Икс рей текстуры для майнкрафт 1.11

May 20, 2019

Nowadays, many people enjoy spending their free time while playing games. One of the best games that people enjoy to play is the mining adventure that is found in Minecraft. Minecraft is one of the game s that needs good playing skills. Among the participant, there are players who have good mining skills and the other doesn’t have the needed skills. However, to the people who have limited mining skills they don’t need to stress themselves anymore, this is due to the availability of Xray Ultimate resource pack . This pack has been well designed and also introduced in order to help every player who loves this game and need an extra assistance. Generally, this pack is uniquely designed in order to assist the player with the gameplay. This aspect makes Xray pack different from the other packs since it does not elevate the entire game visuals and thus it gives you the essential assistance you need.

This means, the entire pack highlights all the mineral blocks and ores for you while you are playing the game. Concerning this type of assistance offered by X-ray pack, the player will be able aware of where to go mining and thus help in saving time. However, in order to know how Xray pack works, one should be aware of different x-ray pack features that are simple to understand and to follow. Knowing every feature of this pack will effectively help every player to have the needed mining skills. Generally, the entire pack comprises of the x16 resolution that helps in eliminating any fps drops. In order to run the entire pack competently it definitely important to use Optifine; the Optifine generally helps the player to have an effective night vision effect and also the player the capability to turn off the smooth lighting whenever in need.


How to install X-Ray Ultimate
  • 1) Download resource pack from the link below.
  • 2) Launch Minecraft.
  • 3) On the Main menu > click "Options".
  • 4) On the Options menu > click "resource packs".
  • 5) Move the .zip file you downloaded to the "resourcepacks" folder.
Download X-Ray Ultimate
  • > None of the resource packs you see on this website are hosted on our servers. We use official download links provided by original authors. Therefore, they are completely safe and secure.
  • > We never modify or edit resource packs in any way.
  • > Do not forget to leave a comment. It will help author to make the pack better.
  • X-Ray Mod 1.13 enhances not solely the way you play your game but also introduces a tremendous and really clever system that can enable the player to benefit from the vanilla gameplay options and but nonetheless use this mod to grant the power to seek out and harvest ores beneath the bottom quicker, and extra effectively. Maybe the player can solely discover the massive veins of coal when mining and are looking for extra uncommon or productive ores comparable to iron and even diamond ore. Regardless of the purpose, utilizing the X-ray mod for Minecraft will enable the player to not only simply discover ores but also let users discover different players and blocks equivalent to chests, obsidian, lava, and water.

    If you’re taking part in on-line, this mod is ideal, when you don’t need to be banned by server operators, to find diamond ore in only just couple minutes. X-Ray is one of the best mod for Minecraft 1.13 and 1.12.2 as a result of it features you with the choice to find red stones, iron, cheats, gold and others or to show the coordinate to your location and in addition the characteristic to show the light to you at max ranges even when you don’t have a light-weight supply. Moreover, some variations of X-Ray mod provide the chance to fly.

    Principally, the X-Ray Mod for Minecraft highlights completely different ores in several colors, serving to you discover valuable gems to mine. You’ll be able simply to toggle X-ray view with the simple press “X” key. Every gem/ore has a distinct color (i.e. gold is yellow) with a simple to study color scheme. Nevertheless, please notice that you just should be careful with any such mods, you may get banned on most servers in-game.

    Mod Showcase:

    X-Ray Mod Update Logs

    • Removed static install option.
    • Added native LabyMod compatibility.
    • Internal changes to fix various bugs.
    • Changed how blocks are detected.

    X-Ray Mod 1.13 Setup

    1. Ensure you have already downloaded and installed the mod loader.
    2. Download the mod on this web page.
    3. Find the Minecraft directory folder (.minecraft).
    4. Place the mod file you downloaded; you will have only drop (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
    5. While you launch Minecraft and click on the mods button you need to see now the mod is put in.
    6. Make sure to select Forge profile in the launcher.

    Download X-Ray Mod

    The download links that are below are protected and safe to download. We be sure that there isn"t any viruses or malwares within the links we offer. We additionally know that Minecraft gamers usually search for the newest updates of Minecraft downloads. If a version of X-Ray Mod that you want isn"t listed below, leave us a comment to let us know about it.

    Здравствуйте уважаемые и любимые гости данного сайта. Рад видеть На интернет ресурсе, одержите подробную информацию о текстурах и ресурс-паках, а также бесплатно скачать их на большой скорости и без вирусов. Если желаете, читайте мою статью прямо сейчас!

    Xray-Ultimate - новый чит устанавливается как текстура или ресурс-пак. Мы назвали Xray Ultimate ресурс-пак для minecraft. На самом деле Вас ждет настоящий и знаменитый чит Xray, которым уже давно пользуются тысячи игроков в minecraft. Если нуждаетесь в том чтобы легко находить руды и алмазы, а также хотите их легко получать прямо в игре. Создана текстура с читерскими способностями Xray. После установки её на игру сложиться такой вот эффект Xray и весь мир будет выглядеть именно так как показано на скриншотах ниже. Смысл чита, после установки текстуры все не нужные блоки типа земли, камня или писка станут невидимыми и прозрачными. Видимыми останутся лишь драгоценные блоки с рудами алмазов, железа, редстоуна и подобные блоки. Также видимыми будут лава. Чтобы Вы случайно не погибли когда будите передвигаться по этому миру. Теперь будет показан видимые доступ ко всем драгоценным метлам и рудам. Теперь найти алмазы и бриллианты не будет сложно! Всё станет понятно после ознакомления с фото игры, именно на них видны как работает этот чит Xray Ultimate. Конечно есть и моды с читами, но это читерская текстура. Надеюсь что такая тоже кому-то понадобиться. Притом что анти читы не будут её видеть и работать, потому что это обычная текстура. Ничего криминально в этом нет. Я конечно против использования читов в видеоигре Minecraft, но есть игроки которым данная статья будет интересна, я Вас не осуждаю, использовать читы или нет Вы будите думать сами. Перейдем к картинкам дополнения.

    Так станет выглядеть игровой мир майнкрафт после установки текстур-пака Xray Ultimate, работать будет это как видно по читерски. Также я вижу очень удобные деления по миру, это такие полосы, они смогут помочь ориентироваться игроку по миру и видеть где находятся границы блоков. Это полосы, границы блоков будут выглядеть именно так как блок который находиться на их месте. А это очень удобно и главное информативно. Продолжайте смотреть на скриншоты сделанные прямо в игре minecraft.

    Заканчиваю обзор вот такими словами: "Качайте текстуру бесплатно и наслаждайтесь легкой добычей алмазов и драгоценных руд в игре minecraft". Она работает вместе с версиями minecraft. Можете конечно попробовать её установить на более поздние версии игры. А прямо сейчас переходим к скачиванию, буду рад если посетителей моего сайта устроит данное дополнение. Это самая новая версия чита v2.2.0. Приятного выживания.

    Wie installiert man das Texture Pack?

    1. Downloade dir das xRay Resource Pack
    2. Drücke die Windows Taste und gib %appdata% ein
    3. Öffne den .minecraft Ordner
    4. Kopiere die heruntergeladene Datei in den resourcepacks Ordner
    5. Spaß haben und den neuen Look genießen!

    Das Xray Texture Pack wurde von Filmjolk entwickelt. Es handelt sich hierbei um denselben Autor oder Publisher, welcher bereits das bekannte und beliebte Texture Pack Equanimity entwickelt hat. Das Xray Ultimate Ressource Pack ist nun seine neueste Kreation, welche sich insbesondere zur Implementierung in die Version Minecraft 1.8+ als Modpack bestens empfiehlt.

    Beschreibung der Xray Texturen

    Mit dem Xray Ultimate Ressource Pack, dem ultimativen Röntgenblick für Minecraft sozusagen, werden sogar kleine Einschlüsse auf dem Bildschirm deutlich, wie sie sich zum Beispiel in den diversen Gesteinsarten wie Granit finden.
    Die Installation des Minecraft Texture Packs ermöglicht es Dir darüber hinaus, die Rahmen und Ränder der einzelnen Blöcke wesentlich besser beim Spielen von Minecraft erkennen zu können. Dadurch wird es Dir dann letztendlich auch leichter, innerhalb des Spiels Minecraft zu navigieren, Dich zu orientieren und Dich zu bewegen.

    Am besten schaust Du dir das Video komplett an, um einen Eindruck vom Pack zu bekommen. Gerne kannst Du unseren YouTube Kanal abonnieren .

    Die Installation des Texture Packs Xray Ultimate zeigt Dir dann auch deutlich und realitätsnah die Texturen von Höhlen und Dungeons, von Räumen, von Lava, Wasser und Felsgestein an und ermöglicht es Dir als Spieler, diese entsprechenden Texturen dann auch recht deutlich voneinander zu unterscheiden.

    Auch verbessert es deutlich das Level der jeweiligen Lichteinstrahlung durch die Sonne, den Mond, die Sterne oder durch künstliches wie zum Beispiel Feuer oder Fackeln.

    Wirkung der Texturen

    Auf jeden Fall wirst Du nach der Installation dieses beeindruckenden Texture Packs recht schnell feststellen, dass Deine Minecraft-Welten dadurch an Konturen und vor allem auch an Realitätsnähe gewinnen. Die Orientierung und die Navigation im Spielgeschehen werden Dir deutlich leichter fallen.

    Die erzielbaren Licht- und Beleuchtungseffekte sind bei diesem Texture Pack besonders dann recht eindrucksvoll, sofern Du dieses Texture Pack gemeinsam mit OptiFine oder auch mit Mcpatcher auf Deinem PC oder auf Deinem Laptop verwendest.

    In unserem Video und für die Galerie-Fotos haben wir den Shader KUDA Shaders () in Kombination mit OptiFine und Forge für Minecraft 1.8.9 verwendet, für höhere Versionen von Minecraft könnt ihr anstelle von OptiFine, GLSL Shaders Mod verwenden ().

    Außerdem erweist sich das Pack als absolut kompatibel mit anderen Ressourcen- oder Texture Packs für das beliebte Spiel Minecraft.


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    Minecraft Xray Texture Pack 1.14 / 1.13.2 / 1.12.2 / 1.12 / 1.11.2 / 1.11 is a texture pack which was originally designed by the creator of this texture pack to help players locate diamonds easier. It has also been used to find and mine any specific veins that a player might be looking for.

    The 1.14 / 1.13.2 / 1.13 / 1.12.2 / 1.12 Resource Pack is also compatible with most previous versions of the game and most 1.9+ modpacks/mods. You can use this X-Ray Resource Pack with HD. However this X-Ray Resource Pack is meant to be used for Singleplayer mode only.

    What Is Minecraft Xray Texture Pack

    Minecraft Xray Texture Pack are packs created for Minecraft which make certain blocks transparent making it easy to spot monsters, resources, and other players. These packs make the lives of players easier as it allows them to locate diamonds faster. Players then use these diamonds to create stronger weapons and armor giving them a huge advantage when playing the game.

    This specific Minecraft Xray Texture Pack is created and designed for single player gameplay. However, some players have been reported to have used this pack to exploit the huge advantage. This is why advanced and bigger servers ban this texture pack to make it fair for all players and balance out the game.

    Xray Packs for Minecraft have been known to be exploited by plenty of players especially in Zone PvP and other PvP modes where players are in an open area. It has been used by some players to help locate bases of the enemies so they can ravage and raid it. It has also been commonly used by plenty of players to find other players easily and strategize how to kill them.

    Quick fact, did you know the Minecraft 1.12/1.12.2 compatible Resource Pack called ? It"s one of the most popular Minecraft Resource Packs nowadays. One of Filmjolk"s (he also made Equanimity RP) latest creations is the XRay Ultimate Texture Pack we"ll present you today.

    Minecraft Xray Texture Pack Review for 1.14 / 1.13.2 / 1.12.2 / - 5 out of 5 Stars

    Minecraft Xray Texture Pack is a well thought out and original texture pack. It is widely known by plenty of players who want to speed run survival mode. They gather diamonds as fast as they can and craft diamond armor, tools, and weapons fast - turn of the texture pack and continue exploration.

    In single-player survival mode, this texture pack will guarantee that you are able to find any block or vein that you are looking or fast and easily. It can also help you by showing you where dungeons are. Aside from that, it can also pinpoint where monsters have spawned in a cave or barracks giving you a huge advantage to maximize survivability.

    All in all, we have ranked Minecraft Xray Texture Pack a perfect 5 stars due to the fact that it is one of the most requested and downloaded texture pack in the history in Minecraft. Even though Xray packs have been banned in multi-player, plenty of players still download it for survival mode and have fun in the vast world of Minecraft.

    If you are still curious about how the Xray pack looks please view the video we have prepared to show you better on how effective the Minecraft Xray Texture Pack truly is.

    How to install Xray Texture Pack 1.12.2/1.12?

    We recommend the 3/4-step installation below!

    1. Install first
    2. Run Minecraft.
    3. Navigate from “options” > “Resource Packs” > “Open resource packs folder”.

    4. Download the XRAY Texture Pack from the official links
    5. Drag and drop the Xray Ultimate (.zip file) into the folder that just opened.

    If you don’t want/need to install Optifine just don’t do it.