How do I know what kind of death I will die. Year of death by date of birth. Divination card for death

Man has always been frightened by the future with its uncertainty, but it is especially scary to find out how many years are allotted to live in this world. Of course, it is impossible to avoid death, but I really want to know the code of death, so that by counting its date, you can not be afraid for your life.

Death code - according to the number of fate and date of birth

So the number of death is 9.

The meaning of the number of death

1. After a bright and long life, a quick and calm death awaits. Usually after eighty years. Just do not test your health for strength - smoking and alcohol, as well as a wild lifestyle, it is better to limit and not choose risky types of work - high-altitude workers, racers, builders, etc.

2. Death will come from an accident. Danger will haunt you all your life, but you are a cautious person, so death due to a flood, a plane crash or another option, but this will not be your fault. Do not trust the management of your own car to another person, even a close one. Fatal years - 7, 20, 45, 66. You need to be especially careful at this age.

3. Life will be long and without serious illnesses, but in old age an incurable disease will come to light, which will cause death. Difficult years - 44 and 73. Be sure to take care of your health - visit doctors for any illness, not even letting a banal cold take its course.

4. You are a long-liver. Chances are you can live to your 100th birthday with a sound mind and memory. Your good spirits can only be envied, but do not test your health - give up fatty foods and a sedentary lifestyle, but of course, smoking and alcohol are prohibited.

5. You constantly walk in the balance with death, but your guardian angel is always there, so you will avoid an accident and a catastrophe will pass by. You can be called a fort, but you should not play with luck - be attentive to others, do not harm them either morally or physically, then you will live to old age without serious illnesses. Fatal years - 3, 15.24, 48, 62, 76.

6. Your date of death is karmic, so it is important to find out what debt you had in a past life in order to determine when death will occur. Fatal years - 13, 25, 40 and 68. Men do not have to take risks at 35, a fatal outcome is possible.

7. Be careful in dealing with the elements of nature, water and flame can become executioners for you. In no case do not choose a profession related to them, because even the occurrence of a large fire can be fatal for you. Dangerous years - 24, 28, 36 and 61 - you should not radically change your life at this age.

8. By nature, you are a gambler who walks on the blade, which means that danger is always nearby. Either change your lifestyle, or your death will come at an early age at the hands of another person. Otherwise, death will occur at 65-70 years. Dangerous years - 20, 30 and 50.

9. You are destined to die young. Few of the "nines" live to see their fiftieth birthday. Be sure to watch your health - drinking and smoking are contraindicated. Bad years - 22 and 45 years.

Many people are worried about how much time they still have to live. Of course, no science is able to give an exact answer to this question. That's why people have all sorts of superstitions - from cuckoos to oracles.

The most mysterious and incomprehensible of the sciences, the theory of probability and mathematical statistics, has advanced furthest in resolving the issue of predicting the date of death. And it was not at all for the sake of idle curiosity that the best mathematical minds worked, but in order to earn money on human fears of the vicissitudes of fate.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the palm here belongs to the notorious "British scientists" - after all, the period of intensive development of probability theory just coincided with the insurance boom in England.

In essence, life insurance is a bet that a person makes with an insurance company that he will die within a certain period of time. For making such a bet, the client (insured) pays the insurer (insurance company) a certain amount of money - an insurance premium. If the insured turns out to be right and really dies at the appointed time, then the insurer pays a large sum of money to his family. If he continues to live, then the insurance company receives a profit from the bet in the amount of the insurance premium previously paid by the client.

Of course, in order to make such a bet on death and not go bust, insurance companies had to learn how to estimate the likelihood that a client would die within a certain period of time. The more accurately the insurer predicts the expected date of death, the less unfavorable bets he will make, and the more profit he will receive.

What did mathematicians do in the service of insurance companies? First of all, they began to collect detailed statistics on the mortality of the population. These data have been carefully collected over hundreds of years and thoroughly analyzed. At the same time, precise mathematical methods were also developed, which made it possible to build highly accurate forecasts for the future based on information about past events. Factors capable of radically influencing the duration of human life were identified. New formulas and tables for calculations appeared, which ultimately turned into huge profits for insurance companies.

We are used to the fact that mathematics is publicly available. But not where very big money is involved. Where there is money, there is mystery and concealment, lies and deceit. Insurance companies had no intention of sharing intimate knowledge with anyone and kept it in the strictest confidence. However, someday everything secret becomes clear, and today we publish for you an algorithm for calculating the duration of the remaining life, which for centuries remained available only to the elite.

To find out your estimated date of death, just answer a few simple questions and you'll get an instant answer. Free, no SMS

Predicting death is one of the most piquant questions. Numerology offers several calculation methods: calculation of the date of death by date of birth or by last name, first name and patronymic. To work, you only need a pen and a piece of paper.

Numerology and calculation of the date of death

Numerology is the science of numbers. It shows the past, present and future. With the help of numbers, you can also calculate the date of death. It is impossible to determine the exact date or month in numerology, it will be the estimated age or critical years in a person's life.

The calculation is carried out personally or for someone. For the calculation, data on the date of birth are taken: day, month and year or last name and first name of a person.

The numbers should not be approximate, the date of birth is personal and unique numerical information, only exact numbers will give the correct calculation. The surname and name of the person must be in Russian or Latin. The surname is full, and the name that is used daily is not Valeria, but Lera. The date of death will not be accurate if passport data is used, because it will not be able to reveal the characteristic number of death of a person.

Calculation by date of birth

This is one of the most popular numerological calculations. Numerical information is taken and summed up correctly. The final or characteristic number should turn out to be unambiguous - from 1 to 9. After that, you need to look at the interpretation of this number in the table of values ​​​​and find out your future.

  • date of birth: September 14 (09) 1977;
  • sum of all numbers: 1 + 4 + 0 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 7 = 38;
  • sum up to a single number: 3 + 8 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2.

You can also calculate by individual dates: the date when a terrible accident occurred and the person survived that day, the day of moving to another country, the day of a complex or critical operation. Such days are considered the second birthday of a person. It is also permissible to find out the date of death by the date of baptism.

Calculation by last name and first name

A less popular type of calculation, but just as accurate. The surname and name of a person is translated into a numerical equivalent according to a table in Russian or Latin. The result is summed up and a characteristic number from 1 to 9 is displayed.

No matter in what language the letters will be translated into numbers, the final code will be the same. The more accurate the data, the more correct the prediction. Next, you need to calculate your own code using the table.

Russian alphabetNumberLatin alphabet
A I C b1 A J S
B Y T Y2 B K T
V K U L3 C L U
G L F E4 D M V
D M X Yu5 E N W
E N C I6 F O X
Yo O Ch7 G P Y
W P W8 H Z Q
Z R W9 I R

Calculation example by name:

  • human data: Kolomoets Ksyusha 3 (K) + 7 (O) + 4 (L) + 7 (O) + 5 (M) + 7 (O) + 6 (E) + 6 (C) + 3 (K) + 1(C) + 5 (Yu) + 9 (W) + 1 (A) = 64;
  • sum up to a single number: 6 + 4 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1.

Your characteristic number according to these data is 1. Next, you need to look at the interpretation of the numbers.

If the calculation seems unreliable, then you can add the patronymic of the person. This will enhance the effect of the numbers and give more accurate information. If a person occupies a large position, it is better to use the full name and patronymic, because he is often addressed that way.

Number interpretation

Number 1

You are a long-liver. Units often cross the threshold of 85+. They are healthy and active for most of their lives. In declining years, problems with joints and blood vessels begin, but nothing dangerous happens. They are not threatened by a tragic accident or misfortune. Critical years speak of some dangers, but they will not take away vitality or time, rather one should be more vigilant in everything. Critical years: 5, 12, 18, 26, 28, 34 and 42.

Number 2

The opposite of unity. Unfortunate characteristic number. For such a person, there is a high probability of tragedy, death. Twos must take care of their health, beware of dangerous areas and people. Trouble follows them. A constant series of troubles and illnesses does not allow deuces to cross the threshold of 65 +. Critical years: 16, 19, 21.26, 29, 35, 39, 48, 51.

Number 3

Longevity is average. Exactly half of their lives, threes live carefree and healthy. Good luck and prosperity are constant companions of these people. They say they were born in a shirt. But after 40 years everything changes. They begin to hurt sharply and severely. They are haunted by strange and absurd cases. Rarely do threesomes live to be 70 years old. However, if you lead the right lifestyle, there is a chance to attend the wedding of grandchildren.

A healthy lifestyle will help triplets live longer

Number 4

Real longevity. They are never in danger. They easily cross the border in 100 years. These people have health problems, but not critical ones. All accidents turn into good luck and will not bring any grief. Fours do not have critical years. All that is required of them is the right way of life.

Number 5

A good figure, but not a long-liver. They are lucky all their lives, but this will not help to go over 70+. They just die a natural death, without pain. Approximate years of death from 45 to 68.

Critical years: 17, 24, 32, 36, 39, 45, 47, 55, 58, 61. During this period, irreparable things can happen: accident, illness, misfortune. Fives must always be on the alert.

Number 6

One of the most dangerous numbers in your natal chart. With sixes, anything can happen. You can’t lose heart and attract trouble, you need to think only about the good, then the sixes live up to 45 years and more. Critical years: 16, 18 and 34.

Number 7

The Guardian Angel of the Seven is always there. It is necessary to beware of fire and water. These are the only elements that can take life ahead of time. Sevens live up to 78-85 years. Their lives are going well. However, they may have health problems that will shorten the last stretch of life. Critical years: 5, 11, 22, 37, 41.

Number 8

Eights must beware of adrenaline: racing, jumping, sports, tourism. All this leads to death or irreparable illness. If you lead the right lifestyle, a person with this code lives up to 64 years. Critical years: 44, 47.49 and 56.

Eights should avoid extreme sports

Number 9

The opposite of longevity. Nines are distinguished by their ability to die early. The cause of death can be absolutely anything.

Here it is impossible to single out critical years or dangerous elements. Nines must accept their fate and fulfill their life purpose.


It is easy to find out the date of death of a person, it is enough to calculate it in one or two numerological ways. These are simple and proven methods. You can count it yourself or for someone at his request. The more accurate the information, the better the forecast.

Many people want to look into the future and calculate the dates of important events. Among the burning questions is the question of how much time is left until the end of life's journey. It is impossible to predict the date of death with absolute accuracy, but you can try to calculate it. Numerological teaching, rooted in ancient times, offers two ways to find out the age when death is most likely, and some of the circumstances of the latter, by adding the numbers of the date of birth or the numerical values ​​of the letters of the name. The table of correspondences is given in two alphabets - Cyrillic and Latin. A detailed interpretation is given for each result.

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    Death date prediction and numerology

    Many people want to look into the future and find out in advance what tomorrow has in store for them. One of the most burning questions is the question of how much time is left until the end of life. It is impossible to predict the expected death with absolute accuracy, but you can try to calculate how long to wait for someone to die, based on any facts. How long someone's life will last people have tried to determine since time immemorial, so most of the esoteric teachings developed by mankind have ways to get an answer to this question. After reviewing them, you can make an assumption about how long a person will live in this world or calculate the critical moments when death comes very close and you need to be vigilant so as not to fall into her hands.

      Numerology is one of such teachings that originated in antiquity, underwent a long evolution and retained popularity to this day. This system of knowledge is based on the idea that the whole world can be represented in the form of numbers, which are endowed with a symbolic meaning. Numerologists offer a choice of two ways to get information about the circumstances of a future death.

      By date of birth

      According to numerological concepts, it is believed that the numbers of a birthday contain all the sacred information about a person, including the most dangerous years, when a person is most vulnerable and falls into the risk zone. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to find out the approximate date of your death. To formulate hypotheses about life expectancy by date of birth, numerologists offer to make a special calculation. To do this, you need to perform some arithmetic calculations. It is important to remember that in order to compile a numerological horoscope, it is necessary to find out the exact date of birth, which includes not only the day and month of birth, but also the year.

  1. 1. All digits of the date of birth must be added. It can be a single or double digit number.
  2. 2. If the result is two-digit, add the numbers again, achieving a number from 1 to 9.
  3. 3. The calculation is done, it's time to interpret the received symbol.

By last name and first name

This method is based on replacing the letters of the name and surname with numerical equivalents. Patronymic data is sometimes also taken into account. The method of further calculation is the same as described above.

The most truthful calculation will be made on the basis of the most relevant information - the name with which a person is accustomed to associate himself, and not the one that appears in the documents. This means that those who usually call themselves a diminutive form or a home nickname should make calculations for both options - both for the running and for the full form. It is believed that the latter contains programmatic, ideal information about fate, while the real situation is displayed by the name by which a person is called, so the calculation for both options will be as complete as possible. If you need to choose one thing, it is recommended to prefer the actual data to the passport ones.

  1. 1. Using the above table of correspondences, you should present the data as a numerical sequence (hint: the number of characters must match the original number of letters).
  2. 2. All numbers are added together until a result is obtained from 1 to 9.

Interpretation of results

The number 1 suggests that you can not worry about death until a respectable age. The death of such a person is expected in the period from 80 to 85 years.

The number 2 is an alarming omen. It may mean that death will not be natural. Fatal accidents are likely throughout life: at ages 7, 19, 29, 45 and 67.

The number 3 portends relative calm until old age: in the middle stage of life, numerologists recommend paying attention to only one age: 44 years. The last years of the owners of such a result are often overshadowed by diseases that accelerate the decay of life.

The number 4 gives the impression of being happy: it is a sign of a long-liver. Stepping over the centennial milestone is a common thing for this group of people. They live their lives fully, not being prone to suffer from health problems.

The number 5 has common features with four and two. These people are balancing on the edge, living through several critical periods: 3, 15, 24, 48, 62 and 76 years. However, luck accompanies them: they miraculously avoid danger. Correct behavior can save the life of the owner of this result for a long time.

The number 6 is a mystery to numerologists. We can only say that 13, 22, 47 and 68 years of life are risky. When looking for information about passing away, it is recommended to look at individual circumstances. Longevity is associated with karma.

People who receive the number 7 are considered lucky in terms of avoiding danger, but security weakens around 24, 36 and 61 years of age. The death of those born under the sign of the seven is associated with the action of the water or fire elements.

If the result of the calculations is the number 8, numerologists suggest that death is often next to a person. For this reason, any risky situation carries the greatest danger for this particular group of people. "Caution above all else" is the actual motto recommended to members of this group.

The number 9, although it is the largest on this list, prophesies a short life that will end abruptly and suddenly. Nine warns those born under her sign against bad habits, drinking alcohol and nicotine. It is recommended to be attentive to your body, diligently take care of its condition. Particular zeal should be shown at the age of 16, 23, 38, 47 years. Such tactics increase the chances of getting into the ranks of the lucky ones who survived the fifth anniversary. This period of half a century seems small, but for people of the nine it represents a good and very rare result.

Calculation example

When compiling a numerological horoscope for a person named Ida, whose birth fell on 12.12.2004, the following steps will be performed.

  • 1+ 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 4 = 10.
  • 1+ 0 = 1 (one person, see interpretation above).
  • 1(I)+5(D)+1(A)=7 (see above).

One should not be surprised when the results of calculations by name and date diverge, placing a person in different categories and giving inconsistent predictions. This only means that the development of fate is possible in both options, information about which is useful to take into account. The life and personality of any person is influenced by many different shaping factors, including the name and date of birth, which is reflected in the results of numerological research.

Date of death test: numerologist tips + palmist tips + 5 online divination + 8 bad omens + life story.

You are one of those brave men who are not only afraid of the sounds of thunder, spiders and missing the train, but also a little

How about finding out how long you'll live? Will you have time to raise your son, plant that same notorious tree and build a family nest somewhere outside the city?

It is for such daredevils that there are tests for the date of death. Moreover, each direction in esotericism has its own way to determine life expectancy.

Numbers, our everything: a test for the date of death from numerologists!

Who else to ask about how long you will live, if not numerologists - these masters of numbers?
They argue that you first need to "sum up" your exact date of birth to bring it down to a single number.

For example, you were born on 12/19/1980. Add up the numbers: 1+9+1+2+1+9+8+0=31. We repeat the mathematical operation one more time: 3+1= 4.

Now let's see what the number from the numerological test for the date of death portends to you:

  1. rejoice and have fun, as you will live to an advanced age (more than 80 years), and most importantly, your life will be easy and fun;
  2. the test advises you to beware, as there is a high chance of dying in an accident at a young or middle age. Hmm, hold off on buying a motorcycle!
  3. a good option for the date of death: you will live to old age, and only in old age will you get sick;
  4. everything is perfect here: there is every chance, according to the test for the date of death, to live up to 100 years, to become a real family legend. And until the end of your days you will feel good;
  5. you have a very strong guardian angel who has saved you from death more than once (accidents, drownings, fires, etc.). If you do not harm others, you can live a long and eventful life;
  6. the duration of your life depends on your immediate ancestors: if they didn’t spoil your karma too much with bad deeds (murders, adultery, abortions, etc.), then you will live long, there is nothing to worry about.

    Otherwise, make amends for the sins of relatives with good deeds - often give alms, visit lonely old people, make a donation to a charitable foundation.
    And then it's great to push back the date of death.

  7. the test for the date of death warns: you need to be wary of the action of natural elements (water, fire, strong wind, etc.).

    Accordingly, you should not apply for sailors, firefighters or rescuers. A little caution - and you will live to old age surrounded by loving children and grandchildren;

  8. Are you sure you wonder when you die? The test claims that you sometimes take life lightly and the higher forces get the impression that you don’t really need it. Maybe slow down a bit?

    Otherwise, there is a high probability of passing away without taking care of grandchildren;

  9. the test portends you to death before the age of 50 if you are careless about your health. This is the rare case when tobacco, alcohol and even coffee and strong tea are contraindicated.

    But yoga, a swimming pool and annual preventive examinations by doctors are very, very recommended.

Test for the date of death from palmists: we study the line of life on the hand

They like to shock their clients with information not only about the number of future marriages and children, but also to conduct their own test on the date of death:

An acquaintance of the author of the article, Svetlana Arkadyevna, has always been a painful woman: either sand in the kidneys, or appendicitis will seize, then purulent tonsillitis, or even a heart attack. But, as an amateur palmist, she did not take all these sores seriously:

“Come on, I’ll get out, over there my life line says that I should live at least until 80 years old. Do not wait for an imminent death, ”the woman smiled radiantly when she was asked about her well-being.

Indeed, Svetlana Arkadyevna passed away at the age of 82, and in a dream. And no hospitals and torment ...

Online test for date of death

For the curious but lazy, the Internet helpfully offers online tests for the date of death, for example:

Here are just 5 online resources where you can find out the estimated date of death.

IMPORTANT! Do not take such online fortune-telling too seriously, because their creators do not know anything about your lifestyle, health status, work, etc.

Let these quizzes just make you think that it would be nice to join a gym, meet a charming young man on the face (life is short, you should not miss the chance!) and adopt a puppy from a shelter.

Interesting facts about death:

Test for the date of death in a popular way: 8 very bad signs

Even if you don’t even think about taking a test for the date of death, there are folk signs that portend a person to a quick death:
  1. The fall of an icon (or just when the glass cracked on it) has long frightened people. Like, soon there will be death in the house. Therefore, the images on the walls were fastened almost tightly, with several nails.
  2. In the old days, a cat was not allowed to lie on the table. It was believed that in this way he prepares a place for a coffin. So you drive your fluffy villain as soon as possible!
  3. In no case should you rock the cradle of a baby if it is not there. This portends death to the child! Although, of course, you should not scold your older brother if he accidentally touched the crib.
  4. A bird, for no reason at all, sitting on its shoulder, also promises death. Naturally, this is not about a pet parrot or pigeons that you feed in the park.

    A bird (no matter which one) that has flown into the house is also considered a bad sign. So that she does not bring death to one of the household on her wings, she must be caught and released away from her home.

  5. You should be wary if you see a light in a cemetery in broad daylight. Esotericists argue that this is how the spirits of the dead warn a person that he does not have long left in this world.

    But do not rush to get scared - perhaps someone just came to visit the graves of relatives and lit a cigarette.

  6. When, in the absence of a strong wind, the roof suddenly tore off or collapsed, this is a bad sign for the inhabitants of the dwelling.

    Our ancestors believed that this portends the imminent death of one of the household.

  7. A woodpecker chiseling the wall of a house shortens the life of the landlord in this way. The bird, in order not to invite death, must be driven away.
  8. The dog howls, lowering its muzzle down - mourning the imminent death of one of those with whom he lives in the same house.

And this is only a small part of what, according to our ancestors, portends death to a person.

However, even if this happened to you, and the test for the date of death scared you - do not despair!

Our grandmothers in that case argued that in order for a sad prediction not to come true, you need to tell a loved one about it. The energy of his love will overcome the bad omen.

Believers, in order to feel relief, should go to church for confession and communion. After all, no date of death test is 100% accurate. So live and enjoy every day!