for humans. Also, a rat can be aggressive towards other animals, there were cases when a domestic rat bit a guinea pig and even a grown kitten to death, so you need to be careful.

Home aquarium with fish

Fish are ideal for restless, hyperactive children. On the one hand, it would seem that such a child will be bored with fish. You can’t stroke them, you can’t run with them, you can’t take them out for a walk. But an aquarium with fish will perfectly calm the child's nervous system before bedtime or after a school day.

They are easy to care for, feeding the fish is a matter of two minutes. At first, you can clean the aquarium together with mom or dad until the baby learns to do it himself. In addition, the fish do not make almost any noise, which is sometimes very important for parents. But keep in mind that interest in fish can quickly fade, so be prepared for new requests to buy a new pet.

For details on how to start breeding fish and how to choose and buy everything you need, read our article.

Feathered friends instead of an alarm clock

A parrot is a great choice for both a teenager and primary school children. Caring for a parrot is basically simple, you just need to add food, monitor the presence of water in the drinker and sometimes clean the cage. A parrot is a good choice if you have a calm, silent or even melancholic child.

A beautiful, bright, active bird will attract the attention of a bored son and cheer him up. But pay attention not only to parrots, but also to canaries, because these are one of the most domestic birds. Be prepared for noise and an early rise, as the majority of birds wake up very early, and they definitely will not silently wait for you to wake up.

Turtle is a calm long-liver

If you decide to present an animal as a gift to a child, then you can consider a turtle as a pet. Pros: it does not need to be walked, it does not make noise, does not leave hair in the apartment, and will not be able to injure a child. Turtles easily take root in a new home. Also, with proper care, you can not be afraid that the child will be upset because of the death of his pet, as turtles live for 20-40 years.

Unlike hamsters and mice, you can not be afraid that the turtle will run away from the child under the sofa, you can even take it with you for walks. But there is a risk that an active child will quickly get tired of the turtle, and he will start asking for a new pet.

In any case, before finally deciding which animal to choose for a child, all factors must be taken into account, and not just the desire of the youngest family member. But, of course, it’s better to get at least a small animal, because taking care of it, the baby will gradually become accustomed to responsibility, learn to appreciate and love, and in the end he will have a friend.

It is especially important to have a pet if you are not yet deciding on. If you are afraid to get a pet because of smells, sounds, or any other factors that are unpleasant at first glance, then think about what is more important for you, whether some rustling or chirping can interfere with making your son and daughter happy.

Very often, people living in apartments want to get a pet for their soul or for their children, but they cannot do this because of too small living space or allergic reactions to their wool. You can always get small pets that do not need a lot of space, but an aquarium or a cage will suffice.

In this article, we will get acquainted with the smallest pets that you can have even in a very tiny apartment.


Ants are considered the smallest and least space-consuming pets. This hobby is becoming more and more popular, so special ant farms are already mass-produced: from the simplest to entire mini-ecosystems. Bred in such formicaria (houses) only certain types of ants, which can be bought at pet stores.

One of the most popular types of small pets are rodents.

Decorative mice

This is the smallest variant of rodents, since the length of their body (without tail) reaches a maximum of 8 cm. There are two types: pure white and colored. It is recommended to keep mice one by one so that they do not breed, or take two mice of the same sex.


This rodent can have a body length of up to 12 cm, differs from most tame rodents in a fluffy tail. It is better to keep them in a cage 30 cm high and measuring 30 cm by 60 cm with a wheel installed in it, but daily they should be allowed to run around the room.


There are several types of hamsters that are commonly kept as pets: the Djungarian (the smallest), the Syrian (golden) and several species of upland. Regardless of the species, all hamsters should be kept in a cage, and the larger the cage, the better for the hamster.

dwarf rabbits

At the moment it has become very fashionable to have rabbits at home, but not all breeds remain as small as sellers promise. Dwarfs include: American Fold (1.6 - 1.8 kg), British Miniature (1.1 kg), Himalayan (1.1 - 2 kg), Dutch Fold (1.8 kg), Jersey Woolly (1, 6 kg), mini rex (1.4 - 2 kg).

From rodents at home, rats, chinchillas and even ferrets are often brought up.

or pygmy pigs

It is becoming more and more popular to have small pigs as a pet, which, even as adults, weigh no more than 12 kg and grow only up to 35 cm in length. Now there are several breeds of mini-pigs: Vietnamese Fold, Bergshtresser Knirt, Mayalino, Göttingen, Wiesenau.

African pygmy hedgehogs

Hedgehogs are a fairly new type of domestic animal. Dwarf hedgehogs specially bred for the home are very small in size: length up to 15-20 cm, weight - 300-500 g. You can keep hedgehogs in terrariums, cardboard boxes or in cages, in which a house, stones, toys and sand must be made, for swimming. You can feed such unusual inhabitants with cat and dog food or dry food, vegetables and fruits, boiled meat, insects, etc.

In addition to the listed small animals, you can also have budgerigars, turtles, lizards and silent fish at home. But the small size of an animal does not mean that it needs less care than a large one.

Who helps kids develop, and old people do not get bored alone, children play, and adults emotionally relax after a hard day's work? There is only one answer: the list of which is quite large today.

Cats, dogs

Open the list of the most popular pets: dogs and cats. They have long lived next to man, helping him in everything. If cats are less useful in everyday life (they are good for rest, and, of course, for treatment), then dogs have always helped a person in practice: they guarded, were accomplices in hunting. Caring for these animals is quite simple. Cats can be completely domestic, not all of them require street walks. But dogs need to be walked outside as often as possible. There can be no nutritional problems here, because in addition to the usual food that suits them, there are specialized feeds - they not only nourish the body, but also saturate it with vitamins and microelements so necessary for the growth and development of these animals.


What other popular pets are there? These are fish that bring the owner primarily aesthetic satisfaction. It is believed that the fish perfectly calm the nerves, and watching their life is calming. Caring for them is not very complicated, you can also purchase special feed. It is only necessary to clean the aquarium from time to time.


Birds such as parrots and canaries are very popular in the role. They are small in size and fit easily in cages. But keep in mind that these birds are very noisy. Caring for them is simple - food and all means can be bought at the nearest pet store.

small rodents

The following pets, adding to the list: hamsters, decorative pigs, chinchillas, miniature rabbits, etc. These are small fluffy lumps that kids love so much. But it is worth considering that often they do not emit a very pleasant smell. That is why caring for the cells of these animals is so important. They need to be cleaned as often as possible. Feeding such pets will also not be a problem, you just need to know what should be included in their diet.


Reptiles today are also pets. Their list is quite wide, you can keep anyone in your home: a snake, a lizard, a turtle, an iguana and even a crocodile! But first you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for such animals: you need to strictly monitor the temperature in their home, humidity, water level (for turtles). Feeding should also not be a problem, because pet stores offer a range of food for such pets.


Well, and, probably, the most terrible and final list are spiders. It is worth saying that it is very important to find out everything about your new pet in advance, because you can acquire a rather dangerous individual that can pose a threat even to the owner. Such animals do not lend themselves to training, so it is impossible to foresee their next step. Food for spiders can also be purchased at the pet store. It is important to carefully monitor the humidity and temperature in their home, because even the life of an animal can depend on it.

15 coolest and cutest pets

Future owners of any pets, before getting someone, shovel all the Internet in search of useful articles. To make things easier for them, we collected fifteen different cute animals and wrote the most important things about them. Looking at this endless tenderness, you immediately want to gallop with victorious cries to the nearest pet store and drag all the pets home. And then squeeze, feed, stroke!

Dwarf lop-eared rabbit

Incredibly cute bunny with floppy ears and a kind, complaisant character. It is easy to keep in an ordinary apartment. For breakfast - carrots, for lunch - germinated wheat, for dinner - your computer wires, if you do not have time to isolate them from the pet. It gnaws always and everywhere, in rain and heat, in spring and summer. But it is worth showing a little patience in education - and the eared rabbit is already faithfully sitting on your lap and watching some action movie with pleasure. Comb out such a critter more often: no one has yet canceled tangles from neglect. The cost of a lop-eared rabbit is from 1000 rubles.


This wad of Hispanic fur with small ears will enslave you back at the pet store. After buying a rodent, an uncontrollable desire - to squeeze, squeeze, stroke, scratch your furry back - will arise at the most inopportune moment for you. Answered an important call on work issues - and on the screensaver you have chinchillas. So what? How to yell at subordinates? So it remains - only to be touched and make the sounds “Utyutu and Anyanya”. But be careful: the harmful nature of chinchillas is inherited. So before you buy, if possible, find out more about his ancestors. If they bite and are ready to chop off their hand, it is better to wait. And yes, by the way, for daily hygiene, chinchillas need special sand collected by blond virgins on Yyuan Mountain. We are joking. In fact, chinchillas need… volcanic dust for bathing! But don't worry, the pet store will pick up the right sand for you. Remember: the more unusual the animal, the more attention to detail. The cost of a chinchilla is from 4500 rubles.


In the forest, these kids live on the strength of two years: the bad climate and the lack of vitamins have an effect. At home, the bar "i will survive" ("I will live" - ​​English) takes off to unimaginable heights. Tailed and striped live for 10-15 years. Of the necessary conditions: a cage meter by meter, two houses (one for a nut nut, the second for living), affectionate treatment and clean water. Chipmunks are extremely clean and live alone. So it’s not worth bringing the chipmunk lady of the heart right into the house - first find out about the habits of your pet. Grabbing the tail with your fingers and poking in the stomach is also not recommended. It can whistle and bleed. But this is an extreme case. Be gentle and patient with your baby - after a couple of months, he will become tame and finally start poking your food out from under your nose. The cost of a chipmunk is from 5000 rubles.


The long slicker, the naughty and the prankster - it's all about the ferret. Unbearably cute, it is impossible not to hug him. And he is just happy. But do not forget to go to the veterinary clinic and remove his paraanal glands. It is because of them that ferrets are called smelly. Why, they don’t call it in vain, the aroma from them be healthy. But if everything is done correctly in the clinic, then only cuteness and endless playfulness remain. True, if you don’t educate, the ferret will start biting your legs at any opportunity. And hide your wallet away: there are known cases of poking wallets and hiding them under the sofa, behind the sofa, on the closet, under the closet, under the carpet and in the mezzanine. The cost of a ferret is from 5000 rubles.

american curl

Representatives of this breed claim to be the owners of the cutest ears in the cat family. Everyone has seen lop-eared kittens, they, of course, are also cute. But American Curls have their ears turned back, fur out. A very rare breed, bred in the States about thirty years ago. They are shorthaired and longhaired. The latter are more difficult to care for, they need to be combed twice a week: otherwise - hello, mats! The cost of an American curl is from 7000 rubles.

Japanese Chin

This dog is suitable for those who love to do hairstyles, comb and bother with hair in every possible way. Canine, of course. Because the Japanese Chin has some kind of continuous infinity. In addition, they are very social dogs and require constant attention. Otherwise, they become lethargic, sad, withdrawn and depressed. Don't offend Japanese Chins, take them on your hands! The cost of a Japanese chin is from 10,000 rubles.

Komondor or Hungarian Shepherd Dog

Mop dog, she is also a Hungarian shepherd shepherd dog. A huge pompom, a rastaman in dreadlocks, a ball of rope - it's all about the komondor. He has a very funny look: thanks to an unusual coat growing in rolled dreadlocks, the dog turns into a snowball. This hairstyle is formed in dogs by the age of two. And before that, they are more like fluffy bears, which is also very cute. Dreadlocks are not combed or cut, so over the years the dog becomes hairier and bigger. And dirtier, because no one has yet canceled the dirt adhering to the wool. The cost of a komondor is from 12,000 rubles.


It is simply impossible not to fall in love with those huge black eyes and folds all over the body. It seems that the dog apologizes all the time, and even if this miracle causes trouble, it is impossible not to forgive him. And pugs look absolutely charming in different suits and sweaters. True, at the same time they snore, overeat and require special attention to their person in every sense: from care to treatment. Well, which one of us is perfect? Another interesting fact: the dog is square. And we are now completely serious. The average proportions of a pug (according to official breed standards) are 33 centimeters at the withers and 33 centimeters in length. Perhaps this is the main reason for their tenderness? The cost of a pug is from 15,000 rubles.

bengal cat

It looks like a real leopard, in size and character - a domestic cat. Some are wary of this breed: “But she won’t eat the owner”? But in fact, they are the cutest creatures. These cats have inherited from their ancestor, the wild leopard cat, a unique coloring, incredible grace and an insane love for water games. Close the bathroom door! The cost of a Bengal cat is about 15,000 rubles.

yorkshire terrier

She is also a breed for lovers of small dogs. Yorkshires can be funny to cut, buy them funny outfits and shoes. In general, to have fun with them to the fullest - Barbie will be forgotten. A full-fledged live toy with an accommodating character, a cute muzzle and British roots. Loud-voiced meteors, who need to be toilet trained as soon as possible from childhood. Otherwise, a child will appear in your house who will have to change diapers. The cost of a Yorkshire Terrier is from 15,000 rubles.

Bolognese or French lap dog

Very fluffy, kind and smart dog. He is very trainable and gets along well with children. A kind of shaggy little nanny. Boundless devotion and activity are the hallmarks of these cute little dogs. Their inner content is fully consistent with the angelic appearance: in addition to a stylish gait, these dogs have great charm. Unpretentious, but it is necessary to comb out every day. The cost of bolognese is from 15,000 rubles.


Such a mukhtar will not be able to guard the house, he is also unlikely to bring slippers, but he gives great aesthetic pleasure. Very tactile dogs, they love to be squeezed and scratched. They can not get off their hands around the clock. Chihuahuas have a very stable psyche, fearlessness, as well as incredible endurance. Smart. In general, solid pluses. The cost of a Chihuahua is from 15,000 rubles.

Russian toy terrier

A dwarf dog, absolutely unadapted to life in the wild. This tiny dog ​​with bulging eyes constantly needs attention, like a small child. It does not slip off the hands and trembles if it is not dressed up in a jacket or a knitted vest. Ideal for those who have nowhere to put tenderness and attention. The dog is ideal for large cities: he feels great even in the smallest apartment, is very unpretentious in care, if the owner wishes, he calmly learns to go to the tray. But this is an extreme case if you are too lazy to walk with your pet in bad weather. We hope it doesn't come to that. The cost of a Russian toy terrier is from 18,000 rubles.

Miniature Pomeranian

This is a living soft toy. Literally a teddy bear that runs after you around the apartment, wears slippers and rubs against your legs. The cuteness of these dogs exceeds the norms approved by the European Convention on Human Rights. They are criminally cute. In addition, this Spitz is smart and quick-witted: by the age of five months, your dog will easily remember the basic commands and will obey you unquestioningly. The cost of a dwarf Pomeranian is from 20,000 rubles.

Siberian Husky

This is an ancient breed of sled dogs, they are able to live and work in the most severe conditions. Huskies have such serious facial expressions that they have become an Internet meme. Online pranksters call huskies "suspect dog". In general, these are incredibly cute creatures that love to babysit children. A very mobile and playful breed, the best jogging partner. Attention: Huskies love space, so you should not start such a breed as a room dog. In addition, a sled dog needs a lot of physical activity every day. The cost of a husky starts from 25,000 rubles.

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